2A125Topochemical Polymerization of Substitited Benzylammmonium Sorbates ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) NAGAHAMA,Sadamu ; MATSUMOTO,Akikazu
2A126Photoreaction of alkylcobaloxime complex crystals with molecular hydrogen in the solid state ( Niigata College of Pharmacy ) ORISAKU,Keiko ; ARAI,Yoshifusa ; TAKEUCHI,Seiji ; OHGO,Yoshiaki
2A127Optical resolution of N-Arylmonothiosuccinimides and N-alkyl-3-phenylsuccinimides, and the application to asymmetric synthesis ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masami ; SHIGEKURA,Masaki ; MINO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
2A128Asymmetric Synthesis in Homogeneous Conditions using ChiralsConformation Memorized by Spontaneous Resolution of AchiralsMolecules ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masami ; NONO,Naoyuki ; MINO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
2A129Single crystal photocyclization of 2-arylthio-3-methylcyclohexen-1-ones ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) KURODA,Reiko ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; HONMA,Takekiyo ; TAJIMA,Nobuo ; SATO,Tomohiro
2A130Chiral crystals formed in the presence of achiral 2-Arylthio-3-methylcyclohexane-1-ones ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) HONMA,Takekiyo ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; SATO,Tomohiro ; KURODA,Reiko
2A131Direct observation of photo-induced triplet carbenes in a crystal by X-ray Analysis ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) KAWANO,Masaki ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo ; OHASHI,Yuji
2A132Structure analysis of photo-induced phenylnitrenes ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) TAKAYAMA,Terufumi ; KAWANO,Masaki ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji ; SUGAWARA,Tadashi
2A133Photochromism of Single Crystals Containing Two Kinds of Diarylethenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University,CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) YAMADA,Taro ; KOBATAKE,Seiya ; IRIE,Masahiro
2A134Intermolecular [2+2] Photocycloaddition ofsFormyl-Substituted Diphenylhexatriene in the Solid State ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) SONODA,Yoriko ; MIYAZAWA,Akira ; HAYASHI,Shigenobu ; SAKURAGI,Masako
2A135Inclusion and Solid-state Photoreaction of Cinnamamides in Crystalline Dipeptides ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) AKAZOME,Motohiro ; TAKAHASHI,Toshiaki ; OGURA,Katsuyuki
2A137 Session Lecturesolid state ionic reactions via carbocation intermediates ( graduate school of arts and sciences,the University of tokyo ) KOBAYASHI,Keiji
2A140Solid Phase Photoreaction of N-Oxides in a Water Suspension ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) HATANO,Bunpei ; TOYOTA,Shinji ; TODA,Fumio
2A141Extremely long C-C bond and the deformation of the aromatic rings of the naphthocyclobutene derivative with fluorenyl groups. ( Okayama Univ. Science, Ehime Univ., Nara Women's Univ. ) TODA,Fumio ; TANAKA,Koichi ; KATO,Masako
2A142Optical Resolution of o-Chloromandelic acid ( Sakaide Labortory, Japan Hydrazine Co., Inc; Faculty ofsScinece, Nara Women's Univ.; Faculty of Scince, Okayamasuniv. of Science ) HYODA,Syunji ; KATO,Masako ; TODA,Fumio
2A143Solvent Effect on Optical Purity of .alpha.-Monosubstituteds Cyclohexanones Subjected to Deracemization. ( Tokushima Bunri Univ. ) KAKU,Hiroto ; NAKAMARU,Aya ; TSUNODA,Tetsuto
2A144Importance of Packing Coefficients to Isomerization of Cholic Acid Host Frameworks ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) YOSWATHANANONT,Nungruethai ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji ; NAKANO,Kazunori ; TASHIRO,
2A145Relationship between Isomerization of Host Frameworks and Packing Coefficients of Host Cavities in Cholamide Inclusion Crysyals ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) SHIGESATO,Masashi ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji ; NAKANO,Ka
zunori ; TASHIRO,K
2A146The Relationships of Polymorphism and Packing Coefficients ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) KATO,Kazuaki ; SUGAHARA,Michihiro ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji ; NAKANO,Kazunori ; TASHIRO,Kohji
2A147Molecular Recognition by (R-)Phenylglycyl-(R-)phenylglycine Crystals : Stereoselectivity and Guest Exchange in the Inclusion of Benzyl Methyl Sulfoxides ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) AKAZOME,Motohiro ; HIRABAYAS
HI,Atsushi ; OGURA
2A148The Ability of (R)-Phenylglycyl-(R)-(1-naphthyl)glycine Crystals to Include Guest Molecules ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) AKAZOME,Motohiro ; WATANABE,Yumiko ; TAKAHASHI,Toshiaki ; OGURA,Katsuyuki
3A102Molecular recognition properties of organometallic solidsshaving metal-carboxylate coordination network ( Kyushu Univ. (IFOC) and CREST ) ENDO,Ken ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro
3A103A Chiral Organic Zeolite by a Double Helical Arrangement of Saddle-shaped Porphyrins ( Univ. of Tokyo ) MIZUNO,Yukitami ; AIDA,Takuzo ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro
3A104Preparation of Two-Component Molecular Crystals Using Nitrobenzoic Acids and Aromatic bases as Components. ( Nankai Univ.; Emer. Prof. Kyoto Univ. ) SUGIYAMA,Teruki ; MENG,Jiben ; LI,Jinliang ; MATSUURA,Teruo
3A105Studies on the Self-Organization Phenomena involving Pyridone and Phenol Derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University; Faculty of Educatio n and Regional Sciences, Fukui University; Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa
University ) TAKAH
ASHI,Ichiro ; WAGI,Masami ; TAKAHASHI,Masahiro ; KITAJIMA,Hidehiko ; HATANAKA,Minoru ; ISA,Kimio ; HOSOI,Shinzo ; OHTA,Tomihisa
3A106The crystal structures of molecular complexes between quaternary ammoniumu salts of short alkyl chains and aromatic compounds ( Niigata College of Pharmacy; Tokyo Institute of Technology ) IIMURA,Nahoko ; HIRATA,Hirotaka ; OHASHI,Yuji
3A107Preparation of Chiral Salt Crystals from Achiral Molecules: Aminopyridines-Benzenesulfonic Acids System ( Ehime Univ. ) HAMADA,Mitsuo ; MIYAUCHI,Masashi ; KOSHIMA,Hideko
3A108Design of Crystal structures by Alkylammonium Hexacyanoferrate ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MATSUMOTO,Masatake ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
3A109Trilayer structure of 1-naphthylmethylammonium salts with mixed carboxylic acids ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) INOUE,Katunari ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji ; MATSUMOTO,Akikazu
3A110Asymmetric Molecular Arrangements in Quinine and Quinidine ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) YOSHIKAWA,Daisuke ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
3A111One-Dimensional Zigzag Chain Structures Consisted of Phthalic Acid and Dipyridyl Derivatives ( Institute for Molecular Science; Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TOMURA,Masaaki ; YAMASHITA,Yoshiro
3A112How to control molecular arrangement in crystalline with twisted terphenyl structure ( Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University ) HAYASHI,Naoto ; YAMAGUCHI,Kumiko ; MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi
3A113 Session Lecturebasic and applied study of molecular organizations that respond to light and temperature ( national institute of materials chemical research ) TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki
3A116 Session Lecturephotofunctonal materials based organic nanostructures ( graduate school of Engineering,osaka University ) YANAGIDA,Shozo
3A138 Session Lectureinterplay between molecular dynamics and electronic properties in molecular crystals ( research center for molecular thermodynamics,graduate school of science,osaka University ) SAITO,Kazuya
3A141Measurement of Optical Rotatory Power of a Two-component Crystal of 4-Chlorobenzoic Acid and Tryptamine by HAUP ( Ehime Uni.; Waseda Univ. ) MIYAUCHI,Masashi ; KOSHIMA,Hideko ; ASAHI,Toru
3A142Unoccupied electronic structure of lithium phthalocyanine thin films studied by inverse photoemission spectroscopy ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) TSUTSUMI,Kiyohiko ; YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki ; SATO,Naoki ; FUJIMOTO,Hitoshi
3A143Conformational Phase Transition of 4-Methylbenzyl Alcohol ( Faculty of Science Kobe University ) HASHIMOTO,Masao ; HARADA,Michiko
3A144Colour and structure of 3,4-bis(diphenylmethylene)cyclobutane-1,2-dione ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project; Okayama Science University ) KURODA,Reiko ; TAJIMA,Nobuo ; TODA,Fumio
3A145Selective inclusion crystallization of 1,1-bi-2-naphthol by solid mixing/grinding ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) KURODA,Reiko ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; TAJIMA,Nobuo ; SATO,Tomohiro
3A146A Robust Two-Dimensional Hydrogen-Bonded Network and its Guest Adsorption/Desorption Properties ( IFOC, Kyushu Univ.; CREST ) TANAKA,Toshihiro ; ENDO,Ken ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro
3A147Vapochromism and crystal structures of dicyano(polypyridine)platinum(II) ( Nara Women's Univ., PRESTO,JST ) KISHI,Shinobu ; KATO,Masako
1A202Development of the CE-CL Detection Method Using a Luminol Systems -Microfabrication- ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University, and Shimadzu Corporation ) SUZUKI,Takaji ; TUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko ; NAKAJIMA,Riichiro ; ARAI,Akihiro
1A203Electrophoresis of fluoresceins in the micro channel chip fabricated by using synchrotron radiation. ( Faculty of Science and Engineering,Ritsumeikan Univ. ) YAMADA,Shuji ; SHIRAISHI,Haruki ; TAKAGI,Kazuyoshi ; MATSUDA,Toshio ; IKEDA,Shiger
1A204Integration of Analytical Systems on Microchip(18): Multi-Ion-sensing based on Segmented Flow Injection and Ion-Pair Extraction ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) HISAMOTO,Hideaki ; HORIUCHI,Takayuki ; HIBARA,
Akihide ; TOKESHI
,Manabu ; KITAMORI,Takehiko
1A205Integration of Analytical Systems on Microchip (19): Formation of three layer flow and Integration of Wet Analytical Procedures ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology; The Univ. of Tokyo ) TOKESHI,Manabu ; MINAGAWA,Tomoko ; UCHIYAMA,
1A206Integration of Analytical Systems on Microchip(20) Development of High Performance Immunoassay System using Microchip ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) YAMANAKA,Maho ; SATO,Kiichi ; TAKAHASHI,Hiroko ; TOKESH
I,Manabu ; KIMURA,
Hiroko ; KITAMORI,Takehiko
1A207Novel open tubular electrochromatography using inner surface of polymeric microchannel ( Graduate school of engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) SAKAI,Nobuko ; XU,Wei ; SHIMOSAKA,Takuya ; UCHIYAMA,Katsumi ; HOBO,Toshiyuki
1A208Application to dilutive circuits of bypass structure in the on-chip CE. ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) KANEKIYO,Takashi ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
1A209Liquid Phase Micro Chemical Reaction using Microchip(8): Laser Control of Reactions in a Integrated Chemical System ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) TANAKA,Yuki ; SLYADNEV,Maxim ; TOKESHI,Manabu ; KITAMORI,
1A210Liquid Phase Micro Chemical Reaction using Microchip(9):Preparation and Application of Polymer Membrane Based on Interfacial Polymerization in Microchip ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) SHIMIZU,Yuki ; HISAM
OTO,Hideaki ; HIBA
RA,Akihide ; TOKESHI,Manabu ; KITAMORI,Takehiko
1A211CE Analysis of Primary Diamines usings5'-[4-(1-Methylpyridinio)]-2-(5,2'-bithienyl)carbaldehyde Iodide as Fluorescence Labeling Reagent ( Fukui University of Technology,and Faculty of Engineering,Doshisha University ) KAWAI,Itsurou ; SAKABE,
Hiroyuki ; NAKAJI
MA,Riichiro ; TAKEI,Takeshi ; TSUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko
1A212Determination of Fatty Amines Using Sodium Triacetoxyhydoroborate and 5'-[4-(1-Methylpyridinio)]-2-(5,2'-bithienyl)carbaldehyde iodide as a Fluorescent Labeling Reagent for CE ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University, and Fukui Univers
ity of Technology
) NAKAJIMA,Riichiro ; TAKEI,Takeshi ; AOYAMA,Norikatsu ; KAWAI,Itsuro ; TSUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko
1A214Evaluation of High-molecular-mass Surfactants as Pseudostationary Phases in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) WADA,Mitsuhiro ; ISHISAKA,Akiko ; OTSUKA,Koji ; TERABE,Shigeru
1A215The Use of Atmospheric Pressure Chemical IonizationsInterface in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography - MasssSpectrometry ( Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim; Himeji Inst. of Tech. ) TANAKA,Yoshihide ; ISOO,Kentaro ; OTSUKA,Koji ; TERABE,Shiger
1A216Development of the CE-CL detecion methods -Development of a small detection cell- ( Doshiha UNIV., Faculty of engineering ) OBATA,Yuki ; TUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko ; NAKAJIMA,Riichiro ; KIMOTO,Hidesi
1A217Development of the CE-CL detecion methods -Nucleotide and DNA analysis- ( Doshiha UNIV., Faculty of engineering ) SHIKATA,Yukihiro ; TUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko ; NAKAJIMA,Riichiro ; MURATA,Masaharu ; MAEDA,Mizuo
1A218Development of capillary electrophoresis-chemiluminescence detection system.-Continuous sample injection method- ( Doshisha Univ.,Faculty of Engineering ) NAKAHAMA,Koji ; TSUKAGOSHI,Kazuhiko ; NAKAJIMA,Riichiro
1A225 Session Lecturesensitivity enhancement in micellar electrokinetic chromatography and its applications ( faculty of himeji institute of Technology ) TERABE,Shigeru
1A228Sensitive determination of Ca(II) by capillary zone electrophoresis with pre-capillary derivatization using o-phenylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-teteraacetic acid ( Tohoku Univ. ) SAITO,Shingo ; HOSHINO,Hitoshi ; YOTSUYANAGI,Takao
1A229Estimation of Electrophoretic Mobility by the Use ofsMD Simulation ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) FURUMOTO,Tadao ; WATARAI,Hitoshi
1A230Optimization of Transient Isotachophoretic Preconcentration-CZE for the Analysis of Rare-Earth Ions ( Faculty of Engineering ,Hiroshima University ) OKAMOTO,Hikaru ; YOSHIYAMA,Tatuya ; IKUTA,Natuki ; HIROKAWA,Takeshi
1A231Preparation of DNA from DNA-protein mixtures by Free Flow Electrophoresis ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University ) UEDA,Asumi ; ISHIKAWA,Makoto ; IKUTA,Natsuki ; HIROKAWA,Takeshi
1A232Preparation of a gallium or tellurium ion-selectivesmembrane electrode and its application. ( Chiba University, Faculty of Engineering ) YOSIKUNI,Nobutaka ; TAKENO,Hiromi ; NISHIUMI,Seiichi ; OGUMA,Koichi
1A233Application of pi-Coordinate Neutral Carriers with Simple Structure for Ion Sensors ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) YOSHIOKA,Norio ; YAJIMA,Setsuko ; KIMURA,Keiichi
1A234Liquid Crystal Effect on Sensing Membranes for Neutral-Carrier-Type Ion Sensors ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) KAWAI,Yoshikazu ; YAJIMA,Setsuko ; KIMURA,Keiichi
1A235Durability in Ion-Sensor Property and Blood Compatibility of Neutral-Carrier-Type PVC Membranes Coated by Phosphorylcholine Polymer ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering; NOFCorporation Tsukuba Research Laboratory ) SONOYAMA,
Yuri ; YAJIMA,Sets
uko ; SUZUKI,Ken ; KIMURA,Keiichi
1A237Electrochemical Sensor for the Detection of 16S rDNA Extracted from E. coli ( Faculty of Science Engineering, Ritsumeikan Univ. ) ONO,Katsuya ; SIRAISHI,Haruki ; TAKAGI,Kazuyoshi ; MATSUDA,Toshio
1A238Photoelectrochemical detection of oligonucleotides based on intercalation of dyes ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) KON,Yasuo ; UCHIDA,Tatsuya ; TERAMAE,Norio
1A239A novel cyclic DNA ligand of anthraquinone and ferrocene connected withsamino alkyl chains ( Kyushu University ) TANIMURA,Yuta ; KUMASAKI,Atsushi ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1A240Redox labeling of Double-Stranded DNA using Ferrocenylpsoralen and Application to Electrochemcial Gene Detection ( Kyushu Univ.; PREST, JST Co. ) SHIRAKAWA,Satoshi ; NAKANO,Koji
1A241Biomimetic membrane reaction of a novel type ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KURAUCHI,Nobuhiro ; ICHIEDA,Nobuyuki ; YOSHIDA,Yumi ; KIHARA,Sorin
1A242Reactions of porphyrin metal complexes at the aqueous | organic solution interface ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KASUNO,Megumi ; KARE-DA,Banu- ; YOSHIDA,Yumi ; MAEDA,Kohji ; KIHARA,Sorin
1A243Ion-pair extraction across liquid/liquid interface based on microelectrochemical measurements of a single droplet ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) NEGISHI,Takayuki ; NAKATANI,Kiyoharu
1A244Sensing of Phenol-Based Endocrine Disruptors by a Tyrosinase-Modified Electrode ( Univ. of Tokyo ) SATOH,Takeshi ; NOTSU,Hideo ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1A245A Glass Capillary Ultramicroelectrode with an Electrokinetic Sampling Ability ( College of Humanities and Sciences,Nihon University ) NAKAJIMA,Kumiko ; KANAI,Miki ; HIRANO,Ayumi ; SUGAWARA,Masao
1A246Trace Analysis of Lead by Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry (DPASV) at Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) DRAGOE,Diana ; KAWASAKI,Ryuji ; DONALD ALEXANDER,Tryk ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1A247Comparison of trace lead detection in water by means of electrochemical methods at boron-doped diamond electrodes and by ICP-MS and ICP-AES ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) KAWASAKI,Ryuji ; DRAGOE,Diana ; DONALD ALEXANDER,Tryk ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1A248Simultaneous Determination of Diffusion Coefficient, Concentration and Molar Fraction of Oxidant for Electrochemically active species with Twin-Electrode ( Kochi Univ. of Tech., Dept. of Environmental Systems Eng. ) SUMI,Katsuhiro ; NISHIMO
RI,Saori ; ITOH,Ta
kafumi ; YAMASHITA,Shizuka ; FURUE,Masaoki
2A201Simultaneous Determination by Flow Injection Analytical Method Using Plural Reactors in Series ( Dept. Material Chem., Grad. School Eng., Kyoto Univ., Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501 ) MORISHITA,Fujio ; OKAZAKI,Satoshi
2A202Observation of Complex formation at liquid-liquid interface by thermal lenz spectroscopy ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) MIURA,Takeshi ; OZAWA,Hiroshi ; SIMOSAKA,Takuya ; UTIYAMA,Katumi ; HOBO,Tosiyuki
2A203Measurement of molecules at liquid-liquid interfaces by photothermal spectroscopy ( The University of Tokyo ) MURAKAWA,Hiromi ; FUJINAMI,Masanori ; SAWADA,Tsuguo
2A204Possibility of applying membrane permeation for spectrophotometric determination of metal ion - Extraction of Fe(III) with bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid into decyl alcohol ( Univ. of Ibaraki ) SUZUKI,Norio ; NAITOU,Kunisige
2A205Determination of Trace Inorganic Elements in Water after Preconcentration on a membrane filter and Using Trismulus Colorimetry ( Faculty of Science, Toyama Univ. ) KASAHARA,Issei ; KAWASHIMA,Hisami ; OHSHIRO,Takuma ; TAGUCHI,Shigeru
2A206A fiber type ammonium ion selective optodes evaluated using QxQy coordinates ( Keio univ. ) ENDOH,Aki ; OKABE,Hiroaki ; ENDA,Toshiaki ; DANIEL,Citterio ; SUZUKI,Koji ; KATO,Akihiko ; AIKAWA,Kastuaki ; MOTOHASHI,Ryoichi
2A207Visual Detection of Damaged DNA with Sulforhodamine B-entrapped Liposomes ( College of Humanities and Sciences,Nihon University ) SAKAI,Kahori ; SAKUDOU,Mitsuharu ; HIRANO,Ayumi ; SUGAWARA,Masao
2A208Effects of pH and buffer composition on the thermostability of Myoglobin estimated by UV and CD spectroscopies ( Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Facutly of Engineersing, Kumamoto University ) KITAJIMA,Hiroyasu ; TANIGUTI,I
2A209A new fluorescent probe for pH estimation. ( Okayama University, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) KATAGIRI,Toshimasa ; KUSUNOKI,Norihiko ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
2A210Preparation of surface-active lumogallion derivatives and fluorescence enhancement by surfactants ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Center for Environmental Science ) FUSE,Yasuro ; INABA,Takashi ; YAMADA,Etsu
2A211Alkaline metal cation recognition in aqueous solution using organic-inorganic mesoporoussnanocomposites incorporating rod micelles in their channels ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) UEJO,Fumiaki ; TANAMURA,Yoshihiko ; UCHID
A,Tatsuya ; TERAMA
2A212Visual threshold detection system for As(V) ion based on fluorescence quenching of Rhodamine B in the presence molybdoarsenate ( Tohoku Univ. ) ABE,Shigeki ; KANEKO,Emiko ; YOTSUYANAGI,Takao
2A213Fluorescence Sensing of Cu(II) ion by using organic ligand bearing acetylacetone and pyrene moieties. ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST ) ANDO,Hisanori ; TANAKA,Mutsuo ; TAWA,Keiko ; ICHIHASHI,Yuichi
2A214Design of Fluorescent Thiourea and Thiouronium Derivativessfor Selective Anion Complexation ( Keio Univ.; KAST ) SASAKI,Shin-ichi ; OZAWA,Satoru ; CITTERIO,Daniel ; HASHIZUME,Akio ; IWASAWA,Naoko ; YAMAMOTO,Noriko ; SUZUKI,Koji
2A215Visual Technique of Human Serum Albumin using Ternary Complex of Europium ( Tohoku Univ. ) KONNO,Hiroyasu ; KANEKO,Emiko ; YOTSUYANAGI,Takao
2A216 Session Lectureolecular recognition in nano-strured media ( tohoku univ. ) TERAMAE,Norio
2A225HPLC of Amino Acid Derivatives Using a New Luminogenic Reagent:Detection Conditions by Post Column Chemiluminescnece Reaction ( Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagasaki University ) MORIZONO,Mikio ; OHTA,Kazuko ; YAGISAWA,Shiroki ; BOUNOSHITA,Masa
o ; SENDA,Masaaki
; KAI,Masaaki
2A226HPLC Analysis of Chiral Organosilicon Compounds by Use of Chiral Stationary Phase ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) SHINKE,Satoshi ; IMAE,Ichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Yusuke
2A227Development of Next Generation Stationary Phases for Chromatography (1) Molecular Design and Synthesis of Novel Calixarene Polysiloxanes ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University ) SHIMIZU,Shoichi ; OKAZAKI,Takako ; SASAKI,Yasuyu
2A228Pyridine-2-aldehydebenzoylhydrazone as precolumn chelating reagent for on column dissociation reaction in high-performance liquid chromatography ( Tohoku Univ. ) TAKEHARA,Yuka ; TAKAHSHI,Toru ; HOSHINO,Hitoshi ; YOTSUYANAGI,Takao
2A229Highly Sensitive Fluorometric Determination of Ga (III) ion with Calcein Blue by Kinetic Differentiation mode RP-HPLC ( Tohoku Univ. ) YOSHIMOTO,Keitaro ; HOSHINO,Hitoshi
2A230Determination of Beryllium at Sub-ppt Levels by Kinetic Differentiation Mode HPLC with Fluorometric Detection Using Quinoline Derivatives forming two six-memberd chelate rings ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University ) MATSUMIYA,
Hiroaki ; HOSHINO,
Hitoshi ; YOTSUYANAGI,Takao
2A231Selective separation of iron and cobalt complexes by on-line redox derivatization HPLC ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University ) SAITOH,Kazunori ; NAITOH,Shogo ; NAKAYAMA,Noriko ; SHIBUKAWA,Masami
2A232Visual Detection Spot Test of Trace Fluoride Using ODS plate ( Kitami Institute of Technology ) KANEKO,Emiko ; ARASAKA,Shingo ; HOSHI,Suwaru ; AKATUKA,Kunihiko
2A233Discriminative analysis of lipids with multivariate analysis by reactive pyrolysis-gas chromatography. ( Criminal Investigation Lab. Aichi Police H.Q., Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) O
SUI,Toshiyuki ; OHTANI,Hajime ; TSUGE,Shin
2A234Discrimination of prepaid cards by non-distractive analysis data using multivariate analysis. ( Criminal Investigation Lab. Aichi Police H.Q. ) HIDA,Minemasa ; MITSUI,Toshiyuki
2A235Identification of Ball-point Pen Using Principal Component Analysis ( Criminal Investigation Lab. Aichi Police H.Q. ) MITSUI,Toshiyuki ; OKUYAMA,Shuji ; HIDA,Minemasa
3A201Effect of Photochromism on Alkali-Metal Ion Extraction with Crowned Spirobenzopyran ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) YOKOHATA,Takashi ; SAKAMOTO,Hidefumi ; KIMURA,Keiichi
3A202Separation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) as Ion Pair Complex with Crown Ether by Means of Solvent Extraction. ( Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University ) YAMAMOTO,Mitsuo ; HONJO,Takaharu
3A203Solvent extraction of transition metal ions with N-methylsdihydroxamic acids ( Kyoto University of Education ) YAMANE,Yoshiyuki ; MUKAI,Hiroshi ; FUJIWARA,Yoshiyuki ; SUZUKI,Mitsuko
3A204Liquid-liquid Extraction of Copper (I)and (II) ions with ligands containing the O,N orS donor atoms. ( Faculty of Science Konan University ) CHAYAMA,Kenji ; MORI,Tomoaki ; TSUJI,Haruo
3A205Effect of organic solvent on two-phase micro-flow API/MS of Cu(II)-pyridylazo extractant system ( Graduate School of Science ,Osaka University ) IMAIZUMI,Toru ; FUKUMOTO,Takao ; WATARAI,Hitoshi
3A206Interpretation of extraction mechanism of Ln(III) by chelating reagent based on the ion transfer reaction at the aqueous|organic solutions interface ( Kyoto Inst. of Tech.; JAERI ASRC ) URHARA,Akihiro ; YOSHIDA,Zenko ; KITATSUJI,Yoshihiro ;
EDA,Kohji ; KIHARA,Sorin
3A207Development of new chelating reagent using in situ extractant formation method as a surveying tool ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) SUGITA,Katsunori ; FUJINAGA,Kaoru ; SEIKE,Yasushi ; OKUMURA,Minoru ; YAMAZAKI,S
3A208Development of Solid-liquid Extraction Method by Using Poly[N-isopropylacrylamide-co-mono(2-hydroxyethyl)methacrylatephosphate] as a Solid Adsorbent/The Concentration of Lanthanides ( Faculty of Science and Enginee
ring, Shimane Univ
. ) KANAZAWA,Makoto ; FUJINAGA,Kaoru ; SEIKE,Yasushi ; OKUMURA,Minoru
3A209Real-time observation of growing process of metallic dendrites by non-scanning X-ray fluorescence microscope ( Nat'l Res. Inst. for Metals ) EBA,Hiromi ; SAKURAI,Kenji
3A210Ultra trace analysis by total-reflection X-ray fluorescence with a Johansson-type spectrometer ( Nat'l Res Inst for Metals ) SAKURAI,Kenji ; EBA,Hiromi
3A211Improvement of Copper Site Separation by Means of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy Utilizing Fluorescence Spectrometer ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KIYOTAKI,Fumitaka ; MINATO,Taketoshi ; ISHIGURO,Atsushi ; IZUMI,Yasuo ; AIK
3A212Investigations of the Rochow Process by Thermal Analytical Method ( Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. ) ARAMATA,Mikio ; FIJIOKA,Kazutoshi ; SHINOHARA,Toshio
3A213Determination of ultra trace tantalum in tungsten and titanium nitride thin films for semiconductors by ICP-MS. ( TOSHIBA ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING CO. ) YAMAZUMI,Toshihide
3A214Design of Novel Labeling Reagents Used for ESI Mass Spectometry ( Keio Univ. ) SUZUKI,Yoshio ; TANJI,Norifumi ; IKEDA,Takafumi ; DANIEL,Citterio ; SUZUKI,Koji
3A215Femtosecond laser ablation of biomolecules for analyses ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) ) KURATA,Mizuki ; TOKANAI,Fuyuki ; MATSUO,Yukari ; KOBAYASHI,Tohru ; KAWAI,Jun ; TANIHATA,Isao ; HAYASHIZAKI,Yoshihide
3A216Supersonic jet/multiphoton ionization/mass spectrometry using a stimulated Raman laser ( Kyushu Univ. ) KANDA,Hirokazu ; IMASAKA,Totaro
3A217Observation of NO2-selective coloration reaction in a porous glass chip by near-infrared Raman spectroscopy ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Labs ) UENO,Yuko ; AJITO,Katsuhiro ; MARUO,Yasuko ; NIWA,Osamu ; TORIMITSU,Keiichi ; IC
3A218Radical-Scavenging Activity of Antioxidant Studied by ESR Stopped-Flow Method ( Faculty of Science Shizuoka Univ. ) KONISHI,Mariko ; KONDOU,Akiko ; YOSHIOKA,Hiroe ; YOSHIOKA,Hisashi
1B104Synthesis of macrocycles having amide and isobutenyl groups and research of its reaction mechanism ( National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research ) NUMATA,Munenori ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa ; MASUBUCHI,Sayuri ; AK
1B105Synthesis and Properties of Bis(benzoxazole) Derivatives via Tandem Claisen Rearrangement ( National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (NAIR) ) KOYAMA,Emiko ; YANG,Gang ; MATSUZONO,Shin-ichiro ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
1B106Synthesis and Structure of the Twisted Amides Having Cyclic Anilide Framework: Generation of Axial Chirality in Amide Linkages ( Ochanomizu University ) YAMADA,Shinji ; MATSUDA,Kaori
1B107Structure of N-Acyllactams: Effects of the N-Acyl Substituents and Ring-size on the Amide Bond Twisting ( Ochanomizu University ) YAMADA,Shinji ; HONMA,Akie
1B108Rearrangement Approach to Cyclic Skeletons (42) Synthesis of the [5] Helicene by using an Aromatic oxy-Cope Rearrangement ( Utsunomiya Univ.; Tohoku Univ. ) OGAWA,Yasushi ; UENO,Tetuya ; SATO,Toshio ; UYEHARA,Tadao
1B109Rearrangement Approachs to Cyclic Skeletons (43) Synthesis and Property of the Chiral [5] Helicene from the Chiral Bridged Compound ( Utsunomiya Univ.; Tohoku Univ. ) OGAWA,Yasushi ; TOYAMA,Masahito ; SASAKI,Kazuo ; SATO,Toshi ; UYEHARA,Tad
1B110Effect of intramolecular hydrogen bond on the electrochemical properties of phenol derivatives with amide groups ( Osaka University ) KANAMORI,Daisuke ; FURUKAWA,Atsushi ; KOUSUMI,Yukihide ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Nor
1B111Hydrolase Model of Bis-Quaternary Ammonium Saltss-Effects of Head Groups on Catalytic Activity- ( Kogakuin University;Department of Applied Chemistry,Faculty of Engineering ) ONOZAWA,Akiyoshi ; TAKEZAWA,Tsuneo ; OHKATSU,Yasukazu
1B112Synthesis of benzene thiol having two types of intramolecular hydrogen bonds with amide group ( Osaka University ) KANO,Kenji ; KOJIMA,Kazunori ; KOUSUMI,Yukihide ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
1B113Isolation and Optical Resolution of Chiral Rotamers of meso-Tartaric Acid Type Molecules by Using 9,9'-Bitriptycyl Framework ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) TOYOTA,Shinji ; NAKAGAWA,Takashi ; OKI,Michinori
1B114An Unusually Acidic Methyl Group Directly Bound to Acridiniums Cation ( Univ. of Shizuoka ) TANAKA,Yasutaka ; SUZUKI,Hiroshi
1B115Internal Bond Rotation in Substituted Methyl Radicals,X-CH2 (X = BH2, CH3, NH2,and OH):Hardness Profiles ( NIMC ) UCHIMARU,Tadafumi ; CHANDRA,Asit Kumar ; KAWAHARA,Shun-ichi ; MATSUMURA,Kazunari ;
1B116Structural study of the chiral lithium amide molecules by MM3 molecular mechanics calculation. ( Department of Engineering, Yokohama National University. ) YOSHIDA,Takashi ; SAKAKIBARA,Kazuhisa ; ASAMI,Masatoshi
1B117Experimental and theoretical study on 77 Se NMRsin organoselenium compounds involved in the reaction ofsally phenyl selenides with a peroxy acid ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) TOYOTA,Shinji ; SAKAUE,Tatsuya
e ; OKI,Michinori
1B11835Cl NQR Study of Chlorinated Nitrodiphenyl ether Herbicides and Similar Compounds ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki Univ., Institute of physics, Adam Mickiewicz Univ. ) NAGAO,Yoshitaka ; OSTAFIN,Michel ; NOGAJ,Boles
1B125A Self-assembled Homooxacalix[3]arene-based Dimeric Capsule Which Shows a Novel Chiral Twisting Motion in Response to Guest Inclusion ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) UDZU,Hiromi ; IKEDA,Atsushi ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; YAMAG
UCHI,Kentaro ; SAK
1B126Structural Factors in Self-assembling Molecular Capsules of Calix[n]arenes with a Macro Cavity ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) IKEDA,Atsushi ; ZHONG,Zhenlin ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro ; SAKAMOTO,Shigeru
1B127Creation of Novel Chiral Cryptophanes by a Self-Assembling Method Utilizing a Pyridyl-Pd(II) Interaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) IKEDA,Atsushi ; ZHONG,Zhenlin ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro ; SAKAMOTO,Shi
1B128The Conformational Behavior of Tetramethoxysulfinylcalix[4]arene Isomers ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) KATAGIRI,Hiroshi ; MOROHASHI,Naoya ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B129Syntheses of Thiacalix[4]arene Derivatives Comprised of Aniline Units ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) KATAGIRI,Hiroshi ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; HATTORI,Tetsutaro ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B130Complexation Properties of Aminothiacalix[4]arene with Metal Ions ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) MATSUNAGA,Yoshiaki ; KATAGIRI,Hiroshi ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B131Syntheses of All Stereo Isomers of Sulfinylcaix[4]arenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) MORHASHI,Naoya ; KATAGIRI,Hiroshi ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B132synthesis and properties bowl-shaped chiral homotriazacalizrenes ( Yamagata Univ. Faculity of Engineering ) ITO,Kazuaki ; SATO,Tomokazu ; OHBA,Yoshihiro
1B133Induction of Pseudo-Chirality in Calixarene Derivatives by Self-Assembly ( Univ. of Shizuoka ) TANAKA,Yasutaka ; MATSUURA,Takatoshi ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo
1B134The Synthesis of Novel Chiral Molecules by the Oxidation of Bridging Sulfur of Thiacalix[4]arene. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) NAITO,Ryoichiro ; MOROHASHI,Naoya ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B137Calixarenes with Molecular Asymmetry as a New Class of Chiral Recognition Hosts and Chiral Catalysts ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University ) SHIMIZU,Shoichi ; SHIRAKAWA,Seiji ; SASAKI,Yasuyuki
1B138Synthesis and Chiral Recognition Ability of Inherently Chiral Thiacalix[4]arene by Conformational Immobilization ( Ishinomaki Senshu Univ. ) SATO,Setsuko ; NARUMI,Fumitaka ; KAMEYAMA,Hiroshi ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B139Synthesis and Properties of a Porphyrin having Calix[5]arene Cap ( Hiroshima University ) IWAMOTO,Hajime ; YUKIMASA,Yoshiko ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
1B140Allosteric Binding of Artificial Fullerene Receptor based on Calix[5]arene having Metal Binding Sites ( Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science ) YAMANAKA,Yuko ; ARAKI,Hiromi ; HAINO,Takeharu ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
1B141Synthesis and properties of Chiral Resorcin[4]arenes by thes One Step Reaction ( Tottori University, Faculty of Engineering ) MORIKAWA,Osamu ; SAKAKIBARA,Hijiri ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuhiro ; KONISHI,Hisatoshi
1B142Synthesis and Inclusion Properties of Hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene Triamide Derivertives ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. ) GOTO,Masanori ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
1B143The Inclusion Ability and CH/.pi.Interaction between Calix[4]resorcinarenesDerivatives and subustituted Pyridine ( Yokohama Natio. Univ.;Instrumental Analysis Center ) SUEZAWA,Hiroko ; II,Shinichiro ; HIROTA,Minoru
1B144Metal binding property of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene bearing tripeptides ( Ind Tech Cen of Wakayama Pref ) TAKAGAKI,Masafumi ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
1B145Control of Ion Recognition of Calix[4]arene Derivatives Bearing 2,2'-Bipyridine Moieties ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) SUMITOMO,Keiko ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
1B146The substituent effect of upper-rim and bridge site on the metal ion-binding abilities of calix[4]arene derivatives ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) FUKUI,Tatsuya ; WAKABAYASHI,Ryo ; OUCHI,Mikio ; KITAMURA,Chitoshi ; YONEDA,Akio
1B147The thermodynamic physical property by metal ion capture of calix[4]crown ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) HORISAKA,Kanako ; OUCHI,Mikio ; KITAMURA,Chitoshi ; YONEDA,Akio
2B102Control of N-Confused Porphyrin Tautomerism ( Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) FURUTA,Hiroyuki ; NAKAHARA,Kensuke ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2B103Pd-catalyzed novel synthetic method of meso-meso linked porphyrin arrays ( Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) ARATANI,Naoki ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2B104Synthesis and properties of completely fused oligoporphyrins ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) TSUDA,Akihiko ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2B105Synthesis and self-aggregation of chiral zinc porphyrins ( Ritsumeikan University; Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TAMIAKI,Hitoshi ; KITAMOTO,Hiroyuki
2B106Synthesis and Physical Properties of Self-Aggregative Chlorins ( Ritsumeikan University; Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TAMIAKI,Hitoshi ; KIMURA,Satosi
2B107Chiral Memory Using a Heterotopic Zinc(II) Porphyrin Dimer ( PRESTO, JST; Saitama Univ. ) KUBO,Yuji ; YAMANAKA,Jun-ichi ; OHNO,Takamoto ; TOKITA,Sumio ; IIDA,Takeaki ; ISHIMARU,Yoshihiro
2B108A Self-Assembled Porphyrin-Based Dimeric Capsule Constructed by a Pd(II)-Pyridine Interaction Which Shows Efficient Guest Inclusion ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) AYABE,Masatsugu ; IKEDA,Atsushi ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; YAM
AGUCHI,Kentaro ; S
2B109Development and Inclusion Behavior of the Novel Host Molecule Which Has the Metalloporphyrin as a Cap ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) SONODA,Kenshi ; IKEDA,Atsushi ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2B110Capsular Host Molecules via Rotaxane Structure ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) HASHIGUCHI,Masahiko ; KAWANO,Shin-ichirou ; IKEDA,Atsushi ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2B111Inclusion of Fullerenes by Cyclic Dimers of Metalloporphyrins(1): Tuning of Host Properties by Central Metal Ions. ( Univ. of Tokyo; Chiba University ) TASHIRO,Kentaro ; AIDA,Takuzo ; ZHENG,Jian-yu ; KINBARA,Kazushi ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko ; SAKA
MOTO,Shigeru ; YAM
2B112Inclusion of Fullerenes by Cyclic Dimers of Metalloporphyrins(2): Supramolecular Interaction with a Fullernene Dimer ( Univ. of Tokyo; Chiba University, Kyoto University ) HIRABAYASHI,Yusuke ; TASHIRO,Kentaro ; AIDA,Takuzo ; KINBARA,Kazush
i ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
; SAKAMOTO,Shigeru ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro ; KOMATSU,Koichi
2B113Inclusion of Fullerenes by Cyclic Dimers of Metalloporphyrins(3): Supramolecular Interaction with Endhedral Metallofullerenes. ( Univ. of Tokyo; Chiba University; Niigata University; Institute of Molecular Science ) TASHIRO,Kentaro ; AIDA,
Takuzo ; SAIGO,Kaz
uhiko ; SAKAMOTO,Shigeru ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro ; AKASAKA,Takeshi ; KATO,Tatsuhisa
2B114Inclusion of Fullerenes by Cyclic Dimers of Metalloporphyrins (4): Molecular Design of Multi-porphyrin Containers for Inclusion of Multiple Fullerene Molecules ( University of Tokyo ) NISHIOKA,Tomoko ; TASHIRO,Kentaro ; AIDA,Takuzo ; SAIGO,
2B115Near Infrared Charge-Transfer Emission from Porphyrin-Fullerene Films ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, CREST ) IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; TKACHENKO,Nikolai V. ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; LEMMETYINEN,Helge ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru
2B116Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Closely Spaced Porphyrin Linked Fullerenes ( Graduate School of.engineering,Osaka University; The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University; CREST ) SONODA,Junko ; IMAHORI,Hi
roshi ; FUKUZUMI,S
2B117Synthesis and Properties of Porphyrin-Fullerene-Linked Molecules with an Oligothiophene Spacer ( Hiroshima Univ. ) IKEMOTO,Junya ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
2B118Allosteric anion recognition with doubly-capped porphyrin ( Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SWAGER,T.m.
2B125Photodynamics of Porphyrin-Imide-Fullerene Linked Systems ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, CREST ) IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; HASOBE,Taku ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; OKADA,Tadashi ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru ; ARAKI,Yasuyuki ; ITO,Osamu
2B126Solvent dependence of photoinduced Electron Transfer in Porphyrin-Fullerene Dyad ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, CREST ) IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; ITO,Osamu ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru
2B127Acceleration Effects of Dioxygen on Intramolecular Back Electron Transfer in Zincporphyrin-Linked Fullerenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, CREST ) IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; ITO,Osamu ; YA
MADA,Hiroko ; GULD
I,Dirk M.
2B128Syntheses of Novel Macrocyclic Compounds Having Phenol and Pyridine Units ( NAIR; NIMC ) OGIHARA,Tamako ; TSUZUKI,Seiji ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
2B129Synthesis of 6,6'-Bis(perfluorooctyl)-2,2'-dihydroxy-1,1'-binaphthyl and It's Chiral Recognition ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; ISHIO,Takahiro ; SAKAI,Norio
2B130Chiral recognition with crown ethers having planar chiral (h4-diene)tricarbonyliron moieties ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) YAMAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; NAKANISHI,Saburo ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
2B131Proton-transferred Hydrogen-bonding Complexes: Potential Application to Chiral Recognition ( Kobe Univ.; Kyoto Univ.; Fukui National College of Technology ) TAKAGI,Hideki ; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; YAMAMURA,Kimiaki ; OGOSHI,Hisa
2B132Diffusion-ordered NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Carboxylic Acid - Amine Aggregates in Solution ( Univ. of Osaka ) UTE,Koichi ; MAEHARA,Kunitaka ; OZAKI,Tomoaki ; KITAYAMA,Tatsuki ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
2B133Structures and Functions of Macrocyclic Polyethers Containing Sulfur Atoms ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) NISHIURA,Katsunori ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
2B134Synthesis and Properties of a Molecular Accordion. ( Institute for Molecular Science ) ITO,Hajime ; NAGATA,Toshi
2B135Facile and accurate optical purity-determination method: double labeling method ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka Univ. ) SHIZUMA,Motohiro ; IMAMURA,Hiroyuki ; YAMADA,Hito
shi ; TAKAI,Yoshio
; TAKEDA,Tokuji ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi ; SAWADA,Masami
2B137Complexation of an acyclic host containing saccharide moieties with chiral amines ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute, Department of Applied Chemistry, Kansai Univ., Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka Univ. )
SHIZUMA,Motohiro ;
TAKAI,Yoshio ; KADOYA,Yukiko ; YAMADA,Hitoshi ; TAKEDA,Tokuji ; ARAKAWA,Ryuuichi ; SAWADA,Masami
2B138Direct detection of chiral carboxylic acids discrimination using negative FABMS ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute; Osaka Institute of Technology, ISIR, Osaka Univ. ) TAKAI,Yoshio ; IGARASHI,Keichi ; SHIZUMA,Motohiro ; YAMADA,Hi
toshi ; TANAKA,Tos
hikazu ; SAWADA,Masami
2B139MS/MS for Chiral Host-Amine Guests Complex Ions by FAB Ionization ( Osaka Women's Univ.; Univ. of Amsterdam; Osaka Univ.; Osaka Univ. ) YAMAOKA,Hiroshi ; FOKKENS,Roel H. ; NIBBERING,Nico M. M. ; NAKANO,Kazuro ; KURODA,Masao ; TAKAI,Yoshio ;
2B140Analysis of CH-.pi. interaction by high level ab initio calculatins (6): Origin of the directionality of CH-.pi. interactions ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TSUZUKI,Seiji ; HONDA,Kazumasa ; UCHIMARU,Tadafumi ; MIK
AMI,Masuhiro ; TAN
2B141Development of supramolecular synthon based on C-H; ; ; N hydrogen bond and its application for crystal engineering ( Hokkaido Univ. ) OHKITA,Masakazu ; SUZUKI,Takanori ; TSUJI,Takashi
2B142Photochromic properties of 4,4'-methylenebis{N-(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-2,6-dimethylanilline} clathrate crystals with organic small molecules ( Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University ) TANEDA,Masatsugu ; AMIMOTO,Kiichi
; KOYAMA,Hiroyuki ; KAWATO,Toshio
2B143Synthesis and functions of novel metallohosts bearing multidentate oxime ligand ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) TANIGUCHI,Takanori ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
2B144Synthesis and structures of macrocyclic polyimine ligands and their conplexability ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) AKINE,Shigehisa ; TANIGUCHI,Takanori ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
2B145Synthesis and Functions of Macrocycles Bearing Sulfur Atoms Respondent to Redox Reactions ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) NISHIDA,Daisuke ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
2B146Transfer of Chiral Information via Ion Recognition of a Binaphthyl Pseudocrown Ether ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) HASHIGUCHI,Akihiro ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
2B147Acid-catalyzed Decomposition of Diaryldiazomethane based on the Cation Recognized Tautomerization of Pyridonocrown Ethers ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) KOKUBO,Ken ; MATSUI,Yutaka ; OSHIMA,Takumi
2B148Synthesis of Tripodands Bearing Urea Moieties and Conversion to Pseudocryptands ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) YOSHINARI,Tomo ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3B101Synthesis and Functions of a Helical Pseudocryptand by the use of a Tripodand Containing Three 2,2'-Bipyridine Units ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) YAMAGUCHI,Jun ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3B102Supramolecular recognition systems induced by complexation between bipyridines and a metal ion ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) MORITA,Hiroki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3B103Complexation of the Tweezer-type Dicarboxylic Acid Having Two Chiral 1,1'-Binaphthyl Moieties = Formation of a 1:1 Cyclic Complex with an Amine and a Diamine ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; NAKANO,Masabumi ; M
ATSUI,Hiroyuki ; A
3B104Synthesis and Characterization of Novel TweezerssCapturing Metal ions ( Natl. Inst. of Materials and Chemical Research ) ARIMURA,Takashi ; NISHIOKA,Takuya ; IDE,Seiji ; SUGA,Yasuhiro ; SUGIHARA,Hideki ; MURATA,Shigeo
3B105Intramolecular interaction between flexible molecular tweezers and weak electron acceptors ( Univ. of Hiroshima ) KUREBAYASHI,Hirotaka ; SHIMONOSONO,Tomoko ; TAKAHASHI,Nobuaki ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
3B106Recognition Ability of Sulfur-Bridged Phenol Oligomers toward Metal Ions ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) YAMANE,Yusuke ; MOROHASHI,Naoya ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; ITO,Kazuaki ; OHBA,Yoshihiro ; MIYANO,Sotaro
3B107Metal Binding Property of Ferulic Acid Derivatives (II). ( Ind Tech Ctr of Wakayama Pref ) KOBAYASHI,Shyuniti ; HOSODA,Asao ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; MIYAKE,Yasuhito ; NASAKA,Norimitsu ; KOUZAKI,Yoshikazu ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
3B108Synthesis of Thiouronium-derived Fluorescent Anion Sensors ( PRESTO, JST; Saitama Univ. ) KUBO,Yuji ; ISHIHARA,Shinji ; OKUMURA,Natsuko ; TOKITA,Sumio
3B109Fluorescent Characteristics of Cyclic and Acyclic Oxyethylene Compounds Containing Plural Pyrenylmethyl Groups ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) NAKAHARA,Yoshio ; MATSUMI,Yasuo ; MIWA,Hiroshi ; ZHANG,Wanbin ; KIDA,Toshiyu
ji ; IKEDA,Isao
3B110A Receptor with a Simultaneous and Highly Cooperative Cation-Anion Recognition Ability ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) HANAMI,Takeshi ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3B111Ester-armed cyclens as Na+ Ion-Specific Receptors ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) SHINODA,Satoshi ; NISHIMURA,Tomoko ; TSUKUBE,Hiroshi
3B112Preparation and Function of Bifunctional Hosts Based on Structural Diversity of 1,3-Diene ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) YAMAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; NAKANISHI,Saburo ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
3B125Synthesis and Properties of Pyridinophanes ( Department of Chemistry, Gunma Universuty ) INOKUMA,Seiichi ; YONEKURA,Tomomi ; FUNAKI,Takashi ; NISHIMURA,Jun
3B126Photoreaction of Vinylbenzocrown Ether ( Department of Chemistry, gunma University ) INOKUMA,Seiichi ; FUNAKI,Takashi ; NISHIMURA,Jun
3B127Controlling of TICT Behavior of 1,2-Anthryl Aromatic AmidessDerivatives through the Metal Ion Complexations. ( Graduate Shcool of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaodo University ) MOROZUMI,Tatsuya ; HIRAGA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Hiroshi
3B128Synthetic Study of the Tube-like Molecule as a Host Molecule ( Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry (IFOC), Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University ) HAYASHI,Shinya ; SHINMYOZU,Teruo ; NODA,
3B140Enantioresolution of Bicyclo[5.1.0]octane Derivatives and Synthetic Studies of Chiral Retinal Analogues ( Tohoku Univ., Inst. Chem. React. Sci. ) YONEYAMA,Yuki ; KUWAHARA,Shunsuke ; WATANABE,Masataka ; HARADA,Nobuyuki
3B141Development of Carboxylic Acids Powerful for Chiral Discrimination and Magnetic Anisotropy Effect andsConformational Analysis ( Tohoku Univ.: Inst. Chem. React. Sci.; Natl. Inst. Sericultual and Entomol. Sci. ) KASAI,Yusuke ; TAJI,Hiromi ;
; WATANABE,Masataka ; HARADA,Nobuyuki ; ICHIKAWA,Akio
3B142Enantioresolution and Determination of the Absolute Configurations of o-Substituted Diaryl Methanols. ( Tohoku Univ.:Inst. Chem. React. Sci. ) KOSAKA,Masashi ; WATANABE,Masataka ; HARADA,Nobuyuki
3B143Preparation of Aromatic Propellanes and Their Chiral Properties ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) KAMATA,Ryoko ; KIMURA,Makoto ; YAMAMOTO,Tiyo ; OKAMOTO,Yosio ; SAWAKI,Yasuhiko
3B144Determination of Enantiomeric Excess by Circular DichroismsSpectrometry ( Graduate School of Engin., Tohoku Univ.; The ScrippssResearch Institute ) HATTORI,Tetsutaro ; MINATO,Yuji ; MIYANO,Sotaro ; FINN,M. G.
3B145Control of Absolute Configuration in Helically Conjugated Aromatics ( Shizuoka University ) TANAKA,Yasutaka ; WATANABE,Masashi ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo
3B146Conformational Stability of 2,2'-Dialkoxybenzpinacols in Solid State ( Kyoto University; Graduate School of Human and Environmental S tudies ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; TODA,Mitsuo ; HAYASHI,Naoto ; KIM,Jong Chul ; KAKEHI,Akikazu
3B147Photoisomerization of methylphenylglyoxime and its mechanism ( Department of Applied chemistry., Yokohama Natl.Univ. ) NAKAYAMA,Machiko ; MAKIYAMA,Satoshi ; TERATSUJI,Sachiko ; SUEZAWA,Hiroko ; SAKAKIBARA,Kazuhisa
4B101The structure and dynamic behavior of a metal-linked porphyrin prism ( The Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies; Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) FUJITA,Norifumi ; BIRADHA,Kumar ; FUJITA,Makoto
4B102Template and Self-template effects in multi-component self-assembly ( Grad. School of Eng., Nagoya Univ.; CREST; The Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies ) FUJITA,Makoto ; KUMAZAWA,Kazuhisa ; FUJITA,Norifumi ; HORI,Akiko ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; OKANO,
4B103Synthesis and Structure of Rotaxanes Having Crownophane as a Rotor ( NAIR ) NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; SCHMIEDER,Roland ; TOKUHISA,Hideo ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
4B104Synthesis of Novel Rotaxanes via Intramolecular Diesterification and Their Fluorescence Behavior ( NAIR , Science Univ of Tokyo ) SUGA,Jun-ichi ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; TOKUHISAI,Hideo ; WATANABE,Kunihiro ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
4B105Self-assembly of a "figure 8" molecule that polymerize into a poly[2]catenane ( Nagoya University; CREST; Chiba University ) HORI,Akiko ; BIRADHA,Kumar ; FUJITA,Makoto ; SAKAMOTO,Shigeru ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro
4B106Reversible Catenation of Coordination Rings through Double Helical Stacking ( Nagoya University; CREST ) FUJITA,Makoto ; AKASAKA,Akihiko ; HORI,Akiko ; BIRADHA,Kumar ; OKANO,Takashi
4B107The first Janus Rotaxane ( Osaka Univ. ISIR, Inoue Photochirogenesis Project, ERATO, JST ) FUJIMOTO,Tatsuhiko ; NAKAMURA,Asao ; INOUE,Yoshihisa ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru ; KANEDA,Takahiro
4B108Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a Novel Light-Driven Molecular Shuttle Based on a Rotaxane ( Nagasaki Univ. ) IDO,Takeshi ; MURAKAMI,Hiroto ; NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi
4B109Acceleration of Diels-Alder Reactions in the Cavity of M6L4 Cage complex. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; NAKAI,Tatsuya ; OKANO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Makoto
4B110Reverse Phase-Transfer Catalysis of a Three-dimentional Nanocage : Condensation Reactions of Phenol and Benzyl bromide Derivatives in a Water . ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; IMAYOSHI,Yukari ;
OKANO,Takashi ; F
4B111Binding Property of a Three-dimensional Nanocage ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; MIZUNO,Yutaka ; OKANO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Makoto
4B112Synthesis of novel rotaxanes having amide macrocycles as a rotor ( NAIR ) NUMATA,Munenori ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HOUJYOU,Hirohiko ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
4B113Cavity-directed Polycondensations of Alkoxysilanes within Self-assembled Coordination Cages ( Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. ) YOSHIZAWA,Michito ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; FUJITA,Makoto ; SAKAMOTO,Shigeru ; YAMAGUCHI,Kentaro
4B114Synthetic Study of a Catenane using Olefin Metathesis ( Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science ) ITOH,Koji ; IWAMOTO,Hajime ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
4B115Synthesis of Novel Supramolecular Complexes by Taking Advantage of Intermolecular Si-N Interaction ( Univ. of Tokyo ) SARUHASHI,Kowichiro ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
4B116Spontaneous macrocyclization via recombination of asSchiff base linkage ( NAIR ) HOUJOU,Hirohiko ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
4B117Screening dynamic receptor library using differential NMR technique ( Nagoya University, CREST ) KUBOTA,Yasuo ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; FUJITA,Makoto
1B207Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Chromophore-Modified Gold Clusters ( Osaka Univ.; CREST.; Hokkaido Univ ) ENDO,Yoshiyuki ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; ARIMURA,Masatoshi ; NISHIMURA,Yoshinobu ; YAMAZAKI,Iwao ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru ; FUKUZUMI,Shu
1B208Relation Between the Crystal Structures and the Solid-state Fluorescence Properties of Benzofuranoquinol-type Fluorescent Host and Its Related Compounds. ( Kochi University ) OOYAMA,Yousuke ; WATANABE,Shigeru ; YOSHIDA,Katsuhira
1B209Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing novel functionalized nucleobases for control of DNA electron transfer ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; TAINAKA,Kazuki ; TANAKA,Kazuo ; HECKROTH,Heike ; SAITO,Isa
1B210Synthesis of the oligonucleotides containing novel nucleobases for effective hole migration. ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; TANAKA,Kazuo ; SAITO,Isao
1B211Estimation of Magnetic Anisotropy of C-S Bond ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KAWATANI,Takefumi ; IWAMOTO,Hajime ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
1B212Preparation of dinitrenonaphthalene in low temperature matrices ( Nat'l Inst. of Mater. & Chem. Res. ) SATO,Tadatake ; NIINO,Hiroyuki ; YABE,Akira
1B213The Bergman Cyclization of Enediyne Derivatives Containing Tetrat hiafulvalene unit ( Tohoku University ) FUKUSHIMA,Takanori ; OKAFUJI,Hiroshi ; GOTO,Osamu ; MIYASHI,Tsutomu
1B214Dual-mode electrochromicity: Novel dynamic redox properties regulated by proton transfer ( Hokkaido Univ. ) SUZUKI,Takanori ; HIGUCHI,Hiroki ; OHKITA,Masakazu ; TSUJI,Takashi
1B215Study on the color developing mechanism of the thermal paper composed of the sulfonylurea dye-developer and the leuco-dye. ( Fac. of Engn. Yokohama Natl.Univ. ) ARAI,Hideho ; SUGIMORI,Yukiko ; SAKAKIBARA,Kazuhisa ; TAKAHASHI,Yoshiyuki ; SH
1B216Structual study on the specific formation of the Color Developing Complex between the sulfonylurea dye-developer and the leuco-dye. ( Fac. of Engn. Yokohama Natl.Univ. ) ARAI,Hideho ; SAKAKIBARA,Kazuhisa ; TAKAHASHI,Yoshiyuki ; SHIRAI,Ayako
1B217Electronic structure of acetal substituted diphenyl methane derivatives ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Kyoto Univ. ) TAJIMA,Kunihiko ; TANABE,Yuusuke ; KANAORI,Kenji ; MAKINO,Keisuke
1B218High-spin materials based on biradical-quinoid valence isomerization ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) ABE,Jiro ; FURUYAMA,Tomokazu ; ITO,Hiroaki ; HAYASHI,Hidenori ; IYODA,Tomokazu
1B225Generation and Characterization of Anthrylphenylcarbenes Connected on a Thiophene Ring ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) MORISAKI,Fumika ; OHTSUKA,Yusuke ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B226.pi. topology and spin alignment on the excited states of the condensed polyaromatecs-nitroxide radical systems ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) MIYAMOTO,Sadaharu ; KOIDE,Kentarou ; TEKI,Yoshio
1B227Modified Nitronyl Nitroxide: Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Copper(II)-Imino Nitroxide Chelete-Complex ( Osaka City University ) KOYANAGI,Keiji ; KOZAKI,Masatoshi ; OKADA,Keiji
1B228Syntheses and Charaterization of Stable Organic Radicals Possessing Hydrogen Bond Site[XI]Syntheses and Charaterization of Nitronyl Nitroxides Bearing Azaindole Rings ( Keio University ) NAGASHIMA,Hideaki ; FUJITA,Shinya ; TAKEDA,Yusuke ; Y
1B229Hyperbranched Poly(1,2-phenylenevinylene)s Bearing Aminium Radical ( Sci. Eng. Waseda Univ. ) FUKUZAKI,Eiji ; TAKAHASI,Masahiro ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1B230Giant Channel Structure and Photo-induced Spin Manipulation in Self-assemblies of Redox-tunable Ligand and Metal Ion ( Dept. of Applied Chemistry; Tokyo Metropolitan University ) ZHANG,Jie ; MATSUSHITA,Michio M ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
1B231Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Aminium Di(Cation Radical) with Spiro-Conjugated Structure ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) URABE,Masashi ; ITO,Akihiro ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
1B232Synthesis of 6-Oxophenalenoxyl-based Hetero-diradical with Triplet Ground State ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) KAWAI,Junya ; MORITA,Yasushi ; FUKUI,Kozo ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro
1B233A Novel Stable Neutral Radical: Synthesis and Properties of Hydroxyoxophenalenoxyl ( Osaka Univ.; Osaka City Univ. ) MAKI,Suguru ; MORITA,Yasushi ; OHBA,Tomohiro ; FUKUI,Kozo ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhi
1B234Preparation and Properties of Aromatic and Aliphatic Ester Derivatives with Stable Radical Substituent ( Himeji Inst. of Technology ) IKEMOTO,Hiroshi ; AKUTSU,Hiroki ; YAMADA,Junichi ; NAKATSUJI,Shinichi
1B235Preparation and Properties of Spin Systems Based on Styryl Derivatives ( Himeji Inst. of Technology ) OGAWA,Yuya ; YAMASHITA,Takashi ; AKUTSU,Hiroki ; YAMADA,Junichi ; NAKATSUJI,Shinichi
1B237 Session Lecturesynthetic studies on porphyrinatomanganese(III) ( the institute of scientific and industrial research,osaka university ) SUGIURA,Ken-ichi
1B240Generation and Isolation of Alkoxyaminyl Radicals ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering ) MIURA,Yozo ; TOMIMURA,Tatsuya ; MATSUBA,Nobuaki
1B241Isolation and magnetic properties of alkoxyaminyl radicals ( Osaka City Univ. ) MIURA,Yozo ; MATSUBA,Nobuaki ; TOMIMURA,Tatsuya ; TEKI,Yoshio
1B242Preparations and magnetic properties of metal complexes with diazadiazafluorene derivatives ( Graduate School of Pharm. Sciences, Kyushu Univ. ) SAKANE,Akira ; KARASAWA,Satoru ; KOGA,Noboru
1B243Magnetic-Properties after Irradiation of Metal Complexes with Diazo-Terpyridine Ligands ( Univ. of Kyushu; Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences ) SUEHIRO,Madoka ; KARASAWA,Satoru ; KOGA,Noboru
1B244Photoinduced Spin Alignment of Substituted Anthracene-Verdazyl Radicals ( Osaka City University ) NAKATSUJI,Masaaki ; MIURA,Yozo ; TEKI,Yoshio
1B245Photoswitching of Magnetic Properties Using Diarylethene Spin Coupler: Dependence of Conjugated Chain Length ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University,CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) MATSUDA,Kenji ; IRIE,Masahiro
1B246Photochemical Proton Transfer and Spin Generation in Hydrogen-bonded Charge Transfer Complexes ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ; The Univ. of Tokyo; PRESTO, JST ) MATSUSHITA,Michio M. ; SUGAWARA,Tadashi ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
1B247Formations of Photoresponsive Magnet under Matrix Condition ( Graduate School of Pharm. Sciences, Kyushu Univ. ) KARASAWA,Satoru ; KOGA,Noboru
1B248Preparation of Cyclic Diazo-pyridine Ligand and Magnetic Properties after Irradiation of Their Metal Complexes ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu Univ. ) ITOH,Tetsuji ; KOGA,Noboru
2B204Mesurements of electronic characteristics of organic dithiols using micro-gap electrodes ( JST/PRESTO, Faculty of Science,Ehime Univ. ) MAEDA,Seisuke ; OGAWA,Takuji
2B205Preparation and properties of bithiophene derivatives with small HOMO-LUMO gaps ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) KOZAKI,Masatoshi ; YONEZAWA,Yutaka ; OKADA,Keiji
2B206The structure and physical properties of radical salts of ferrocenyltetrathiafulvalenes ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) UGAWA,Kohei ; OTANI,Naoki ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; YOSHIDA,Masato ; MATSUYAMA,Haruo ; IYODA,Masahiko ; KODAMA,Takeshi ;
2B207Synthesis and redox behavior of Tetrathiafuluvalenylbiferrocene ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) OTANI,Naoki ; TAKANO,Takahiro ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYODA,Masahiko
2B208Charge Transfer Complexes of Phenalenyl Derivatives having Amino Groups with TCNQ ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) YOKOYAMA,Takuji ; MORITA,Yasushi ; YAMAMOTO,Kagetoshi ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro ; KUBO,Takashi ; KAI,Yasushi ; MOCH
2B209The structure and properties of the cation-radicals derived from 1,8-bis(tetrathiafulvalenyl)naphtalene ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) HASEGAWA,Masashi ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYODA,Masahiko
2B210 Session Lecturenew aspect of molecular conductors based on bis-fused donors ( graduate school of Engineering,kyoto university ) MISAKI,Yohji
2B213Syntheses, Structures and Properties of .pai.-Extended Oligomeric TTFs ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) HARA,Kenji ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYODA,Masahiko
2B214The Structures and Properties of Poly(tetrathiafulvalenylethynyl)benzenes ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) TAKANO,Jun-ichi ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYODA,Masahiko
2B215Syntheses and Properties of the donors by using phosphonate esters with MDT-TTF frame. ( Kyoto Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; TANIOKA,Hiroaki ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
2B216Syntheses and Properties of TTF Donors with Di(2-pyrigyl)methanesUnit ( Kyoto Univ. ) SATAKE,Yurie ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
2B225 Session Lecturephotochemical reactions of[3.3]cyclophanes ( inst.for fundamental research of org.chem,kyushu univ. ) SHIMMYOZU,Teruo
2B228Synthesis and epoxidation of [2.n]metacyclophan-1-enes ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University; Tohwa Intitute of Sciennce,Tohwa University ) FUJITA,Koji ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko ; TSUZUKI,Hirohisa
2B229Acid-catalized rearrangement of 1,2-epoxy[2.n]Metacyclophanes ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. ) HIRONAKA,Tooru ; FUJITA,Koji ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
2B230Synthesis and Binding behavior of Cleft Molecules based on Diaza[2.2]orthocyclophanes ( Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science ) OKUMURA,Yusuke ; KUREBAYASHI,Hirotaka ; IWAMOTO,Hajime ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
2B231Structure changed by neighboring group in cyclophanes ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Nobuaki ; KUREBAYASHI,Hirotaka ; IWAMOTO,Hajime ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
2B232Synthses and Properties of [25](1,3)cyclophane-(E/Z)-en-tetrayne and [25](1,3)cyclophanepentayne ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) TAKAHASHI,Futoshi ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYOD
2B233Crownophanes as Fluoroionophores ( Department of Chemistry, Gunma University ) INOKUMA,Seiichi ; NABEKURA,Shinji ; ATARASHI,Norio ; YONEKURA,Tomomi ; NISHIMURA,Jun
2B234Synthesis and properties of [3.3]oligothiophenophane as a .pi.-dimer model ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KAIKAWA,Takeshi ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
2B235Synthesis and Properties of Anionic Species of [2.n](2,7)-Fluorenophane-n-ene ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MINAMI,Hiroaki ; MATSUMOTO,Kouzou ; ODA,Masaji
2B237Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Multibridged [3n]Ferrocenophanes (3) ( Faculty of Science, Kyushu University;Inst. for Fundamental Res. of Org. Chem. Kyushu Univ. ) ZHOU,Ming ; TAKEHARA,Kou ; SHINMYOZU,Teruo
2B238Electrical and crystal structural properties of the charge transfer complexes of [3n]cyclophanes ( Inst. for Fundamental Res. of Org. Chem., Kyushu Univ. ) YASUTAKE,Mikio ; SAKAMOTO,Youichi ; SHINMYOZU,Teruo
2B239Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Various Phenanthrenophanes ( Gunma Univ. ) FUJII,Takahiro ; YAMAZAKI,Takuzo ; NAKAMURA,Yosuke ; NISHIMURA,Jun
2B240Synthesis and Properties of partially-overlapped [2.n](3,9)carbazolophanes. ( Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) TANI,Keita ; SAKAI,Yuu ; HORI,Kazushige ; TOHDA,Yasuo ; OHKITA,Hideo ; ITO,Shinzaburo ; YAMAMOTO,Masahide
2B241Synthesis and Properties of Carbazolophanes Containing Acceptor. ( Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) TANI,Keita ; TOHGOU,Eiichi ; HORI,Kazushige ; TOHDA,Yasuo ; OHKITA,Hideo ; ITO,Shizaburo ; YAMAMOTO,Masahide
2B242Synthetic and Structural study of [3 n]cyclooctatetraenophane derivatives via Photolysis of [3n] barrelenophanes. ( Inst. for Fundamental Res. of Org. Chem., Kyushu Univ. and Graduate School of Science, Kyushu Un
iv. ) MATSUDA,Waka
na ; SHINMYOZU,Teruo
2B243A Study of the Photochemical Reaction Mechanism of Multibridged [3n] Cyclophane ( Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry (IFOC), and Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University ) NOGITA,Rika ; SHI
OHARA,Kumi ; LIM,Chultack
2B244Preferential precipitation of C70 with homooxacalix[n]arenes ( Kyoto University ) KOMATSU,Naoki
2B245Synthesis and Characterization of a Poly(amide amine) Dendrimer Disulfide ( Shinshu Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; SHINJO,Tetsuya ; SUZUKI,Shinji ; HAMADA,Kunihiro ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
2B246Reversible C60 Binding to Anthracene Having Dendritic Substituent ( Shinshu Univ. ; Niigata Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; TAJIMA,Tomoyuki ; WAKAHARA,Takatsugu ; AKASAKA,Takeshi ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
2B247Synthesis, Isolation, Characterization, and Properties of [60]Fullerene-Benzyne Bisadducts ( Gunma Univ.; Nagoya Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Yosuke ; TAKANO,Nobutoshi ; KIMURA,Tsuyoshi ; NISHIMURA,Tatsuya ; YASHIMA,Eiji ; NISHIMURA,Jun
2B248Preparation and Properties of Methanofullerenes and Fulleroids Having Triarylamines ( Osaka Mun. Tech. Res. Inst., Osaka Inst. of Tech. ) OHNO,Toshinobu ; MORIWAKI,Kazuyuki ; MIYATA,Toshiyuki ; TAKADA,Masahiro ; UCHIDA,Yuzuru
3B201Synthesis and properties of novel trans-4-[60]fullerene pearl-necklace polyamides by use of tether-directed regioselective functionalyzation ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HINO,Tetsuo ; KINBARA,Kazushi ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
3B202Multi-step chemical functionalization of C60 with organocpper reagent ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TAHARA,Kazukuni ; TOGANOH,Motoki ; SAWAMURA,Masaya ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
3B203Synthesis of a Symmetrical Decakis-adduct of Fullerene Dimer C120 and Its Transformation ( Kyoto University ) FUJIWARA,Koichi ; KOMATSU,Koichi
3B204The Solid State Reaction of Fullerene C60 with Tetrazine ( Kyoto University ) SUZUKI,Mitsuharu ; MURATA,Yasujiro ; KOMATSU,Koichi
3B205Structure of the Oxidation Product of the C60 Derivative Having an 8-Membered Ring Orifice ( Kyoto University ) MURATA,Yasujiro ; KOMATSU,Koichi
3B206Photochemical Synthesis of [60]Fullerene-o-Quinodimethane Adducts and Their Structures and Transformation ( Gunma Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Yosuke ; O-KAWA,Kyoji ; MINAMI,Satoshi ; NISHIMURA,Jun
3B207Generation and Stability of Alkylated C60 Cations ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) KONNO,Hirofumi ; HANAMURA,Masaaki ; KITAGAWA,Toshikazu ; TAKEUCHI,Ken'ichi
3B208Synthesis of Methanofullerenes Having A Formyl Group and ThesFluorescence Property of Their Derivatives ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HAMADA,Masahiro ; HINO,Tetsuo ; KINBARA,Kazushi ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
3B209Photophysical Properties of a Ferrocene-Diporphyrin-Fullerene Linked System ( Osaka Univ;Tohoku Univ;CREST ) SEKIGUCHI,Yuji ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; ARAKI,Yasuyuki ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Osamu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3B210Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of a Ferrocene-Triporphyrin-Fullerene Linked System ( Osaka Univ; Tohoku Univ;CREST ) SEKIGUCHI,Yuji ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; YAMADA,Hiroko ; ARAKI,Yasuyuki ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Osamu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunich
3B211Evaluation of the assosiation constants of CPPAsswith fullerenes by means of fluorescence ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) SIONO,Nami ; SEIRAI,Yohko ; KAWASE,Takeshi ; ODA,Masaji
3B212Selectivity of the complexation of fullerenes with CPPAs having diverse cavities ( Graduate School of Science. Osaka University ) SEIRAI,Yohko ; KAWASE,Takeshi ; ODA,Masaji
3B240The Unique Crystal Structure of 1-(o-Alkylphenyl)-2,5-di(2-thienyl)pyrroles Having a Tricyanoethenyl Group to Exhibit Gold-like Metallic Luster ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; MAEDA,Kazuhiro ; MATSUMOTO,
3B241Synthesis of 1-(Carbonyl-substituted phenyl)-2,5-di(2-thienyl)pyrroles Having a Tricyanoethenyl Group and Their Ability to Form Metal-lustrous Crystals ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; *,David ; ZHAO,Rui ; MATS
3B242Synthesis and Chiroptical Properties of Radical Cation Containing Chiral Substituents ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) TATE,Yoshimasa ; MORI,Tadasi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
3B243The Spectroscopic Properties of 3,4,6-Triphenyl-.alpha.-pyrone ( Osaka University ) HIRANO,Keisuke ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
3B244The Spectroscopic Properties of 3,4,6-Triphenyl-.alpha.-pyrone Derivatives ( Osaka University ) HIRANO,Keisuke ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
3B245Formation and Properties of Inclusion Crystals of 1-Aryl-2,5-bis(5-tricyanoethenyl-2-thienyl)pyrrole Host with Various GuestsMolecules ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; MIZUOKA,Takashi ; ZHAO,Rui ; AKAZOME,Motoh
3B246Synthesis and Properties of Liquid Crystals Based on 2,5-Diaminotropone ( Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu Univ., Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ., Interdisciplinary Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shima
ne Univ. ) ITOH,To
mohiko ; KUBO,Kanji ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3B247Metal Ion Coordination Properties of Azatropocryptands Bridged by Oligoethyleneglycol Moiety ( Saitama Univ. ) SATO,Ohki ; ONO,Yutaka ; TSUNETSUGU,Josuke
3B248Syntheses and Properties of Azatropopodands Containing Imidazole Moieties ( Saitama Univ. ) SATO,Ohki ; SAGARA,Satoshi ; OKADA,Katsuyosi ; TSUNETSUGU,Josuke
4B201Synthesis and Metallic Luster of Novel Dendritic Macromolecules HavingsTricyanoethenyl-Substituted 1-Aryl-2,5-di(2-thienyl)pyrrole Peripheral Chain Ends ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; ZHAO,Rui ; AKAZOME,Motoh
4B202Hanging of 1-Aryl-2,5-di(2-thienyl)pyrrole Tricyanoethenyl Derivatives, which Form Metal-lustrous Crystals, from a Polymer Chain ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; YANAI,Hiroyuki ; MATSUMOTO,Shoji ; AKAZOME,Motoh
4B203Synthesis of 1,2-Diaryl-5-(2-thienyl)pyrroles Having a Tricyanoethenyl Group and Their Formation of Crystals with Metallic Luster ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; OOSHIMA,Kenji ; YANAI,Hiroyuki ; MATSUMOTO,Shoj
i ; AKAZOME,Motohi
4B204Enclathrated Guest Effects on the Crystal Structure and the Solid-state Fluorescence Properties of Phenanthroimidazole-type Fluorescent Host ( Kochi University ) KUMAOKA,Hironori ; UWADA,Kazuki ; WATANABE,Shigeru ; YOSHIDA,Katsuhira
4B205Effect of lateral substituents on the the thermotropic behaviour of 2-aminotroponoid metallomesogens ( Kyushu Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Shin-ichi ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
4B206Synthesis and Solution Spectra of 5-(5'-N,N-dimethylamino)thienyltropolone ( Yokohama National Univ. ) OTANI,Hiroyuki ; YOSHIKAWA,Takahiro
4B208Synthesis and Properties of Dendrimer-type Phenothiazine Oligomers ( Graduate School of Science; Osaka City University ) OKAMOTO,Toshihiro ; KOZAKI,Masatoshi ; OKADA,Keiji
4B209Synthesis and Characteristic of Redox-active Molecule Bearing Poly-Electron Donor ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) AOI,Mitsuhiro ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
4B210Synthesis and Properties of 6-Phenylazulenes ( Yokohama National Univ. ) OTANI,Hiroyuki ; TSUNODA,Yusuke
4B211Synthesis and Properties of Novel Non-benzenoid Terphenyl Type Chromophores ( Yokohama National Univ. ) OTANI,Hiroyuki ; SEKI,Madoka ; BETSUI,Yurie
4B212Synthesis and Properties of Highly Dipolar Dicyanodiarylquinodimethanes Extended with Thioquinoid Moiety ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MIYAZAKI,Hirohumi ; MATSUMOTO,Kouzou ; KAWASE,Takeshi ; ODA,Masaji
4B213 Session Lecturedynamic redox systems:a new type of electrochromic system for use as molecular devices ( graduate school of science,hokkaido university ) SUZUKI,Takanori ; NISHIDA,Junichi ; TSUJI,Takashi
4B216Synthesis of a Fluorene Annelated with Rigid Bicyclic Frameworks and Transformation into the Fluorenyl Cation ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) INOUE,Ryota ; MATSUURA,Akira ; NISHINAGA,Tohru ; KOMATSU,Koichi
4B217Structures and Dynamic Behavior of Alkali Metal Salts of the Cyclopentadienide Ions Annelated with Bicyclic Frameworks ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) YAMAZAKI,Daisuke ; WAKAMIYA,Atsushi ; NISHINAGA,Tohru ; KOMATSU,Koi
4B218Synthsis of tetrabenzohexadehydro[16]annulene andsthe structures of its silver and copper complexes ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) HORINO,Takeru ; TAKAHASHI,Futoshi ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; YOSHIDA,Masato ; MATSUYAMA,Haruo ; IYODA,Masahiko
4B225Synthesis and Properties of The Extended Macrocyclic [6]Radialene ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) NAKAMURA,Nobuko ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; YOSHIDA,Masato ; IYODA,Masahiko
4B226Synthesis and Properties of Extended Triarylmethyl Cations and Anions Containing Hexathienyl[3]radialene Moiety ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) HARADA,Yukako ; MATSUMOTO,Kouzou ; KAWASE,Takeshi ; ODA,Masaji
4B227Synthesis and Properties of Oligothiophenes Annelated withs Rigid .sigma.-Frameworks ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) WAKAMIYA,Atsushi ; NISHINAGA,Tohru ; KOMATSU,Koichi
4B228Synthesis and Properties of Planar .pai.-Conjugated Systems Having Bithioxanthenylidene Structure ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) WAKAMIYA,Atsushi ; KOMATSU,Koichi ; SCOTT,Lawrence T.
4B229Synthesis and polarized properties of 2,2'-{1,3-azulenediylbis[(1-azulenyl)methylidene(2,5-cyclohexadiene-4,1-diylidene)]}bispropanedinitriles ( Kumamoto Univ.; Tohoku Univ. ) KIKUCHI,Shigeru ; KIKIRIKURA,Keiko ; IMAFUKU,Kimiaki ; ITO,Shunj
i ; MORITA,Noboru
4B230Syntheses of S--Substituted Azulenequinones by the Nucleophilic Substitutionsand their Properties ( Saitama Univ. ) SATO,Ohki ; HISHINUMA,Hiroshi ; TSUNETSUGU,Josuke
4B231Syntheses and Properties of Non-benzenoid Electron Acceptors Derived from Acepleiadylenequinones ( Saitama Univ. ) SATO,Ohki ; OKADA,Yuji ; YAMAMOTO,Daisuke ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuko ; TSUNETSUGU,Josuke
4B232Synthesis and Properties of Macrocyclic Polyketones by the Oxidation of Tribenzohexadehydro[12]annulene ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) OHKOSHI,Masanori ; YOSHIDA,Masato ; IYODA,Masahiko
4B233Synthesis of tricyclo[]trideca-1,3(6),7,9,11 -pentaene ( Toyama University ) KURODA,Shigeyasu ; KANAYAMA,Kimiko ; FURUTA,Shinji ; ZUO,Shengli ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; ODA,Mitsunori
4B234Synthesis and properties of extended .pai.-electron conjugated compounds substituted with 6-azulenyl groups ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) KUBO,Takahiro ; ITO,Shunji ; MORITA,Noboru
4B235Preparation and properties of oligothiophenes containing cyclopentadithiophene frameworks ( Graduate School of Science ; Osaka City University ) YONEZAWA,Yutaka ; KOZAKI,Masatoshi ; OKADA,Keiji
4B237Synthesis of units of oligomers consisting of 1,8-diethynylanthrance frameworks ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) KOTANI,Masashi ; GOICHI,Michio ; TOYOTA,Shinji
4B238First Examples of Persistent [e]-Ring Benzannelated Dimethyldihydropyrenium Dications of Protonation and Oxidation ( Kyoto Univ; Kent State Univ; Univ of Victoria ) OKAZAKI,Takao ; LAALI,Kennth K. ; MITCHELL,Reginald H.
4B239Synthesis and Phtophysical Properties of Stable Dibenzoborole Derivatives ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) AKIYAMA,Seiji ; HIRAO,Shino ; YAMAGUCHI,Sigehiro ; TAMAO,Kohei
1B325Intramolecular Photocyclization for the Synthesis of Nitrogen Heterocycles ( Osaka Prefecture University ) SUGIMOTO,Akira ; OKUMURA,Takahiro ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
1B326Photoreaction of Nicotinic Acid Esters ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Shohei ; YAGI,Tadao ; MINO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
1B327Photochemical Dimerization of Esters of Ferulic acid and their Photocycloreversion ( Osaka Prefecture University ) NISHIMURA,Keisuke ; YOKOYAMA,Akihiro ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; HOSODA,Asao ; SUGIMOTO,Akira ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
1B328Photochemical Reactions of 5-Vinyl-2,2':5',2"-terthiophene ( Osaka Univ. ) ICHIHASHI,Yasuhisa ; IKEDA,Masaru ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1B329Regioselective (2.pi.+2.pi.)photocycloaddition by use of Intermorecular Weak Interaction between Cyano Group and Carboxylic Acid ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) MAEDA,Hajime ; KOSHIO,Norihiro ; MIZUNO,Kazuhik
1B330Intermolecular Interaction in Solid State Photo [2+2] Reaction of 3-Benzoylacrylates ( Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) HASEDAWA,Tadashi ; IKEDA,Kaori ; YAMAZAKI,Yuko
1B331Photochemical reaction of self assembled membrane formed by stilbazolium derivative ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. ) OHTANI,Osamu ; KATOU,Hiroki ; TAKAGI,Ktuhiko
1B332Photoreaction of 9,10-dicyanoanthracene with substituted tropones ( Grad. School Eng. Sci., Kyushu Univ.; Inst. Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ. ) IRIE,Takashi ; HATSUI,Toshihide ; MORI,Akira
1B333[3+2]-Photocycloaddition of 1,4-Dicyanonaphthalene to Phenylcyclopropane ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Akihiro ; SHIRATORI,Hideo ; KUBO,Yasuo
1B334Mechanism of [3+2]-Photocycloaddition of 9,10-Dicyanoanthracene with Styrene ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) NARUKAGE,Takeshi ; SHIRATORI,Hideo ; KUBO,Yasuo
1B335(2+3)Photocycloaddition of 1,2-diarylcyclopropanes to 9-Cyanophenanthrene via Photoinduced Electron Transfer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) MAEDA,Hajime ; MIYATA,Yasuo ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
1B337Synthesis and Photocycloaddition of an Anthracene Having asHydroxyl-Terminated Dendritic Substituent ( Shinshu Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; SUZUKI,Miho ; TAJIMA,Tomoyuki ; HAMADA,Kunihiro ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
1B338Synthesis and Photocycloaddition of an Anthracene Having a Carboxyl-Terminated Dendritic Substituent ( Shinshu Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; YANAGIMOTO,Yasushi ; TAJIMA,Tomoyuki ; OHTA,Kazuchika ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu ; HUJITSUKA,M
amoru ; ITOU,Isao
1B339Transition State Anaylsis of Site-, Regio- and Stereoselective Photocycloadditions Depending on the Excited States of 2-Pyridones ( Kagoshima Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) SOMEKAWA,Kenichi ; SAKATA,Shoziro ; SHIMO,Tetsuro
1B340Selective Energy Flow through Intermolecular Hydrogen Bond :Sinsitized Isomerization of Benzaldoxime upon Visible Light Irradiation tosAminofluorenones ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduated Course ofsEngineering, Tokyo Metropolitan U
niversity ) UKONN,
Seiichi ; SUGITA,Masaki ; SHIMADA,Tetsuya ; INOUE,Haruo
1B341Effects of Cation Recognition on Photosensitized E-Z Isomerization of Olefins with Crowned Benzophenones ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) KOKUBO,Ken ; KAKIMOTO,Hidenobu ; OSHIMA,Takumi
1B342Photoisomerization of enediyne compounds ( Dep.of Chemistry,Univ.of Tsukuba ) SAKAKIBARA,Hirokazu ; ARAI,Tatsuo
1B343Solid State Photoreactions of Dopamines ( Kyoto University ) ITO,Yoshikatsu ; HORIE,Souta ; SHINDO,Yasuhiro
1B344Diastereoselective [2+2] Photocycloaddition of Chiral Cyclohexenones with Menthol Derivaties to Ethylene. ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Materials Science ) TSUTSUMI,Ken ; ENDOU,Katsunori ; NAKANO,Hiroaki ; M
ORIMOTO,Tsumoru ;
1B345The Absolute Asymmetric Photoisomerization of Chiral Norbornadiene Derivatives by Circularly Polarized Two-Photon Excitation ( Inoue Photochirogenesis Project, JST ) NAITOH,Yukito ; NISHINO,Hideo ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
1B346Synthesis of a novel type of phtocatalysts with a chiral ligand and their application for asymmetric reduction ( Grad. School of Science and Eng., Saitama Univ. ) ISHITANI,Osamu ; FUJIMOTO,Ryusaku ; SAKAMOTO,Kazuhiko
1B347Effect of High Pressure on the Enantiodifferentiating Photodimerization of Anthracene Derivertives in the Cavity of Cyclodextrins ( Inoue Photochirogenesis Project, ERATO, JST ) NAKAMURA,Asao ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
1B348Enantiodifferentiating photocyclodimerization of anthracene derivatives in the presence of bovine serum albumin or human serum albumin as chiral reaction field ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) KAWABATA,Atsushi ; SUGAHARA,Norimitu ; MORI,Tadasi ; W
ADA,Takehiko ; INO
UE,Yoshihisa ; NAKAMURA,Asao
2B301Asymmetric Induction in Photoisomerization of Olefinswith Chiral Template ( The School of Materials Science, Japan Advanced Institutesof Science and Technology, Hokuriku ) YOSHIMURA,Yoshinaga ; TSUJIMOTO,Kazuo
2B302Optically active (E)-1,2-diazacyclooctene prepared by supramolecular asymmetric photoisomerization using cyclodextrin derivatives as a chiral host ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) WADA,Takehiko ; GOTO,Kiichiro ; MORI,Tadashi ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2B303Pressure effect on enantiodifferentiating photoisomerization of cyclooctene derivatives. ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) KANEDA,Masayuki ; MORI,Tadashi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2B304pH Control of Enantiodifferentiating Photosensitized Isomerization of Cyclooctene ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) INOUE,Maki ; MORI,Tadashi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2B305ArF Excimer Laser Photolysis of Pentyl Phenyl Chalcogenides ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) OUCHI,Akihiko ; SANKARA WARRIER,Ajaya Kumar ; LI,Zhong ; SAKURAGI,Masako
2B306Photoreaction of ortho-substituted aryl esters:competing decarboxylation and photo-Fries rearrangement ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) TAKAMOTO,Makoto ; MORI,Tadashi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2B307Photoinduced Electron Transfer Sensitized by Pyrene Derivatives in the Vesicles ( Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo ) MIZUSHIMA,Tadashi ; MURATA,Shigeru
2B308Photoinduced electron transfer reaction of isopropylidene-1-pyrazoline derivatives. ( Chiba Univ. ) SHIMURA,Youki ; HIGASHI,Masaki ; FUKUI,Keijiro ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide
2B309Photofixation of CO2 on Phenanthrene through Photoinduced Electron-Transfer-Reaction ( JAIST ) KANEHARA,Masayuki
2B310Novel Bichromophoric Molecular System Connected by Intermolecular Quadruple Hydrogen Bonding for Photoinduced Electron Transfer ( Dep. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) IKEGAMI,Masashi ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2B311Intermolecular Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation by Photoinduced Electron Transfer of Benzyl Sulfides ( Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol. ) KONO,Yusuke ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; TADA,Masahiro ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro
2B312Synthesis of large-ring compounds via photoinduced remote hydrogen transfer of imidazolidinetriones ( Shinshu Univ. , Faculty of Textile Science and Technology ) AOYAMA,Hiromu ; TAGA,Shunsuke ; TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro
2B313 Session LectureDNA mediated electron transfer reaction ( kyoto University,CREST ) NAKATANI,Kazuhiko
2B316Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on Photoinduced One-Electron Oxidation of Guanine ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research. Osaka Univ. ) WATA,Yasuharu ; KAWAI,Kiyohiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
2B317N2-Cyclopropylguanine as an Effective Captor of One-Electron Oxidative Damage in DNA Duplex ( Faculity of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) DOHNO,Chikara ; NAKATANI,Kazuhiko ; SAITO,Isao
2B318One-Electron Oxidation Reaction of N6-Cyclopropyladenine ( Faculity of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) OGAWA,Atsushi ; NAKATANI,Kazuhiko ; SAITO,Isao
2B325Affects of Solvent and . alpha.-Substituent on Singlet Oxygenation of Enolic Tautomers of 1,3-Dicarbonyl Compounds ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) ITADANI,Toru ; SAITO,Masaichi ; YOSHIOKA,Michikazu
2B326Mechanistic Studies of Electron Beam Induced Organic Reactions for Electron Beam Resist Materials ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ) MOON,Seongyun ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; YOSHIDA,Masaru
2B327Selective Electron-Beam-Induced Reactions of Sulfone Compounds in the Crystalline State ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) ) KATO,Jun ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; YOSHIDA,Masaru
2B328Electron Beam Induced Reaction of Cinnamic Acid Derivativessin the Crystalline State ( Saitama Inst. Tech. ; Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute(JAERI) ) HOBO,Hiroki ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; KATO,Jun ; YOSHIDA,Masaru ; NARITA,Tadashi
2B329The Sturdy of Synthesis and Properties for Multielectron Donative Polymer Containing Photocatalytic Active Moiety ( Institute for Molecular Science ) ITO,Hajime ; HINO,Takami ; TANAKA,Koji ; NAGATA,Toshi
2B330Visible-Light Induced Photodecomposition of Organochlorine Compoun d Catalyzed by Antimony(V) Porphyrin Complex Supported on SiO2 ( Univ. of Miyazaki ) SHIMIZU,Yuichiro ; SHIRAGAMI,Tsutomu ; YASUDA,Masahide ; NOBUHARA,Kazunori ; NOBUHARA,Ka
zutaka ; HINOUE,Ke
nichi ; NANKE,Yutaka ; AKASAKI,Izumi
2B331 Session Lecturesyntheses of nitrogen containing aromatic compounds byphotocatalytic reaction ( faculty of Engineering,gifu University ) SHIBATA,Katsuyoshi
2B334Stable Triplet Carbene. Generation and Characterization of Di{9-[10-(2,6-dimetyl-4-t-butylphenyl)]anthryl}carbene ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) IWAMOTO,Eri ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
2B335Effect of para- Substituents on Reactivity of Polybromodiphenylcarbene ( Faculty of Engineering;Instrumental Analysis Center ,Mie University ) IIKUBO,Takashi ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
2B336Visible-Light Induced Intramolecular Energy Transfer of Antimony(V ) Porphyrin Complex from Axial Ligand ( Univ. of Miyazaki ) TANAKA,Katsunori ; SHIRAGAMI,Tsutomu ; YASUDA,Masahide
2B337Study on Energy Transfer Dynamics of Aromatic Molecules Connected by Quadruple Hydrogen Bonding ( Dep. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) OHSHIRO,Ikuma ; IKEGAMI,Masashi ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2B338Attempt to Generate Triplet Diphenylcarbene Protected by Trifluoromethyl and Bromo Group ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyuki ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
2B339Reactivity of Stable Triplet Diphenylcarbene Protected by Trifluoromethyl and Halogen Groups ( Faculty of Engineering;Instrumental Analysis center, Mie University ) NAKATA,Yoshimaru ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
2B340Protection of UV-damage with Extract of Bixa orellana ( JAIST ) TSUJIMOTO,Kazuo ; WATANABE,Yoshito ; NISHISAKA,Tsuyoshi ; NINOMIYA,Tadashi
2B341Behaviors of tristyrylbenzene dendrimers at the excited state ( Univ. of Tsukuba Department of Chemistry ) UDA,Mayuko ; MIZUTANI,Takuo ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2B342Photochemical behavior of Polyphenylene-based Stilbene Dendrimers ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) IMAI,Masako ; MIZUTANI,Takuo ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2B343Photo-electro dual-chromic behavior of a naphthacenequinone derivative ( Department of Chemistry and Materials Technology, Kyoto Institute of Tech. ) UKON,Mariko ; TSUJIMOTO,Tettupei ; MIKI,Sadao
2B344Substituent effect of excimer emission of bis[(9-anthryl)methyl]ether derivatives ( Chiba Univ. ) DEZIMA,Yoshiyuki ; FUKUI,Keijiro ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide
2B345Preparation of a Crown-ether-modified Lophine Peroxide Derivative and Control of Its Chemiluminescence Intensity by Metal Cations ( Okayama Univ.; IFOC, Kyushu Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Hideki ; OWARI,Makoto ; KIMURA,Masaru ; SATAKE,Kyosuke
2B346Synthesis of New Vargula (formerly Cypridina) Luciferin Analogues Luminescing at Longer Wavelength with Superoxide II ( Aichi University of Education ) TOYA,Yoshiaki ; SATOH,Makoto
2B347Photoreactions of Hydroxystilbenes in aqueous solution ( Dep. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) MUROHOSHI,Taro ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2B348Dimerization and fluorescence behavior ofsdipyridones linked by carbon chains ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) MATSUMOTO,Ayako ; ARAI,Tatsuo
3B304Electrochemical carboxylation of alkyl-substituted vinyl triflates in the presence of nickel catalyst ( Graduate School of Eng.; Hokkaido Univ. ) KANAYA,Hirotaka ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao
3B305Efficient Electrochemical Dicarboxylation of Dienes. ( Graduate School of Eng., Hokkaido University ) KOMATSU,Hirokazu ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao
3B306Synthesis and Electrochemical Reduction of Bicyclo[n.1.0]alkylidene Derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) CHOWDHURY,Morshed Alam ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao ; CHIBA,Toshiro
3B307Electororeductive Allylation of N-(2,2,2-Trifluoroethylidene)amines and the Stereochemistry ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; SHIRAI,Kimihiro ; HAMAMOTO,Taiji ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3B308Products Distribution of Wittig Reaction by Electroreduction and Base Methods. ( Chubu University ) MAKITA,Kei ; KUROYANAGI,Kazushi ; ANDO,Fumio ; KOKETSU,Jugo
3B309Development of Hydrogenation Selective Palladium Catalyst ( Univ. of Electro-Communications ) OKAWA,Makiko ; MATSUI,Ryo ; HARADA,Yasuhiro ; MAKI,Shojiro ; HIRANO,Takashi ; NIWA,Haruki
3B310Anodic Deallylation and Debenzylation of Carbamates ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; ANDO,Hisasi ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3B311Factors Affecting on Memory of Chirality in non-Kolbe Reaction of Proline Derivatives ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; TANAKA,Takayoshi ; WANYOIKE,Joji Naga ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3B312Generation of chiral iminium ion utilizing trifluoroacetaldehyde as a N-protecting reagent ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ISHIDA,Yukihiro ; SHIRAI,Kimihiro ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3B313Synthesis of Nitrogen Containing Spiro Compounds Using Electroauxiliaries ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) WATANABE,Mitsuru ; SUGA,Seiji ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3B314Reductive Coupling Reactions Using "Iminium Cation Pool" ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) SUZUKI,Shinkiti ; SUGA,Seiji ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3B315Nobel Three Component Coupling Reaction Using "Cation Pool" Method ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) SUGA,Seiji ; NISHIDA,Tomoaki ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3B316 Session Lecturehighly selective electrolytic fluorination of organic compounds ( department of electronic fluorination of organic compounds ) FUCHIKAMI,Tohsio
3B325Electrochemical Intermolecular Reaction Between Vinyl Ethers and Alkenes ( Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol. ) MIURA,Teppei ; KIM,Shokaku ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; TADA,Masahiro ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro
3B326A Releasable Capture of Anodic Active Species using Thiol Carrier ( Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol. ) KIM,Shokaku ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; TADA,Masahiro ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro
3B327Synthesis and Electrochemical Behavior of Poly-thiols Containing Redox-active Groups ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) GO,Tsuneichi ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
3B328Electrochemical Property of Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives Bearing Pyrrole and Thiol Groups ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TSUCHIYA,Youichi ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
3B329Electroorganic Processes under Ultrasonic Irradiation (45). Ultrasonic Effects on Anodic Cyanation of N-methylpyrrole ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) AOYAGI,Takashi ; ATOBE,Mahito ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio ; NONAKA,Tsutomu
3B330Electroorganic Processes under Ultrasonic Irradiation (46). Ultrasonic Effects on Crossed Hydrocoupling of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ATOBE,Mahito ; SUGIMURA,Natsuhiko ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio ; NONAKA,Tsutomu
3B331Electrolytic Reactions of Fluoroorganic Compounds (17). Electrochemical Reduction of Fluorinated Organosulfur Compounds ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KOJIMA,Jun ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
3B332Development of an Analytical System in Micro Flow Electrolysis ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) SUGA,Seiji ; OKAJIMA,Masayuki ; FUJIWARA,Kazuyuki ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3B333Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (72). Selective Anodic Fluorination of Ethers. ( Tokyo Insitute of Technology ) HASEGAWA,Masaru ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
3B334Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (73). Anodic Fluorination of Lactones and Cyclic Carbonates ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
3B335Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (74). Anodic Flurination of Sulfides Having Ethylene Carbonate and it's Synthesis Application ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUZUKI,Katsutoshi ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
4B304Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (75). Effects of ultrasonication on Anodic Fluorination. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUNAGA,Takeshi ; ISHII,Hideki ; ATOBE,Mahito ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
4B305Synthesis of Cyclohexane-1,4-diones via Radical Acyl Rearrangement by Electrolysis ( Okayama Univ.; Toyama National College of Technology ) INOKUCHI,Tsutomu ; KAWAFUCHI,Hiroyuki
4B306Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (76). Anodic Fluorination of N-Methylpyrrole Derivatives ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAJIMA,Toshiki ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
4B307Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (77). RegioselectivesAnodic Mono-and Difluorination of s-Triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazines. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SHAABAN,Rabie Mohamed ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
4B308Electrolytic Partial Fluorination of Organic Compounds (78). RegioselectivesAnodic Monofluorination of 2H-1,4-Benzoxazin-3(4H)-one Derivatives. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SHAABAN,Rabie Mohamed ; ISHII,Hideki ; FUCHIGAMI,Toshio
4B309Dynamic Coordination Effect of N-Methyltosylamide Group to Silyl Electroauxiliary ( Kyoto Inst. of Tech. ) KAMADA,Tohru ; OKU,Akira
4B310Electrooxidation of bis-silylated fluorenes in methanol and its synthetic application ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) KAWAI,Takahiro ; KIMURA,Makoto ; SAWAKI,Yasuhiko
4B311Intramolecular Cyclization of Nitrogen-Containing Nonconjugated Unsaturated Ketones by Electrochemical Reduction ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzou ; GODA,Satoshi ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
4B312Electrochemical Reduction of 3-Substituted Cephem in Ni/Pb Multi Metal Redox System. Synthesis of Norcephalosporin. ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; KUMASE,Hiroshi ; ZHAO,Jinfeng ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B313The Synthesis of The High Molucular Weight Polysilane Using Polymer Reaction ( Univ. of Kinki ) KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; HIROSE,Ryuuichi ; MURAI,Yoshihiro ; NISHIDA,Ryouichi ; MURASE,Hiroaki
4B314Electroreductive synthesis of oigosilanes and polysilanes having optically active substituents on their side chain ( Kinki Univ. ) KOGAI,Yasumichi ; ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; YAMASHITA,Natsuki
4B315Electroreductive Synthesis of Optically Active Polysilane ( Univ. of Kinki ) KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; HIROSE,Ryuuichi ; MURAI,Yoshihiro ; NISHIDA,Ryouichi ; MURASE,Hiroaki
4B316Anodic Nucleophilic Substitution of Oligothiophenes toward Novel Pyridinium-Conjugated Assembly ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) LI,Yi ; KAMATA,Kaori ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
4B317Polymerization reaction of Organic Compounds by Liquid Surface Electrical Discharge ( Teikyou Univ. of Sci. & Technol. ) UNO,Yoshihiro ; KUMAKURA,Minoru
4B318Preparation and characterization of organic-inorganic hybrid modified electrode ( Kyushu Univ. ) SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; NAKAZATO,Aki ; KATAGIRI,Kiyofumi ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
4B325Electro-oxidation of Alcohols in N-Oxyl Immobilized Silica Gel/Water Disperse System ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; GOTO,Kentaro ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B326Electro-oxidation of Alcohols in Silica Gel/Water Disperse System. Chemical Modification of Silica Gel ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori ; GOTO,Kentaro ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B327N-Oxyl Mediated Oxidation of Alcohols in Silica Gel Disperse Aqueous Sodium Hypochlorite ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; MINE,Machiko ; GOTO,Kentaro ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B328An Efficient Synthesis of Nucleosides by Electrochemical N-Glycosylation ( Okayama University of Science, Faculty of Engineering;The Institute of Creative Chemistry ) MIYAKE,Fumiaki ; NAKATANI,Tetsuya ; NOKAMI,Junzo ; TORII,Shigeru
4B329Transition Metal-Mediated Electro-oxidation of Olefinssin an Aqueous Silica Gel/Water Disperse System ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; OHTSUKI,Kazuhito ; MIZONE,Toshiki ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B330Preparation of N-oxyl-modified polyethylene andselectro-oxidation of alcohols in the polyethylene disperse water system. ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; KUBOTA,Jun ; ITOGAWA,Shinji ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu ; SHIMAMURA,K
aoru ; UCHIDA,Tets
4B331Preparation of N-oxyl-modified PBZT andselectro-oxidation of alcohols in the modified PBZT disperse water system. ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; IDO,Tohru ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu ; SHIMAMURA,Kaoru ; UCHIDA,Tetsuya
4B332Electroreduction of Aliphatic Esters Aimed for Automated Synthesis ( Kinki Univ. ) YAMASHITA,Hajime ; ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; YAMASHITA,Natsuki
4B333Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties ofsN-Oxyl/Triaryl Amine Biredox Compounds ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; OKAMOTO,Toshiaki ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
4B334Synthesis and electrochemical properties ofspalladium complexes containing redox-active groups ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; AOKI,Akira ; KUBOTA,Jun ; KUROBOSHI,Manabu
1B425 Session Lecture synthesis and reducton of a new silicon-substi9tuted pai-electron system ( department of chemistry, University of tsukuba ) SEKIGUCHI,Akira
1B428 Synthesis and Properties of Polymers with Alternating Organosilanylene and Aromatic Units Bearing Ether Side Chains. ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Mimi ; INOUE,Takahiro ; TANG,Heqing ; OHSHITA,Joji ; KUNAI,Atsutaka
1B429 Synthesis, structure and cation-.pi. complexation behavior of tetrasila[]m,p,m,p-cyclophane ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) YOSHIDA,Masaru ; GOTO,Midori ; TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki
1B430 Radiolysis of Poly(phenylenesilylene) Compounds ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. ) SHINOSAKI,Keisuke ; OHSHITA,Joji ; KUNAI,Atsutaka ; OHTA,Nobuaki ; ITOH,Sotaro
1B431 Preparation and Properties of Silicon-Bridged Quinones ( Photodynamics Research Center, RIKEN; Tohoku University ) TSUTSUI,Shinobu ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi
1B432 Preparation and Properties of Alternating Polymers Composed of Organosilicon Units and .pai.-Electron Systems by the Selective Reactions of Chlorofluorosilanes ( Faculty of Engneering, Hiroshima University ) KAWASHIMA,Kazuaki ; TANG,Heqing
; OHSHITA,Joji ; K
1B433 Plasticizer effect of residual solvent on thermochromic behavior of polydialkylsilane films ( Osaka Prefecture University ) OKA,Kunio ; KAWAGUCHI,Nobutaka ; DOHMARU,Takaaki ; WEST,Robert
1B434 Synthesis of Silicon Bridged Penylnitroxides ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. ) IIDA,Toshiyuki ; OHSHITA,Joji ; KUNAI,Atsutaka
1B435 Synthesis, Structure and Reaction of Cationic Oligosilanes ( Nat. Inst. of Materials and Chemical Research ) HATANAKA,Yasuo ; ANUGU,Chandra ; ONOZAWA,Shun-ya ; TANAKA,Masato
1B437 Photochemical Properties of Silyl-substituted Benzenes ( Faculty of Engineering,Gunma University ) UCHIDA,Hideyuki ; KYUSHIN,Soichiro ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
1B438 Structure and properties of perpropyl-substitued decasilane and related compounds ( Photodynamics Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) ) NARUOKA,Takehiko ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi ; KIRA,Mitsuo
1B439 Halogenation of hexaphenylstannole ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) HAGA,Ryuta ; SAITO,Masaichi ; YOSHIOKA,Michikazu
1B440 Alkoxylation of Silylstannanes ( Sojo Univ. ) IKENAGA,Kazutoshi ; YASUNAGA,Shigenobu ; TSUTSUMI,Kensaku ; KATSUKI,Takashi
1B441 Palladium- and Platinum-Catalyzed Reactions of 1,1-Dimethyl-2,2-diphenyl-1,2-disilacyclopentane ( Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts ) NAKA,Akinobu ; ISHIKAWA,Mitsuo
1B442 Synthesis and Stereochemistry of cis- and trans-3,4-Benzo-1,2-di(tert-butyl)-1,2-dimethyl-1,2-disilacyclobutene ( Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts ) ISHIKAWA,Mitsuo ; NAKA,Akinobu ; IKADAI,Jyunnai ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari ; KANG,Son
g-yun ; OHSHITA,Jo
ji ; KUNAI,Atsutaka
1B443 Ring-Opening Reactions of Ladder Polysilanes with Acids ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) MEGURO,Akira ; KYUSHIN,Soichiro ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
1B444 Efficient Reduction of Polychloroarenes with hydrosilanes ( Science University of Tokyo ) ONAI,Satoshi ; SANJI,Takanobu ; SAKURAI,Hideki
1B445 Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Pentacoordinate Oligosilanes ( Nat. Inst. of Materials and Chemical Research ) HATANAKA,Yasuo ; EL-SAYED,Ibrahim ; ANUGU,Chandra ; SHIMADA,Shigeru ; TANAKA,Masato
1B446 The Reversible Coordination State Control of Highly Coordinate Organosilicon Compounds Utilizing Intramolecular Coordination of an Azo Group ( Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) KOMATSU,Fuminori ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,
1B447 Synthesis and Structure of Pentacoordinate Silaferrocenophane ( Nat. Inst. of Materials and Chemical Research ) HATANAKA,Yasuo ; OAKADA,Shingo ; ONOZAWA,Shun-ya ; TANAKA,Masato ; SUZUKI,Yohichi
1B448 Stereocontrol of the substitution reaction of the chlorosilane with methyllithium by additive metal cyanides ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) TSUJI,Hayato ; TOSHIMITSU,Akio ; TAMAO,Kohei
2B401 Syntheses and Structures of a Monosilane and a Disilane Bearing Dithiocarboxylate Ligands. ( Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAGAWA,Norikiyo ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
2B402 Theoretical Study on 1,3-migration and [2 + 2] cycloaddition of silene ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Engineering; Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts ) KANG,Song-yun ; KONDO,Yoshimasa ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari ; NAKA,Akinobu ; ISHIKA
2B403 Theoretical Study of Thermal Migration of Silacyclobutene ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Engineering; Kurashiki Universi ty of Science and the Arts ) KONDOU,Yosimasa ; KANG,Song-yun ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari ; AKINOBU, ; MITSUO,
2B404 Synthesis and Reaction of Unsymmetrical Disilene ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) ARAI,Yoriko ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B405 Stereoselectivity of Alcohol Addition to Silylene with Asimmetric Group ( Science University of Tokyo ) FUJIYAMA,Hideyuki ; SANJI,Takanobu ; SAKURAI,Hideki
2B406 Reaction of Stable Silylene-Isocyanide Complexes with Boranes ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) KAJIWARA,Takashi ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
2B407 Photochemical reactions of an isolable dialkylsilylene ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) ISHIDA,Shintaro ; IWAMOTO,Takeaki ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B408 Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of a Hydridobis(silyl)irons(IV) Complex Having a 2-Pyridyloxy Group on Each Silicon Atom ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) SATO,Takahiro ; TOBITA,Hiromi ; OGINO,Hiroshi
2B409 Reaction of Dilithiogermane ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) IZUMI,Rika ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B410 Synthesis and structure of a silyl-substituted disilene platinum complex ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) SEKIGUCHI,Youhei ; HASHIMOTO,Hisako ; IWAMOTO,Takeaki ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; KIRA,Mistuo
2B411 Photolysis of W(CO)6 in the Presence of Quinuclidine-Coordinated Gallane (H3Ga.quinuclidine) ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) YAMAGUCHI,Takeshi ; UCHIYAMA,Kei ; UENO,Keiji ; OGINO,Hiroshi
2B412 Photoreaction of Silacyclopropenes Bearing Bulky Silyl-Substituents ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) TANAKA,Takashi ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B413 Reactions of a Silacyclobutadiene with various Ketones ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) KON,Yoshihiro ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B414 Synthesis, Structure and Reaction of Cyclotetrasilenyl Radical ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MATSUNO,Tadahiro ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B415 Reactions of a stable 1,3-disilabicyclobutane ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) YIN,Dongzhu ; IWAMOTO,Takeaki ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B416 Molecular Structure and Reactivity of Tetrasilylcyclobutadiene ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) TANAKA,Masanobu ; MATSUO,Tsukasa ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B417 Spiroconjugation in Stable Spiropentasiladiene ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) IWAMOTO,Takeaki ; TAMURA,Makoto ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B418 Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity of the Cyclic Cation Consisting of Si and Ge Atoms ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) FUKAWA,Tomohide ; LEE,Vladimir Ya. ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B425 Synthesis and Structure of Stannanitrile Dimers ( RIKEN PDC; Tohoku University ) SETAKA,Wataru ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B426 Synthesis of Germyl Cation by the Reaction of Germylenes with Trityl Cation ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) HAYATA,Yuichi ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B427 Synthesis of phenylchlorogermanes via dichlorogermylene intermediate formed from metallic germanium and tetrachrologermane ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; Graduate School of Science and Engineering ) ASANO,Takuya ; OKAMOTO,Masaki ; SUZUKI,
2B428 Ring Contraction Reaction of 1,2-Digermacyclohexa-1,4-diene ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) FUKAYA,Norihisa ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B429 Synthesis and reaction of disila[5.4.4]propellane ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) TOSHIMITSU,Akio ; FUJIMURA,Hirokazu ; TSUJI,Hayato ; TAMAO,Kohei
2B430 Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction on Silicon Atoms of Bicyclic in,out-bis(fluorosilane) ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) TOSHIMITSU,Akio ; MIKI,Takashi ; TSUJI,Hayato ; TAMAO,Kohei
2B431 Thermal Generation of 9-Silaphenanthrene Derivative ( Tokai Univ. ) IIDA,Minoru ; OBA,Makoto ; NISHIYAMA,Kozaburo
2B432 Synthesis and Properties of Stable Silyl Radicals ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University; Satellite Venture Business Laboratory, Gunma Unversity ) TOMITA,Daisuke ; TANAKA,Ryoji ; KYUSHIN,Soichiro ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
2B433 Synthesis and Property of 12-Menbered Extended Disilapericyclyne ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) NEGISHI,Keisuke ; UNNO,Masafumi ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
2B434 Synthesis of a Stable 9-Silaanthracene by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) SHINOHARA,Akihiro ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
2B435 Synthesis and Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized 2-Germanaphthalene ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) NAKATA,Norio ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
2B437 Study of Electronic Stabilized Digermabenzene ( Gakushuin Univ. ) YONEZAWA,Kei ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio ; ANDO,Wataru ; YOSHIDA,Masaru
2B438 Synthesis and Structure of the Novel Germyl Cation Cluster ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) ISHIDA,Yutaka ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
2B439 Synthesis and Structure of a Polysila-macrobicycle, hexasila-bicyclo[12.8.8]triacontanes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) KWON,Eunsang ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; KIRA,Mitsuo
2B440 Synthesis and Reaction of Unsymmetrical 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-distannaanthracene ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) NITTA,Minehiko ; SAITO,Masaichi ; YOSHIOKA,Michikazu
2B441 Synthesis and Structure of Pentacyclic Ladder Siloxane ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) SUTO,Akiko ; UNNO,Masafumi ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
2B442 Chiral Crystallization of Hexaphenylcyclotrisiloxane ( Gunma University Satellite Venture Business Laboratory; Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) TANAKA,Ryoji ; MATSUMOTO,Hideyuki
2B443 Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Novel Dialkyltin Triflate. ( Okayama University of Science; Tokyo Metropolitan College of Technology ) ORITA,Akihiro ; SAKAMOTO,Katsumasa ; IKEDA,Hiroshi ; OTERA,Junzo
2B444 Preparation and Properties of Cage CompoundssArC(SiMe2SiMe2)3CR (Ar = substituted phenyl) ( Grad. Sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) NAKAGAWA,Hisashi ; SHIMIZU,Masaki ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2B445 Introduction of a vinyl group at the bridgehead position ofscage compound HC(SiMe2SiMe2)3CH ( Grad. Sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) SHIMIZU,Masaki ; MIZUKOSHI,Hirofumi ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2B446 Reactivity of Cage acid RC(SiMe2SiMe2)3CCOOH ( Grad. Sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) SUGIMOTO,Susumu ; SHIMIZU,Masaki ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2B447 Syntheses of a Triarylsilanol with Bowl-type Structure and its Derivatives ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) OKUMURA,Tomoko ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
2B448 Synthesis and Properties of Cyclic Organosilicon Compounds Having Benzylsilane Unit ( Osaka Prefecture University ) OHUCHI,Takashi ; INOUE,Yohtaro ; MAEDA,Hajime ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
3B405 Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions of novel hydrosilyllithiums ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) OKITA,Junichiro ; IWAMOTO,Takeaki ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; KIRA,Mitsuo
3B406 Synthesis, and Structure of Novel Optically Active Germyllithium ( Gakushuin Univ. ) MAEHARA,Masayuki ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
3B407 Synthesis of a Novel Silyl Anion by Reduction of Tetrasilatetrahedrane ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) TOYOSHIMA,Masafumi ; ICHINOHE,Masaaki ; SEKIGUCHI,Akira
3B408 Synthesis and Reactions of Novel Germanium-Containing Small Ring Systems, Germacyclopropabenzenes ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University. )
SASAKI,Takayo ; H
ATANO,Ken ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
3B409 Synthesis and Structures of Phosphasilatriptycene Derivatives ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) KAWACHI,Atsushi ; KANETA,Yasuhiro ; TAMAO,Kohei
3B410 Synthesis, Structure, and Reaction of Germylzinc Halide ( Gakushuin Univ. ) ODA,Takashi ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
3B411 Synthesis of optically active disilane and its selective cleavage of the substituent by halogene ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) SUZUKI,Keigo ; UENISHI,Kazuya ; OMOTE,Masakatu ; IMAE,Ichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Yusuke
3B412 Synthesis, Structure, and Reaction of Lithium Triethylgermyltriphenylborate ( Gakushuin Univ. ) MATSUDO,Kazuhiko ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
3B413 Preparation and structure of the first cation-free silyl anion ( Photodynamics Research Center, RIKEN; Department of Chemstry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HATANO,Ken ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi
3B414 Thermolysis of Trimethylsilyl-Substituted Group 14 Element Lithium Compounds ( Gakushuin Univ. ) KANEKO,Emi ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
3B415 Preparation and Reactions of Di(arylthio)silyllithium Compound ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) KAWACHI,Atsushi ; OISHI,Yohei ; TAMAO,Kohei
3B416 Award Lecture Development of The chemistry of Nitorogen,and Sulfur-Functionalized Silyl Anions ( institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University ) KAWACHI,Atsushi
3B425 Relation between NH---S Hydrogen Bond and Coordination Number in Hg(II) Thiolate Complexes of Amide-containing Thiolate ( Osaka university ) KOJIMA,Kazunori ; KOUSUMI,Yukihide ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitosi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3B426 Steric Factors on Platinum(II) Ascorbate Complexes ( Kitasato Univ. ) YUGE,Hidetaka ; MIYAMOTO,Takeshi
3B427 Selectivity for Capture of Transition Metal of Metalland with Pd(II) ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) IWATANI,Hiromi ; MIZUTANI,Mamoru ; HIOKI,Masahiro ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
3B428 Synthesis and Properties of Non-natural Amino Acid Derivatives Containing Bipyridine-Pd(II) and -Cu(I) Complexes. ( Osaka Univ. ) OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; IWAMURA,Taku ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3B429 Photochemical properties of origopeptide containing tris(bipyridine)Ru(II) complexes in the main chain ( Osaka Univ. ) IWAMURA,Taku ; NOZAKI,Koichi ; OHNO,Takeshi ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3B430 Cleavage of DNA with Mixed Ligand Ruthenium(II) Complexes Containing Various Amino Acid ( Kansai Univ.; Nagoya Univ. ) WATANABE,Yukiyoshi ; NAKABAYASHI,Yasuo ; MAEDA,Masatoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Takayuki ; ODANI,Akira ; YAMAUCHI,Osamu
3B431 Synthesis and properties of a new Binuclear Ruthenium Complex with an NAD(P)H model as ligand. ( Grad. School of Science and Eng., Saitama Univ. ) ISHITANI,Osamu ; KOBAYASHI,Atsuo ; SAKAMOTO,Kzuhiko
3B432 Syntheses of Ru Aqua Quinone Complexes for Activation of Watar ( Institute for the Molecular Science, Coordination Chemistry Laboratories ) KOBAYAHI,Katsuaki ; TSUGE,Kiyoshi ; TANAKA,Koji
3B433 Syntheses and Redox Properties of Bis(ruthenium-terpyridine-quinone) Complexes Bridged by Xanten ( Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies; IMS ) WADA,Tohru ; AIKAWA,Katsuji ; NAGATA,Toshi ; TANAKA,Koji
3B434 Synthesis and Properties of Chromium(III) Aqua Complexes with Semiquinone Ligands ( Institute for Molecular Science ) SHIREN,Kazushi ; TANAKA,Koji
3B435 Reactivities of reduced state rhenium bipyridene tricarbonyl complexes using flow electrolysis method ( National Inst. for Resources and Environment, Saitama University ) KOIKE,Kazuhide ; TAKEDA,Hiroyuki ; HORI,Hisao ; TAKEUCHI,Koji ; SAKAM
OTO,Kazuhiko ; ISH
3B437 Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Copper Complexes Involving Neocuproine ( Tokyo Univ. of Agr. and Tech. ) OHNO,Kouhei ; NAKAMURA,Nobuhumi ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
3B438 Synthesis and Reactivity of Copper Complexes Supported by .beta.-Diketiminate Ligands with Bulky N-Substituents ( Osaka City University; Osaka Kyoiku University ) YOKOTA,Seiji ; NISHIWAKI,Nagatoshi ; ARIGA,Masahiro ; ITOH,Shin
3B439 Synthesis and Structure of A Novel Coppers Dinuclear Complex with Mercaptothiadiazole Ligands ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) TSUGE,Kiyoshi ; SASAKI,Yoichi ; HATOZAKI,Osamu ; OYAMA,Noboru
3B440 Synthesis and characterization of dinuclearscomplex with a cyclic schiff base ligand ( Kyushu Univ. ) SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
3B441 Theoretical studies on the electronic structures for the structural change of the active site in hemocyanin ( Graduate school of science, Osaka University ) TAKANO,Yu ; KUBO,Shigehiro ; ONISHI,Taku ; ISOBE,Hiroshi ; YOSHIOKA,Yasunori ; YAM
3B442 The effect of axial coordination on electronic environments of [Co(cyclam)X2] ( Graduate school of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University ) SAKAI,Naoko ; KAWAMURA,Yoshiko ; YAMAUTHI,Jyun
3B443 Four Electron Reduction of Di-Oxygen with Co-Ru PorphyrinsDinuclear Complex ( Keio Univ. ) IMAOKA,Takane ; NAKAZAWA,Shinsuke ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
3B444 Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Catalyzed by Cofacial Dinuclear Metalloporphyrin ( Keio Univ. ) ENOKI,Osamu ; NAKAZAWA,Shinsuke ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
3B445 Synthesis and the Properties of Oligopeptides Containing Two Ferrocene Amino Acid Residues ( Osaka Univ. ) FUKUO,Osanobu ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3B446 Copolymer of Glycine and Non-natural Amino Acid Containing a Skeltal Ferrocene ( Osaka Univ. ) ISOMOTO,Takehiko ; FUKUO,Osanobu ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
4B401 (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)lanthanide(II) Alkyl and Silyl Complexes Stablized by the Neutral "Cp*K" Ligand ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) HOU,Zhaomin ; ZHANG,Yugen ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
4B402 Unique Reactions of a Novel Binuclear Samarium(II) Complex Bearing Mixed Pentamethylcyclopentadienide/Siloxide Ligands ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) NISHIURA,Masayoshi ; HOU,Zhaomin ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
4B403 Lanthanide Complexes (II) Bearing Linked Cyclopentadienyl/Phosphido or Amido Ligands. Reductions of Ketones and Imines ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research ) ) TARDIF,Olivier ; KOIZUMI,Take-aki ; HOU,Zhaomin ; WAKATSUKI,
4B404 Reaction of zirconocene-ethylene bridged complex with borane ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) JIN,Masayoshi ; URA,Yasuyuki ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
4B405 Synthesis of Iron Silylthiolato Complexes and Si-S Bond Cleavage Reaction ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular Science ) KOMURO,Takashi ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; TAT
4B406 Migration Reaction of a Silyl Group from a Phosphorus to a Carbonyl Oxygen in a Molybdenum Coordination Sphere ( Hiroshima Univ., Graduate School of Science ) NAKAZAWA,Hiroshi ; OKAHIRA,Tamayo ; ISHIYAMA,Takeshi ; MIYOSHI,Katsuhiko
4B407 Session Lecture highly stereoselective catalysts for alkyne-hydrosilylatio ( faculty of Engineering,osaka University ) OZAWA,Fumiyuki
4B410 Synthesis and reactivity of novel dihydridomolybdenum-disilyl complexes. ( Yokohama National Univ. ) KAWASHIMA,Chikayuki ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; MINATO,Makoto ; ITO,Takashi
4B411 Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Dihydrido(silyl)tungsten Complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HIRATA,Takeshi ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; SAKABA,Hiroyuki
4B412 Synthesis and Reactions of Germanium-Ruthenium Complexes bridged by oxygen and sulfur atoms ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for MaterialsScience, Nagoya University ) NAKAYA,Yukiko ; MATSUMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
4B413 Synthesis and Reactions of Dinuclear Iron Complexess Containg Bridging Silane Ligands ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) KOJIMA,Takahiro ; OHKI,Yasuhiro ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B414 Synthesis of Dithiadigermetanedithiol and Reactions with Ruthenium Complexes. ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) MATSUI,Yousuke ; MATSUMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
4B415 Stereoselective Hydrosilylation of Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by Ruthenium Complexes to give (E)- and (Z)-Alkenylsilanes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) OZAWA,Fumiyuki ; KOBAYASHI,Masayuki ; TANIGUCHI,Ken ; KATAYAMA,Hiroyu
ki ; MINAMI,Tatsuy
4B416 Stereoselective Hydroboration of Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by Ruthenium Complexes to give (E)- and (Z)-Alkenylboronates ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University; Graduated School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) KATAYAMA,Hiroyu
; OZAWA,Fumiyuki ; YAMAMOTO,Yasunori ; MIYAURA,Norio
4B417 Dehydrogenative Coupling of Hydrosilanes Mediated by a Rhodium(I) Complex Containing a Chelate-Type Silyl Ligand ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) OHSHITANAI,Shin ; OKAZAKI,Masaaki ; OGINO,Hiroshi
4B418 Synthesis of Silyl(boryl)platinum Complexes and Their Insertion Reactions with Alkynes ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering ) SAGAWA,Takashi ; OZAWA,Fumiyuki
4B425 Synthesis and Structure of Silaplatinacycles by the insertion of Arylallene into Pt-Si bonds ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMAZAWA,Hideto ; TANABE,Makoto ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
4B426 Synthesis and Reaction Pathway of Silaplatinacyclocycle by Intermolecular Oxidative Addition of .ganma.-SiH hydrogen ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TANABE,Makoto ; YAMAZAWA,Hideto ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
4B427 Reaction of Digermene with Acetylenes in the Presence of Palladium and Platinum Catalysts ( Gakushuin Univ. ) KANEKO,Emi ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
4B428 Synthesis of Digermylbis(tert-phosphite)platinum(ll) Complexes ( Gakushuin Univ. ) ISHII,Satoru ; NANJO,Masato ; MOCHIDA,Kunio
4B429 A Cationic Pt(II) Complex Promoted Transmetalation of the Organic Group of Silanol. Mechanistic Aspects form Silicon-Carbon Bond Activation. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NISHIHARA,Yasushi ; MINTCHEVA,Nel
i ; MORI,Atsunori
; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1B531 Chirality Sensing with Novel Lanthanide Porphyrinates ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) TSUKUBE,Hiroshi ; TAMESHIGE,Nobuyuki ; SHINODA,Satoshi
1B532 Coordination Chemistry of N-Confused Porphyrin ( Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) FURUTA,Hiroyuki ; YOUFU,Katsuyuki ; MAEDA,Hiromitsu ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
1B533 Structure and Properties of Iron-Ruthenium Mixed Metal Prphyrin Oligomers ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) IMAMURA,Taira ; SUZUKI,Masamitsu ; TSUGE,Kiyoshi ; SASAKI,Yoichi
1B534 Synthesis of the porphyrin with gold-rhodium bond ( School of Science Kitasato University ) SHIBATA,Shunsuke ; YUGE,Hidetaka ; MIYAMOTO,Takeshi
1B535 Synthesis and Reaction of N-Confused Double-Decker Porphyrin-Palladium complexes ( Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) FURUTA,Hiroyuki ; YOUFU,Katsuyuki ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
1B537 Session Lecture chemistry of mono-and substituted tetraazaporphyrins and phthalocyanines ( department of chemistry,graduate school of science,tohoku University ) KOBAYASHI,Nagao
1B540 Syntheses, Structures and the Electronic Structures of the cocrystallites containing of the metal porphyrins with C60 ( Tokyo Metro. Univ. ) ISHII,Tomohiko ; AIZAWA,Naoko ; KANEHAMA,Ryo ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; MIYASAKA,H
itoshi ; KODAMA,Ta
keshi ; KIKUCHI,Kouichi ; IKEMOTO,Isao
1B541 Synthesis and Characterization of Brominated Cobalt Porphycene ( Kyushu Univ. ) ARITOME,Isao ; SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
1B542 Redox chemistry of metal complexes of fluorinated porphyrin ( Grad, School of Sciences, Kyushu University ) IMASATO,Akiko ; MATSUDA,Yoshihisa
1B543 Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a New Hexarhenium(III) Cluster Having Six (4-Pyridyl)porphyrin Ligands ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) ITASAKA,Ai ; YOSHIMURA,Takashi ; ABE,Masaaki ; TSUGE,K
iyoshi ; IMAMURA,T
aira ; SASAKI,Yoichi
1B544 Syntheses and structures of metal complexes of sulfonylcalix[4]arene ( Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) YOKOZAWA,Shuichi ; KAJIWARA,Takashi ; ITO,Tasuku ; MOROHASHI,Naoya ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
1B545 Synthesis, X-ray Structures and Spectroscopic Studies of Novel Gold Clusters with Bulky Arylphosphines ( Nagoya Institute of Technology;Tohoku University;Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute ) NUNOKAWA,Keiko ; YAMAGUTI,Tadashi ; ONA
KA,Satoru ; WATASE
,Seiji ; NAKAMOTO,Masami ; ITO,Tasuku
1B546 Crystal structures and optimized structures for the bis(polypyridine)platinum(II) complexes containing steric hindrance on coordination ( Nara Women's Univ., PRESTO,JST, CACH ) KATO,Masako ; KISHI,Shinobu ; SUZUKI,Satoshi
1B547 DFT calculation study of tris(ethylene-1,2-dithiolate) complexes of the group VI metals ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) WAKAMATSU,Kan ; FUJIKAWA,Naohiro ; NISHIMOTO,Kichisuke ; SHIBAHARA,Takashi
2B501 Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium dicarbonyl complex with photoactive ligands ( RIKEN (The institute of physicsl and chemical research) ) WATANABE,Kousuke ; OSAWA,Masahisa ; OSANAI,Shuichi ; TANAKA,Kouji ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
2B502 Synthesis and Photochromic Property of cis-Azobenzene Complex with a Binuclear Areneruthenium Unit ( Osaka Univ. Faculty of Engineering ) ONISHI,Takafumi ; MIYAKI,Yoshiharu ; KITAURA,Ryo ; KUROSAWA,Hideo
2B503 Substituent Effects on the Solid-state Luminescence of Gold(I)-bisthiolate Complexes ( Osaka Munic. Tech. Res. Inst.; Osaka Univ. Grad. School of Eng. ) WATASE,Seiji ; NAKAMOTO,Masami ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ; KANEHISA,Nobuko ; KAI,Yasushi ; YA
2B504 Valence Tautomeric property of cobalt complex ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) SEKI,Kanako ; HAYAMI,Shinya ; FUJISHIMA,Akira ; SATO,Osamu
2B505 Photoisomerization behavior of azobenzene-conjugated bis(terpyridine)Co complexes ( Univ. of Tokyo; Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) YUTAKA,Tomona ; MORI,Ichiro ; KURIHARA,Masato ; MATSUMURA,Kazuo ; TAMAI,Naoto ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
2B506 Preparation and remarkable luminescence of unsymmetrical Eu(III) complexes ( Graduate School of Engineeging, Osaka University ) YAMAMURO,Masaki ; HASAGAWA,Yasuchika ; WADA,Yuji ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
2B507 Singlet MLCT state of Fe(II) polypyridine complex ( Graduate school of science,Osaka Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Yuichi ; SIDDIQUE,Zainul ; NOZAKI,Koichi ; OHNO,Takeshi
2B508 Preparation and characterization of Ir(III) polypyridine complexes ( Nara University of Education ) MATSUMURA,Takeko ; TERASHIMA,Madoka ; YOSHIKAWA,Naokazu
2B509 Direct Interaction between the PR3 and the dmbpy Ligands of cis,trans-[Re(dmbpy)(CO)2(PR3)2]+ and Its Effects on Emission ( Grad. School of Science and Eng., Saitama Univ. ) ISHITANI,Os
amu ; TSUBAKI,Hide
aki ; SAKAMOTO,Kazuhiko
2B510 Temperature dependence of luminescence lifetime of tris(2-(2-pyridyl)pyrazine)ruthenium(II) in H2O and D2O. ( Faculty of Science, Yokohama City University ) NAKAMIZU,Masato ; SHINOZAKI,Kazuteru
2B511 Luminescent Quenching of Ru(II)-Bipyridyl Complexes HavingsPhosphonic Acid Substituents ( Kawamura Institute of Chemical Research ) KANAIZUKA,Katsuhiko ; KATO,Shinji ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi ; PAC,Chyongjin
2B512 Stereo-chemical control of luminescence properties of lanthanide complexes with chiral tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine ligands ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) YAMADA,Takashi ; SHINODA,Satoshi ; TSUKUBE,Hiroshi
2B513 Rearrangement reaction of imido-bridged cobaltadithiolene complex induced by Lewis bases ( Sophia Univ. ) NOMURA,Mitsushiro ; YAGISAWA,Takayoshi ; TAKAYAMA,Chikako ; SUGIYAMA,Toru ; YOKOYAMA,Yasuo ; KAJITANI,Masatsugu
2B514 Formation of a new copper nitrosyl cation in strong acids. ( Osaka National Research Institute ) TSUMORI,Nobuko ; XU,Qiang
2B515 Photoisomerization and Protonation Behavior of Novel Metalladithiolene Complexes Containing Azo Group ( Univ. of Tokyo ) NIHEI,Masayuki ; KURIHARA,Masato ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
2B516 Effect of a trans five-membered chelate on the acid-catalysed hydrolysis velocity of a carbonatocobalt complex ( Ehime Univ., Faculty of Science ) KITAMURA,Yoichi ; NAGAO,Yoshihiko ; SASAKI,Yoichi
2B517 cis - trans Isomerization of cis-[Ru(NO)X(pyca)2] (X = OCH3-, N3-) ( Faculty Sci. Technol., Sophia Univ. ) HIRANO,Toshiyuki ; NAGAO,Hirotaka ; OI,Takao
2B518 Synthesis and redox behavior of Ni(II) complexes with multidentate SNNS-ligands ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) TSUGE,Michiharu ; KUWASAKO,Shin-ichi ; OZAWA,Tomohiro ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
2B525 Synthesis and redox behavior of a vanadium(IV) mononuclear complex with tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido University ) TAJIKA,Yasunobu ; TSUGE,Kiyoshi ; SASAKI,Yoichi
2B526 Structural Changes and Electron Transfer Reactions of Copper(II/I) with Open-Chain N4 Ligand ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) ITOH,Sumitaka ; KOSHINO,Nobuyoshi ; IWATSUKI,Satoshi ; FUNAHASHI,Shigenobu ; TAKAGI D.,Hideo
2B527 Photochromism and Electrochemistry of Dinuclear Molybdenum Dithiolene Complexes. ( Osaka City University, Graduate School of Science; Okayama University of Science, Fuculty of Science ) MIKI,Yasunori ; TAKAGI,Hideaki ; ICHIMURA,Akio ; TSUBO
I,Masanobu ; SHIBA
2B528 Redox Interactions between Redox-Active Pyridyl Ligands Mediated by a Dinuclear Ruthenium Core ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) MIKAMI,Shinobu ; HERAI,Maki ; INOMATA,Tomohiko ; ABE,Masaaki ; TUGE,Ki
yoshi ; SASAKI,Yoi
2B529 Sequential oligomerization of redox-active ruthenium cluster units onto self-assembled monolayer surfaces on gold eletrodes ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) SATO,Akira ; ABE,Masaaki ; INOMATA,Tomohi
ko ; KONDO,Toshihi
ro ; UOSAKI,Kohei ; SASAKI,Yoichi
2B530 Intramolecular Electron Transfer on the Infrared Vibrational Times Scale in a Pyrazine Bridged Dimer of Triruthenium Cluters.-Asymmetric system- ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) IMAI,Naoyuki ; NAKANO,Jun-ichi ; HAMAGUCHI,Tomohik
shi ; ITO,Tasuku
2B531 Protonation-Induced Intramolecular Electron Transfer and Electronic Structure of the Ferrocene-Quinone Conjugated System ( Univ. of Tokyo; Inst. of Phys. and Chem. Res.(RIKEN) ) MURATA,Masaki ; YAMADA,Mami ; FUJITA,Takako ; KURIHARA,Masato
; KUBO,Kennya ; KO
2B532 Preparation of a Gold Electrode Modified with Quinone Using Ruthenium Complex as a Binder ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) YOKOYAMA,Keiko ; NAKAMURA,Nobuhumi ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
2B533 Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Bimetallic Complexes Composed of Bis(thienyl)silane as Conjugated Spacer ( Osaka Univ. ) MORIUCHI,Toshiyuki ; TAKAGI,Yoshihiro ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
2B534 Synthesis and characterization of tetranuclear polypyridine complexes ( RIKEN (The institute of physicsl and chemical research) ) OSAWA,Masahisa ; HOSHINO,Mikio ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
2B535 Preparation of Sulfur-rich Dithiolate-Co(III) Complexes and Electrical Conductivities of the Oxidized Species ( Osaka Univ. ) KUBO,Kazuya ; KAWASE,Naoto ; NAKANO,Motohiro ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
2B537 Preparation of Au(I)-Complexes with Sulfur-rich Dithiolate Ligand and Properties of Their Oxidized Species ( Osaka Univ. ) RYOWA,Tatsuya ; NAKANO,Motohiro ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
2B538 Preparation of pai-Conjugated Bimetallic Complexes Containing Phenylenediamine Spacer ( Osaka Univ. ) MORIUCHI,Toshiyuki ; SHEN,Xiuliang ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
2B539 Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Process of Ruthenium Complexes Bearing Electron-Donating pai-Conjugated Pendant Group ( Osaka Univ. ) IIDA,Koichiro ; HIRAO,Toshikazu ; NOZAKI,Koichi ; OHNO,Takeshi
2B540 Distinct electrocatalysis behavior for dihydrogen formation by electrode-coated Ferric Ruthenocyanide (Ruthenium Purple) with the kinds of electrolyte components ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, and Faculty of Scien
ce, Ibaraki Univer
sity ) ABE,Toshiyuki ; TODA,Go ; TAJIRI,Akio ; KANEKO,Masao
2B541 Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Cyclic Cores by Metal Complex Assemblies ( Kyoto Univ. ) MASAOKA,Shigeyuki ; FURUKAWA,Shuhei ; CHANG,Ho-chol ; KONDO,Mitsuru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
2B542 Construction of coordination networks from fluorinated flexible bidentate ligands ( Miyagi University of Education; Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University; CREST ) KASAI,Kayoko ; FUJITA,Makoto
2B543 Studies of Aurophilicities of Gold Complex with CX3-substituted Arylphosphines ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) ONAKA,Satoru ; NUNOKAWA,Keiko ; TATEMATSU,Tsutomu
2B544 Syntheses and Sorption Properties of Porous Coordination Polymers with Pillared-Layer Structure ( Kyoto Univ ) KITAURA,Ryo ; KONDO,Mitsuru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; SEKI,Kenji
2B545 Synthesis and structures of new coordination polymers with 2,5-dihydroxybenzoate ( Kyoto Univ. ) AKIYAMA,Joji ; KONDO,Mituru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
2B546 Self-assembly of an M15L6 hexahedral capsule that encapsulates small molecules ( Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies; Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) UMEMOTO,Kazuhiko ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; FUJITA,Makoto
2B547 Hexahedral capsule self-assembles from molecular panels which contain functional groups ( Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST; Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies ) FUJITA,Makoto ; NAGAO,Muneki ; UMEMOTO,Kazuhiko ; OKANO,Takashi
2B548 Chiral Selective Aggregation of Mono(selenolato)cobalt(III) Complex Assisted by silver(I) Ion ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University; Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) YOSHIMURA,Takashi ; MASUYAMA,Gaku ; KONNO,Takumi
3B525 Synthesis and Properties of Heteronuclear Complex of HAT-(CN)6 ( Kyoto Univ. ) FURUKAWA,Shuhei ; MASAOKA,Shigeyuki ; CHANG,Ho-chol ; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
3B526 Syntheses and Structures of Novel Copper(II) Coordination Polymers with 3,6-di(4'-pyridyl)-1,2-dimethoxybenzene ( Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUDA,Ryotaro ; KONDO,Mitsuru ; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
3B527 Syntheses of Tetranuclear Complexes Using Tris(picolyl)amine and Their Inclusion Behavior ( Graduate School of Sci., Hiroshima Univ.; Radioisotope Center, Hiroshima Univ. ) ASADA,Yoritaka ; NAKASHIMA,Satoru ; YAMADA,Koji ; OKUDA,Tsutomu
3B528 Dynamic Clathrate Formation of a 20~20.ANG. Square Grid Complex ( Nagoya Univ.; CREST; TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS ) FUJITA,Makoto ; HONGO,Yoshito ; BIRADA,Kumar ; OKANO,Takashi ; NAKANO,Mitsuru ; SETOYAMA,Norihiko ; USUKI,Arimitsu
3B529 Formation of Cd(II) Coordination Networks with Fluorinated Backbones. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; ENOMOTO,Hiroyuki ; OKANO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Makoto
3B530 Self-Assembly of Oligosilanes via Hydrogen Bonds ( Science University of Tokyo ) YOSHIWARA,Akihiko ; SANJI,Takanobu ; SAKURAI,Hideki
3B531 Synthesis of New Coordination Networks Demonstrating Structural Change Responding to the Included Guest Molecule ( Kyoto Univ. ) UEMURA,Kazuhiro ; KITAURA,Ryo ; KONDO,Mitsuru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
3B532 Magngetic properties and crystal structure of beta-diketone and alcohol coordinated high-spin cobalt(II) complexes with hydrogen bonding network ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University; Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) ONISHI,Atsushi ; MATS
UOKA,Hideto ; YOSH
IDA,Tadashi ; KUBONO,Koji ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; YOKOI,Kunihiko ; TAKUI,Takeji
3B533 Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Porous Coordination Polymers Containing the Metallo Ligand {[Cu(2,4-pydca)2(H2O)](Et3NH)2}. ( Kyoto Univ.; Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) NORO,Shin-ichiro ; KONDO,M
itsuru ; KITAGAWA,
Susumu ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro
3B534 Self-assembled monolayers of oxo-bridged dinuclear metal complexes with cystamine: A pH-dependent redox behavior ( Hokkaido University ) INOMATA,Tomohiko ; NODA,Hiroyuki ; ABE,Masaaki ; SASAKI,Yoichi ; OSAWA,Masatoshi
3B535 Dimension Control of Cobalt(III)Biuretato-Nickel(II)Biguanidato Complexes Assembled with Triple Hydrogen-Bond and Pillar Ligand ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KAJITA,Yoshio ; KITAMURA,Hideki ; OZAWA,Tomohiro ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUD
3B537 Session Lecture electronic structure of transition metal clusters and construction of its interaction system ( faculty of Engineering,gifu University ) KAWAMURA,Takashi
3B540 Interconversion between meta and ferro magnetic phase in 1-D Fe(III)Ni(II) assembly caused by water disorption / adsorption ( Kyushu Univ. ) USUKI,Naoki ; YAMADA,Mitsuteru ; OHBA,Masaaki ; OKAWA,Hisashi
3B541 Systematic study on magnetic properties of Cu(II)Ln(III)Cu(II) trinuclear complexes using 2,6-bis(.beta.diketonato)pyridine ligands ( Kyushu Univ. ) OHBA,Masaaki ; SHIGA,Takuya ; OKAWA,Hisashi
3B542 Rational synthesis of trimetallic assemblies based on Cu(II)Ln(III)Cu(II) trinuclear complexes ( Kyushu Univ. ) SHIGA,Takuya ; OHBA,Masaaki ; OKAWA,Hisashi
3B543 Assembly of Metal-Metal bonded Compounds and Its Electronic Delocalized Characters ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro
3B544 Syntheses of binuclear tris(acetylacetonate)ruthenium complexes bridged with selenium atoms and their mixed-valence state ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University ) ENDO,Akira ; SAKURAI,Youhei ; FUJIOKA,Makiko ; SHIMIZU,Kunio
3B545 Syntheses and Mixed-valence State ofsDihydoxy-p-bennzoquinone (.beta.-diketonato)ruthenium Complexes and It's Derivatives ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Takeshi ; MORI,Takafumi ; MASUDA,Tetsushi ; MIWA,
Noriyuki ; SMIMIZU
3B546 S-Bridged CoMIICo Trinuclear Complexes (M=Ni,Pd,Pt) Composed of mer(S)-[CoIII(aet)2(pyt)] (Haet=2-Aminoethanethiol, Hpyt=2-Pyridinethiol) ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University; Graduate School of
Science, Osaka Un
iversity ) HIROTSU,Masakazu ; ENDO,Ryota ; KONNO,Takumi
3B547 Chemical modulation of Ni(II) spin state of Cu(II)Ni(II) dinuclear complexes ( Kyushu Univ. ) INOUE,Kouji ; YONEMURA,Masami ; OHBA,Masaaki ; OKAWA,Hisashi
3B548 Reactivity of a Tungsten-Platinum Heterodinuclear ComplexsHaving a [2]ferrocenophane Framework with a Phosphorus-platinum Bridge ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ. ) MIZUTA,Tsutomu ; ONISHI,Makoto ; NAKAZONO,Tohru ; MIYOSHI,Katsu
4B501 Properties of Iridium(III) Dinuclear Complex Containing Two Coordinated Disulfide Bonds ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIYASHITA,Yoshitaro ; FUJITA,Mitsuharu ; MAHBOOB,Nagina ; YAMADA,Yasunori ; FUJISAWA,Kiyoshi ; OKAMOTO,Ken-ichi
4B502 Diruthenium(II,III) complexes with aminothiazolato bridges. ( Department of Chemistry,Faculty of Engineering,Gifu University. ) NAGAYA,Nobuhiro ; EBIHARA,Masahiro ; KAWAMURA,Takashi
4B503 Crystal and Electronic Structures of Catecholates/Diruthenium Complexes with Unsupported Metal-Metal Bond ( Kyoto Univ. ) MOCHIZUKI,Katsunori ; CHANG,Ho-chol ; NISHIDA,Nao ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
4B504 Synthesis and Structure of Binuclear Fulvalene Ru Complexes having Ru-Ru bond ( Chemical Analysis Center, Saitama University ) WATANABE,Masanobu ; SATO,Masaru ; KAI,Masahiro
4B505 Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of novel cobalt coordination polymers. (1) ( IMS;IPCMS-CNRS ) KUMAGAI,Hitoshi ; KURMOO,Mohamedoari ; INOUE,Katsuya
4B506 Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of novel cobalt coordination polymers. (2) ( IMS;IPCMS-CNRS ) KUMAGAI,Hitoshi ; KURMOO,Mohamedoari ; INOUE,Katsuya
4B507 Theoretical Studies on Magnetic Interactions of Aligned Tetrametal Systems by Using Hybrid Density Functional Method ( Graduate school of science, Osaka University ) KITAGAWA,Yasutaka ; KAWAKAMI,Takashi ; YOSHIOKA,Yasunori ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizas
4B508 Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Complex Ligand [Cu(bpia)2] ( Dept. of Chem., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) KAJIWARA,Takashi ; ITO,Tasuku
4B509 Structures and Magnetic Properties of Polynuclear ComplexessBased on the Complex Ligand, [Cu(bpia)2] ( Dept. of Chem., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) KAMIYAMA,Asako ; KAJIWARA,Takashi ; ITO,Tasuku
4B510 Magnetic Interaction in Cu(II) and Zn(II) complex with Nitroxide Chelating Ligands ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) NAKANO,Yoshiaki ; URABE,Masashi ; ITO,Akihiro ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
4B511 Synthesis of mononuclear organometallic complexes coordinated by nitroxide radicals ( Toho Univ. PRESTO, JST ) UEDA,Mikio ; MOCHIDA,Tomoyuki ; FURUKAWA,Sachie ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi
4B512 LIESST Iron(III) Compounds with Large Hysteresis at Room Temperature ( Kyushu Univ. ) HAYAMI,Shinya ; GU,Zhong-ze ; EINAGA,Yasuaki ; YOSHIKI,Hajime ; FUJISHIMA,Akira ; SATO,Osamu
4B513 Control of magneto-optical effect of ferro-magnetic cobalt(II)-chromium(III) poly-cyanide by solvent exchange ( RCAST university of Tokyo ) SATO,Yusuke ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
4B514 Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of a one-dimensional Ni(II)-W(V) Assembly Based on Octacyanometalates ( Kanagawa Academy of Sci. and Tech.; Inst. ofIndust Sci., Univ. of Tokyo; Res. Cent. for Adv. Sci. and Tech., Univ. of Tokyo )
ZHUANG,Jin Zhong
; SEINO,Hidetake ; MIZOBE,Yasushi ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
4B515 Control of Physical Properties of Quasi-One-dimensional Ni(III) Mixed-Metal and Mixed-Halogen Complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University;Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo;Graduate School of E
ngineering, Nagoya
University ) MANABE,Toshio ; YOKOYAMA,Kouhei ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro ; MATSUZAKI,Hiroyuki ; KISHIDA,Hideo ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi ; MARUMOTO,Kazuhiro ; TANAKA,Hisaaki ; KURODA,Sinichi ; ITOH,Hiroshi
4B516 Crystal and electronic structures of linear-chains halogen-bridged binuclear platinum complexes ( Tokyo Metro. Univ., Nagoya Univ, Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKIZAWA,Kouichi ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Masahi
uya ; MATUAZAKI,Hiroyuki ; KISHIDA,Hideo ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
4B517 Synthesis and magnetic properties of ternary metal Prussian blue analogs composed of (CoIIxMnII1-x)1.5[MIII(CN)6]•zH2O (M = Fe or Cr) ( RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo ) UTSUNOMIYA,Masayoshi ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; ABE,Masahiko ; HASHIMOTO,Ka
4B518 Magneto-optical effects of transparent and colored magnetic thin films composed of metal hexacyanochromates synthesized by ion-exchange process ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) TOZAWA,Masanori ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
4B525 Session Lecture gigantic optical nonlinearty in Quasi-one-dimensional metal complexes ( tokyo metropolitan University&PRESTO ) YAMASITA,Masahiro
4B528 Optical and magnetic properties of a charge-transfer complex between a Mn12 single-molecule magnet and a TTF derivative ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University and Research Institute for Science and Technology, Kink
i University, and
University of California at San Diego ) KURODA-SOWA,Takayoshi ; SUGIMOTO,Keiko ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; MUNAKATA,Megumu ; HENDRICKSON,David N.
4B529 Syntheses and Physical Properties of Hexanuclear Manganese Oxide Complex ( Tokyo Metro. Univ. ) NAKATA,Kazuya ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro
4B530 Theoretical study on the magnetic interaction in manganese oxides ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) ONISHI,Taku ; KITAGAWA,Yasutaka ; TAKANO,Yu ; YOSHIOKA,Yasunori ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
4B531 Preparations and magnetic properties of M[W(CN)8](M=Co,Mn) derivatives ( RCAST,The Univ. of Tokyo ) ARIMOTO,Yoichi ; ZHUANG,Jin Zhong ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
4B532 Ground and Excited Electronic States of Intermediate Species in Adduct Formation of [Co(II)(saloph)] and TCNQ ( Bunkyo Univ. ) OHASHI,Yukako
4B533 Complex Magnetic Susceptibilities of Nickel Cubane Tetramers ( Osaka Univ.; Osaka Univ.; Tohoku Univ.; UCSD ) NAKANO,Motohiro ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu ; KOBAYASHI,Tatsuo C. ; AMAYA,Kiichi ; HOSHINO,Norihisa ; OSHIO,Hiroki ; ITO,Tasuku ; YOO,
David N.
4B534 Electrical Conductivities of Oxidized Species of Polar Metal Complexes with Sulfur-rich Dithiolate (C8H4S8) Ligand and Crystal Structure of [Pt(bpy)(C8H4S8)][BF4] ( Osaka Univ. ) KUBO,Kazuya ; NAKANO,Motohiro ; TAMURA,Hatsue ; MATSUBAYASHI,
4B535 Structural and Magnetic Properties of Biferrocene-FnTCNQ complexes. ( Toho Univ., PRESTO,JST ) YAMAZAKI,Shizue ; MOCHIDA,Tomoyuki ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi
1B625 Session Lecture new Synthetic methods for preparing transiton metal complexes using hypervalent compounds ( graduate school of Engineering science,osaka university ) MASHIMA,Kazushi
1B628 Synthesis of zirconium compelxes of 1,2,3-butatrienes ( RIKEN ) SUZUKI,Noriyuki ; TAKAYAMA,Chikako ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
1B629 1,4-Diaza-1,3-Butadiene Complexes of Titanium and Lanthanides ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular ) YAMADA,Yoshinori ; KAWAGUTI,Hiroyuki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1B630 Synthesis and Reactivity of Tantalum-MMA-dibenzyl Complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ ) MATSUO,Yutaka ; YONEKURA,Hirotaka ; MASHIMA,Kazushi ; TANI,Kazuhide
1B631 Syntheses and Properties of Bis(nitrile) Complexes of Molybdenum(I) ( Univ. of Tokyo, Grad. School of Engineering; Facluty of Industrial Sci. and Tech., Science Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAGAWA,Tokiko ; TANABE,Yoshiaki ; ISHINO,Hiroshige ; ISHII,Y
ouichi ; HIDAI,Mas
1B632 Synthesis and structure of molybdenocene complexes coordinating a stable carbene ( Yokohama National Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; ODA,Ryoji ; MINATO,Makoto ; ITO,Takashi
1B633 The synthesis of novel carbene complexes by the reactionsof tetracyclone carbonyl complexes with alkylaluminium orsalkylzinc ( Osaka Univ. Faculty of Engineering ) KATOH,Tetsuya ; MORITA,Masaki ; NAKASHIMA,Hiromitsu ; OGOSHI,Sensuke ; KUROS
1B634 Synthesis and Reactivities of Novel Amido Complexes of Platinum Group Metals ( Dept. of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Science Univ. of Tokyo.Institute of Industrial Science, The Unversity of
Shin ; KAWAMURA,Harumi ; ONO,Atsushi ; YOSHIKAWA,Eri ; SEINO,Hidetake ; MIZOBE,Yasushi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
1B635 Synthesis of Cyanamido Complexes of Iron, Ruthenium and Nickel ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) NIWA,Kousuke ; MATSUMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1B637 Synthesis of novel ruthenium-amidinate complexes by photo-substitution reaction in (.hapto.6-arene)Ru(amidinate)X ( Kyushu Univ.; Yokohama National Univ. ) HAYASHIDA,Taizo ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
1B638 Synthesis and Reactions of Ruthenium(II) Alkyethiolato Complexes having an arene auxiliary. ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular Science ) SUNADA,Yusuke ; SONNYU,
Tatsuya ; MATSUMOT
O,Tsuyoshi ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1B639 Synthesis and Structure of New Ruthenium(II)pai-allyl Complexes with Vinyldiazoacetates ( Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. ) KONNO,Miyuki ; AOKI,Katsuyuki ; NISHIYAMA,Hisao
1B640 Preparation of (eta.3-Ally) Ruthenium Complexess via Hydro- and Carbometallation of Allenes ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) SASABE,Hisahiro ; NAKANISHI,Saburo ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
1B641 Synthesis of a Novel Platinum Disulfido-Complex by Taking Advantage of a Bulky Substituent ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) NAGATA,Kazuto ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
1B642 Synthesis and Reactions of Methylplatinum Complexes bearing 2-(2-Pyridyl)phosphaalkene Ligands ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science ) IKEDA,Shintaro ; YAMAMOTO,Shogo ; MINAMI,Tatsuya
; OZAWA,Fumiyuki
; ITO,Shigekazu ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
1B643 Electrochemical Characterization of Tridentate Polypyrazolylborate Ligands. -Syntheses and Redox Properties of Bis(polypyrazolylborato)ruthenium Complexes- ( Nagasaki Univ., Industrial Technology Center of Nagasaki ) ONISHI,Masayoshi ; KAW
ANO,Hiroyuki ; KUM
1B644 Reactions of Ru(cot)(dimethyl fumarate)2 with tridentate nitrogen ligands ( Kyoto Univ. ) MITSUDO,Take-aki ; SUZUKI,Toshiaki ; IIDA,Kazuo ; SHIOTSUKI,Masashi ; WADA,Kenji ; KONDO,Teruyuki ; SHIRO,Motoo
1B645 Aqueous Organometallic Chemistry. Structure and Reactivity of Ruthenium Aqua Complexes ( The Gradutate University for Advanced Studies ) ABURA,Tsutomu ; NAKAI,Hidetaka ; OGO,Seiji ; WATANABE,Yoshihito
1B646 Aqueous organometallic chemistry: Synthesis and catalytic activities of an aqueous palladium S-C-S pincer complex ( Institute for Molecular Science ) NAKAI,Hidetaka ; ABURA,Tsutomu ; OGO,Seiji ; WATANABE,Yoshihito
1B647 Synthesis of Ni, Co and Pd Enolate Complexes Supported by the Hydrotris(3,5-diisopropylpyrazolyl)borate Ligand via Dehydrative Condensation of the Hydroxo Complexes with Active Methylene Compounds ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KUJIME,Ma
sato ; HIKICHI,Shi
ro ; AKITA,Munetaka
1B648 Synthesis and Reactivity of low valent chromium complexes with the hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate ligand. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUGAWARA,Kenichiro ; HIKICHI,Shiro ; AKITA,Munetaka
2B601 Synthesis of Hydrotris(mercaptoimidazolyl)borato (Tm(R)) (R=Me, Ph, iPr2C6H3) Complexes of Nickel and Effects of the R Substituents on their Redox Property. ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya Univ
ersity ) HIRAYAMA,
Tomoko ; TODA,Daisuke ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
2B602 Synthesis and Reactions of (.pai.-Allyl)palladium(II) Complexes bearing Diphosphinidenecyclobutene Ligands ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science ) IKEDA,Shintaro ; OKAMOTO,Hideyuki ;
MINAMI,Tatsuya ; O
ZAWA,Fumiyuki ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
2B603 Synthesis and Structure of Pd (II) Complex Having a 2,6-Bipyridylphenyl Tridentate Ligand ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University.Advanced Reserch Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University. ) SAIKI,Yuji ; TAJI,Hideki
; YAMAMOTO,Yohsuke
; AKIBA,Kin-ya
2B604 Synthesis and characterization of Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes with bulky terpyridine ligand ( Osaka University ) KAWAKITA,Keiko ; KOUSUMI,Yukihide ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
2B605 Synthesis and properties of terpyridine 1,1''-dioxide complexes ( Institute for Molecular Science ) ITO,Kaname ; TANAKA,Koji ; NAGATA,Toshi
2B606 Synthesis and Reaction of the Pt(II) dimethyl Complex Having the PN Ligand ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) NAKAMURA,Tatsuya ; KATAOKA,Yasutaka ; TANI,Kazuhide
2B607 Synthesis and Reactivity of Palladium Aryloxide Complexes with Phosphine Ligands ( Natl. Inst. Mater. Chem. Res. ) YASUDA,Hiroyuki ; CHOI,Jun-chul ; SAKAKURA,Toshiyasu
2B608 Synthesis and structure of copper complexes coordinated bysolefin-phsphine bridged ligand ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) MIYAJI,Taichi ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; XI,Zhenfeng ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2B609 Synthesis of the Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Tungsten Complex with Three Different Chalcogen (O, S, Se) Pendant Atoms and attempts of its optical resolution ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering and Research Center for Materials Scie
nce, Nagoya Univer
sity; Institute for Molecular ) WADA,Tomotaka ; SHIKANO,Noriko ; KAWAGUTI,Hiroyuki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki ; KUBOTA,Takateru ; YAMAMOTO,Chiyo ; OKAMOTO,Yoshio
2B610 Synthesis of .eta.5; .eta.1- coordinated iro n metallacycles via tricarbonylation of indenyl anions with pentacarbonyliron. ( Graduate school of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) FUJIWARA,Hiroyuki ; NAKANISHI,
Saburo ; TAKATA,To
2B611 Synthesis of planer chiral .eta.4-dienetricarbonyliron complexes under chiral circumstances induced by sugar derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) TAKAHASHI,Jun ; NAKANISHI,Saburo ; HUKUDA,T
akeshi ; TAKATA,To
2B612 Induction of Metal-centered Chirality in Reactions ofsPlanar-chiral Cyclopentadienyl-Ruthenium Complexes withsHydroxy-imines ( I.S.I.R, Osaka Univ. ) AJIOKA,Yoshiki ; MATSUSHIMA,Yuji ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi
2B613 Syntheses and Properties of Planar-Chiral Cyclopentadienyl-Ruthenium Complexes: Induction of Metal-Centered Chirality in the formation of pai-allyl Complexes ( ISIR, Osaka University ) MATSUSHIMA,Yuji ; AJIOKA,Yoshiki ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ;
2B614 Control of the Stereochemistry on the Metal Center of the Iridium Complexes Having the Cp'-P or the Cp'-N Ligand. ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) GOI,Takahiro ; SHIMADA,Koichi ; KATAOKA,Yasutaka ; TANI,Kazuhide
2B615 Palladium(II) Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Nitrones with Electron-Rich Alkenes ( Doshisha Univ. ) HORITANI,Takao ; KAMIZONO,Hiroyuki ; HORI,Kazushige ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
2B616 Asymmetric Decomposition of Isoxazolidine DerivativessCatalyzed by Optically Active Palladium(II) Complex ( Doshisha Univ. ) KAMIZONO,Hiroyuki ; KAWAMOTO,Aya ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
2B617 Novel Atropisomerism on Heavily Substituted Metallocenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; YOSHIDA,Kazuhiro ; HAYASHI,Tamio
2B618 Synthesis and structure of ruthenium-poly(yne) polymers having C2-symmetrical acetylene bridges ( Osaka Univ. I.S.I.R. ) HARADA,Yuri ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi
2B625 Session Lecture synthesis of metallocene-type functionalized fullerenes ( department of chemistry,hokkaido university ) SAWAMURA,Masaya
2B628 Synthesis and Application of Novel Chiral Phosphametallocene ( Kyoto Univ. ) OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; YOSHIDA,Kazuhiro ; HAYASHI,Tamio
2B629 Palladium-catalyzed Asymmetric Amination of Aryl Halide ( Doshisha Univ. ) TAGASHIRA,Junya ; IMAO,Daisuke ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
2B630 Synthesis of Ferrocene-Type Functionalized Fullerene ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KUNINOBU,Yoichiro ; SAWAMURA,Masaya ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
2B631 Synthesis and structure of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene-titanium complex. ( Dept. of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo.Institute of Industrial Science, The Un
iversity of Tokyo
) TANAKA,Shinpei ; TAKEMOTO,Shin ; SEINO,Hidetake ; MIZOBE,Yasushi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
2B632 A novel highly efficient method to metallocenophanes (bridged metallocenes) by ring-closing metathesis ( Kyoto Univ. ) OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; NAGANO,Takashi ; HAYASHI,Tamio
2B633 Synthesis and Properties of Anthracene-Bridged Molybdenum Porphyrin Dimers ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) FUJIHARA,Tetsuaki ; TSUGE,Kiyoshi ; IMAMURA,Taira ; SASAKI,Yoichi
2B634 Synthesis of stable ruthenium porphyrin carbene complexes and their catalysis ( School of Sci. Kitasato Univ. ) KAWAI,Masashi ; YUGE,Hidetaka ; MIYAMOTO,Takeshi
2B635 The first synthesis of porphyrin complex with iridium-tin bond. ( School of Sci. Kitasato Univ. ) HIRAI,Yoshinari ; YUGE,Hidetaka ; MIYAMOTO,Takeshi
2B637 Reaction of (methyl)palladium(II) porphyrin with styrene derivatives ( Kobe University ) SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro ; TANIKAWA,Sachiko
2B638 Reaction of (methyl)palladium(II) porphyrin with styrene derivatives in the presence of CO ( Kobe University ) TANIKAWA,Sachiko ; SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro
2B639 Insertion of isonitrile into pi-(allyl)palladium porphyrins. ( Osaka Municipal Tech. Res. Inst.; Kobe Univ. ) TAKAO,Yuko ; TAKEDA,Tokuji ; SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro
3B601 Reactivities of Dinitrosyl-Molybdenum Complexes with Thiolate Ligands(2) ( Faculty of Science, Kochi University ) YONEMURA,Toshiaki ; HASEGAWA,Mayumi ; AMA,Tomoharu ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroshi
3B602 Reactivities of a five-coordinate W(0) mono(acetylene) complex ( Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo ) HAGINOYA,Naoshi ; ISHINO,Hiroshige ; KUWATA,Shigeki ; ISHII,Youichi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
3B603 Reaction of half-sandwich terminal trichalcogenido tungsten complex and fluxional behavior of the allyl adduct ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University, and Institute for Molecular Science )
SHIKANO,Noriko ; W
ADA,Tomotaka ; OHKI,Yasuhiro ; KAWAGUCTI,Hiroyuki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
3B604 Reactions of Thiaruthenacycle Complex with Isonitrile, Carbon Monoxide and Dimethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) SAKAGUCHI,Yuko ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
3B605 Formation of Carbene Complex through Intramolecular Metallacyclization by an Attack of 1,8-Naphthyridine Ligand to Alpha Carbon of Ruthnium-Vinylidene Bond ( Institute for Molecular Scienece ) TOMON,Takashi ; OOYAMA,Dai ; SHIREN,Kazushi ; W
3B606 Reactions of ruthenium(II), rhodium(III) and iridium(III) complexes containing a pentamethylcyclopentadienyl or arene group with alkynes in the presence of H2O. ( Faculty of Science, Toho Univ. ) OGATA,Kenichi ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiro
; KUGE,Katsuaki ;
3B607 Studies on the palladium complexes formed by degradation of multidentate ligands ( Nagasaki Univ. ) UMAKOSHI,Keisuke ; NAKAMIYA,Keiko ; NAKAYAMA,Masaaki ; KAWANO,Hiroyuki ; ONISHI,Masayoshi
3B608 [3+2]Cycloaddition of eta1-Allenyl/propargyl Palladium Complexes with Olefins ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Materials Science ) TSUTSUMI,Ken ; IDE,Toshihisa ; MORIMOTO,Tsumoru ; KAKIUCHI,Ki
3B609 Cycloauration reaction of secondary benzylamine derivatives ( Kyushu Univ. ) IEDA,Hidenori ; FUCHITA,Yoshio
3B610 Preparation of molecular recognition sites by the intercalation of Rh complexes with various sizes of alkyl ligands ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) SHIMAZU,Shogo ; AMAN,Tetsuro ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
3B611 Reactions of Rh(I) Hydrido Complexes with 2,2-Dialkyl-1-methylenecyclopropanes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YODA,Chikako ; NISHIHARA,Yasushi ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
3B612 Reactions of Ir(I) Hydrido Complexes with 2,2-Dialkyl-1-methylenecyclopropanes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NISHIHARA,Yasushi ; YODA,Chikako ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
3B613 Detection of a new dihydridoiridium complexsin the hydrogenation of IrCl{(S)-BINAP}(PPh3)by parahydrogen induced polarization NMR ( Osaka Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Nobuyuki ; UEDA,Takahiro ; NAKAMURA,Nobuo ; NAKAJIMA,Kouji ; TANI,
3B614 Reduction of allyl alcohol to alkane using molybdenocene derivative ( Yokohama National Univ. ) SEKIMIZU,Ryoko ; MINATO,Makoto ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; ITO,Takashi
3B615 Catalytic C-C Bond Cleavage of Aromatic Pinacols and Catalytic Michael Additions by Binuclear Iridium(II) Hydride Complex ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research ) ) KOIZUMI,Take-aki ; HOU,Zhaomin ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
3B616 Award Lecture Studies on Ammonia Synthesis by Metal Complexes under Mild Conditions ( Graduate School of Engineering,Kyoto University ) NISHIBAYASHI,Yoshiaki
3B625 Theoretical Study of Solvent Effect onsInsertion of Carbon Dioxide into a Ruthenium-HydridesBond ( Kumamoto Univ., Information Processing Center ) MUSASHI,Yasuo ; SAKAKI,Shigeyoshi
3B626 Catalytic carbon dioxide fixation using a novel trihydoridomolybdenum-silyl complex ( Yokohama National Univ. ) SUMIURA,Kenichirou ; MINATO,Makoto ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; ITO,Takashi
3B627 Phto-Assisted Simultaneous Conversion of C-H Bond and Carbon Dioxide by Rhodium Complex ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) CHOI,Jun-chul ; SAKAKURA,Toshiyasu
3B628 Preferential sp3 C-H Bond Activation of Methacrylic Acid Derivatives by Ruthenium Complex ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) KANAYA,Susumu ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
3B629 Anti-Markovnikov Olefin Arylation Catalyzed by [Ir(acac)2Cl]2 with Base ( Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Corporation; Catalytica Advanced Technologies, Inc. ) MATSUMOTO,Takaya ; YOSHIDA,Hajime ; PERIANA,Roy, A. ; TAUBE,Douglas, J. ; TAUBE,Henry
3B630 Rhodium-catalyzed Oxidative Arylation of Ethylene with Benzene to Produce Styrene ( Nippon Mitsubishi Oil Corporation; Catalytica Advanced Technologies, Inc. ) MATSUMOTO,Takaya ; YOSHIDA,Hajime ; PERIANA,Roy, A. ; TAUBE,Douglas, J. ; TAUBE,
3B631 Plenary Lecture by Foreigner ( ) ,
3B637 C-C bond formation reactions of 1,2,3-butatrienes catalyzed by palladium compelxes ( RIKEN ) SUZUKI,Noriyuki ; TEZUKA,Hidekazu ; SABURI,Masahiko ; TAKAYAMA,Chikako ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
3B638 A Mechanistic Study for the Linkage Isomerization of C- and N-Bound .alpha.-Cyanocarbanion Complexes ( Osaka Univ. ) TANNNA,Akio ; NAOTA,Takeshi ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
3B639 A Mechanistic Study for Michael Addition of Nitriles Catalyzed by N-Bound .alpha.-Cyanocarbanion Complex ( Osaka Univ. ) TANNNA,Akio ; NAOTA,Takeshi ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
3B640 Reaction of (Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium Complexes with Silyl Enol Ethers Derived from .alpha.-Halo Ketones ( Kochi Univ. ) KANEKO,Yuichi ; TOMIOKA,Miki ; NAGANO,Takashi
3B641 Ti(IV) Complexes bearing Tridentate Sulfonamide Ligands: Synthesis, Structure, and Catalysis for Ethylene Polymerization ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University;Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University )
ODA,Takashi ; HAMU
RA,Satoshi ; SHIMIZU,Yasuaki ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
3B642 Synthesis of New Anionic Zirconium Complexes Bearing Bidentate Imino-Pyrrolyl Ligands and Their Application to Ethylene Polymerization ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ. ) MATSUO,Yutaka ; MASHIMA,Kazushi ; TANI,Kazuhide
3B643 Synthesis and Reactions of Methylpalladium and -platinum Complexes bearing Diphosphinidenecyclobutene Ligands ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering; Tohoku University, Graduate School of Science ) IKEDA,Shintaro ; KAWAGISHI,Seiji
; MINAMI,Tatsuya ;
OZAWA,Fumiyuki ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
3B644 Mechanistic study on the polymerization of ortho-substituted aryl isocyanides initiated by organorhodium complexes. ( Osaka Univ. I.S.I.R. ) YAMAMOTO,Mari ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ; TAKAKASHI,Shigetoshi
3B645 Ring-Openig Metathesis Polymerization of Norbornene by Oxotungsten Catalysts with Chalcogen-Bridged Bis(aryloxo) Ligands ( Osaka Univ. ) TAKASHIMA,Yoshinori ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; HARADA,Akira
4B601 Bimetallic .mu.-Cyanoimide Complexes Prepared by NCN Group Transfer ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) MINDIOLA,Daniel J. ; HARA,Ryuichiro ; TSAI,Yi-chou ; CHEN,Qinghao ; MEYER,Karsten ; CUMMINS,Christopher C.
4B602 Synthesis of Sulfur-Bridged Early-Late Heterobimetallic Complexes from Hydrosulfido Complexessof Group 9 Metals ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) NAGANO,Tatsuya ; KUWATA,Shigeki ; ISHII,Youichi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
4B603 Syntheses of Novel Heterobimetallic Complexes by Reaction of a Ti(III) Complex with Dinuclear Transition Metal Carbonyl Complexes ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University ;Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sc
iences, Kyushu Uni
versity ) MATSUBARA,Kouki ; NIIBAYASHI,Shota ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
4B604 Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Novel Cationic Dinuclear Ruthenium Complexes Bearing a myu2-Amidinate Ligand ( CREST, Kyushu Univ. ) KONDO,Hideo ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
4B605 The C-C Bond Formation Reaction on the Disulfide-bridged Dinuclear Ru(III) Complex ( Waseda University; Japan Scienece and Technology Corporation ) SUGIYAMA,Hiroyasu ; HATEMATA,Shiho ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
4B606 Cycloaddition of dienes with the bridging diselenide ligand in the dicatiotic dinuclear Ru (III) complexes ( Waseda University; Japan Scienece and Technology Corporation ) WATANABE,Toshifumi ; MORIYA,Yoshihiro ; HATEMATA,Shiho ; SUGIYAMA,Hi
royasu ; MATSUMOTO
4B607 Reactions of S-Bridged Tungsten-Ruthenium Dinuclear Complexes ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular ) MARUMOTO,Tadashi ; OHKI,Yasuhiro ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; TATSU
4B608 Synthesis and Reactions of S-Bridged W-Fe(Ru) Dinuclear Complexes ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials S cience, Nagoya University ) MATSUURA,Nobuo ; MARUMOTO,Tadashi ; OHKI,Yasuhiro ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
4B609 Reaction of the disulfide-bridged diruthenium (III) complex with hydroxylalkynes ( Waseda University, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) MORIYA,Yoshihiro ; HATEMATA,Shiho ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroyasu ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
4B610 Elimination of hydrogen atoms on the Disulfide-bridged Diruthenium(III) Complex in the reaction with alkenes ( Waseda University; Japan Scienece and Technology Corporation ) SASAKI,Saori ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroyasu ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
4B611 Synthesis of Trinuclear Ruthenium Polyhydride Clusters Containing myu3-Silver Fragments ( Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST ) KAWAKAMI,Kiminori ; INAGAKI,Akiko ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B612 N-N bond cleavage of hydrazine by monocationic polyhydride triruthenium complex. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST ) NAKAJIMA,Yumiko ; INAGAKI,Akiko ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B613 Synthesis and Structure of a Trinuclear Ruthenium Cluster Containing Xantsil [(9,9-Dimethylxanthene-4,5-diyl)bis(dimethylsilyl)] as a Bridging Ligand ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) MINGLANA,Jim Gabrillo ; TOBITA,Hiromi ;
4B614 Reaction of Triruthenium Trihydride Complex Having a Triply Bridging Borane Ligand with Acetylene ( Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST ) OKAMURA,Rei ; TADA,Ken-ichi ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B615 Synthesis of Sandwich-Type Mixed-Metal High-Nuclearity Clusters: Ru-Cu-Pd, Ru-Pd, Ru-Pt. ( RIKEN; Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) NAKAJIMA,Takayuki ; KONOMOTO,Hiromi ; OGAWA,Haruo ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
4B616 Reaction of Hexanuclear Mixed-Metal Cluster, Ru-Co and Ru-Rh, with Sulfur Dioxide. ( RIKEN; Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) NAKAJIMA,Takayuki ; KONOMOTO,Hiromi ; OGAWA,Haruo ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
4B617 Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide with Hydrogen or Carbon Monoxide over Supported Ruthenium Carbido-Cluster Catalysts ( RIKEN ) ISHIGURO,Atsushi ; LIU,Yu ; NAKAJIMA,Takayuki ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
4B618 Selective C-C bond formation mediated by dinuclear complex ( Kyushu Univ. ) HIROSE,Satoshi ; SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
4B625 Activation of Ethylene by Heterotrimetallic ComplexessComtaining Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Ruthenium ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) ITO,Junichi ; SHIMA,Takanori ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B626 Reaction of Heterobimetallic Trihydride Complex Containing Ruthenium and Iridium with Acetylene ( Tokyo Institute of Technology and CREST ) KATO,Takeshi ; SHIMA,Takanori ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B627 Activation of Olefins by Heterobimetallic Polyhydrides Complexes Containing Ruthenium and Rhodium with Olefins ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) SUGIMURA,Yumi ; SHIMA,Takanori ; SUZUKI,Hiroharu
4B628 Synthesis and Structures of the New Cyclotetraphosphate Complexes of Rh and Ir ( Graduate School of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo ) KAMIMURA,Sou ; KUWATA,Shigeki ; ISHII,Youich
4B629 Synthesis and Reactivity of Bis(dimethylphosphino)methanesand Hydrido-Bridged Dinuclear Iridium Complexes. ( Kyoto univ. ) NAKAGUMA,Hirohide ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
4B630 Preparation and Reactivities of Diiridium Tetra(hydrosulfido) Complex ( Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo ) TAKAGI,Fusao ; SEINO,Hidetake ; MIZOBE,Yasushi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
4B631 Syntheses of Mixed-metal Selenido Clusters Using Hydroselenido Bridged Diiridium Complex ( Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo ) NAGAO,Shoken ; SEINO,Hidetake ; MIZOBE,Yasushi ; HIDAI,Masanobu
4B632 Catalytic Desulfurization of Thiiranes by Heterodinuclear Organonickel-molybdenum Complex ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) SUZUKI,Keigo ; KOMINE,Nobuyuki ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
4B633 Assembly of a Nickel Norbornanedithiolate Complex andsIron Carbonyl Complexes ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center forsMaterials Science, Nagoya University ) YOSHIKAWA,Teppei ; KUGE,Katsuaki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
4B634 Synthesis of Nickel and Iron Clusters and Polymers using Tioether-Thiolato-Hybrid Ligands ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) TAKADA,Satoshi ; KUGE,Katsuaki ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
4B635 Oxidative Addition to Tetranuclear ComplexessM(0)-Mo-Mo-M(0) (M=Pt, Pd) Supported by Four TridentatesLigands ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) SHIMOYAMA,Yuzi ; KUSUMI,Yoshitaka ; MASHIMA,Kazushi ; TANI,Kazuhide
4B637 Reactions of Heterodinuclear Organopalladium-cobalt Complexes with Olefins ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) AKAHANE,Yoshifumi ; KOMINE,Nobuyuki ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
4B638 Synthesis and Reactions of Heterodinuclear Organopalladium Complexes Having Unsymmetrical PN Ligand ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) TSUTSUMINAI,Susumu ; KOMINE,Nobuyuki ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
4B639 Dipalladium Complexes Induced Alkyne Oligomerization ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Tetsuro ; OKUNO,Taketoshi ; KUROSAWA,Hideo
4B640 Photoisomerization of Metallo-Sandwich Chain Compounds ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Tetsuro ; HIGUCHI,Yutaka ; KATOH,Tetsuya ; KUROSAWA,Hideo
4B641 Ring-opening Reaction of 3-Membered Heterocycles by Heterodinuclear Organoplatinum-manganese Complexes ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) FURUYA,Masaki ; KOMINE,Nobuyuki ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
4B642 Oxidative Addition of Organotransition-metal Complex to Platinum(0) ( Tokyo Univ. of A. & T. ) KOMINE,Nobuyuki ; HIRANO,Masafumi ; KOMIYA,Sanshiro
1B707Complex Formation between Metal Ions and the Triplet Excited Sates of p-Benzoquinones ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; MORI,Hisahiro ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B708Scandium Ion-Catalyzed Photocycloaddtion Reaction between Stilbene and p-Benzoquinones ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) MORI,Hisahiro ; OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B709Effect of 10-Substituents on the Reactivity of Triplet Di(9-anthryl)carbene ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) KAMIMURA,Hidetoshi ; NOZAKI,Yoshihiro ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B710The Reactivity of Bicyclic Ethereal Oxonium Ylids and Its Relatives - Mechanistic Explanations from Theoretical Investigations - ( Venture Laboratory / Department of Chemistry and Materials TechnologyDepartment of Chemistry and Materials
TechnologysKyoto I
nstitute of Technology ) SCHROEDER,Marc ; OKU,Akira
1B711Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Nitrenobenzocyclobutenylidene ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) MATSUOKA,Kazuyoshi ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B712Generation and Characterization of Reactive Speciess having Two Diradical Centers on a Phenyl Ring ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) ENYO,Tomonori ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B713Generation and Intramolecular H Migration ofs o-Tolylhalocarbene in Matrix at Low Temperature ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) ODA,Shigeyuki ; ENYO,Tomonori ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B725Synthesis of Ferrocene-Quinone Linked Systems with a Rigid Spacer Aiming at Metal Ion-Catalyzed Intramolecular Electron Transfer ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) YOSHIDA,Yutaka ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B731Detection of Radical Ion Intermediates in Photochemical Reactions of Acenaphthylene with p-Benzoquinone Derivatives ( Osaka Univ.; Tokyo Agr. Tech. Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; HAGA,Naoki ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B737Quantitative Evaluation of Lewis Acidity of Oraganostannanes and the Catalysis of Electron Transfer ( Osaka Univ.; CREST; Okayama Univ. of Sci. ) OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; ORITA,Akihiro ; OTERA,Junzo ; FUKUZUMI,Shun
1B743Reactivity of Methoxy-Substituted Naphthoyloxyl Radicals as Studied by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) NAJIWARA,Toshihiro ; SEGAWA,Katsunori ; SAKURAGI,Hirochika
2B701Metal Ion-Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reaction of methylvinylketon with Decamethylanthracene and the Lewis acid catalysis ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2B707Photoinduced electron transfer reaction of 7-(dianisylmethylene)-2,3-diazabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene ( Tohoku University ) IKEDA,Hiroshi ; TAKI,Hirotsugu ; AKIYAMA,Kimio ; TERO-KUBOTA,Syozo ; MIYASHI,Tsutomu
2B713Dynamic Behavior of 3,3,3-Triphenylproionyloxyl Radicals ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) SAITOH,Jiro ; NAJIWARA,Toshihiro ; SAKURAGI,Hirochika
2B725 Session Lecturemechanism of [3+2]-photocycloadditions of aromatic esters and nitriles with alkenes ( faculty of science and Engineering,shimane university ) KUBO,Yasuo]
2B731Synthesis, Structure, and Photochemical Properties of Tetraazathiapentalene Derivatives Bearing Pyrene Chromophore ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) HAYASHI,Hirokazu ; MATSUMURA,Noboru ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
2B737Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Ring Opening Reactions of Oxetenes Leading to the Olefins with High Stereoselectivity. ( Ibaraki Univ., Tokushima Univ., TOREST ) MORI,Seiji ; SHINDO,Mitsuru ; SATO,Yusuke ; SHISHIDO,Kozo
2B743Aromatic Alkylthiolation by Active Species from Dialkyl Disulfide in the Presence of AlCl3 ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; OKUDA,Masukazu
3B701Substituent effect on the Solvolyses ofs.alpha.-Cyano-.alpha.-Trifluoromethyl-.beta.-arylalkyl Triflates (2) ( Graduate School of Science and Tech., Niigata Univ; Faculty of Science, Niigata Univ. ) OKAMURA,Mutsuo ; TSUBOYA,Shoko ; USUI,Sat
3B707Specific Hydrophilic Effects of Solvents on the Rates ofsSolvolysis of Hydroxymethyl Substituted 1-Bromoadamantanes ( Kyoto Univ., Graduate School of Engineering ) ENDO,Tadasuke ; OKAZAKI,Takao ; TAKEUCHI,Ken'ichi
3B725 Session Lecturestructure and reactivity of solvated clusters for hydrocarbon ions ( graduate school of Engineering,kyoto university ) KINOSHITA,Tomomi
3B738 Plenary Lecture by Young Genelationstrereochemical probe for a primary vinylic cation intermediate ( ) FUJITA,Morifumi
3B743.pi.-Facial Selectivity of Nucleophilic Addition to the 5-Substituted-4-tetrahydropyranones (the Danishefsky pyranones) ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KANENO,Daisuke ; TOMODA,Shuji
4B701NMR Analysis of Hydrothermal Decomposition of Formic Acid ( Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) TSUJINO,Yasuo ; WAKAI,Chihiro ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
4B707Exclusive Formation of Enolone in Ketene-Olefin Reactions ( Saitama Univ., Nara Univ. of Edu., Nara Univ. ) ONISHI,Ako ; HASEGAWA,Toshio ; MACHIGUCHI,Takahisa ; YAMABE,Shinichi ; MINATO,Tsutomu
4B713Theoretical Study on Mechanism of Li+ selectivity of 12-crown-O3N with an amine arm and solvation effect. ( Yamaguchi University ) OKANO,Katsuhiko ; HORI,Kenji
1C107Origin of Individual Quartz Particles and Quantification of Kosa contribution in Sediment Cores from the Five Lakes surrounding Mt.Fuji, Central Japan ( Yamanashi Inst. of Environmental Sciences; JST ) KYOTANI,Tomohiro ; KOSHIMIZU,Satos
1C113Trends of metal distributions in the beech which lives at ridge division of the Tanzawa mountain land (I). ( Kyorin Univ. Sch. of Health Sci ) MATSUZUKA,Masahiro ; UEKI,Kohei ; HAMADA6503811,Takesi
1C125Effect of the liquid phase reactions on uptake of trace gaseous species ( Univ. of Tokyo,School of Eng., NIES ) TAKAMI,Akinori ; KODA,Seiichiro
1C131Physical chemistry of particle matters from automobiles ( Kochi University of Technology ) NISHIZAWA,Masahiro ; NODA,Yasuko ; NISHIMOTO,Tetsurou ; KOHNO,Masahiro
2C107Laboratory waste management and treatment systems at Tokyo Institute of Technology ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) HASEGAWA,Noriko ; KANEKO,Hiroshi ; TAMAURA,Yutaka ; TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko
2C113Formation of mutagenic compounds by combustion and/or pyrolysis of common polymer materials: Effects of polymer composition on mutagen formation ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology )
ENDO,Akihiro ; IK
EUCHI,Takuto ; INAZU,Koji ; AIKA,Ken-ichi ; HISAMATSU,Yoshiharu
2C125Oxidation in Water by Using Amphiphilic Hydroperoxides ( Osaka Univ., Fac. Eng. ) YAMAGUCHI,Takashi ; MASUYAMA,Araki ; NOJIMA,Masatomo
2C131Three Component Coupling Allylation of Imines Prepared inssitu Using Aldehydes, Amines, and Allyltributyltin on Silica Gel ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Integrad Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima ) KITAJIMA,Chiharu ; HI
ROI,Ryoichi ; WADA
2C137Seasonal variation of dissolved aluminum concentration in Lake Biwa ( Natl. Inst. Environ. Studies.; Kyoto Univ. ) KOSHIKAWA,Mk ; TAKAMATSU,Takejiro ; SUGIYAMA,Masahito ; HORI,Toshitaka
2C143Effects of water Quality on Iron corrosion in Lake waterssin the Vicinity of Sapporo city ( Hokkaido Inst of Tec. ) WATANABE,Norimoto ; KISHI,Masami ; FUKUHARA,Akiko
3C108Treatment of Acid Wastewater using Mg-Al Oxide ( Tohoku Univ. ) YABUUCHI,Fumiko ; HOSHI,Tatsunosuke ; KAMEDA,Tomohito ; YOSHIOKA,Toshiaki ; UCHIDA,Miho ; OKUWAKI,Akitsugu
3C113Photocatalytic degradation of cationic pollutants using modified TiO2 ( Nat Inst of Materials and Chemical Research ) VOHRA,Muhammad Shariq ; TANAKA,Keiichi
3C140Analysis of Pesticide using Disk-format Solid Phase Extraction followed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer in Environmental Water ( Sougou Kankyo Bunseki Co., Ltd. ) KITAMI,Hideaki ; WATANABE,Tethuo ; KITAHARA,Takio ; TAKANO,Jiro
3C143Synthesis and NMR Study of ScCO2-Soluble Palladium Complexes ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology; JST ) HAYASHI,Atsushi ; KAYAKI,Yoshihito ; IKARIYA,Takao
2C207Construction of a flexible and highly efficient chemical synthesis system consisting of a robotic arm with modular reactors and work up stations ( Shimadzu Scientific Research Inc. ) NOKIHARA,Kiyoshi ; OI,Shinji ; KODA,Yukiyoshi ; KUYAMA,Hi
roki ; SAKAMOTO,Ka
tsumasa ; YAMAMOTO,Shizue
2C225Development of Graphical User Interface for Accelerated Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulator. ( Tohoku University; Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University ) KUROKAWA,Hitoshi ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2C231Development of distributed QM/MM hybrid molecular dynamics simulation over network. ( Tohoku Univ. ) TAKAMI,Seiichi ; MIYAHARA,Motonari ; YAJIMA,Kenji ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
2C237 Session Lecturesimilarity scores of protein three dimensional structures ( University of library and information scinece ) NAKAYAMA,Shin-ichi
3C205Spatial Correlation in Inter Electronic Interaction of Helium Atom ( TOYOTA CENTRAL R&D LABS., Inc. ) HYODO,Shi-aki
3C210Theoretical calculation on structures and excitation energies of silicon dendrimers ( Kurasiki University of Science and The Arts ) YAMAGUTI,Yasuhiro ; KIKUGAWA,Maki ; KOBAYASI,Hisayosi ; ISHIKAWA,Mituo ; NAKA,Akinobu
3C215Chemical Bonds in Molecules A Quantum Study ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Miyamoto laboratory. ) WAN,Xiaohong ; WANG,Xiaojing ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akir
a ; IMAMURA,Akira
1C304 Temperature effects on excitation relaxation of carotenoidssin S2 state ( Hokkaido University ; Yamaguchi University ) AKIMOTO,Seiji ; MIMURO,Mamoru ; SAKAWA,Takahiro ; YAMAZAKI,Iwao
1C307 Control of Optical Properties of Mono-nitrated Meso-meso Linked Diporphyrins by Changing Dihedral Angle ( Kyoto Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Naoya ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro ; MURAKAMI,Masataka ; NAGATA,Yasushi ; ITAYA,Akira ; MIYASAKA,Hiroshi
1C313 Intramolecular Electron Transfer Reaction in Directly-linked Porphyrin-Boronate-Diimide Triads ( Shimane Univ. ) SHIRATORI,Hideo ; KUBO,Yasuo
1C325 Laser-Induced Mass Transfer of Anthracene Derivatives under a Microscope ( Graduate school of science , Tohoku University ) OKADA,Takeru ; KISHIMOTO,Maki ; HATANAKA,Koji ; UJII,Hiroshi ; HOBLEY,Jonathan ; FUKUMURA,Hiroshi
1C331 Observation of emulsion growth processes by single-molecule detection ( Science University of Tokyo; Genesis Research Institute, Inc.; Toyota Technological Institute ) SAKAI,Toshio ; TAKEDA,Yoshihiro ; MAFUNE,Fumitaka ; ABE,Masahiko ; KONDO
1C337 White Light Optical Waveguide Detection of Transient Absorption Spectra in Ultra Thin Organic Layers upon Pulse Laser Excitation ( Shizuoka Univ. ) KAWAI,Hideki ; SHIRATORI,Kouji ; SUGIYAMA,Yukiko ; NAGAMURA,Toshihiko ; MATSUDA,Naoki ; KATO,
1C343 Liquid Phase Micro Chemical Reaction using Microchip (10)Liquid phase photochemical dynamics in fabricated nano-space ( Univ. of Tokyo; KAST ) SAITO,Takumi ; HIBARA,Akihide ; TOKESHI,Manabu ; OOI,Takeshi ; NAKAO,Masayuki ; KITAMORI,Takehiko
2C303 Exchange interaction in galvinoxyl-triplet naphthalene derivative pairs ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science andsEngineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology, PRESTO 21 ) KAWAI,Akio ; WATANABE,Yasuyuki ; SHIBUYA,Kazuhiko
2C307 The effect of solvent and relaxation on the PCDMR spectra observed in the photoinduced electron-transfer reaction of xanthone and N,N-diethylaniline ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) MATSUYAMA,Akihito ; MURAI,Hisao
2C313 Session Lecture recent progress in photochemistry by advanced EPR ( institute for chemical reaction science,tohoku university ) YAMAUCHI,Seigo
2C325 Analysis of fluorescence lifetimes of tryptophan in water by means of MO method and molecular dynamic simulation ( Mie Prefectural College of NursingsMie University School of MedicinesInstitute for Laser Technology ) TANAKA,Fumio ; TAKADA,T
akahiro ; MATAGA,N
2C331 Relaxation dynamics of azulene excited singlet state. ( Osaka Univ. Grad. School Eng. Sci.; Kyokugen ) MATSUDA,Hirohisa ; NAGASAWA,Yutaka ; OKADA,Tadashi
2C337 Picosecond Dynamics of the Excited-state Stepwise Double-proton transfer Reaction in 2-Aminopyridine/Acetic Acid System. ( The University of Tokyo ) ISHIKAWA,Hironori ; IWATA,Koichi ; HAMAGUCHI,Hiro-o
2C343 Reaction Control of Photochromic Diarylethene Derivatives bysMultiphoton Absorption Process(1) ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Osaka University; KyushuUniversity; CREST ) MURAKAMI,Masataka ; NAGATA,Yasusi ; ITAYA,Akira ; MIYASAKA,Hirosi ;
3C307 The Oxidation Reaction of Mn(II) Ion by S2O82- Ion used as Catalyzing Ag(I) Ion under Strong Magnetic Field ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech ) ARIZONO,Hidetoshi ; HONDA,Kazuhiro ; MORI,Yoshihito ; FUJIEDA,Shuko ; SATO,Akira ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichir
1D101Alternating Copolymerization of .omega. -Perfluoroalkyl-1-alkene w ith Carbon Monoxide Catalyzed by Homogeneous and Polymer-supported Pd-Complexes. ( TOREST; Kyoto univ. ) SHIBAHARA,Fumitoshi ; ELZNER,Stephan ; NOZAKI,Kyoko ; HIYAMA,Tamejir
1D107Synthesis of optically active liquid crystalline polyketones with asymmetric alternating copolymerization of aliphatic olefins and carbon monoxide ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; ODA,Takuro ; KAWASHIMA,Yasutoyo ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
1D113Propylene polymerization using Lewis acid sites on AlMCM-41 ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) NIIMI,Tsunehito ; TSUBAKI,Shingo ; OUMI,Yasunori ; UOZUMI,Toshiya ; SANO,Tsuneji
1D125 Award LectureDiscovery of Super Active New Olefin Polymerization Catalysts ( material Science Laboratory Mitsui Chemicals, Inc ) MITANI,Makoto ; MATSUI,Narikazu
1D131Precise Synthesis and Properties of Poly(isocyanide)s Bearing Porphyrins as a Pendant ( The institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka Univ. ) TAKEI,Fumie ; ISHIDA,Akito ; ONITUKA,Kiyotaka ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi
1D137Copolymerization of Methylenecyclopropanes with Carbon Monoxide (CO) by Pd(II) Complexes. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KIM,Sunwook ; TAKEUCHI,Daisuke ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1D1431-Hexene Polymerization With Phenoxy-Imine Titanium(IV)Complex Using i-Bu3Al/Ph3CB(C6F5)4 As A Cocatalyst ( Mitsui Chemicals,Inc. Material Science Laboratory ) MATSUURA,Sadahiko ; SAITO,Junji ; MITANI,Makoto ; MATSUI,Shigekazu ; FUJITA,Teru
2D101ROMP in the Presence of Vinyl Ethers for Chain-Transfer Agents: Selective Synthesis of End-Functionalized Poly(norbornene)s and Their Applications to Block Copolymer Synthesis ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) KATAYAMA,Hiroy
uki ; YONEZAWA,Fum
iko ; NAGAO,Masato ; OZAWA,Fumiyuki
2D107Enzymatic Polymerization of Phenol in the Presence of Cyclodextrin ( Japan Chemical Innovation Institute; Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.;Kyoto Univ.; NIMC ) MITA,Naruyoshi ; TAWAKI,Shin-ichiro ; UYAMA,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
2D125Synthesis of Poly(perfluorophenylene oxide)s by oxidative polymerzation and its characterization. ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) SAITO,Kei ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D130Synthesis of poly(3-alkylsulfenylthiophene) ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) TSUKAHARA,Yoshiaki ; IWASAKI,Tomokazu ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D137 Award LectureDevelopment of NovelHydrocarbon polymers Containing6-Membered Rings in the main ( asahi kasei ) NATORI,Itaru
2D143Synthesis of polyphosphonates containing pendant chloromethyl groups by the polyaddition of bis(oxetane)s with phosphonic dichlorides. ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa Univ. ) NISHIKUBO,Tadatomi ; SASAKI,Masaki ; MINEGISHI,Shouji ; TSUCHI
DA,Shinzi ; KAMEYA
3D101Synthesis of main chain type polysulfilimine by the reaction of poly(thioether-ketone) with chloramine-T ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) MATSUMURA,Sumiko ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
3D105Synthesis of cyclodextrin rotaxanes by siloxane polymers ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) OKUMURA,Hiromichi ; KAWAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; HARADA,Akira
3D108Polyacetylene having atropisomeric side groups and chiral helical backbone as a new chiral ligand(2) - Application to chiral catalyst ( Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University ) YOSHIDA,Minoru ; KANEKO,Takashi ; AOKI,Toshiki
3D112Synthesis of Daisy Chain-type Polyrotaxanes by Polyentering Method utilizing Reversible Cleavage of Disulfide Bond ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) OKU,Tomoya ; FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
1D202Synthesis of Novel Polymers with Electron Assembling Function(1) Examination of Mixed Valence States of N,N'-Diphenyl-1,4-phenylenediamine Structures ( Keio Univ. ) NOMURA,Yasuhiro ; NISHIUMI,Toyohiko ; HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,K
1D207Conversion of DNA into ionic liquid as ion conductive material ( Tokyo Univ. of Agr. and Tech. ) KOKUBO,Satoko ; NISHIMURA,Naomi ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1D213Synthesis and Properties of Poly(phenanthroline) Derivatives and Their Ruthenium Complexes ( Chemical Resources Laboratry, TITech ) ANZAI,Kazushige ; FUKUMOTO,Hiroki ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D225Preparation of Poly(methacryloyloxypiperidineoxyl) and its Molecular Image ( Sci. Eng. Waseda Univ. ) INUI,Jun ; MICHINOBU,Tsuyoshi ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1D231Polymers Bearing Norbornadiene Moieties and Its Solar Energy Storage Property [XXXX]: Synthesis and Photochemical Property of Polyesters Containing Donor-Acceptor Norbornadienes ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University ) KAWASHIMA,Naoy
uki ; KAMEYAMA,Ats
ushi ; NISHIKUBO,Tadatomi
1D237Synthesis and properties of polythiophene derivatives constituted of alkynyl groups in their side chains ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KOKUBO,Hisashi ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D241Characterization of Methyl Methacrylate Polymer Gel Electrolytes with Ethylene Oxide Units ( Dept. Appl. Chem., Tokyo Univ. Agri.&Tech. ) HATOZAKI,Osamu ; FUJIMOTO,Yuki ; OYAMA,Noboru
1D245Introduction of Nucleic Acid Base into Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gel via Self-Assembly ( Kansai Univ. ) MIYATA,Takashi ; MEOTOIWA,Terumi ; URAGAMI,Tadashi
2D207Application of imprinted cyclodextrin polymers to HPLC stationary phases. (1) Efficient recognition of hydrophobic guest molecules. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, thes University of Tokyo ) HISHIYA,Takayuki ; AKIYAMA,
Tomohiro ; ASANUM
A,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
2D211The development of the novel MRI agent using tumor clustering materials. ( Shizuoka University ) KURIHARA,Hideo ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
2D225Formation Process of Amylose-PolyTHF Inclusion Complex during Vines-Twining Polymerization ( Yamagata University ) KADOKAWA,Jun-ichi ; KANEKO,Yoshiro ; NAGASE,Shin-ichi ; TAGAYA,Hideyuki
2D230Characteristics of Aggregation for Poly(methacrylic acid) -modified Dendrimer in Water ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) HIGASHIZAKI,Tetsuya ; HIGASHI,Nobuyuki ; NIWA,Masazo
2D237Preparation of Helical Polypeptide Assembly by Graft- Polymerization on Gold Surface ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) KUWAGAKI,Yoshiyuki ; HIGASHI,Nobuyuki ; NIWA,Masazo
2D241Conjugation of keratin sponge with bioactive substances utilizing free cysteine residues -conjugation of lysozyme- ( Osaka city univ. ) KURIMOTO,Ayako ; TANABE,Toshizumi ; TACHIBANA,Akira ; YAMAUCHI,Kiyoshi
2D245Structure modeling of polycarbosilane for improving mechanical strength and heat resistance ( KANEKA Corporation, Kobe Laboratory ) OKADA,Kenji ; TSUMURA,Manabu ; IWAHARA,Takahisa
3D204Effect of the Degree of Deacetylation of Chitosan on the Spectroscopic Properties and Structures of Chitosan-Iodine Complex ( Science University of Tokyo Agency of Industrial Science & Technology/Osaka National Research Institute ) YAJIMA,H
irofumi ; FUKUHARA
,Mitsuru ; TSUNODA,Katsunori ; ISHII,Tadahiro ; SASHIWA,Hitoshi
3D210Preparation and Nano-structures of Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers ( Dept. of Applied Chemistry; Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KONG,Xiangxing ; TIAN,Yanqing ; TSUCHIYA,Hajime ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
3D216 Session Lecturephase-separated structure and protein adsorption behaviors of organosilane ultrathin films ( kyushu university ) TAKAHARA,Atsushi ; KAJIYAMA,Chisato
1D305 Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Reconstituted Cytochrome c Oxidase in Phospholipid Vesicles ( Tokyo University, Dept of Life Science ) IM,Sang-choul ; OGURA,Takashi
1D310 UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopic Studies of a Blue Copper Protein, Pseudoazurin from Achromobacter cycloclastes IAM 1013 ( Ibaraki Univ. IMS ) YANAGISAWA,Sachiko ; AKI,Michihiko ; NAGATOMO,Shigenori ; KITAGAWA,Teizo ; KOHZUMA,Takamit
1D315 Resonance Raman Spectra of Nickel Tetraphenylporphyrins in the (d, d) Excited State ( Institute for Molecular Science; Center for Integrative Bioscience ) MIZUTANI,Yasuhisa ; KITAGAWA,Teizo
1D325 Session Lecture ( ) TOMINAGA,Keisuke
1D331 Vibrational Analysis by Wavenumber-linear Scaling (WLS)Method - Calibration of Calculated Wavenumbers by Spectrum of Indene ( Hiroshima Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Hiroshi ; MATSUURA,Hiroatsu
1D337 Sample-Sample Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) SLOBODAN,Sasic ; OZAKI,Yukihiro
1D343 Reassessment of the infrared spectra of methyl iodide clusters ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) ITO,Fumiyuki ; NAKANAGA,Taisuke
2D327 Microwave Spectroscopic and Ab initio Studies of Molecular Structure of Nitrosoalkenes ( Sophia Univ. Faculty of Science and Technology ) SAKAIZUMI,Takeshi ; USAMI,Tsuyoshi ; HARIMA,Daisuke ; KUZE,Nobohiko ; OHASHI,Osamu
2D331 FTMW spectroscopy of AlSH ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of British Columbia ) FUKUSHIMA,Masaru ; GERRY,Michael
2D337 An ab initio study of the excited electronic states of FeC radical ( Ochanomizu Univ. ) ITONO,Sachiko ; TAKETSUGU,Tetsuya ; NAGASHIMA,Umpei ; HIRANO,Tsuneo
2D342 Electronic Spectra of a Merocyanine Dye in a Supersonic Jet ( Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo Univ. Agricul. & Technol. ) TAKAYANAGI,Masao ; NAKAGAWA,Tetsuya ; NAKATA,Munetaka
3D303 Exciton Dynamics of Dendritic Molecular Aggregate Models:Relaxation Effect by Exciton-Phonon Coupling ( Osaka University ) TAKAHATA,Masahiro ; NAKANO,Masayoshi ; FUJITA,Harunori ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
3D309 CASSCF study on the excited states of Azulene ( Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Yokohama Research Center ) MURAKAMI,Akinori ; GOLDBERG,Alexander ; NAKAMURA,Shinichiro
1D425 Dual mode EPR of Eu2+ ion in a CaF2 single crystal ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) MATSUOKA,Hideto ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji
1D431 Temperature and Pressure Effects on Spin-lattice Relaxation Rates of D and 17O of Heavy Water Molecules in MgCl2 and CaCl2 Aqueous Solutions by NMR ( University of Ritsumeikan ) FUMINO,Koichi ; TANIGUCHI,Yos
1D437 Crystal and Electronic Structures of Perylene Derivatives (P. R. 179) ( Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ. ) TOJO,Kaoru ; MIZUGUCHI,Jin
1D441 Crystal Structure of Acidic Salt between p-Nitrobenzoic Acid and Piperidine ( Okayama Univ.; MITSUI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS & CONSULTING SERVICE INC. ) MORITANI,Yoshimitsu ; KASHINO,Setsuo
2D401 Molecular Simulation of Adsorption Properties for New Carbon Material Templated by MCM-48 ( Graduate School of Nat. Sci. and Tech., Chiba Univ. ) OHKUBO,Takahiro ; MIYAWAKI,Jin ; KANEKO,Katsumi ; SEATON,Nigel
2D407 STM observation of Ni(111) oxidation ( Chem. Res. Lab., Tokyo Inst.Tech. ) MATSUMOTO,Taketosi ; KUBOTA,Jun ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michkazu ; HIROSE,Chiaki ; DOMEN,Kazunari
2D413 NC-AFM observation of a molybdenum oxide single crystal surface ( CRC Hokkaido Univ ) SUZUKI,Shushi ; OHMINAMI,Yusuke ; SHOAIB,M.m. ; ASAKURA,Kiyotaka
2D425 Session Lecture electronically excited states on surfaces studied with two-photon photoemissiom ( RIKEN ) MUNAKATA,Toshiaki
2D437 Site switching for CO2 formation and structural transformation from(1x2) to (1x1) in CO oxidation on Pt(110) ( Hokkaido Univ. Catalysis Research Center ) MOULA,Md.golam ; MISHRA,Asht. Bhuja Prasad ; RZEZNICKA,Izabela ; OHNO,Yuich
2D441 STM and HREELS studies of hydrogenation of butadiene on Pd(110) ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Chem. Res. Lab. ; RIKEN ) KATANO,Satoshi ; KATO,Hiroyuki ; KOMEDA,Tadahiro ; KAWAI,Maki ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3D401 Session Lecture stereo visualization of atomic structure by cirvularly-polarized-light photoelectron diffraction ( nara institute of science and technology ) DAIMON,Hiroshi
3D407 XAFS and IR study on the coadsorption system of K and H2O on Cu(111) ( Keio univ. ; KEK-PF ) ENDO,Osamu ; NAKAMURA,Masashi ; ITO,Masatoki
2D503 Crystal structure and electric conductivity of Cu2ZnMSe4(M=Ge,Sn) ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) MORO'OKA,Masakazu ; OHKI,Hiroshi ; YAMADA,Koji ; OKUDA,Tsutomu
2D509 Practical Synthetic Procedure for dsis and Its Use for the Synthesis of TSF Derivatives. ( Hiroshima Univ. ) IKEMORI,Mifumi ; KODANI,Mie ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTUBO,Tetsuo
2D515 Electronic properties of (DMET)2(X1X2TCNQ);(X1, X2=F, Cl, Br, CH3, H) ( Hokkaido University, Tokyo University ) SATOH,Tasuku ; KONDOH,Ryusuke ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; AKUTAGAWA,To
moyuki ; NAKAMURA,
2D525 Cooperative Jan-Teller Interaction for Hydrogen-Bonded Network System ( Osaka Univ.; Himeji Institute of Technology; Osaka City Univ. ) SAKAI,Motoko ; HASEGAWA,Akira ; TOYODA,Jiro ; MITSUMI,Minoru ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro ; FURUKAWA,Ko ; SHIOMI,
Daisuke ; SATO,Kaz
unobu ; TAKUI,Takeji
2D531 Spin Alignments in Genuinely Organic Molecule-based Ferrimagnetss and the Molecular Designing Based on Heitler-London/Heisenberg Models ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) SHIOMI,Daisuke ; SATO,Kazunobu ; TAKUI,Takeji
2D537 Structure and magnetic property of [Ni(dmit)2] salts of positively - charged 6 - oxo - verdazyl radical ( Ehime Univ.; Osaka Prefecture Univ.* ) HATANAKA,Takashi ; SENBA,Nobuyoshi ; AZUMA,Nagao ; MUKAI,Kazuo ; UEDA,Kaz
umasa ; SUGIMOTO,T
2D543 Composition and Physical Properties of the Organic Metal Ferromagnet based on BEDO-TTF ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) NAGATA,Yoshiaki ; YAMOCHI,Hideki ; MAESATO,Mitsuhiko ; OTSUKA,Akiiro ; SAITO,Gunzi ; IWASA,Yoshihiro
3D504 Visible light-induced reversible photomagnetismsin class II mixed valence complex ( RCAST, The Univercity of Tokyo; KAST ) OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; ABE,Yukinori ; MACHIDA,Naoko ; SOU,Kinsyou ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
3D509 Crystal Structure, and Electrical Conducting and Magnetic Properties of As(CH3)4 Salt of Dichloro-substituted Tetracyanoquinodimethanide ( RIAST, Osaka Pref. Univ.; Toho Univ. ) UEDA,Kazumasa ; SUGIMOTO,Toyonari ; TAD
A,Toshiji ; MOCHID
4D504 Session Lecture fundamental properties and applications of CMR oxides:manganese oxides with perovskite and pyrochlore structures ( fundamental research laboratories,NEC corporation ) SHIMAKAWA,Yuuchi
4D509 Physical properties of the Pd(dmit)2 anion radical salts with novel Te-S contacts ( ISSP Univ. of Tokyo; RIKEN ) FUJIWARA,Masahiro ; YAMAURA,Jun-ichi ; TAMURA,Masafumi ; KATO,Reizo
4D514 Synthesis, and Electrical Conducting and Magnetic Properties of FeX4(X= Cl, Br) Salts of Tetrathiafulvalenoquinone-1,3-dithiolemethide ( RIAST, Osaka pref. Univ.; Dep. of Hum. Stud., Kyoto Univ.; Rigaku; Grad. School of Sci., Osa
ka City Univ. ) KO
MINAMI,Tsuyoshi ; UEDA,Kazumasa ; SUGIMOTO,Toyonari ; FUJITA,Hideo ; SHIRO,Motoo ; MURATA,Keizou
4D525 Synthesis and Physical Properties of New Molecular Conductors Based on Lanthanoidnitrate Complex Anions ( The University of Tokyo ) CUI,Hengbo ; OTSUKA,Takeo ; KOBAYASHI,Akiko ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Hisashi ; KOBAYASHI,Hayao
4D531 Crystal Structure and Properties of (BEDT-HBDST)2Au(CN)2 ( Tohoku University; Tokyo Institute of Technology; CIR of Tohoku University ) SHIRAHATA,Takashi ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki ; MORI,Takehiko ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuko
2D625 Electronic Structure and Ionization of N,N-dimethly aniline in acetonitrile Solution ( Institute for Molecular Science ) SATO,Hirofumi ; HIRATA,Fumio
2D630 Dynamics of supercritical water ( Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAO,Naoko ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
2D637 Novel states appearing from supercooled liquids of ethylbenzene and propylbenzene ( Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University ) ISHII,Kikujiro ; OKAMURA,Takahiro ; TACHIHANA,Yasuo ; NAKAYAMA,Hideyuki
2D642 Phase Equilibrium in the System Sm-Mn-O at 1100.degree.C ( Faculty of Engineering,Niigata Institute of Technology ) KOBAYASHI,Minehito ; KIMOTO,Takashi ; KITAYAMA,Kenzo
3D602 Orientational order of non-liquid crystalline solute in nematic phase ( Science University of Tokyo ) FUJIWARA,Masakazu ; ISHIKAWA,Masayuki ; MITA,Shigeru ; KONDO,Shoichi
3D608 Discotic Liquid Crystal of Organic Metal Complexes (62): Synthesis and Novel Mesomorphism of Bis(octakisalkoxyphthalocyaninato)lutetium(III) Sandwich Complexes ( Shinshu University ) MAEDA,Fumihiro ; NAITO,Rie ; OHTA,Kazuchika
4D604 Epoxidation of [60]fullerene ( RIKEN Applied Laser Chemistry Laboratory ) MIYAZAKI,Masahide
4D609 Syntheses of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes via the CCVD method. ( Department of Chemistry, Nagoya Univ. ) KAWAKUBO,Tomoju ; OKAMOTO,Atsuto ; OKAZAKI,Toshiya ; SUGAI,Toshiki ; SHINOHARA,Hisanori
1D725 Abrasive stripping analysis with boron-doped diamond electrode ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) EL-MERRAOUI,Mustapha ; EINAGA,Yasuaki ; TRYK,Donald A. ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1D731 Property of a Boissonide-DeKepper model constituted with two components ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) SASAKI,Yoshihiro
1D737 Non-linear chemistry reaction dynamics and image analysis ( Nara University of Education ) MATSUMURA,Takeko ; FUKUDA,Takeshi ; KARATANI,Hajime ; NAKAGAWA,Tatsuo
2D709 A study on the reaction rate of O + fluoropropane reaction ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) SHIINA,Hiroumi ; TSUCHIYA,Kentaro ; OYA,Masaaki ; MIYOSHI,Akira ; MATSUI,Hiroyuki
2D713 Kinetic study of S atom formation by thermal decomposition of SO2 ( Nagaoka University of Technology ) MURAKAMI,Yoshinori ; ONISHI,Syoichi ; KOBAYASHI,Takaomi ; FUJII,Nobuyuki
2D725 Dissociative Ionization Spectroscopysby Higher-Order Harmonics in the Extream Ultraviolet Region ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo and CREST ) FUKUDA,Yuji ; IWAMAE,Atsushi ; HOSAKA,Kouichi ; HOSHINA,Kennosuke ; HISHIKAWA,Akiyoshi
2D731 Forbidden doubly-excited N2 moleculessin electron collisions ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) TAKAHASHI,Ken ; NAGASHIMA,Humiyoshi ; ODAGIRI,Takeshi ; KOUCHI,Noriyuki ; HATANO,Yoshihiko
2D737 Plenary Lecture by Young Genelation dynamics of radical ions in solution observed by laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy ( the institute of scientific and industrial research,osaka University ) ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki
2D743 Geminate Ion Recombination in liquid alkane studied by subpicosecond pulse radiolysis ( ISIR, Osaka Univ.;Riken ) YOSHIDA,Yoichi ; SARKI,Akinori ; KOZAWA,Takahiro ; SEKI,Shuhei ; USHIDA,Kiminori ; TAGAWA,Seiichi
3D708 Alignment and structural deformation of CS2 in nano-second intense laser fields ( Dept. of Chem., School of Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo ) IWASAKI,Atsushi ; HISHIKAWA,Akiyoshi ; YAMANOUCHI,Kaoru
3D725 Theoretical Study on the Electronic Structure of Half-Sandwich Complexes Constructed from Transition-Metals and Benzene Derivatives ( Keio Univ. Faculty of Science and Technology ) EGUCHI,Takashi ; TAKEHARA,Mizuho ; YASUIKE,Tomokazu ; JUDAI,
ushi ; KAYA,Kouji ; YABUSHITA,Satoshi
3D731 Formation of small gold nanoparticles by lasersirradiation and their absorption spectra ( Cluster Research Laboratory,Toyota Technological Institute ) MAFUNE,Fumitaka ; KOHNO,Jun-ya ; TAKEDA,Yoshihiro ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D737 Dissociation of Cl-(H2O)n by surface impact ( Genesis Research Institute, Inc.; Toyota Technological Institute ) KOIZUMI,Shin'ichi ; YASUMATSU,Hisato ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
2E101 Approach to Envoromental Education by Chemical and Biological Water Examination in Yakushima(1) ( Osaka Prefecutural Education Center ) NAKAI,Seiichi ; YAMAMOTO,Katuhiro
2E107 Award Lecture ( ) HANAI,Akihiro
2E113 Award Lecture The Science Club Activities and Humanistic Education ( ) SASAKI,Kazuya
2E125 Award Lecture promotion and Stimulation of Chemical education at Natonal College of Technology through Tntercourse with Industrial Association ( kurume national college of technology ) TORII,Akiroshi
2E131 Animation of Chemical Reactions Based on Quantum Chemical Calculations ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) TERATANI,Shousuke ; YOSHIMURA,Atsushi ; TAMURA,Syunsuke ; IKUO,Akira
1E203 Magnetic Susceptibilities of nitrogen oxides occluded in one dimensional micropores ( Kanagawa Univ. ) SATO,Tomohiko ; KINOSHITA,Masashi ; INAGAKI,Tomonori ; TAKAMIZAWA,Satoshi ; MORI,Wasuke
1E207 Synthesis and gas-occlusion properties of carboxylate ruthenium complexes ( Kanagawa Univ. ) OOMURA,Tetsushi ; HINO,Tomonari ; TAKAMIZAWA,Satoshi ; MORI,Wasuke
1E213 Crystal structure of a V/B-mixed [V14B8O50]n- prepared by a photoencapsulation method ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) YAMASE,Toshihiro ; MORITA,Ikuko
1E225 Thermal Structural Studies of La[Co(CN)6]5H2O(5) ( Graduate School of Science and Technology Niigata Univ.; Dept.of Science, Niigata Univ. ) NAGAO,Satomi ; OU,Gyougyoku ; MASUDA,Yoshio
1E231 Polarized Raman scattering study on terminal stretchings modes in molybdenum blue bronze (1) "reinvestigation" ofsthe spectra. ( Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Inst. Tech. ) NISHIO,Shigeru ; KAKIHANA,Masato
1E237 Materials Primed with Elemental Genetics for Physical Property Discoverys- Carbosulfide Superconductor - ( JST; NIRIM; Osaka Univ.; RIKEN ) SAKAMAKI,Kenji ; WADA,Hiroaki ; NOZAKI,Hiroshi ; ONUKI,Yoshichika ; KAWAI,Maki
1E243 Synthesis of layered inorganic-organic nanocomposite films derived from alkyl mono-, di-, and tri-methoxysilane-tetramethoxysilane systems ( School of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ. ) UMEDA,Noritaka ; SHIMOJIMA,Atsushi ; KURODA,Kazuy
2E203 Synthesis and Ion Exchange of Swelling Na-4-Mica(4) Characterization of Na-4-Mica and Its Irreversible Ion Exchange for Strontium ( Niigata University ) UEDA,Masahito ; HASEGAWA,Kumi ; KITAYAMA,Yoshie ; KODAMA,Tatsuya ; SRIDHAR,Komarneni
2E207 The main species of silicate complexes in sodium chloride solution identified using a FAB-MS ( The Tokyo Univ. of Fisheries; The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research ) TANAKA,Miho ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuya
2E213 Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Adsorption Properties ofsa Channeled Three-dimensional Compound constructed from Cr(III)Trinuclear Complex and Heteropolyanion ( Graduate School of Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo; Faculty of System Engineering,
Wakayama Univers
ity ) UCHIDA,Sayaka ; SAKAMOTO,Shinsuke ; HASHIMOTO,Masato ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
3E203 Application of multidimensional spectrum analysis for neutron activation method-Determination of 129I ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute ) HATSUKAWA,Yuichi ; OSHIMA,Masumi ; TOH,Yousuke ; HAYAKAWA,Takehito ; SHINOHARA,Nobuo ; KUSHITA,
Kouhei ; UENO,Taka
3E207 Synthesis and Structure of [V4O12(H2O)2]4- and its behavior in solution. ( Kwansei Gakuin University ; Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OZEKI,Tomoji ; NAKANO,Hiroyuki ; YAGASAKI,Atsushi
3E213 One-Dimensional Growth of Tin Oxide Microcrystals Through the Smectic to Nematic Liquid crystalline Phase Transition ( Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University ) IKEDA,Takayuki ; YADA,Mitsunori ; MACHIDA,Masato ; KIJIMA,Tsuyoshi
3E225 Formation and characterization of aluminum phosphate precursor from metaphosphoric acid by the homogeneous precipitation method 2c 28 2 29 ( Univ. of Tokai ) FUJIE,Tomoko ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E231 Formation of zinc pyrophosphate from pyrophosphoric acid by the homogeneous precipitate method28129 ( Univ. of Tokai ) KOUNO,Hitoshi ; ISHIGURO,Chika ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E237 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Blue Potassium Molybdenum Bronzes ( Graduate school of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ.;Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ. ) CHIN,Kin ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki ; WHITTINGHAM,M. Stanley
3E243 Crystal growth of h-BN in molten ammonium chloride under high-temperature and high-pressure ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. ) KAWASAKI,Kazuhiko ; CHEN,Xuean ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
1E301Relationship of structure and properties of phosphine-containing catalysts on reaction with epoxy and phenol compounds ( Hitachi Research Lab.,Hitachi Ltd. ) NAGAI,Akira ; KOKAKU,Hiroyoshi ; ISHII,Toshiaki
1E307New Polyamine-based Dendrimers I. Synthesis of Cores and Dendrons ( RIKEN (Inst. Phys. Chem. Res.), Saitama Univ. Grad. Sci. Eng. ) IWATA,Masaaki ; IMASE,Yoshihiro ; GUNJI,Atsushi ; WADA,Tatsuo
1E313Self-Assembled Structure of Rhodamine 6G Contained in Li-Taeniolite Oriented Thin Film ( ResCWE, Nagoya Univ.; NIRIM ) SASAI,Ryo ; FUJITA,Taketoshi ; IYI,Nobuo ; ITOH,Hideaki ; TAKAGI,Katsuhiko
1E325 Plenary Lecture by Young GenelationDevelopment of novel polymer-clay nanocomposites ( toyota central research&Development labs.,inc. ) HASEGAWA,Naoki
1E331Organic-Inorganic Composites Comprised of Ordered Stacks of Amphiphilic Molecular-Disks ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) KIMURA,Mutsumi ; WADA,Kazumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
2E301Preparation and properties of organic-inorganic hybrid fromstrifunctionalised vinylsilanes. ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; SAKAN,Tomomi ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2E307Synthesis of organic-inorganic polymer hybrids using octafunctionalized silsesquioxanes ( Kyoto Univ ) INAKURA,Tomoki ; KIM,Kyung-min ; NAKA,Kensuke ; CHUJO,Yoshiki
2E313 Session Lecturepreparation and Application of superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic coating ( graduate school ofEngineering,osakaprefecture University ) TADANAGA,Kiyoharu
2E325Preperation of porous TiO2 films by organic-inorganic composite gel method ( New Business Center, Fuji Xeroc Co.Ltd ) ISHII,Toru ; ONO,Yoshiyuki
2E331Preparation of porous zirconium oxide using hydrogen peroxide ( UBE INDUSTRIES Ltd. Polymer Lab. ) KAKUTA,Yoshihisa ; IWASA,Takafumi ; KAOUGI,Tomonori ; ATOGUCHI,Takasi ; YAO,Shigeru
2E337Preparation of calcium carbonate thin film by partially modified polyallylamine with phosphonate group ( Kyoto univ ) AIKI,Yasuhiro ; TANAKA,Yasuyuki ; NAKA,Kensuke ; CHUJO,Yoshiki
2E343Mechanical Milling Synthesis of the alloy in the system Li-Ge ( Konan Univ. ) KOBAYASHI,Kazuma ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko ; MACHIDA,Nobuya
3E301Formation of calcium phosphate film by electrolytic deposition method ( rikkyo university ) TANAKA,Maiko ; KUWABARA,Katsumi
3E307 Session Lecturefabrication and properties of orientation-controlled organic thin films ( faculty of Engineering,kobe University ) UEDA,Yashikiyo
3E313Mechanisms of crystallographic orientation in sol-gel-derived oxide thins films on amorphous substrates ( Keio U. ) FUJIHARA,Shinobu ; KIMURA,Toshio
3E337The study on the fine particle of the fatty acid inorganic metal salt (1) The study on the new reaction method of the fine particle of fatty acid metal soap. ( Oleochemical Research Laboratory, NOF Co., Ltd. ) SAWADA,Kouhei ; KONAKA,Miki
3E343Controlled Array of Au Nanoparticles Fibrous Self-Assemblies of Organogelator ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) KURODA,Takahisa ; KOBAYASHI,Satoshi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
4E301Preparation of Polyimide Particles Containing Pt and Their Carboni zation ( Hiroshima Univ. ) NAKATSUCHI,Sayaka ; TAMAI,Hisashi ; YASUDA,Hajime
4E307Characterization of Active Carbon Fiber Cloth ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ.;Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ. ) TANIMURA,Toshihiro ; SUZUKI,Takashi ; KIMURA,Takayoshi ; OSAKAI,Toshiyuki ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki
4E313Synthesis of B/C/N thin films on HOPG substrate by LPCVDsmethod ( Osaka Electro-Comm Univ. Academic Frontier;Osaka Electro-Comm Univ. ) BANDO,Hiroyuki ; KAWANO,Takanori ; NAKAMOTO,Norifumi ; ENOMOTO,Hiroyuki ; KAWAGUCHI,Masayuki
1E403Synthesis of copolymers containing sarcosine and isoleucine and their evaluation for biomaterials. ( Graduate School of Materials Science, NAIST ) OKAMURA,Aiko ; TANIHARA,Masao
1E408Adsorption Characterization of Teststerone for Teststerone-imprinted Polymer ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) MIYOSHI,Toshimasa ; MATSUTA,Yoshitake ; KAJITANI,Hideyuki ; SAITO,Takashi
1E413Complexation Behavior of Graft Side Chain Having Iminodiacetic Acid Group. ( Ebara Research Co., Ltd. ) KOMATSU,Makoto ; WATANABE,Nobuyoshi ; TAKEDA,Kazuyoshi
1E426Generation and Characterization of Persistent High-Spin Anthryl(aryl)carbenes ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) OHTSUKA,Yusuke ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1E430 Session Lectureelectronic structures of organic magnetic materials ( graduate school of Engineering,kyoto University ) TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
1E433Oxidized states of ferrocenyl end-capped octithiophene ( Kobe University of Marcantile Marine ) SUGANO,Yuuya ; SATO,Masa-aki ; HIROI,Masao
2E403Substituent Effect of Isopropyl Groups of Asymmetric Diarylethenes ( Ryukoku Univ.; Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation; Kyushu Univ. and CREST ) UCHIDA,Kingo ; MOCHIDZUKI,Go ; NAKAMURA,Shinichirou ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E407Synthesis of Azopyridinium Derivatives and Their Optical Behavior ( Shizuoka Univ. ) KINUGAWA,Chika ; MINAMI,Erika ; INOUE,Takuya ; NAGATA,Shouzou ; YAMADA,Shigetoshi
2E411Photochromism of linear diarylethene-metal ion complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) TAKAYAMA,Kohsuke ; MATSUDA,Kenji ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E416 Session Lecturechemical resorces in photonics ( chemical resources laboratory,tokyo institute of technology ) IKEDA,Tomiki
2E425Isomerization Reactions and Properties of Azo ChromophoresPrepared from Chiral Binaphthyl Derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) YAMAGUCHI,Tadatsugu ; KOSHIMURA,Jyun ; NAKAZUMI,Hiroyuki
2E431 Session Lecturex-ray crystallographic study on single-crystalline photochromism of diarylethenes ( kyushu university,CREST ) IRIE,Masahiro ; YANADA,Tarou
2E434Photochromism of 1,2-Bis[2-methyl-5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-3-thienyl]perfluorocyclopentene in a Single-Crystalline Phase ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University; CREST, Japan Science and Technolgy Corporation ) MORIMOTO,Masakazu ; KO
2E439Synthesis of Thiophenophan-1-enes and Their Photochromism ( Saga Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) NAGAI,Miki ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
2E444Synthesis of Amorphous Diarylethene having 2,4-Diphenyl-phenyl Substituents ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KIM,Myeongsuk ; KAWAI,Tsuyoshi ; IRIE,Masahiro
3E404pH responsible luminescence of water-soluble Tb(III) cyclen complex ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) SHINODA,Satoshi ; TSUKUBE,Hiroshi
3E409Amorphous Molecular Materials: Development of a Novel Emitting Amorphous Molecular Material for Organic Electroluminescent Device (I) ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) ICHISAKA,Toshiki ; KINOSHITA,Motoi ; HANACK,Michael ; SHIROTA,
3E414Diaphragm function of area-modulative liquid crystal cell. ( Tokushima Bunri University Graduate school of engineering. ) UNO,Keisuke ; SUGIHARA,Shigeo
1E501Development of Micrometer-Sized SPR Devices Using Probe Fabrications for Near-field Optics ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) KURIHARA,Kazuyoshi ; OHKAWA,Hiroyuki ; IWASAKI,Yuzuru ; TOBITA,Tatsuya ; NIWA,Osamu ; SUZUKI,Koji
1E507Physical properties of optical HCl gas sensor elements by using tetraphenylporphyrin derivatives containing various hydroxylalkyl groups. ( Niihama National Col. of Tech; Fac. of Eng. Ehime Uni. ) AHAHINA,Toshihide ; KUBO,Akiko ; NAKAGAWA,K
atsuhiko ; TSUTSUM
I,Chikara ; TABUCHI,Kenzo ; SUPRIYATNO,Heru ; AONO,Hiromichi ; SADAOKA,Yoshihiko
1E513Inverse Gas Chromatographic Characterization of Liquid Crystalline Cholesteryl n-nonanoate ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Department of Applied Chemistry ) TAZAKI,Michiko ; HOMMA,Terutake ; YAMADA,Manami
1E525Synthesis of Various Arenes Having 2,2-Dicyanoethenyl Group and Amino Group and Their Utilization for EL Device ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University; FUTABA Corp. ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; TSUTSUI,Takuya ; MATSUMOTO,Shoji ; AKAZOME,Motohiro
; TANAKA,Satoshi
; FUKUDA,Tatsuo
1E531Transient Electroluminescence from light-emitting Diodes Fabricated with PPV Derivatives ( Waseda University ) YAMAGISHI,Yuko ; FURUKAWA,Yukio
2E504 Session Lecturepreparatin of sulfide-based amorphous electrolytes andtheir application for solid lithium secondary batteries ( department of applied materials science,osaka prefecture university ) TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro
2E511Li ion conductivity and electrochemical properties on oligo-ether based gel electrolytes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ ) YUMOTO,Ken'ichi ; ABE,Takeshi ; INABA,Minoru ; OGUMI,Zempachi
2E525Reactivity of Plasma generated from Fluorine-containing gases with Silicon dioxide (Report 2)-Experimental reports of fluorinated carbonyls and ethers ( RITE,NIMC ) MITSUI,Yuki ; TOMIZAWA,Ginjiro ; FUKAE,Katsuya ; KOSANO,Yoshihide ; TAMURA,
Masanori ; SEKIYA,
Akira ; TAKAICHI,Tsuyoshi ; BEPPU,Tatsuro
2E531Synthesis of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Oligomers Containing Histamine Segments and Application to Oligomer-catalyzed Hydrolysis ( Nara National College of Technology; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; IKENO,Koji ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E537Anthraquinone Dyes Derived from Tetrafluoroanthraquinones ( Gifu University ) TANIGUCHI,Shinobu ; SHIBATA,Katsuyoshi ; MATSUI,Masaki
2E543Synthesis and Biodegradability of Optically Active Depsipeptide Copolymers ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TANAKA,Akira ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuki ; YASUDA,Hajime
3E501 Session Lecturevisual imaging of ion distribution in skin ( shiseido life science research center ) DENDA,Mitsuhiro
3E504Novel Fluorescent Labeling Reagents ( Gifu University ) MATSUI,Masaki ; NAKAYA,Ken-ichi ; SHIBATA,Katsuyoshi
3E510Decolorable Ink(5)-Analysis of the interaction between the developer and the erasing reagent using FT-IR spectroscopy- ( Toshiba Corp. Corporate R&D Center ) TANAKA,Akira ; MACHIDA,Sigeru ; TAKAYAMA,Satoshi ; SANO,Kenji
1E607Investigation on the relationship between plasticity and structure of maceral concentrates of coal ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KATSUYAMA,Misa ; KIDENA,Koh ; MURATA,Satoru ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
1E613Investigation of added water on generation of highly activesMoS2 catalyst ( Toyama Univ.; Penn State Univ. ) YONEYAMA,Yoshiharu ; YAMAGAMI,Tetsuji ; SONG,Chunshan
1E625Oxidative Desulfurization of Light Gas Oil Using tert-BuOOH ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. ) OTSUKI,Shujiro ; HASHIMOTO,Ryousuke ; ISHIHARA,Atsushi ; KABE,Toshiaki
1E631Hydrogen synthesis via the decomposition of methane on Ni-Cu catalysts ( Grad. School of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) KURASAWA,Syunsuke ; IWAMOTO,Shinji ; INOUE,Masashi
2E607Recovery of Hydrogen from Polyethylene by CatalyticsDegradation ( Muroran Institute of Technology ) UEMICHI,Yoshio ; YAMAGUCHI,Youhei ; DAPAAH,John ; SUGIOKA,Masatoshi
2E613Absorbing Various Solvents Using Water-absorbing Polymer Made from Waste Plastic ( Sony Corp. Tecnical Support Center ) INAGAKI,Yasuhito
2E625A Comparative Study on Polymer Production between Japan and Europe ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) HATOYAMA,Yoshinobu ; SAKAMURA,Hiroyasu ; YASUI,Itaru
2E631Reaction mechanism of sugar derivatives in sub- and supercritical water ( Univ. of Tohoku; The Noguchi Inst.; Genesis Research Institute, INC. ) ARAI,Kunio ; ADSCHIRI,Tadafumi ; TAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; GOTO,Kohtaro ; SASAKI,Mitsuru
3E704Charge-Discharge Characteristics of Co-Free AB5-Type Hydrogen Storage Alloys ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) SENOH,Hiroshi ; OHKAWA,Kazuhiro ; INOUE,Hiroshi ; IWAKURA,Chiaki
3E707Preparation and electrochemical properties of olivine structured LiCoPO 4 from solution ( Osaka Prefecture University ) TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; MIZUNO,Fuminori ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
3E725 Session LectureDevelopment of hydrogen production Catalysts for fuel cell ( kyoto University ) EGUCHI,Koichi
3E731Thermo-regenerative Fuel Cell with Use of Acetone Hydrogenation ( Fac. Eng., Sci. Univ. Tokyo; Electrotech. Lab. ) SAITO,Yasukazu ; MIURA,Masahide ; ANDO,Yuji ; TANAKA,Tadayoshi
3E737Alternative cathode of BaCoO3 for intermediate temperature operating fuel cell using LaGaO3 based electrolyte ( Oita University ) FUKUI,Satoko ; ARIKAWA,Hiroshi ; TURUTA,Yuko ; ISHIHARA,Tatumi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ;
3E743Morphology of electrodeposits of tungsten obtained in ZnCl2-NaCl melts ( Faculty of Integ. Human Studies,Kyoto Univ. ) NAKANO,Sumiaki ; KATAGIRI,Akira
4E703Conversion of Concentrated Solar Energy tos Chemical Energy(34) Oxygen generation by decomposition of ZnFe2O4 using concentratedsXe-beam irradiation ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) INOUE,Masafumi ; KOJIMA,Noriko ; MURAOKA,
Yuji ; GOKON,Nobuy
uki ; KANEKO,Hiroshi ; TAMAURA,Yutaka
4E708Visible light induced epoxidation of alkene and hydrogen evolution coupled with water splitting, using TiO2 as an electron acceptor and Ru porphyrin as a sensitizer. ( Department of applied chemistry, Tokyo metropolitan university; CREST )
YAMANE,Tomokazu ;
MORI,Mikinaga ; FUNYU,Sigeaki ; TAKAGI,Sinsuke ; INOUE,Haruo
4E713Photoelectric conversion properties of modified gold electrodes with ruthenium complex(D) -viologen (A) linked compounds, effects of D-A and A-electrode distance ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) TERASAKI,Nao ; AKIYAMA,Tsuyos
hi ; YAMADA,Sunao
4E725 Session Lecturesome interesting photocatalytic reactions and designing of the Tio2 catalysts ( res.ctr.for photoenergetics of organic materials,osaka univ. ) MATSUMURA,Michio
4E731Selective Exposure of (100) Surface in n-type titanium dioxide (rutile) electrodes via Photoetching ( Osaka Univ. ) KISUMI,Tetsuya ; TSUJIKO,Akira ; MURAKOSHI,Kei ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
4E737Photocatalytic and Photoinduced Superhydrophilic properties of Ti-B binary oxide thin film photocatalysts -Enhancement of the Photo-functions by the treatment of alkaline solution- ( Osaka Prefecture University ) DOHSHI,Satoru ; TAKEUCHI,
Masato ; MATSUOKA,
Masaya ; EURA,Takashi ; IWAMOTO,Nobuya ; ANPO,Masakazu
4E743Activity improvement of TiO2 photocatalysis in gaseous by using fine-structures based on TiO2 and conductive materials ( Univ. of Tokyo ) SUNAGA,Takahiro ; OHKO,Yoshihisa ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1F107The novel inclusion compound of the ammonium salt of 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2'-diyl hydrogenphosphate ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MATSUKAWA,Youzou ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
1F113Guest-Induced Assembly of Coordination Nanotubes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ., CREST ) TOMINAGA,Masahide ; KATO,Masanori ; YAMANOI,Yoshinori ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; OKANO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Makoto
1F125Uptake and coloration of polyoxometalates in MRSA cells ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) YAMASE,Toshihiro ; FUJITA,Yutaka
1F131Molecular recognition of bis(resorcinol)anthracene solid host in supercritical fluids ( Dept. of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) NAITO,Masanobu ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro ; MORI,Toshiaki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
1F137Molecular recognition of fructosyl amine compounds by molecularly imprinted polymers. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) SODE,Koji ; YANAI,Yoshitsugu ; OHTA,Shigenori ; TSUGAWA,Wakako ; YAMAZAKI,Tomohiko
1F143Hydrolysis of phosphate diester promoted by Zn complex under acidic condition ( Oita University, Research and Development Center ) FUJITA,Koyu ; ITO,Masami ; TAKITA,Yu-saku
2F125 Session Lecturechemistry of weak interactions in proximal metal ions ( research center for materials science,nagoya university ) OTANI,Akira
2F131Formation of Homohelical Structures in Zinc Bilinone Trimer induced by Complexation with Amines ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Graduate School of Eng., Kyoto Univ.; Fukui National College of Tech. ) YAGI,Shigeyuki ; HAM
AKUBO,Katsushi ; K
ASHIWAGI,Yukiyasu ; TAKAGISHI,Toru ; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; OGOSHI,Hisanobu
2F137Hydroxyl radical generation by ultra-sonication: An ESR study ( Kochi University of Technology ) NODA,Yasuko ; NISHIZAWA,Masahiro ; NADA,Atsushi ; TSUKAZAKI,Hideo ; KOHNO,Masahiro
2F143Steric Effects of the Ligands on the Reactivity of Copper(I) Complexes toward Molecular Oxygen ( Osaka City University; Osaka University; CREST ) TAKI,Masayasu ; OHSAKO,Takao ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; ITOH,Shinobu
3F105Characterization of Copper-zinc Hydroperoxo Adduct with Polypyridine Ligand ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) ARII,Hidekazu ; WADA,Akira ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
3F112Redox Reactions between Pterin Cofactors and Dioxygen in Cu(II) Complexes. ( Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular Science; Faculty of Engineering,
Kansai University
) ODANI,Akira ; KIMURA,Kiichio ; FUNAHASHI,Yasuhiro ; YAMAUCHI,Osamu
1F207Supramolecular Organization of Antenna-Reaction Center System for Photosynthesis ( Naist; Graduate School of Materials Science; CREST ) OZEKI,Hidekane ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F213Organization of 15,15'-Bisimidazolyl Gable Porphyrin Complementary Coordination ( NAIST Materials Science and CREST ) HATTORI,Ryoichi ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F226Design and Reactivities of a Dendrimer/Rhodium Porphyrin Complex Linked via a Metal-Carbon Bond. ( The University of Tokyo ) KIMATA,Shuichi ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F231Introduction of Aliphatic Primary Amino Groups for Bioconjugation into the Cationic Metalloporphyrin with SOD Activity ( Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; NAGAOKA,Shoji
1F237Synthesis of the Unnatural Amino Acid with a Porphyrinic Side Chain ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) SUZUKI,Singo
1F243Chemical models fully mimicking the peptide residues around the O2 activation site of cytochrome c oxidase: synthesis and their reaction with dioxygen ( Kyushu university, IFOC ) TACHI,Yoshimitsu ; TANI,Fumito ; NARUTA,Yos
2F225Synthesis and characterization of cyclicporphyrin hexamers ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) TAKASE,Masayoshi ; SHINMORI,Hideyuki ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2F231Effects of Fluorine Substitution on Heme Electronic Structure ( Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Tsukuba, Dept. of Materials Eng., Nagaoka Coll. of Tech. ) HIRAI,Yueki ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiko ; SUZUKI,Akihiro
2F237Immobilization of chlorophyll derivatives possessing ethxysilane group into mesoporous silica ( Waseda University; University of Tokyo ) FURUKAWA,Hiroyasu ; WATANABE,Tadashi ; KURODA,Kazuyuki
2F243Synthesis and properties of the cyclodextrin dimer with a porphyrin moiety(3) ( Saitama University ) ISHIMARU,Yoshihiro ; TAKAHASHI,Yukihisa ; IIDA,Takeaki ; KOBAYASHI,Eiji ; SAKAMOTO,Akira ; TASUMI,Mitsuo
3F207Fluorescent molecular sensing based on bis pyrene-modified .gamma.-cyclodextrin dimer for endocrine disruptors ( Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments, Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,
Akita University
) MIMA,Satoshi ; NARITA,Miyuki ; HAMADA,Fumio
3F213Design and Function of Crown Ether Azoprobe/.gamma.-Cyclodextrin Complex Sensors. (I) Response Function of Circular Dichroism Spectra ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HAYASHITA,Takashi ; TAKAHASHI,Shu ; ONODERA,Tsunenobu ;
3F225Fluorescent molecular recognition based on regioselectivelysdansyl-modified thiacalux[6]arenes for endocrine disruptors ( Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments, Faculty of Engineering and Resouce
Sience, Akita Uni
versity ) NIIMI,Tomohiro ; HIGUCHI,Yutaka ; NARITA,Miyuki ; HAMADA,Fumio ; TAKEYA,Haruhiko ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
3F231Organogels from Peptide-core Poly(benzyl ether) Dendrimers: Factors and Mechanism of Gelation ( The University of Tokyo ) JANG,Woo-dong ; JIANG,Dong-lin ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F303Construction of an Artificially Created Protein-Protein Complex as an Electron Transfer Model Formed by Two Types of Reconstituted Myoglobins ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) ANDO,Tsutomu ; MATSUDA,Takaaki ; HAYASHI,Tak
ashi ; HISAEDA,Yos
1F307Synthesis and Functional Analysis of the Horseradish Peroxidase Incorporated with Nonnatural Amino Acids ( Okayama Univ. ) MURANAKA,Norihito ; HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F313Molecular Assembly of Porphyrin Derivatives / Light-harvesting Polypeptide Complex on a Transparent Electrode ( Nagoya Inst. of Tech. ) OGAWA,Makiko ; YAMADA,Taku ; MASE,Akio ; KONDO,Masaharu ; YAMASHITA,Keiji ; NANGO,Mamoru
1F325Analysis of redox response of PEO-cyt.c on the electrode surface with non-contact optical waveguide spectrophotometry. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. ) NAKAMURA,Fumi ; FUKUDA,Kyoko ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1F331Development of enzymatic measurement system of glycated hemoglobin utilizing marine yeast derived fructosyl amine oxidase. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) ISHIMURA,Fumimasa ; TSUGAWA,Wakako ; OGAWA,Kinuko ; SODE,Koji
1F337Synthesis of Dendrimers utilizing specific molecular recognition of Antibodies ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) HARADA,Akira ; NAKAYAMA,Etsuko ; HORITA,Eri ; YAMAGUCHI,Hiroyasu
1F343Dynamics of Life Molecules (19): Control of aggregation ofspeptides with intramolecular .beta.-sheet conformation ( Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ.; Hebei Univ. of Tech., China;HRC, Konan Univ. ) KAJITA,Katsushi ; ZOU,Jin ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F345 Session Lectureconstruction of molecular logic devices on lipid Mmembranes ( graduate school of materials science,nara institute of science and Technology ) KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
2F325Structural change of super catalytic antibody 41S-2-L during the degradation reaction of the antigen. ( Hiroshima Prefectural University, School of Biosciences ) MITSUDA,Yukie ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taizo
2F331Fluorescence assay of aggregation inhibitors of .beta.-amyloid ( Nat'l Inst. Biosci. Human-Tech., Science Univ. Tokyo ) AKIKUSA,Shigo ; NAKAMURA,Kazuhiko ; WATANABE,Ken-ichi ; HORIKAWA,Eiji ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KODAKA,Masato ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
2F337Design and synthesis of 3.alpha.-helix bundle peptides possessing a cavity at various positions ( Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OBATAYA,Ikuo ; UENO,Akihiko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F343Molecular design of artificial beta-peptide scaffolds to construct fluorescent peptide linkages exhibiting unique conformational properties ( Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering ) SUZUKI,Masaya ; NISHIDA,Yoshihiro ; KOBAYASHI,
3F308Peptide Folding Structure Induced by Iron(III) Complexation with Tripodal Hyrdoxamic Acids as Template ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) TSUBOUCHI,Akira ; OIYAMA,Masatsugu ; SUYAMA,Atsushi ; AKIYAMA,Masayasu ; SUGIHARA,Hideki
3F313Electrochemical Response of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Modified Azurin at Poly(ethylene oxide)-Thiolate-Modified Gold Electrode ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) TANIMURA,Ryutaro ; NAKAMURA,Yuko ; NAKAMURA,Nobuhumi ; OHNO,Hiroyuk
i ; DELI,Geer ; SU
3F325Analysis of weak interactions between peptide and low-moleculars compounds by AFM (1) ( NAIR/AIST ) NAKAMURA,Chikasi ; ITOH,Miyuki ; TAKEDA,Seiji ; SEKIZAWA,Kazuko ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F331Cyclic Oligopeptide Catalysts Possessing A Thiazolium Salt ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) YAMASHITA,Keiji ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshiki ; SAKAGUCHI,Masahiro ; NANGO,Mamoru
1F404Synthesis of alpha-arbutin by alpha-anomer-selective glucosylation of hydroquinone using a glucose transfer enzyme of Xanthomonas campestris WU-9701 with high yield ( School of Sci. and Engineer., Waseda University ) KIRIMURA,Kohtar
o ; KUROSU,Jun ; S
ATO,Toshiyuki ; KINO,Kuniki ; USAMI,Shoji
1F407Synthesis and characterization of the fluorescent peptide substrate for monitoring of protein kinase A activity ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) OHUCHI,Yuya ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
1F413Structure Elucidation of the Light-emitter in Aequorin Bioluminescence : Fluorescent Properties of Coelenteramide Phenolate Anion ( Univ. of Electro-Communications ) IMAI,Yuko ; HIRANO,Takashi ; MAKI,Shojiro ; NIWA,Haruki. ; OHASHI,Mamoru
1F425Study on the electron transfer property between PQQ glucose dehydrogenase and cytochrome b562 ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) OKUDA,Junko ; YOSHIDA,Hiromi ; SODE,Koji
1F431W-motif swapping between enzymes having beta-propeller folding motif. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) TACHINO,Atsushi ; SODE,Koji
1F437Synthesis of two-transmembrane protein, F1F0 ATP synthase subunit c ( Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University ) SATO,Takeshi ; KAWAKAMI,Toru ; AKAJI,Kenichi ; MOTIZUKI,Koji ; KONISHI,Hiroki ; FUJIWARA,Toshimic
hi ; AKUTSU,Hideo
; AIMOTO,Saburo
1F443Redox reaction of superoxide catalyzed by Cu, Zn-SOD model compound ( Hokkaido University ) HIRAKAWA,Satoshi ; ICHIKAWA,Kazuhiko
2F425Peptide-based Molecular Recognition of Signal Transduction Proteins ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) WITARTO,Arief Budi ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2F431Molecular Cloning of the Gene Encoding of a Malic Enzyme of P. diminuta ( Fukui National College of Technology ) MATSUURA,Takanori ; KIDO,Mieko ; SUGIMORI,Daisuke ; MATSUMOTO,Kazunori ; SUYE,Shin-ichiro
2F437Crystallization of cytochrome <|>c'<|> in a magnetic field ( ibaraki univ. NIBH ) SATO,Maki ; ATAKA,Mituo ; WAKAYAMA,Nobuko ; KOHZUMA,Takamitu
2F443Steric structure of homoserine kinase from an Extremely ThermophilicsBacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City Univ.; Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) OMI,Rie ; GOTO,Masaru ; KURAMITSU,Seik
i ; MIYAHARA,Ikuko
3F401Optical waveguide based surface plasmon resonance sensor chip ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Labs.NTT Advanced Technology ) NIWA,Osamu ; TOBITA,Tatsuya ; IWASAKI,Yuzuru ; HORIUCHI,Tsutomu ; TABEI,Hisao ; IMAMURA,Saburo
3F407Electrochemical Biosensor based on DNA-DNA binding protein interaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) NAKAYAMA,Masamichi ; MURATA,Masaharu ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
3F413A development of new technique for DNA hybridization detection using Au colloid ( SVBL of Tokushima Univ.; Univ. of Tokushima ) YAMAGUCHI,Akira ; JUODOKAZIS,Saulius ; MATSUO,Shigeki ; MISAWA,Hiroaki
3F425Near-Field imaging of proteins on patterned chick neuron sysnapses ( JAIST, IIS ) DEGENAAR,Patrick ; GRISCOM,Laurent ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; FUJITA,Hiroyuki ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F431Effect of formalin toward Bacillus Subtilis ( Tokai Univ. School of Sci. ) HATA,Mariko ; ISHIHARA,Yoshimi ; SAITO,Hiroshi ; TAKANO,Jiro
3F437Primary tissue culture of Conger myriaster ( Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Teikyo University of Science and Technology, Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) HABU,Chiemi ; MIWA,Tetsuya ; KOYAMA,S
umihiro ; YAOITA,M
asashi ; AIZAWA,Masuo
3F443Effect of an electric stimulus on Ca2+ channel of endotherial cells ( Dept. Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol. ) HASHIMOTO,Kenji ; SAITO,Mikako ; MATSUOKA,Hideaki ; YAMAMOTO,Kimiko ; ANDOU,Jouji
1F510Synthese of Symbioramide Derivatives from L-Serine ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) AZUMA,Hideki ; OGINO,Kenji ; TAMAGAKI,Seizo
1F513Fibrous Self-Organization Formed from Azopyridine Carboxylic Acids [11]. Effect of Side Substituent on Organization Behavior. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resources Laboratory ) AOKI,Ken-ichi ; NAKAGAWA,Masaru ; ICHIMURA,Kunih
1F525Synthesis of Artificial Acetylcholine Receptor Channel with Photoregulated Unit ( CREST, JST, Graduate School of Materials Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology ) CHEN,Wen-hua ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F531 Plenary Lecture by Foreigner ( ) ,
1F537Development of DNA microarray with scanning electrochemicalsmicroscopy ( Kyushu University ) YAMASHITA,Kenichi ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; KONDO,Hiroki ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1F543Production of monoclonal antibodies against CCR5 co-receptor to HIV-1 infection ( Hiroshima Prefectural University, School of Biosciences ) FUJINAMI,Hiroko ; ZHOU,Yan ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taizo ; YAMAMOTO,Naoki
2F502Improvement of the Efficiency of Porous Ceramics-Immobilized Lipase ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; YANO,Fumika ; HAYASHI,Kyoko ; TAKAMI,Mie ; EMA,Tadashi
2F507Mechanism of stereoselective catalysis in lipases:(1) secondary alcohol esters ( The Univ.of Shiga Pref.;Dept.of Mat.Science ) SHINOHARA,Seiji ; ARAI,Takayuki ; OKAMOTO,Tamayo ; INOUE,Yoshinori ; HIROHARA,Hideo
2F525Synthesis of novel carboxyl acids and amino acids which involve gem-difluorocyclopropane moieties though lipase-catalyzed reaction ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) ISHIDA,Nanae ; SAKO,Youko ; SASAKI,Hiroyuki ; ITOH,Toshiyuki
2F531Synthesis of the new spice by cultured cells of E.perriniana ( Okayama Univ. of Sci.;Dep. of Applied Sci. ) NISHIDA,Tomohisa ; FURUYA,Tutomu ; HAMADA,Hiriki
2F537The Role of Cys188 in the Asymmetric Decarboxylation of Arylmalonate ( Department of Chemistry, Keio UniversitysTokyo Res Center, Tosoh Co. ) MATOISHI,Kaori ; HANZAWA,Satoshi ; KAKIDANI,Hitoshi ; SUGAI,Takeshi ; OHTA,Hiromichi
2F543Biotransformation of Digeranyl with the Cultured Cellssof Nicotiana tabacum ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) NAKAGAWA,Osamu ; SHIMODA,Kei ; IZUMI,Shunsuke ; HIRATA,Toshifumi
3F507DNA array for SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) analysis using plasma-polymerization technique ( Res. Cent. Adv. Sci. Technol., Univ. of Tokyo; Chugai Diagnostic Sciences, MITI Project for Rapid Detection and Analysis of SNPs ) MIYACHI,H
irotaka ; HIRATSUK
A,Atsunori ; LEE,Kyong-hoon ; IKEBUKURO,Kazunori ; ABURATANI,Hiroyuki ; YANO,Kazuyoshi ; KARUBE,Isao
3F513Synthesis of muramylpentapeptide derivatives to incorporate into cell wall ( Hokkaido Univ. ) SADAMOTO,Reiko ; NIIKURA,Kenichi ; NISHIMURA,Shin-ichiro
3F525Self-organization of oligo DNA-carbohydrate conjugate with the half-sliding and periodic complementary oligo DNA and the lectine-recognition. ( Nagoya University ) YAMADA,Yoshinao ; HIBINO,Miki ; IKEDA,Takayasu ; MATSUURA,Kazunori ; KOBAYAS
3F531Synthesis of cyclic sulfonium compounds as a new typesglycosidase inhibitor ( TIT School of Bioscience and Biotechnology ) YUASA,Hideya ; TAKADA,Jun ; HASHIMOTO,Hironobu
3F537Structural studies by (MS)n on hexaglycosides ofslactosamine series obtained from keratansulfates ( Thermoquest, Kanagawa University, Seikagaku Corporation ) KUBOTA,Masayuki ; MIZOGUCHI,Rie ; OHASHI,Mamoru ; YOSHIDA,Keiichi ; TAWADA,Akira
3F542Development of Functional Glycolipids (I) : Solid Phase Lipid Synt hesis (SPLS) for Construction of an Artificial Glycolipid library. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KIYONAKA,Shigeki ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
3F544 Session Lectureexternal factor control of DNA information by peptide ribonucleic acids ( osaka univ. ) WADA,Takehiko
1F60315N-NMR analysis of oligonucleotides containing 15N-labelling nucleobase for the study on intermolecular interaction in the DNA groove ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University; CREST ) OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; KANATANI,Kei
icliro ; TAIJI,Tos
hiji ; SAITO,Isao
1F607Stereoselective synthesis of dinucleoside phosphorothioates using chiral 1,2-amino alcohols as chiral auxiliaries. ( Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) OKA,Natsuhisa ; WADA,Takeshi ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
1F613A Novel Phosphoramidite Method with an Acid/Azole Complex as a Promoter and Its Application to the Synthesis of CMP-Neu5Ac ( Graduate School of Human Infomatics, Nagoya Univ. ) HIRATA,Akiyoshi ; KAWAI,Rie ; SAKAKURA,Akira ; KATAOKA,Masanori
1F625A new coupling method for the synthesis of oligodeoxyribonucleotides based on protection by protonation of nucleoside bases ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OHKUBO,Akihiro ; SEIO,Koji ; SEKINE,Mistuo
1F631Enzymatic synthesis of modified DNAs containing C-5 substituted deoxyuridine derivatives using several DNA polymerases ( Faculty of Eng., Gunma Univ. ) SAWAI,Hiroaki ; NAKAMURA,Akiko ; OZAKI,Hiroaki
1F637Structure-based design of a novel DNA binding motif ( Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University ) SATO,Shin-ichi ; MAKINO,Keisuke ; MORII,Takashi
1F643Reaction of Peptide Nucleic Acids Containing Psoralen Unit with DNA ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) TANABE,Kazuhito ; OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; SAITO,Isao
2F601in vitro selection of DNA aptamers which bind to cholic acid. ( Res. Cent. Adv. Sci. Technol., Univ. of Tokyo ) KATO,Teru ; TAKEMURA,Taro ; YANO,Kazuyoshi ; IKEBUKURO,Kazunori ; KARUBE,Isao
2F607Investigation of Antisense DNA including C-5 Polyamine Substituted 2'-Deoxyuridine Derivative ( Faculty of Engineering,Gunma-University ) SAKAI,Hideaki ; OKAMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; SHINOZUKA,Kazuo
2F625 Session Lecturesupramolecular chemistry on hemoproteins:from control of membrane-binding property to photoreaction center models ( department of chemistry&biochemistry,graduate school of Engineering,kyushu University ) HAMACHI,Itaru
2F631Conformation and recognition control of peptide ribonucleic acid containing pyrimidine/purine mixed sequence ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) SATO,Hirofumi ; MORI,Tadashi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2F637Dynamics of Life Molecules (7): Structure and function of a novel RNA hairpinloop motif recognizing an N protein ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) TOKITOH,Hisanori ; KAWAKAMI,Junji ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F643Sequence Specific DNA Alkylation by Pyrrole-Imidazoletriamide-CPI Conjugates ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University ) KAWAKAMI,Masako ; IIDA,Hirokazu ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; SAITO,Isao ; SUGIYAMA,Hi
1F703Photoreactivity of 5-Iodouracil-Containing DNA-Zalpha Complex ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. ) OYOSHI,Takanori ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
1F707Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function (24) Effective photo-regulation of DNA triplex formation by phenyl-azonaphthalene-modified DNA ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Universit
y of Tokyo ) LIANG
,Xingguo ; ASANUMA,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F713Activation of the target site in RNA for site-selective scission (1) : Site-selective activation of RNA with acridine-modified DNA ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) KUZUYA,Akinori ; MIZOGUCHI,Ryo ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F725Design of the Artificial Holoenzyme for DNA Cleavage (3) ( Science University of Tokyo ) TASHIRO,Ryu ; TAKASE,Yuji ; IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin
1F731Cyclopentane Nucleic Acids (CNA):The synthesis and thermal stabil ity of oligonucleotides containing 2'-deoxycarbaguanosine and 2'-deoxyaristeromycin ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical an d Dental Univ. ) XU,Yan ;
KINO,Katsuhito ; S
1F737Dynamics of Life Molecules (13): Effect of cytosine protonation on DNA triple helix formation ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) KAWAMOTO,Yasunori ; WU,Peng ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F743Modulation of DNA-related function of polyamines by pseudo-rotaxane formation ( The University of Tokyo; Pohang University of Science and Technology ) ISOBE,Hiroyuki ; TOMITA,Naoki ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi ; LEE,Jae Wook ; KIM,Hee-joon ; KIM,Kimoo
2F701Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (10) Evaluation of the interaction between schizophyllan and polynucleotides by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,K
azuo ; KIMURA,Taro
; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masami ; IGUCHI,Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2F707Photochemical DNA manipulation (5) Z form DNA specific photocrosslinking using 5-vinyl-cytocine containing ODN ( Guraduate school of Engineering, Kyoto Univesity; CREST ) FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; NAKAZAWA,Akio ; MATSUDA,Shigeo ; SAITO,Isao
2F725Search for binding sites of antisense oligonucleotides on mRNA using photo cross-linking oligonucleotide. ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) NAKAMURA,Shinya ; YAMAYOSHI,Asako ; IWASE,Reiko ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2F731Functionalized fullerene as a new artificial vector for transfection ( School of science, The University of Tokyo; School of medicine, The University of Tokyo ) TOMITA,Naoki ; ISOBE,Hiroyuki ; SAWAMURA,Masaya ; JINNO,Shigeki ; OKAYAMA,Hirot
o ; NAKAMURA,Eiich
2F737DNA and RNA Oligonucleotides Attached to a Pyrene Group through Long-chain Linker at the Sugar Residue ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) FUJITA,Tomoya ; YAMANA,Kazushige ; NAKANO,Hidehiko
2F743Gene regulation system responding to intracellular caspase signal ( Faculty Eng., Kyushu Univ. ; PRESTO JST Co. ) FUJII,Kenji ; SAKAKIHARA,Shigeki ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
1G104 Synthesis of the E Ring Part of Ciguatoxin ( Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Kenshu ; KOYAMA,Yasuhito ; DOI,Eriko ; SHIMAWAKI,Ken ; MURAI,Akio
1G110 Stereoselective synthesis of cyclic polyether utilizing umpolung of palladium complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) SHINDO,Yumi ; SASAKI,Shin-ya ; TANAKA,Shin-ichiro ; OGURI,Hiroki ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G116 Concise Synthesis of Polycyclic Ethers via the Reaction of Organozinc and Enol Triflates ( Graduate School of Science and ICRS, Tohoku University ) TAKAMURA,Hiroyoshi ; SATO,Kumi ; KADOTA,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
1G125 Plenary Lecture by Young Genelation total synthesis of teurilene and glabrescol,highly symmetric squalene derived polyethers possessing cytotoxicity ( graduate school of science,osaka city university ) MORIMOTO,Yoshiki
1G128 Effects of Various Lanthanoid Triflates on endo-Selectivity in Cyclization of Hydroxy Epoxide ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) TOKIWANO,Tetsuo ; MAKINO,Takuya ; TAKIZAWA,Ayumi ; FJIWARA,Kenshu ; MURAI,Akio
1G131 Synthetic Studies on Gambierols-Synthesis of the EFGH Ring System- ( The Univ. of Tokyo, CREST(JST) ) FUWA,Haruhiko ; SASAKI,Makoto ; TACHIBANA,Kazuo
1G137 Synthetic Studies on meso Polyether Glabrescol: Does Glabrescol Have Cs Symmetry? ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) IWAI,Toshiyuki ; MORISHITA,Yukio ; KINOSHITA,Takamasa ; MORIMOTO,Yoshiki
1G143 Synthetic study of C-1027 chromophore (2) : Construction of Nine-membered Ring ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.; CREST ) KIKUCHI,Tsukasa ; SASAKI,Takeo ; INOUE,Masayuki ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
2G101 Synthesis of Decarestrictine D ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering; Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YOSHIDA,Shinya ; ASANO,Moriteru ; KOBAYASHI,Yuichi
2G107 Session Lecture menbrane-associated molecular assemblage of polyene antibiotics ( graduate school of science,osaka university ) MURATA,Michio
2G110 Synthetic Study on Pradimicin-Benanomicins (1) ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) OORUI,Mami ; KATO,Hirohisa ; ISHIKAWA,Yuji ; KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
2G113 Synthetic Study of Blepharismins and Their Related Molecules(2) ( Kochi University; Faculty of Science ) KOJIMA,Tomoyuki ; OHISHI,Takeshi ; KUMAMOTO,Koji ; KOTSUKI,Hiyoshizo
3G101 Synthesis of Apigenin di-O--glucopyranoside, a Component of the Blue Supramolecular Pigment from Salvia Patens and this Analogues ( Nagoya Univ. Chemical Instrument Center ) OYAMA,Kin-ichi ; YOSHIDA,Kumi ; KONDO,Tadao
3G107 Synthetic Study of the Mycalamides: efficient Synthesis ofsthe right half segment ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) NISHII,Yoshinori ; TAKAHASHI,Shunya ; NAKATA,Tadashi
3G113 Isolation and Structure of Compounds Containing Sulfur Atoms from the Deep-Sea Urchin ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) WATANABE,Masami ; TAKADA,Noboru ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G207 Synthetic Studies on Highly Functionalized Decalin Moiety in Azadirachtin ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) YAMAMOTO,Yuuko ; ISHIHARA,Jun ; MURAI,Akio
1G213 Library Synthesis of Clavulone Derivatives on Solid-phase ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Takashi ; HASEGAWA,Tsuyoshi ; TANAKA,Hiroshi ; IWASHIMA,Makoto
; IGUCHI,Kazuo
1G225 Studies toward Total Synthesis of Ingenol: Introduction of Functional Groups of the A-ring ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido UniversitysKitasato InstitutesCREST ) ASANO,Kohei ; ONUKI,Kei ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHIT
A,Masaaki ; KUWAJI
1G231 Synthetic study of new seco-labdane terpenoids, chapecoderins ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Engi., Niigata Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; TAKEUCHI,Fumihide ; HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayoshi
1G237 New Aromatic Ring-Annulation and Its Application towards Estrones ( Kyushu University ) WATANABE,Masataka ; UMENO,Kuniharu ; SHIMA,Yuji ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro
1G242 Synthesis of five-membered carbocycle by cyclization of 2-(trimethylsilylmethyl)pentadienal and its substituent effect ( Rikkyo University ) KURODA,Chiaki ; TAKESHITA,Tokio ; SHIBUE,Taku
2G204 Biotransformation of monoterpenes by plant suspension cultured cells ( Okayama Univ.of Sci.;Dep.of Applied Sci. ) HAMADA,Hiroki ; FURUYA,Tutomu
2G209 New Conformational Analysis Method of Cyclic Ketones ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) KOSHINO,Hiroyuki ; SETO,Hideharu ; YOSHIDA,Shigeo
2G214 Haterumaimides A-E, Five Novel Cytotoxic Diterpenoids from the Ascidian, Lissoclinum sp. ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Biology and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus ) KOKUBO,Susumu ; UDDIN,Md. Jasim ; SUENA
GA,Kiyotake ; UEDA
,Katsuhiro ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G201 Photodependent cytotoxic compound extracted from a marine green alga Chlorella sp. NKBG030401. ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) SUGA,Yoshio ; MIYASHITA,Hideaki ; TAKEYAMA,Haruko ; MATSUNAGA,Tadashi
3G207 Leaf-closing substance of Leucaena leucocephalam ( Keio Univ.Faculty of Science and Technology ) SOHTOME,Yoshihiro ; UEDA,Katsuhiro ; YAMAMURA,Syosuke ; UEDA,Minoru
3G211 Structure Analysis of Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds by MS/MS Using Squaric Acid as a Charge-remote Site. ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) SHINADA,Tetsuro ; NAOKI,Hideo ; FUJITA,Tsuyoshi ; NAKAJIMA,Terumi ; OHFUNE,Yasufu
4G201 Synthetic studies toward trehazolin, an inhibitor ofsglycosidase ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) AWAMURA,Tomoki ; KUBOKI,Atsuhito ; OHIRA,Susumu
4G207 Synthesis and Activity of Philanthotoxin AnalogssContaining Squaric Acid ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) NAKAGAWA,Yoshito ; HAYASHI,Ken-ichi ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; KORUZO,Jerarudo ; NAKAJIMA,Terumi ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G213 Regioselective reaction of .alpha.-alkoxybenzyneswith tertiary amines. ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) MATSUURA,Tomoo ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
4G225 Session Lecture the combinaiton with natural product and organic synthesis ( kitasato university,thekitasato institute ) SUNAZUKA,Toshiaki
4G232 Stereoselective Synthesis of Enamide: Synthetic Study on Oximidines ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KURAMOCHI,Kouji ; WATANABE,Hidenori ; KITAHARA,Takeshi
1G304 Metal(II) Ion Complexing Properties of Dipeptide Derivatives Containing Two Picolinoylamido Groups ( Nagoya Inst. Tech. ) TANAKA,Tomohiro ; NONOMURA,Tsutomu ; YAMAMURA,Hatsuo ; ARAKI,Shuki ; KAWAI,Masao
1G310 Effect of a polar group in the side chain of .alpha.-amino and .alpha.-hydroxy acids upon the sense of enantiomer signal separation by a chiral NMR shift reagent Sm(III)-pdta ( Tohoku Univ.; Hokkaido Univ. ) HORIE,Kenta ; OMATA,Kenji ; KABU
TO,Kuninobu ; SASA
1G314 Synthesis of a Novel Squaric Acid-containing Amino Acid Equivalent to alpha-Amino Acid. ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) ISHIDA,Toshikazu ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
1G325 Structure and total synthesis of neodysiherbaine, a new neuroexcitotoxic amino acid ( The Univ. of Tokyo; CREST(JST); Kitasato Univ. ) KOIKE,Tatsuki ; SASAKI,Makoto ; TACHIBANA,Kazuo ; SAKAI,Ryuuichi ; OIWA,Chie ; KAMIYA,Hisao
1G331 Cobalt-Catalyzed Glycine-Selective Oxidative Acetoxylation of Peptides. ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; KITAO,Kyuuhei
1G337 Solid phase synthesis of .alpha.-N- and side-chain O- fully sulfated homooligomers of tyrosine ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) UEKI,Masaaki ; KOMIYA,Hiroyuki ; TAJIMA,Akiyuki ; INOUE,Yasuko
1G342 Synthesis of a number of stereoisomers of trapoxin hydroxamic acid analogues and inhibition of histone deacetylases ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology ) YOSHIKAWA,Daisuke ; SHINTA,Ryuzo
; KATO,Tamaki ; KO
MATSU,Yasuhiko ; YOSHIDA,Minoru ; NISHINO,Norikazu
2G303 Synthetic Study on Norzoanthamine ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) IRIFUNE,Taiji ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G308 Synthetic Study of the ABC-ring Moiety of Zoanthenol ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) MOHARRAM,M. Sameh ; HIRAI,Go ; KOIZUMI,Yuki ; OGURI,Hiroki ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
2G313 Synthetic Study of Pinnamine, a Marine Toxic Alkaloid ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) HAYASHI,Norimitsu ; KIGOSHI,Hideo ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G301 Structure elucidation and selectin binding activity of a new cyclic derivative of sialyl Lewis X ( GSC, RIKEN; Molecular Pathology, Aichi Cancer Center; Applied Bioorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Gifu ) HAMADA,Toshiyuki ; HIROTA,Hiroshi ; KANAM
I,Reiji ; OHTUBO,Nobumasa ; ISHIDA,Hideharu ; KISO,Makoto ; YOKOYAMA,Shigeyuki
3G307 Synthesis of a macrolactone type glycolipid using intramolecular glycosylation reaction ( Hokkaido Univ. Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science ) KUSANO,Kimio ; FURUKAWA,Jun-ichi ; AWANO,Takuro ; SAKAIRI,Nobuo
3G313 High throughput solution phase synthesis of lipid A and its analogues by using affinity separation ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) FUKASE,Yoshiyuki ; ZHANG,San-qi ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
3G325 Self-Assembly of TIPDS-myo-Inositol ( Ind Tech Ctr of Wakayama Pref ) HOSODA,Asao ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; MIYAKE,Yasuhito ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
3G331 Synthesis of ketosides which are expected to control the activity of glycosidase ( The Noguchi Institute ) YAMANOI,Takashi ; YAMAZAKI,Ippo ; HANEDA,Katsuji
3G337 A Novel Stereoselective Glycosidation of Benzyl-protected Glucopyranosyl Diethyl Phosphite Using an Environmentally Benign Solid Acid, Montmorillonite K-10 ( Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology ) NAGAI,Hideyuki ; MATSUMURA,Shui
chi ; TOSHIMA,Kazu
3G342 Protic acid catalyzed stereoselective glycosylation using glycosylsfluoride (I):1,2 cis-selective glycosylation using trifluorometanesulfonic acid in the coexistence of MS5A ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science Uni
versity of Tokyo.
) JONA,Hideki ; TAKEUCHI,Kazuya ; MANDAI,Hiroki ; MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki
4G304 Synthesis, designed assembly and biotination of sulfated oligo succharide and its application to surface plasmon resonance ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.; State Univ. of New York, Syracuse ) HAYASHI,Hideki ; ARANO,Akio ; KOSHIDA,
Shuhei ; SOBEL,Mic
hael ; SUDA,Yasuo ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G309 Construction of N-glycosidic bond by way of Pd catalyzed amination 1; synthetic study on spicamycin analogues. ( Keio Univ. ) SUZUKI,Tamotsu ; MATSUURA,Keisuke ; KITAWAKI,Takafumi ; CHIDA,Noritaka
4G314 Synthetic Study of Lipid A from Helicobacter pylori Strain 206 ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) KAWAGUCHI,Akinori ; OIKAWA,Masato ; SUDA,Yasuo ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
1G401Oxidation of Aromatic Alcohols and Oximes with Peroxydisulfate, AgNO3 Catalyst and moist Montmorillonite in Aprotic Solvent. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) HIRANO,Masao ; YAKABE,Shigetaka ; KOJIMA,Kazuma ; MORIMOTO,
1G407Inter- and intramolecular condensation reactions with formation of C=N bonds, in aqueous media. ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) SIMION,Cristian ; SIMION,Alina ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; TASHIRO,Masashi
1G413Preparation of multi-substituted unsymmetrical anthracenes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) KITAMURA,Masanori ; LIU,Yanjun ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
1G425 Session Lectureefficient syntheses of multisubstituted aromatic compounds via the ester-mediated nucleophilic aromatic substitution reaction ( graduate school of Engineering,tohoku University ) HATTORI,Tetsutaro
1G431Reactions of 1-azaazulanone derivatives and aldehydes under acidic conditions ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) MIWA,Koji ; TUBOI,Maromi ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G437A Cp2FeB(3,5-(CF3)2C6F3))4 Catalyzed Halogenation of Aromatic Compounds ( Science University of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; KITAGAWA,Hideo ; SHIBATA,Tsuyoshi ; MATSUO,Jun-ich
1G443A new synthesis of Octafluoro[2.2]paracyclophane (AF4) via C-F bond cleavage. ( Faculty of engineering, Okayama University ) UNEYAMA,Kenji ; SEO,Motoharu ; HATAMOTO,Yasushi ; AMII,Hideki
2G401Radical Smiles rearrangement through ipso-substitution ( Department of Chemistry, Waseda University ) SHIJIMA,Hiroyasu ; TADA,Masaru
2G407Synthesis of beta.-beta. linked bis-porphyrin and their properties ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) KITAWAKI,Yukiko ; FUMOTO,Yumiko ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; ONO,Noboru
2G413The Effect of Substituents and Reagents on the Migration of Tosyl Group in the Cyclization of 1-(3-Indolyl)-4-methylthio-2-tosyl-1,3-butadienes ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) MATSUMOTO,Shoji ; KISHIMOTO,Takuya ; OGURA,Katsuyuk
3G401Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Calix(4)arenes bearing Four Phosphonate or Phosphine Oxide Functions at Upper Rim ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; KYODA,Makoto ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
3G407Structure control of biphenylamide using binaphtyl groups ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; TAKAHASHI,Keita ; SAGAWA,Masakazu ; NAKANO,Kouji ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
3G413Synthesis of chiral 1,2- ferrocenyldiphosphines and their application to asymmetric synthesis ( Chuo Unversity Instituted of Science and Engineering ) FUJIMOTO,Kuniaki ; EGAWA,Masaya ; KIKUCHI,Kayoko ; TAGASUGI,Tomohiro ; FUKUZAWA,Shin-ichi
3G425Synthesis and Application of novel chiral P, N - ligands ( Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Science, The University of Tokyo ) SHIRAISHI,Nobuyuki ; MANABE,Kei ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
3G431Reaction of Diazocabonyl-substituted Oxiranes via Bicyclo[n.1.0]oxonium Ylides. ( Kyoto Inst. of Tech. ) WANG,Xiaowei ; OKU,Akira
4G401[3,3]Sigmatropic Rearrangement of alpha-Acyloxytrialkylsilane. Synthesis of Silicon Containing alpha-Substituted alpha-Amino Acid ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) SUZUKI,Hiroyuki ; SAKAGUCHI,Kazuhiko ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G407Synthesis and Reaction of [2]Catenane Bearing a 1, 3- Diene Moiety ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) WATANABE,Nobuhiro ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
4G413 Plenary Lecture by Foreigner ( ) ,
4G425Synthetic Study of Fostriecin ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering; Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KIYOTSUKA,Yohei ; KOBAYASHI,Yuichi
1G501Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Cyclobutene Derivatives from Dichlorocyclobutenones ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) KAKINUMA,Michiko ; HAMURA,Toshiyuki ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
1G507Lewis Acid Mediated Successive Skeletal Rearrangement of Cyclobutene-fused Homoquinones ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) KOKUBO,Ken ; KOIZUMI,Takuya ; YAMAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Takumi
1G513Hydroxy group Induced Methylenation of Ketones with gem-Dizinc Compound ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) FUSHIMI,Hideo ; MATSUBARA,Seijiro ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1G525 Session Lecturenew synthetic reactions using characteristic features of titanium tetrahalides ( faculty of Engineering,mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto
1G531Cycloaddition Reaction of 2-Carboxy-1,3-dioxy-1,3-dienes to 2-Carboxy-2-cyclohexenones ( Okayama Univ. ) INOKUCHI,Tsutomu
1G537New Insight into The Stereochemistry of Pinacol-Type 1,2-Rearrangement. ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) SHINOHARA,Tomoichi ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
1G543Catalytic [2,3] Rearrangement of N-Ylide Derived from Tertiary Amines and Ethyl Diazoacetate. ( Yokohama National University ) HONDA,Kiyoshi ; SUGITA,Takamasa ; INOUE,Seiichi
2G501The One-pot Synthesis of THF,THP Derivatives with C,O-dianion of Acetoacetate ( Waseda Univ. ,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; TAKANO,Masashi ; MOTOMATSU,Shinji ; FUJISAWA,Yuri
2G507C-C Bond Formation Reactions Catalyzed by a Highly Active Lewis Acid , Trimethylsilyl(trifryl)imide ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) HIRAIWA,Yukihiro ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G513The Enantioselective Polyene Cyclization Using Chiral LBA ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) ISHIBASHI,Hideaki ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G525Regioselective Alkylzirconation of Internal Alkynes ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) YAMANOI,Shigeo ; SEKI,Kentaro ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
2G531Asymmetric Mukaiyama-Michael Addition of Acyclic Enones Catalyzed by allo-Threonine Derived Oxazaborolidinone. ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IWAI,Hiroyoshi ; HARADA,Toshiro ; OKU,Akira
2G537Asymmetric Autocatalytic Reaction of Chiral Benzo[f]quinolyl-2-alkanol ( Science University of Tokyo ) NAKAO,Tomohiko ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
2G543Mechanistic Studies on the formation of boron-enolate ( Venture Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Tadashi ; FURUNO,Hiroshi ; ABIKO,Atsushi
3G501Double Nucleophilic Addition of Ketene Silyl Acetals to alpha,beta-Unsaturated Imines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; OGAWA,Toshiki ; NISHI,Takafumi
3G507Highly diastereoselective Mannich-Type Reaction catalyzed by Bronsted acid ( Gakushuin University ) TAKAYA,Jun ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
3G513Highly Enantioselective Alkylation of Aldehydes Using a Self-improving Chiral Catalyst ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) URABE,Hiroki ; TANJI,Shigehisa ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G525Facile synthesis of L-Dopa tert-butyl ester by catalytic enantioselective phase-transfer alkylation ( Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido,Kyoto Univ. ) KAMEDA,Minoru ; TANNAI,Hidenori ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
3G531Selective N-Alkylation Reaction of alpha-Iminoesters ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) NIWA,Yasuki ; SHIMIZU,Makoto
3G537Asymmetric Autocatalytic Reaction with Amplification of E.e. Initiated by Chiral [2.2]Paracyclophanes with a Substituent Possessing Oxygen Atom ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) TANJI,Shigehisa ; AOYAMA,Youhei ; OHNO,Atsushi ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Ke
4G501Distinct Advantage of the in situGeneration of Quaternary Ammonium Fluorides under Phase TransferConditions toward Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis ( Graduated School of Science, Hokkaido, Kyoto Univ ) DODA,Kanae ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOK
4G507Catalytic Asymmetric Neber Rearrangement by Designer Chiral Phase-Transfer Catalyst ( Graduated School of Science,Hokkaido,Kyoto Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Makoto ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
4G525 Session Lectureorganic syntheses using silanols and siloxanes ( chemical resources laboratory,tokyo institute of technology ) MORI,Atsunori
4G531Asymmetric Protonation of Enolates of alpha-Amino Acid Derivatives Using Chiral Brensted Acids. ( Nagoya Univ. CREST ) MATSUZAKI,Yoshihiro ; YANAGISAWA,Akira ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
1H101Three-component Coupling Reaction of Ether/Alkene/Oxygen Using N-Hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI) As a Catalyst ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) HIRANO,Kazutaka ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
1H107Development of Ti(III) induced tandem radical cyclization of epoxides ( Faculty of science, Okayama Univ. of Science ) YAMADA,Haruo ; TARUTANI,Masatoshi ; OZAKI,Yuuki ; YONEMITSU,Osamu
1H113A new synthesis of .alpha.-amino acid derivatives by thermal three component coupling reaction of silyltellurides, imines, and isocyanides ( Kyoto University ) YAMAGO,Shigeru ; MIYAZOE,Hiroshi ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
1H125Radical reaction using gallium hydride reagent ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MIKAMI,Satoshi ; FUJITA,Kazuya ; NAKAMURA,Tomoaki ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H131Enantioselective Intramolecular Radical Cyclization by Discriminative Coordination of a Chiral Lewis Acid to an Enantiotopic Sulfonyl Oxygen ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KOBAYASHI,Makoto ; TAKEBAYASHI,Rie ; WATANABE,Yoshihiko ; TORU,T
1H137Intermolecular Addition of Sulfonamidyl Radicals to Alkenes and Its Application to Addition-Cyclization Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) TSURITANI,Takayuki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H143Novel and Convenient Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Acetylene Derivatives ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science ) KANDA,Masashi ; KONNO,Tsutomu ; ISHIHARA,Takashi ; YAMANAKA,Hiroki
2H101Synthetic application of difluoroenamine ( Faculty of engineering, Okayama University ) MAE,Masayuki ; MATSUURA,Makoto ; AMII,Hideki ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
2H107Reactions of 3,3,3-trifluoropropionates with various types of nucleophiles in the presence of DIBAL ( Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMAZAKI,Takashi ; KOBAYASHI,Rei ; KITAZUME,Tomoya
2H113Nucleophilic substitution reaction at alpha position of the trifluoromethyl group. - Preparation of 5 membered ring. ( Faculty of engineering, Okayama University ) KATAGIRI,Toshimasa ; YAMASHITA,Hirofumi
2H125 Plenary Lecture by Foreigner ( ) ,
2H131An Enantioselective Isomerization of Cyclohexene oxide by the Use of Chiral Bis(1-phenylethyl)amine Derivatives ( Yokohama National University ) ASAMI,Masatoshi ; IWAZAKI,Eisuke ; SATO,Shinsuke
2H137sigma-pai-Chelation-Controlled Stereoselective Hydrosilylation of Ketones ( Tohoku Univ.; Graduate School of Science ) OHISHI,Takeshi ; ASAO,Naoki ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2H143Group-Selective Hydroalumination (3): Application to synthesis of marine natural product, (-)-malyngolide. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) SUZUKI,Takao ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
3H101Co-oxidation of Alkenes and Hydrocarbons using N-Hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI)-Dioxygen System: Epoxidation of Alkenes ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC; Daicel Chemical Industries, LTD. ) IWAHAMA,Takahiro ; SAKAGUCHI,S
atoshi ; ISHII,Yas
3H107Analysis of Stereoselective Factor of Peracid Oxidation using a Chiral Tether ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) KAGAWA,Masami ; IGUCHI,Hiromitsu ; SUGIMURA,Takashi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
3H113Palladium(II)-catalysed oxidation of alcohols under oxygen atmosphere in fluorous biphase system (FBS) ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) NISHIMURA,Takahiro ; MAEDA,Yasunari ; KAKIUCHI,Nobuyuki ; UEMURA,Sakae
3H125Aerobic Oxidation of Alkanes Using Hydrophobic N-Hydroxyphthalimide Derivatives Without Solvent ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) SAWATARI,Naoko ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H131Design and Synthesis of the First Chiral Spiro Bis(isoxazoline) Ligands (SPRIXs) ( ISIR, Osaka University ) ARAI,Midori ; KURAISHI,Minori ; SHINOHARA,Toshio ; ARAI,Takayoshi ; SASAI,Hiroaki
3H136The New Adsorbent of Heavy Metal Ions : Polymer Bound Trimercaptotriazine ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) NAKAYAMA,Masaya ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; ITOH,Akihide ; HARAGUCHI,Hiroki
4H101Biotransformation of Diketones by Cultured Cells of Caragana chamlagu (2) ( Rikkyo Univ.; Nihon Univ. of Science and Technology; Nihon Univ. of Pharmacy ) CHAI,Wen ; SAKAMAKI,Hiroshi ; KITANAKA,Susumu ; SUHARA,Jyunpei ; HORIUCHI,Akir
4H107Stereoselective Ring-opening Allylation of Semicyclic N,O-Acetals Using Lewis Acid Catalysts ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) KOBAYASHI,Shu ; HAGIO,Hiroyuki ; HIRABAYASHI,Ryoji ; SUGIURA,Masahar
4H113Enviromentally Friendly Imino Aldol Reaction Catalyzed by a Cation-Exchange Resin ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; HASE,Emi ; ITOHARA,Susumu
4H125Syntheses of Aurilide and Cyclodepsipeptide Library onsSolid Support ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School ofScience and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NAGAMIYA,Hiroyuki ; DOI,Takayuki ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
4H131Cyclization of Aminyl Radicals in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ( Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) TOYODA,Hideyuki ; HASEGAWA,Hikaru ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao
4H137Efficient and Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of (Z)-Vinyl Bromides by Microwave-induced Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) KUANG,Chunxiang ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao
4H143Catalysis of Titanium Ion in Water ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech.; Graduate School of Sci. & Eng. ) MATSUMOTO,Yousuke ; MIKAMI,Koichi
1H213Non-Catalytic Highly Diastereoselective Nitroaldol Reaction Under High Pressure ( Gradurate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; MISUMI,Yukihiro ; HAYASHI,Naoto
1H225 Session Lecturetransition-metal catalyzed reactions of organosulfur compounds ( faculty of science,nara women'sUniversity ) OGAWA,
1H231Synthesis and Characterization of a Poly(amide amine)Dendrimer Disulfide Having Hydroxyl Groups as the Terminals ( Shinshu Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; SAITO,Keiko ; SUZUKI,Shinji ; HAMADA,Kunihiro ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
1H237Palladium-catalyzed thiocarbamoylation of alkyne using sulfenamide andscarbon monoxide. ( Deprtment of Applied Chemistry Faculity of Engineering, Osaka University ) OOMORI,Takumi ; KUNIYASU,Hitoshi ; MORITA,Masaki ; KUROSAWA,Hideo ; KAMBE,N
1H243Selenoimidoylation of alcohols with selenium and isocyanides ( Osaka Dental University; Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University; Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University ) FUJIWARA,Shin-ichi ; MATSUYA,Takahiro ; SHIN-IKE,Tsutomu ;
KAMBE,Nobuaki ; S
2H201Synthesis and Reaction of 2,6-Diarylbenzenethiol Possessing Substituent at the 4-Position. ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) SUTOH,Katsuhide ; HAKIRI,Shinobu ; AOKI,Hiroyuki ; SASAKI,Shigeru ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
2H207Reaction of 1,2,3-Selenadiazole with a Nucleophile ( Kansai Univ. ) HANITA,Sakiko ; KIMURA,Hiroaki ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H213Synthesis and Redox Reactions of Chalcogenanthrenes Containing Bulky Substituents at Adjacent Positions ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University; Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) OGAWA,Satoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Tatsuya ; KAWAI,
Yasushi ; KIMURA,
Takeshi ; SATO,Ryu
2H225 Session Lectureasymmetric synthesis of beta-amino acids by addition of chiral enolates to nitrones via N-acyloxyiminium ions ( graduate school of Engineering science,osaka University ) , ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
2H231Substituent Effect on the Structure of Hypervalent 5-Coordinate Carbon Compounds as the Transition State of SN2 Reaction ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima university, Advanced Reserch Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda Univers
koto ; MITA,Yukari ; YAMAMOTO,Yohsuke ; AKIBA,Kin-ya
2H237Correlations between NMR Chemical Shifts and Structures in 1-(Arylselanyl)naphthalenes and the Derivatives ( Department of Material Science and Chemistry, Faculty of Systems Engineering , Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education , Cent
er for Joint Resea
rch and Development Wakayama University ) SHIMIZU,Daisuke ; KUSUYAMA,Yoshiaki ; MATSUMOTO,Hidekazu ; HAYASHI,Satoko ; NAKANISHI,Waro
2H243Attempts to Synthesize a New Type of .alpha.-Silyl Ketones Bearing Hydrogens on Silicon by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection of a Bulky Bowl-type Substituent ( Faculty of Science, Japan Women`s University ) SHUDO,Mariko ; TAKENAKA,Keiko
3H201Synthesis of .alpha.,.beta.,.gamma.,.delta.-unsaturated ketones by the reaction of selenoamides with lithium acetylides generated from enynes ( Gifu University ) MUTOH,Yuichiro ; MURAI,Toshiaki ; KATO,Shinzi
3H207A Novel Synthesis of Thiirene 1-Oxides ( Saitama Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Kenta ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H213Synthesis and Structure of Calcium bis(thiocarboxylates) ( Gifu University ) TATEMATSU,Yoshiharu ; TANI,Kazuyasu ; KATO,Shinzi
3H225 Session Lecturenew development in fluorofunctionalization ( department of applies chemistry,osaka University ) UNEYAMA,Kenji
3H231Reactivity of Organohypervalent Iodine Compounds having Heteroaromatics.(2) ( Chiba Univ. ) NABANA,Takahiro ; TOGO,Hideo
3H237Synthesis and Reaction of Efficient Hypervalent Iodine-Benzyne Precursor Soluble in Less Polar Organic Solvents ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; ABE,Takayoshi
4H202Synthesis and Structure of the First Stable Phosphabismuthene, a Novel Compound with a Phosphorus-bismuth Double Bond. ( Kyushu Univ. Institute for Chemical Reserch, Kyoto Univ. ) SASAMORI,Takahiro ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
4H207Preparation and Structures of Some Bulky 1,3-Diphosphapropenes and Their Pentacarbonyltungsten(0) Complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) ITO,Shigekazu ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroki ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
4H213Preparation of iminophosphorane derivatives by the photolysis and thermolysis of 5,5-dihydro-5-[(N-substituted)imino] dibenzothiophene with trivalent phosphorus compounds. ( Univ. of Toyama ) TATAMI,Atsushi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki ; FUJII,Taka
yoshi ; ONO,Shin ;
1H301The development of substitution reactionsfor sulfate unit on diene-iron complex. ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) OKAUCHI,Tatsuo ; HAYASHI,Keishi ; MINAMI,Toru
1H307Nitrile Formation by the Ru-Catalyzed Reaction of Terminal Alkynes with Hydrazines. ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) FUKUMOTO,Yoshiya ; DOHI,Toshifumi ; MASAOKA,Hideo ; CHATANI,Naoto ; MURAI,Shinji
1H313Synthesis of Bicyclic Pyridines via Ru-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of 1,6-Diynes with Electron-Deficient Nitriles ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) YAMAMOTO,Yoshihiko ; OKUDA,Satoshi ; OGAWA,Ryuji ; ITOH,Kenji
1H325Isomerization of Allyl Alcohols Catalyzed by Cp*Ru complexes Bearing Primary Amine Ligands ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ITO,Masato ; KITAHARA,Sachiko ; OSAKU,Akihide ; IKARIYA,Takao
1H331Ruthenium Complex-Catalyzed anti-Markovnikov Hydrationsof 1-Alkyne to Aldehyde ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) SUZUKI,Toshiaki ; TOKUNAGA,Makoto ; WAKATUKI,Yasuo
1H337Synthesis and Reactivity of Novel Ruthenium, Rhodium, and Iridium Complexes Bearing Bis(sulfonamido) Ligand. ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ITO,Masato ; YAMAMOTO,Kensuke ; IKARIYA,Takao
1H343Silaborative C-C Bond Cleavage of Vinylcycloalkanes Catalyzed by Transition Metal Complexes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; MATSUDA,Takanori ; YOSHIMOTO,Takayo ; ITO,Yoshihiko
2H301Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Vinyl Oxiraneswith Carbonyl Compounds mediated by Indium(I) Iodide ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KAMEDA,Keiko ; TANAKA,Jiro ; YAMAMURA,Hatsuo ; KAWAI,Masao ; ARAKI,Shuki
2H307The Heck Reaction in the Presence of Molecular Oxygen ( Kochi University of Technology ) KAMIIKE,Taisuke ; HOSOKAWA,Takahiro
2H313Pd-Et3B Promoted .alpha.-Allylation of Alkyl Aldehydes with Allyl Alcohols ( Nagasaki University ) MUKAI,Ryutarou ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
3H301Palladium-Catalyzed Benzannulation from Alkyne and Allylic Alcohol with Tosylic Anhydride ( Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering ) NAKAOKA,Keiichiro ; SUGAWARA,Shuichi ; TSUKADA,Naofumi ; INOUE,Yoshio
3H307Pd Catalyzed Allylation of Amine with Allylic Alcohols and Triethylborane ( Nagasaki University ) FUTAMATA,Makoto ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
3H313Palladium-Catalyzed Multiple Arylation of .alpha., .beta.-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) TERAO,Yoshito ; KAMETANI,Yoko ; WAKUI,Hiroyuki ; SATOH,Tetsuya ; MIURA,Masahiro ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
3H325Solid Phase Cross-Coupling Reaction of Aryl(dichloro)silanes with 4-Iodobenzoic acid ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; HOSOI,Kazushi ; HOMSI,Fadi ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
3H331Novel Mizoroki-Heck Reaction Using Alkenyltin Trichlorides ( Gunma Univ.; Oyama National College of Technology ) FUGAMI,Keigo ; NISHIKATA,Takashi ; HIRUNUMA,Yasuyuki ; KAMEYAMA,Masayuki ; KOSUGI,Masanori
4H301Palladium-catalyzed aryl-acylation of alkenes by using acylchromates as acyl doners ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) KUBOTA,Yuko ; YAMANE,Motoki ; NARASAKA,Koichi
4H307Reaction of a coordinatively unsaturated Ruthenium complex bearing an optically active diamine ligand with formic acid ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KOIKE,Takashi ; MURATA,Kunihiko ; IKARIYA,Takao
4H313The Effect of Dibenzalacetone on Enantioselectivity of Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of Allenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; IKEDA,Hisashi ; NAGANO,Takashi ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H325Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Arylation of tert-Cyclobutanols with Aryl Triflate ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) NISHIMURA,Takahiro ; MATSUMURA,Satoshi ; UEMURA,Sakae
1H403Rhodium-Catalyzed Multiple Alkylation of Arylboronic Acids ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OGUMA,Kazuaki ; MIURA,Masahiro ; SATOU,Tetsuya ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
1H407The Effect of Bases in the Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,4-Addition of Organoboronic Acids to .alpha.,.beta.-Unsatulated Amides ( Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Eng. ) SAKUMA,Satoshi ; MIYAURA,Norio
1H413Cyclic Carbonylation of Acetylenes in Water ( Osaka Univ.; I.S.I.R. ) KOIKE,Tetsuharu ; YONEDA,Eiji ; ZHOU,Da-yang ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi
1H425Rhodium-Catalyzed Allylation of Arenes ( Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering ) YAGURA,Yasushige ; TSUKADA,Naofumi ; INOUE,Yoshio
1H431Iridium-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of Enynes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; INOUE,Hiroki ; MORIMOTO,Tsumoru ; MURAI,Shinji
1H437Three-component Coupling Reaction of Aldehydes, Amines and Alkynes Catalyzed by Iridium Complexs-Activation of C-H Bond Adjacent to the Nitrogen Atom of Imine- ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) KUBO,Takashi ; SAKAGUCHI,
Satoshi ; ISHII,Ya
1H443Synthesis of benzoic ester derivatives fromszirconocene-benzyne comlex ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) XI,Chanjuan ; URA,Yasuyuki ; HONG,Xuechuan ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H402Formation of dihydropyridones from azazirconacycles ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) LI,Yanzhong ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H407Preparation of Organomanganese Reagents from Activated Manganese and Organic Halides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KAKIYA,Hirotada ; NISHIMAE,Shinji ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
2H413Reductive Coupling Reaction of Alkyl Halides with Lanthanum Metal ( Kansai Univ. ) WATANABE,Toshihisa ; NISHINO,Toshiki ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
3H403Functionalization of alkynes via zirconacyclopentadiene ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; ZHAO,Bingjun ; LIU,Yuanhong ; XI,Zhenfeng
3H407Generation of Functionalized Conjugated Diene-Titanium Complexes and Their Reaction with Aldehydes. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OOTA,Sinnya ; NAKAJIMA,Ryota ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fumie
3H413Reaction of zirconocene-olefin complex with acid chloride affording homoallylic alcohol ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) FUJITA,Kazuya ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
3H425Reactivity of the Intermediates Generated by Reduction of Polyhalogen Compounds with Chromium(II) ( Okayama Univ. ) KOKUMAI,Ryo ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko
3H431Michael Addition Reaction of Halogenated Active Methylene Compounds Promoted by Titanium Tetraiodide ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; TOYODA,Tadahiro ; KOBAYASHI,Fumiko
4H402Stereoselective Intramolecular Keto-cyano Reductive Cross-Coupling Reaction Induced by Titanium Catalyst ( Osaka Univ. ) ZHOU,Longhu ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
4H407 Session Lecturerecent progress the synthesis based on titanium(II)alkoxide ( graduate school of bioscience and biotechnology,tokyo institute of Technology ) URABE,Hirokazu
4H413Mg-Promoted Regioselective Acylation of Stilbenes ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshimasa ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
4H425Novel Asymmetric [3+2] Cycloaddition Reactions of Chiral Alkenyl Fischer Carbene Complexes with Imines ( Gakushuin University ) KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; OKAMURA,Taku ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
4H431Tungsten(0) Carbonyl Catalyzed Cyclization of Terminal Alkynes Possessing a Siloxydiene Moiety ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMABE,Hokuto ; KUSAMA,Hiroyuki ; IWASAWA,Nobuharu
4H437C-O single bond cleavage catalyzed by group 5 and 6 metal chlorides ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) GUO,Qiaoxia ; HARA,Ryuichiro ; MIYAJI,Taichi ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
1H502Development of Practical Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Reduction System Based on the Design of New Aluminum Alkoxides ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ., Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) ICHIKAWA,Hayato ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,
1H507Catalytic Dehalogenation by Dichloroindium Hydride System ( Osaka university ) SHIBATA,Ikuya ; SAWADA,Akemi ; INOUE,Katsuyuki ; BABA,Akio
1H513Reactivity of Allylic Gallium Compounds ( Okayama Univ. ) ISHII,Keijiro ; IKAWA,Yoshito ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko
1H525Addition of Zinc Aza-Enolate to Alkenylboranes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HATAKEYAMA,Takuji ; HARA,Kenji ; NAKAMURA,Masaharu ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H531Enantioselective Addition of Alkoxyallyl zinc reagent to Alkynyl ketones ( Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIBAMOTO,Yoshinori ; NAKAMURA,Masaharu ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H537Cu(I) salt-catalyzed addition of diborons to .alpha.,.beta.-unsaturated compounds and alkynes. ( Institute for Molecular Science; Univ. of Tsukuba ) ITO,Hajime ; YAMANAKA,Hiroshi ; HOSOMI,Akira
1H543The reaction of alpha-haloallylsilane with halides catalyzed by Cu(I)-amine comlex and the joining reaction of alpha-haloallylsilane, amine and electron-deficient olefine ( Fac. of Engn. Shinshu University. ) MITANI,Michiharu ; INOUE,Akihik
o ; TSUCHIDA,Teruk
2H501Michael Addition of Dimethylsilyl Enolates Catalyzed by Alkaline and Alkaline Earth Metal Salts ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIURA,Katsukiyo ; NAKAGAWA,Takahiro ; HOSOMI,Akira
2H507gem-Borylsilylation of Allylic Halides and Halomethanes Using a Silylborane Reagent ( Grad. Sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) KITAGAWA,Hirotaka ; KURAHASHI,Takuya ; SHIMIZU,Masaki ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2H513Substituent Effect on the Intramolecular Rearrangement of the Allyloxy and Propargyloxy-Silyllithiums ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) KAWACHI,Atsushi ; MAEDA,Hirofumi ; TAMAO,Kohei
3H501Synthesis of amino acid derivatives through the oxime derivatives from the reaction of acetylenedicarboxylateswith hydroxyamine ( Fac. of Engn. Shinshu University ) MITANI,Michiharu ; MISU,Ayuko ; TSUCHIDA,Teruko
3H507Catalytic Carbopalladation Across Vinylpyridylsilane (1). Intramolecular Coordination Effect of 2-PyMe2Si Group ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro ; MITSUDO,Koichi ; KAMEI,Toshiyuki ; KOIKE,Tooru
; NOKAMI,Toshiki
; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3H513Synthesis and Characterization of Disiloxanes from Difunctionalsilanes ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; INAGI,Yuki ; SAIKAWA,Yukiko ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H525Syntheses of Polymetallosiloxanes having Disilane Unit in Main Chain ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; GOMI,Takeshi ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H531Stereoselective Synthesis of Pyrrolidinessby the Lewis Acid Promoted [3+2] Cycloadditionsof Allylsilanes and Aldimines ( Gakushuin University ) SUGANO,Megumi ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
3H537Preparation of axially chiral bipyridyl dioxide ligands by asymmetric transcription ( Kyoto Univ. ) SHIMADA,Toyoshi ; KINA,Asato ; IKEDA,Shushiro ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H503Preparation and Use of Extremely Small P-Chiral Bisphosphines ( Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) IMAMOTO,Tsuneo ; WATANABE,Junko ; DANJO,Hiroshi
4H507Synthesis of Unsymmetric P-Chirogenic Bisphosphines and Their Enantioselectivity in Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation ( Chiba Univ.; Faculty of science ) OHASHI,Atsushi ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H513Synthesis of Optically Active Phosphine Sulfides and Their Use in Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis ( Chiba University ) SUGAMA,Hiroshi ; MATSUKAWA,Satoru ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H525Immobilized Multifunctional Asymmetric Catalysts Consisting of Polymeric BINOL Derivatives ( ISIR, Osaka University ) KOBAYASHI,Yukari ; ARAI,Takayoshi ; ZHENG,Xiao.f ; HU,Qiao.s ; PU,Lin ; SASAI,Hiroaki
4H531Synthesis and Complexation of Monodentate Phosphines Having Dendrimer Moiety ( Catalysis Research Center and Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) OHHARA,Daisuke ; OBORA,Yasushi ; BALAJI,B.s. ; TSUJI,Yasushi
4H537Preparation of allyltrichlorotin and N-tosyliminium with tin(II) chloride and N-chlorosuccinimide and its application to imine allylation ( Sophia University, Faculty Science and Technology ) MASUYAMA,Yoshiro ; YAMAMOTO,Naoko ; SAEKI,Keisuk
e ; KURUSU,Yasuhik
1H601Nucleophilic N-S and N-O Exchange Reactions of 3-Tri- fluoroacetyl-4-dimethylaminoquinoline with Thiols and Alcohols - Syntheses of Fluorine-Containing 4-Quinolyl Sulfides and Ethers ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; SAKAEMURA,Takushi ; A
SHIDA,Takuro ; MIZ
1H607Acid catalyzed Cyclization of 8-Dialkylamino-5,7-bis- (trifluoroacetyl)quinolylamines - A Facile Synthesis of Fluorine -Containing Oxazinoquinolines ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; SHIMOMURA,Naofumi ; ASHIDA,Takuro ; HAMAGUCHI,Aki
1H613Synthesis of Cyclic Imino Compounds froms .gamma.,.delta.-Unsaturated Ketone O-Acetyloximes. ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) YOSHIDA,Masayuki ; KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; NARASAKA,Koichi
1H625 Session Lectureconstruction of cyclic molecules via interaction between heteroatoms ( department of chemistry,University of TSUKUBA ) KOBAYASHI,Kenji
1H631Regio and Stereoselective Cycloaddition Reaction of 3-Alkenylamino- propionaldehyde Nitrones ( Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Engineering ) NOGUCHI,Michihiko ; HIKATA,Jun ; TANAKA,Masayuki ; YAMAMOTO,Hidetoshi
1H637The Utilities of N-(.alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated)acylpyrazoles in the Asymmetric Diels-Alder Reactions ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) KASHIMA,Choji ; MIWA,Yohei ; HIGASHIDE,Kohei ; YOKOYAMA,Yukihiro
1H643Transition State Analysis of Regioselectivity in 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of 1,1-Disubstituted Azomethine ylides ( Sojo Univ.; Kagoshima Univ. ) TSUGE,Otohiko ; HATTA,Taizo ; OOTO,Tomoko ; SOMEKAWA,Kenichi
2H601Synthesis of a Novel Chiral Imidazoline Ligand and Its Application to Asymmetric Ring Expansion of N-Acylaziridines ( Osaka University ) MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KAWAMOTO,Hiromitsu ; OKADA,Hirofumi ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
2H607Asymmetric 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrone UsingsChiral Binaphthyldiimine-Metal Catalysts ( Shinshu Univ. ) SUGA,Hiroyuki ; SUGIMOTO,Hiroaki ; KAKEHI,Akikazu ; ITO,Suketaka
2H613Diastereocontrol of Nitrile Oxide Cycloadditions by Lewis Acid Catalysis ( Yamaguchi Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; HASEGAWA,Masayuki ; HARADA,Mayu ; WATANABE,Sadaka ; NOGUCHI,Michihiko ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H625Carbonylation of amines using palladium acetate-copper acetate as catalyst ( Graduate School of Eng.; Hokkaido Univ. ) USHITO,Harumi ; NAGASAKI,Hideo ; NAKAMURA,Takatoshi ; ORITO,Kazuhiko ; TOKUDA,Masao
2H631Synthesis and Reaction of Novel Macrolides Using Manganese(III) Acetate-Based Oxidative Radical Cyclization ( Inst. Fond. Res. Org. Chem., Kyushu Univ.; Fac. Sci.,Kumamoto Univ. ) JOGO,Shunsuke ; NISHINO,Hiroshi ; KUROSAWA,Kazu
2H637Generation of Silacarbonyl Ylides from Silylenes and Their Cycloadditions ( Osaka University ) KOMATSU,Mitsuo ; FUKUSHIMA,Tsuyoshi ; OKADA,Aoi ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi
2H643Abnormal Michael addition of 2-acylmethyl-2-oxazoline with olefinic acceptors ( Laboratory of Organic Chemisry, Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University ) MAEDA,Yuuitirou ; TOHDA,Yasuo ; HORI,Kazusige ; TANI,Keita
3H601Novel Construction of a Pyrrole Ring from 2-Tosyl-substituted Enynes and Aniline Derivatives and Its Application to the Preparation of New .pi.-Electron Systems ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; TAKEDA,Mineko ;
ASAKURA,Yasuhito ;
3H607Syntheses of unsymmetrical 3,6-disubstituted pyridazines ( Kitakyushu National College of Technology ) KADOTA,Sohei ; TAKEHARA,Kenji ; ISOMURA,Kazuaki
3H613On the condensation and substitution reactions on the occasion of using the typical peptide-bond formation method ( Seikei University,Faculty of Engineering ) KATOH,Akira ; NOZOE,Motoki ; SAITO,Ryota
3H625The Utility of N-Acyloxypyrazoles as Chiral Acylating Agent ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) KASHIMA,Choji ; SHIBATA,Saori ; MIWA,Yohei ; MIZUHARA,Saori
3H631Synthesis of Supermacrocyclic Oxacyclynes Containing Benzene Rings and Ether Linkages, and Creation of Their C60 Supramolecular Complex. ( Kinki Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; AMITA,Nobuhiro ; KOBAYASHI,Shigeya ; WAKAMIYA,Tateaki
; YOSHIDA,Zen-ichi
4H601Synthesis of Thiacrown Ethers from Adducts of Alkenes and Sulfur Dichloride ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute, Osaka University ) MIHARA,Masatoshi ; ISHINO,Yoshio ; MIYATA,Toshiyuki ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
4H607Synthesis and Properties of Novel Compounds with Two Heteropentalene Rings ( Osaka Prefecture University ) OKUMURA,Yasuyuki ; MATSUMURA,Noboru ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
4H613Synthesis of Phytochromobilin Using Phenylselenoethyl Group as an Equivalent of Vinyl Group ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) TAKEDA,Shuuzou ; KINOSHITA,Hideki ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4H625Syntheses of Both Enantiomers of Flavanone and Chromanone ( Nihon Univ. ) NODA,Yoshihiro ; WATANABE,Morio ; NAGASAWA,Kiku
4H631Studies on the Asymmetric Synthesis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid, Amphorogynines ( Shizuoka University ) YODA,Hidemi ; EGAWA,Takahisa ; TAKABE,Kunihiko
2J102Additional effect of VIII-metal ions to MgO catalysts for selective recuction of carbon dioxide ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) YAMAMOTO,Tatsuya ; ARITANI,Hirofumi
2J107Selective reduction of NO over mechanically-mixed silver catalysts ( Natl. Inst. of Mater. & Chem. Res. ) SHINRIKI,Manabu ; NAGAO,Yukinori ; SATO,Kazuhito ; YOSHINARI,Tomohiro ; KINTAICHI,Yoshiaki ; HANEDA,Masaaki ; HAMADA,Hideaki
2J113NOx selective reduction over Co3O4/ZSM-5 ( Utsunomiya Univ ) SEYA,Mototugu ; OKI,Shouiti
2J125The development of supported rhenium catalysts for ammonia synthesis ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ENOMOTO,Hiroyuki ; KOJIMA,Ryoichi ; AIKA,Ken-ichi
2J130Dehydrogenation of light alkanes over oxidized diamond supported catalysts in the presence of carbon dioxide ( Kansai University ) KAJITA,Chiaki ; NAKAGAWA,Kiyoharu ; IKENAGA,Naoki ; GAMOU-NISHITANI,Mika ; ANDO,Tshihiro ; SUZUKI,Toshimitsu
2J135Dechlorination of p-substituted chlorobenzenes on a Pd/Pd black sheet electrode using the consecutive hydrogenatic system ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) MANABE,Takasato ; INOUE,Hiroshi ; IWAKURA,Chiaki
3J101Photocatalytic desomposition of water K-Ta mixed oxide prepared by alkoxide method ( Oita University ) BAIK,Namseok ; MITSUI,Chiemi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
3J107Preparation of TiO2 Photocatalysts Operating under Visible Light Irradiation by the Calcination of TiN ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) TAKEUCHI,Masato ; MATSUOKA,Masaya ; YAMASHITA,Hiromi ; ANPO,Masakazu ; EU
RA,Takashi ; IWAMO
3J113Photocatalytic Water Splitting Using Oxysulfides Under Visible Light Irradiation ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST, JST. ) ISHIKAWA,Akio ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; BHAT,Vasudeva ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michikazu ;
3J125Photocatalytic Property of Copper Contained Titaniums Oxide ( Faculty of Engineering Yamaguchi University ) OKASHIMO,Akihiro ; SAKATA,Yoshihisa ; IMAMURA,Hayao
3J131The structure and the propene photo-metathesis reaction of Mo oxide supported on MCM-41 ( Chiba University ) EGUCHI,Taku ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; SHIMAZU,Shogo ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
3J137 Session LectureApplication of metal ion-implantation technique to design the efficient TiO2 photocatalyst operatable under visible light irradiation ( graduate school of Engineering,osaka prefecture university ) YAMASHITA,Hiromi
3J143Photocatalytic Activity and Physical Properties of Transition-Metal Loaded Titanium (IV) Oxide Powders ( Hokkaido University ) SUGIYAMA,Noboru ; IKEDA,Shigeru ; OHTANI,Bunsho
4J101The development of new analysis method for decomposition behavior of dioxin ( Tohoku Univ. ; Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin Univ. ) SUZUKI,Ai ; MIZUKAMI,Koichi ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
4J107Fluorine ion-exchange mechanism on Ti(OH)4 ( Oita University ) ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; UESHIMA,Souichirou ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; TAKITA,Yusaku
4J113The quantitative analysis of carbons deposited on supported Pt catalysts by Pt L-edge XANES ( Graduate School of Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) KANASAKI,Shingo ; SHIDO,Takufumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J125Application of Reactant Absorption Edge XAFS - Sulfur K-edge for Heterogeneous Catalysts ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, RIKEN ) IZUMI,Yasuo ; ISHIGURO,Atsushi ; MINATO,Taketoshi ; NAKAJIMA,Takayuki ; KIYOTAKI,Fumitaka ; AIKA,Ken-ichi ; WA
4J131Development of the program of analysis method for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on noble metal catalysis by combinatorial computational chemistry. ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School ofEngineering, Tohoku University ) KUBOTA,Ts
uguo ; SAKAHARA,Sa
toshi ; V.BELOSLUDOV,Rodion ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2J202Stream-reforming of methanol over some copper catalysts ( Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University ) TAKEISHI,Kaoru ; SUZUKI,Hiromitsu ; UENO,Akifumi
2J207Isomerization of n-butane over solid acid catalyst under supercritical condition ( Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology ) SEGAWA,Kohichi ; SUGIYAMA,Takayuki ; NISHIDA,Tadafumi
2J213Measurement of Steam Reforming over Plate-typed Ru/ZrO2s Catalyst by Pulse Reaction Method ( Kogakuin Univ ) SHISHIKURA,Akiko ; IIDA,Hajime ; IGARASHI,Akira
2J225Preparation of Novel Giant Palladium Cluster Catalysts for the Oxidative Acetoxylation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( Osaka Univ. ) CHOI,Kwang-min ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J230NO reduction on the Supported Ru Cluster Catalysts and thesCharacterization by X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy ( Tokyo Institute of Technology,RIKEN ) MINATO,Taketoshi ; ISHIGURO,Atsushi ; NAKAJIMA,Takayuki ; KIYOTAKI,Fumitaka
; IZUMI,Yasuo ; AI
KA,Ken-ichi ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo
2J235Synthesis of dicarbamate by the metoxycarbonylation of m-phen ylenediamine with dimethyl carbonate ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Eng ineering ) KOBAYASHI,Akane ; YAMAUCHI,Tatsuya ; BABA,Toshihide
3J201Conjugate addition of methanol to alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds over solid base catalysts ( Hokkaido University CARET ) KATOU,Tomokazu ; KABASHIMA,Hajime ; HATTORI,Hideshi
3J207Deuterium tracer study of butane isomerization over WO3-ZrO2 and Pt/WO3-ZrO2 ( Hokkaido University CARET ) KOTOKU,Katsuyosi ; HATTORI,Hideshi
3J213Rapid Dehydration of Zeolites by Microwave Heating ( Toyohashi Univ. of Technology ) WAKANA,Akiko ; OHGUSHI,Tatsuo
3J225Direct observation of NOx-Fe/Y-zeolite catalysis reactionsusing Mossbauer spectroscopy ( Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology,National Institute for Resources and Envilonment ) IWASHITA,Yasuko ; YAMAZAKI,Satoshi ; NANBA,Tetsuya ; YO
3J231Dependence of Pore Diameter for Acidic Property of FSM-16 ( Kyoto Univ. ) MORI,Shigehisa ; YAMAMOTO,Takashi ; TANAKA,Tsunehiro ; FUNABIKI,Takuzo
3J237Size control of mesoporous silicate synthesized using block copolymer as template ( Electrotechnical Laboratory; Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMADA,Takeo ; ASAI,Keisuke ; ZHOU,Hao-shen ; HONMA,Itaru
3J243Synthesis of mesoporous material with ZnNb2O6 wall structure ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) LEE,Byongjin ; LU,Dailin ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Mitikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
4J201Liquid Phase Oxidation by Using Phase-Boundary Catalysts ( Hokkaido University ) IKEDA,Shigeru ; NUR,Hadi ; OHTANI,Bunsho
4J207Development of an Effective Fe Catalyst System for Liquid-Phase Oxygenation of Benzene Using Hydrogen Peroxide ( Osaka Univ. ) MITSUDOME,Takato ; IDE,Masahito ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J213In situ FT-IR study during methanol oxidation on supported metal oxide catalysts ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SEMAN,Milan ; NOMURA,Junko ; DOMEN,Kazunari ; OYAMA,Ted
4J225Selective Oxidation of Methane over Mo-V Mixed Mesoporous Materials ( RITE ) DAI,Lianxin ; TENG,Yonghong ; TABATA,Kenji ; SUZUKI,Eiji ; TATSUMI,Takashi
4J231Surface modification of FSM-16 and photo-oxidation of olefin and ethylbenzene by supported Ru trinuclear oxo cluster complexes ( Hokkaido Univ. ) FUJISHIMA,Keiko ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
4J236Support effect of zeolite on the methane combustion activity of Pd ( Dept. of Materials Science, Fac. of Engineering, Tottori Univ. ) OKUMURA,Kazu ; MATSUMOTO,Sachi ; KOBAYASHI,Takeshi ; NIWA,Miki
1J301Effect of the contents of water molecules on the stability of sugar-integrated organogel. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) TAMARU,Shunichi ; LUBORADZKI,Roman ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1J307Patterning of colloidal crystal films by photoirradiation ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) GU,Zhong-ze ; FUJISHIMA,Akira ; SATO,Osamu
1J313Effects of Dispersing Apparatus on the Droplet Evolution in Water. ( Science University of Tokyo ) KAMOGAWA,Keiji ; OKUDAIRA,Gen ; AKATUKA,Hidetaka ; SAKAI,Toshio ; SAKAI,Hideki ; ABE,Masahiko
1J325Development of new thickener : Isophorone-containing urea derivatives ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) HANABUSA,Kenji ; NAKAYAMA,Hiroko ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1J331Organogels of a nucleic base-bearing gelator and the effects of additives ( Chemotransfiguration Project, JST ) SNIP,Erwin ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1J337Synthesis of Pt nanoparticles in AOT reversed micellar systems ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) ICHIKAWA,Yuji ; AIZAWA,Yusuke ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro ; KON-NO,Kijiro
1J343Preparation and Characteristic of Gold Nanoclustersswith Terpyridine-Ruthenium Complex ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) ITO,Masayuki ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
2J301Electrorheological Effects of Barium Titanate Suspensions ( Faculty of Science, Fukuoka University ) MISONO,Yasuhito ; YOSINAGA,Hitomi ; NEGITA,Keishi
2J307Self-Assembled Aggregate Formation of Calcium Malonate/n-Docosane ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) SAKAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; GUO,Yufeng ; GAMA,Yasuo
2J313Synthesis of Au nanoparticles from HAuCl4/nonionics complexes in reversed micelles. ( Dept. of Indusrrial Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKAGI,Sigesada ; KON-NO,Kijirou ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro
2J325 Session Lecturean experimental study of detergency using model systems ( kyoto university of education,kanazawa institute of technology ) GOTOH,Keiko
2J332Electrophoresis of the polymer particles charged by acid-base dissociation in silicone oil ( Ricoh Co., Ltd. ) YANAGISAWA,Masahiro
3J301Optical Properties of Cu/Cu2O Multilayered Structures ( Saitama Univ. ) MISHINA,E. D. ; NAGAI,Kazunori ; OHTA,Narumi ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
3J307Electrochemical characterization of diamond electrodes in non-aqueous electrolytes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) YOSHIMURA,Mikiko ; HONDA,Kensuke ; TATA,N. Rao ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J313Polymorphology of CaCO3-poly(carboxylate) ligand composites ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University;Osaka National Research Institute ) TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; ONODA,Akira ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; KOBAYASHI,Atsuko ; TAGUCHI,Takah
isa ; YAMAMOTO,Hit
oshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3J325X-ray diffraction study of krypton, nitrogen and water adsorbed on hydroxylated silica surfaces ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) MORISHIGE,Kunimitsu ; HARADA,Kazuyuki
3J331Preparation of activated carbon fiber of uniform ultramicropores ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University ) LEE,Sang-moon ; KANEKO,Katsumi
3J337Differential heat of adsorption of supercritical nitrogen and argon on activated carbon fiber ( Graduate school of Sci. and Tech., Chiba Univ. ) FUKASAWA,Kiyotake ; SUZUKI,Takaomi ; KANEKO,Katsumi
3J343Macrocluster formation of carboxylic acid on silica surface in cyclohexane ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) MIZUKAMI,Masashi ; KURIHARA,Kazue
4J301Gaseous Adsorptivity of Silica-Pillared Manganese Oxides ( Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute ) WANG,Zheng-ming ; LIU,Zong Huai ; TEZUKA,Satoko ; KANOH,Hirofumi ; OOI,Kenta
4J307Control of Wettability of Glass Surface Using 2-(Diethoxyphosphoryl)ethyltriethoxysilane. ( Osaka Prefecture University ) MATSUDA,Atsunori ; SAWADA,Takashi ; TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
4J313Synthesis and Application of Novel Silane Coupling Agents Having a Polymerizable Group ( Faculty of Engineering, Science University of Tokyo and Kanagawa Dental College ) KONDO,Yukishige ; ITO,Tomokazu ; OKADA,Hideyuki ; KURATA,Shigeaki ; N
IHEI,Tomotaro ; TE
1J401Syntheses and Monolayer Properties of the Dendrimers with Peptide Amphiphile Units ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) AIZAWA,Takeshi ; MICHIUE,Atsuo ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
1J407Domain Structure of Phase-Separated Binary Self-Assembled Thiol Monolayers Formed from Dilute Thiol Solutions on Au(111) ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) HOBARA,Daisuke ; YAMAMOTO,Masahiro ; KAKIUCHI,Takashi
1J413Electron Transfer Reaction of C84 embedded in Cationic Bilayer Film ( Nagasaki Univ. ) NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi ; NOR WAHIDA BINTI WAHAB, ; SAKAI,Mie ; MORI,Makoto ; MURAKAMI,Hiroto ; SAGARA,Takamasa
1J425Specific biodegradation of ultrathin polymer film prepared by layer-by-layer assemble method. ( Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Miyuki ; SERIZAWA,Takeshi ; AKASHI,Mitsuru
1J431Preparation and structural characterization of alternateslayer-by-layer assembly containing Nafion layers ( Musashi Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering ) TAKAHASHI,Masaru ; TAKAHASHI,Masashi ; KOBAYASHI,Koichi
1J437The study of self-assembled membrane structure formed by dioctadecyldimethylammonium cinnamate ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. ) OHTANI,Osamu ; SASAI,Ryo ; ADACHI,Tomohiro ; TAKAGI,Katuhiko ; HATTA,Ichirou
1J443Langmuir-Blodgett Films Having Heterocycles (39) The mixed film of two pyrimidine compounds and its deposition type onto substrate ( Kitakyushu National College of Technology ) ARAKANE,Hirotada ; TAKEHARA,Kenji ; ISOMURA,Kazuaki
2J401Synthesis and characterization of organic-inorganic perovskite thin film prepared by a self-assembly method (2) ( Department of Chemistry, Sophia Univ. ) MATSUI,Takashi ; RIKUKAWA,Masahiro ; SANUI,Kohei
2J407Preparation of Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett Films and Change in Domain Structure Using Macrocyclic TTF. ( Hokkaido University, PRESTO, JST, Odense University ) OHTA,Takanori ; AKUTAGAWA,Tomoyuki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi ;
2J413Development of novel glycolipids capable of gelatinizing water, organic solvents and ionic-liquids ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) NAKASHIMA,Takuya ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
2J425Copper nanowire formation by chemical reduction of organic-copper hybrid nanofiber ( NIMC ) KOGISO,Masaki ; YASE,Kiyoshi ; SHIMIZU,Toshimi
2J431Kinetic study of dendrimer nano-dots formation by rapid evaporation of solvents ( Chemotransfiguration Project - JST ) OKAMURA,Junko ; SANO,Masahito ; SHINKAI,Seiji
3J401Effect of NaCl on the Adsorbed Film of Sodium Taurocholate formed at water/air surface ( Univ. of Nagasaki; Faculty of Fisheries ) AKIZUKI,Ryosuke ; MATUBAYASI,Norihiro
3J407Rotational Correlation Times and Electron Spin Relaxation Times of Spin Probes in Dispersions of Hydrogenated Castor Oil (HCO-10) ( Fukushima Medical Univ. ) NAKAGAWA,Kouichi
3J413Formation of Completely Ionized Pre-micelle forsDouble-chain Ionic Surfactants. ( Niihama National College of Technology ) SHIOMI,Masaki ; MANABE,Masahiro ; FUJITA,Kana ; KAWAMURA,Hideo ; KATSU-URA,Hajime
3J425Formation of reverse micellar cubic phase in silicone surfactant system ( Yokohama National Univ. ) WATANABE,Ken-ichi ; UDDIN,Md Hemayet ; RODRIGUEZ,Carlos ; HARASIMA,Asao ; HURUKAWA,Haruhiko ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu
3J429Aggregate properties and drag reduction behaviors of sodium salicylate/quaternary ammonium salt cationic surfactant solutions by means of an optical rheometry ( LION CORP. ) YOSHII,Toru ; MAJIMA,Toshiaki ; HORIUCHI,Teruo ; TAMURA,Takamits
1PA001 Stabilizing Effect of [Pt(hfac)(hfac-OR)]- (R=H, Me) by the Countercations ( Wakayama Univ., Kansai Univ. ) OKEYA,Seichi ; HASHIMOTO,Masato ; MATSUMOTO,Naoki ; OKI,Mitsumasa ; NAKAMURA,Fumiko ; KOBAYASHI,Mako ; ARAKAWA,Ryuichi
1PB001 Hydroxyapatite Crystal Growth on Langmuir-Blodgett Films ( NIRIM ) SATO,Kimiyasu ; KUMAGAI,Yuri ; KOGURE,Toshihiro ; TANAKA,Junzo
1PB052 Adsorptivities of grafted porous polyethylene films with a dye ligand to metal ions. ( Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology ) FUJITA,Yoshikazu ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo
1PB081 Development of Display Materials by Using Light-Scattering Properties of Self-Assembled Liquid-Crystalline Physical Gels ( Univ. of Tokyo; Shinshu Univ. ) SUZUKI,Yuki ; KISHIMOTO,Kenji ; MIZOSHITA,Norihiro ; KATO,Takashi ; HANABUSA,Kenji
1PB107 Equilibrium Conditions of Gas Hydrates from Methane and Helium Mixtures ( Geological Survey of Japan; AIST ) MAEKAWA,Tatsuo
1PB127 Advanced Oxidations of Pesticides in Water by O3-TiO2-UV ( Mie Industrial Research Institute ) ONARI,Yasuo
2PA001 Synthesis of New Imidazole Substituted Porphyrin and its SupramolecularsOrganization ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) RYUNO,Aya ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA141 Computation of Phenoxy Radical coupling ( JRCPP-JCII ) KUBOTA,Masaaki ; HIGASHIMURA,Hideyuki ; NAMEKAWA,Shuhei ; SHIGA,Akinobu ; FUJISAWA,Kiyoshi ; UYAMA,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Shirou
2PA199 Home-garbage collection information by portable telephone. ( Shibaura Institute of Technology ) YOKOCHI,Ayaka ; SATO,Toshihiko
2PA215 Efficiency of solid state Baeyer-Villiger reaction in natural product synthesis : Total synthesis of cyclofarnesane natural products ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Engi., Niigata Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; NAGATOMO,Hidenori
; YOSHII,Fumiko ;
HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayoshi
2PB001 a ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) IMAI,Izumi ; KAMATA,Masahiro
2PB017 Ultraviolet absorption Spectra of Awamori ( Univ. of The Ryukyus ) FUKUHARA,Tsukasa ; HIGA,Tomoji ; TAKEHARA,Ayako ; TERAO,Shinji ; SHINZATO,Takayuki ; UEJOH,Kazuya ; UEHARA,Yosei
2PB051 Stereochemical configuration and 13C-labeling pattern ofsamphidinols, polyenepolyol compounds produced by dinoflagellate. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) HOUDAI,Toshihiro ; MATSUOKA,Sigeru ; MURATA,Mitio
2PB093 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts ofssurfactants using Erythrosine B and a membrane filter ( Yonago National College of Technology ) YAMAMOTO,Koichi ; MURAKAMI,Haruo
2PB145 Effects of Na-Oxide on Chemical Reactivity of Ultra-thinsChromium-Vanadium Oxides on Cu(100) to Ethylenediamine ( Kwansei-Gakuin Univ. ) KAMIOKA,Shintaro ; KISHI,Kosaku
2PB184 Optical Regulation of surface tension utilizing azobenzene bilayer-forming amphiphiles ( Faculty of Engneering Oita Univ. ) ANRAKU,Norihito ; YOSHIMI,Takeshi ; ISHIKAWA,Yuichi
3PA001 Structures of Short-chain Oxyethylene-Water Systems Studied by Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy ( Graduate School of Science. Hiroshima University ) OKURA,Koji ; KUROIWA,Takahiro ; HARADA,Takanori ; YOSHIDA,Hiroshi ; MATSUURA,Hiroats
3PA043 Synthesis and physical properties of liquid crystalline side chain polymer containing carboxyl group at the end of side chain ( Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Science and Engineering Ritsumeikan University ) AOYAMA,Chisaka ; NA
3PA077 Theoretical Studies on the Reactions of SO2 with H atoms ( Nat.Inst. for Res. & Environ. ) TSUCHIYA,Kentaro ; SHIINA,Hiroumi ; OYA,Masaaki
3PA106 Iodine-127 Moessbauer spectra of phenyliodonium ylides ( Faculty of Science, Toho University ) TAKAHASHI,Masashi ; NISHIMURA,Tatsuru ; TAKEDA,Masuo
3PA215 Photodecomposition mechanism of cyanine dyes ( Chiba Univ. and Konica ) AIDA,Kentaro ; FUKUI,Keijiro ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide ; KITA,Hiroshi ; ISHII,Fumio
3PA231 The structural study of the molten carbonate salt withsthe Raman spectra and the ab initio molecular orbital calculation. ( Faculty of Science & Technology, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) NOGI,Atsushi ; MORITA,Hidetoshi ; MATSUZAWA,Hidenori ; MA
TSUMOTO,Futoshi ;
IDEMOTO,Yasushi ; KOURA,Nobuyuki
3PB001 Consideration of Restrictive Rotation at C-N Bond in Enaminosulfone by MO Method (PM3) ( Meikai Univ., School of Dentistry ) ISHIHARA,Mariko
3PB051 One pot Reduction of benzaldehydes in aqueous solution ( Ube National College of Tech. ) KAKINAMI,Takaaki ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; ISHIMOTO,Keiko ; MITOMA,Yoshiahru ; TASHIRO,Masashi
3PB075 Synthesis of 3-aminoazetidines by using 2-halomethylaziridines ( Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya Univ.Ghent Univ. ) KARIKOMI,Michinori ; DE. KIMPE,Norbert
3PB129 The synthetic method for the novel phospha sugar compounds ( Shizuoka University ) KATSUMATA,Takashi ; MAEDA,Motoki ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
3PB159 The synthesis and the photoreaction of trigermane with the bulky substituent ( Teikyo Univ.Sci.&Tech.The Inst.of Phys.&Chem. ) ORIHARA,Masayuki ; KAKISIMA,Noriyuki ; KUGITA,Tsuyoshi ; WAKASA,Masanobu
3PB195 Evaluation of the photodynamic activities of porphyrins derivatives in the photosensitized oxidation of imidazoles derivatives. ( Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ. ) KAI,Shigeo ; HIRAMITSU,Seiji ; SUZUKI,Mikio ; MASAKI,Yukio
3PB231 Synthesis, UV-vis Spectra, and Redox potentials of 4-Arylphenylbis(2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)methylium Salts ( Tottori Univ. ) ASAHARA,Masahiro ; HARA,Tetsuya ; MUKODANI,Takashi ; ERABI,Tatsuo ; WADA,Masanori
1B714Scandium Ion-Catalyzed Photoinduced Electron Transfer Oxidation of Fullerenes by p-Benzoquinones ( Osaka Univ.; Tohoku Univ.; CREST ) MORI,Hisahiro ; OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; ITO,Osamu ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; A
RAKI,Yasuyuki ; FU
1B715Synthesis and Redox Properties of Ferrocene-Naphthoquinone Linked Systems ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OKAMOTO,Ken ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B716Catalytic Effects of Metal Ions in Intramolecular Electron Transfer Reactions of Ferrocene-Naphthoquinone Linked Systems ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OKAMOTO,Ken ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B717Photoinduced Electron Transfer between C60 and Shiff base ( Tohoku University; Shokei High School ) SASAKI,Yoshiko ; ITO,Osamu ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru
1B718Catalysis of Metal Ions on Electron Transfer Reduction ofs1,2,4,5-Tetrazines ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B726Catalyst Effects of Metal Ions in Intramolecular Electron Transfer of Ferrocene-Quinone Linked Systems with an Rigid Spacer ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) YOSHIDA,Yutaka ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B727Generation and Reactivity of Cyclobutylidene Derivative ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SAKAKIBARA,Takurou ; TAKAHASI,Yasutake ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B728Photoinduced Electron Transfer Properties of Chlorin-C60 Dyads ( Osaka Univ.; Tohoku Univ.; CREST; Univ. of Houston; RosewellCancer Institute ) OHKUBO,Kei ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Osamu ; SHAO,Jinguo ; OU,Zhongp
ing ; KADISH,Karl
M. ; ZHENG,Gang ; CHEN,Yihuo ; PANDEY,Ravindra K. ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B729Generation and Reactivity of Benzocyclobutenylidene ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) INABA,Makoto ; TAKAHASI,Yasutake ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B730Generation and Reactivity of Benzocyclobutenylidene Derivative ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) FUNASE,Masato ; TAKAHASI,Yasutake ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1B732Scandium Ion-Catalyzed Photoinduced Electron Transfer fromsAcenaphthylene to p-Benzoquinone Derivatives ( Osaka Univ.; Tokyo Agr. Tech. Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; HAGA,Naoki ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B733Photoinduced Electron Transfer Initiated Chemiluminescence (PETIC) of 3-methoxyphenyl-1,2-Dioxetane Derivatives ( Dept. of Chem., University of Tsukuba ) WAKASUGI,Takeshi ; FUJIMORI,Ken ; MATSUMOTO,Msakatsu ; MORIHASHI,Kenji ; MURATA,Shigeo
; KATOH,Ryuji
1B734Electron Transfer Reactions of Singlet Oxygen and Catalysis of Metal Ions ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) FUJITA,Shunsuke ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B735Photoaddition of o-chloranil with naphthalenes ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) MATSUSHIMA,Hironori ; FUJITA,Morifumi ; SUGIMURA,Takashi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
1B738Photooxidation of Olefins Sensitized by Dimethoxybenzene Derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MORI,Tadashi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
1B739Chemiluminescence of Ruthenium Complexes and Accompanied Reduction of Chromium Complexes by using an NADH Analogue as an Electron Source ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) FUJITA,Shunsuke ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B740Spin and Charge Distributions in Cyclopropane Cation Radicals -Effects of Structures and Substituents ( Gunma College of Technology and Niigata University ) AKABA,Ryoichi ; KAMATA,Masaki
1B741Dimerization of aromatic olefine radical cations by the near-infr ared absorption measurement ( Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) TOJO,Sachiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
1B742Reaction between Polyphenols and Hydroxyl Radicals -Study using High-Speed Flow ESR Method- ( Fac. of Sci., Shizuoka Univ. ) OHASHI,Yasunori ; YOSHIOKA,Hiroe ; SENBA,Yasushi ; YOSHIOKA,Hisashi
1B744Detection of NAD Radical Analogue - Metal Ion Complexes by ESR ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) INADA,Osamu ; OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1B745Fluorescence Properties of Polyoxybenzene Radical Cations with Pseudo D3h and D6h Structure ( Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University ) ICHINOSE,Nob
uyuki ; ISAGAWA,Ka
kuzo ; HOSHIBA,Takao ; ENDO,Kazunaka ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
1B746Dynamic Behavior of Anthracenecarbonyloxyl Radicals as Studied by Two-Color Laser Photolysis ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) SAITOH,Yasuo ; SEGAWA,Katsunori ; ITOH,Hiroki ; SAKURAGI,Hirochika
1B747Hole Transfer in 2'-Pyrene Conjugated DNA ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research. Osaka University ) MIYAMOTO,Kei ; KAWAI,Kiyohiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
1B748C-H Bond Activation Mechanism by Phenoxyl Radical-Metal Complexes ( Osaka University; CREST; Osaka City University ) KUMEI,Hideyuki ; ITOH,Shinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2B702Quantitative Evaluation of Lewis Acidity of Metal Ions andsthe Catalytic Activity in the Michael Addition of Ketene Silyl Acetal with Methyl Vinyl Ketone ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shu
2B703Isotope effect on high-selectively Si-H bond scission of methylsilane by methyl radicals in low temperature solid phase ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University ) KOMAGUCHI,Kenji ; ISHIGURI,Yuuko ; TACHIKAWA,Hiroto ; SHIOTANI,Masaru
2B704Resonant Two-Photon Ionization of Substituted Stilbenes with a XeCl Eximer Laser ( The Instituted of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) HARA,Michihiro ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
2B705Laser Flash Photolysis of Diarylbutadiyne ( Univ. of Saga; Univ. of Kyusyu ) HORI,Yuji ; HARAGUCHI,Shin-ichi ; KOBAYASHI,Shinjiro
2B706Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions of NADH Analogues and Detection of the Radical Intermediates ( Osaka Univ.; Tohoku Univ.; CREST ) INADA,Osamu ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; ARAKI,Yasuyuki ; ITO,Osamu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2B708Photosensitized Electron-Transfer Reactions of 1,2-Diarylcyclopropane Derivatives and Related Diazo Compounds ( Tohoku University ) HOSHI,Yosuke ; IKEDA,Hiroshi ; MIYASHI,Tsutomu
2B709Thermal and Photochemical Behavior of Dimers of 2-Methoxycarbonylpyridinyl RadicalsDerivatives. ( Environmental Education Center of Miyagi University of Education ) ADACHI,Nao ; MURAMATSU,Takashi
2B710Mechanism for Photodecomposition of Cinnamoyl Peroxides ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) IKEDA,Nobuyuki ; SEGAWA,Katsunori ; SAKURAGI,Hirochika
2B711Internal return of radical pair formed by methoxybenzyl ester photolysis in solvent cage ( Dept. of Chem., University of Tsukuba ) FUJIMORI,Ken ; NOMACHI,Makoto ; MORIHASHI,Kenji
2B712Theoretical studies on photolysis of methoxybenzyl acetate by molecular orbital method ( Dept. of Chem., University of Tsukuba ) MORIHASHI,Kenji ; FUJIMORI,Ken
2B714Photoisomerization Behavior of Hydroxychalcones in Zeolites ( Gifu Univ.; Shinshu Univ. ) MATSUBARA,Chie ; KOJIMA,Masanobu
2B715Direct Photooxygenation of Styrenes in Zeolite NaY ( Shinshu Univ.; Gifu Univ. ) NAKAJOH,Miyuki ; MATSUBARA,Chie ; KOJIMA,Masanobu
2B716Control of the Photocycloaddition of Acid Derivatives with Alkenes by Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) MORIYAMA,Tomohiro ; SHIRATORI,Hideo ; KUBO,Yasuo
2B717The Mechanism of Photodecomposition of 2-Phenylcycloalkanones in the Presence of Molecular Oxygen ( Kanazawa Univ. ) SUGIYAMA,Masahide ; KOHTANI,Shigeru ; NAKAGAKI,Ryoichi
2B718Development of a Novel Photoredox System Utilizing Photoinduced Charge Separation of Porphyrin-Linked Fullerenes ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OKAMOTO,Ken ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2B728Mechanism for Fluorescein Sodium Sensitized Photodegradation of Sodium Hyaluronate and Its Clinical Application ( Shinshu Univ.; Nakamura Eye Clinic; Gunma Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Kazuya ; NAKAMURA,Kimitoshi ; KOJIMA,Masanobu ; YATSUSHIRO,Akiko ;
2B729Correlation between Relative Phototoxicity and Photoionization Efficiency of Phenothiazine Drugs ( Shinshu Univ.; Nakamura Eye Clinic; Gunma Univ. ) NEBASHI,Satomi ; NAKAMURA,Kimitoshi ; KOJIMA,Masanobu ; YATSUSHIRO,Akiko ; TAJIMA,So ; TOBI
2B730Wavelength Effects on the Photoreaction of 3-Methyl-2-naphthyl-2H-azirine ( Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo ) INUI,Hiroshi ; MURATA,Shigeru
2B732Photorearrangement of Naphthylmethyl Phenyl Ether Derivatives in Aqueous Solvents ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) YOSHIMI,Yasuharu ; MAEDA,Hajime ; SUGIMOTO,Akira ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
2B733Formation and Reaction of Thiocarbonyl Ylides by Reaction of Diazo Compounds with Vinylthioketones ( Osaka Univ. ) AKUTAGAWA,Takashi ; HAMAGUCHI,Masashi ; OSHIMA,Takumi
2B734Formation and Reaction of Vinylcarbonyl Ylides by Reaction of Vinyldiazo Compounds with Tricarbonyl Compounds ( Osaka Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Kazuma ; HAMAGUCHI,Masashi ; OSHIMA,Takumi
2B735Formation and Cyclization of Carbonyl Ylides by Reaction of Vinyl Carbenoids with Carbonyl Compounds ( Osaka Univ. ) SAKANE,Minoru ; HAMAGUCHI,Masashi ; OSHIMA,Takumi
2B738Reactions of Nitrenium Ion Intermediate Generated from N(p-)tolyl)hydroxylamine with Aromatic Compounds ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; HATA,Suguru
2B739Reaction with aromatic compounds of Phenylsulfenium IonsIntermediate Generated from Protonated Sulfenamide ( Kobe University ) TAKEUTI,Hirosi ; MORIGUCHI,Sintaro ; HATA,Suguru
2B740Thiolation of Alkenes by Dimethyl Disulfide Using Silver Acetate ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; NII,Yuusuke ; IIZUKA,Shingo
2B741Aromatic Alkylthiolation by Alkylsulfenium Ion Intermediate Generated from Hydroxylamine and Dialkyl Sulfides ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; YAMAMOTO,Shinya ; HATA,Suguru
2B742Competitive reactions between alkali metal phenoxide and .beta.-naphthoxide ( Fac.Sci.and Eng.,Shimane.Univ. ) RAHIMU,Mohamedo.a. ; IWASHITA,Tetsuhiro ; KOSUGI,Yoshio
2B744Copper Ion Affinities of Oxygen Bases in the Gas-Phase ( Kinki Univ.; Kyushu University ) IRIE,Maki ; KIKUKAWA,Kiyoshi ; MISHIMA,Masaaki
2B745Theoretical Study on Decomposition Reaction of Dioxetanone ( Graduate School of Science,Osaka University ) ISOBE,Hiroshi ; TAKANO,Yu ; YOSHIOKA,Yasunori ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
2B746Vibrationally Sensitized Reaction through hydrogen bonds- examination by ab initio MO method - ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) TACHIBANA,Hiroshi ; BABA,Shingo ; TAJIMA,Masahiro ; YATSUHASHI,Tomoyuki ; INOUE,Haruo
2B747Investigation of rotational isomerization of anthrylethylenes in liquid crystal orientational fields. ( Chiba University ) IMAKAWA,Masanori ; TANAKA,Yuuki ; FUKUI,Keijirou ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide
2B748Mechanistic study on the oxygenation reaction of silyl enol ethers with phosphite ozonides ( Osaka Univ. ) MORI,Atsushi ; ABE,Manabu ; NOJIMA,Masatomo
3B702beta.-Silicon Effect in Solvolysis of Silicon Compounds ( Faculty of Science, Kochi Univ., and IFOC, Kyusyu Univ. ) FUJIYAMA,Ryoji ; TAKANO,Wakana ; MOTOKI,Tetuya ; FUJIO,Mizue
3B703solvation and nucleophilic reactivity of 2,6-dichlorobenzoate ion ( Osaka Women's Univ. ) KONDO,Yasuhiko ; CHEN,Xinyu
3B704Conformational Dependence of Substituent Effects on the Solvolyses of 1,1-Diphenylethyl p-Nitrobenzoates ( Univ. of Kyushu ) UDDIN,Md. Khabir ; KIM,Hyun Joong ; FUJIO,Mizue ; TSUNO,Yuho
3B705Substituent Effects on Solvolyses of 2-(aryldimethylsilyl)ethyl chlorides ( Univ. of Kyushu ) OKADA,Ayumi ; UCHIDA,Mai ; KIM,Hyun Joong ; FUJIYAMA,Ryoji ; FUJIO,Mizue ; TSUNO,Yuho
3B706The .beta.-silicon effects in the solvolysis of 1-aryl-2-(dimethylphenylssilyl)ethyl 3,5-dinitrobenzoate ( Univ. of Kyushu ) UMEZAKI,Yuzo ; KIKUKAWA,Kiyoshi ; FUJIYAMA,Ryouji ; KIM,Hyun Joong ; FUJIO,Mizue ; TSUNO,Yuho
3B708Nucleophilic Substitution of Optically Active 4-Methylcyclohexylidenemethyliodonium Salts: Difference bwtween Triflate and Mesylate as a Nucleophile ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) SAKANISHI,Yuichi ; FUJITA,Morifumi ;
3B709Nucleophilic Substitution of Optically Active 4-Methylcyclohexylidenemethyliodonium Salts: Effects of the Iodonio leaving Group ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) NISHII,Masayoshi ; FUJITA,Morifumi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
3B710Solvolysis of Optically Active 4-Methylcyclohexylidenemethyl Triflate ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) YAMAMOTO,Akiyo ; FUJITA,Morifumi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
3B711Detailed study of the SNAr reactions between dinitrohalobenzenes and aniline in benzene. ( Fukui University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry. ) MARUYAMA,Minoru ; SUN,Li-quan ; HAYAMI,Jun-ichi
3B712Aromatic Nucleophilic Substitution of the Reactions between Picryl Halides and Aniline in Benzene. ( Fukui University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry. ) SUN,Li-quan ; MARUYAMA,Minoru ; HAYAMI,Jun-ichi
3B728The Effect of Water on Reaction of Bromide Ion to Vinyl Cations ( Kyusyu Univ. ) CHANG,Jeong Ah ; KOBAYASHI,Shinjiro
3B729Behavior of diarylcarbocations by picosecond lser flash photolysis ( Kyusyu Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masanori ; KOBAYASHI,Shinjiro
3B730Hydrolysis of the Amide Bond Binding Proline and Analogues by Carboxypeptidase Y ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) KANOSUE,Yoshifumi ; HIRAGA,Yoshikazu ; OHKATA,Katsuo
3B741The Stability of Alkylyclopentadienide Ions in Solutions ( Kyoto Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) HISATSUNE,Kunihiro ; KAWAMURA,Masahiro ; KINOSHITA,Tomomi ; TAKEUCHI,Ken'ichi ; MISHIMA,Masaaki
3B742Effect of Alkyl Substituents on the Stability of Tropylium Ion in the Gas Phase and in a Solution ( Kyoto Univ.; Kyushu Univ.; NIRE ) HATTORI,Yoshitaka ; KIMURA,Michio ; KINOSHITA,Tomomi ; TAKEUCHI,Ken'ichi ; WAKISAKA,Akihiro
3B744Kinetic and Thermodynamic Factors in Carbonyl facialsdiastereoselection. ( Univ. of Tokyo ) IKUTA,Yasuhiro ; TOMODA,Shuji
3B745Gas Phase Acidities of Cycloheptatrienes ( Kyushu Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) MISHIMA,Masaaki ; HATTORI,Yoshitaka ; KINOSHITA,Tomomi ; TAKEUCHI,Ken'ichi
3B746Kinetic study of the Grignard reaction: the effect of aggregation ( Osaka Univ. ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; YAMATAKA,Hiroshi
3B747Kinetic study of the reaction of RLi: comparison with the Grignard reaction ( Osaka Univ. ) YAMATAKA,Hiroshi ; SHIMIZU,Makoto
3B748Metastable Dissociation in 4th Field Free Region Using Reversed Geometry Four Sector Tandem Mass Spectrometer ( Osaka Women's Univ.; Aichi Kyoiku Univ.; Univ. of Amsterdam ) YAMAOKA,Hiroshi ; KONISHI,Hirdeyuki ; FOKKENS,Roel H. ; PETERS,Han
co M. M.
4B702Reaction of 9,9'-Bibenzonorbornenylidenes with PTAD ( Saitama Univ. ) NODA,Koichi ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
4B703Selectivity of ketene-olefin cycloadditions ( Nara Univ. of Edu., Nara Univ., Saitama Univ. ) YAMABE,Shinichi ; MINATO,Tsutomu ; MACHIGUCHI,Takahisa ; TAKACHI,Junpei ; HASEGAWA,Toshio
4B704Stability and reactivity of zwitterionic intermediates in ketene-olefin reaction ( Saitama Univ., Nara Univ. of Edu., Nara Univ., ) TAKACHI,Junpei ; HASEGAWA,Toshio ; MACHIGUCHI,Takahisa ; YAMABE,Shinichi ; MINATO,Tsutomu
4B705Solvent-catalyzed conversion of 1,4-butanediol to tetrahydrofuran in hydrothermal conditions ( Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) NAGAI,Yasuharu ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
4B706H-D exchange kinetics of aromatic compounds in super- and subcritical water ( Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) TAKIZAWA,Takeyuki ; WAKAI,Chihiro ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
4B708Exclusive Formation of Stable Oxetanes in Ketene-Olefin Cycloadditions ( Saitama Univ., Nara Univ. of Edu., Nara Univ. ) ENDO,Masaki ; HASEGAWA,Toshio ; MACHIGUCHI,Takahisa ; YAMABE,Shinichi ; MINATO,Tsutomu
4B709Dynamic Solvent Effects in the Photochromism of a Chromen ( Oita Univ. ) GOTO,Yoshitaka ; OHGA,Yasushi ; ASANO,Tsutomu
4B710Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Thermal Z/E Isomerization of Azobenzenes Besed on Basilevsky-Weinberg Model ( Oita Univ. ;Karpov Inst. Phys. Chem. ;Univ. Coll. Fraser Valley ) OHGA,Yasushi ; TAKAHASHI,Toru ; ASANO,Tsutomu ; BASILEVSKY,M.v.
4B711Theoretical Study on Mechanism of Termination Reaction for Anionic Polymerization of Methyl Acrylate (2). ( Yamaguchi University ) HORI,Kenzi ; YAMAZAKI,Suzuko
4B712Mechanistic Study of the Julia-Colonna Asymmetric Epoxidation Reaction Catalyzed by Soluble Oligo-L-leucines Containing an .alpha.-Aminoisobutyric Acid Residue ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) MANABE,Toshilki ; TAKAGI,Ry
ukichi ; KOJIMA,Sa
toshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
4B714Substitution of Benzoyl Chloride Derivatives by Thiol UsingsZeolite Catalyst ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; YAMADA,Masahiro ; OZAKI,Hiroaki
4B715Nucleophilic Additions of Tiols to Benzaldehyde Derivatives in the Presence of Zeolite Catalyst ( Kobe University ) TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; YANO,Hirokazu ; HASIZUME,Kei ; OZAKI,Hiroaki
Bld. No.3 Room No.322
[Environmental and Safety Chemistry]
1C108Formation of Nitrobenzanthrone in the Atmosphere and its Environmental Dynamics ( National Institute of Public Health ) KAWAKAMI,Tomohiko ; HISAMATSU,Yoshiharu ; HIDAKA,Hisao
1C109Possibility of formation of mutagenic nitro oxypolycyclic aromatic compounds by heterogeneous reaction of pyrene with nitroge dioxide ( National Institute of Public Health ) ZHANG,Jie ; HISAMATSU,Yoshiharu ; INADU,Kouji ; AIKA,Ken-ichi
1C110Measurements of Atmospheric Peroxides in a Forestsin Summer ( Nat'l Inst. Environ. Studies; Tokyo Univ. Agriculture Technol. ) HATAKEYAMA,Shiro ; SHIRATORI,Nami ; AOKI,Masatoshi
1C111Photochemical ozone depletion under chlorine-existing conditions: Role of ClONO2 ( NIES ) SATO,Kei ; MURUGESAN,V. ; PATROESCU-KLOTZ,I.-v. ; IMAMURA,Takashi ; HATAKEYAMA,Shiro
1C112Production of high concentration Methyl Chloride from the coastal land ( Univ. of Tokyo; Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology ) KATO,Shungo ; AKIMOTO,Hajime ; KAJII,Yoshizumi
1C114Effects of Air-Pollution Molecules on Ultraviolet Radiationsreaching the Grounds -Comparison of Ultraviolet Radiation between Tokyo ands Tsukuba- ( Chuo university,Department of science and engineering,Environmental chemistry laboratory )
OHTANI,Tomohiro ;
1C115Products of the Reaction of Dimethyldiselenide with OH Radicals in the Atmosphere ( Saitama University ) OTSUKA,Soichi ; MURATA,Takashi ; IWAMOTO,Issei
1C116 Session Lecturechemistry of air polluton regiobnal and global scale ( the hyogo prefectural institute of environmental science ) TAMAKI,Motonori
1C126Estimation of contribution of fine particles emitted from vehicles on ambient air ( Yokohama Nat. Univ. Institute of Environmental Science ) HARA,Chiharu ; SUZUKI,Hironori ; KAJIHARA,Hideo ; MIYAMOTO,Takashi ; OHI,Akihiko ; NAKANISHI,Junko
1C127Preparation of Activated Carbon Fiber from Polyvinylidene Chloride Waste ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) KITAGAWA,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Satoru
1C128Development of program to analyze the reaction mechanism over catalyst and it's application for environmental catalysts ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University; Miyamoto laboratory ) UEDA,Yusuk
e ; YAJIMA,Kenji ;
TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
1C129Increasing Atmospheric Concentrations of CFC Substitutes (HFC and HCFCs). ( Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo ) AOKI,Nobuyuki ; MAKIDE,Yoshihiro
1C130Increasing Concentration of Sulfur Hexafluoride in the Global Atmosphere. ( Radioisotope Center, The University of Tokyo ) KINOSHITA,Norihiko ; MAKIDE,Yoshihiro
1C132Study of a gas-phase biosensor system for formaldehyde vapor ( Tokai Univ. ) MITSUBAYASHI,Kohji ; WATANABE,Hidenori ; HASHIMOTO,Yuki
1C133The analysis of the chlorobenzene oxidation reaction by platinum colloid supported on active carbon fiber ( Numazu College of Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Yushi ; TAKEGUCHI,Msayuki ; HASUMI,Fumihiko ; KAMACHI,Toshiaki ; OKURA,Ichirou
1C134Temperature dependence of the particle production in the atmospheric oxidation of sulfur compounds ( National Institute for Environmetal Studies ) PATROESCU-KLOTZ,Iulia ; HATAKEYAMA,Shiro
1C135Mutagen formation via heterogeneous reaction of indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene in NO2-air system ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) IWASA,Kyoko ; INAZU,Kouji ; HISAMATSU,Yosiharu ; AIKA,K
1C136OH radical initiated oxidation of benzene in the gas-phase ( National Institute for Environmental Studies ) KLOTZ,Bjoern ; IMAMURA,Takashi ; WASHIDA,Nobuaki
2C108A trial of uni-form management system for chemicals in school of engineering, University of Tokyo. ( Univ. Tokyo, school of engineering, SSC ) WATANABE,Noriyuki ; DOBASI,Ritu ; NOMURA,Kiyosi ; NAKAZAWA,Masaharu ; OHOKUBO,Tohoru ; MOTIDA,Sin
2C109Degradation and Recycling of Model Compound of PCB, 4-Chlorobiphenyl Using Copper(II) Oxide and Aqueous Potassium Carbonate Solution ( Inst. Chem. React. Sci., Tohoku University ) AKIYAMA,Fuminori
2C110Dioxns of Chemical decomposition ( MIYOSHI OIL & FAT CO.,LTD. ) OGAWA,Takashi ; TERADA,Kazuhiro ; KURODA,Toshiharu ; SUGIYAMA,Katushi ; HOSODA,Kazuo ; KAWASHIMA,Masatake ; MORIYA,Masafumi
2C111Dechlorination of Dioxins Catalyzed by Palladium Catalystssat Ambient Temperature ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) UKISU,Yuji ; MIYADERA,Tatsuo
2C112Ab initio MO study of the cleavage of dioxin by acids ( Kyoto Univ. ) KATOU,Gouki ; FUENO,Hiroyuki ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
2C114Insoluble treafment of lead which exists in inciner ation fly ash ( Kanto Gakuin Univ ) NAKAMURA,Kazuma ; KANETAKA,Tetsuji ; MIYABARA,Kouji ; KAGEYAMA,Toshifumi
2C115Reaction mechanism of metal extraction by supercritical carbon dioxide ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Laboratories ) TAKAHASHI,Kazue ; TAKESHITA,Yukitoshi ; SATOH,Yoshiyuki
2C116Explosion Limits Measurement of Silane-Oxygen-Nitrogens Mixtures Corresponding to Pressure and Temperature ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TAKAHASHI,Akifumi ; TOKUHASHI,Kazuaki ; KONDO,Shigeo ; TANAKA,Katsumi
2C117Catalyst Design of Metal Cation-Exchanged Montmorillonites: Selective Aromatic Alkylation and Acetalization of Carbonyl Compounds ( Osaka Univ. ) KAWABATA,Tomonori ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2C118Development of Base Hydrotalcite Catalysts for Selective Aldol Condensation ( Osaka Univ. ) MATSUDA,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2C126Synthesis of pH-dependent Reversible Polymers ( NIMC ) SUDA,Sakae ; YASE,Kiyoshi ; MASUDA,Mitsutoshi ; ASAI,Michihiko ; SHIMIZU,Toshimi
2C127Electrochemical conversion of CFC-13 and carbon dioxide to trifluoroacetic acid. ( Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SONOYAMA,Noriyuki ; SAKATA,
2C128Solvent-free epoxidation catalyzed by polytungstate on apatite ( Kinki Univ.; Osaka Sangyo Univ.; Osaka Univ. ) TAKAOKA,Aki ; SASAKI,Yoh ; SAKAMOTO,Kiyoko ; NOMOTO,Takuya ; YAMAGUCHI,Shunro ; ICHIHARA,Junko
2C129Catalytic [2+2+1] Cyclocoupling for the Synthesis of .gamma.-Butyrolactones ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; TOBISU,Mamoru ; ASAUMI,Taku ; MURAI,Shinji
2C130Mesoporous Aluminosilicate-Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reactionss: Effects of Si/Al Ratios on Catalytic Activities of the Solid Acid ( Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) KITABATA,Yasuyoshi ; ONAKA,Makoto
2C132Synthesis of Novel Supported Polynuclear Catalysts for LowsEnvironmental Load Catalysis ( School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) KANO,Hirotsugu ; KOYANO,Gaku ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
2C133Construction of Ionic Liquid-Asymmetric Organomolecular Catalytic Reaction Field ( Tokyo Institute of TechnologysDepartment of Bioengineering ) KITAZUME,Tomoya ; JIANG,Zaiju ; KASAI,Kana
2C134Photoassisted SCR of NO with ammonia at low temperaturesover supported vanadium oxide catalysts ( Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering ) TERAMURA,Kentaro ; TANAKA,Tsunehiro ; FUNABIKI,Takuzo
2C135Solvent-Free Coumarin Synthesis ( Ehime Univ. ) TANAKA,Koichi ; SUGINO,Teizo
2C138Water solubility enhancements of hydrophobic pollutants such as tetrachloroethylene by dissolved humic substances ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Materials Technology ) TOKUKURA,Motoaki ; INABA,Takashi ; AOKI,Sh
inichi ; FUSE,Yasu
ro ; YAMADA,Etsu
2C139Chemical characterization of dissolved organic carbon ins natural waters using inorganic adsorbents. ( Himeji Institute of TechnologysSchool of Humanities for Environmental Policy and Technology. ) SUGIYAMA,Yuko ; KUMAGAI,Tetsu ; HORI,Toshi
2C140Influence of humic substances on the chemical species of aluminum in soil ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemstry and Materials Technology ) INABA,Takashi ; FUSE,Yasuro ; YAMADA,Etu
2C141Classification and distribution-mapping of particulate matters suspended in lake water by using the Al, Si, and P contents ( Kyoto Univ. ) NAGAI,Masahiro ; SUGIYAMA,Masahito ; KATAYAMA,Yukio ; HORI,Toshitaka
2C142Photocatalytic decomposition of bisphenol A with sunlight ( Mie Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yasumasa ; KANECO,Satoshi ; ITOH,Syn-ichi ; SUZUKI,Tohru ; OHTA,Kiyohisa
2C144Degradation of p-chlorophenol by ozonation and biologicalstreatment ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) TAKAHASHI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAI,Toshihiro ; SATO,Yoshio
2C145Electrochemical decomposition of trihalomethanes in tap water using a flow cell system. ( Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SONOYAMA,Noriyuki ;
SEIKE,Satoru ; SUE
OKA,Tetsuro ; SAKATA,Tadayoshi
2C146Highly efficient degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals and related compounds having aromatic ring moiety. ( Toin University of Yokohama ) SUZUKI,Teppei ; AKIYAMA,Naoki ; OSAKAYA,Akira ; KUBO,Kouhei ; SAITO,Nahoko ; KAWABATA,Satoshi
; SAITO,Kiyoshi ;
2C147Estimation of elimination half lives of 2,3,7,8 chlorine substituted dioxins and furans, and dioxin like PCBs in humans ( Yokohama Nat. Univ. Institute of Environmental Science ) HASHIMOTO,Oki ; NAKAI,Satoshi ; YOSHIDA,Kikuo ; NAKANISHI,Jun
2C148Characteristics and evaluation of a novel sterilization method with gas ( Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology ) ISHIKAWA,Jun ; HASHIBA,Tomohiko ; SANO,Tsuneji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi ; NIKI,Etsuo
3C109Treatment of Wastewater containing Hydrochloric acid utilizing Mg-Al Oxide ( Tohoku Univ. ) HOSHI,Tatsunosuke ; KAMEDA,Tomohito ; YOSHIOKA,Toshiaki ; UCHIDA,Miho ; OKUWAKI,Akitsugu
3C110Treatment of aqueous calcium chloride solution using Mg-Al oxide ( Tohoku Univ. ) MITSUHASHI,Teruhisa ; HOSHI,Tatsunosuke ; KAMEDA,Tomohito ; YOSHIOKA,Toshiaki ; UCHIDA,Miho ; OKUWAKI,Akitsugu
3C111Nitrate Ion Adsorption Properties of Tertiary Amine Type Adsorbent ( NIRE ) SATO,Yoshio ; NAKAI,Toshihiro ; TAKAHASHI,Nobuyuki
3C112Fe3O4 Crystal Growth Rates From Fe2+/Fe3+ Aqueous SuspensionsIn High Magnetic Field ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) GOKON,Nobuyuki ; SHIMADA,Ayano ; KANEKO,Hiroshi ; TAMAURA,Yutaka ; ITOU,Kikuo ; OHAR
3C114Air Oxidation of Various Organic Compounds in Superheated Steam at Lower Temperature. ( Research Institute for Solvothermal Technology ) SATO,Masahiro ; MORIYOSHI,Takashi
3C115Recovery of dyes from aqueous wastewater using by HGMS ( Okayama Univ. Fac Engng ) TAKEDA,Shin-ichi ; YU,Sung Jin ; TARI,Isao ; NAKAHIRA,Atsushi ; NISHIJIMA,Shigehiro ; WATANABE,Tsuneo
3C116 Session Lecturehybrid fuel from coal. natural gas and solar energy ( research center for carbon recycling&utilization,tokyo institute of Technology ) ,
3C141The behavior of Nonylphenol Isomers in Water Environment ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) KATO,Yasunobu ; KUMAGAI,Tetsu ; NISHIOKA,Hiroshi ; NAGAMITSU,Hiroaki ; SUGIE,Yosohiro
3C142Development of the Analytical Method of Alkylphenol compounds using activated carbon and application to environmental water samples. ( School of Science Tokai University ) KITAHARA,Takio ; SHINDO,Takaaki ; SEKINE,Yoshika ; TAKANO,Jiro
3C144Synthesis of Vinyl Carbamates from Alkynes with Secondary Amines in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology; JST ) SUZUKI,Tomoyuki ; KAYAKI,Yoshihito ; IKARIYA,Takao
3C145An Investigation into the High Selectivity of MCM-22 for Cyclopentene Hydration ( Yokohama Nat. Univ. ) NUNTASRI,Duangamol ; WU,Peng ; TATSUMI,Takashi
3C146Liquid-phase Beckmann Rearrangement over BEA Zeolite and Mesoporous Molecular Sieve Catalysts ( Yokohama Nat. Univ. ) NGAMCHARUSSRIVICHAI,Chawalit ; WU,Peng ; TATSUMI,Takashi
3C147IR study of adsorption of N2, CO and pyridine on the acid sites of zeolites ( chemical Resources Laboratory ,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YODA,Eisuke ; KAWAKAMI,Youko ; NOMURA,Junko ; WAKABAYASHI,Fumitaka ; KUDOU,Akihiko ; DOUMEN,Kazunar
3C148Solvent-anchored enzymatic reaction: Lipase-catalyzed reaction in the ionic solvent system ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) ITOH,Toshiyuki ; AKASAKI,Eri ; SHIRAKAMI,Shohei ; KUDO,Kazutoshi
Bld. No.3 Room No.323
[Chemical Information and Computer in Chemistry]
2C208Prediction of Toxicity of Chemical Substances ( NIMC ) MATSUMOTO,Takatoshi ; TANABE,Kazutoshi
2C209 Session Lectureclassification and prediction of reagents'oles by FRAU system with self-organizing neural network model ( national institute of informatics,JST-presto,riken,toyohashi univ.of tech ) SATOH,Hiroko
2C226Development of Order-N Method for Tight-Binding Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics ( Tohoku University; Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University ) KUBO,Momoji ; KUROKAWA,Hitoshi ; SUZUKI,Ken ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2C227Development of accelerated quantum chemical molecular dynamics program for theoretical calculation of the electronic structure of doped oxide materials. ( Tohoku Univ. ; Hirosima Kokusai Gakuin Univ ) INABA,Yusaku ; YOKOSUKA,Toshiyuki ; KUR
OKAWA,Hitoshi ; TA
KAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2C228 Session LectureQM/MM vib/MD simulatons of nucleophilic substitution reactions in aqueous solution ( hiroshima University ) AIDA,Misako
2C232Development of an analysis program adapted for Dual Ensemble programs ( Tohoku Univ. ) KOBAYASHI,Yasunori ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
2C233Development of Analysis Program of Proton Diffusion in Perovskite Oxides ( Tohoku Univ. , Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin Univ. ) KUROIWA,Yoshinori ; SUZUKI,Ken ; KOBAYASHI,Yasunori ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2C234Development of a Monte Carlo simulation program for adsorption simulation ( Tohoku Univ. ) SETA,Hideyuki ; KOBAYASHI,Yasunori ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
2C235Molecular Design of Methanol Synthesis by Combinatorial Computational Program ( Tohoku Univ. ; Hirosima Kokusai Gakuin Univ ) SAKAHARA,Satoshi ; KUBOTA,Tuguo ; BELOSLUDOV,Rodion ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akir
2C240The intramolecular proton transfer reaction of glycine ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) WATANBE,Toshio ; KIKUCHI,Osamu
2C241Development of application system of DNA molecule simulation for AMBER ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) SASA,Kazuhiro ; UNO,Takeshi ; HAYASHI,Haruhisa ; YAMANA,Kazushige ; NAKANO,Hidehiko
2C242Studies on peroxynitrite by DFT ( Dept. of Chem. Univ. of Tsukuba ) NAKAJIMA,Tsutomu ; SEGAWA,Katsunori ; FUJIMORI,Ken
3C206BSSE Free SCF Method for multi-component systems : Projection operator formalism ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) NAGATA,Takeshi ; TAKAHASHI,Osamu ; SAITO,Ko ; IWATA,Suehiro
3C207A Study about Projection of Four-Dimensional Atomic Orbital ( Saitama University; Ochanomizu University ) HOSOYA,Haruo ; KIDO,Fuyuko ; TOKITA,Sumio
3C208New method for solving vibrational states based on genetic algorithm ( Keio Univ. ) SUGAWARA,Michihiko ; NAKANISHI,Hiromi ; YABUSHITA,Satoshi
3C209Theoretical study on the low-lying excited state of molecules ( Depatment of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Miyamoto laboratory. ) WANG,Xiaojing ; WAN,Xiaohong ; ZHOU,Hui ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momo
ji ; MIYAMOTO,Akir
3C211Density Functional Study of Fuel Cell Reactions ( Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts ) MIYAKE,Takamasa ; KOBAYASHI,Hisayoshi ; YAMABE,Tokio
3C212The Analysis Program in Relation to the Adsorption Study on Metallic Surface ( Tohoku Univ. ) ZHOU,Hui ; TAMURA,Hiroyuki ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
3C213Theoretical Study on Amine/Imine Tautomerism and Lithium Complexation of Hexa-aza Macrocycles ( Ochanomizu Univ.; Univ. of Tokyo ) FURUHAMA,Ayako ; TAKANO,Keiko ; OGAWA,Shojiro ; TSUCHIYA,Shinji
3C214New reaction pathways of the addition reactions of HF and alcohol with disilenes and silene ( Photodynamics Research Center, RIKEN ) TAKAHASHI,Masae ; VESZPREMI,Tamas ; SAKAMOTO,Kenkichi ; KIRA,Mitsuo
3C216MO calculation on Site of Protonation to Endoperoxide of Benzodixanthene Analogs ( Saitama University ) TACHIKAWA,Tatsuya ; TOKITA,Sumio
3C217Molecular Design of Longwavelength-Emitting Organic Dyes (2) ( Saitama University ) TOKITA,Sumio ; SUGIYAMA,Takao
3C218A Density Functional Theory Studies on Lanthanide Atoms and Compounds ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Miyamoto laboratory. ) LUO,Yi ; WAN,Xiaohong ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYA
Bld. No.3 Room No.324
[Physical Chemistry -Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics-]
1C305 Population Control of Excited Molecules by the Phase-Locked Pair of Laser Pulses ( Grauduate School of Engneering, Hokkaido University ) SATO,Shin-ichiro ; NISHIMURA,Yoshinobu ; YAMAZAKI,Iwao
1C306 Ocillating excitation transfer in dithiaanthracenophane ( Hokkaido University; Osaka University ) YAMAZAKI,Iwao ; AKIMOTO,Seiji ; YAMAZAKI,Tomoko ; SATO,Shinichiro ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru
1C308 Intersystem crossing rates induced by long-range exchange interaction in paramagnetic supramolecules ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) JINMON,Akihiro ; ASANO-SOMEDA,Motoko ; TOYAMA,Namiki ; KAIZU,Youkoh
1C309 Femtosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence Band Shape Measurements of Styryl Dyes ( Dept. of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.; Venture Buisiness Laboratory, Osaka Univ. ) NAGAHARA,Tetsuhiko ; KIKUZAWA,Takeshi ; OKADA,Tadashi
1C310 Low-frequency vibrational mode on the ultrafast charge transfer in blue copper protein. ( Osaka Univ.; Ibaraki Univ. ) NAKASHIMA,Satoru ; NAGASAWA,Yutaka ; EGAMI,Chihiro ; OKADA,Tadashi ; MATSUKURA,Ran ; YANAGISAWA,Sachiko ; KOHZUMA,Takamit
1C311 Vibrational energy relaxation of naphthalene in the electronic excited state ( Dep. of chemistry, Graduate school of science, Kyoto univ. ) ABE,Daisuke ; KIMURA,Yoshifumi
1C312 Measurements of the reorganization energies of the solvated radical ion pairs by the time-resolved EPR : the effect on the solute size ( Tohoku university; Institute for Chemical Reaction Science ) ZIKIHARA,Kazunori ; KOBORI,Yasuhiro ; AKIY
AMA,Kimio ; TERO-K
1C314 Charge Separation Process at Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Film / Dye Interface: Relationship between Structure of the Dye and Electron Injection Efficiency ( NIMC ) KATOH,Ryuzi ; HORIUCHI,Hiroaki ; HARA,Kohjiro ; MURATA,Shigeo ; TACHIYA,Ma
sanori ; ARAKAWA,H
1C315 Charge Separation Process at Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Film / Dye Interface: Dependence of Electron Injection Efficiency upon Excitation Energy ( NIMC ) HORIUCHI,Hiroaki ; KATOH,Ryuzi ; HARA,Kohjiro ; MURATA,Shigeo ; TACHIYA,Masanori ;
1C316 Charge Transfer Excited State and Photoinduced Electron Transfers of Pyrene-linked P(V) Porphyrin Dimer ( The University of Tokyo ) TAKEUCHI,Yasuko ; SEGAWA,Hiroshi
1C317 ESR Study of Intramolecular Electron Transfer Rates of a Symmetrical Bicyclic Diketone Radical Anion ( Ochanomizu Univ. ) HOSOI,Haruko ; MASUDA,Yuichi
1C318 Electrochemical Oxidation Properties of Two-dimensional J-aggregate ( Kyoto Univ.; Kyoto Institute of Technology ) SATO,Tomoo ; KUROHA,Tomohiro ; KAWASAKI,Mitsuo ; IWASAKI,Masashi
1C326 Microscopic investigation of photochromism inssingle chromene crystals ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HOBUREI,Jonasan ; KAJIMOTO,Shinji ; HATANAKA,Koji ; FUKUMURA,Hiroshi
1C327 Relaxation Dynamics of High Energy Electrons Produced bysPulsed X-ray Excitation of Anthracene Microcrystals ( Graduate school of Science, Tohoku University ) HATANAKA,Koji ; ODAKA,Hideho ; MIURA,Toshifumi ; WIEBEL,Sabine ; FUKUMURA,Hiroshi
1C328 STM observation of self-assembled monolayers of 1-(phenylseleno)eicosane on HOPG ( Tohoku Univ. Graduate School of Science:National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research(NIMC) ) I-I,Daizo ; UJI-I,Hiroshi ; LI,Zhong ; OUCHI,Akihiko ;
1C329 Photon emission from solution of a Rhodamine derivative on an ITO substrate under an STM ( Tohoku univ. Graduate school of Scinece ) UJI-I,Hiroshi ; I-I,Daizo ; HATANAKA,Koji ; FUKUMURA,Hiroshi
1C330 Crystal Growth by the Laser Irradiation ( Department of Chemistry, Gunma University ) OKUTSU,Tetsuo ; KAKINUMA,Nobutoshi ; HIRATSUKA,Hiroshi
1C332 Structure and dynamics of a spiropyran derivative by AFM and SNOM ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) YAMASAKI,Masahiro ; MIURA,Atsushi ; TAMAI,Naoto
1C333 Fluorescence Decay Dynamics and Mesoscopic Structure of MEH-PPV by Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) NABETANI,Yu ; YAMASAKI,Masahiro ; MIURA,Atsushi ; TAMAI,Naoto
1C334 A Comparison of Electron Injection and Recombination Dynamicsson Nanosized TiO2 Sensitized by Ru-dyes with different substituted position of carboxyls ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ.;Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences )
YANG,Xiujuan ; TA
MAI,Naoto ; ZHANG,Baowen
1C335 Femtosecond Spectroscopic Study on the Excited-state Dynamics of alpha- and beta-titanyl phthalocyanine ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ.; Kawamura Institute of Chemical Research; Dainippon Ink & Chemicals ) NAGASAKA,Takashi ; YAN,Xiujuan ; TAMAI,Naot
o ; PAC,Chyongjin
; ETORI,Hideki ; YONEHARA,Hisatomo
1C338 Influence of the Benzene Derivatives on the LuminescencesProperties of CdS Particles Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method ( Shinshu Univ. ) TANAKA,Nobuaki ; OBARA,Shiro ; NISHIKIORI,Hiromasa ; FUJII,Tsuneo
1C339 Observation of Photoemission from Metal Surface by Visible Light Irradiation ( Osaka Univ. ) KITAMURA,Takahiko ; MURAKOSHI,Kei ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
1C340 Measurement of Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics at Silicon Surfaces Using Femtosecond Time-resolved Transient Reflecting Grating Method (2) ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KATAYAMA,Kenji ; INAGAKI,Yohei ; DONEN,Hiroshi ; FUJINAMI,Masanori ; SAWADA,Tsuguo
1C341 Measurement of ultrafast carrier dynamics at silicon surfaces using femtosecond time-resolved transient reflecting grating spectroscopy(3) ( Univ. of Tokyo ) DONEN,Hiroshi ; INAGAKI,Yohei ; KATAYAMA,Kenji ; FUJINAMI,Masanori ; SAWADA,Tsuguo
1C342 The specific photoisomerization of azobenzene derivative in cyclodextrin ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKEI,Masako ; HIROSE,Yasushi ; YUI,Hiroharu ; FUJINAMI,Masanori ; SAWADA,Tsuguo
1C344 Photochemical electron migration in cobalt complexsmeso-tetra(p-sulfophenyl)porphin included in Mg-Fe layered double hydroxide clay hybrids ( Nagoya university ) TONG,Zhiwei ; SHICHI,Tetsuya ; TAKAGI,Katsuhiko
1C345 Ultrafast dynamics of photogenerated carriers in a photocatalyst, K4Nb6O17, by means of Femtosecond transient absorption measurements (II): Effects of ion exchange ( Chemical Resources Laboratory,Tokyo Insti
tute of Technology
; CREST ) FURUBE,Akihiro ; SHIOZAWA,Toshihiko ; ISHIKAWA,Akio ; WADA,Akihide ; DOMEN,Kazunari ; HIROSE,Chiaki
2C304 A molecule with an acceptor-precursor and a donor, and the diradical it generates upon protonation ( CREST / University of Tokyo ) SANDBERG,Mats Olof ; SUGAWARA,Tadashi
2C305 Study on the photochemical reaction of anthraquinonesderivatives in an Aerosol OT reversed micelle by means of a time-resolved ESR method. ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HASHIMOTO,Shinji ; AOKI,Tomoyuki ; MURAI,Hisao
2C306 Time-resolved ESR spectra observed in the photolysis of aromatic carbonyl compounds in bilayer membrane ( Graduate School of Science Tohoku University ) OTSUKA,Naoko ; AOKI,Tomoyuki ; MURAI,Hisao
2C308 Solvent effects on TRESR spectra observed in photochemicals reactions of carbazoles and malenic anhydrides ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) AOKI,Tomoyuki ; FUKUJU,Tadahiro ; MURAI,Hisao
2C309 Spin-chemical study on the rdical-ion pair generated by photoinduced electron transfer between 1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene and 1,4-dicyanonaphthalene. ( The Grad. Shcool of Sci.Tohoku Univ.; Organic Physical Chemistry Lab. ) KISHI,Keiichiro ; A
OKI,Tomoyuki ; KAG
AYAMA,Atushi ; GORERIK,Vitali ; MURAI,Hisao
2C310 A New Time Resolved ESR Measurement ( RIKEN,Nagaoka University of Technology ) USHIDA,Kiminori ; NOSAKA,Yoshio
2C311 Study on dynamics of singlet oxygen in micelle system by CIDEP radical probe method ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) GOTO,Hideo ; OHTANI,Shigetoshi ; OHARA,Keishi ; MUKAI,Kazuo
2C312 Time Resolved ESR Investigation of Antioxidant Reaction of Vitamin C with Excited Xanthone in Micellar Systems ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) WATANABE,Ryo ; OHARA,Keishi ; MIZUTA,Yoko ; MUKAI,Kazuo
2C316 First Observation of the Photoexcited Triplet State in a Bisradical-Excited Triplet System ( ICRS, Tohoku Univ. ) NISHIMURA,Mayumi ; OHBA,Yasunori ; YAMAUCHI,Seigo
2C317 Reaction mechanism on laser photocleavage of bromoacetylnaphthalene ( Univ. of Tsukuba, Univ. of Touhoku ) SUZUKI,Toshiaki ; KANEKO,Yuuji ; MAEDA,Kiminori ; ARAI,Tatsuo ; AKIYAMA,Kimio ; TEROU,Syouzou
2C318 Spin Dynamics of the Contact Radical Ion Pairs generated from the Photo-induced Electron Transfer Reaction of Xanthene Dyes ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku Univ.; Shinsyu Univ. ) TACHIKAWA,Takashi ; KATSUKI,Akio ; KOBORI,Y
asuhiro ; AKIYAMA,
Kimio ; TERO-KUBOTA,Shozo
2C326 Radiationless Deactivation of Excited 1-Dimethylaminofluorenone as a Model System for TICT Mechanism ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduated Course of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sci
ence, Osaka City U
niversity; Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Science ) MORIMOTO,Akimitsu ; YATSUHASHI,Tomoyuki ; SHIMADA,Tetsuya ; RASRO,Bizoku ; BABA,Shingo ; TACHIBANA,Hiroshi ; INOUE,Haruo
2C327 Diffusion coefficient of an unfolded protein ( Department of chemistry, Graduate of science, Kyoto University ) CHOI,Jungkwon ; TERAZIMA,Masahide
2C328 The structural dynamics of photoactive yellow protein (PYP)examined from volume and enthalpy changes ( Kyoto Univ.; Nara Institute of Science and Technology;Osaka Univ. ) TAKESHITA,Kan ; TERAZIMA,Masahide ; MIHARA,Ken'ichi ; IMAMOTO,Yasushi
; KATAOKA,Mikio ;
2C329 Enthalpy and volume changes on the photoreaction of octopus rhodopsin. ( Kyoto Univ.; Himeji Institute of Technology ) NISHIOKU,Yoshinori ; NAKAGAWA,Masashi ; TSUDA,Motoyuki ; TERAZIMA,Masahide
2C330 Photodecarboxylation and photooxygenation of chromone-2-carboxylic acid in ethanol ( Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate Univ.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) KAWATA,Kawata Hiroki ; KUMAGAI,Tsutomu ; MORITA,Tadayoshi
; NIIZUMA,Shigeya
2C332 Construction of pump-probe measurement system using femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser and the application for heme protein ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) TANOUCHI,Keiji ; NOZAKI,Hiroko ; NAKASHIMA,Satoru ; OKADA,Ta
2C333 Photophysics of m-amioacetophenone(2) Solvent Effects ( Gunma UniversityDepartment of chemistry ) SHIMADA,Hirofumi ; TERAZONO,Hajime ; YOSHIHARA,Toshitada ; TOBITA,Seiji
2C334 Excited state dynamics of 1,5-dinitronaphthalene ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) HATSUDA,Koki ; TADA,Akitoshi ; NAKAYAMA,Toshihiro
2C335 Subpicosecond laser spectroscopy of 2-aminobenzophenone ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) TADA,Akitoshi ; YAMAUCHI,Ryouichi ; NAKAYAMA,Toshihiro ; HAMANOUE,Kumao
2C338 The effect of hydrogen bonding to the excited state dynaicss of all-trans retinal. ( Univ. of Tokyo ) MINAMI,Hirokazu ; IWATA,Ko-ichi ; HAMAGUCHI,Hiro-o
2C339 Photo-physics and photo-chemistry in ionoic liquids:Photo-isomerization of trans-stilbene in ionic liquids ( The University of Tokyo ) OZAWA,Ryosuke ; HAMAGUCHI,Hiro-o
2C340 Observation of Femtosecod Dynamics of Azobenzene with the S1(n.pai.*) excitation ( IMS ) FUJINO,Tatsuya ; TAHARA,Tahei
2C341 Excitation-Wavelength Dependence of the FemtosecondsFluorescence Dynamics of 7-Azaindole Dimer:ExperimentalsVerification of the Concertedness of the Double ProtonsTransfer Reaction ( Institute for Molecular Science ) TAKEUCHI,Satoshi ; TAHA
2C342 Photo-Isomerization by Two-Photon Excitation in Retinal Isomers ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) SASHIMA,Tokutake ; YAMADA,Takashi ; HASHIMOTO,Hideki ; KOSHIHARA,Shinya
2C344 Photoisomerization and effects of the generation of stilbene dendrimers ( University of Tsukuba Department of Chemistry ) MIZUTANI,Takuo ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2C345 Dynamics of Intramolecular Hydrogen Atom Transfer in Methyl Salicylate in the Excited Triplet State ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) NORIKANE,Yasuo ; ARAI,Tatsuo
2C346 Photochemistry of o-harogenophenols in Ar matrices ( Graduate School of Bio-Applications and System Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) AKAI,Nobuyuki ; TAKAYANAGI,Masao ; NAKATA,Munetaka
3C308 Electrochemical Crystallization under 10 T ( Dep. of chem., Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) YU,Qing-kai ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
3C309 Magnetic Fieled Effects on Decay Dynamics of Photogenerated Biradicals in Fullerene-Phenothiazine Linked Compounds: Effects of Spacer Chain Length ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) NODA,Masakazu ; TOKUDOME,Hiromasa ; YONEMURA,
Hiroaki ; YAMADA,
3C310 Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reaction of Porphyrin-Fullerene Linked Compounds: Effects of Solvent ands Magnetic Field ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) YONEMURA,Hiroaki ; NOBUKUNI,Hideki ; YAMADA,Sunao
3C311 Magnetic field effects on the hydrogen abstraction reaction of triplet benzophenone as studied by a picosecond laser flash photolysis ( RIKEN ) MORINO,Isamu ; WAKASA,Masanobu ; HAYASHI,Hisaharu
3C312 Magnetic Field Effect on Nucleation Process of Aerosol Particle Fo rmation from a Gaseous Mixture of Glyoxal and Carbon Disulfide ( Graduate School of Sci. and Technol., Chiba Univ. ) MORITA,Hiroshi ; MATSUBAYASHI,Fuyuki
Bld. No.3 Room No.331
1D102Living Anionic Polymerization of 2-Methyl-4-phenyl-1-buten-3-yne ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OCHIAI,Bungo ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D103Side chain modification of solid-supported poly(allylmethacrylate) ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TANAKA,Masayoshi ; SUDO,Atsushi ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D104Living Anionic Alternating Copolymerization of Ketene with Aromatic Aldehyde ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NAGAI,Daisuke ; SUDOU,Atsushi ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D105Living Anionic Polymerization of Ketenes by Solid-supported Lithium Alkoxide ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUDO,Atsushi ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D106Asymmetric Anionic Polymerization of (S)-N--.alpha.-Methylbenzylitaconimide with Chiral Ligand - Organometal complexes ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) OISHI,Tsutomu ; ONIMURA,Kenjiro ; SUGIMOTO,Emiko ; TSUTSUMI,Hiromori
1D108Synthesis of stereoregular liquid crystalline polyketones with copolymerization of para-subsutituted styrene and carbon monoxide ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; KAWASHIMA,Yasutoyo ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
1D109Assignment of 13C NMR spectrum of poly[cyclohexene oxide-alt-carbo n dioxide] ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; NAKANO,Koji ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
1D110Polymerization Catalysis of Chromium Complex/MMAO Catalyst Systems ( Hiroshima Univ. ) OGATA,Keiji ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D111Olefin polymerization with Cr complexes containing binaphtholate and siloxanolate ligand ( Japan Polyolefins Co.,Ltd.; Hiroshima University ) IKEDA,Haruhiko ; MONOI,Takashi ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D112Polymerization Catalysis of Vanadium complexes with Chelating Aryl oxo Ligands ( Hiroshima Univ. ) SATO,Yoshinori ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D114Living Coordination Polymerization of Allene Monomers Having Enantiomerically Pure Binaphthyl and Phenylcarbamoyloxy Moieties by .pai.-allylnickel Catalyst ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute o
f Technology ) MOC
HIZUKI,Kyohei ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi
1D115Divalent Chromium Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization ( Okayama Univ.; Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. ) OSHIKI,Toshiyuki ; ITOH,Makoto ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
1D116Polymerization of Methylenecyclopropanes by Pd(II) Complexes: Polymerization of Methylenecyclopropanes with Various Substituents ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KIM,Sunwook ; TAKEUCHI,Daisuke ; OSAKADA,Kohta
1D117Polymerization of Methylenecyclopropanes by Pd(II) Complexes:Investigation of Polymerization Mechanism ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKEUCHI,Daisuke ; KIM,Sunwook ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1D118Polymerization of Methylenecyclopropanes by Nickel (II) Complexes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKEUCHI,Daisuke ; KIM,Sunwook ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1D128Sterospecific Polymerization of Conjugated Dienes with New Iron Co mplex Catalyst ( Hiroshima Univ. ) BABA,Yuji ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D129Polymerization Catalysis of Molybdenum Complexes / Cocatalyst Systems ( Hiroshima Univ. ) HIYA,Kouji ; NAKAYAMA,Yuuyou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D130Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization and Olefin Polymerization u sing Tungsten Complex Catalyst ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KATSUDA,Kouhei ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D132Polymerization of MMA with Samarocene Catalysts Supported on Mesoporous Silica ( Hiroshima Univ. ) NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime ; NI,Xufeng ; NAMBA,Seitaro
1D133Polymerization of Polar and Nonpolar Monomers By Using Doubly Sily lene-Samarocene Complexes ( Hiroshima Univ. ) IKITAKE,Noriko ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D134Polymerization of acrylate monomers with tris(trimethylsilyl)methylytterbium ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TOMOHIRO,Taketoshi ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; YASUDA,Hajime
1D135Stereospecific Copolymerization of Butadiene with Styrene by Lanthanide-Based Catalysts ( RIKEN ) KAITA,Shojiro ; HOU,Zhaomin ; WAKATSUKI,Yasuo ; SAITO,Takahide ; FUKUZAWA,Shin-ichi
1D138Copolymerization of bis(3,4-epoxycyclohexylmethylcarbamate)ssand p-xylylendiamine ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) YOSHIHARA,Nobutoshi ; SUZUKI,Tomohiro ; YANAGISAKO,Hitomi
1D139Living Anionic Ring-opening Polymerization Behavior of .delta.-Valerolactone in the Presence of B-Methoxy-9-BBN ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ISHII,Manabu ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi
; ENDO,Takeshi
1D140Living Anionic Ring-opening Polymerization of .epsilon.-Caprolactone in the Presence of B-Alkyl-9-BBN. \ Effect of B-Alkyl Substituents on Polymerization Behavior \ ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo
Institute of Techn
ology ) ISHII,Manabu ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D141Lipase-Catalyzed Ring-Opening Copolymerization of Lactones ( Kyoto University ) UYAMA,Hiroshi ; FUKUI,Tatsuya ; WADA,Satoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
1D142Synthesis and Solid-Phase Polymerization of Macrocyclic S-arylthioesters containing terephthaloyl structure ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University ) KOUKETSU,Takayuki ; IDE,Takashi ; KAMEYAMA,Atsushi ; NISHIKUBO,Tadatomi
1D144Substituent Effect on Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Substituted Six-Membered Cyclic Thiocarbonates. ( Faculty of Eng., Yamagata Univ.; Japan Chemical Innovation Institute; Chem. Res. Lab., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) YOSHII,Kouichi ; N
EMOTO,Nobukatsu ;
SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D145Synthesis and Cationic Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Thiocarbonates Bearing Aliphatic Cyclic Moiety ( Faculty of Eng., Yamagata Univ.; Japan Chemical Innovation Institute; Chem. Res. Lab., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) KAKIMOTO,Keiichiro ;
; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D146Synthesis and Polymerization Behavior of Spiroketals ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) FUKUCHI,Iwao ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1D147Ring-Opening Polymerization of Cyclic Esters by Titanium Complexes with Chalcogen-Bridged Bis(phenoxy) Ligands. ( Osaka Univ. ) ITONO,Tetsuya ; TAKASHIMA,Yoshinori ; NAKAYAMA,Yuushou ; HARADA,Akira
2D102Association Behavior and Synthesis of Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer Loaded with Styrene Macromonomer ( Himeji Inst. of Tech. ) SANOU,Tamio ; YUSA,Shin-ichi ; YAMAMOTO,Tohei ; MORISHIMA,Yotaro
2D103Radical Polymerization of Oligostyrene Having One Acryloyl End Group and its Physical Properties ( College of Science and Technology, Nihon University ) KANEKO,Chikage ; ENDO,Yuuri ; HAGIWARA,Toshiki ; SAWAGUCHI,Takashi ; YANO,Shoichiro
2D104Synthesis and Physical Properties of Telechelic Oligopropylene Having Perfluoroalkyl End Groups ( College of Science and Technology, Nihon University ) TANAKA,Miho ; HAGIWARA,Toshiki ; SAWAGUCHI,Takashi ; YANO,Shoichiro
2D105Radical Polymerization Behavior of Cyclic Monomers Having Acrylamide-Vinyl Ether Moieties ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MIYAGAWA,Toyoharu ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
2D106Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers Using Enzyme as Catalyst ( Kyoto University ) UYAMA,Hiroshi ; TSUJIMOTO,Takashi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
2D108Synthesis and Self-Polyaddition of Optically Active Monomers Derived from Tyrosine ( Faculty of Eng.,Yamagata Univ. ) NAGAI,Atsushi ; KUDO,Hiroto ; ENDO,Takeshi
2D109Synthesis and properties of main-chain chiral optically active polyimides derived from chiral non-racemic spiro alicyclic dianhydride. ( Inst.Ind.Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) NONOKAWA,Daigo ; LI,Jun ; SHIRAISHI,Shinsaku ; KUDO,Kazuaki
2D110Preparation of colorless polyimide films from 1,2-dicarboxy-3,4-dicarbomethoxy cyclobutane. ( Toin University of Yokohama ) ASO,Yusuke ; KAIDA,Shinichi ; SAITOU,Kiyoshi
2D111Synthesis and Properties of the polyimides from the Novel Aromatic Diamine having 2-Phenylimidazole unit. ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University; Department of Chemistry, Keio University ) AKUTSU,Fumihiko ; IZUMOTO,Kazuhiro ; INOKI,Mari
2D126Synthesis and properties of ladder-type polythioethers ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) MATSUBARA,Ryohei ; MIKAMI,Takefumi ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D127Synthesis of polyheteroacene having a long alkyl chain ( Department of Polymer Chemistry,Waseda University ) MIKAMI,Takefumi ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D128Oxidative Polymerization of 2,6-Dimethylhenol by Triazacyclononane /Copper Catalyst ( JRCPP-JCII, Sumitomo Chemical, Tokiwa Univ., Univ. of Kyoto, NIMC ) HIGASHIMURA,Hideyuki ; FUJISAWA,Kiyoshi ; NAMEKAWA,Shuhei ; KUBOTA,Masaaki ; SHIGA,Aki
nobu ; MORO-OKA,Yo
shihiko ; UYAMA,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
2D129Oxidative Polymerization of CNSL-Copolymerization of a Cardanol and Phenols- ( JRCPP-JCII; Toyo Ink; Kyoto Univ.; NIMC ) IKEDA,Ryohei ; TANAKA,Hozumi ; UYAMA,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
2D131Synthesis and properties of ladder type polythiophene ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) IWASAKI,Tomokazu ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D132Synthesis of .pai. conjugated polymers having enyne units in the main chain by the reaction of aromatic diynes and aromatic bis(vinyl halide)s ( Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Enginee
ring, Tokyo Instit
ute of Technology ) IDA,Hayato ; OCHIAI,Bungo ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi
2D133Synthsis and Properties of .PAI.-Conjugated Polymers Containing Dibenzothiophene Moiety in the Main Chain. ( Faculty of Eng., Yamagata Univ.; Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.; Japan Chemical Innovation Institute ) OKANO,Yuuta ; KAMESHIMA,Hisamitsu
; NEMOTO,Nobukats
u ; ENDO,Takeshi
2D134Synthesis of Poly(dithiafulvene) by Cycloaddition Polymerization of Thioketene Derived from 1,2,3-Thiadiazoloe ( Dept. Polymer Chemistry, Kyoto Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Junji ; NAKA,Kensuke ; CHUJO,Yoshiki
2D135Synthesis of poly(p-phenyleneethynylene) derivatives having [2.2]paracyclophane skeleton in the main chain ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MORISAKI,Yasuhiro ; CHUJO,Yoshiki
2D140Preparation and Properties of Polysiloxazanes from Dimethyltetraisocyanatodisiloxane ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; TANIGUCHI,Yoshinori ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2D141Preparation and Properties of Polysiloxazanes from Diphenyltetraisocyanatodisiloxane ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; TANAKA,Satoshi ; TANIGUCHI,Yoshinori ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2D142Synthesis and Thin Film Formation of Thermally Stable Silicon-based Polymers Containing Borazine-Unit ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) UCHIMARU,Yuko ; YAMASHITA,Hiroshi ; KODA,Naoko ; INOUE,Masami
2D144Reactivity of Isomeric Bis(dimethylsilyl)benzene in the Cross-Dehydrocoupling Polymerization with Water. ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) KAWAKITA,Takahiko ; MOON,Jeong-yeol ; OH,Hyun-shik ; IMAE,Ichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Yusu
2D145Synthesis of organometallic polymers having titanacyclobutene moieties in the main chain by the reaction of alkyl halides with titanium(III) .hapto.3-propargyl complexes. ( Department of Electronic Chemistry, Interdisciplinary
Graduate School o
f Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) UEDA,Masahiro ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi
2D146Optically active binaphthyl-metallosalen complex hybrid polymer. (2). Effect of binaphthyl skeleton on helical structure ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
2D147Radiation-Induced Radical Polyaddition of Bifunctional Fluoroolefin with Cyclic ethers ( Saitama Inst. Tech.; JAERI Takasaki ) ENOMOTO,Kazuyuki ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; YOSHIDA,Masaru ; HAMANA,Hiroshi ; NARITA,Tadashi
3D102Structure transformation of polymers via Network Polymers ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SHIMIZU,Mie ; MIYAGAWA,Toyoharu ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
3D103Synthesis of Chitosan Derivative having .beta.-Cyclodextrin Moiety ( Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Institute ) AOKI,Nobuyoshi ; NISHIKAWA,Michiko ; HATTORI,Kenjiro
3D104Synthesis and inclusion behavior Rhodamine B-substituted cyclodextrin ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) ARAI,Hiroyuki ; KAWAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; HARADA,Akira
3D106Methylenation of Chiral gamma-Polyketones ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; KOSAKA,Naoyuki ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
3D107Synthesis and Properties of Pyrimido[5,4-d]pyrimidine Derivatives : Their Complexes of Transition Metals ( Chemical Resources Laboratry, TITech ) TAKATSUKI,Sayaka ; FUKUMOTO,Hiroki ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
3D109Helical structure of optically active binaphthyl-metallosalen complex hybrid polymer and its catalytic activity in asymmetric epoxydation. ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) MAEDA,Takeshi ; FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
3D110Helical structure of optically active binaphthyl-metallosalen complex hybrid polymer and its catalytic activity in asymmetric cyclopropanation ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) TAKEUCHI,Takeshi ; FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,To
3D111Analysis Program in the Study of Propylene Polymerization Dynamics on Ziegler-Natta Catalyst ( Tohoku Univ. Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin Univ. Montell SDK Sunraise ) ANDO,Minako ; KUROKAWA,Hitoshi ; ZHOU,Hui ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIY
IMI,Masaki ; IMAMURA,Akira
3D113Synthesis of Daisy Chain-type Polyrotaxanes by Polyslipping Method.(3).Structures and the Polyslipping Behavior of Monomers ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) SOHGAWA,Yow-hei ; FURUSHO,Yoshio ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
3D114Synthesis and reaction of cyclic hemiacetal ester ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KOBAYASHI,Daisuke ; OTSUKA,Hideyuki ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
Bld. No.3 Room No.332
1D203Synthesis of Novel Polymers with Electron AssemblingsFunction(2) Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Poly(phenylazomethine) ( Keio Univ. ) CHIBA,Hiroshi ; TAKAGI,Kumiko ; NISHIUMI,Toyohiko ; HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
1D204Synthesis of Novel Polymers with Electron AssemblingsFunction(3) ( Keio Univ. ) TAKAGI,Kumiko ; CHIBA,Hiroshi ; NISHIUMI,Toyohiko ; HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
1D205One step synthesis of zwitterionic-type molten salts which do not migrate under potential gradient ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. ) NARITA,Asako ; YOSHIZAWA,Masahiro ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1D206Synthesis and ionic conductivity of molten-salt typespolymers by containing highly dissociable polyacids ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech ) OGIHARA,Wataru ; YOSHIZAWA,Masahiro ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1D208Chemical Properties of Poly ( 2 - methoxyaniline - 5 -sulfonic acid ) , and Its Application to Lithium Ion Conductor ( Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyou Institute Technology ) USHIRO,Asako ; YAMAGUCHI,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D209Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity of Polyaniline with Oligoether Side Chains ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YASUDA,Takuma ; YAMAGUCHI,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D210Synthesis and Ion Conductive Properties of Organoboron Polymers bearing Oligo(ethylene oxide) chain ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) SUGAI,Kazunori ; MATSUMI,Noriyoshi ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1D211Immobilization of Myoglobin on the Electrode with Comb-Shaped PEO Copolymers and the Redox Response in PEO Oligomers. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agr. and Tech. ) MATSUO,Takatoshi ; SATO,Akinori ; NAKAMURA,Nobufumi ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1D212Temperature dependence of charge transport by polypyridinesruthenium complexes confined in a polymer membrane. ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki Univ. ) ISHIKAWA,Kazunori ; SHOJI,Toshihumi ; SHIROISHI,Hidenobu ; KANEKO,Masao
1D214Synthesis and Properties of Poly(2,2'-dipyridylamime) Derivative and Its Complexes with Transition Metals ( Chemical Resources Laboratry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) HORIE,Masaki ; YAMAGUCHI,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D215Synthesis and Properties of Regioregular Polypyridine Derivatives ( Chemical Resources Laboratry, TITech ) NAKAMURA,Takeshi ; FUKUMOTO,Hiroki ; YAMAMOTO,Takakazu
1D216 Session Lectureconjugated assenbly and photoelectrochemical function of stimulus-responsive units ( department of applied chemistry,tokyo metropolitan university ) IYODA,Tomokazu
1D226Poly[4-(dianisylaminium)-1,2-phenylenevinylene] Intercalated into Saponite ( Sci. Eng. Waseda Unv. ) TAKAHASHI,Naoki ; TAKAHASHI,Masahiro ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1D227Synthesis and magnetic properties of 2,7-bis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenoxyl) substituted poly(anthryleneethynylene) ( Dept Chem & Chem Eng, Niigata Univ ) KANEKO,Takashi ; MIYAJI,Hiroshi ; MAKINO,Takahisa ; AOKI,Toshiki
1D228Synthesis of Hyperbranched Poly(4-hydroxyphenyl-1,2,(6)-phenylenevinylene) and Its Polyradical ( Sci.Eng.Waseda Univ. ) NUMAZAKI,Ryo ; MIYASAKA,Makoto ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1D229Synthesis of Poly(4-diphenylaminium radical-1,2-phenylenevinylene) Conjugated with Dendron ( Sci. Eng. Waseda Univ. ) YONEKUTA,Yasunori ; TAKAHASHI,Masahiro ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1D230Synthesis of Poly(3-(3,5-dichloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)thiophene) and Radical Generation from its Silver Salt ( Sci.Eng.Waseda Univ. ) KAZUTA,Akinori ; MIYASAKA,Makoto ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1D232Phthalocyanine derivatives having peripheral 2-thienyl substituents ( Fuculity of Texile Science and Technology,Shinshu University ) TEMMA,Tetsuji ; MUTO,Tsuyoshi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1D233Base proliferation reactions and their applications 11. Synthesis and characteristics of base-sensitive polymers to generate amino groups autocatalytically ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resources Laboratory ) IGARASHI,Akira
1D234Charge Separation by Visible light using Interfacesbetween Polymer and Solution ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) SHOJI,Toshifumi ; SHIROISHI,Hidenobu ; KANEKO,Masao
1D235Optical Property of Self-organized Honeycomb Patterned Films ( RIKEN; Frontier Research System ) KURONO,Nobuhito ; SHIMADA,Ryoko ; ISHIHARA,Teruya ; SMIMOMURA,Masatsugu
1D238Theoretical study on the design of narrow-bandgap polymers ( Kyoto Univ.; Institute for Molecular Science ) TACHIBANA,Masamitsu ; TANAKA,Shoji ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
1D239Synthesis of .pi.-Conjugated Polymer Complexes Containing Terpyridine Ligands ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) SAITO,Yoshikazu ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1D240Synthesis of Metallophthalocyanines with Oligo(phenylenevinylene) Side Chains ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) NARIKAWA,Hirotoshi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1D242Synthesis of organogelators containing vinyl segment and gelation of functional monomers. ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) HANABUSA,Kenji ; KIMURA,Asami ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1D243Development of organogelators derived from several oligosiloxane ( Shinshu University ) INOUE,Daisaku ; ANDO,Keiichi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa ; HANABUSA,Kenji
1D244Development of organogelators containing siloxane copolymer: Investigation of gelation-causing segments. ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) ANDO,Keiichi ; INOUE,Daisaku ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa ; HANAB
1D246Chemical Immobilization of Chitosan in Temperature- and pH-Sensitive Gels by Radiation Processing ( JAERI ) GOTO,Tomotada ; AMR,Elhagali Said ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; YOSHIDA,Masaru ; KATAKAI,Ryoichi
1D247Poly(.gamma.-glutamic acid) crosslinked with saccharides or amino acids and its water absorption ( Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Institute ) MURAKAMI,Saeko
1D248Studied on bioproduction of poly-gamma-glutamic acid from food waste by B.Subtillis and the swelling behaviors of the gels. ( School of Phamaceutical Sciences, Univ. of Shizuoka ) KIMURA,Keiko ; KATAYAMA,Seiji ; DOHI,Shingo ; YERADA,Yoshino
ri ; ISHIKAWA,Akik
2D208Application of imprinted cyclodextrin polymers to HPLCs stationary phases. (2) Immobilization of imprinted polymers on silica matrices for the chiral separations. ( RCAST. The university of Tokyo ) AKIYAMA,Tomohiro ; HISIYA,Takayuki ; ASANU
MA,Hiroyuki ; KOMI
2D209Preparation of Poly(pyridylacetylene-co-phenylacetylene)-Porphyrin Membrane and Oxygen Facilitated Transport ( Sci.Eng.Waseda Univ. ) SAKAI,Tomoyuki ; ITO,Fumiaki ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D210Oxygen Binding Reaction of Polyvinylimidazoles-Tetraphenylcobaltporphyrin Complex ( Sci.Eng.Waseda Univ. ) ARAI,Takayuki ; SINOHARA,Hiromi ; NISIDE,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
2D212Design of Macromolecular Prodrug of Cisplatin Having Targetability to Hepatoma Cells Using Poly(ethylene glycol) with Branched Saccharide Residues ( Kansai Univ. ) OHYA,Yuichi ; NAGATOMI,Kazuya ; OUCHI,Tatsuro
2D213Control of Molecular Structure of Poly(lactic acid)-grafted Polysaccharides Having Amphiphilicity and Evaluation as Biodegradable Material ( Kansai Univ. ) OHYA,Yuichi ; KONTANI,Tomohiro ; HIRANO,Tetsuya ; TASAKA,Fumitaka ; OUCHI,Tatsuro
2D214Evaluation of Bone Marrow Cell Adhesion, Differentiation onto Polymer-Calcium Salt Composite Materials Prepared by Alternate Soaking Process. ( Facutly of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ. ) OGOMI,Daisuke ; SERIZAWA,Takeshi ; AKASHI,Mit
2D215New Polysaccharide Synthesis by Acetobacter xylinum and simple Fabrication Method ( Faculty of Engineering and HRC, Kansai University ) TAMURA,Hiroshi ; TOKURA,Seiichi
2D226Synthesis of Amylose-polyester Inclusion complexes by Vines-Twining polymerization ( Yamagata University ) KADOKAWA,Jun-ichi ; NAKAYA,Atsushi ; KANEKO,Yoshiro ; TAGAYA,Hideyuki
2D227Synthesis of artificial hyaluronic acid by using a novel disaccharide monomer of GlcA-.beta.(1,3)-GlcNAc oxazoline derivative via enzymatic polymerization ( Kyoto Univ. ) MORII,Hidekazu ; ITOH,Ryosuke ; OHMAE,Masashi ; KIMURA,Shunsaku ; KOB
2D228Synthesis of a chitin-xylan hybrid polysaccharide by using a new disaccharide monomer of Xyl-.beta.(1,4)-GlcNAc oxazoline derivative via enzymatic polymerization ( Kyoto Univ. ) TACHIBANA,Naoki ; OHMAE,Masashi ; KOBAYASHI,Shiro
2D229Development of Anticoagulant Polymer Medical Materials ( Shizuoka University ) MIURA,Ryuta ; MITARASHI,Hironori ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
2D231The pKa of the Polypeptides Organized onto a Three-Dimensional Dendrimer Surface ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) UCHINO,Akiko ; HIGASHI,Nobuyuki ; NIWA,Masazo
2D232Specific Interaction between Helical Poly(L-Glutamic Acid)- Modified Dendrimer and Amino Acids ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) KOGA,Tomoyuki ; HIGASHI,Nobuyuki ; NIWA,Masazo
2D233 Session Lecturesynthesis and functional of helical polymers ( graduate school of Engineering,nagoya University ) YASHIMA,Eiji
2D238Self-Assembling and Electron-Transfer Properties of Anthraquinone-Terminated Poly(.gamma.-benzyl-L-glutamate) on Gold Surface ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) MORIKAWA,Masa-aki ; YOKOCHI,Tetsuya ; HIGASHI,Nobuyuki ; NIWA,Masa
2D239Preparation of a Reorganaized Fibrin Film as a New Biomaterial ( Osaka City-university ) GODA,Tatsuya ; TACHIBANA,Akira ; TANABE,Toshizumi ; YAMAUCHI,Kiyoshi
2D240Preparation and mechanical property of keratin-chitosan composite film ( Osaka city univ. Fac. of eng. ) OKITSU,Naoya ; TANABE,Toshizumi ; TACHIBANA,Akira ; YAMAUCHI,Kiyoshi
2D242Enhancement Effect of Enzymatic Reaction in the Core of Polyion Complex Micelles and Its On-Off Control through Electric Field ( Department of Materials Science, University of Tokyo ) HARADA,Atsushi ; KATAOKA,Kazunori
2D243Intercalating agents inhibit the folding transition inducedsin a giant double-stranded DNA chain ( CREST of JST, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) AKITAYA,Tatsuo ; YOSHINAGA,Natsuhito ; OANA,Hidehiro ; KI
DOAKI,Satoru ; YOS
2D244Recurrent transition of collapsed single giant duplex-DNA chains with excess multivalent cation ( Kyoto Univ. and CREST of JST ) KIDOAKI,Satoru ; YOSHIKAWA,Kenichi
2D246Preparation and properties of cis-DCDA polyimides ( Chiba Research Laboratory, UBE Industries Ltd. ) SHIOTANI,Akinori ; MATSUO,Makoto
2D247Preparation and properties of trans-DCDA polyimides ( Chiba Research Laboratory, UBE Industries Ltd. ) SHIOTANI,Akinori ; SHIMAZAKI,Hiroshi
2D248Functionalization of Poly(vinylamine) derivatives -Synthesis of Stimuli-Responsive Polymers by direct amide formation- ( Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Kazuya ; SERIZAWA,Takashi ; MURAOKA,Yoichiro ; AKASHI,Mitsuru
3D205Depth-dependence of the mobility in the dendritic poly(L-lysine)s. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology ) KATO,Tamaki ; KONTANI,Katsunori ; WATANABE,Louis ; NISHINO,Norikazu
3D206Complexation Behavior of Phenylazomethine Dendrimers ( Keio Univ. ) HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; SHIKI,Satoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
3D207A Novel Synthetic Method of Dendrimers via Cyclization ( Keio Univ. ) TSURUTA,Masanori ; SHIKI,Satoshi ; HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
3D208Synthesis of Aromatic Polyamides using Multifunctional Cyclic Phenylazomethine Monomers ( Keio Univ. ) KANAZAWA,Hirohiko ; KIMOTO,Atsushi ; HIGUCHI,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kimihisa
3D209Synthesis and Properties of 9-Oxo-9-phosphafluorene-baseds.pi.-Conjugated polymers ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research; Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology ) MAKIOKA,Yoshikazu ; HAYASHI,Teruyuki ; TANAKA,
3D211Formation of Anisotropic Phase-Separated Structures in Liquid-Crystalline Blends ( NIMC ) KIHARA,Hideyuki ; KISHI,Ryoichi ; MIURA,Toshiaki ; ICHIJO,Hisao
3D212Drawing and Heat-treatment of Aramid Films Prepared from 4,4'-Dicarboxydiphenylether as an Acid Component ( Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) HIRAI,Kan ; SHIRAI,Nobuyuki ; SAIT
3D213Crystallization of Polycarbonate using Super-critical Carbon Dioxide ( Kobe University ) NISHINO,Takashi ; FURUKAWA,Kazuya ; NAKAMAE,Katsuhiko
3D214Infrared, Raman and Near-Infrared-Chemometrics Studies on Structure-Properties Relationship in High Density and Low Density Polyethylene ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo Prefectural Police Headquarters, Center for An
alytical Chemistry
and Science, Inc., Yokkaichi Lavoratory ) SATO,Harumi ; SHIMOYAMA,Masahiko ; KAMIYA,Taeko ; AMARI,Toru ; SLOBODAN,Sasic ; OZAKI,Yukihiro ; NINOMIYA,Toshio
3D215Excitation-Energy Dependence of the Fluorescence Spectra and Detection-Energy Dependence of the FluorescencesExcitation Spectra of Polysilanes in Dilute Solution ( Miyazaki Medical Univ. ) ITOH,Takao
Bld. No.3 Room No.333
[Physical Chemistry -Structure-]
1D306 Polarized Resonance Raman Spectra of Crystalline Cytochrome c Oxidase ( The Univ. Tokyo, RIKEN, Himeji Inst. Tech. ) OGURA,Takashi ; AOYAMA,Hiroshi ; ITOH-SHINZAWA,Kyoko ; YOSHIKAWA,Shinya
1D307 Resonance Raman Spectra of Intact Mitochondria ( Tokyo University, Dept of Life Science ) TAKAHASHI,Toshinari ; OGURA,Takashi
1D308 Analysis of Base Stacking of Individual Adenine Residues in a DNA oligomer by a Combination of Site-Selective C8-Deuteration and UV Resonance Raman Difference Spectroscopy ( Tohoku Univ. ) TOYAMA,Akira ; MAMIYA,Ryo ; TAKEUCHI,Hideo
1D309 Analysis of protease A crystal by micro infrared spectroscopy ( Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ.; Medical Univ. of Oita;Univ. of Tokyo ) NARA,Masayuki ; SASAKI,Hiroshi ; KAGI,Hiroyuki ; TANOKURA,Masaru
1D311 UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopic Studies of a Transcription Factor, SmtB from Synechococcus PCC 7942 ( Ibaraki Univ.;Ehime Univ.;IMS ) OKURO,Shinjiro ; MORITA,Hayato ; HAYASHI,Hidenori ; NAGATOMO,Shigenori ; KITAGAWA,Teizo ; KOHZUMA,
1D312 Observation of the solvation structures around hydrated electronssusing excess-electron enhanced stimulated Raman scattering ( Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School ofsFrontier Sciences, University of Tokyo ) YUI,Hirohar
u ; FUJINAMI,Masan
ori ; SAWADA,Tsuguo
1D313 Surface enhanced Raman scattering of o-, m-, p-nitroaniline adsorbed on gold or silver colloid ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University ) NAKAJIMA,Atsushi ; TANAKA,Takeyuki ;
1D314 Density dependence of the .nu.3 Raman band of supercritical CHF3 ( Gakushuin Univ; Chiba Univ. ) NAKAYAMA,Hideyuki ; SAITOW,Ken-ichi ; HASHIZUME,Hirokazu ; OHTAKE,Keiko ; NISHIKAWA,Keiko ; ISHII,Kikujiro
1D316 Photon-Energy Dependence of Photoinduced Infrared Absorption from MEH-PPV ( Waseda University ) KUDO,Ken-ichi ; FURUKAWA,Yukio
1D317 Coil-globule transition of an aqueous poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) solution and confomational change of polymer chains(1) Infrared spectroscopy study ( School of Sience, Kwansei Gakuin University. Graduate School of Science
and Technology, K
obe University. ) KATSUMOTO,Yukiteru ; IHARA,Katsunori ; SATO,Harumi ; TANAKA,Takeyuki ; OZAKI,Yukihiro
1D318 Coil-globule transition of an aqueous poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) solution and conformational change of polymer chains(2) Simulation by ab initio molecular orbital calculations ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University; Graduate School
of Science and Te
chnology, Kobe University ) TANAKA,Takeyuki ; KATSUMOTO,Yukiteru ; IHARA,Katsunori ; SATO,Harumi ; WATANABE,Akiko ; OZAKI,Yukihiro
1D328 Picosecond Time-Resolved Infrared Spectrum and Dynamics of Singlet Excited CT State of p-Cyanophenylpyrrole ( Univ. of Tokyo; Inst. for Mol. Science; Kitasato Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Hiromi ; KINOSHITA,Mariko
1D329 Construction of a Step-Scan Fourier-Transform Raman Spectrometer with Picosecond Near-Infrared Raman Excitation ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) SAKAMOTO,Akira ; NAKAMURA,Osamu ; TASUMI,Mitsuo ; SHIMADA,Shigeru ; YOKOYAMA,Toru
1D330 Development of time-resolved time-domain Raman spectroscopy: Observation of low-frequency vibrations of electronic excited-state molecules by impulsive stimulated Raman scattering ( Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies; Institute for Molecular Scie
toru ; TAKEUCHI,Satoshi ; TAHARA,Tahei
1D332 Raman Spectra and Intramolecular NH+...S Hydrogen Bonding of 2-(Dimethylamino)ethanethiol Hydrochloride ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) KINOSHITA,Masahiro ; FUKUDA,Makoto ; OHNO,Keiichi ; MATSUURA,Hiroatsu
1D333 DFT calculations and solution infrared spectra of p-terphenyl ( Waseda University ) HONDA,Kotaro ; FURUKAWA,Yukio
1D334 Analysis of Nonlinear Optical Processes Related to Delocalization of Vibrational Excitations in Liquids ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TORII,Hajime
1D335 The analysis of the IR spectra of ethylene and ethylene oxide adsorbed on Cu(110) by using a DFT molecular orbital calculation method ( Dept. of Chem., School of Sci. & Eng., Waseda Univ. ) ITOH,Koichi ; KIYOHARA,Tairiku ; AKITA,Masato ; HI
1D338 Studies of Dynamical Behavior of Molecular Reorientation of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal by Time-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy ( School of Science, Kwansei-Gakuin University ) ZHAO,Jinggang ; OZAKI,Yukihiro ; YOSHIHARA,Toshiaki
1D339 The temperature dependence on low frequency mode of liquid amides studied by ultrafast optical Kerr effect spectroscopy ( Osaka Univ. ) ECHIGO,Hiroshi ; SUZUKI,Masaya ; NAKASHIMA,Satoru ; OKADA,Tadashi.
1D340 Vibrationally resonant SFG spectral shape dependent on the interval between picosecond-visible and femtosecond-infrared laser pulses ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) ISHIBASHI,Taka-aki ; ONISHI,Hiroshi
1D341 Molecular orientations in Langmuir-Blodgett films ofspalmitoyl-L-ornitine and palmitoyl-L-lysine : Examinationsby SFG spectroscopy ( School of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ. ) OHE,Chikaomi ; TSURUMARU,Tomohiko ; YASUKAWA,Satoshi ; YA
; ITOH,Koichi
1D342 Infrared and Raman spectra of polythiophene and poly(3-octylthiophene) doped with FeCl3 ( Waseda University ) OKAMURA,Daiji ; FURUKAWA,Yukio
1D344 Infrared spectroscopy of aniline-Ar(n=2-20) cluster cations ( NIMC ) NAKANAGA,Taisuke ; OHMURA,Hideki ; NAGAI,Hidekazu ; ITO,Fumiyuki
1D345 Vibrational Spectra and Intramolecular OH....pi.Hydrogen Bonding of 3-Buten-1-ol ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) SHIN-YA,Kei ; FUKUDA,Makoto ; OHNO,Keiichi ; MATSUURA,Hiroatsu
1D346 Methyl iodide clusters in a supersonic jet studied by matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy ( Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo Univ. Agricul. & Technol. ) FUTAMI,Yosisuke ; TAKAYANAGI,Masao ; NAKATA,Munetaka
1D347 Conformational Analysis by Matrix-isolation Infrared Spectroscopy: Conformational Stabilization by CH...O Anti-hydrogen Bonding in 1-Methoxy-2-(methylthio)ethane ( Hiroshima University ) HARADA,Takanori ; YOSHIDA,Hiroshi ; MATSUURA,Hiroatsu
1D348 Vibrational Spectra of Magnesia Cement ( Faculty of Science, Toyama University ) KANESAKA,Isao ; AOYAMA,Shin
2D328 Microwave spectra of cis- and trans-1-bromos-2-fluoroethene ( Shizuoka University ) SHIMADA,Jun ; TATAMITANI,Yoshio ; LIU,Bingxin ; OGATA,Teruhiko
2D329 The development of a Fourier transform millimeter-wave spectrometer for measurements of molecular transitions around 70 GHz. ( School of science, Univ. of Tokyo, ) HABARA,Hideta ; KIM,Eunsook ; YAMAMOTO,Satoshi
2D330 Fourier transform microwave spectra of N-ethylacetamide and N-methylpropionamide ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) KAWASHIMA,Yoshiyuki ; SUENRAM,Richard ; HIROTA,Eizi
2D332 Millimeter-wave Spectrum of the H2-HCN cluster ( Kyushu Univ. ) ISHIGURO,Masazumi ; HARADA,Kensuke ; WHITHAM,C. J. ; TANAKA,Keiichi ; TANAKA,Takehiko
2D333 Fourier transform millimeterwave spectroscopy of the ethyl radical ( Univ. of Tokyo. Physics Department ) KIM,Eunsook ; HABARA,Hideta ; YAMAMOTO,Satosi
2D334 Molecular Structure of Vanillin Determined by Gas Electron Diffraction ( Grad. School of Sci., Hokkaido Univ. ) KAMEYAMA,Akiyo ; TAKESHIMA,Tsuguhide ; TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; EGAWA,Toru ; KONAKA,Shigehiro
2D335 Molecular Structure of Nikethamide Determined by Gas Electron Diffraction ( Grad. School of Sci., Hokkaido Univ. ) TAKESHIMA,Tsuguhide ; TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi ; EGAWA,Toru ; KONAKA,Shigehiro
2D338 Bending dynamics of acetylene by a force-field expansion ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) AMANO,Takashi ; HOSHINA,Ken-nosuke ; SAKOU,Tokuei ; YAMANOUCHI,Kaoru
2D339 Solution of the rotational structure of naphthalenesby the Doppler-free Two-photon Absorption Spectroscopy ( Kobe Univ; Kyoto Univ ) OKUBO,Mitsushi ; WANG,Jin-guo ; USHINO,Miho ; MISONO,Masatoshi ; KASAHARA,Shunji ; BABA,Masaaki ; KATO,Haji
2D340 LIF excitation spectra of jet cooled benzophenone ketyl radical and its derivatives ( Dep. of Chemistry, Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) HAMATANI,Satoshi ; KAWAI,Akio ; SHIBUYA,Kazuhiko
2D341 Change in molecular forms and fluorescence properties ofsbenzoquinoline during the sol-gel-xerogel transitions of silicon alkoxide ( Shinshu Univ. ) MABUCHI,Toshiaki ; NISHIKIORI,Hiromasa ; TANAKA,Nobuaki ; FUJII,Tsuneo
2D343 Internal Rotation of the Methyl Group in the 5-Methylindole Complexes ( Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo Univ. Agricul. and Technol. ) NEGISHI,Daisuke ; TAKAYANAGI,Masao ; NAKATA,Munetaka
2D344 Solvent effect of merocyanine formed from spiropyran uponsUV irradiation ( Graduate School of BASE, Tokyo Univ. Agricul. & Technol. ) LIM,Maisy Siaw Chin ; TAKAYANAGI,Masao ; NAKATA,Munetaka
2D345 High-Resolution Angle-Resolved Ion-Yield Spectrum of CO2 in the O 1s to Rydberg Excitaion Region ( Hiroshima Univ.; SPring-8/JASRI; Tohoku Univ.; Kyoto Univ. Educ. ) OKADA,Kazumasa ; YOSHIDA,Hiroaki ; SENBA,Yasunori ; KAMIMORI,Ka
tsura ; TAMENORI,Y
usuke ; OHASHI,Haruhiko ; UEDA,Kiyoshi ; IBUKI,Toshio
3D304 Theoretical study on the polarizabilities of dendron parts invloved in Cayley-tree-type dendrimers ( Osaka University ) FUJITA,Harunori ; NAKANO,Masayoshi ; TAKAHATA,Masahiro ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
3D305 Theoretical study on the second hyperpolarizabilities of dendron parts invloved in Cayley-tree-type dendrimers ( Osaka University ) NAKANO,Masayoshi ; FUJITA,Harunori ; TAKAHATA,Masahiro ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
3D306 Theoretical study of the second hyperpolarizability for cationic pyrin derivatives ( Osaka University; Osaka Nation Research Institute ) YAMADA,Satoru ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi ; OHTA,Koji
3D307 Generalized Hartree Fock calculations of H2n+1 ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) YAMAKI,Daisuke ; YAMANAKA,Shusuke ; NAGAO,Hidemi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
3D308 Genralized Spin Density-Functional-Theory(DFT) for Spin Degenerate Systems. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) YAMANAKA,Shusuke ; YAMAKI,Daisuke ; NAGAO,Hidemi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
3D310 Four-component relativistic calculations on the complexes between a water molecule and trivalent lanthanide and actinide ions ( Japan Atomic Energy Res. Inst.; Nagoya City Univ. ) MOCHIZUKI,Yuji ; TATEWAKI,Hiroshi
3D311 A New Derivation of the Polymer CD Band Shape Function in terms of the Greens Function Method for a Bayley-Nielsen-Schellman-type Model Hamiltonian with the Electrostatic Corrections ( Univ. of Electro-Commnications, Department of Applied
Physics and Chemi
stry ) ITO,Hirotoshi
3D312 Vanishment of Orbital Angular Momentum of the Second Eg State and MCD A-term of the Fingerprint Band of .pi. Cation Radicals of Phthalocyanine Metal Complexes ( Dept. of Chem., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ISHIKAWA,Naoto ; KAIZU,Youkoh
Bld. No.3 Room No.334
[Physical Chemistry -Structure-]
1D426 The electronic and molecular structures of the Skell-type carbenes as studieds by ESR spectroscopy ( Osaka City Univ.; Mie Univ. ) TANAKA,Koya ; NAKAZAWA,Shigeaki ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NOZAKI,Yoshihiro ; OTSUKA,Y
usuke ; HIRAI,Kats
uyuki ; TOMIOKA,Hideo
1D427 High-resolution solid-state 13C NMR studies on membrane protein (1):Apprication of Mn ion to signal assignment ( Himeji institute of Technology ) TUZI,Satoru ; HASEGAWA,Jun ; KAWAMINAMI,Ruriko ; NAITO,Akira ; SAITO,Hazime
1D428 High-resolution solid-state 13C NMR studies on membrane proteins (2): Backbone dynamics and suppression of signals ( Himeji Inst. of Technol. ) YAMAGUCHI,Satoru ; TANIO,Michikazu ; TUZI,Satoru ; NAITO,Akira ; SAITO,Hazime
1D429 Supramolecular Structure of Amyloid Fibril in Human Calcitonin as determined from 13C REDOR NMR ( Department of Life Science, Himeji Institute of TechnologyNiigata University of Management ) KAMIHIRA,Miya ; DOHI,Terumi ; TUZI,Sat
oru ; NOSAKA,Atsuk
o ; SAITO,Hazime ; NAITO,Akira
1D430 Structure analysis of melittin bound to magnetically aligned lipid bilayers by solid state 13C-NMR spectroscopy ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) NAITO,Akira ; NORISADA,Kazushi ; NAGAO,Takashi ; TORAYA,Shuuichi ; TUZI,Satoru ; S
1D432 Halogen NQR and 2H NMR of [C(ND2)3]HgBr3 and [C(ND2)3]HgI3 ( Univ. of Hiroshima; Univ. of Tokushima; Univ. of Kobe ) YAMADA,Koji ; TERAO,Hiromitsu ; SUMIMURA,Kazuk
o ; OKUDA,Tsutomu
1D433 Dynamic behavior of guest molecule in calix[4]arene derivative studied by 2H solid-state NMR ( Department of Chemistry Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) KAWAGUCHI,Takamoto ; KAWAMURA,Hitoshi ; OHKI,Hiroshi ; YAMA
DA,Koji ; OKUDA,Ts
1D434 The dynamics of n-alkane adsorbed in the micropore of [Co(en)3]Cl3 as studied by 2H NMR ( Osaka Univ. ) NAGAOKA,Naomi ; UEDA,Takahiro ; NAKAMURA,Nobuo
1D435 Dynamics of p-nitroaniline in the micropore of ZSM-5 by 2H NMR ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) KOMORI,Yoshihiko ; HAYASHI,Shigenobu
1D438 Crystal and electronic structures of biphenylpyrrolopyrrole ( Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ. ) MIZUGUCHI,Jin
1D439 Polarized Reflection Spectrum and Electronic Structures of Thioindigo Derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University ) MOCHIZUKI,Misato ; SENJU,Takatoshi ; MIZUGUCHI,Jin
1D440 Evaluation of intermolecular interactions of magnesium phthalocyanine derivatives in terms of energy partition analysis ( Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ. ) SENJU,Takatoshi ; MIZUGUCHI,Jin
1D442 Super Rapid X-ray diffraction measurement using MSGC type detector ( Department of Chemistry and Materials Science,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji ; OCHI,Atsuhiko ; TANIMORI,Toru
1D443 Temperature dependent large thermal motionsof styrene derivatives in crystalline state ( Graduate school of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YASUDA,Nobuhiro ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji
1D444 Single Crystal X-ray Analyses of Excited State of Binuclear Platinum(II) Complexes ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech ) KANAZAWA,Masaki ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji ; OTSUKA,Takuhiro ; KAIZU,Youkou
2D402 Micropore filling mechanism in micropore by GCMC simulation ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University ) OHBA,Tomonori ; KANEKO,Katsumi
2D403 GCMC simulation of molecular adsorption in graphite-ultramicropore -the effect of basal plane structure- ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Chiba Univ ) NISHIKAWA,Hiroyuki ; SUZUKI,Takaomi ; KANEKO,Katsumi
2D404 Potassium adsorption on ZnO(10-10) ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OZAWA,Kenichi ; EDAMOTO,Kazuyuki
2D405 Oxidation of ZrC(100) and its chemical reactivity toward water ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KITAOKA,Hiroyuki ; OZAWA,Kenichi ; EDAMOTO,Kazuyuki
2D406 Local structure of carbon nitride solid ( Japan Atomic Energy Reserch InstitutesSynchrotron Radiation Research Center ) SHIMOYAMA,Iwao ; WU,Guohua ; SEKIGUCHI,Tetsuhiro ; BABA,Yuji
2D408 Dynamic behaviour of Sn atoms adsorbed on a Si(111)-7x7surface. ( Saitama Istitute of Technology, Advanced Science Research Laboratory ) XIE,Zhao-xiong ; TANAKA,Kenncihi
2D409 Zn-layers of a honeycomb structure formed on a Si(111)-7x7 surface by templet epitaxy ( Saitama Institute of Technology, Advanced Science Research Laboratory ) XIE,Zhao-xiong ; IWASE,Kayo ; TOCHIHARA,Hiroshi ; TANAKA,Kenncihi
2D410 Single molecule chemistry and vibrational spectroscopy using STM probe; dehydrogenation reaction of trans 2-butene ( RIKEN ) KIM,Yousoo ; KATANO,Satoshi ; KATO,Hiroyuki ; KOMEDA,Tadahiro. ; KAWAI,Maki
2D411 Gold effect for oxidation of Si(111)-7x7 ( Osaka National Research Institute ) KISHI,Kentaro ; DATE,Masakazu ; HARUTA,Masatake
2D412 Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy studiess on the initial stages of Si(111) oxidation ( Kyoto Univ. ) MIKI,Takashi ; OKUYAMA,Hiroshi ; ARUGA,Tetsuya ; NISHIJIMA,Mitsuaki
2D414 Dipole-Dependent Topography of Adsorbed Molecules determined by NC-AFM ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) SASAHARA,Akira ; UETSUKA,Hiroshi ; ONISHI,Hiroshi
2D415 The structure of oxygen defects formed on CeO2(111) by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy ( Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo ) NAMAI,Yoshimichi ; FUKUI,Ken-ichi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
2D416 SPM Study of the SrTiO3(100) surface. ( National Institute for Materials and Chemical Research ) KUBO,Toshitaka ; NOZOYE,Hisakazu
2D417 Decomposition of hydrocarbons and formation of monolayer graphite on Pt(111) ( The Graduated University for advanced studiessSchool of advanced sciences ) NAKAGOE,Osamu ; TAKAGI,Noriaki ; MATSUMOTO,Yosiyasu
2D418 Observation of Reaction Intermediate by Time-lapse STM Measurement: Exchange Reaction Between Chemisorbed Formate and Physisorbed Acetic Acid on TiO2(110) ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) UETSUKA,Hiroshi ; SASAHARA,
Akira ; ONISHI,Hi
2D428 Observation of formate species formed on NiO(111) surface by surface sum frequency generation spectroscopy ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NOGUCHI,Hidenori ; ONDA,Ken ; WADA,Akihide ; HIROSE,Chiaki ; DOMEN,K
2D429 Structural Investigation of Interfacial Water at the Self Assembled Monolayer / Electrolyte Solution Interface by Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy ( Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido Univ. ) NIHONYANAGI,Satoshi ; YE,Shen ; UOSAKI,Koh
2D430 Investigation of Molecular Structure at the Metal / Solution Interface by Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) Spectroscopy ( Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido Univ. ) YE,Shen ; NIHONYANAGI,Satoshi ; FUJISHIMA,Ken ; MIYAMOTO,Dai ; UOSAKI,Kohei
2D432 Kinetic analysis of formate species adsorbed on Cr2O3(111)/Cr(110) ( Chem. Res. Lab., Tokyo Inst.Tech. ) KATO,Manabu ; INOUE,Kenichirou ; MATSUMOTO,Taketoshi ; KUBOTA,Jun ; NOMURA,Junko ; HIROSE,Chiaki ; DOMEN,Kazunari
2D433 IRAS study on the adsorption structure of dimethylether at Cu(110), Ag(110) and their atomic oxygen reconstructed surfaces ( Dept. of Chem., School of Sci. & Eng., Waseda Univ. ) KIYOHARA,Tairiku ; AKITA,Masato ; HIRAMOTO,Shuji ; ITOH,Koich
2D434 Adsorption Behavior Change of CH4and CF4 Induced by Ice Crystallinity ( RIKEN ) HORIMOTO,Noriko ; KATO,Hiroyuki ; KAWAI,Maki
2D435 Methyl radical chemistry on Ag (110) ( Grad.Univ.Advanced Studies;School of Advanced Sciences ) OHTA,Michiharu ; MATSUMOTO,Yoshiyasu
2D438 Spatial distributions of desorbing nitrogen molecules during thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide on palladium(110). ( Hokkaido Univ. Catalysis Research Center ) HORINO,Hideyuki ; LIU,Suwen ; HIRATSUKA,Atsuko ; OHNO,Yuichi ; MATSUSHIMA,Ta
2D439 Collision-Induced Desorption of CO on H/Ni(100) surface ( Univ. of Tohoku; RISM ) TAKAOKA,Tsuyoshi ; INAMURA,Miki ; YANAGIMACHI,Satoshi ; KUSUNOKI,Isao
2D440 Ethylene Hydrogenation on Pt Thin-films Grown on Ni(100) ( Utsunomiya Univ. ) EGAWA,Chikashi ; ENDO,Satoshi ; IWAI,Hidekazu ; OKI,Shouichi
2D442 The adsorption and reactivity of O- and P- modified Mo(112) surfaces by HREELS ( Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) GOTO,Yoshio ; FUKUI,Ken-ichi ; SASAKI,Takehiko ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
2D443 Adsorption of CO on Ti,TiOx/Au(100) ( Kyoto Univ. ) MITSUSHIMA,Sadanobu ; OKUYAMA,Hiroshi ; NISHIJIMA,Mitsuaki ; ARUGA,Tetsuya
2D444 Three-deminsional structure analysis of Cu clusters on a TiO2(110) surface by polarization-dependent total-reflection fluorescence XAFS ( Graduate school of science, the University of Tokyo. ) TANIZAWA,Yasuhiro ; CHUN,Wang-jae ;
SHIDO,Takafumi ; A
SAKURA,Kiyotaka ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
3D404 Dissociation Reactivity of Thiophene on Noble Metal Surfaces ( Grad. School Sci. Univ. Tokyo ) NAMBU,Akira ; KONDOH,Hiroshi ; YOKOYAMA,Toshihiko ; OHTA,Toshiaki
3D405 Self-Assembly of Alkanethiol on Cu(100) Surface ( Grad. School Sci. Univ. Tokyo ) KONDOH,Hiroshi ; NAMBU,Akira ; YOKOYAMA,Toshihiko ; OHTA,Toshiaki
3D406 Geometric and Electronic Properties of Samarium Adsorbed on Cu(111) ( Dept. Chem., School Sci., Univ. Tokyo ) NAKAYAMA,Yasuo ; KONDOH,Hiroshi ; OHTA,Toshiaki
3D408 Surface X-ray Diffraction study of copper and bisulfate on Au(111)electrode ( Keio univ. ) NAKAMURA,Masashi ; ENDO,Osamu ; SENNA,Tasuku ; ITO,Masatoki ; YODA,Yoshitaka
3D409 Hydration structure of alkali metal on Ru(001) surface ( Keio univ. ) NAKAMURA,Masashi ; ITO,Masatoki
3D410 Nanoscale structures and their transformations on a TiO2(001) surface studied by STM ( School of Sci., the Univ. of Tokyo ) TERO,Ryugo ; FUKUI,Ken-ichi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
3D411 STM study on the size-limited growth of Pt nano-particles by MOCVD on TiO2(110) ( School Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) FUKUI,Kenichi ; NARIYUKI,Fumito ; TERO,Ryugo ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
3D412 Growth of Ag on a Ge(001) Surface: Two-dimensional versus Three-dimensional (Island) Growth ( Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMADA,Masamichi ; NAKATSUJI,Kan ; IIMORI,Takushi ; OHNO,Shin-ya ; NAITOH,Yoshitaka ; KOMORI,Fumio ; OKUDA,Taichi ; HARASAWA,Ayum
Bld. No.3 Room No.335
[Physical Chemistry -Properties-]
2D504 Low temperature heat capacities of glassy and crystalline GeS2 ( Mater. Struct. Lab., Tokyo Inst. Technol. ) TANIGUCHI,Yuki ; TOJO,Takeo ; KAWAJI,Hitoshi ; ATAKE,Tooru
2D505 Conduction Mechanism of Electron - Proton Hybrid Conductor (2, 2'-bi-benzimidazole)(TCNQ) Complex ( Res. Inst. of Electronic Sci., Hokkaido Univ. PRESTO, JST and Kyoto Univ. ) AKUTAGAWA,Tomoyuki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi ; SAIT
2D506 Dynamic behavior of hydrogen in substituted dithiooxamides (dtoa-R2) copper (II) complexes, R = Me, Et, Et-OD, Pro-OD, Pen-OD ( Hokkaido Univ.; Gunma Univ. ) WATANABE,Atsushi ; TAKEDA,Sadamu ; MARUTA,Goro
2D507 Structure and physical properties of charge transfer, proton transfer and clathrate compounds of dihydro-tetracyanodiphenoquinodimethane (H2TCNDQ) ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) NISHIMURA,Kazukuni ; SAITO,Gunzi
2D508 Polarized Raman spectra of phthalocyanine conductors CoxNi1-xPc(AsF6)0.5 ( Grad. Univ. Advanced Studied and Institute for Molecular Science ) DING,Yuqin ; SIMONYAN,Mkhital ; YAKUAHI,Kyuya
2D510 Structures and Properties of Methylenediseleno-TSF (MDSe-TSF) Salts. ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KODANI,Mie ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
2D511 Structure and Properties of a New Organic Charge-Transfer salt Including TEMPO-OSO3- as a Counter Anion ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) AKUTSU,Hiroki ; YAMADA,Jun-ichi ; NAKATSUJI,Shin'ichi
2D512 Synthesis and Properties of Unsymmetrical BDY Donors ( Himeji Institute of Technology; Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) TOITA,Takashi ; YAMADA,Jun-ichi ; AKUTSU,Hiroki ; NAKATSUJI,Shin'ichi ; NISHIKAWA,Hiroyuki ; IKEMOTO,Isao ; KIKUCHI,Koichi
2D513 Structures and Physical Properties of the FeX4 Salts of BDH-TTPsand BDA-TTP ( Himeji Institute of Technology; Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) YAMADA,Jun-ichi ; TOITA,Takashi ; AKUTSU,Hiroki ; NAKATSUJI,Shin'ichi ; NISHIKAWA,Hiroyuki ;
2D514 A Stereochemically Orderd Crystal ofs(Et2BEDT-TTP)2HgI3 ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KIMURA,Shinya ; HANASATO,Shingo ; KURAI,Hiroyuki ; MORI,Takehiko
2D516 New Development of Iodine-bonded .pi.-Donors (1) - Synthesis and Properties of a Hexagonal Molecular Metal and Related Materials ( RIKEN ) IMAKUBO,Tatsuro ; KATO,Reizo
2D517 Characteristic Structural and Conducting Feature of BO-HBDTT-Based Organic Conductors ( Tohoku University; CIR of Tohoku University ) SHIRAHATA,Takashi ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuko
2D518 Neutral-Ionic Phase Transition and Quantum Paraelectricity of DMTTF Complexes ( JRCAT ) HORIUCHI,Sachio ; KUMAI,Reiji ; OKIMOTO,Yoichi ; TOKURA,Yoshinori
2D526 Structure and Physical Properties of Symmetrical andsUnsymmetrical BEDT-STF Salts ( ISTEC; Toho Univ. ; Hiroshima Univ. ) SUZUKI,Hideaki ; MORI,Hatsumi ; TANAKA,Shoji ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi ; KODANI,Mie ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
2D527 Reflection spectra and crystal structures of quasi-1D conductors BDTFP salts. ( IMS; Dept. Chem., Tohoku Univ.; C.I. R., Tohoku Univ.; Tokyo Inst. Tech. ) URUICHI,Mikio ; YAKUSHI,Kyuya ; ISE,Toshihiro ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuko ; MORI,Takehiko ; NA
2D528 Control of Electronic State by Band Filling in OrganicsConductors ( ISTEC; Toho Univ. ) MORI,Hatsumi ; KAMIYA,Masakazu ; HAEMORI,Masamitsu ; SUZUKI,Hideaki ; TANAKA,Shoji ; NISHIO,Yutaka ; KAJITA,Koji ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi
2D529 Magnetic Properties of Anionic Biradicals as Building Blocks ofs Organic Salt Ferrimagnets ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) HASE,Syuichiro ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; SATO,Kazunobu ; TAKUI,Takeji
2D530 A Single-Component Organic Molecule-based Ferrimagnet - Magnetics Properties and Crystal Structure of a Monoradical-Biradical Composites Molecule ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University; Graduate School of Engineering, Kyusyu Un
iversity ) KANAYA,
Takayasu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; SATO,Kazunobu ; MITO,Masaki ; TAKEDA,Kazuyoshi ; TAKUI,Takeji
2D532 Ferrimagnetic behaviour and magnetic ordered state of PNNBNO ( IMS; Research Center for Materials Science at Extreme Conditions, Osaka Univ.; Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.; Department of Applied Physics, The University
of Tokyo ) HOSOKO
SHI,Yuko ; KATOH,Keiichi ; KOBAYASHI,Tatsuo ; TANAKA,Kanji ; NAKANO,Hiroki ; AMAYA,Kiichi ; INOUE,Katsuya
2D533 Magnetic properties of transition-metal complexes containing pyrimidinyl nitronyl nitroxide ligands ( Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, The University of Electro-Communications ) OMATA,Junichi ; MATSUYAMA,Takahiro ; ISHIDA,Takayu
ki ; NOGAMI,Takash
2D534 The effect of diamagnetic ligands for the exchange interaction between metal ion and organic radical through pyridine ligands ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu Univ. ) ZHANG,Jingping ; KOGA,Noboru
2D535 Solid-State High-Resolution 13C-NMR Studies onsthe Electron Spin Density Distribution in an Organic Ferromagnet: CLTMP ( Hokkaido Univ.; Univ. of Electro-Communications ) MARUTA,Goro ; TAKEDA,Sadamu ; OHISHI,Motohiro ; ISHIDA,Tak
ayuki ; NOGAMI,Tak
2D538 Diamagnetic-Paramagnetic Transitions in 1,3,2-Dithiazolyl Radicals ( The University of Tokyo & PRESTO, JST ) FUJITA,Wataru ; AWAGA,Kunio
2D539 Spin Crossover Phase Transition due to Charge Transfer in the Mixed-Valence Complex [(n-Pr)4N][FeIIFeIII(dto)3] ( Osaka Univ.; Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAMOTO,Tadahiro ; SAKAKIBARA,Takeshi ; MIYA
ZAKI,Yuji ; ONO,Yu
ki ; ITOI,Miho ; KOJIMA,Norimichi ; SORAI,Michio
2D540 Novel Diazaphenalenyl Radical: Structure-Magneto Relationship and Fine Structure Constants of the Excited Triplet State of its Pancake-Type Dimer in the Crystal. ( Osaka Univ.; Osaka City Univ.; Himeji Institute of Technology ) FUKUI,Kozo ;
AOKI,Takashi ; MO
RITA,Yasushi ; NAKAZAWA,Shigeaki ; TAMAKI,Koichi ; YAMAMOTO,Kagetoshi ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; NAITO,Akira ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro
2D541 Theoretical study of singlet-triplet transition in cyclobutadiene ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Engineering ) KONDO,Masakazu ; SHIOTA,Yoshihito ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
2D542 Theoretical analysis of magnetic parameters between molecules in BETS crystals. ( Osaka univ. ) KAWAKAMI,Takashi ; MATSUOKA,Fumitake ; YAMASHITA,Yoshifumi ; KITAGAWA,Yasutaka ; YAMAGUCHI,Kizashi
2D544 ESR Mesurements for dL(.pi.)-.pi. Type of Charge-Transfer Salt,[Cu(MeTRI)2][Ni(dmit)2]2 ( RIES, Hokkaido Univ. ) SAKAI,Ken-ichi ; AKUTAGAWA,Tomoyuki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi
2D545 Controlling of [Ni(dmit)2]- Arrangement by Using Supramolecular Cation [Ph(NH3)]+(18-crown-6) : Construction of Spin Ladder Structure ( Hokkaido University ) NISHIHARA,Sadafumi ; HASHIMOTO,Asako ;
i ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi
2D546 Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of (K+/Dibenzo-18-crown-6)[M(dmit)2] Complexes: Dependence of Central Metals in M(dmit)2 ( Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) SHITAGAMI,Kozo
uki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi
2D547 Structures and Magnetic Properties of [Ni(dmit)2] Salts with [1,4-Cyclohexsanediammonium](crown ether)2 Supramolecular Cations ( Hokkaido University, PRESTO,JST ) HASHIMOTO,Asako ; NISHIHARA,Sadafumi ; AKUTAGAWA,Tomoyu
ki ; HASEGAWA,Tats
uo ; NKAMURA,Takayoshi
3D505 Synthesis and magnetic properties of Prussian blue analogs having high compensation temperature of 230 K ( RCAST,The Univ. of Tokyo ) MIZUNO,Mikihisa ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
3D506 Unusual magnetic properties of cyano-bridged complexes incorporating two types of rare-earth metal ions ( RCAST,The University of Tokyo ) HOZUMI,Toshiya ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
3D507 MSHG in molecular-based magnetic thin films of Prussian blue analogs ( RCAST,Univ. of Tokyo; KAST ) IKEDA,Katsuyoshi ; OHKOSHI,Shin-ichi ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
3D508 Formation of Water Dispersible Nanoparticle Crystal ( Himeji Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science ) KIMURA,Keisaku ; SATO,Seiichi ; YAO,Hiroshi
3D510 Synthesis of 2,4,3',5'-Tetrakis(phenoxyl)trane and its Magnetic Property ( Sci.Eng.Waseda.Univ. ) ARAKI,Takashi ; MIYASAKA,Makoto ; NISHIDE,Hiroyuki ; TUCHIDA,Eishun ; TEKI,Yoshio
3D511 Photo-induced spin transition in an Fe complex ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) SATO,Osamu ; HAYAMI,Shinya ; GU,Zhong-ze ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3D512 Tetranuclear Iron(II) cube with S=8 spin ground state ( Tohoku University ) OSHIO,Hiroki ; HOSHINO,Norihisa ; ITO,Tasuku
4D507 Low temperature thermodynamic properties of NaCo2O4 ( Mater. Struct. Lab., Tokyo Inst. Technol. ) SOMIYA,Nobuhide ; TOJO,Takeo ; KAWAJI,Hitoshi ; ATAKE,Tooru
4D508 High pressure synthesis and superconductivity of new superconductors with ferromagnetic element Co ( Muroran Institute of Technology, Institute for Solid State Physics University of Tokyo ) SHIROTANI,Ichimin ; KATOU,Daisuke ; NISHIMOTO,Ats
uhito ; YAGI,Takeh
4D510 Synthesis and Properties of New Organic Donors Containing Organic Radical ( Inst. for Mol. Sci.; Electrotechnical .Lab. ) FUJIWARA,Hideki ; FUJIWARA,Emiko ; KOBAYASHI,Hayao ; TOKUMOTO,Madoka
4D511 Synthesis, Electrical Conducting and Magnetic Properties of Monoanionic and Neutral Vanadium Complexes with Three Dialkylthiotetrathiafulvalenyldithiolato Groups ( RIAST, Osaka Pref.; Grad. School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) YONEDA,Takashi
; KAMATA,Yutaka ;
UEDA,Kazumasa ; SUGIMOTO,Toyonari ; MURATA,Keizou
4D512 The crystal structures, electrical and magnetic properties ofET/MnClx/solvy system ( Hokkaido Univ.; RIES, Hokkaido Univ. ) NAITO,Toshio ; INABE,Tamotsu ; AKUTAGAWA,Tomoyuki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi
4D513 Synthesis, and Electrical Conducting and Magnetic Properties of FeX4(X= Cl, Br) Salts of Tetrathiafulvalenothioquinone-1,3-dithiolemethide ( RIAST, Osaka pref. Univ.; Dep. of Hum. Stud., Kyoto Univ.; Rigaku; Grad. School of Sci.,
Osaka City Univ.
) KOMINAMI,Tsuyoshi ; UEDA,Kazumasa ; SUGIMOTO,Toyonari ; FUJITA,Hideo ; SHIRO,Motoo ; MURATA,Keizou
4D515 Structures and Properties of Tetrahedral Magnetic Anion SaltssBased on BETS Molecule ( Inst. for Mol. Sci.; Electrotechnical Lab.; The Univ. of Tokyo ) FUJIWARA,Emiko ; FUJIWARA,Hideki ; TAMURA,Itaru ; GRITSENKO,Victor ; KOBAYASHI,Hayao ; K
4D516 Magnetism and Conductivity of [Ni(dmit)2] Salts of Alkyl-pyridinium-substituted Verdazyl Radicals ( Faculty of Science, Ehime Univ. ; Institute for Molecular Science ; Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto Uni. ) SHIBA,Daisuke ; HISATOU,
Hiroyuki ; AZUMA,
Nagao ; NUKAI,Kazuo ; HOSOKOSI,Yuuko ; INOUE,Katuya ; TANIGUCHI,Masateru ; MISAKI,Youji ; TANAKA,Kazuyosi
4D517 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of [Pd(dmit)2] Salts of Alkyl Pyridinium-Substituted Verdazyl Radicals ( (Faculty of Science, Ehime University ;Institute for Molecular Science ;Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ) KANBA
RA,Takanao ; HISAT
OU,Hiroyuki ; AZUMA,Nagao ; MUKAI,Kazuo ; HOSOKOSI,Yuuko ; INOUE,Katuya ; TANIGUTI,Masateru ; MISAKI,Youji ; TANAKA,Kazuyosi
4D518 Magnetism and Conductivity of TCNQ Salts of Methyl-Pyridinium-Substituted Verdazyl Radicals ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ; Institute for Molecular Science ; Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University ) JINNO,Syunsuke ; AZUMA,Nagao ;
OKOSHI,Yuuko ; INOUE,Katsuya ; TANIGUCHI,Masateru ; MISAKI,Youji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
4D526 Physical Properties of (MDT-TSF)2X Salts (MDT-TSF: methylenedithio-tetraselenafulvalene, X = I3, I2Br, AuI2, IBr2) ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; KODANI,Mie ; KATAOKA,Yoshiro ; ASO,Yoshi ;
4D527 Synthesis and Properties of a New Electron Donor, DM-MDT-TSF(dimethylmethylenedithio-tetraselenafulvalene) ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KATAOKA,Yoshiro ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
4D528 Structure and Electric Properties of Novel (BEDT-TTF)TCNQ salt ( RIKEN; ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMAMOTO,Hiroshi ; KATO,Reizo ; YAMAURA,Jun-ichi
4D529 High pressure X-ray study of molecular conductors-Mainly the acceptor type system- ( ISSP,Univ. of Tokyo; RIKEN; Graduate School of Science,Tohoku Univ; CIR, Tohoku Univ ) YAMAURA,Jun-ichi ; KATO,Reizo ; CHONAN,Takehiro ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuko
4D530 The structures and physical properties of EDO-TTFBr2 halide complexes ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMAZAKI,Hisashi ; MIYAZAKI,Akira ; ENOKI,Tosiaki ; TAKANO,Junichi ; KUWATANI,Yosiyuki ; IYODA,Masahiko
4D532 Crystal Structure and Properties of PF6 and AsF6 salts of Unsymmetrical Donor, BEDT-HSTT ( Tohoku University; Tokyo Institute of Technology; CIR of Tohoku University ) SHIRAHATA,Takashi ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki ; MORI,Takeh
4D533 Cancel
4D534 The structures and physical properties of (EDO-TTF)X (X=PF6,ClO4) ( Department of chemistry, graduate school of science, Kyoto University ) OTA,Akira ; YAMOCHI,Hideki ; SAITO,Gunzi
4D535 Synthesis and property of DODHT salts [DODHT = (1,4-Dioxanediyl-2,3-dithio)dihydrotetrathiafulvalene] ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Himeji Institute of Technology ) MORIMOTO,Takanobu ; NISHIKAWA,Hiroyuki ; KODAMA,Takeshi ; IKEMOTO,Isao ; KIK
UCHI,Koichi ; YAMA
4D536 Current-Induced Switching of Resistive State in Organic CT Complexes. ( Joint Research Center for Atom Technology (JRCAT);Correlated-Electron Technology Research Center (CERC);The Univ. of Tokyo ) KUMAI,Reiji ; HORIUCHI,Sachio ; OKIMOTO,Yoi
chi ; TOKURA,Yoshi
4D537 Development of Molecular Conductors Based on Metal Complexes with extended TTF Ligand. ( Institute for Molecular Science; The University of Tokyo ) TANAKA,Hisashi ; KOBAYASHI,Hayao ; KOBAYASHI,Akiko
Bld. No.3 Room No.336
[Physical Chemistry -Properties-]
2D626 Theoretical study for solvation effect on the nuclear magnetic shieldings ( The Graduate University for Advanced Studies,Institute for Molecular Science ) YAMAZAKI,Takeshi ; SATO,Hirofumi ; HIRATA,Fumio
2D627 Theoretical Study for Volume Changes Accompanying the Helix-Coil Transition of Polypeptides ( Institute for Molecular Science; Graduate Scholl of Sci. & Tech., Kobe Univ. ) IMAI,Takashi ; HARANO,Yuichi ; KOVALENKO,Andriy ; HIRATA,Fumio
2D628 Structure of 1-Propanol-Water Mixture through Kirkwood-Buff Integrals and Concentration Fluctuation ( Gunma Univ ) NAKAGAWA,Tetsuo
2D629 Importance of Acoustic and Optical Relaxation Modes ins Solvation Dynamics: Studied by RISM Theory ( VBL, Osaka Univ.; Institute for Molecular Science; Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Katsura ; HIRATA,Fumio ;
2D631 Pressure Effect on the Rotational Dynamics of Ions and Polar Molecules in Water. ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) WAKAI,Chihiro ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
2D632 NMR Study of solvent dynamics in surfactant solutions ( Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) KONISHI,Hirofumi ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
2D633 Microscopic cluster structure of aqueous solution depending on sulfuric-acid concentration ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) KOBARA,Hitomi ; WAKISAKA,Akihiro
2D634 Complex formation between hydroxyquinoline and metal ion in ethyl alcohol solution ( Shinshu Univ. ) OKI,Kyoichi ; MURAKAMI,Tsuyoshi ; NII,Fumiyasu ; NISKIORI,Hiromasa ; TANAKA,Nobuaki ; FUJII,Tsuneo
2D638 Phase equilibria and phase transitions of water confinedsin hydrophobic pores ( Fukuoka Univ. of Education, Dept. of Chem. ) KOGA,Kenichiro
2D639 New Method for the Precise Measurement of the Viscosity ( Josai Univ. ) SUEOKA,Kazuo
2D640 Excess enthalpies of alkylamides + FAMSO, DMSO at 298.15 K ( Department of Chemistry, Kinki University ) MATSUSHITA,Takanori ; KIMURA,Takayoshi ; TAKAGI,Sadao
2D641 Fluorescence quenching reactions between cationic andsneutral porphyrins and alkylviologens in anionic DMPGsvesicles ( Okayama University of Science ) OHTAKA,Hiroyasu ; TOMINAGA,Toshihiro ; KODAMA,Michiko
2D643 Phase Equilibrium in the System Gd-Mn-O at 1100.degree.C ( Faculty of Engineering,Niigata Institute of technology ) OHNO,Hiroyuki ; MURAKAMI,Saori ; IDE,Yusuke ; SATOH,Keisuke ; KITAYAMA,Kenzo
2D644 Effect of coexistent N2 on magnetism of O2 at low temperature ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Chiba Univ. ) TOHDOH,Aya ; KANEKO,Katsumi
2D645 Phase behavior of organic molecules confined in graphitic micropores. ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech.,Chiba Univ. ) NAGATA,Tomoko ; KANEKO,Katumi
2D646 Low temperature heat capacity of CsZnPO4 ( Mater. Struct. Lab., Tokyo Inst. Technol. ) YAMASHITA,Isao ; KAWAJI,Hitoshi ; ATAKE,Tooru
3D603 Solubility of Gases in Nematic Liquid Crystal Solvent ( Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd ) ARAYA,Kotaro ; IWASAKI,Kishiro
3D604 Phase Transition Behavior of Non-symmetric Dimeric Liquid Crystals ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University ) YOSHIZAWA,Atsushi ; ARA-AKE,Norihisa
3D605 Session Lecture dynamic molecular structure and the origin of antiferroelectricity ( institute for molecular structure and the origin of antiferroelectricity in chiral liquid rystal ) MIYAJIMA,Seiichi
3D609 Discotic Liquid Crystal of Organic Metal Complexes(63): Synthesis and Spontaneous Homeotropic Alignment of Bis[octakis(3,4-dialkoxyphenoxy)phthalocyaninato]lutetium(III) Complexes ( Shinshu University ) HATSUSAKA,Kazuaki ; OHTA,Kazuchika
3D610 Synthesis of Rod- and Bend-Type Cyclobutadienecobalt Derivatives and Their Phase Transition Behavior ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMANISHI,Hiroko ; TOMITA,Ikuyoshi ; OHTA,
Kazuchika ; ENDO,
3D611 Conformational effect on mesomorphic properties in liquid crystalss having a lateral long alkoxy group ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) WU,Jianwei ; OKAMOTO,Hiroaki ; TAKENAKA,Shunsuke
3D612 Conformational effect on the mesomorphic properties of binary mixtures ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) WU,Jianwei ; OKAMOTO,Hiroaki ; TAKENAKA,Shunsuke
4D605 anlysis of the regioselectivity of [60]fullerene epoxide ( RIKEN Applied Laser Chemistry Laboratory ) MIYAZAKI,Masahide ; TAKEUCHI,Kazuo ; YAMADA,Yasuhiro ; TAJIMA,Yusuke
4D606 Mobility analysis of fullerene-based nano cluster ( RIKEN ) TANAKA,Hideki ; TAKEUCHI,Kazuo
4D607 LIF imaging of carbon clusters generated with a lasersfurnace technique - correlation with the formation ofsfullerene species - ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi ; SUZUKI,Shinzo ; SEN,Rahul ; KATAURA,Hiromichi ; WOLFGANG,Kraet
schmer ; ACHIBA,Yo
4D608 Photophysical and photochemical processes of fullerene-dendrimers ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University. Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Osamu ; ITO,Miho ; MURATA,Yasujiro ;
4D610 Quantum Spin Tunneling in Polyanionic High-Spin C60 Fullerenes ( Osaka City Univ.; Univ. Tecnica de Lisboa ) NAKAZAWA,Shigeaki ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; SHOHOJI,M.c.b.l ; FRANCO,M.l.t.m.b. ; LAZANA,M.c.r.l.
4D611 A UHV-STM study on multilayer sufaces of endohedralsLa-metallofullerenes ( Department of Chemistry, Nagoya Univ. ) TANINAKA,Atsushi ; HASEGAWA,Masaki ; SUGAI,Toshiki ; SHINOHARA,Hisanori
4D612 Novel applications of endohedral metallofullerenes to MRI contrast agents ( Department of Chemistry. Nagoya Univ. ) KATO,Haruhito ; MIKAWA,Masahito ; OKUMURA,Masafumi ; KANAZAWA,Yoko ; KATO,Naoki ; NARAZAKI,Mithiko ; MIWA,Naoto ; SHINOHARA,
4D613 Structures and Properties of Endohedral Metallofullerene Ions ( Niigata Univ.; Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Univ. of Houston; Institute for Molecular Science; JNC; Bruker Japan ) WAKAHARA,Takatsugu ; MAEDA,Yutaka ; AKASAKA,Takeshi ; KOBAYASHI,
Kaoru ; NAGASE,Sh
igeru ; EMU KEIDHISSYU,Karu ; KATO,Tatsuhisa ; YAMAMOTO,Kazunori ; BERUHIRI,Makusu
Bld. No.3 Room No.337
[Physical Chemistry -Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics-]
1D726 Electrochemical CO2 reduction on boron-doped diamondselectrode ( Univ. of Tokyo ) FUJII,Tsuyoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Toshio ; DONALD ALEXANDER,Tryk ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1D727 Electrochemical properties of N-implanted diamond films ( Univ. of Tokyo ) OHNISHI,Keisuke ; EINAGA,Yasuaki ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuhiro ; IWAKI,Masaya ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1D728 Optimization of Ni/ACF catalyst-based gas diffusion electrodes for CO2 reduction ( Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMAMOTO,Toshio ; SANCHEZ,Carlos ; TRYK,D.a. ; FUJISHIMA,Akira ; OHATA,Hiroshi
1D729 In situ monitoring of electrodeposition of metal by optical second harmonic generation method ( Hokkaido University ) YAGI,Ichizo ; AWATANI,Tadashi ; IDOJIRI,Satoru ; UOSAKI,Kohei
1D730 Kerr Effect Observed on an electrochemically controlled liquid/liquid Interface ( Saitama Univ. ) MORI,Haruki ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
1D732 Microscopic Dynamical Image Observation of the Complex Formation Process of the Cholesterol; Hydrooxyapatite in the Water; Oil Interface ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech ) OOI,Satoru ; HONDA,Kazuhiro ; MORI,Yoshihito ; FUJIEDA,Shuko
1D733 High Speed Dynamic Image Observation and Acoustic Measurement of Emulsification Process in the Water and Oil Interface Induced by the Irradiation of the Powerful Ultrasound ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech ) HONDA,Kazuhiro
1D734 Nonlinear Oscillatory Reaction of Enzymes in Circulating System ( Faculty of Science ,Chiba University ) HIDESHIMA,Taketoshi
1D735 Study of Mechanism of Electrochemical Oscillations ins"S2O82- - Au Electrode"System by Impedance Spectroscopy ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) NAKANISHI,Shuji ; HATOU,Michiru ; SA
KAI,Shouichirou ;
MUKOUYAMA,Yoshiharu ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
1D738 New Electrochemical Oscillations observed for S2O82- Reduction Reaction on Pt and Au Electrodes ( Osaka University ) HATOU,Michiru ; NAKANISHI,Shuji ; SAKAI,Shouichiro ; MUKOUYAMA,Yoshiharu ; NAKATO,Yoshihir
1D739 Laser irradiation during electrochemical oscillations: unidirectional coupling response ( Dep. of Chem., Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) KARANTONIS,Antonis ; SHIOMI,Yuka ; BABA,Ryo ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiitiro
1D740 Collective behavior of coupled electrochemical oscillators ( Dep. of Chem., Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) MIYAKITA,Yasuyuki ; KARANTONIS,Antonis ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
1D741 Vectorial Transportation with Chemical Wave ( Kyoto University and CREST of JST ) MAGOME,Nobuyuki ; KITAHATA,Hiroyuki ; ICHINO,Takatoshi ; AIHARA,Ryoichi ; YOSHIKAWA,Kenichi
1D742 Size Dependent Patterns of BZ Reaction in Small Volume ( Kyoto University ) AIHARA,Ryoichi ; YOSHIKAWA,Kenichi
2D710 The reaction rate constant and mechanism of vinoxy radicals with O2 ( Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. ) MATSUOKA,Shinpei ; TAKAHASHI,Satoko ; OGUCHI,Tatsuo ; MATSUI,Hiroyuki
2D711 Rate constant for the reaction of SH radical with methylperoxy radical ( Natl. Inst. Environ. Studies ) INOMATA,Satoshi ; IMAMURA,Takashi ; WASHIDA,Nobuaki
2D712 Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions between OH Radicals and CHnX3-nCHO (n = 0-2 and X = F, Cl): An Ab Initio Study ( NIMC; RITE ) CHANDRA,Asit Kumar ; UCHIMARU,Tadafumi ; SUGIE,Masaaki ; SEKIYA,Akira
2D714 The study on relaxation processes of SO2 usingslaser-induced fluorescence technique ( Nagaoka Univ. of Technology ) SUZUKI,Katsuhiko ; ASAKAWA,Yusuke ; MURAKAMI,Yoshinori ; KOBAYASHI,Takaomi ; FUJII,Nobuyuki
2D715 Hot Molecule Reactions of Strained Benzocycloalkenes ( Graduate School of Science Osaka City University ) YATSUHASHI,Tomoyuki ; NAKASHIMA,Nobuaki
2D716 UV Photodissociation of Vibrationally Highly Excited NH3 Molecule - Examination of Vibrational Wavefunction Dependence of Dissociation Efficiency ( apan Atomic Energy Research Institute; Department of Materials Science ) YOKOYAMA,
Atsushi ; YOKOYAM
A,Keiichi ; AKAGI,Hiroshi
2D726 Two-Dimensional Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy of Monohalogenobenzenes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University. ) IMURA,Kohei ; KISHIMOTO,Naoki ; OHNO,Koichi
2D727 Session Lecture dynamics of inner-shell excited atoms and molecules using very high resolution soft X-rays ( dept.material sci.,himeji inst.tech ) KOYANO,Inosuke
2D730 Anisotropy of fragment ions from SF6 with valence- and sulfur L-electron excitation ( Institute for Molecular Science ) ONO,Masaki ; MIZUTANI,Masakazu ; MITSUKE,Koichiro
2D732 Possibility of selective bond scission by core-electron excitation 1 -approach by experiments- ( Hiroshima Univ.; Inst. of Materials Structure Science ) SEKITANI,Tetsuji ; WADA,Shin-ichi ; IKENAGA,Eiji ; FUJII,Kentaro ; MASE,Kazuhiko ; TANA
2D733 Possibility of selective bond scission by core-electron excitation 2 -approach by theoretical calculation- ( Dept. of Phys. Sci., Hiroshima Univ. ) SAKO,Erika ; KANAMEDA,Yuki ; WADA,Shin-ichi ; MITANI,Masaki ; TAKAHASHI,Osamu ; SAITO,Ko ; I
WATA,Suehiro ; SEK
ITANI,Tetsuji ; TANAKA,Kenichiro
2D734 Temperature dependence of dissociative electron attachments to CCl3Br and CCl2Br2 ( Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research InstituteRadiation Laboratory ) NAKAGAWA,Seiko ; SUZUKI,Tadashi ; ICHIMURA,Teijirou
2D735 Low-energy electron attachment to halogenated cyclohexane ( Fukui University of Technology ) SUNAGAWA,Takeyoshi
2D740 Pulse Radiolytic Study of Electron Transfer through DNA ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research. Osaka Univ. ) KAWAI,Kiyohiko ; TOJO,Sachiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
2D741 Near Infrared Transient Absorption of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Excited Singlet State Generated by Pulse Radiolysis ( Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; SEKI,Shuhei ; TAGAWA,Seiichi ;
2D742 Electron-ion recombination in supercritical xenon. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KATO,Ryoichi ; TAKEDA,Kouki ; KODAMA,Kensaku ; SHINSAKA,Kyoji ; KAMETA,Kosei ; ODAGIRI,Takeshi ; KOUCHI,Noriyuki ; HATANO,Yoshihiko
2D744 One Electron Oxidized Form of DNA as Studied by Pulse Radiolysis ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) KOBAYASHI,Kazuo ; TAGAWA,Seiichi
2D745 Study on Intermediate Species of Benzene by Using Pico-second Pulse Radiolysis ( ISIR,Osaka Univ ) OKAMOTO,Kzumasa ; SAEKI,Akinori ; KOZAWA,Takahiro ; YOSHIDA,Youichi ; TAGAWA,Seiichi
2D746 LET-Effect by Irradiation with Heavy-Ion Beams on Partially Deuterated L-Alanine ( Kanagawa Univ.;NIRS(Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.) ) HIRAIDE,Isao ; MINEGISHI,Atsuko ; TAKAGI,Shinji ; AMANO,Chikara ; SUGITANI,Yoshinori ; MURAKAMI,Takeshi ; KAN
AI,Tatsuaki ; FURU
2D747 Formation of fine particles from aqueous phenol solutions by electron beam irradiations. ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment ) TAGUCHI,Mitsumasa ; ZENNYOJI,Yoshihiro ; SUGINO,Koji ;
2D748 Supression of Decay of H Atoms in Solid Hydrogen at 4.2K.Study of Tunneling Reaction H + p-H2 -> p-H2 + H and Recombination Reaction H + H -> H2 ( Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute,Nagoya Univ. ) KUMADA,Takayuki ; SAKAKIBARA,Masahiro ;
su ; HUKUDA,Hiroya ; KUMAGAI,Jun ; MIYAZAKI,Tetsuo
3D709 Molecular alignment and structure in intense laser fields probed by pulsed electron diffraction ( The University of Tokyo ) HOSHINA,Kennosuke ; KATO,Keiko ; YAMANOUCHI,Kaoru ; OHSHIMA,Takashi ; OSE,Youichi ; TODOKORO,Hideo
3D710 Quantum mechanical simulation of tunnel ionizaion and Coulomb explosions of H2 ( Tohoku Univ. ) HARUMIYA,Kenji ; IZAWA,Masashi ; KONO,Hirohiko ; FUJIMURA,Yuichi
3D711 Wavepacket dynamics of hydrogen molecular ions in intense laser fields by quasi-stationary Floquet approach ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) YAMANOUCHI,Kaoru ; MARUYAMA,Isao ; SAKO,Tokuei
3D712 Coulomb explosion dynamics of acetylene in intense laser fields ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HASEGAWA,Hirokazu ; HISHIKAWA,Akiyoshi ; YAMANOUCHI,Kaoru
3D726 Photodissociation spectroscopy of Mg+NH3 and Mg+(NH3)2 ( Kobe Univ. chemistry ) YOSHIDA,Shinji ; FUKE,Kiyokazu
3D727 Photoinduced reactions of nonvolatile ions produced by electrospray ionization ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University ) NONOSE,Shinji ; TANAKA,Hiroaki ; OKAI,Nobuhiro ; SHIBAKUSA,Te
tsuro ; FUKE,Kiyok
3D728 Solvated Clusters and Dimerization of Protonated Tetramethylenediamine through Spray Ionization ( Grad. School of Eng. Osaka Univ. ) ARIMURA,Masana ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
3D729 Cluster Formation from Liquid Beam by Irradiation of IR Laser ( Toyota Technological Institute; Genesis Research Institute, Inc. ) KOHNO,Jun-ya ; MAFUNE,Fumitaka ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D730 Vibrational excitation of ethanol droplet by infrared laser pulse ( Cluster Res. Lab., Toyota Tech ) TERASAKI,Akira ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D732 Formation process and stable structure of metal-silicon clusters ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research,Tsukuba University ) SUGAWARA,Ko-ichi ; NEGISHI,Akihiro ; KARIYA,Naoki ; ARAI,Ichiro
3D733 Metal-carbon bonding properties in vanadium and cobalt carbide clusters ( Univ. of Tokto, Toyota technological institute ) TONO,Kensuke ; TERASAKI,Akira ; OHTA,Toshiaki ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D734 Anionic oligomerization reaction of clusters containing alkali metal atoms with vinyl compounds including carbonyl group ( Faculty of Science / Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) FURUYA,Ari ; OHSHIMO,Keijiro ; TSUNOYAMA,Hironor
i ; MISAIZU,Fumino
ri ; OHNO,Koichi
3D735 Intracluster oligomerization of metal-vinyl molecules system studied by photodissociation technique ( Graduate School of Science / Faculty of Science, Tohoku University ) OHSHIMO,Keijiro ; MISAIZU,Fuminori ; OHNO,Koichi
3D738 Stable Support of Transition-metal Clusters on Silicon Substrates ( NIRIN ) YAMAGUCHI,Wataru ; OHASHI,Haruhiko ; TAI,Yutaka ; YOSHIMURA,Kazuki ; MARUYAMA,Yutaka ; MURAKAMI,Junichi
3D739 Deposition of Size-selected Cluster Ion and Its STM Observation: Development of Cluster-ion Source ( Toyota Tech. Inst.; Genesis Res. Inst., Inc. ) YASUMATSU,Hisato ; HAYAKAWA,Tetsuichiro ; YUN,Wan Soo ; KOIZUMI,Shin'ichi ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D740 Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbon Molecules on Size-selected Platinum Cluster Ions ( Genesis Research Inst., Inc.; Toyota Tech. Inst. ) HANMURA,Tetsu ; ICHIHASHI,Masahiko ; KONDOW,Tamotsu
3D741 Adsorption State and Photochemical Processes of n-Butyrophenone Included within Alkali Metal Ion-exchanged Zeolite Cavities and their Theoretical Calculations ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) TAKADA,,Shingo ;
ANPO,Masakazu ; HADA,Masahiko ; NAKATSUJI,Hiroshi
3D742 Laser-induced vibrational predesorption of physisorbed CO molecules on NaCl substrate: Theoretical analysis with three-dimensional model. ( Tohoku Univ. ) NAKAGAMI,Kazuyuki ; OHTSUKI,Yukiyoshi ; FUJIMURA,Yuichi
Bld. No.3 Room No.341
[Education and History]
2E102 Approach to Environmental Education by Chemical and Biological Water Examination in Yakushima(2) ( Osaka Prefecutural Education Center ) YAMAMOTO,Katuhiro ; NAKAI,Seiiti
2E103 The stability of some iron(II) compounds and its teaching material ( Okayama Univ. Faculty of Education ) KIN,Meika ; NAN,Kaku ; NAKAO,Yasuo
2E104 Development of a novel and safety teaching material for chemical battery: use a gel-electrolyte for the battery ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) TAKESUE,Yuri ; ABE,Yusuke ; KAWANAMI,Seishi ; TADANO,Makito ; ITOH,Toshiyuki
2E105 Proposotion of a new chemical structural formula of N2O showing the chemical properties ( Lab.of Global Energy System ) SANO,Hirosi
2E106 Development of Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Theory and Tsuchida's Extended Coordination Theory ( Tokyo Inst. of Polytechnics ) UYEMURA,Masakatsu
2E110 Award Lecture Debelopment of Experoments in Chemical Education and Experimental Devices ( chiba prefectural Kashiwaminami High School ) YUUKI,Haruo
2E116 Award Lecture Chemical Education through Water Environment ( yonezawa Chuo Senter High School ) SATO,Ggoro
2E128 Session Lecture simplification of analytical methods,simultaneous monitoring of acid rain samples and their use for environmental education by teacher's network ( hyogo University of teacher Education ) OZEKI,Toru
2E132 An Improvement of Education Program of Chemical Experimentsfor Undergraduate Students ( Musashi Institute of Technology ) NIIHARA,Kinuko ; SAKKURAI,Tadashi ; YOSHINO,Kazumichi
2E133 Introductory experiments to quantitative analysis in the freshman's laboratory course ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KUSAKABE,Satoshi
2E134 Illustrating by the Graphs for Joule-Thomson Processes andsShowing of its Coefficients ( Kanazawa Institute of Technology ) KUSAKAWA,Hideaki
2E135 Development of the sound spectroscopic system and the Application to the Teaching Material for Understanding of Physical Chemistry Phenomena ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech ) OKADA,Hironobu
Bld. No.3 Room No.342
[Inorganic Chemistry]
1E204 Hydrogen-doping Effect into Copper Coordination Polymer :Dithiooxamidatocopper(II) ( School of Materials Science,Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) ) FUJISHIMA,Musashi ; KANDA,Seiichi ; MITANI,Tadaoki ; ISHIMARU,Shin
ichi ; IKEDA,Ryuic
hi ; KITAGAWA,Hiroshi
1E205 Synthesis and Structure of copper(II) carboxylate with mixed ligands ( Kanagawa Univ. ) KINOSHITA,Masashi ; TAKAMIZAWA,Satoshi ; MORI,Wasuke
1E206 Separation of ammonia with metal hilide ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering ) LIU,Chun Yi ; AIKA,Ken-ichi
1E208 Calorimetric Study of Hydrated Sodium Molybdenum Bronze ( Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ.;Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ. ) SUZUKI,Takashi ; HATTA,Bungo ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki
1E209 Calorimetric Study of Hydrated Metal Molybdenum Bronze obtained by IonsExchange Reaction ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ.;Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ. ) HATTA,Bungo ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki
1E210 Kinetic Study on Detrapping of Atomic Hydrogen and Deuterium Trapped in the Cage Structure Using ESR ( Kyushu Univ. ) HAYASHINO,Yuki ; ISOBE,Toshiyuki ; MATSUDA,Yoshihisa
1E211 Preparation and structure of a Co/W-mixed polyoxometalates [Co6O2(AsW9O34)2 (AsW6O26)]21- ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resourses Laboratory
) FUKAYA,Keisuke
; YAMASE,Toshiro
1E212 Photochromism of Amorphous Molybdate ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ.;Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ. ) OKUDA,Makoto ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki
1E214 Structures and Photoluminescence Properties of Eu/Lu-mixed polyoxotungstolanthanoates ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) NARUKE,Haruo ; YAMASE,Toshihiro
1E215 1H-MAS-NMR-observation of hydrogen behavior on two-dimentional inorganic sheets from layered metal oxide. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory , Tokyo Institute of Technology, Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology, Japan Science a
nd Technology, Nat
ional Institute of Material and Chemical Research ) SUGIZAWA,Mariko ; HARA,Michikazu ; LU,Daling ; NOMURA,Junko ; DOMEN,Kazunari ; HAYASHI,Shigenobu ; KOMORI,Yoshihiko
1E216 Development of a novel hybrid LB film of a twitter ionicsmolecule and a clay ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) OGATA,Yuichirou ; KAWAMATA,Jun ; CHONG,Chin-hong ; MAKIHARA,Yu ; WAKABAYASHI,Noboru ; YAMAGISHI,Akihiko ; GUNZI,Sait
1E217 Magnetic property of a layered sulfide AuCrS2 ( Hiroshima Univ. ) FUKUOKA,Hiroshi ; SAKASHITA,Shinichiro ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
1E218 Heat capacities of Sr1-xLaxMnO3-d ( Toyohashi Uni. of Tech. ) SATOH,Hirohisa ; NODA,Shigeru ; KAMEGASHIRA,Naoki
1E226 Effect of Eu<3+< and Tb<3+< excited states on Stark lines of Eu<3+< (<5<D<0<-> <7<F<2<) emission for a Eu/Tb-mixed polyoxometalate [Ln<4<Mo<29<
SUB>O<116<H<32<] <14-< ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resourses Laboratory ) EGAWA,Noriaki ; YAMASE,Toshiro
1E227 Synthesis and luminescence of lanthanum silicon nitride phosphor doped with cerium ( Tohoku University ) UHEDA,Kyota ; TAKIZAWA,Hirotsugu ; ENDO,Tadashi ; YAMANE,Hisanori ; SHIMADA,Masahiko ; MITOMO,Mamoru
1E228 Session Lecture polyxometalolanthanoates as discrete molecules of rere-earth phosphors:structures and energy transfer ( chem.resources lab.,institute of Technology ) YAMASE,Toshihiro
1E232 Polarized Raman scattering study on terminal stretchings modes in molybdenum blue bronze (2) vibrational modes assignment of terminal stretching modes. ( Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Inst. Tech. ) NISHIO,Shigeru ; KAKIHANA,Mas
1E233 Symmetry and Modulated Structure of Composite Crystal,(Sr2Cu2O3)0.70CuO2, "Sr14Cu24O41" ( Nat. Inst. of Mater. and Chem. Res.;Nat. Inst. for Res. in Ino
rg. Mater.;Aoyama-
gakuin Univ. ) GOTOH,Yoshito ; YAMAGUCHI,Iwao ; TAKAHASHI,Yasuhiko ; AKIMOTO,Junji ; MIZUTA,Susumu ; ONODA,Mitsuko ; AKIMITSU,Jun
1E234 Electrical Properties of Ternary Sulfides of TlCu3-x(/SUB>S2 and BaCu2-xS2 ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) KANEKO,Tomokazu ; OHTANI,Tsukio
1E235 Electrical Properties of Two-Dimensional Chalcogenides ofsTlCu2-xX2(X=Se,Te) ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) OHTANI,Tsukio ; TANIGUCHI,Masashi ; KISHI,Hidenori
1E238 Photochemical behavior of acenaphtylene in surfactant-intercalated graphite oxide ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) MATSUO,Yoshiaki ; FUKUTSUKA,Tomokazu ; SUGIE,Yosohiro
1E239 Preparation of multilayer ultrathin films of titania nanosheets and their modification via UV-irradiation and heat-treatments ( Natl. Inst. Res. Inorg. Mater. ) SASAKI,Takayoshi ; EBINA,Yasuo ; HARADA,Masaru ; WATANABE,Mamoru ; DECHER,Gero
1E240 Intercalation of polyaniline into graphite oxide ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) HIGASHIKA,Shinji ; FUKUTSUKA,Tomokazu ; MATSUO,Yoshiaki ; SUGIE,Yosohiro
1E241 Intercalation of Phthalocyanine into the interlayer space of CsxTi2-x/4O4 ( School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University; PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation; Department of Earth Science
s, Waseda Universi
ty ) KAITO,Ryozo ; MIYAMOTO,Nobuyoshi ; KURODA,Kazuyuki ; OGAWA,Makoto
1E242 Visible light induced electron-transfersin cyanine dye-layered titanate intercalation compounds. ( Waseda Univ.; PRESTO ) MIYAMOTO,Nobuyoshi ; KURODA,Kazuyuki ; OGAWA,Makoto
1E244 Pt loading onto Layered Perovskite Nanosheets andsTheir Characterization ( Natl. Inst. Res. Inorg. Mater. ) EBINA,Yasuo ; SASAKI,Takayoshi ; WATANABE,Mamoru
1E245 Synthesis of silylated derivatives of a layered polysilicate kanemite with mono-, di-, tri-chloro(alkyl)silanes. ( School of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ. ) SHIMOJIMA,Atsushi ; MOCHIZUKI,Dai ; KURODA,Kazuyuki
1E246 Intercalation of toluidines into alpha-zirconium phosphate ( Faculty of Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) MATSUDA,Rieko ; HASEGAWA,Yoshitsugu
1E247 Synthesis and Characterization of Alirarin S-intercalated Layered Double Hydroxides ( Univ. of Tokushima ) YASUHARA,Hirosi ; KANEZAKI,Eiji
2E204 Synthesis and Ion Exchange of Swelling Na-4-Mica(5) Synthesis of Novel Swelling Mica and the Sr Immobilization. ( Niigata University ) HASEGAWA,Kumi ; UEDA,Masahito ; KITAYAMA,Yosie ; KODAMA,Tatuya ; KOMARNENI,Sridhar
2E205 Adsorption of organic contaminants in water by layered niobates modified with alkylamonium ions ( Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology, and TOREST, JST ) NAKATO,Teruyuki ; MIYASHITA,Hiroyuki
2E206 Synthesis of dihexadecylviologen-montmorillonite intercalation compound and the photochemical reaction. ( University of Waseda ) KAKEGAWA,Norishige ; OGAWA,Makoto
2E208 Raman Study of Aqueous Inorganic Solutions in Liquid and Glassy States ( National Defense Academy ) YONEHAMA,Kazue ; KANNO,Hitoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Yukihiro
2E209 Supercooling Behavior of Aqueous Sodium Salt Solution ( National Defense Academy ) TOMIZAWA,Kiyoshi ; KANNO,Hitoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Yukihiro
2E210 Additive Effects on Raman OH stretching Spectrum of Methanolic LiCl Solution. ( National Defense Academy ) HIDAKA,Fumi ; KANNO,Hitoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Yukihiro
2E211 Preparation and characterization of aqueous titanate solutions ( Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University ) OHYA,Tomokazu ; NAKAYAMA,Aki ; BAN,Takayuki ; OHYA,Yutaka ; TAKAHASHI,Yasutaka
2E212 Hydrothermally Synthesised [Ni(323-tet)]PbBrs4 and crystallized from mixed solution of Ni(323-tet)]PbCl4 (323-tet: N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)ethylenediamine) ( Department of Chemistry, Josai University ) MIYAMAE,Hiroshi ;
SATO,Souichi ; HI
2E214 Template-free synthesis and adsorption properties of AlPO_4-H2 using microwave heating. ( Faculty of engineering, Hiroshima university ) KUNII,Katsuyuki ; NARAHARA,Kazuhiro ; KANO,Hirohumi ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
2E215 Studies on synthesis conditions of zeolites containing organic species in their lattice. ( Yokohama National University ) TATSUMI,Takashi ; TAKAHASHI,Yoko ; YAMAMOTO,Katsutoshi
2E216 Dynamics of p-nitroaniline in the micropore of ZSM-5: Dependence on the adsorbed amount ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) KOMORI,Yoshihiko ; HAYASHI,Shigenobu
2E217 Synthesis of slufide cluster utilizing cavities ofscancrinite. ( Okayama University ) MICHIHIRO,Miyake ; MOTOHIDE,Matsuda ; YOSHISHIGE,Akachi
2E218 Preparation and properties of BaTiO3 meso-crystals supported on SiO2 films with periodic mesopores ( Kyushu Institute of Technology ) SHIMOOKA,Hirokazu ; KOHIKI,Shigemi ; TAKAHASHI,Seiji
3E204 Aqueous Chemistry of Rutherfordium (Rf) in JAERI ( Advanced Sci. Res. Center, JAERI; Graduate School of Sci., Osaka Univ.; Fac. of Sci., Niigata Univ.; Graduate School of Sci., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; GSI ) HABA,Hiromitsu ; TSUKADA,Kazuak
i ; ASAI,Masato ;
NISHINAKA,Ichiro ; HIRATA,Masaru ; ICHIKAWA,Shinichi ; NAGAME,Yuichiro ; YOKOYAMA,Akihiko ; TOYOSHIMA,Atsushi ; SHOJI,Yuzuru ; SHINOHARA,Atsushi ; GOTO,Shinichi ; KANEKO,Tetsuya ; KUDO,Hisaaki ; SAKAMA,Minoru
3E205 Synthesis and Characterization of Lanthanoid(III)-iron OxatatosComplexes ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) SAWADA,Motoori ; KATADA,Motomi
3E206 Observation of Mossbauer .gamma.-ray emitted from 57mFe produced by neutron and negative muon capture reactions ( Sch. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) KUBO,Kenya ; KOBAYASHI,Yoshio ; SAKAI,Yoichi ; YONEZAWA,Chushiro ; MATSUE,Hideaki ; NIS
3E208 A study of template-exchange reaction of [V18O42(H2O)]12- using an isothermal titration microcalorimetry. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resourses Laboratory ) ISHIKAWA,Eri ; YAMASE,Tos
3E209 Synthesis of lithium manganese oxide by wet method at low temperature ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies ) ARAKAWA,Masahito ; KANASAKU,Tadashi ; AMEZAWA,Koji ; YAMAMOTO,Naoichi
3E210 Session Lecture synthesis of advanced material thin film by the liquid phase deposition method from aqueous solution ( faculty of Engineering,kobe University ) DEKI,Naruhito
3E214 Preparation and characterization lithium tin28IV29 oxide by the homogeneous precipitation method28229 ( Univ. of Tokai ) MATSUHISA,Kenichi ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E215 Deposition Mechanism for Various Kind of Metal Oxide Thin Film by the Liquid-Phase Deposition Method ( Kobe Univ. ) DEKI,Shigehito ; HIROE,Yoshihiko ; AKAMATSU,Kensuke ; MIZUHATA,Minoru ; KAJINAMI,Akihiko
3E216 Preparation of Various Strontium Phosphatessby the Homogeneous Precipitation Method using EDTA Chelates-Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide and pH Valueson the Production Process- ( School of Science, Tokai University ) KATO,Chiharu ; FUJITA,Kazum
i ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E217 Preparation of various MagnesiumsPhosphates by the Oxidative DecommpositionsMathod of EDTA Chelate -Synthesis conditionssof new compounds- ( Tokai Univ, School of Science ) KOBAYASI,Akinori ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATUDA,Keizo
3E218 Formation and characterization of aluminium phosphate precursor from orthophosphoric acid by the homogeneous precipitation method 28 1 29 ( Univ. of Tokai ) MORIMOTO,Noriko ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E226 Synthesis and porous properties of (Al,Ga)2O3-pillared fluorine micas. ( Faculty of Engineering,Shinshu University ) KIDA,Masayuki ; YAMAGUCHI,Tomohiro ; KITAJIMA,Kunio
3E227 Mechanism of photocatalized H2 evolution reaction using [PTi2W10O40]7- as a homogeneous photocatalyst ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) YAMASE,Toshihiro ;
3E228 Selective Synthesis of Anhydrous Sodiumu Oligosulfide ( Graduate School of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University ) SAEKI,Daisaku ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
3E229 Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Amino Acid/Layered Double Hydroxide Composites. ( Iwate Univ. ) AISAWA,Sumio ; IZUMI,Masahiro ; TAKAHASHI,Satoshi ; NARITA,Eiichi
3E230 Intercalation of UV Absorbing Substances into Layered Double Hydroxide ( Iwate Univ. ) KOMATSU,Yuu ; UWANO,Takako ; TAKAHASHI,Satoshi ; NARITA,Eiichi ; TSUSHIMA,Yuuki
3E232 Formation of tin (IV) phosphate by homogeneous precipitation method (3) ( Univ. of Tokai ) SAKUMA,Satoshi ; SATO,Tatsuya ; FUJITA,Kazumi ; MATSUDA,Keizo
3E233 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Niobium Substituted Sodium Zirconium Phosphate Solid Solution ( Kochi Univ. ) HAYASHI,Yusuke ; SHIMANOUCHI,Rie ; NISHIZAWA,Hitoshi
3E234 Synthesis and crystal growth of Fe-sillenite by wet method ( Kyoto Univ. ) HORIBE,Masayoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Naoichi
3E235 Preparationn of a new bismuth molybdenum oxide by hydrothermal reaction ( Yamanashi Univ. ) KUMADA,Nobuhiro ; TAKEI,Takahiro ; KINOMURA,Nobukazu
3E238 Preparation Mechanism of .beta. Molybdenum Trioxide ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe Univ.;Faculty of Science, Kobe Univ. ) EDO,Yasushi ; EDA,Kazuo ; SOTANI,Noriyuki
3E239 Synthesis of a single crystal of ammonium dodecatungstophosphate ( School of Engineering, University of Tokyo; Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University ) ITO,Takeru ; HASHIMOTO,Masato ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
3E240 Crystal growth and properties of perovskite-type compound CeAlO3 ( IMR,Tohoku Univ. ) SHISHIDO,Toetsu ; HORIUCHI,Hiroyuki ; TANAKA,Masahiko ; SASAKI,Takahiko ; OISHI,Syuji ; FUKUDA,Tsuguo
3E241 High Pressure Synthesis and Properties of New Compounds InsTernary System of Ba-Au-Si ( Hiroshima Univ ) TAKAHASHI,Shinji ; CHEN,Xuean ; FUKUOKA,Hiroshi ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
3E242 High-Pressure Synthesis and Crystal Structures of beta.-MNCl(M = Zr, Hf) ( Hiroshima Univ., Faculty of Engineering ) CHEN,Xuean ; KOIWASAKI,Takeshi ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
3E244 Crystal structure and phase transition of the compound Ag8TiS6 ( NIRIM ) WADA,Hiroaki ; SATOH,Akira ; ONODA,Mitsuko ; TANSHO,Masataka ; ISHII,Motohiko
3E245 Crystal Structure and Twinning of Monoclinic Cu2SnS3 ( Natl. Inst. Res. Inorganic Materials ) ONODA,Mitsuko ; CHEN,Xue-an ; SATO,Akira ; WADA,Hiroaki
3E246 Micro-pore Structure of transition metal dithiocarbamatescomplexes developed by hydrogen bonding ( Osaka Institute of Technology ) NOMURA,Ryoki ; SHIBATA,Yukinori ; FUJIWARA,Kenji ; AKIMITSU,Takayuki ; NAKAMOTO,Shoichi ; KAWAMURA,Masamichi
3E247 Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Benzene on Layered Double Hydroxides ( Univ. of Tokai ) SHIMADA,Hiroshi ; SAKAGUCHI,Akito ; KODAKA,Kentaro
Bld. No.3 Room No.343
[Material Chemistry]
1E302High durability water repellent agent containing fluorocarbon chain ( Reserch Center for Advanced Science and Technology ,The University of Tokyo. ) ABE,Yuu ; YOSHINO,Norio ; NAKAJIMA,Akira ; WATANABE,Toshiya ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
1E303Study on microcellular polymer foaming process by using retrograde vitrification ( Natl. Inst. Resources and Environment ) YAMAMOTO,Yoshitaka ; NAGASHIMA,Kazushige ; TAKAHASHI,Masayoshi ; OHTAKE,Katsuto
1E304The influence of coating conditions of PET film on the percolation transition of the two-phases system with colloidal SnO2 and gelatin ( KONICA Corporation ) MOTOKUI,Yasuyuki ; KURACHI,Yasuo
1E305Synthesis and characterization of phenylene based riged-dendritic porphyrins ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, ) SHIBA,Tetsuo ; YAMAZAKI,Megumi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1E306Ion permselectivity of polysulfonium and its application to Zn-air batteries ( Department of Polymer Chemistry,Waseda University ) NAKANO,Hiroko ; ENIYA,Listiani ; OYAIZU,Kenichi ; TUCHIDA,Eishun
1E308New Polyamine-based Dendrimers II One-pot Synthesis and Characterization ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ; SAITAMA Univ. ) IMASE,Yoshihiro ; IWATA,Masaaki ; GUNJI,Atsushi ; WADA,Tatsuo
1E309Alignment control ofmesoporous silica using an azobenzene monolayer ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resources Laboratory ) KAWASHIMA,Yasuhiro ; SEKI,Takahiro ; ICHIMURA,Kunihiro
1E310Anisotropic Self-Assembly of Dye Molecule via Photo-Generated Surface Relief Formation ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Chemical Resources Laboratory ) UBUKATA,Takashi ; SEKI,Takahiro ; ICHIMURA,Kunihiro
1E311Architecture and Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Perovskite Compounds Containing Fluorophenethylamine ( Department of Chemistry, Sophia University ) KIKUCHI,Kentaro ; RIKUKAWA,Masahiro ; SANUI,Kohei
1E312Synthesis and structural characterization of novel low-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid compounds (5) Investigation of Gemini surfactant system ( Department of Chemistry, Sophia University ) KAWAHARA,Mitsuyasu ; RIKUKAWA,Masahiro ; SANU
1E314Amorphous Molecular Materials: Synthesis and Glass-forming Properties of a Novel Class of Phthalocyanines ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OTTMAR,Martin ; ICHISAKA,Toshiki ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E315Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Low Molecular-weight Glassy Liquid Crystal ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KAMIYOSHI,Nobumichi ; KAGEYAMA,Hiroshi ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E316Anisotropic Physical Gels Consisting ofsDiscotic Liquid Crystals and Hydrogen-BondedsFibrous Aggregates: Microphase-SeparatedsStructures and Charge Transport Behavior ( Univ. of Tokyo; Osaka National Res. Inst.; Shinshu Univ. ) MIZOSHITA,No
rihiro ; KATO,Taka
shi ; MONOBE,Hirosato ; SHIMIZU,Yo ; HANABUSA,Kenji
1E317Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrids from Zirconium Chelate and HEMA ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; MATSUI,Takeshi ; ABE,Yoshimoto
1E318Synthesis and Properties of Zirconium Containing Organic-Inorganic Hybrid ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; URUSIHARA,Tsuyosi ; FURUKAWA,Rie ; ABE,Yoshimoto
1E328Novel Preparation Method and Characterization of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid "Cerasome" with Cell-Membrane Like Structure ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) KATAGIRI,Kiyofumi ; HAMASAKI,Ryo ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
1E329Synthesis of caly-polyester hybrid by interlayer polymerigation ( Nagoya university ) ZHANG,Guozhen ; SHICHI,Tetsuya ; TAKAGI,Katsuhiko
1E330The Influence of Particle Size of Silica on the RheologicalsProperties of Molten Polyethylene ( Faculty of science and High-Technology Research Center (HRC),Konan University ) IKEDA,Yoshiyuki ; YOSHINARI,Satoru ; SASAKI,Muneo
1E332Formation of supramolecular fibers of alkylsilylated guanosine by one-dimentinal hydrogen bonding pseudo-polymer chains ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKASAWA,Ryoichi ; YOSHIKAWA,Isao ; ARAKI,Koji
1E333Preparation of the Novel Structures of the Silica Using Novel Sugar-Based Superstructures through Sol-Gel Transcription ( Chemotransfiguration Project, JST ) JUNG,Jong Hwa ; AMAIKE,Masato ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1E334An odd-even relationship which appears in the aggregation modes of 'gemini'-type cholesterol-based gelators and their transcription into silica gel ( Chemotransfiguration Project, JST ) JUNG,Jong Hwa ; AMAIKE,Masato ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1E335Creation of both Right- and Left-Handed Silica Structures by Helical Organogel Fibers ( Chemotransfiguration Project, JST ) JUNG,Jong Hwa ; AMAIKE,Masato ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2E302Preparation and Properties of Polymethylsilsesquioxane from Methyltriisopropoxysilane ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; TANIKAWA,Satoshi ; IIDUKA,Yasuhito ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2E303Preparation and Properties of Organic-Inoganic Hybrids from 2-Methacryloxyethoxytrimethoxysilane ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; IWATAKI,Yasuhiko ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2E304Persistent Spectral Hole Burning of Eu(III) Crown Ether Complexs Dispersed as Organic-Inorganic Composite Materials ( Osaka Univ. ) UEDA,Daisuke ; MACHIDA,Ken-ichi ; KANEMATSU,Yasuo ; HANZAWA,Hiromasa ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
2E305Persistent Spectral Hole Burning of Silica-based Composite Materials Co-doped with Eu(III) Complexs and Reducing Organic Compound ( Osaka Univ. ) TASHIRO,Eisuke ; MACHIDA,Ken-ichi ; KANEMATSU,Yasuo ; HANZAWA,Hiromasa ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
2E306Synthesis and characterization of polyethoxysiloxane by sol-gel process ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; SHIMANO,Ryosuke ; ABE,Yoshimoto
2E308Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles with Aminopropyl-Octasilsesquioxane ( Kyoto Univ.; Graduate School of Engineering ) ITOH,Hideaki ; NAKA,Kensuke ; CHUJO,Yoshiki
2E309Synthesis of oxide semiconductors with low-dimensional quantum-confined structure by liquid crystal templating ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University ) MIYAKE,Kozue ; OHTAKI,Michitaka
2E310Synthesis and Morphological Change of Mesoporous Silica Sphere ( NIRE ) KOSUGE,Katsunori ; MURAKAMI,Tatsuro
2E311Preparation of Transparent Thick Films with High Refractive Index by the Sol-Gel Method and Emboss- Patterning on the Films ( Osaka Prefecture University ) MATSUDA,Atsunori ; OGAWA,Ryohei ; SASAKI,Teruyuki ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Ts
2E312Micropatterning of inorganic-organic hybrid coating films from vinyltriethoxysilane by UV irradiation ( Osaka Prefecture University ) TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; SUEKI,Toshitsugu ; MATSUDA,Atsunori ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E316Low Temperature Sol-Gel Synthesis of .alpha.-Alumina : Effect of Starting Alkoxides ( Mie Univ. ) TAKEDA,Yukari ; KAMIYA,Kanichi ; NASU,Hiroyuki ; HASHIMOTO,Tadanori
2E317Super-hydrophilic property of sol-gel derived flowerlike alumina thin films with high transparency ( Osaka Prefecture University ) KITAMURO,Kaori ; TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; MATSUDA,Atsunori ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E318Formation of Convexly Shaped Microlens Patterns Utilizing Surface Tension of Polysilsesquioxane Liquids ( Osaka Prefecture University ) TANAKA,Toshiaki ; MATSUDA,Atsunori ; TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E326Micro-Patterning Based on Structural Changes in Transparent RSiO3/2-TiO2 Films with Ultraviolet Light Irradiation. ( Osaka Prefecture University ) SASAKI,Teruyuki ; MATSUDA,Atsunori ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsut
2E327Effects of Methacrylic Acid on the Photosensitivity of Chemically Modified TiO2 Gel Films ( Faculty of Sci. and Eng., Kinki Univ. ) TOHGE,Noboru ; KAWAKAMI,Itsuko ; NOMA,Naoki
2E328An ESR Study on TiO2 in anatase phase ( Grad.School of Sciences,Kyushu Univ. ) KAMIGAKI,Aki ; YOKOYAMA,Takushi ; MATSUDA,Yoshihisa
2E329Growth of Transition Metal Sulfide Thin Films by MOCVDsTechnique ( Osaka Institute of Technology ) NOMURA,Ryoki ; NAKAI,Norio ; HAMAGUCHI,Shin'ya ; HAYATA,Hirotatsu
2E330Preparation and characterization of a macroporous Pd film using spherical polystyrene particles as a template ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Chika ; INOUE,Hiroshi ; IWAKURA,Chiaki
2E332Photodecomposition of water over Ru loaded hydrothermallys synthesized potassium hexatitanate ( Tohoku National Industrial Research Institute ) HAYASHI,Hiromichi ; NAGASE,Takako ; EBINA,Takeo ; ONODERA,Yoshio ; SAITOH,Norio ; YAHYA,R.b.
2E333Improved sinterability ofs Ba2In2O5 withs Ti substituted for In ( Univ. of Tokai ) SATO,Tomonao ; HIGUCHI,Masashi ; AZUMA,Yasuo ; KATAYAMA,Keiichi
2E334Electroplating of nickel-titanium carbide composites by using surfactant with azobenzene moiety ( Tokyo Inst of tech; Saji lab ) USAMI,Takeshi ; SHRESHTA,N.k. ; SAJI,Tetuo
2E335Composite Coating of Ni/SiC Using a Cationic Surfactant Containing an Azobenzene Group ( Tokyo Inst of tech; Saji lab ) SHRESHTA,N.k. ; MIWA,Ichiro ; HAMAL,D.b. ; SAJI,Tetsuo
2E338Phase separation of Zn ferrite- magnetite solid solution during the low temperature oxidation in air. ( Kounan Univ. ) TAKATSURU,Yoshinobu ; KIKUCHI,Masahiko ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko ; MACHIDA,Nobuya
2E339Phase separation of Co-Zn ferrite-magnetite solid solution during the low temperature oxidation ( Konan Univ. ) KIKUCHI,Masahiko ; TAKATSURU,Yoshinobu ; MACHIDA,Nobuya ; SAKAI,Hiroshi ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko
2E340Preparation of oxide thermoelectric materials by ascombinatorial approach ( ONRI ) MATSUBARA,Ichiro ; FUNAHASHI,Ryoji ; SASAKI,Kei ; SODEOKA,Satoshi
2E341Mechanochemical synthesis of various sulfides using elements and sulfur as starting materials. ( Osaka Prefecture University ) IIO,Keiichi ; HAYASHI,Akitoshi ; MORIMOTO,Hideyuki ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E342Fabrication of Solid State Batteries with Li4.4Si Metastable Alloy as Negative Electrode. ( Konan University ) TAMORI,Ryo ; MACHIDA,Nobuya ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko
2E344Preparation of Rb4Cu16I7Cl13 crystals by use of Mechanical Milling andstheir ion conducting properties. ( Konan univ. ) MIYATA,Shinji ; MACHIDA,Nobuya ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko
2E345State of .alpha.-AgI stabilized by rapid quenching of melts and by heating and cooling of glasses ( Osaka Prefecture University ) SAITO,Taira ; KUWATA,Naoaki ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E346Thermal Properties of Lithium Ion-Conducting Amorphous Materials in the System Li2S-SiS2 ( Osaka Prefecture University ) FUKUDA,Takahiro ; HAYASHI,Akitoshi ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
2E347Chemical bonding state of sulfur in Na2S-CaO-SiO2 glassses. ( Niiihama National College of Technology ) ASAHI,Taro ; NANBA,Tokuro ; MIURA,Yashinari ; YAMASHITA,Hiroshi ; MAEKAWA,Takashi
2E348Afterglow in Tb3+ doped Al2O3-GeO2 glasses prepared by the sol-gel method ( Ritsumeikan Univ. ) KONO,Shinya ; OGURA,Fumito ; WADA,Noriyuki ; KOJIMA,Kazuo
3E302Formation of Zinc Oxide folms by electrolytic deposition method, and ebaluted films of formation. ( Rikkyo University ) YAMAZAKI,Masahiro ; KUWABARA,Katsumi
3E303Electrodeposition mechanism of Sn-Ag-Cu alloy from sulfate bath. ( Kumamoto Univ.;Kumamoto Bosei Kogyo ) FUKUDA,Mitsunobu ; IMAYOSHI,Kohei ; MATSUMOTO,Yasumichi
3E304Electrochemical preparation of macroporous polypyrrole films with regular arrays of interconnected spherical voids ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) SUMIDA,Takayuki ; WADA,Yuji ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
3E305Effect on Films Anodized Magnesium Aluminium Alloys by Various Additivessin Alkaline Solutions ( kumamoto Univ.;Kyushu Nogeden Co.Ltd ) FUKUDA,Haruto ; MINEDA,Kazutaka ; MATSUMOTO,Yasumichi
3E306The chemical deposition of TiO2 using TiF4 as precursor and its efficiency for hydrogen evolution ( Department of applied chemistry, Tokyo metropolitan university; CREST ) SUZUKI,Yusuke ; INOUE,Haruo ; TAKAGI,Shinsuke
; MASUDA,Hideki ;
3E310Preparation of highly oriented ZnO layer by light-assisted chemical processing ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute ) IZAKI,Masanobu
3E311Preparation and Characterization of Organic Dye/VarioussMetal Oxide Composite Thin Film Prepared by the LiquidsPhase Deposition (LPD) Method ( Kobe Univ. ) DEKI,Shigehito ; FUJII,Shoji ; AKAMATSU,Kensuke ; MIZUHATA,Minoru ; KAJINAMI,Akihiko
3E312Hybrid Thin Films of a Clay Mineral and an Iron(II) Complex by the Modified Langmuir-Blodgett Method ( Department of Applied Chemistry, National Defense Academy ) UMEMURA,Yasushi ; KAWAMATA,Jun ; TAMURA,Kenji ; TANIGUCHI,Masahiro ; TSUGE,Ki
yoshi ; YAMAGISHI,
3E314RF-sputter deposition of Fe/NbN multilayered thin film and its magnetic behavior ( Hokkaido Univ., Graduate School of Engineering ) KIKKAWA,Shinichi ; DEGUCHI,Kyousuke ; HIROTA,Ken ; YAMAGUCHI,Osamu
3E315Preparation and Surface Morphology Control of PotassiumsNiobate Thin Film ( Univ. of Shizuoka ) TOMITA,Yasumasa ; NAGASAKA,Toshihiko ; KOBAYASHI,Kenkichiro
3E316Preparation and Characterization of (Cr,Ti)N Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Abration Method ( Faculty of Engineering,Hiroshima Univ. ) TANAKA,Kazuma ; INUMARU,Kei ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
3E317Preparation of MgO thin films by electron beam deposition and ion-plating method ( Hitachi Research Laboratory of Hitachi Ltd.Research and Development Center of ShinMaywa Industries Ltd. ) KATOU,Akira ; KAJIYAMA,Hiroshi ; ONISAWA,Ken-ichi ;
; UETANI,Kazuo
3E318Fabrication and characterization of epitaxial TiO2 thin films on sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition ( Univ. of Tokyo; JAERI Takasaki ) SHINOHARA,Ryuji ; YAMAKI,Tetsuya ; SUMITA,Taishi ; YAMAMOTO,Syunya ; MIYASHITA,Ats
umi ; ITO,Hisayosh
i ; ASAI,Keisuke
3E338The study on the fine particle of the fatty acids inorganic metal salt (2)The study on the specific surface area and crystal structure of the fattyacid zinc salt fine particles ( Oleochemical Research Laboratory, NOF Co.Ltd. ) KONAKA,Miki ;
SAWADA,Kouhei ; S
3E339Disperse behaviour of fluorocarbon-stabilized gold nanoparticles ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.; PRESTO, JST ) YONEZAWA,Tetsu ; SENO,Hiroaki ; ONOUE,Shin-ya ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
3E340Properties of two-dimensional ordered assemblies of fluorocarbon-stabilized silver nanoparticles ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.; PRESTO, JST ) YONEZAWA,Tetsu ; ONOUE,Shin-ya ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
3E341Preparation and properties of fluorocarbon-stabilized gold nanoparticles ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.; PRESTO, JST ) YONEZAWA,Tetsu ; ONOUE,Shin-ya ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
3E342Preparation of nano-sized Pt/PVP(Polyvinylpyrrolidone) composites in high pressure and temperature ethanol/water mixture ( Kyoto university ) MIZUTANI,Masahiro ; KIMURA,Yosifumi ; OOMORI,Tutomu ; HARADA,Masafumi
3E344Preparation and Characterization of Au/Co AlloysNanoparticles ( Kobe Univ. ) DEKI,Shigehito ; NABIKA,Hideki ; AKAMATSU,Kensuke ; MIZUHATA,Minoru ; KAJINAMI,Akihiko
3E345Synthesis of CaO and ZnO doped CeO2 as UV filters ( KOSE Co. ; Nippon Inorganic Colour & Chemical CO.,LTD ; I.C.R.S., Tohoku Univ. ) YABE,Shinryo ; YAMASHITA,Mika ; SUZUKI,Kazuhiro ; MOMOSE,Shigeyoshi ; YOSHIDA,Sakae ; LI,Ruixing
; YIN,Shu ; SATO,
3E346A New Method to prepare t-BN coated cerium oxide. ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) MASUI,Toshiyuki ; HAMADA,Ryo ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
3E347Characterization of Ag Cluster in PMMA Solid Sol Prepared by UV-Irradiation. ( Teikyo Univ. ) YANAGIHARA,Naohisa ; TANAKA,Yoshiyuki ; HARA,Toru
4E302Synthesis of Nanocarbon Materials Templated by a Double-Chain Amphiphile ( Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University ) UOTA,Masafumi ; YADA,Mitsunori ; MACHIDA,Masato ; KIJIMA,Tsuyoshi
4E303Structure Formation of Nanoribbon Graphite from Cyclic Carbon Fluoride by means of the Irradiation of Electron Beam ( JAPAN FINE CERAMICS CENTER ) SASAKI,Katsuhiro ; YAMAGUCHI,Chiharu ; KYOTANI,Mutsumasa ; GOTO,Akiko ; MATSUI,Hisaji ; KOGA,
4E304Pore control of activated carbons obtained from various precursors with organometallics ( Hiroshima university ) KOUZU,Masayuki ; TAMAI,Hisashi ; HONG,Seong Hwa ; ENDO,Morinobu ; YASUDA,Hajime
4E305Photosterilization of Activated Carbons Obtained from Pitch Containing Organo Titanium Complexes ( Univ. of Hiroshima; Faculty of Engineering; Department of Applied Chemistry ) KATSU,Nobuyoshi ; TAMAI,Hisashi ; ONO,Kazuhisa ; YASUDA,Hajim
4E306Adsorption on activated carbons obtained from phenol resin ( Hiroshima university ) NAGAE,Akihiro ; TAMAI,Hisashi ; SASAKI,Masahiko ; YASUDA,Hajimre
4E308Preparaton of metal particles dispersed mesoporous activated carbons and their catalytic function ( Faculuty of Engineering, Hiroshima University ) OGAWA,Jun-ichi ; TAMAI,Hisashi ; YASUDA,Hajimre
4E309Hydrothermal synthesis of nano-sized Ni compounds in the cavity of carbon nanotubes. ( Univ. of Tohoku; Institute for Chemical Reaction Science ) MATSUI,Keitaro ; KYOTANI,Takasi ; TOMITA,Akira
4E310Selective Oxidation of the Inner Surface of Carbon Nanotubes ( Institure for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) KYOTANI,Takashi ; NAKAZAKI,Susumu ; XU,Wei-hua ; TOMITA,Akira
4E311Formation and electrical characterization of graphite-likeslayered B/C/N film on h-BN ( Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ ) NAKAMOTO,Norifumi ; BANDO,Hiroyuki ; KAWANO,Takanori ; KAWAGUCHI,Masayuki
4E312Hydrogen Strage of Carbon-Containing Composites Obtained by High Energy Ball Milling of Graphite and Mg ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) TABATA,Shinya ; SHIGETOMI,Noriko ; MASANARI,Kazuo ; MATUMOTO,Masayoshi ; SAKATA,Yoshihisa ; IMAMURA,Hayao
4E314Preparation of Graded-Morphology Diamond Thin Films ( The Univ. of Tokyo, Chungbuk National Univ. ) EINAGA,Yasuaki ; KIM,Gyu-sik ; OHNISHI,Keisuke ; PARK,Soo-gil ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E315Oxidation of hydrogenated diamond in liquid phase undersmild conditions ( Kansai University and HRC NIRIM ) KATO,Seiji ; NAKAGAWA,Kiyoharu ; IKENAGA,Naoki ; ANDO,Toshihiro ; ISHII,Yasutaka ; SUZUKI,Toshimitsu
Bld. No.3 Room No.344
[Functions of Materials]
1E404Synthesis and characterization of copolymers containings temperature-responsible oligopeptide, (VPGVG)4 ( Graduate School of Materials Science, NAIST ) HIRAI,Takashi ; OKAMURA,Aiko ; TANIHARA,Masao ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji
1E405Effectiveness of unforlding plastic plate for ELISA method ( Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) ISHIHARA,Kazuhiko
1E406Characterization of polymer micelle responding tosintracellular kinase signal ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu UniversitysPRESTO, JST Co. JAPAN ) SONODA,Tatsuhiko ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
1E407Synthesis and transfection ability of photoresponsive cationic lipids bearing dendritic structure ( Osaka City Univ. ) WADA,Katsutoshi ; TAMAGAKI,Seizou ; NAGASAKI,Takeshi
1E409Synthesis and Adsorption characterization of Caffeine Molecularly Imprinted Polymer ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) KAJITANI,Hideyuki ; MATSUTA,Yoshitake ; MIYOSHI,Toshimasa ; SAITO,Takashi
1E410Adsorbent for Bisphenol A of Endocrine Disruptors ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) MATSUTA,Yoshitake ; KAJITANI,Hideyuki ; MIYOSHI,Toshimasa ; SAITO,Takashi
1E411Molecular Imprinting of Steroids Using Silica Materials ( Osaka National Research Institute; Osaka Institute of Technology ) FUJIWARA,Masahiro ; NISHIYAMA,Motoyasu ; OHTSUKI,Souichi ; ASAKA,Kinshi ; NOMURA,Ryoki
1E412Heavy Metal Ion Removal by Chelate Materials Derived fromsChloromethylstyrene Grafted Polyethylene Non-woven Fabrics. ( Ebara Research Co., Ltd. ) KOMATSU,Makoto ; WATANABE,Nobuyoshi ; TAKEDA,Kazuyoshi
1E414Highly Efficient Separation of Lithium Chloride from the Sea Water ( Ochanomizu Univ.; Univ. of Tokyo ) OGAWA,Shojiro ; NAKATANI,Yoko ; IBRAHIM,Rizwangul ; MORITA,Junko ; TSUCHIYA,Sinji
1E415Fluorine ion-exchange property on Ti(OH)4 prepared by alkoxide method. ( Oita University ) UESHIMA,Souichirou ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; TAKITA,Yusaku
1E416Ion-exchange property and mechanism of sodium difluorotetrasilicate for alkali metal ions ( Showa Pharm. Univ. ) SUZUKI,Noriko ; OHTAKI,Noriko ; HOZEKI,Keiichi ; KANZAKI,Yasushi
1E417Preparation and Magnetic Property of Rare-Earth IntermetallicsCompounds Modified by Hydridosilane ( Osaka Univ. ) HAMAGUCHI,Yu ; NOGUCHI,Kenji ; MACHIDA,Ken-ichi ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
1E418Co-intercalation effects of solvent molecules on the superconductivity of electron-doped beta.-MNCl (M = Zr, Hf) ( Faculty of Engineering , Hiroshima University ) KOIWASAKI,Takeshi ; YAMANAKA,Shoji
1E427High-spin materials based on biradical-quinoid valence isomerization(1) spin properties of bisimidazolyl compounds ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) ITO,Hiroaki ; IYODA,Tomokazu ; ABE,Jiro
1E428High-spin materials based on biradical-quinoid valence isomerization(2) substituent effects on spin properties of bisimidazolyl compounds ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) FURUYAMA,Tomokazu ; IYODA,Tomokazu ; ABE,Jiro
1E429High-spin materials based on biradical-quinoid valence isomerization(3) spin properties of tetraimidazolyl compounds ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) HAYASHI,Hidenori ; ITO,Hiroaki ; IYODA,Tomokazu ; ABE,Jiro
1E434Oxidized states of hexyl-mexthoxyterthophene substitutedswith ferrocenyl groups at terminals ( Kobe University of Marcantile Marine ) FUKUI,Kazuhiko ; KASHIWAGI,Shin-ichiro ; SATO,Masa-aki ; HIROI,Masao
1E435Oxidized states ofs1,1'-bis(5-hexyl-terthiophene-5''-yl)ferrocene ( Kobe University of Marcantile Marine ) SAKAMOTO,Mune-aki ; SATO,Masa-aki ; HIROI,Masao
1E436Amorphous Molecular Materials - Charge Transport in the Molecular Glasses of Stilbene, Azobenzene and Benzylidene aniline Derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) TANAKA,Kiyoaki ; OKUMOTO,Kenji ; UJIKE,Toshiki ; WAYAKU,Kenji
rou ; KAGEYAMA,Hir
oshi ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E437Amorphous Molecular Materials - Charge Transport in the Molecular Glasses of Novel Tris(oligoarylenyl)amines ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OHISHI,Hitoshi ; KAGEYAMA,Hiroshi ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
2E404Photochromism of diarylethenes having methoxy groups at the reacting positions ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SHIBATA,Katsunori ; KOBATAKE,Seiya ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E405Photochromism of dithienylethene having dialkoxyphenyl substituents ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) NAKASHIMA,Yukiko ; KAWAI,Tsuyoshi ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E406Photochromism of a Bis(phenylthienyl)ethene Dimer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University; CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) KOBATAKE,Seiya ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E408Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of Diarylethenes having a Triphenylimidazolyl Group ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) YAGI,Kyoko ; SOONG,Chaifong ; KAWAI,Tsuyoshi
; IRIE,Masahiro
2E409Synthesis and charactarization of a dithienylthene having a fluorescent unit ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SASAKI,Takatoshi ; KAWAI,Tsuyoshi ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E410Fabrication of Photochromic Films by Oxidation Polymerization of a Diarylethene ( Ryukoku Univ.; Kyushu Univ. and CREST ) UCHIDA,Kingo ; TAKADA,Atsushi ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E412Amorphous Molecular Materials: Photochromic Reaction of a New Azobenzene Derivative in a Molecular Glass as a Novel Host Matrix ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) HASEGAWA,Hidefumi ; NAKANO,Hideyuki ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
2E413Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials: Synthesis and Photochromic Properties of a Novel Family of Dithienylethenes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) UTSUMI,Hisayuki ; NAGAHAMA,Daisuke ; NAKANO,Hideyuki ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
2E414Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials: Synthesis and Photochromic Properties of Novel Spirooxazine Derivatives ( Faculty of Enginnering, Osaka University ) NAGAHAMA,Daisuke ; NAKANO,Hideyuki ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
2E415Photochromic Amorphous Molecular Materials: Formation of Holographic Gratings in the Amorphous Films of Novel Azobenzene Derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) NAKANO,Hideyuki ; UJIKE,Toshiki ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
2E426Synthesis and Photochromism of Bisspironaphtopyran Having Two Chromophores Orthogonalized ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Pref. Univ. ) NAKAZUMI,Hiroyuki ; FUJIE,Yoshihiko ; YAMAGUCHI,Tadatsugu
2E427Photochromic behavior of pyridospiropyran on slica gel. ( yamanashi university ) KIMURA,Tomohiro ; NANASAWA,Masato ; HIRAI,Michiko
2E428Photochromism of Monoazathiacrowned Spirobenzopyran in the Presence of Metal Ions ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST; Wakayama University, Faculty of Systems Engineering, ) TANAKA,Mutsuo ; KIMURA,Keiichi
2E429Synthesis and Characterization of Biscrowned Malachite Green Carrying a Long Alkyl Chain ( Nara National College of Technology; Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) UDA,Ryoko ; UONO,Michiyo ; OHUE,Masatoshi ; KIMURA,Keiichi
2E430Metal-Ion Complexation of Various Crowned Bis(spirobenzopyran) Derivatives Bearing a Crown Ether Ring ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) NAKAMURA,Makoto ; SAKAMOTO,Hidefumi ; KIMURA,Keiichi
2E435Photochromism of Chiral Diarylethene in a Single-Crystalline Phase ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) YAMAMOTO,Satoshi ; MATSUDA,Kenji ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E437Three-Dimensional Optical Recording in a Photochromic Diarylethene Single Crystal ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, CREST ) FUKAMINATO,Tuyoshi ; KAWAI,Tsuyoshi ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E438Radiation Sensitive Diarylethenes (4) Additive Effect ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Mitsubishi Chemical Co.Ltd ;Kyushu Univ.,CREST (JST) ) IRIE,Setsuko ; TANAKA,Yuki ; MAEDA,Shuuichi ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E440Synthesis of Calixarenes Having Photoswitch ( Saga Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) KANOKOGI,Tomomi ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
2E441Synthesis of Dicyanometacyclophan-enes and Their Photochemical Properties ( Saga Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
2E442Photochromism of Diarylethenes with Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine as the Aryl Group ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University and CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) HIGASHIGUCHI,Kenji ; MATSUDA,Kenji ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E443Photoswitching of molecular magnetism using diarylethene : Effect of thiophene spacers ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University,CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) MATSUO,Mitsuyoshi ; MATSUDA,Kenji ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E445Asymmetric Cyclization Reaction of Diarylethene Derivatives - Environmental Effect ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Kyushu Univ.; CREST ) YAMAGUCHI,Tadatsugu ; TANAKA,Yoshie ; NAKAZUMI,Hiroyuki ; KIM,Myeong-suk ; IRIE,Masahiro
2E446Asymmetric Photocyclization of Diarylethenes Controlled by Allylic Strain ( Yokohama National Univ.,Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Univ. ) SHIRAISHI,Hidenori ; YOKOYAMA,Yayoi ; YOKOYAMA,Yasushi
2E447Synthesis of Novel 6.pai.-Electron Photochromic Compounds and Examination of Their Properties ( Yokohama Nat. Univ., and Tokyo kasei Gakuin Univ. ) NAGASHIMA,Hitoshi ; YOKOYAMA,Yayoi ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; YOKOYAMA,Yasushi
3E405Photoinduced curing system with color-producing by the acid-catalyzed condensationreactionof indolyl-pendanted polymers and aldehydes ( Fuji Photo Film Co.,Ltd ) SHIMADA,Kazuto ; KUNITA,Kazuto ; AOSHIMA,Keitaro
3E406Development of a Novel Color-Switching Molecule ( Ochanomizu Univ. ; Univ. of Tokyo ) YOSHIDA,Nao ; NAKAYAMA,Nirei ; OHISHI,Chinatsu ; SAKURAI,Mari ; YOKOKAWA,Sayaka ; TSUCHIYA,Shinji ; OGAWA,Shojiro
3E407Novel Organic Photocurrent Generators Fabricated by Calixarene-C60 Complex Monolayer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) HATANO,Tsukasa ; IKEDA,Atsushi ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; AKIYAMA,Tsuyosi ; YAMADA,Sunao
3E408Preparation and Properties of Photoelectric Devices Based on Fullerene-Linked Oligothiophenes ( Hiroshima Univ. ) YAMADA,Kohei ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
3E410Amorphous Molecular Materials: Creation of Novel Emitting Amorphous Molecular Materials for Organic Electroluminescent Devices (II) ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univ. ) KINOSHITA,Motoi ; OKUMOTO,Kenji ; NODA,Tetsuya ; OHARA,Takahiro ; SH
3E411Development of a Photorefractive Device Using an Amorphous Molecular Material ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KAGEYAMA,Hiroshi ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
3E412Uniform Laser Ablation of Polystyrene Film by Coating a Photo-Voltaic Phthalocyanine/Perylene Derivative ( ILE Osaka Univ. ) NAGAI,Keiji ; MORISHITA,Ken-ichiro ; YOSHIDA,Hidetsugu ; NORIMATSU,Takayoshi ; MIYANAGA,Noriaki ; YAMANAKA,Tatsuhik
3E413High temperature thermoelectric properties of sintered NaCo2O4 with partial elemental substitution ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University ) NOJIRI,Yoshihiro ; OHTAKI,Michitaka
3E415Third-Order Optical Nonlinearities of a Dithiolene Complex ( NIMC; Sophia Univ. ) SHIMURA,Jusuke ; USHIJIMA,Hirobumi ; KAMATA,Toshihide ; KAJITANI,Masatsugu
3E416Synthesis of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives for NLO Materials ( Graduate school of science, Tohoku Univ. ) TSUBOYA,Norie ; LAMRANI,Mouad ; MITSUISHI,Masaya ; MIYASHITA,Tokuji ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
3E418Power limiting properties of two-layered glasses ( Mie Univ. ) FUKAZAWA,Motohiko ; HASHIMOTO,Tadanori ; NASU,Hiroyuki ; KAMIYA,Kanichi
Bld. No.3 Room No.345
[Applications of Materials]
1E502Development of Enzyme SPR Sensor ( Keio Univ.;KAST ) FUJII,Eiji ; NAKAMURA,Kaori ; KURIHARA,Kazuyosi ; IWASAKI,Yuzuru ; TOBITA,Tatsuya ; NIWA,Osamu ; SUZUKI,Koji
1E503Developmemt of a differential probe type SPR sensor ( Res. Cent. Adv. Sci. Technol., Univ. of Tokyo ) AKIMOTO,Takuo ; IKEBUKURO,Kazunori ; TANAAMI,Takeo ; KARUBE,Isao
1E504Acidity Determination by using Hetero-Core Fiber Optic Sensor and Acid-sensitive Dye ( Soka university ) SEKI,Atsushi ; IGARASHI,Hidenori ; IGA,Mitsuhiro ; HIRAMA,Kyoko ; NAKAZAWA,Tsuyoshi ; WATANABE,Kazuhiro
1E505Development of Fluorescent Chemosensors 5 Fluorescents Solvatochromism of 2,3,5,6-Tetracyanohydroquinone ( Fuculty of Science, Toho University ) YAMADA,Sachiko ; IWAMURA,Michiko
1E506Physical properties of optical HCl gas sensor elements by using tetraphenylporphyrin derivatives containing various alkoxy groups. ( Niihama National Col. of Tech; Fac. of Eng. Ehime Uni. ) AHAHINA,Toshihide ; KUBO,Akiko ; NAKAGAWA,Katsuhik
o ; TSUTSUMI,Chika
ra ; TABUCHI,Kenzo ; SUPRIYATNO,Heru ; AONO,Hiromichi ; SADAOKA,Yoshihiko
1E508Mixed potential type hydrocarbon gas sensor using LaGaO3 based electrolyte. ( Oita University. ) KABEMURA,Kouji ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; TAKITA,Yusaku
1E509Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensor Based on Multivalent Ion Conducting Solid Electrolytes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) IMANAKA,Nobuhito ; KAMIKAWA,Masayuki ; OGURA,Akio ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
1E510 Session Lectureoptical oxygen sensor based on the luminescence cange of europium(III)Complex ( department of applied chemistry,oita University,department of bioEngineering,tokyoinsutitute of Technology and institute for research science,to
hoku university )
1E514Photocontrollable Cholesteric Full-color Display Using a Chiral Photochromic Compound as a Tuning Dopant ( Dept. of Mat. Chem., Yokohama Nat. Univ. ) KUROSAKI,Yoshihisa ; YOKOYAMA,Yasushi
1E515Chiroptical Switching of Liquid Crystalline Phases Using Chromium Complexes by the Irradiation of Circular Polarized Light ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) ANZAI,Nobuhiro ; MACHIDA,Shinjiro ; HORIE,Kazuyuki
1E516Amorphous Molecular Materials - Development of a Molecular Electron-beam Positive Resist ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KADOTA,Toshiaki ; KAGEYAMA,Hiroshi ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E517LSI Fine Pitch Interconnection Technology Using PhotosesitivesAdhesive Resin (3) Electric Performance ( NEC Corporation ) MATSUI,Koji ; FUNAYA,Takuo ; SHIMOTO,Tadanori
1E518Principle of Multiplex Information Storage with Electrochromic Conducting Polymers ( Osaka Municipal Tech. Res. Inst. ) MORITA,Mitsuyuki
1E526PL Emission of Naphthalene .pi.-Systems Having 2,2-Dicyanoethenyl and an Aryloxy (or Alkoxy) Group and Their Utilization for EL Device ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University; FUTABA Corp. ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; OONE,Masahito ; TSUTSUI,Taku
ji ; AKAZOME,Motohiro ; TANAKA,Satoshi ; HUKUDA,Tatsuo
1E527The Optical Property of The .pi.-Electron System with Diphenylamino Group and 2,2-Dicyanoethenyl-Group : The Effect of The Torsions in .pi.-Electron System ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University; FUTABA Corp. ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; MATSUI,
Hiroyuki ; AKAZOME
,Motohiro ; MATSUMOTO,Shoji ; TANAKA,Satoshi ; FUKUDA,Tatsuo
1E528Preparation of spirocyclic triphenylamine derivatives for organic electroluminescence ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) KIMURA,Makoto ; SUZUTA,Kazuyuki ; SAWAKI,Yasuhiko
1E529Near-infrared electroluminescence devices using poly(N-vinylcarbazole) layer doped with lanthanide complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) INOUE,Hirotada ; KAWAMURA,Yuichiro ; WADA,Yuji ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
1E530Visible-near infrared electroluminescence of tris(2-hydroxybenzophenonato)neodymium(III) complex ( Graduate School of Engineeging, Osaka University ) KAWAMURA,Yuichiro ; WADA,Yuji ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
1E532Transient Electroluminescence from Light-Emitting Diodes Fabricated with Alq3 and TPD ( Waseda University ) TSUJI,Hiroya ; FURUKAWA,Yukio
1E533Development of a Novel Emitting Amorphous Molecular Material Containing an Oligoarylene Moiety and Fabrication of an Organic Electroluminescent Device Using the Material ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) YAMATE,Toshihiko ; OHSEDO,
Yutaka ; OKUMOTO,
Kenji ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E534Amorphous Molecular Materials : Thermally Stable Organic Electroluminescent Devices Using Novel Hole-Transporting Materials with High Glass-transition Temperatures ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) DOI,Hidekaru ; OKUMOTO,Kenji ;
1E535Development of Novel Hole-Transporting Amorphous Molecular Materials and Their Charge-Transport Properties and Application for Organic Electroluminescent Devices ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OKUMOTO,Kenji ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1E536Development of a Novel Emitting Amorphous Molecular Material and Fabrication of a Thermally Stable Organic Electroluminescent Device Using the Material ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) SHIROTA,Yasuhiko ; OKUMOTO,Kenji
2E507Development of new computational chemistry program and its application to the cathode materials for lithium secondary battery. ( Tohoku Univ. ) SUZUKI,Ken ; KUROIWA,Yoshinori ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
2E508Local structure of lithium manganese spinel oxides ( Graduate school of science and engineering, Tokyo Institute of technology ) MATSUNO,Shinsuke ; KANEKO,Mayumi ; IKUTA,Hiromasa ; UCHIMOTO,Yoshiharu ; WAKIHARA,Masataka
2E509Electrochemical Property of Cathode Materials LiNi2/6Me1/6Mn9/6O4(Me=Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) as Rechargeable Lithium Batteries with 5 V ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engine
ering, Tokyo Metro
politan University ) HOSHIKAWA,Wataru ; HAMAGAMI,Junichi ; KANAMURA,Kiyoshi ; UMEGAKI,Takao
2E510Electrochemical Property of Manganese Oxides Prepared by Hydrothermal Process in Supercritical Water ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KANAMURA,Kiyoshi ; UMEMURA,Noriko ; KAIZAWA,
Takuhiro ; UMEGAK
2E512Electrochemical properties on highly graphitized carbon thin films prepared by plasma CVD ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ; Faculty of Engineering, Himeji Institute of Technology ) TAKEDA,Kazuhisa ; ABE,Takeshi ; FUKUTSUKA,Tomok
azu ; INABA,Minoru
; OGUMI,Zempachi
2E513The electrochemical behavior of new anode material, MnMoO4 for lithium secondary battery ( Graduate school of science and engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OGURA,Seiichiro ; IKUTA,Hiromasa ; UCHIMOTO,Yoshiharu ; WAKIHAR
2E514Effects of Addition of Vinylene Carbonate on Gas Evolution at Carbon Electrode Surfaces ( Dept. Appl. Chem., Tokyo Univ. Agri.&Tech. ) SAKURAI,Takashi ; HATOZAKI,Osamu ; OYAMA,Noboru
2E515In-situ Raman Spectroscopy for Doping of Polyperinaphthalenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Films with Lithium Ions ( Mie Univ.; Kanebo LTD; Kyoto Univ. ) NISHIO,Satoru ; TAMURA,Kazuyuki ; MURATA,Jun ; MATSUZAKI,Akiyoshi ; SATO,Hiroyasu ;
,Yukinori ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
2E516Preparation of Ti-Mn-Ni system hydrogen storage alloys by the mechanical alloying and characterization as negative electrode material for Ni-MH rechargeable battery ( Ritsumeikan Univ. ) KUBOTA,Yumi ; MATSUOKA,Masao ; TAMAKI,Jun ; YAMAMOTO,
2E526Reactivity of Plasma generated from Fluorine-containing gases with Silicon dioxide (Report 3)-Experimental reports of trifluoromethylhypofluorite(CF3OF) ( RITE ) TOMIZAWA,Ginjiro ; MITSUI,Yuki ; FUKAE,Katsuya ; KOSANO,Yoshihide ; TAMURA,Mas
anori ; SEKIYA,Aki
ra ; TAKASE,Tadao ; TAKAICHI,Tsuyoshi ; BEPPU,Tatsuro
2E527Reactivity of Plasma generated from Fluorine-containing gases with Silicon dioxide (Report 4)-Experimental reports of Nitrosyl fluoride(FNO) and Nitrogen fluoride oxide(F3NO) ( RITE,NIMC ) FUKAE,Katsuya ; MITSUI,Yuki ; TOMIZAWA,Ginjiro ; KO
SANO,Yoshihide ; T
AMURA,Masanori ; SEKIYA,Akira ; TAKAICHI,Tsuyoshi ; BEPPU,Tatsuro
2E528Application of carboxylic acid terminated acrylic silicone as a base coat for photo-catalyst. ( Ishihara Chemical Co.Ltd.;TOTO Ltd.;Konan Univ.;Hyogo Pref.Inst.Ind.Res. ) ARIMOTO,Kunio ; NISHIDA,Hideo ; EIKAWA,Masahiro ; SHINOHARA,Kuniaki ;
IKEDA,Yoshiyuki ; SASAKI,Muneo ; YAMAGUTI,Kouichi
2E529The surface modification of powder using novel fluorosilicone and application to cosmetic ingredient ( Research Laboratory; Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co.Ltd ) HOSOMI,Keiji ; ASANO,Hiroyuki ; NAKATA,Satoru
2E530Architecture of Self-Assembled Molecular Aggregates of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Co-oligomers Containing Isocyanato-blocked Segments ( Nara National College of Technology; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; IKENO,Koji ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E532Synthesis of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Oligomers Containing Succinimidyl Segments and Application to Surface Antibacterial Materials ( Nara National College of Technology; Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.; Osaka City Unive
rsity ) SAWADA,Hid
eo ; YANAGIDA,Kenta ; MAKINOSE,Kaku ; SUGIYA,Masashi ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E533Synthesis and Properties of Novel Fluoroalkyl End-capped Oligomers Containing Silsesquioxane Segments ( Nara National College of Technology; Rinnai Co., Ltd.; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; YOSHIOKA,Hiroak
i ; OHASHI,Ryusei
; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E534Synthesis and Surface Property of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Oligomers Containing Benzotriazol Segments ( Nara National College of Technology.; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; KAWASAKI,Nobuhito ; IKENO,Koji ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E535Synthesis and Properties of Fluoroalkyl End-capped Fullerene-Acryloylmorpholine Co-oligomers ( Nara National College of Technology; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; HATA,Sachiko ; KAWASAKI,Nobuhito ; TOKUGI,Kentaro ; KYOKA
omomi ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E538Synthesis and Properties of Low Viscosity Chiral Liquid-Crystal A dditives of 1-(p-Substituted aryl)-2-(4-alkylcyclohexyl)-1,2-difluo roethylenes Structure having Two or more Ether Linkage and Chiral Centers i n a Side Chain ( Facult
y of Engineering,
Yokohama Nat. Univ.; Seimi Chemical C o. Ltd. ) INOUE,Seiichi ; AOKI,Hiroshi ; ANDO,Shinji ; HONDA,Kiyoshi ; YOKOKOUJI,Osamu
2E539Solubilization of Cytochrome c in Organic Solvents by Fluoroalkylated End-Capped N-(1,1-dimethyl-3-oxobutyl)acrylamide Oligomers ( Nara National College of Technology; Osaka City University ) SAWADA,Hideo ; HIRATA,Yuko ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E540Synthesis and Applications of Fluoroalkylated Methylcellulose Derivatives ( Nara National College of Technology; Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Osaka City University; ) SAWADA,Hideo ; NAKATA,Emi ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E541Synthesis and Applications of Fluoroalkyl End-capped Cationic Co-oligomer Gels Containing Tri- and Tetra-ol Segments ( Nara National College of Technology; Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; Osaka City University; ) SAWADA,
Hideo ; MURAI,Yuk
a ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E542Synthesis and Ionic Conductivity of Fluoroalkyl End-Capped Vinylphosphonic Acid Co-oligomers Containing Triol Segments ( Nara National College of Technology; Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.; Osaka City University )
SAWADA,Hideo ; M
INAMI,Toshiyuki ; YOSHIOKA,Hiroaki ; KYOKANE,Jun ; MAKINOSE,Kaku ; SUGIYA,Masashi ; KAWASE,Tokuzo
2E544Preparation and Enzymatic Degradation of Polylactide Stereocomplexes ( Hiroshima Univ. ) ICHIMARU,Akiko ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuki ; YASUDA,Hajime
2E545Synthesis of L-Lactide Copolymers Catalyzed by Organometallic Compounds and their Biodegradation ( Hiroshima Univ. ) SONE,Ken-ichi ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuki ; YASUDA,Hajime
2E546Synthesis and Biodegradation of 1,5-Dioxepane-2-one/L-Lactide Copolymers ( Hiroshima Univ. ) WATANABE,Yasuyoshi ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuki ; YASUDA,Hajime
2E547Preparation and BSA-release Behavior of Biodegradable Polymeric Microspheres ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TOKUMOTO,Noriko ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuki ; YASUDA,Hajime
2E548Copolymerization and biodegradation of L-lactide/1-methyltrimethylene carbonate copolymer ( Niihama National College of TechnologysDepartment of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology ) TSUTSUMI,Chikara ; NAKAGAWA,Katsuhiko ; SHIRAHAMA,Hiroyuk
i ; YASUDA,Hajime
3E505Synthesis and Properties of Indamine Dyes Derived from (Dialkylamino)thiazole Dimers ( Gifu University ) KIM,Jae Joon ; SHIBATA,Katsuyoshi ; MATSUI,Masaki
3E506Synthesis and Property of Terrylenebis(dicarboximide) Derivatives ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) NAGAO,Yukinori ; OOKAWA,Tatsuya ; IWAWAKI,Hironobu ; KOZAWA,Kouzou
3E507Effect of Hexaarylbiimidazole on Photoconductivty of Polyvinylcarbazole(PVK)2 ( Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) ASAHINA,Shinichi ; TESHIMA,Kenjirou ; SHIRAI,Yasuo
3E508Degradation of Re-writable marking media with leuco dyes ( Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. ) OKADA,Yukihisa ; UEKAWA,Masahiro ; NISHIOKA,Yoichi
3E509Decolorable Ink(4)-Thermal Analysis of Decoloring Process by Heat- ( Toshiba Corp. Corporate R&D Center ) IKEDA,Naru ; TAKAYAMA,Satoshi ; MACHIDA,Shigeru ; TANAKA,Akira ; SANO,Kenji
3E511Synthesis and Physical Properties of 2,4'-Bisphenol S Derivatives applied to a Developer for thermosensitive recording paper ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Pref. Univ.; NICCA CHEMICAL Co.,Ltd ) YAMAGUCHI,Tadatsugu ; MATSUMOTO,Shini
chirou ; NAKAZUMI,
Hiroyuki ; MAKINO,Masahiro
3E512Dye-sensitized solar cells using xylenol orange ( Grad.Sch.Energy Sci.;Faculty of Integrated Human Studies,Kyoto Univ. ) ARAMAKI,Keisuke ; MATSUBARA,Takaharu ; KATAGIRI,Akira
3E513Colored Magnetic Powder prepared by sol-gel method ( R&D Center Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd ) ATARASHI,Takafumi ; HOSHINO,Kiyoshi ; KISHIMOTO,Akira ; ITO,Takahiro ; NAKATUKA,Katsuto
3E514Colored Magnetic Powder prepared by sol-gel method ( R&D Center Nittetsu Mining Co., LtdsFuc. Eng. Tohoku Univ. ) ATARASHI,Takafumi ; HOSHINO,Kiyoshi ; ITO,Takahiro ; KISHIMOTO,Akira ; NAKATSUKA,Katsuto
Bld. No.3 Room No.346
[Resources Utilization Chemistry]
1E608Analysis of the framework components in the plastic state of coal ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) HIRO,Masataka ; KIDENA,Koh ; MURATA,Satoru ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
1E609Elucidation of Hydrogen Mobility in Coal Using a Fixed Bed Flow Reactor -Hydrogen Transfer Reaction between Tritiated Hydrogen, Coal and Tetralin.- ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. ) ISHIHARA,Atsushi ; IFUKU,Masahiro ; QIAN,Weihua ; KABE,To
1E610Upgrading of pyridine soluble in PSU coal liquefaction residue ( College of science and technology, Nihon Univ. ) WATANABE,Masahisa ; HASEGAWA,Yuji ; SUGANO,Motoyuki ; MASHIMO,Kiyoshi
1E611Coprocessing of coal with plastics ( College of science and technology, Nihon Univ. ) KOYANO,Koji ; IKEDA,Yuichi ; SUGANO,Motoyuki ; MASHIMO,Kiyoshi
1E612Effect of added water on hydrogenation of coal ( Toyama Univ.,Fac. of Eng. ) YONEYAMA,Yoshiharu ; OKAMURA,Makoto ; MORINAGA,Kanako
1E614The optimum condition for thermal extraction to producesashless coal (HyperCoal) (1) - The effect of room-temperature filtration on HyperCoal yield. ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) FUJITA,Masaharu ; MASHIMO,Kiyoshi ; YO
SHIDA,Takahiro ; S
1E615The optimum condition for thermal extraction to produce ashless coal (HyperCoal) (2) - The effect of hot-filtration on HyperCoal yield. ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) YOSHIDA,Takahiro ; SAKANISHI,Kin-ya ; SAITO,Ikuo ;
asa ; FUJITA,Masaharu ; MASHIMO,Kiyoshi
1E616Preparation of CaO-loaded coal char for the high performance sorbent of SO2 ( Kansai University ) HIROSE,Yumi ; MATSUSHIMA,Tomoaki ; IKENAGA,Naoki ; SUZUKI,Toshimitsu
1E617Removal of trace element in coal by treatment with lime ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku Univ. ) MATSUOKA,Koichi ; ABE,Aki ; SUZUKI,Yosuke ; TOMITA,Akira
1E618Synthesis of X-type zeolite from coal fly ash ( Shimane Univ. Interdislinary Faculty of Sci. and Eng. ) TANAKA,Hidekazu ; FURUSAWA,Shinichi ; HINO,Ryouji
1E626Aggregation Behavior of Petroleum Vacuum Residues and Their Related Materials in Organic Solvents ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) ZHANG,Yan ; TAKANOHASHI,Toshimasa ; SATOU,Sinnya ; TANAKA,Ryuuzo
1E627Structures and pyrolytic properties of two different asphaltene fractions ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) USUI,Kazuyuki ; KIDENA,Koh ; MURATA,Satoru ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
1E628 Session Lecturecatalyst development for syngas production from natural gas ( the University of tokyo,school of Engineering ) TOMISHIGE,Keiichi
1E632Gasification with CO2 of deposited carbonssformed by the decomposition of methane over Ni/SiO2. ( Graduate School of Science and EngineeringsTokyo Institute of Technology ) TOMIKUBO,Yo ; TAKENAKA,Sakae ; YAMANAKA,Ichir
o ; OTSUKA,Kiyoshi
1E633Electrochemical reduction of CO2 in nonaqueous electrolytes at low temperature ( Mie Univ. ) YABU-UTI,Makoto ; KANECO,Satoshi ; ITOH,Syn-ichi ; SUZUKI,Tohru ; OHTA,Kiyohisa
2E608Kinetic Study on the Aminolysis of a PC Model Compound. ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) HATA,Sohei ; YAMADA,Etsu ; OKU,Akira
2E609Chemical recycle of PET bottle :Synthesis of Terephthalo hydroxamic acid ( Dept.Eng.,Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ.,Fac.Sci.and Eng.,Shimane Univ. ) HASHIME,Toshiki ; KOSUGI,Yoshio ; YAMAE,Makoto
2E610Chemical Recycling for Polyurethane (1) Study for the Continuous Decomposition Process ( Toshiba Corporation, Corporate Research and Development Center ) CAO MINH,Thai ; SAYA,Shioko
2E611Chemical Recycling for Polyurethane (2) Properties of Reproduced Polyurethane ( Toshiba Corporation, Corporate Research and Development Center ) SAYA,Shioko ; CAO MINH,Thai
2E612Chemical Recycling for Polyurethane (3) Properties of Reproduced Epoxy Resin ( Toshiba Corporation, Corporate Research and Development Center ) CAO MINH,Thai ; SAYA,Shioko
2E614Adsorbability of Cupric Ions by Hydrophilic Resins Made from Waste ABS Resins ( Sony Corp. Tecnical Support Center ) WATANABE,Haruo ; INAGAKI,Yasuhito ; NOGUCHI,Tsutomu ; KUROMIYA,Miyuki
2E615 Session Lecturerecycle for rare earth resources ( collaborative research center for science and technology,osaka univ. ) MACIDA,Ken-ichi
2E626Reaction Behavior of Intermediates of Ethylene Glycol in thesOxygen-Oxidation in NaOH Solution at Elevated Temperatures ( Tohoku Univ. ) KAWANISHI,Takanori ; YOSHIOKA,Toshiaki ; UCHIDA,Miho ; OKUWAKI,Akitsugu
2E627Depolymerization of Disiloxanes and Cyclotrisiloxanes with Dimethyl Carbonate ( Tokyo Institute of Technology:Graduate School of Science and Engineering ) MIYAZAKI,Kuon ; OKAMOTO,Masaki ; SUZUKI,Eiichi
2E628Hydrothermal reactions of 1,1-dichloroethane and 1,2-dichloroethane ( Osaka Pref. College of Technol. ) YAMASAKI,Yuki ; FUJII,Toshiyuki
2E629Methylation of phenol derivatived in super critical methanol ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Kyoto Univ. ) TAJIMA,Kunihiko ; ISOBE,Syogo ; KONDOH,Yoshiro
2E630Developing a triazine-phenol-aralkyl resin to increasesflame retardancy of phenol-aralkyl epoxy resin compounds. ( NEC ) SOYAMA,Makoto ; KIUCHI,Yukihiro ; IJI,Masatoshi
2E632A study of hydrogen production from glucose in hot water using raney nickel as a catalyst (3) Variations of hydrogen production ratio with concentration of glucose ( Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute ) NAKADA,Masao ; SAKAKI,Ts
2E633Gasification of Cellulose at Low Temperature Catalyzed by Late Transition Metal ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) USUI,Yoko ; MINOWA,Tomoaki ; INOUE,Seiichi ; OGI,Tomoko
2E634Change in organic composition of model garbages during the thermochemical liquidization ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) INOUE,Seiichi ; MINOWA,Tomoaki ; SAWAYAMA,Shigeki ; OGI,Tomoko
2E635Separation and Chemical Structual Analysis of Glycerides insFermented Barley Extract ( Meiji University School of Science and Technology ) ISHII,Mikita ; TANAKA,Chie ; KAWAKITA,Yoshihiro ; MUROTA,Akihiko
2E636Titanium dioxide as a combustion-assisting agent ( Faculty of Education, Yokohama National Univ. ) ISHIDA,Yuko ; MIZUGUCHI,Jin ; MACHIDA,Hisae ; IHARA,Tatsuhiko
Bld. No.3 Room No.347
[Energy and Fuels]
3E705Preparation of polymer gel electrolyte for nickel-metal hydride battery and its electrochemical properties ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) HORIUCHI,Mikimasa ; OHNISHI,Toshiyuki ; OKADA,Naoya ; NOHARA,Shinji ; FURUKAWA,Naoji ; INOUE,Hiroshi ; IWAKURA,
3E706Electrochemical Characteristics of MgNi Alloys Modified with Carbon Materials ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) NOHARA,Shinji ; KUROSAKA,Seigo ; INOUE,Hiroshi ; IWAKURA,Chiaki
3E708Properties of amorphous cathode materials in the system V2O5-FeOOH and their application to all solid state lithium secondary battery ( Osaka Prefecture University ) IKEDA,Daisuke ; HAYASHI,Akitoshi ; MORIMOTO,Hideyuki
ahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
3E709Preparation of SnO-B2O3-V2Os5 Amorphous Materials by Mechanical Milling and Their Anode Properties for Lithium Secondary Batteries ( Osaka Prefecture University ) NAKAI,Miyuki ; HAYASHI,Akitoshi ;
; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
3E710Trivalent Sc3+ Conduction in (AlxSc1-x)1/3Zr2(PO4)3 Solid Solutions ( Osaka University ) TAMURA,Shinji ; YAMAGUCHI,Misato ; IMANAKA,Nobuhito ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
3E711Charge-discharge properties of solid state secondary batteries using lithium ion conducting oxysulfide glasses ( Osaka Prefecture University ) HAYASHI,Akitoshi ; KOMIYA,Ryoichi ; MORIMOTO,Hideyuki ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; MINAMI,Tsutomu
3E712Electrical Properties and Structure of Li2S-P2S5 Glass-ceramics Prepared by Mechanical Milling ( Osaka Prefecture University ) HAMA,Shigenori ; HAYASHI,Akitoshi ; MORIMOTO,Hideyuki ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahiro ; M
3E728Dehydrogenative Coupling of Methane Using a Redox System ofsMetal Oxide(4) Reaction Mechanism in Methane/Water Co-Feeding System and Support Effect on Catalytic Activity ( Niigata University ) SHIMIZU,Tadaaki ; KIYAMA,Atsushi ; YAMAGUCHI,Sy
ouhei ; KITAYAMA,Y
oshie ; KODAMA,Tatsuya
3E729Catalytic Steam Decomposition into Hydrogen and Hydrogen Peroxide over Potassium Oxide Doped Aluminosilica Electrolyte ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate school of Science, Tohoku University ) NAGASE,Kenzo ; ITOH,Masaki ; KAKUTA,Jun-ichi ;
3E730Hydrogen adsorption on graphitic carbon tube obtained by CH4 decomposition on Li added Ni catalyst. ( Oita University. ) KAMIMURA,Mituhiro ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
3E732Decalin dehydrogenation / naphthalene hydrogenation pair as a hydrogen resource of vehicle-loaded fuel cell ( Science Univ. of Tokyo, Fac. of Engineering ) HODOSHIMA,Shinya ; SAITO,Yasukazu
3E733Cathodic oxygen reduction at Nafion-coated glassy carbonselectrodes of controlled interface structure ( OMTRI ) MARUYAMA,Jun ; ABE,Ikuo
3E734Proton conductivity of inorganic-organic hybrid films prepared from .gamma.-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane and orthophosphoric acid ( Osaka Prefecture University ) TADANAGA,Kiyoharu ; YOSHIDA,Hiroshi ; MATSUDA,Atsunori ; TATSUMISAGO,Masahi
ro ; MINAMI,Tsutom
3E735The Stabilization of Acidic Metal Complex by Polymer Matrix and the Preparation of Protonic Conductive Membranes(I) ( Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan Science and Technology Corp. ) NAKAJIMA,Hitoshi ; HONMA,Itaru
3E738Oxide ion conductivity in Ca doped La2GeO5 based oxide. ( Oita University ) ARIKAWA,Hiroshi ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; TAKITA,Yusaku
3E740Melting Behavior of Alkali Metal Carbonates Coexisting with Inorganic Powder ( Kobe University ) MIZUHATA,Minoru ; WATANABE,Hajime ; KAJINAMI,Akihiko ; DEKI,Shigehito
3E741Characteristics of Electrocatalyst in Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 on a Rotating Ring-Disk Electrode ( Nara National College of Technology ) ONO,Hiroka ; IZUMI,Ikuichiro ; OHNISHI,Yasuyuki
3E742Temperature dependence of CO2 reduction at metalselectrodes ( Osaka Univ. ) ISHIDA,Takeshi ; MORI,Tomohiro ; IMANISHI,Akihito ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
3E744Improvement of electron beam sensitivirity of organic film by Chemical amplification reactions ( JAERI ) KOSHIKAWA,Hiroshi ; MAEKAWA,Yasunari ; YOSHIDA,Masaru
3E745Solar Thermochemical Reforming of Methane(4) CO2 Reforing of Methane Over Ni or NiO Catalysts Under Direct Irradiation by Solar Simulated Xe-Lamp Light ( Niigata University ) KODAMA,Tatsuya ; OHTAKE,Hiroyuki ; KIYAMA,Atsushi ; YAMAGUCHI,Sho
uhei ; KITAYAMA,Yo
3E746Solar Thermochemical Reforming of Methane(5)CO2 Reforming of Methane Using Metallic Foam Catalysts ( Niigata University ) KIYAMA,Atsushi ; OHTAKE,Hiroyuki ; YMAGUCHI,Shouyei ; KITAYAMA,Yoshie ; KODAMA,Tatsuya
3E747Solar Thermochemical Reforming of Methane(6)Nickel catalyst for Solar Methane Reforming in the Molten Salt Bath ( Niigata University ) YAMAGUCHI,Shohei ; OOTAKE,Hiroyuki ; KIYAMA,Atsusi ; KITAYAMA,Yoshie ; KODAMA,Tatsuya
3E748Conversion of Concentrated Solar Energy tos Chemical Energy(33) Hydrogen Production by Fe3O4s/Na2CO3/H2O using Beam-Down Solar Furnace with Elliptic Mirror (2) ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) TAMAURA,Yutaka ; INOUE,Masafumi ; MURAOKA,Yuji ; GOK
ON,Nobuyuki ; KANE
4E704Conversion of Concentrated Solar Energy tos Chemical Energy(35) Thermodynamic consideration on decomposition of Zn-ferrites for O2 generation ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) KANEKO,Hiroshi ; MURAOKA,Yuji ; UEHARA,Reiko ; GOKON,Nobuyu
ki ; HASEGAWA,Nori
ko ; TAMAURA,Yutaka
4E705Conversion of Concentrated Solar Energy to Chemical Energy(36) Characterization of solid product of H2 generation by H2O/Zn/Fe3O4 Reaction System ( Tokyo Institute of Tech ) UEHARA,Reiko ; KOJIMA,Noriko ; HA
SEGAWA,Noriko ; GO
KON,Nobuyuki ; KANEKO,Hiroshi ; TAMAURA,Yutaka
4E706Solar Gasification of Coal by Direct Irradiation (1)CO2 Gasification of Coal in a Fluidized-BedsReactor Using Solar Furnace Simulator ( Niigata University ) KONDOU,Yoshiyasu ; FUNATOH,Atsusi ; KITAYAMA,Yoshie ; KODAMA,Tatsuya
4E707Solar Gasification of Coal by Direct Irradiation(2) Metal-Oxide Catalyzed CO2 Gasification of Coal in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor Using a Solar Furnace Simulator ( Niigata Uiversity ) FUNATOH,Atsushi ; KONNDOH,Yoshiasu ; KITAYAMA,Yos
hie ; KODAMA,Tatsu
4E709Highly Efficient Photochemical Epoxidation of Alkenes and Hydroxylation of Alkanes Sensitized by Ru(II) Porphyrin ( Department of Applied Chemistry,Graduate Course of Engineering,Tokyo Metropolitan University ) FUNYU,Shigeaki ; TAKAGI,Shins
uke ; INOUE,Haruo
4E710Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Properties of ITOsElectrodes Modified with Porphyrins ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University; CREST ) HASOBE,Taku ; YAMADA,Hiroko ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
4E711Photocurrent Generation by ITO Electrodes Modified with Self-Assembled Monolayers of Porphyrin-Fullerene Dyads ( Osaka Univ., CREST ) YAMADA,Hiroko ; HASOBE,Taku ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Syunichi
4E712Nanostructured Thin Films of Porphyrin-Fullerene Dyad Clusters ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University; CREST;Notre DameRadiation Laboratory ) HASOBE,Taku ; YAMADA,Hiroko ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Osamu ; BARAZZO
UK,Said ; KAMAT,Pr
ashant V ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
4E714Fabrication of D-A assembly by layer-by-layer adsorptionsand its characteristics of photoelectric conversion ( Graduate School of Engineering; Kyushu University ) NITAHARA,Satoshi ; AKIYAMA,Tsuyoshi ; YAMADA,Sunao
4E715Photocurrrent Generation by assembling of a Ruthenium Complex and Gold Nanoparticles ( Graduate School of Engineering; Kyushu University ) KUWAHARA,Yutaka ; AKIYAMA,Tsuyoshi ; YAMADA,Sunao
4E716Photoconversion properties of photoelelectrochemicals cell using Ru complex-viologen SAMs ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University ) AKIYAMA,Tsuyoshi ; INOUE,Masayuki ; YAMADA,Sunao
4E717Photoelectrochemical properties of iodine-alkyl onium iodide mixture. ( ONRI ) MATSUDA,Toshihiko ; MATSUMOTO,Hajime ; KOIKE,Shinji ; MIYAZAKI,Yoshinori
4E718Fabrication of Quasi-Solid-State Dye-sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells Using Ion-conductive Polymer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MATSUMOTO,Masamitsu ; KAMBE,Shingo ; SAITO,Yasuteru ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ; WADA,Yuj
i ; SHIGAKI,Kouich
iro ; INOUE,Teruhisa ; IKEDA,Masaaki ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
4E728Analysis of Inner Resistance of Solid-state Dye-sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells using polymer electrolyte ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MATSUMOTO,Masamitsu ; KAMBE,Shingo ; SAITO,Yasuteru ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ;
I,Kouichiro ; INOUE,Teruhisa ; IKEDA,Masaaki ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
4E729Nanocrystalline solar cells sensitized withs2-(2'-pyridyl)-4-carboxyquinoline ruthenium(II)complexes ( Ministry of International Trade and Industry NationalInstitute of Materials and Chemical Research COEslaboratory ) YANAGIDA,Masatoshi ; T
AKAHSHI,Yoshiaki ;
ISLAM,Ashraful ; FUJIHASHI,Gaku ; HORIGUCHI,Takaro ; KATOH,Ryuzi ; HARA,Kohjiro ; SUGIHARA,Hideki ; AARAKAWA,Hironori
4E730Multinucleation of ruthenium photosensitizer and its effect on solar cell performance. ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TAKAHASHI,Yoshiaki ; ARAKAWA,Hironori ; SUGIHARA,Hideki
4E732Processing of TiO2/ZnO bilayer photocatalyst at low temperature by RF magnetron sputtering ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo ) SANO,Mitsuhiro ; NAKAJIMA,Akira ; SHIGESATO,Yuzo ; WATANABE,Toshiya
4E733Preparation of vis-light active TiO2 Photocatalyst by wet process ( Kinki Univ. Ecodevice ) MIYOSHI,Masahiro ; IHARA,Tatsuhiko ; KODAMA,Miho ; ANDOU,Masazumi ; SUGIHARA,Shinichi
4E734Realizing the utilization of visible light by Ti-zeolites and Ti-mesoporous silica photocatalysts applying the metal ion-implantation method and the photocatalytic reaction ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate school of Engineering ) KAN
AZAWA,Yukiya ; TAK
EUCHI,Masato ; IKEUE,Keita ; YAMASHITA,Hiromi ; ANPO,Masakazu
4E735Photocatalytic partial oxidation of propene with O2 on the metal ion-implanted Ti-Beta zeolite photocatalysts ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) KIDA,Keiko ; IKEUE,Keita ; KANAZAWA,Yukiya ; YAMASHITA,Hiromi ; AN
4E738Sensitization of photoinduced hydrophilic reaction with layered type TiO2/WO3 thin film. ( RCAST, The Univ. of Tokyo ) MIYAUCHI,Masahiro ; SHIMOHIGOSHI,Mitsuhide ; NAKAJIMA,Akira ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito ; WATANABE,Toshiy
4E739Sensitization for Photo-induced Hydrophilicity of TiO2 using Photoelectrochemical Etching(2) ( RCAST, Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIBATA,Tatsuo ; NAKAJIMA,Akira ; WATANABE,Toshiya ; HASHIMOTO,Kazuhito
4E740Crystalline Surface Dependence of Photodissolution Reaction atsRutile Titanium Dioxide Partilces ( Osaka Univ. ) SAJI,Yuichiro ; TUJIKO,Akira ; KISUMI,Tetuya ; MURAKOSHI,Kei ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
4E741Characterization of Reactive Oxygen Species Diffused from TiO2 Photocatalysts in Air ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TACHIBANA,Shinichiro ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E742Characterization of TiO2 photocatalysts modified with Pd stripes in gaseous phase as a photoelectrochemical system ( Univ. of Tokyo ) OHKO,Yoshihisa ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E744Photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disruptors ( The university of Tokyo ) IUCHI,Kenichiro ; OHKO,Yoshihisa ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; NAKASHIMA,Tetsuhito ; NIWA,Chisa ; KUBOTA,Yoshinobu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E745Coating of a Ag-TiO2 photocatalyst on elastomer materials ( Univ. of Kanagawa ; Univ. of Tokyo ) HAGI,Atsuki ; OHKO,Yoshihisa ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; KOBAYAKAWA,Koichi ; SATO,Yuichi ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E746Photoelectrochemical anti-corrosion system with an energy storage ability ( Univ. of Tokyo ) SAITOH,Shuichi ; OHKO,Yosihisa ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
4E747Water-base photocatalyst clear paint with polymerized water glass as binder ( TOTO LTD.R&D CENTER ) SHIMAI,Akira ; YAMAMOTO,Masahiro ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuo ; SHIMOHIGOSHI,Mituhide
4E748Preparation of Carbon-coated TiO2 and Its Application to Decolorization of a Dye-containing Solution ( Nara National College of Technology ) KURODA,Kumiko ; KANDA,Shingo ; HORI,Mitsuhiro ; OHNISHI,Yasuyuki ; IZUMI,Ikuichiro ; TSUMURA,Tomoki
Bld. No.3 Room No.351
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F108Molecular recognition of various secondary ammonium cation salts by Pybox ligand. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) FUKUDA,Takeyoshi ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
1F109Novel 4+4 ion-pair clusters of primary ammonium sulfonates ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MATSUKAWA,Youzou ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
1F110Structure and Self-assembling Properties of Peptides Composed of Urea Spacer ( Osaka Univ. ) MORIUCHI,Toshiyuki ; TAMURA,Takashi ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
1F111Study on formation of inclusion complexes between viologens derivatives and crown ethers ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) YABUZAKI,Akira ; KUWABARA,Tetsuo ; SUGIYAMA,Maki ; SATO,Shigehiko ; NANASAWA,Masato
1F112Synthesis and chiral recognition ability of isocyanurates having p eripheral amino acid chains. ( Faculty of Engineering, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MORIMOTO,Noriaki ; SUGIMOTO,Hiroshi ; INOUE,Shohei
1F114Dynamic Behavior of Guest Molecules in Coordination Nanotubes ( Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ; Department of Applied Chemistry of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. ) TOMINAGA,Masahide ; TASHIRO,Shohei ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; OKANO,T
akashi ; FUJITA,Ma
1F115Complementary Complexation of Dissymmetric bipyridine on Pd(II) ( Grad. School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ. ) TOMINAGA,Masahide ; FUJITA,Makoto
1F116Design of Supramolecular Catalyst: Cooperative Catalysis via Complementary Multiple Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions ( Graduate School of Enigneering, The University of Tokyo, JST TOREST, Graduate School of Earth Enviromental Science, Hokka
ido University ) O
HSAKI,Koji ; KONISHI,Katsuaki ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F117Chiral supramolecular polymer composed of cyclic dipeptides (1): Self-recognition in solution. ( Univ. of Tokyo ) ISHIDA,Yasuhiro ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F118Chiral supramolecular polymer composed of cyclic dipeptides (2): Control of helical/fibrous structure in solid state ( Univ. of Tokyo ) ISHIDA,Yasuhiro ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F126The antibacterial activity of the Bi-containing polyoxotungstates against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) YAMASE,Toshihiro ; MATSUNAGA,Sae
1F127Effect of polyoxometalates on two genes mec and fem of MRSA and anti-MRSA mechanism ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) YAMASE,Toshihiro ; NOMURA,Hisao
1F128Uptake of chlorin e6-immunoconjugate in tumor cells ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OSADA,Yoshihiro ; OGURA,Shun-ichiro ; KAMACHI,Toshiaki ; OKURA,Ichiro
1F129Comparison of photodynamic efficiency of endogenous protoporphyrin IX induced by 5-aminolevulinic acid and exogenous protoporphyrin IX ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) HORIUCHI,Yasuomi ; OGURA,Shun-ichiro ; KAMACHI,Toshiaki ; OKURA,Ichiro
1F130Conversion of oligopeptide derivative tweezers into chiral recognition sites ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) YOSHIKAWA,Masakazu ; YONETANI,Kyoichi ; KITAMURA,Satoshi
1F132Molecular recognition of bis(resorcinol)anthracene solid host in supercritical fluids ( Dept. of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) NAITO,Masanobu ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro ; MORI,Toshiaki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
1F133Molecular recognition of bis(resorcinol)anthracene-Metal complex host in supercritical fluids ( Dept. of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) SASAKI,Yusuke ; NAITO,Masanobu ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro ; MORI,Toshiaki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
1F134Fluorescence-Shift induced mechanism of Cinchona Alkaloid-Selective Molecularly Imprinted polymer ( Hiroshima city Univ. ) KUBO,Hiroyuki ; IKEGAMI,Takashi ; MATSUI,Jun ; TAKEUCHI,Toshifumi
1F135Conversion of atrazine to low toxic compound using molecularly imprinted polymer ( Hiroshima City University ) TAKEUCHI,Toshifumi ; MUKAWA,Takashi ; MATSUI,Jun ; UGATA,Satoshi
1F138Synthesis of a new tripodal hexadentate ligand and property of its iron(III) complex ( Seikei University, Faculty of Engineering ) KATOH,Akira ; KUDOH,Hidenori ; SAITO,Ryota
1F139Synthesis and microbial growth-promotion activities of hydroxyazine heterocycles ( Seikei University, Faculty of Engineering ) SAITO,Ryota ; GOSH,K. K. ; HARADA,Kazuo ; KATOH,Akira
1F140Complex Formation of Multiopic Tripodal Hydroxamic Acids with Use of the D- or L-Amino Acid Residues ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. ) HARA,Yukihiro ; SHEN,Langtao ; TUBOUCHI,Akira ; AKIYAMA,Masayasu ; SUGIHARA,Hideki
1F141Response and recognition of autoinducer analogues by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( Hiroshima Univ. ) IKEDA,Tsukasa ; KAJIYAMA,Koshiro ; KITA,Toshikazu ; INOUE,Yuki ; SUEHIRO,Akihito ; TAKIGUCHI,Noboru ; KURODA,Akio ; KATO,Junichi ; OHTAKE,
1F142Hydrolysis of phosphate esters with conformationaly oriented dizinc(II) complexes ( Doshisha Univ., Dept. of Mol. Sci. and Tech. ) SAKAI,Ai ; TOKORO,Katsuhiro ; KODERA,Masahito ; KANO,Koji
1F144An Artificial Receptor Capable of Activity Control for the Cleavage of a Phosphodiester Bond ( Saitama Univ.;PRESTO,JST ) TOZAWA,Tomokazu ; MORI,Sayaka ; TOKITA,Sumio ; KUBO,Yuji
1F145Hydrolysis of Phosphodiesters by cooperative effect of hydrogen bonds and metal ion. (1). ( Gunma University; Faculty of Engineering ) KONDO,Shin-ichi ; SAKUNO,Yuichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
1F146Mechanism of the Oxygenative Cleavage of Chlorocatechols with Molecular Oxygen Catalyzed by Non-Heme Iron(III) Complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Univ. of Kyoto ) HIGUCHI,Masakazu ; TANAKA,Tunehiro ; FUNABIKI,Takuzo
1F147Synthesis and Properties of Anticancer Platinum(II) Complexes with Pyridine Derivatives ( Nat'l Inst. Biosci. Human-Tech. ) ITOH,Masashi ; TOMOHIRO,Takenori ; YOSHIDA,Shuhei ; OKADA,Tomoko ; KODAKA,Masato ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
2F128Molecular structure of azacrown ether Co(II)-oxygen adduct having aromatic pendant ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Kyoto Univ.; Ehime Univ. ) TAJIMA,Kunihiko ; YAMAMOTO,Shinji ; KANAORI,Kenji ; MAKINO,Keisuke ; AZUMA,Nagao
2F129Recognition of Optically-Active Amino Acids Induced by Aromatic Interaction on the Co(III) Ternary Complexes ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KATOH,Akira ; FUNATO,Kentaro ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
2F130Recognition behavior of a Cu(II)-bpy derivative complex toward alpha-amino acids in aqueous solutions ( Grad. School of Sciences, Kyushu University ) KITAGUCHI,Hironori ; KOJIMA,Takahiko ; MATSUDA,Yoshihisa ; TACHI,Yoshimitsu ; TANI,Fumito
; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2F132Reactivity of Nickel Mononuclear Dioxygen Complexes with Hydrotris (pyrazolyl)borate Ligands ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OHZU,Yoshiko ; HIKICHI,Shiro ; AKITA,Munetaka ; MOROOKA,Yoshihiko
2F133 Award LectureSynthesis and Molecular-chemical investigation of Metal-Activated Oxygen Complexes ( chemical resources Laboratory tokyo institute of technology ) HIKICHI,Shiro
2F138Electron Transfer Reduction of NAD+ Analogues and Neurotoxin Causing Parkinsonian Syndrome. Generation and Electron Transfer Properties of the NAD Analogue Radicals ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) INADA,Osamu ; OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoy
oshi ; IMAHORI,Hir
oshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2F139Electron Transfer Oxidation of Vitamin B12Model Complexes and Cleavage of Cobalt-Carbon Bond via CT Complex Formation ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) OHKUBO,Kei ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
2F140Reaction of a ruthenium hydrido complex with NAD(P) model compounds(6)-Formation of a novel type of adducts ( Grad. School of Science and Eng. Saitama Univ. ) ISHITANI,Osamu ; KOSAKA,Tatsumi ; KONNO,Hideo ; KOBAYASHI,Atsuo ; SAKAMOTO,Kazuhi
2F141Reactivity of Copper Complexes with Tris[2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl]amine (TEPA) Ligand ( Osaka City University ) OHSAKO,Takao ; ITOH,Shinobu
2F142Substituent Effects of the Pyridine Ring on the Structure and Redox Behavior of Copper Complexes with 2-(2-Pyridyl)ethylamine Ligands ( Osaka City University; Osaka University; CREST ) OHSAKO,Takao ; TAKI,Masayasu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi ; ITOH,
2F144Structure and Function of Copper Complexes as Model of Nitrite Reductase Active Site. ( Graduate school of Science, Osaka University ) YOKOYAMA,Hiroshi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; SUZUKI,Shinnichiro
2F145Synthesis and characterization of cobalt-substituted nitrite reductase ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MASUNO,Aya ; YOKOYAMA,Hiroshi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; SUZUKI,Shinnichiro
2F146Effect of thioether groups on thermal stability of hydroperoxocopper(II) complexes and their O2-activation ( Doshisha Univ., Dept. of Mol. Sci. and Tech. ) YAMAMOTO,Tomohiro ; MIURA,Izumi ; YAMAMOTO,Ryou ; KODERA,Masahito ; KANO,Koji
2F147Thermal Stability of Coppr-Dioxygen Complexes with Substituted Tripodal Pyridylamine Ligands ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) YAMAGUCHI,Syuhei ; WADA,Akira ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
2F148Preparation and Characterization of Dinuclear Copper Complexes with Asymmetric Coordination Sites ( Osaka University; CREST; Osaka City University ) TERAMAE,Shinichi ; TAKI,Masayasu ; ITOH,Shinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F106Ligand Effects of Zn(II)-Superoxide Complexes as Active Site Models of Cu/Zn-SOD ( Osaka University; CREST ) OHTSU,Hideki ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F107The Effect of Zn(II) ion in the Disproportionation Reaction of Semiquinone Radical Anion with Cu/Zn-SOD Model Complexes ( Osaka University; CREST ) OHTSU,Hideki ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F108Crown ether tripyridine ligands to control the stability and functionality of m-h2:h2-peroxo dicopper(II) complexes ( Doshisha Univ., Dept. of Mol. Sci. and Tech ) KAJITA,Yuuji ; KODERA,Masahito ; KANO,Koji
3F109Comparison of the Reactivity between (.mu.-.eta.2:.eta.2-Peroxo)dicopper(II) and Bis(.mu.-oxo)dicopper(III) Complexes ( Osaka University; CREST; Osaka City University ) TAKI,Masayasu ; KUMEI,
Hideyuki ; ITOH,S
hinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F110Oxidation Mechanism of Phenols by the (.mu.-.eta.2:.eta.2-Peroxo)dicopper(II) Complex ( Osaka University; CREST; Osaka City University ) KUMEI,Hideyuki ; ITOH,Shinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F111Redox Reactivity of Bis(.mu.3-oxo) Trinuclear Copper Complex ( Osaka University; CREST; Osaka City University ) TERAMAE,Shinichi ; ITOH,Shinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F113Redox Activity of Bis(.mu.-oxo)dinickel(III) Complexes ( Osaka University; Osaka City University; CREST ) NAKAGAWA,Motonobu ; ITOH,Shinobu ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
3F114Preparation and Redox Behavior of Dinuclear Copper Complexes Containing Bis(thiolate) or Disulfide Bridge. (Model Complexes of CuA Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase) ( Osaka University; Osaka City University; CREST ) NAKAGAWA,Motonobu
; ITOH,Shinobu ;
3F115Syntheses of NH...0 hydrogen bonded carboxylate complexes with rotation of amide plane. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) SUMI,Toshiaki ; ONODA,Akira ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3F116Roles of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond to Ubisemiquinone Radical ( Osaka Univ. ) FURUKAWA,Atsushi ; ONODA,Akira ; NOSAKI,Kouichi ; OHNO,Ken ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norikazu
3F117Synthesis and structures of diiron(III) complexes with a dinucleating ligand containing four carboxylic acid pendant groups ( Doshisha Univ., Dept. of Mol. Sci. and Tech. ) SAKATA,Youichi ; KODERA,Masahito ; KANO,Koji
3F118Kinetic studies on the O2-oxidation of catechol catalyzed by tetracopper(II) complexes ( Doshisha Univ., Department of Molecular Science and Technology ) KAWATA,Tomohisa ; KODERA,Masahito ; KANO,Koji
Bld. No.3 Room No.352
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F208Bis(bisimidazolyl substituted porphyrin) zinc complex ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) LIU,Tianjun ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F209Synthesis of Cross-Shaped Porphyrin Pentamer having Four Imidazole Groups and its Supramolecular Organization ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) MORIKAWA,Satoshi ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F210Design of Hydrogen-bonded Multi-porphyrin Arrays ( The University of Tokyo ) YAMAGUCHI,Tatsuya ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F211Self-assembly of Heptadodecameric Porphyrin System, and its Functionality ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KURODA,Yasuhisa ; SUGOH,Kenji ; SASAKI,Ken
1F212Generation of Photocurrent by Cooperative Coordinating Organization of Imidazole-substituted Porphyrins ( CREST; Nara Institute of Science and Technology ) NOMOTO,Akihiro ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Sin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F214Organization of porphyrins by cooperative zinc-imidazole coordination ( CREST; Nara Institute of Science and Technology ) OGAWA,Kazuya ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Sin-iti ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F215Porphyrin Assembly Utilizing Crown Ether and Metal Ion Interaction ( Kyoto University, Graduate School of Science ) SHINMORI,Hideyuki ; YASUDA,Yuzo ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
1F216Molecular Architectures Utilizing Crown Ether-appended Metalloporphyrins ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) SHINMORI,Hideyuki ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
1F217Efficient Light-harvesting Antenna Functions in Dendritic Multi-Porphyrin Arrays ( Graduate school of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) CHOI,Myung- Seok ; AIDA,Takuzo ; YAMAZAKI,Tomoko ; YAMAZAKI,Iwao
1F218Design of [60]fullerene-linked dendritic multi-porphyrin arrays ( Graduate school of Engineering, The Univ. of Tokyo ) CHOI,Myung- Seok ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F227ESR Detection of Zinc-porphyrin radical cation and Determination of the Electron-Exchange Rate Constant ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) ENDO,Yoshito ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1F228Generation of High-Valent Iron-Oxo Porphyrin Radical Cation by Electron Transfer Oxidation ( Osaka Univ.; CREST ) ENDO,Yoshito ; SUENOBU,Tomoyoshi ; IMAHORI,Hiroshi ; FUKUZUMI,Shunichi
1F229Self-Assembly of Manganese Porphyrins and Their Electron Transfer ( Hokkaido Univ. ) YAMADA,Taku ; OHTSUKA,Toshiaki ; NANGO,Mamoru
1F230Electron Transfer of Poly(ethylenimine)-linked Mesoporphyrin Derivatives on Gold Electrodes Modified with Self-assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols ( Grad. School Eng., Hokkaido Univ; Nagoya Inst. of Tech. ) NAGATA,Morio ; OHTUKA,Toshiaki ;
KONDO,Masaharu ;
1F232Interaction between water-soluble metalloporphyrins and ONOO- ( Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; NAKAJIMA,Takumi ; MIYATSU,Kazumasa ; ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; NAGAOKA,Shoji
1F233Cytotoxicity effect of cationic Fe-porphyrin on human cancer cell ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; KASUGAI,Nobuyoshi ; ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; NAGAOKA,Shoji
1F234Electronic Effects of Substituents on the Electron Configuration of Low Spin (Dicyano)(tetraarrylporphyrinato)iron(III) Complexes ( Toho University ) IKEZAKI,Akira ; IKEUE,Takahisa ; KIUCHI,Yuu ; NAKAMURA,Mikio
1F235Comparison of porphyrin, porphycene, and corrphycene on their molecular structures and corresponding physicochemical properties. ( Toho University School of Medicine; Kyoto Pharmaceutical University; Toho University ) OHGO,Yoshiki ; IKEUE,T
akahisa ; NAKAMURA
,Mikio ; NEYA,Saburo ; FUNASAKI,Noriaki ; TAKAHASHI,Tadashi ; TAKEDA,Masuo
1F238Synthesis of Porphyrin Derivatives by Nickel-Mediated Coupling Reaction ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology; Graduate School of Materials Science, CREST ) SATAKE,Akiharu ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F239Synthesis and molecular recognition of water-soluble gable porphyrin ( Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) WADA,Kenji ; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1F240Synthesis of novel porphyrin having multi polar interaction sites composed of metal and Lewis bases ( Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KOZAKE,Katsuyuki ; WADA,Ken
ji ; MIZUTANI,Tada
shi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1F241Synthesis and fnuction of porphrin tetramer with a rotational axis ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KUBO,Youhei ; IKEDA,Masato ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1F242Allosteric Silver(I) ion recognition with double decker porphyrin ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) IKEDA,Masato ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1F244Water oxidation catalyzed by bismanganese(III) Diporphyrin complex and its reaction mechanism. ( Kyushu University, IFOC ) TAKESUE,Hironori ; SHIMAZAKI,Yuichi ; YE,Bao-hui ; TANI,Fumito ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
1F245Effective Oligosaccharides Recognition through Positive Homotropic Allosterism ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) SUGASAKI,Atsushi ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1F246Development of Artificial Molecule Detecting Tumor-associated Antigens ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) SUGASAKI,Atsushi ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2F226Synthesis of Novel N-confused Porphyrin Analogue, N-confused Calix[4]phyrin ( Grad. School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) FURUTA,Hiroyuki ; ISHIZUKA,Tomoya ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2F227Synthesis and properties of doubly N-confused porphyrins ( Grad. School of Sci., Kyoto Univ. ) FURUTA,Hiroyuki ; MAEDA,Hiromitsu ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2F228Complexation Behavior of Dioxygen with Fe and Co Porphyrins Bearing Hydroxy Groups in Their Cavities ( Kyushu University,IFOC ) NAKAYAMA,Shinya ; TANI,Fumito ; KOSSANYI,Alain ; MATSU-URA,Mikiya ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2F229Reaction between nitric oxide and a heme bearing hydroxyl groups in the molecular cavities ( Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University ) TANI,Fumito ; ARIYAMA,Kiyoko ; MATSU-URA,Mikiya ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2F230Thermodynamic Study on the Axial Ligation Behavior of Cobaltporphycenes and Cobaltporphyrins ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) URAKAWA,Naomi ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
2F232Synthesis and properties of porphyrins having carboxyl groups and amino groups. ( Faculty of Science ) MAEDA,Shigeru ; UEJI,Shin-ichi ; MISHINA,Noriko ; SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro
2F233Self-aggregation of bacteriochlorophyll-e homologs and epimers in non-polar organic solvents ( Ritsumeikan University; Tokyo Metropolitan University ) SAGA,Yoshitaka ; MATSUURA,Katsumi ; TAMIAKI,Hitoshi
2F234Non-aggregative bacteriochlorophyll derivatives: Energy acceptor models in photosynthetic antenna ( Ritsumeikan University; Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TAMIAKI,Hitoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Kouhei
2F235Physical properties of synthetic bacteriochlorophyll-b and g analogs ( Ritsumeikan University; Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TAMIAKI,Hitoshi ; KUNIEDA,Michio
2F238Self-assemblies of zinc chlorins possessing a hydrophilic group in an aqueous medium ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University ) MIYATAKE,Tomohiro ; TAMIAKI,Hitoshi ; MATSUSHITA,Takayuki ; FU
2F239Solvent Effect on Electronic Spectra of Dichloro(phthalocyaninato)antimony(V) Cation. ( National Research Institute for Metals ) ISAGO,Hiroaki ; KAGAYA,Yutaka
2F240Formation of New Metal-Phthalocyanine Complex during Ligand-Reduction of Difluoro(phthalocyaninato)antimony(V). ( National Research Institute for Metals ) KAGAYA,Yutaka ; ISAGO,Hiroaki
2F241Dynamics of the Inclusion Complex of Cyclodextrin with Water-soluble Porphyrin in Aqueous Solution ( Doshisha Univ. ) NISHIYABU,Ryuhei ; KANO,Koji
2F242Anionic Porphyrin Fe(III)-Cyclodextrin Complex in Aqueous Solution - pH effects ( Doshisha Univ. ) YAMADA,Akihisa ; KANO,Koji ; KURODA,Yasuhisa
2F244Synthesis and properties of face-to-edge cyclodextrin dimers ( Saitama University ) ISHIMARU,Yoshihiro ; KOJO,Yasunori ; IIDA,Takeaki
2F245Functions of Cyclic Cyclodextrin Dimer Having ExpandedsMolecular Recognition Sites ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KURODA,Yasuhisa ; NAGASAKA,Masahiko ; SASAKI,Ken
2F246Tricationic A,C,E-tris[6-(1-pyridinio)-6-deoxy]-per-O-methyls-.alpha.-cyclodextrin Selectively Recognizes Conjugate Bases of Weak Acids rather than Strong Acids ( Osaka City Univ. ) BATOH,Katsunari ; TAMAGAKI,Seizo
2F247Chiral Recognition of Trisphenanthroline Complexes by Cyclodextrins ( Doshisha Univ. ) HASEGAWA,Hideki ; KANO,Koji
2F248Florescent metal sensing based on dimer formation of water soluble mono- and bis-pyrene-modified cavitands ( Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments,Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,Akit
a University ) YAM
AZAKI,Yoshiaki ; NASHIROZAWA,Norio ; NRITA,Miyuki ; HAMADA,Fumio
3F208Fluorescent molecular sensory system based on bis dansyl-modified .beta.-cyclodextrin trimer ( Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments, Faculty of Engineering and Resource, Akita University. ) NARI
TA,Miyuki ; ITO,Ju
nya ; HAMADA,Fumio
3F209Crown Ether - Ferrocenecarboxylic Acid Conjugate as a Bifunctional Receptor of Amino Acids ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) TSUKUBE,Hiroshi ; FUKUI,Hiroshi ; SHINODA,Satoshi
3F210Design and construction of supramolecular structure cinnamamide-attached .beta.-cyclodextrins. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MIYAUCHI,Masahiko ; HOSHINO,Taiki ; KAWAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; HARADA,Akira
3F211Design and construction of supramolecular structure by cyclodextrin dimer and adamantane dimer ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) OHGA,Kahori ; KAWAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; HARADA,Akira
3F212Design and Construction of Supramolecular Structures by Modified Cyclodextrins Containing Viologen Derivatives ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) KAWAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; HARADA,Akira
3F214Design and Function of Crown Ether Azoprobe/.gamma.-Cyclodextrin Complex Sensors. (II) Determination of Stoichiometry ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) HAYASHITA,Takashi ; MURAD,Mihab ; TAKAHASHI,Shu ; TERAMAE,Norio
3F215Alkali Metal Ion Recognition by Biscrown Ether Azoprobe Based on Exciton Splitting Response ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) MURAKAMI,Akiko ; HAYASHITA,Takashi ; TERAMAE,Norio
3F216Synthesis and properties of calix[4]arened phthalocyanines ( Tohoku University; Orient Chemical Industries, Ltd. ) KOBAYASHI,Nagao ; KURODA,Kazuyoshi ; YAMASAKI,Yasuhiro
3F217Binding Behaviors of Calix[4]arene Receptor having Hydrogen-Bonding Group in Highly Competitive Solvent ( Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science ) NAKAMURA,Masaki ; KATO,Nobuki ; HAINO,Takeharu ; FUKAZAWA,Yoshimasa
3F218Syntheses of Homoazathiacalixarenes and Related Compounds and the Studysof Their Properties ( Yamagata University Faculty of Engineering ) OHBA,Yoshihiro ; TERAURA,Hiroyuki ; UMETSU,Kiyoharu ; ITO,Kazuaki
3F226Monosaccharides sensing utilizing hydrogen bonding interaction. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) TAMARU,Shunichi ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; KHASANOV,Alisher B. ; BELL,Thomas W.
3F227SIze and Morphology-dependent Fluorescing Activities of Poly(benzyl ether) Dendrimers ( The University of Tokyo ) KIMATA,Shuichi ; JANG,Woo-dong ; JIANG,Dong-lin ; AIDA,Takuzo
3F228Water-Soluble Dendritic Molecular Wire as a Novel Photosensitizer for Electron Transfer ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) JIANG,Dong-lin ; CHOI,Cheol-kyu ; AIDA,Takuzo
3F229A Pseudo Rotaxane Consisting of a Dendritic Rod and a Protein ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) KURITA,Takeshi ; JIANG,Dong-lin ; AIDA,Takuzo
3F230Synthesis of dendrimers with histidine residue and their interaction with metal ions ( Institute for Molecular Science ) KIKUZAWA,Yoshihiro ; NAGATA,Toshi
3F232Self-organization of Multinuclear Disk-like Coordinations Metalacycles bearing Pyrazolyl Dendrimer Ligands ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) KISHIMURA,Akihiro ; ENOMOTO,Masashi ; JIANG,Dong-lin ; AIDA,Takuzo
3F233Nucleobase Dendrimer: Fluorescence Properties of Lanthanide Complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and Graduate School of Earth Environmental Science, Hokkaido University ) MORIMOTO,Kei ; TOMINAGA,Masahide ; KON
ISHI,Katsuaki ; AI
Bld. No.3 Room No.353
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F304Lectin Engineering by Post-photoaffinity Labeling Modification: Co nstruction and the Sensing Mechanism Study of Fluorescent Saccharide-Biosensor. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) NAGASE,Tsuyoshi ; KASAGI,Noriyuki ; HAM
1F305Highly Selective Oligosaccharide Sensing by an Artificial Fluoresc ent Lectin Coupled with PET-type Saccharide Sensor. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) NAGASE,Tsuyoshi ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1F306Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of GFP and RFP Containing Nonnatural Amino Acids ( Okayama Univ. ) HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; KAJIHARA,Daisuke ; SUGIMOTO,Izumi ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F308Photocontrol of Camel Monoclonal Antibody by Introducing Nonnatural Amino Acid ( Okayama Univ. ) MAEDA,Kaiyo ; HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F309Efficient Incorporation of Nonnatural Amino Acids into a Protein using Four-Base Codon GGGU ( Okayama Univ. ) TAIRA,Hikaru ; HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F310An approach towards aminoacylation of tRNA by antisense PNA derivatives ( Okayama University; ) NINOMIYA,Keiko ; ENDO,Takamasa ; HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F311Effect of Denaturants on the Stability of Light-harvesting Complex and of Its Model Complex ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) SAWA,Naoko ; ITO,Seiji ; IIDA,Kouji ; YAMASHITA,Keiji ; NANGO,Mamoru
1F312Construction of light-harvesting polypeptide / chlorophyll complex in various lipid bilayers. ( Nagoya Inst. of Teach. ) YOSHIMURA,Yoshimi ; INAGAKI,Juinichi ; NAGATA,Morio ; IIDA,Kouji ; YAMASHITA,Keiji ; NANGO,Mamoru
1F314Synthesis of tetraphenylporphyrin with four dialkylphosphocholine groups and property of its self-assembly ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) MORITAKE,Miho ; NAKAGAWA,Akito ; KOMATSU,Teruyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1F315Effect of heme structure on stability of dioxygen-adduct complexes in albumin-heme hybrid ( Department of Polymer Chemistry, Waseda University ) KOMATSU,Teruyuki ; MATSUKAWA,Yasuko ; OKADA,Tomoyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1F316Property and dioxygenation of albumin hybrid incorporating protoheme derivatives ( Waseda Univ. ) MIYATAKE,Kaoru ; KOMATSU,Teruyuki ; TSUCHIDA,Eishun
1F317NMR Study of Tertiary Structure Alteration in Myoglobin ( Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Tsukuba ) MATSUO,Hitomi ; TERUI,Norifumi ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiko
1F318Oxidative Modification Mechanism of Tryptophan in the Hemes Vicinity by Using Phe43Trp/His64Leu Myoglobin Mutant ( Grad. Univ. Advanced Studies ) HARA,Isao ; MATSUI,Toshitaka ; OZAKI,Shin-ichi ; UENO,Takahumi ; WATANABE,Yoshihito
1F326Coordination Structure of heme in Cystathionine beta-Synthase ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) KAMIKOZAWA,Yukari ; TOMITA,Tsuyoshi ; SATO,Michihiko ; YOSHIDA,Tadashi ; SAITO,Masao
1F327Coordination structure of the heme in the CO-sensing transcriptional regulator CooA ( School of Materials Science, JAIST, RIKEN/Harima Institute ) NAKAJIMA,Hiroshi ; AONO,Shigetoshi ; NAKAGAWA,Emi ; SHIRO,Yoshitsugu
1F328Structure and function of a novel oxygen-sensor protein HemAT ( School of Materials Science, JAIST ) AONO,Shigetoshi ; NAKAJIMA,Hiroshi ; KATO,Toshiyuki ; MATSUKI,Mayumi
1F329Sensor peptide based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) MIYAMOTO,Nobuaki ; SAKAI,Tosifumi ; TAMIYA,Eiichi ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji
1F330Enantioselective S-Oxidation with Cytochrome c-Crown Ether Complex ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) TSUKUBE,Hiroshi ; SUZUMURA,Atsuko ; YAMADA,Takashi ; SHINODA,Satoshi
1F332Structure-based design of IP3 sensor ( Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University ) SUGIMOTO,Kenji ; MAKINO,Keisuke ; MORII,Takashi ; MORI,Yasuo ; IMOTO,Keiji ; OOTUKA,Masami
1F333A Novel Inorganic-Protein Hybrid: Ship-in-a-Bottle Synthesis of a CdS Nanocluster in a Tubular Cavity of a Protein ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TOMISAKA,Katsuhiko ; ISHIDA,Yasuhiro ; KONISHI,Katsuaki ; AIDA,Takuzo
1F334Aritificial Photosynthesis System Constructed on a Protein Surface by Supramolecular Architecture ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) TSUKIJI,Shinya ; SANO,Katsuhiko ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji ; OISHI,Shigero
1F335Preparation and Properties of Anti-Cationic Porphyrin Antibodies ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) HORITA,Eri ; YAMAGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; HARADA,Akira
1F338Supramolecular Formation between Multi-Valent Antigens and Antibodies ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; HARADA,Akira
1F339Selection of human antibody fragments specific for human EPO receptor extracellular domain and poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) ( The Department of biomolecular engineering, Graduate school of Engineering, Tohoku University ) WATANABE,Hideki ; NI
; AIZAWA,Masakazu ; TAGUCHI,Seiichi ; DOI,Yoshiharu ; TUMOTO,Kouhei ; KUMAGAI,Izumi
1F340Contribution of interfacial hydrogen bond formation throughswater molecules to a protein antigen-antibody interaction ( Grad. Sch. of Eng. Tohoku Univ.;HNIRI ) YOKOTA,Akiko ; SHIROISHI,Mitsunori ; KONDO,Hidemasa ; TSUMOTO,Kouhei ; KUMAGAI,I
1F341Peptides which Inhibits Influenza Virus Infection ( Dept. Appl. Chem., Keio Univ. ) SUMI,Machiko ; SATO,Toshinori
1F342Dynamics of Life Molecules (18): Control of aggregation ofsamyloid .beta.-protein in Alzheimer's disease with Cu2+ ( Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ.; Hebei Univ. of Tech., China;HRC, Konan Univ. ) ZOU,Jin ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F344Dynamics of Life Molecules (20): Development of small peptides that recognize a monosaccharide by combinatorial chemistry ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) MIYOSHI,Daisuke ; NAKANO,Shu-ichi ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F326Analysis of induction period of ( Hiroshima Prefectural University, School of Biosciences ) TSURUHATA,Kumi ; MITSUDA,Yukie ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taizo
2F327Analysis of gene and structure of antibodies against Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) urease ( Hiroshima Prefectural University, School of Biosciences ) MORIKAWA,Takashi ; MORIHARA,Fumiko ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taizo
2F328Introduction of the nucleobase amino acids to HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NCp7) and their interaction with RNA ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; PRESTO, JST ) TAKAHASHI,Tsuyoshi ; UENO,Akihiko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F329Ligation Reaction of alpha-Helical Peptides with Nucleobase Amino Acids based on the Coiled-Coil Motif ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; PRESTO, JST ) MATSUMURA,Sachiko ; UENO,Akihiko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F330Screening of peptides that control the interaction between nucleobases using the spot-synthesis method ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; PRESTO, JST ) TAKAHASHI,Mizuki ; UENO,Akihiko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F332Novel inhibitors of .beta.-amyloid aggregation ( Nat'l Inst. Biosci. Human-tech., Science Univ. Tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Kazuhiko ; WATANABE,Ken-ichi ; AKIKUSA,Shingo ; OKADA,Tomoko ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KODAKA,Masato ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
2F333Molecular chaperone-inspired systems (1) Fuzzy protein recognition in the nanogels of hydrophobized polysaccharides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, PRESTO ) MARUICHI,Naoyuki ; NOMURA,Yuta ; AKIYOSHI,Kazunari
2F334Molecular chaperone-inspired systems (2) control of protein refolding by dynamic nanogel ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, PRESTO ) NOMURA,Yuta ; AKIYOSHI,Kazunari
2F335Molecular chaperone-inspired systems(3) Control of formation of DNA double strand ( Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering; PRESTO ) KANAMORI,Takuya ; TSUDO,Yasuhiro ; AKIYOSHI,Kazunari
2F338Complementary and Heterogeneous Assembly of Peptides into Amyloid Fibril ( Tokyo Institute of Technology; PRESTO, JST ) TAKAHASHI,Yuta ; UENO,Akihiko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F339Photoinduced Hydrogen Evolution with Peptide Dendrimer- Multi-Zn(II)-Porphyrin Depending on Dendritic Assembly ( Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SAKAMOTO,Muneyoshi ; KAMACHI,Toshiaki ; OKURA,I
chiro ; UENO,Akihi
ko ; MIHARA,Hisakazu
2F340Preparation and Function of Cast Films of Oriented .alpha.-helical Polypeptides ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KISHIHARA,Kiyonobu ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
2F341Adosorption of Guest Molecules into the Oriented Ultra-thin Films of .alpha. -helical Polypeptides ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ASAOKA,Kentaro ; KISHIHARA,Kiyonobu ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
2F342Effects of modification on cation recognition of tetrapeptides containing .alpha. -aminoisobutyric acid. ( Konan Univ. ) YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; HANYUU,Masayuki ; IBA,Akiko ; MIYAZAWA,Toshifumi ; YAMADA,Takashi
2F344Analysis in non enzymatic hydrosis and polymerization of peptide and study on the origin of homochirality in life ( Univ. of Kobe ) SAKAGUCHI,Mayuko ; ARASE,Naoki ; EBARA,Yasuhito ; IWAI,Michio ; UEJI,Shin-ichi
2F345Suppression of epimerization in the thioester mehtod ( Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University ) TERUYA,Kenta ; KAWAKAMI,Toru ; AKAJI,Kenichi ; UEKI,Masaaki ; AIMOTO,Saburo
2F346Pd(en) as a sequence-selective molecular pinch for alpha-helical peptides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KASAGI,Noriyuki ; KIYONAKA,Shigeki ; NAGASE,Tsuyoshi ; MITO-OKA,Yasuko ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2F347Sequence-selective recognition of a-helical peptide by dinuclear Z n (Dpa) complexes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) MITO-OKA,Yasuko ; TSUKIJI,Shinya ; KASAGI,Noriyuki ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
3F309Oxidation of Sulfides and Ketones with Hydrogen Peroxide insthe Presence of Polymer-Supported Flavinium Salt Catalysts ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; IMADA,Yasushi ; ONO,Satoshi
3F310Aerobic Oxygenation of Sulfides and Amines with Flavin Catalysts ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; IMADA,Yasushi ; ONO,Satoshi ; IIDA,Hiroki
3F311Design and semisynthesis of 2,2'-bipyridine appended RNase S' ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) HIRAOKA,Takashi ; WATANABE,Jyun-ichi ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
3F312Semisynthetic ribonuclease by incorporation of hydroxamic acid m etal comlex. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) WATANABE,Jun-ichi ; EBOSHI,Ryoji ; HIRAOKA,Takashi ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHIKAI,Seiji
3F314Electron transfer reaction for poly(etylene oxide) modified pseudoazurin at gold electrodes modifiedswith various thiols containing the carboxyl group ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) AOKI,Michio ; MORIKAWA,Yuki ; NAKAMURA,
Nobuhumi ; OHNO,H
iroyuki ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; GERU,Deru ; SUZUKI,Shinnichiro
3F315Contribution of NHS hydrogen bonds to the oxidation of tungsten(IV) complexes realated to the active sites of tungstoenzyme ( Osaka university, National Institute of Agro-Environmental Science ) SUZUKI,Chie ; BABA,Koji ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ;
YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ;
3F316Structures and Reactivities of Model Complexes havingsIntramolecular NH---S Hydrogen Bonds realated to the Active Sitessof Tungsten Oxidoreductases ( NIAES; Osaka Univ. ) BABA,Koji ; SUZUKI,Chie ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; UEYAMA,Norikazu ; MURAYA
3F317Solution structures of oligopeptides containing Aspartate anion ( Graduate School of Science, University of OsakaPeptide Institute, Inc. ) ONODA,Akira ; OKAMURA,Takaaki ; KUMAGAI,Kumiko ; NAKAJIMA,Kiichiro ; YAMAMOTO,Hitoshi ; UEYAMA,Norika
3F326Analysis of weak interactions between peptide and low-molecular compounds by AFM (2) ( NAIR/AIST ) ITOH,Miyuki ; TAKEDA,Seiji ; NAKAMURA,Chikasi ; KAGESHIMA,Masami ; SEKIZAWA,Kazuko ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F327Analysis of specific interaction between KIX-pKID peptides by using a quartz crystal microbalance ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering.,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MATSUNO,Hisao ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
3F328Analysis of denaturing process of a single peptide by using atomic force microscopy. ( NAIR/AIST ) TAKEDA,Seiji ; ARKADIUSZ,Ptak ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; KAGESHIMA,Masami ; TOKUMOTO,Hiroshi ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F329The peptide alpha helix as a nano-sping: Elastic modulus of a single molecule estimated by using AFM ( NAIR/AIST ) ARKADIUSZ,Ptak ; TAKEDA,Seiji ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; KAGESHIMA,Masami ; JARVIS,Suzanne P. ; TOKUMOTO,Hiroshi ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F330Analysis for interaction between peptide SAM and herbicide ( NAIR/AIST ) ENOMOTO,Hideyuki ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; HASEGAWA,Miki ; INUYAMA,Yasuhiro ; HOSHINO,Takayuki ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F332Functional Accumulation of Enzymes Achieved by Conjugate Alternate Assemblies with Lipid Bilayers. ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) HORIUCHI,Nobuyuki ; HORIGUCHI,Hisashi ; SASAKI,Yoshihiro ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
3F333Identification of the Metal Binding Site of Cu,Zn-SOD andsa Structurally-Related Protein by LC-MS/MSMS ( Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University ) KURAHASHI,Takuya ; ISOBE,Minoru
3F334NMR Conformation Analysis of Silk Fibroin Model Peptides ( Dept. of Chem., Univ. of Tsukuba, Dept. of Biotech., Tokyo Univ. of Agricul. and Tech. ) MINAKAWA,Kazuhisa ; TERUI,Norifumi ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiko ; ASAKURA,Tetsuo
3F335Temperature and Solvent Effects on the Conformation of Aspartic Acid Dipeptide ( Instit. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) KIMURA,Tomohiro ; MATUBAYASI,Nobuyuki ; NAKAHARA,Masaru
Bld. No.3 Room No.354
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F405Purification and characterization of a glucose transfer enzyme catalyzing alpha-anomer-selective glucosylation from Xanthomonas campestris WU-9701 ( School of Sci. and Engineer., Waseda University ) SATO,Toshiyuki ; KUMADA,Yumi ; KIR
IMURA,Kohtaro ; KI
NO,Kuniki ; USAMI,Shoji
1F406Double substrate recognition in Histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ.;Osaka Medical School ) HARUYAMA,Kazuki ; MIYAHARA,Ikuko ; NAKAI,Tadashi ; MIZUGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; HAYASHI,Hideyuki ; KAGAMIYAMA,H
iroyuki ; HIROTSU,
1F408Synthesis and Characterization of Cro analogs containing Electron accepter group ( Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University ) SASAKI,Hiroshi ; IKEDA,Kazumasa ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F409Inhibition of cell adhesion by RGD peptides carring a photoisomerizable nonnatural amino acid ( Okayama Univ. ) SHINOHARA,Hiroaki ; ZHANG,Hai-qian ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F410Purification and Characterization of Latia Luciferase ( Univ. of Electro-communications; Shizuoka University ) KOJIMA,Satoshi ; SUZUKI,Chie ; MAKI,Shojiro ; HIRANO,Takashi ; NIWA,Haruki ; OHMIYA,Yoshihiro
1F411Two steps of one-electron reduction of FAD and related compounds observed on mass spectrometry ( Univ. of Electro-Communications ) ITOH,Yoshiyuki ; HAYASHI,Akio ; YOSHIHARA,Atsuro ; OHASHI,Yoko ; HIRANO,Takashi ; MAKI,Shojiro ; NIWA,Haruki
1F412Studies on the CO-bound Ni/Fe Hydrogenase by Absorption and Resonance Raman Spectra ( Nagoya Univ.; Kansai Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) HIROTA,Shun ; MIZOGUCHI,Yasutaka ; YAMAUCHI,Osamu ; OGATA,Hideaki ; HIGUCHI,Yoshiki
1F414Redox States and Fluorescence Properties of Fluorescent Protein of Marine Luminous Bacterium ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KARATANI,Hajime ; HIRAYAMA,Satoshi
1F415Imaging of Conformational Changes of Proteins withsa New Environment-Sensitive Fluorescent Probe Designedsfor Site-Specific Labeling of Recombinant Proteins in Live Cells ( The Univ. Tokyo, School of Science, CREST ) NAKANISHI,Jun ; NAKAJIM
A,Takahiro ; SATO,
Moritoshi ; OZAWA,Takeaki ; TOHDA,Koji ; UMEZAWA,Yoshio
1F416 Session Lectureoxygen activation mechanism by heme oxygenase ( institute for molecular science ) FUJII,Hiroshi
1F426The molecular regulation of enzymatic properties of PQQ glucose dehydrogenase by artificial peptides ( Tokyo Univ.of Agric.& Technol ) SODE,Kouji ; YAGI,Yukiko ; YOSIDA,Hiromi
1F427Construction of PQQGDH having an affinity tail ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) SODE,Koji ; KOH,Hideharu ; KOHIKI,Yumiko ; YOSHIDA,Hiromi
1F428The construction and characterization of engineered PQQ glucose dehydrogenases with altered substrate inhibition. ( Tokyo Univ.of Agric.&Technol. ) SODE,Koji ; MIWA,Kyoko ; FUJIKAWA,Masako ; IGARASHI,Satoshi ; YOSHIDA,Hiromi
1F429Characterization of glycosylated water-soluble PQQGDH-B secreted by Pichia pastoris ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) ARAKI,Nozomu ; YOSHIDA,Hiromi ; SODE,Koji
1F430The stabilization of PQQGDH by introducing new interactions into the dimer interface ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol. ) IGARASHI,Satoshi ; YOSHIDA,Hiromi ; SODE,Koji
1F432Effect of Lys Scanning on Alpha/beta Transition ofsPeptides on Anionic Micelles. ( Kyushu Kyoritsu University ; Kyushu Institute of Technology ) NISHIDA,Junko ; AKISADA,Hideo ; NISHINO,Norikazu
1F433Selection of Enzyme Molecule by Ribosome Display ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech ) TAKAHASHI,Fumio ; YANAGIDA,Yasuko ; HARUYAMA,Tetsuya ; KOBATAKE,Eiry ; AIZAWA,Masuo
1F434Contribution of individual zinc-ligands to folding of a zinc finger peptide ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) NOMURA,Akiko ; SUGIURA,Yukio
1F435Synthesis of dimerized magainin 2 and its interaction with lipid bilayer ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUSHITA,Yuko ; MUKAI,Yasuhiro ; NIIDOME,Takuro ; HATAKEYAMA,Tomomitsu ; AOYAGI,Haruhiko
1F438Synthesis of the peptides derived from the amino acidssequence of the hemolytic lectin CEL-III, and theirsbiological activities ( Nagasaki Univ. ) SUENAGA,Tomoko ; NIIDOME,Takuro ; HATAKEYAMA,Tomomitsu ; AOYAGI,Haruhiko
1F439Expression of the N-acetylgalactosamine-specific C-type lectin CEL-I in Escherichia coli ( Nagasaki Univ. ) HATAKEYAMA,Tomomitsu ; MATSUO,Noriaki ; HANADA,Takako ; SHIBA,Kouhei ; NIIDOME,Takuro ; AOYAGI,Haruhiko
1F440Stabilization of ProteinA-Luciferase Fusion Protein by Site-directed Mutagenesis ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech ) TAKAYAMA,Hiromasa ; YANAGIDA,Yasuko ; HARUYAMA,Tetsuya ; KOBATAKE,Eiry ; AIZAWA,Masuo
1F441Temperature dependence of rate constant for CO2 hydrations using the water-soluble carbonic anhydrase model compound ( Hokkaido University ) SHIINA,Naomi ; NAKATA,Kou ; ICHIKAWA,Kazuhiko
1F442Anion-inhibition effect on CO2 hydration reaction catalyzed by zinc enzyme-model compound ( Hokkaido University ) NAKATA,Kou ; SHIINA,Naomi ; ICHIKAWA,Kazuhiko
1F444Turns are essential in folding of globular .beta.-barrel of yeast CPR1 homologous to human cyclophilin A ( Ochanomizu Univ. ) KONNO,Michiko
1F445Synthesis of Cyclic Peptides Derived from alpha-Amylases Inhibitory Protein Tendamistat and their Biological Activity (3): Search for Important Amino Acid Residues ( Toyama University ) ONO,Shin ; TANIYAMA,Hiroko ; UMEZAKI,Makiko ; HASHIMO,
Syuko ; FUJII,Taka
yoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
1F446Electrochemistry of redox active peptide with affinity to glucose oxidase ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) ITO,Hajime ; SAKAI,Toshifumi ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; TAMIYA,Eiichi ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji
1F447Design of hybrid peptide recognizing specifics amino acid sequence of glucose oxidase ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) SAKAI,Toshifumi ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; TAMIYA,Eiichi ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji
1F448Sensing of dioxin using peptide ligand ( JAIST ) MORITA,Yasutaka ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2F426Detection of histamine using histamine oxidase from Arthrobacter crystallopoietes KAIT-B-007 ( Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) YAMAMURA,Akira ; SEKIGUCHI,Yoshinori ; MATSUMOTO,Kunio ; KIBA,Nobutoshi
2F427Split Luciferase as an Optical Probe for Detecting Protein-Protein Interaction in Mammalian Cells Based onsProtein Splicing ( Univ. of Tokyo School of Science ) KAIHARA,Asami ; OZAWA,Takeaki ; SATO,Moritoshi ; UMEZAWA,Yoshio
2F428Characterization of GTPase specific to the bacterial magnetic particle membrane in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1. ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) OKAMURA,Yoshiko ; TAKEYAMA,Haruko ; MATSUNAGA,Tadashi
2F429Analysis on regulation of GTPase expression specific to bacterial magnetic particles ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) FUKUDA,Yorikane ; OKAMURA,Yoshiko ; TAKEYAMA,Haruko ; MATSUNAGA,Tadashi
2F430Surface display of estrogen receptor using most abundant 16kDa protein on bacterial magetic particle mambrane ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Masayoshi ; OKAMURA,Yoshiko ; TAKEYAMA,Haruko ; MATSUNAGA,Tadashi
2F432Analysis of Lon protease from hyperthermophilic archaeon ( Dept. Synth. Chem. & Biol. Chem., Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) FUKUI,Toshiaki ; EGUCHI,Tomohiro ; ATOMI,Haruyuki ; IMANAKA,Tadayuki
2F433Characterization of a thermostable DNA ligase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon ( Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry,Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ATOMI,Haruyuki ; NAKATANI,Masaru ; EZAKI,Satoshi
; IMANAKA,Tadayuk
2F434Structural characterization of a novel archaeal Rubisco ( Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry,Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, ) IMANAKA,Tadayuki ;
MAEDA,Norihiro ;
KITANO,Ken ; FUKUI,Toshiaki ; ATOMI,Haruyuki ; MIKI,Kunio
2F435Studies on the crystal growth of cytochrome c' ( Ibaraki Univ.;NASDA;JSF;Oosaka Univ.;Yamaguti Univ.;NIBH ) WATANABE,Hiroyoshi ; NAKAMURA,Hirohiko ; YODA,Shiniti ; YAMANAKA,Ari ; MATSUMURA,Hiroyoshi ; KAI,Yasushi ; ATAKA,Mitsuo ; WAI
2F438X-ray Crystallographic study on Rubisco complexed with MN2+-CABP ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.; Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology; Plant Molecular Physiology Laboratory, Researc
h Institute of Inn
ovative Technology for the Earth ) OKANO,Yousuke ; MATSUMURA,Hiroyoshi ; MIZOHATA,Eiichi ; TAKUMA,Hiroki
2F439X-ray structure analysis for the inhibitor complex of human prostaglandin D synthase ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ. ;Osaka Bioscience Institute. ;RIKEN Harima Inst. ) KINUGASA,Shigehiro ; INOUE,Tsuyoshi ; OKAZAKI,Nobuo ; SHI
SHITANI,Hideyuki ;
KAI,Yasushi ; IRIKURA,Daisuke ; HAYAISHI,Osamu ; KUMASAKA,Takashi ; YAMAMOTO,Masaki ; MIYANO,Masashi ; URADE,Yoshihiro
2F440X-ray Crystal Structure of Serine Racemase ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City Univ.; Kyouto Univ. ) GOTO,Masaru ; MIYAHARA,Ikuko ; HIROTSU,Ken ; UO,Takuma ; YOSHIMURA,Toru ; ESAKI,Nobuyoshi
2F441Crystal Structure of Activated Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase from Green Alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.; Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and T
echnology; Plant M
olecular Physiology Laboratory, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth ) MIZOHATA,Eiichi ; MATSUMURA,Hiroyoshi ; OKANO,Yousuke ; TAKUMA,Hiroki ; ONODERA,Jun
2F442Crystal Structures of Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Complexes with Substrate Analogues ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City Univ.; Department of Medical, Kumamoto Univ. ) SATOH,Atsuko ; TAMAOKI,Haruhiko ; NISHINA,Yasuzou ; MIYAHAR
A,Ikuko ; SHIGA,Ki
yoshi ; MIURA,Retsu ; HIROTSU,Ken
2F444Control of Protein Structures by Using Water-Soluble Selenium Reagents ( Univ. of Tokyo ) IWAOKA,Michio ; TOMODA,Shuji
2F445Database Analysis of S---X Interactions in Proteins ( Univ. of Tokyo ) IWAOKA,Michio ; TAKEMOTO,Shinya ; TOMODA,Shuji
2F446Theoretical Design of Super Secondary Structures of Polypeptides(7 9) Stabilization of Alpha-Hairpin Structures by Electrostatic Interactions between Two Charged Residues in the Central Portion of Helices. ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Japan Ad
vanced School of A
nalytical Ch emistry.; Osaka Institute of Technology ) OKA,Masahito ; HAYASHI,Toshio ; ISHIKAWA,Yuichirou ; HIRANO,Yoshiaki
2F447Theoretical Design of Super Secondary Structures of Polypeptides(8 0) Stabilization of Alpha-Hairpin Structures by Disulfide Bond Formation in the Central Portion of Helices ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Japan Advanced School of Analytical Ch e
mistry.; Osaka Ins
titute of Technology ) OKA,Masahito ; HAYASHI,Toshio ; ISHIKAWA,Yuichirou ; HIRANO,Yoshiaki
2F448Theoretical Design of Super Secondary Structures of Polypeptides(8 1) Effects of the Freedom in the Bend Portion on the Stabilization of Beta-Hairpin Structures. ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) OKA,Masahito ; HAYASHI,Toshio
3F402Development of an optical-fiber biosensor with oxygen-quenching fluorescence ( Tokai Univ. ) KON,Takuo ; HASHIMOTO,Yuki ; MITSUBAYASHI,Kohji
3F403Amperometric biosensor for urea with a bilayer membrane consisting of a tri-enzyme layer and a polydimethylsiloxane layer ( Natl Inst Biosci & Human-Tech, Tsukuba Univ ) MIZUTANI,Fumio ; MATSUURA,Hiroaki ; YABUKI,Soichi ; IIJIMA,Seiichiro ;
3F404A novel Biosensor for the rapid measurement of estrogen based on ligand-receptor interaction. ( Graduate of Engineering, Kyushu University ) FUKUMA,Kaori ; MURATA,Masaharu ; NAKAYAMA,Masamichi ; IRIE,Hiroshi ; YAKABE,Keiko ; KATAYAMA,Yoshik
i ; MAEDA,Mizuo
3F405Development of bioassay for endocrine disruptors using fishes ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku ) NISHI,Kazuto ; HATANO,Yasuhiko ; CHIKAE,Miyuki ; MIZUKAMI,Haruki ; YAMASHITA,Michiaki ; SAKAKIBARA,Ryuzo ; TAMIYA,
3F406Detection of Endocrine Disruptors based on their interaction with bR-liposome complex ( Faculty of engineering, SOKA University ) KUBO,Izumi ; KAWAUCHI,Makoto
3F408Electrochemical Gene Sensor Using Double-Stranded DNA Specific Redox-Active Polymer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) SHIBATA,Taiki ; NAKAYAMA,Masamichi ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; NAKANO,Koji ; MAEDA,Mizuo
3F409Electrochemical gene detection with PCR chip ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) KOBAYASHI,Masaaki ; OOMURA,Miyuki ; KUSAKAWA,Takashi ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F410Au-Electrode Biosensor Self-Assembled with DNAzyme having Peroxidase Activity ( Department of Biological Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokushima ) AOYAMA,Sachiyo ; KONNO,Hiroyuki ; ITO,Yoshihiro
3F411Fabrication of High-integrated DNA Chip Microarray Using Hydrophobic Interaction ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ; School of Materials Science ) MURAKAMI,Yuji ; CHOI,Yong Sung ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F412SELEX of DNA aptamer for microcystin and development ofsdetection method ( NAIR/AIST ) SHINOHARA,Azusa ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; MIYAKE,Masato ; SHIRAI,Makoto ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F414Development of herbicide sensor using photosynthetic reactionscenter ( NAIR/AIST ) HASEGAWA,Miki ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; MIYAKE,Jun
3F415On-chip cultivation of mast cells ( JAIST ) MURAKAMI,Yuji ; MATSUBARA,Yasutaka ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F416Funvtion of analysis using neuronal cell chip ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) AKAGI,Yoshinori ; PATRICK,Degenaar ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F417Pattern recognition of odorous substances by gas-phase biosensors with flavin-containing monooxygenases ( Tokai Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Yuki ; MITSUBAYASHI,Kohji
3F418Interaction between a complementarity determining region of anti-dioxin antibody with a dioxin isomer. ( Hiroshima Prefectural University, School of Biosciences ) SAKATA,Hiroyuki ; EGASHIRA,Naoyoshi ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taizo
3F426AFM Analysis of IHF-induced DNA Bending Structure at Single Molecular Level ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yamaguchi Univ. ) SEONG,Gi Hun ; KOBATAKE,Eiry ; MIURA,Koshiro ; NAKAZAWA,Atsushi ; AIZAWA,Masuo
3F427A study of biological properties in deep-sea water ( Kochi University of Technology ) NADA,Atsushi ; NISHIZAWA,Masahiro ; NODA,Yasuko ; KOHNO,Masahiro
3F428Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-benzo(a)pyrene by Paenibacillus bacterium: B2-1 strain ( JAIST ) SATHULURI,Ramachandra Rao ; SAKAGUCHI,Toshifumi ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
3F429Effect of NO3- toward Bacillus Subtilis ( Tokai Univ. School of Sci. ) ISHIHARA,Yoshimi ; NOKI,Yasuhiro ; SAITO,Hiroshi ; TAKANO,Jiro
3F430Effect of the normal saturated fatty acids upon the cellular growth of Bacillus Subtilis ( Tokai Univ. School of Sci. ) EDA,Satoshi ; ISHIHARA,Yoshimi ; SAITO,Hiroshi ; TAKANO,Jiro
3F432Biotransformation of .alpha.-ionone using cultured cells of Caragana chamlagu ( College of Science & Technology, Nihon University,College of Pharmacy, Nihon University,Rikkyo University ) SAKAMAKI,Hiroshi ; KITANAKA,Susumu ; ICHINOHE,
Yoshiyuki ; CHAI,
3F433Transformation of Disodium Terephthalate by Alkaliphilic Dietzia sp. Strain GS-1 ( Fukui National College of Technology ) SEKIGUCHI,Takanori ; SUGIMORI,Daisuke
3F434Screening for Microorganism Capable of Treating Wastewater of Hemodialysis ( Fukui National College of Technology ) NARITA,Takanobu ; KISHIMOTO,Kayoko ; SUGIMORI,Daisuke
3F435Isolation and Fermentation of Fungi produced Fluorescents Yellow Pigments ( Gifu Prefectural Institute of Health and Enviromentals Sciences ) AOKI,Satoru ; TOKORO,Mitsuo
3F438Real time observation of tissue culture cells under high hydrostatic pressure ( JAMSTEC ) MIWA,Tetsuya ; KOYAMA,Sumihiro ; SOHIRAD,Mitra ; AIZAWA,Masuo
3F439HPLC Determination of Chlorophyll a' and Phylloquinone in Photosystem I of Higher Plants and Cyanobacteria ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Akimasa ; AKAI,Masahiko ; WATANABE,Tadashi
3F440Real Time and Simultaneous Measurement of Multiple Probes for Cellular Molecules ( Dept. Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol. ) MATSUOKA,Hideaki ; SAITO,Mikako ; KOSAI,Yuri ; TAKEYAMA,Norihide
3F441Analysis of Heat Shock-inducible Genes in Rice Cultured Cells ( Dept. Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol. ) SAITO,Yo ; SAITO,Mikako ; MATSUOKA,Hideaki
3F442Synthesis of fluorescent tryptophan and its potential use as bio-cell probe ( Dept. Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol. ) TSUKIHARA,Yurika ; SAITO,Mikako ; MATSUOKA,Hideaki
3F444Comparative Study about Enzymatic Properties of Chitinase isozymes ( Dept. Biotechnol., Tokyo Univ. Agricul. Technol. ) SAITO,Mikako ; SHINYA,Tomonori ; YAMADA,Yohei ; KATAGI,Tetsuya ; MATSUOKA,Hideaki
3F445Investigation of biosynthesis of thermostable glucose dehydrogenase ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol ) YOSHINO,Tomoaki ; OGINO,Shinji ; INOSE,Ken ; SODE,Koji
3F446Post-transcriptional control of pressure induced cytokine production in human skin fibroblasts. ( Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KOYAMA,Sumihiro ; FUJII,Shinsuke ; A
3F447Inhibitory effect of catechins on proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( National Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research; Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) NAKAMURA,Noriyuki ; KABURAGI,Yukiko ; MATSUN
3F448Quantitation of lipid peroxide levels in the peripheral organs and brain of senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) model with aging ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) MATSUGO,Seiichi ; YASUI,Fumihiko ; EZASHI,Yoshiharu ; SASAKI,Ka
Bld. No.3 Room No.355
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F511Syntheses of sphingolipid analogues from L-glutamic acid ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) SHIKATA,Keiji ; AZUMA,Hideki ; OGINO,Kenji
1F512Selective recognition of biologically active amines and its amplification through functional connection of multiple molecular recognition processes ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) SASAKI,Yoshihiro ; SHIOYAMA,Yuka ; HAYASHI,Yoko ; ARIGA,K
atsuhiko ; KIKUCHI
1F514Association behavior of dual-tail lipid connected by poly(ethylene oxide) ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) IWAMOTO,Shintaro ; SASAKI,Yoshihiro ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
1F515Vesicle-forming properties of yeast glycolipid biosurfactants, diacylmannosylerythritols ( Natl. Inst. of Mater. Chem. Res. ) KITAMOTO,Dai ; SASAKI,Akira ; YANAGISHITA,Hiroshi ; HARAYA,Kenji ; NAKATANI,Yoichi
1F516Functional Reconstitution of Photosynthetic Membrane Proteins into Phytanyl-Chained Artificial Glycolipid Membranes ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research; Toray Research Center Co.; National Institute of Bioscience and Hum
an-Technology ) BA
BA,Teruhiko ; MINAMIKAWA,Hiroyuki ; HATO,Masakatsu ; MOTOKI,Akihiro ; HIRANO,Masahiko ; ZHOU,Deshan ; KAWASAKI,Kazunori
1F517Synthesis and Properties of Ion Channels Having Amphiphilic Hydroxycholanyl Units ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) YOSHII,Mami ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F518Artificial Ion Channel of Resorcin[4]arene Having .omega.-Carboxydecanyl Group ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology,CREST ) NISHIKAWA,Masanori ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shinichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
1F526Rectified Ion Channel of Transmembrane Steroidal Framework Provided with Unsymmetrical Terminal Charges ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) KOBUKE,Yoshiaki ; GOTOH,Chigusa ; YAMAMURA,Mika
1F527Synthesis of Bolaamphiphiles Having a Nucleotide Moiety at Each End ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) IWAURA,Rika ; MASUDA,Mitsutoshi ; SHIMIZU,Toshimi
1F528Ion Permeation of Vesicle Membrane formed from Macrocyclic Amphiphiles ( Shizuoka University ) TANAKA,Yasutaka ; FUKUOKA,Takahiro
1F529Dynamics of self-assembly of gangliosides and phospholipids (1)Formation of tubules ( Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering and Scinece ) AKIYOSHI,Kazunari ; ITAYA,Ayako ; NOMURA,Shinichiro ; YOSHIKAWA,Kenichi
1F530Dynamics of self-assembly of gangliosides and phospholipids(2) Formation of network structure between liposomes ( Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering ) ITAYA,Ayako ; AKIYOSHI,Kazunari ; NOMURA,Shinichiro ; YOSHIKAWA,Kenichi
1F538A ternary complex consisting of .beta.-cyclodextrin and ferrocenyl naphthalene diimide-DNA duplex: Factors dictating its stable formation ( Kyushu University ) SATO,Shinobu ; TAKAMIYA,Hiroki ; MIYAHARA,Hiroyoshi ; YAMASHITA,Kenichi ; TAKAGI,
1F539A threadig intercalator carrying spin probes for DNA structure analysis ( Kyushu University ) TAMARI,Rina ; SATO,Shinobu ; NAKAMURA,Shigeo ; YAMASHITA,Kenichi ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1F540Analysis of DNA interaction of a cyclic molecule carryingsferrocene and naphthalene diimide parts ( Kyushu University ) TAKEMORI,Daichi ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1F541Fluorescence change of a tetra-acridinyl peptide upon its binding to DNA duplex ( Kyushu nuiversity ) UEYAMA,Hiroyuki ; WAKI,Michinori ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1F542A 9-aminoacridine derivative carrying an N,N-bis(aminopropyl)methylaminoslinker as an anti HIV drug ( Kyushu university ) FUJII,Satoshi ; UEYAMA,Hiroyuki ; WAKI,Michinori ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
1F544Photo-Regulation of Transfection Activity and Analyses of Delivery System using Cationic Polyazobenzene Dendrimer ( Osaka City Univ. ) ATARASHI,Kazuyuki ; YOSHIDA,Noriko ; TAMAGAKI,Seizou ; NAGASAKI,Takeshi
1F545Preparation of self-supported honeycomb net for cell-separations ( Hokkaido University ) MIYAMA,Masashi ; TANAKA,Masaru ; NISHIDA,Jin ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu
1F546Study on denaturation of House Dust Mite Allergen ( JAIST ) YAMAMURA,Shohei ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2F503Application Range and Efficiency of the Low-TemperaturesMethod in Lipase-Catalyzed Resolution of Primary Alcohol ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; EMA,Tadashi ; TAKATA,Shigeto
2F504A mechanism to discriminate between enantiomers based on the flexibility of lipase estimated from on EPR study in organic solvents ( Univ.of Kobe ) TANIGUCHI,Tomohiko ; OKAMOTO,Takashi ; UEJI,Shin-ichi
2F505Optimum Conformational Flexibility of Subtilisin to Maximize Enantioselectivity for Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Univ. of Kobe;Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Univ. of Kobe;F
aculty of Human De
velopment and Sciences, Univ. of Kobe ) WATANABE,Keiichi ; YOSHIDA,Takashi ; UEJI,Shin-ichi
2F506Enantioselectivity of Chemically Modified Lipases ( Graduate School of Cultural Studies and Human Science, Kobe University ) TANAKA,Hiroyuki ; UEDA,Ai ; ARASE,Naoki ; HANAOKA,Takahito ; EBARA,Yasuhito ; UEJI,Shin-ichi
2F508Mechanism of stereoselective catalysis in lipases:(2) primary alcohol esters ( The Univ.of Shiga Pref.;Dept.of Mat.Science ) SHINOHARA,Seiji ; KIMURA,Hideto ; INOUE,Yoshinori ; HIROHARA,Hideo
2F509 Session Lecturecreation of polymer Catalyst by evolutionary molecular Engineering ( faculty of Engineering,the university of tokushima ) ITO,Yoshihiro
2F526Synthesis of Optically Active Fluorinated alkanol through Lipase-Catalyzed Reaction ( Faculty of Education, Kagawa University ) TAKAGI,Yumiko ; SUMINO,Yosuke ; OZEKI,Toru ; ITOH,Toshiyuki
2F527Enzymatic hydrolysis of cyclic carbonates with functional groups ( Meisei University; Fukui University ) MATSUMOTO,Kazutsugu ; NAKAMURA,Yasuhide ; SHIMOJO,Megumi ; HATANAKA,Minoru
2F528Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Various Kinds of Cyclic Carbonates with a Bacteria ( Fukui University; Meisei University ) SHIMOJO,Megumi ; MATSUMOTO,Kazutsugu ; MINAMI,Satoshi ; HATANAKA,Minoru
2F529Synthesis of the soluble Vitamin E by CGTase ( Okayama Univ.of Sci.;Dep.of Applied Sci. ) KONDO,Yoko ; FURUYA,Tutomu ; HAMADA,Hiroki
2F530Glucosylation of phenetylalcohol by the cultured cells of E.Perriniana ( Okayama Univ.of Sci.;Dep.of Applied Sci. ) FUKUDA,Keisuke ; FURUYA,Tutomu ; HAMADA,Hiroki
2F532Characterization of .alpha.-keto ester reductases from thermophilic actinomycete ( Kyoto University of Education ) ISHIHARA,Kohji ; YAMAGUCHI,Hitomi ; NAKAMURA,Kaoru ; NAKAJIMA,Nobuyoshi
2F533Characterization of Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Reductases from Baker's Yeast ( Inst. for Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ. ) KAWAI,Yasushi ; HAYASHI,Motoko ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
2F534Enantioselective reduction of aryl ketones with highly active yeasts: high productivity by addition of vegetable oils ( The Univ. of Shiga Pref. ; Dept. of Materials Science ) HANATANI,Akinori ; TANAKA,Mayumi ; INOUE,Yoshinori ; HIROHARA,Hi
2F535Enantioselective reduction of aryl ketones with highly active yeasts: chemical structure-reactivity relationship of substrates ( The Univ. of Shiga Pref. ; Dept. of Materials Science ) HANATANI,Akinori ; INOUE,Yoshinori ; HIROHARA,Hideo
2F538Microbial Deracemization of .alpha.-Substituted Carboxylic Acid. ( Department of Chemistry, Keio University ) KATO,Daiichiro ; SUGAI,Takeshi ; MITSUDA,Satoshi ; OHTA,Hiromichi
2F539Yamadazyma farinosa catalyzed asymmetric reductionsof ketones ( Department of Chemistry, Keio University ) TSUJIGAMI,Toshikuni ; SUGAI,Takeshi ; OHTA,Hiromichi
2F540Effective Transgalactosylation catalyzed by a Lipid-coated Glycosidase in Water-containing Supercritical Fluoroform ( Dept. Biomol. Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) FUNASAKI,Mariko ; MORI,Toshiaki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
2F541Asymmetric reduction of ketones by immobilized Geotrichum candidum in supercritical carbon dioxide ( Ryukoku Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUDA,Tomoko ; HARADA,Tadao ; NAKAMURA,Kaoru
2F542Biotransformation of monoterpenes by Cyanobacteria ( Okayama Univ.of Sci.;Dep.of Applied Sci. ) SAKIYAMA,Kikuko ; HAMADA,Hiroki ; FURUYA,Tutomu
2F544Asymmetric Reduction of Enones by an Enone Reductase from the Cultured Cells of Nicotiana tabacum ( Hiroshima Univ.; Graduate School of Science ) SHIMODA,Kei ; GONDAI,Takayuki ; HIRATA,Toshifumi
2F545Biotransformation of Endcrine Disruptor with Plants ( Institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University ; ) HORI,Mariko ; YAMANAKA,Rio
2F546 Session Lecturebiocatalytic reactions:advantages and disadvantages ( institute for chemical research ,kyoto university ) NAKAMURA,Kaoru
3F508Development of antibody array using plasma-polymerization technique ( Res. Cent. Adv. Sci. Technol., Univ. of Tokyo ) NOMIZO,Gaku - T ; MIYACHI,Hirotaka ; IKEBUKURO,Kazunori ; YANO,Kazuyoshi ; KARUBE,Isao
3F509Amino Acid-Dendrimer as Gene Carrier into Cells ( Nagasaki Univ. ) YAMAURA,Nobuaki ; OHSAKI,Mio ; OKUDA,Tatsuya ; NIIDOME,Takuro ; AOYAGI,Haruhiko
3F510Characterization of recombinant ferredoxin from Haloarcula japonica ( School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MATSUO,Takatoshi ; IKEDA,Akiko ; SEKI,Hiroto ; ICHIMATA,Toshiaki ; SUGIMORI,Daisuke ; NAKAM
3F511Translational regulation based on L-A virus 5'-noncoding region and its application to cell-free protein synthesis system ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech.; ) YOSHIDA,Tasuku ; EBIHARA,Takashi ; YANAGIDA,Yasuko ; KOBATAKE,Eiry ; AIZAWA,Masuo
3F512Stereoselective Synthesis of the .alpha.-Glycoside of a KDO C-Disaccharide ( Gifu Univ.; Univ. of Iowa ) KOKETSU,Mamoru ; ISHIHARA,Hideharu ; LINHARDT,Robert J.
3F514Preparation and lectin binding properties of chitosan-sialic acid conjugates ( Univ. of Ottawa ) SASHIWA,Hitoshi
3F515Preparation and lectin binding properties of chitosan-melibiose conjugates ( Univ. of Ottawa ) SASHIWA,Hitoshi
3F516Dissolution of chitosan in DMSO through lyophilization by salt formation with various sulfonic acids ( Univ. of Ottawa ) SASHIWA,Hitoshi
3F517Construction of Saccharide Clusters Using Tris-bipyridine Ruthenium Complexes ( Nagoya University ) YONEMURA,Takahiro ; HASEGAWA,Teruaki ; MATSUURA,Kazunori ; KOBAYASHI,Kazukiyo
3F518Effect of the glycolipid analogue density on the interaction with lectin ( The Noguchi Institute ) SATO,Reiko ; TOMA,Kazunori ; AZEFU,Yasuo ; TAMIAKI,Hitoshi
3F526Synthesis and Stereochemical Characterization of a-D-Mannosyl [60]Fullerenes ( Nagoya University ) MIZUNO,Akiko ; YASHIRO,Arihiro ; NISHIDA,Yoshihiro ; KATOU,Haruhito ; SHINOHARA,Hisanori ; KOBAYASHI,Kazukiyo
3F527Chiral Discrimination in Lactose Synthetase Reactions ( Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering ) NISHIDA,Yoshihiro ; TAMAKOSHI,Hideaki ; TAHARA,Katsuiti ; KOBAYASHI,Kazukiyo
3F528Enantioselective Micellar Catalysis of Sugar Surfactants -Effect of Sugar Chain Structure- ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) KIDA,Toshiyuki ; KAJIWARA,Keisuke ; ZHANG,Wanbin ; NAKATSUJI,Yohji ; IKEDA,Isao
3F529Structure and Solvent Dependent Gelation of GlycolipidsAnalogues ( The Noguchi Institute ) TOMA,Kazunori ; HAYASHI,Akiko ; KAWAKAMI,Hiroko ; SATO,Reiko ; TAMIAKI,Hitoshi
3F530Importance of aglyconic structure of glycoprimer in the sugar elongation by cell ( TIT School of Bioscience and Biotechnology ) YUASA,Hideya ; SATO,Mika ; HASEGAWA,Yoshiyuki ; HASHIMOTO,Hironobu ; DOI,Hitomi ; NITTA,Akiko ; YAMAGATA,Sadako
; YAMAGATA,Tatsuya
3F532Direct Measurement on Interactions between GalNAc-lipid Monolayers ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) NAKAI,Yasuhiro ; KURIHARA,Kazue ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; KIYONAKA,Shigeki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
3F533Synthesis of substrate analogs of galactofuranosyl transferase ( TIT School of Bioscience and Biotechnology ) HASHIMOTO,Hironobu ; AKO,Takuro
3F534Synthetic Study of Bisubstrate-Connected Type Sialyltransferase Inhibitors. ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) HINOU,Hiroshi ; SUN,Xue-long ; ITO,Yukishige
3F535New Coupling Strategy for Construction of Carbosilane Dendrimer Functionalized with Sialyllactose Moieties ( Faculty of Engineering, Saitama Univ. ) OKA,Hiroyuki ; MATSUOKA,Koji ; ESUMI,Yasuaki ; TERUNUMA,Daiyo
3F538Observation of topology of glycosphingolipid in the lipid membrane ( Dept. Appl. Chem.,Keio Univ. ) IKEMOTO,Hideo ; SATO,Toshinori
3F539Construction of Oligosaccharide Library by Cells (10) Glycosylation of Lactose-bearing Saccharide Primer ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Japan Institute of Leather Research; Department of Applied Che
mistry, Keio Unive
rsity ) ANYOJI,Hisae ; OKAHATA,Yoshio ; YAMAGATA,Tatsuya ; SATO,Toshinori
3F540Construction of Oligoaccharide Library by cells (11)Glycosylation of N-acetylglucosamine-bearing Saccharide Primer ( Dept. Appl. Chem., Keio Univ.; Japan Inst. of Leather Res. ) TAKASHIBA,Minako ; YAMAGATA,Tatsuya ; SATO,Toshinori
3F541Selection of Gb3Cer-binding Peptides and their function ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University ) NAKAMURA,Takayuki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio ; SATO,Toshinori
3F543Development of Glycohydride Materials (II) : Screening of Glycolip id Gellators by Combinatorial Approach. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KIYONAKA,Shigeki ; HAMACHI,Itaru ; SHINKAI,Seiji
Bld. No.3 Room No.356
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F604Synthesis and NMR studies of DNA duplexes containing [N3-15N]-5-substituted 2'-deoxyuridine derivatives ( Tokyo Metropolitan University,Graduate school of science ) ISHIKAWA,Rei ; KOJIMA,Chojiro ; ONO,Akira ; KAINOSHO,Masatsune
1F605Synthesis of artificial nucleic acids with ester linkages insthe chiral main chain ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TSUNEYAMA,Toshikazu ; WADA,Takeshi ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
1F606A novel method for synthesis of oligodeoxyribonucleotide boranophosphates ( Univ. of Tokyo ) WADA,Takeshi ; SHIMIZU,Mamoru ; OKA,Natsuhisa ; SAIGO,Kazuhiko
1F608Synthesis and physicochemical properties of novel chimeric DNA consisted of phosphorothioate .beta.-DNA and .alpha.-DNA ( Gunma University Faculty of engineering ) SINODUKA,Kazuo ; HIROSE,Yoshihiko
1F609Synthesis of pyrimidine nucleoside derivatives for the construction of functional oligonucleotides ( Osaka City Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Daisuke ; HARUNA,Takasi ; SAKAMOTO,Satosi ; INOUE,Hideo
1F610Strategical Synthesis of Photosensitized Peptide Nucleic Acid ( Science University of Tokyo; Kyoto University ) IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin ; SAITO,Isao
1F611New synthetic approach to 2-substituted deoxyadenosine derivative ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) MATSUNAMI,Tomoyuki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki ; ONODERA,Masaaki ; MOCHIZUKI,Akemi
1F612Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Dithymidine Phosphorothioates by Use of a New Functionalized Protective Group ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SEIO,Kohji ; KUMURA,Kou ; SEKINE,Mituo
1F614Efficient Synthesis of Ribonucleotides via the Phosphoramidite Approach with an Acid/Azole Complex as a Promoter ( Graduate School of Human Infomatics, Nagoya Univ. ) SUGIMOTO,Jun-ichiro ; KAWAI,Rie ; KATAOKA,Masanori ; HAYAKAWA,Yoshihiro
1F615A New synthetic procedure for 2-thiouridine derivatives. ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) SHOHDA,Kohichiroh ; OKAMOTO,Itaru ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mituso
1F616A sulfenate ester type protective group for the 5'-hydroxyl group of deoxynucleosides. ( Tokyo Institute of tech. ) SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mitsuo
1F617Synthesis and Properties of DNA Oligomers Containing 4-N-Carbamoyldeoxycytidine Derivatives ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) KOBORI,Akio ; MIYATA,Kenichi ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mitsuo
1F618Synthesis of new nucleotide analogues containing a squaryl group ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) SATO,Kousuke ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mitsuo
1F626Synthesis of Conformationally Fixed Bent RNA Structural Motifs. ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) SHOHDA,Kohichiroh ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mitsuo
1F627Study of the construction of the N-acylphosphoramidate linkage toward the total synthesis of Phosmidosine ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) ASAI,Norio ; MORIGUCHI,Tomohisa ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mitsuo
1F628Effect of hydroxyl protective groups on the inversion reaction of thymidine at glycosyl bond ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SATO,Yuichi ; TATENO,Gousuke ; SEIO,Kohji ; SEKINE,Mituo
1F629DNA Methylation of guanine and adenine moieties by Novel Non-Conjugated Pyridinotetrayne Systems, and Sequential Elimination of their methylated products. ( ISIR-SANKEN,Osaka Univ. ) KAWATSURA,Hiroki ; SUGANE,Takashi ; KAWANO,Tomikazu ; UED
1F630Ethyl(methyl)dioxirane as an Efficient Reagent for the Oxidation of Nucleoside Phosphites into Phosphates under Anhydrous Conditions ( Nagoya Univ. Human Informatics ) KATAOKA,Masanori ; HATTORI,Akira ; OKINO,Shinya ; HYODO,Mamoru ; ASANO,M
itsue ; HAYAKAWA,Y
1F632Enzymatic synthesis of modified DNA by PCR ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) OHBAYASHI,Tsutomu ; NAKAMURA,Akiko ; SATO,Fumie ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
1F633Enzymatic synthesis of modified DNA by PCR and its post-modification ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) MASUD,Mohammad Mehedi ; NAKAMURA,Akiko ; SATO,Fumie ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
1F634Solid Phase Modification of 2'-Hydroxyl Group of Oligonucleotides ( Univ. of Kinki; Kinki Mol. Eng. Inst. ) KUBO,Takanori ; NAGASE,Shinya ; DUBEY,Krishna ; YOKOYAMA,Kinuko ; FUJII,Masayuki
1F635A Novel Approach for the Solid Phase Syntheses of DNA-Peptide Conjugates ( Univ. of Kinki; Kinki Molecular Engineering Inst. ) KUBO,Takanori ; DUBEY,Krishna ; FUJII,Masayuki
1F638Characterization of nonnatural DNA synthesized by DNA Polymerase ( Univ. of Kobe ) SUGIYAMA,Taiki ; EBARA,Yasuhito
1F639Effect of Substrate Substitution and Template on Synthesis of nonnatural DNA using DNA Polymerase ( Faculty of human development, Kobe University ) CHATANI,Noriyuki ; EBARA,Yasuhito
1F640Interaction between Oxy-Peptide Nucleic Acid and DNAs - Thermodynamic Analysis of Hybridization ( Univ. of Okayama ) KITAMATSU,Mizuki ; SAEKI,Naho ; KUWAHARA,Masaharu ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F641Synthesis of Novel Oxy-Peptide Nucleic Acid that Contain a 4-Hydroxyprolinol Unit. ( Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University ) SHIGEYASU,Masanori ; KUWAHARA,Masayasu ; SISIDO,Masahiko
1F642Recognition of small molecules by a ribonucleopeptide ( Kyoto University ) HAGIHARA,Masaki ; MORII,Takashi ; MAKINO,Keisuke
1F644Synthesis and Specific Interaction of Artificial tRNA with DNA ( Faculty of human development, Kobe University ) TAHARA,Hitoshi ; KAIHATSU,Kunihiro ; UEJI,Shin-ichi ; EBARA,Yasuhito
1F645Construction of Ribosome-free Peptide synthesis system using Artificial tRNA ( Univ. of Kobe; The Faculty of Human Development ) KAIHATSU,Kunihiro ; UEJI,Shin-ichi ; EBARA,Ysuhito
1F646Reactivity of 2'-deoxyoxanosine with L-lysine ( Kyoto Univ. ) YAMADA,Masaki ; MORIMOTO,Emi ; SUZUKI,Toshinori ; MORII,Takashi ; MAKINO,Keisuke
1F647Liquid crystals of cytosine and hypoxanthine derivatives and of the molecular aggregates ( Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima University ) KANDA,Jumpei ; UEDA,Takehiko ; ITAHARA,Tosio
2F602Interaction of three-way DNA junction with steroids ( Res. Cent. Adv. Sci. Technol., Univ. of Tokyo ) KATO,Teru ; TAKEMURA,Taro ; YANO,Kazuyoshi ; IKEBUKURO,Kazunori ; KARUBE,Isao
2F603Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (1) X-ray crystalography for the complex made from SPG/poly(C) - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masami
; IGUCHI,Ritsuko
2F604Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (2) Complexation with single-strand DNA and the base-length dependence - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZ
U,Masami ; IGUCHI,
Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2F605Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (3) Introduction of an amino moiety with a chemical modification - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masa
mi ; IGUCHI,Ritsuk
o ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2F606Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (4) A novel ion selectivity of the poly(U)/SPG complex - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masami ; IGUCH
I,Ritsuko ; SHINKA
2F608Interaction between oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing 2'-Deoxypseudouridine and Uracil-DNA Glycosylase ( Graduate school of science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) NISHIJIMA,Azusa ; ONO,Akira
2F609Base-pairing ability of adenine derivative, 2-amino-7-deazaadenine with cytosine. ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; TANAKA,Kazuo ; SAITO,Isao
2F610The Reaction of 7-Vinyl-7-Deazaguanine incorporated into the Oligonucletide ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) OKAMOTO,Akimitsu ; TAIJI,Toshiji ; SAITO,Isao
2F611Recognition of A-bulge structure in DNA duplex ( Faculity of Engineering, Kyoto University; CREST ) HAGIHARA,Shinya ; NAKATANI,Kazuhiko ; SAITO,Isao
2F628Dynamics of Life Molecules (1): Analysis of dynamic behavior of duplex formation using the nearest-neighbor model ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ. ) OHMICHI,Tatsuo ; YASUDA,Kyohko ; AOKI,Kaname ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F629Dynamics of Life Molecules (2): Kinetic study for PNA (peptide nucleic acid)/DNA duplex formation using Surface Plasmon Resonance ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ., Nippon Laser & Electronics Lab. ) YASUDA,Kyohko ; SATOH,Naonori ; SUGIMOT
2F630Dynamics of Life Molecules (3): Quantification of effect of metal ions on stability of DNA dangling ends ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ. ) OHMICHI,Tatsuo ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F632Synthesis and Properties of PRNA-DNA Conjugates ( Fac. Eng, Osaka Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Yusuke ; SATO,Hirohumi ; WADA,Takehiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
2F633Dynamics of Life Molecules (4): Recognition of histidine by a deoxyribozyme that uses the histidine as a cofactor ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) KAWAKAMI,Junji ; IMANAKA,Hirofumi ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F634Dynamics of Life Molecules (5): RNA sequence cleaved by a small Ca2+-dependence deoxyribozyme ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) OKUMOTO,Yasuhide ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F635Dynamics of Life Molecules (6): Construction of a search system for RNA high-order structures using a deoxyribozyme-sensor ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) OKUMOTO,Yasuhide ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F638Dynamics of Life Molecules (8): Thermodynamic study of RNA/DNA duplex with positive charges ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) TOKUTAKE,Noboru ; KAWAKAMI,Junji ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F639Dynamics of Life Molecules (9): Synthesis of Nucleic Acidspeptides (NAPs) with an Amino Acid Side Chain ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) FUJIKI,Hiroyoshi ; IZUMI,Satoshi ; KAWAKAMI,Junji ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
2F640The synthesis and evaluation of pyrrole(Py)-imidazole(Im) polyamide-CPI conjugates which possess DNA interstrand cross-linking activity ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. Faculty of Engineering ,
Kyoto Univ. ; CRE
ST ) BANDO,Toshikazu ; IIDA,Hirokazu ; SAITO,Isao ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
2F641Fmoc solid-phase synthesis of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University ) SAITO,Takashi ; IIDA,Hirokazu ; SAITO,Isao ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
2F642The synthesis and evaluation of novel pyrrole-polyamide CPI conju gates recognizing AT rich sequence with high specificity ( Faculty of Basic Technology, Science University of Tokyo. Inst itute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medica
l and Dental Univ.
Faculty of Engineering,Kyoto Unive. CREST ) NARITA,Akihiko ; BANDO,Toshikazu ; SAITO,Isao ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
2F644In vitro selection and analysis of RNA aptamer recognize ARM helix peptide. ( Dept. Biomol. Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) FUKUSHO,Shinobu ; FURUSAWA,Hiroyuki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
2F645Recognition of non-palindromic DNA sequences by using hetero-dimer bZIP peptides ( Dept. Biomol. Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) FURUSAWA,Hiroyuki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio
2F646Synthesis of Phenylboronic Acid - Modified DNA and Molecular Recognition of Saccharide ( Faculty of human development, Kobe University ) EBARA,Yasuhito
2F647Synthesis of Optically Functinal DNA using DNA Polymerase ( Faculty of human development, Kobe University ) TSUDZUKI,Noriaki ; EBARA,Yasuhito
2F648In vitro selection of DNA which recognizes endocrine disrupters ( Faculty of human development, Kobe University ) FUJII,Ryosuke ; EBARA,Yasuhito
Bld. No.3 Room No.357
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
1F704The Mechanism of DNA Damage Derived from Deoxyribose C1' Radical under Aerobic Condition. ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. ) XU,Yufang ; OYOSHI,Takanori ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
1F705Mechanism of DNA Damage by Photocatalysis of Titanium Dioxide ( Mie Univ. School of Medicine ) HIRAKAWA,Kazutaka ; MORI,Masafumi ; KAWANISHI,Shosuke
1F706Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function (23) Photo-regulation mechanism for DNA triplex formation by using azobenzene-modified oligonucleotide. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The
University of Toky
o ) LIANG,Xingguo ; YOSHIDA,Takayuki ; ASANUMA,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F708Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function(25) Effect of the configuration of the linker on the photo-regulating activity. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Univ. of Tokyo ) ASANUMA,
Hiroyuki ; LIANG,
Xingguo ; YOSHIDA,Takayuki ; TAKARADA,Tohru ; TAKASU,Akitsugu ; SAKAMOTO,Taiichi ; KAWAI,Gota ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F709Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function(26) Synthesis of novel photo-responsive DNA having defined configuration. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKARADA,Tohr
u ; TOMINAGA,Makot
o ; YOSHIDA,Takayuki ; LIANG,Xingguo ; ASANUMA,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F710Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function(27) Photo-control of duplex and triplex formation by the modified DNA having defined configuration. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Univ.
of Tokyo ) TAKAR
ADA,Tohru ; TOMINAGA,Makoto ; YOSHIDA,Takayuki ; LIANG,Xingguo ; ASANUMA,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F711Synthesis of antisense oligonucleotide containing C5-polyamine substituted 2'-deoxy-.alpha.-uridine derivative and the mechanism of it's RNA cleaving activity ( Faculty of Engineering,Gunma University ) MOCHIZUKI,Akemi ; SHINOZUKA,Kazuo ;
1F712Synthesis and RNA Cleaving Activity of Oligonucleotide Containing 2'-S-Substituted 2'-Deoxyuridine Derivative ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) YOKOTSUKA,Kazuyuki ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SHINOZUKA,Kazuo ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
1F714Activation of the target site in RNA for site-selective scission (2) : Site-selective scission of RNA by a combination of Zn(II) ion and acridine-modified DNA ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) KUZUYA,Akinori ; MIZOGUCHI,Ryo ; KOMIYAMA,Mako
1F715Activation of the target site in RNA for site-selective scission (3) : Tethering the catalysts for still more efficient site-selective scission ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) KUZUYA,Akinori ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F716Synthesis and RNA Cleaving Activity of OligoDNA Containing C-2-Polyamine Substituted Deoxyinosine Derivative ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) ONODERA,Masaaki ; SINOZUKA,Kazuo ; SAWAI,Hiroaki ; IKEDA,Hirosi
1F717Efficient hydrolysis of DNA by combination of Ce(IV)-EDTA complex and amines (1)-Accerelation of the hydrolytic activity by addition of oligoiamine- ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) SUMAOKA,Jun ; IGAWA,Tomoyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F718Efficient hydrolysis of DNA by combination of Ce(IV)-EDTA complex and amines (2)-Kinetic studies- ( RCAST, The University of Tokyo ) SUMAOKA,Jun ; IGAWA,Tomoyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
1F726Molecular Design of Artificial Restriction Enzyme by Dimeric Distamycin Linked Hydroxamic Acid - Metal Complex. ( Science University of Tokyo ) INUI,Takahiro ; IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin
1F727Design an artificial restriction enzyme using peptide nucleic acidscontaining N-methylhydroxamic acid (HPNA) ( Science University of Tokyo ) WATANABE,Takayoshi ; IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin
1F728Sequence specific cleavage of DNA by a novel peptide nucleic acid conjugated with a bleomycin model compound ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) HASHIMOTO,Isamu ; SHINOZUKA,Kazuo ; SAWAI,Hiroaki ; ABE,Hiroyuki
1F729Inhibition of Restriction Endonuclease Activity by Pyrrole-Imidazole Triamide-CPI Conjugate ( Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental Univ. ) FUJIMOTO,Kazuhisa ; IIDA,Hirokazu ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
1F730The synthesis and reaction of flavin derivative recognizing DNA sequence. ( Institute of Biomaterials & Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical an d Dental Univ. ) KINO,Katsuhito ; BANDO,Toshikazu ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroshi
1F732Dynamics of Life Molecules (10): Interaction between DNA G-quartet and cation ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) NAKAO,Akihiro ; MIYOSHI,Daisuke ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F733Dynamics of Life Molecules (11): Structural transition between antiparallel and parallel DNA G-quartets ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) MIYOSHI,Daisuke ; NAKAO,Akihiro ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F734Reversible association and dispersion of DNA-carrying colloidal particle depending on the DNA sequence ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) MORI,Takeshi ; MAEDA,Mizuo
1F735Dynamics of Life Molecules (12): Cation effect on thermodynamic stability of intermolecular and intramolecular DNA triple helices ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) HARA,Hideyuki ; WU,Peng ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F738Dynamics of Life Molecules (14): Thermodynamics and Mechanism of Conformational Transitions of DNA Triple Helices ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ. ) WU,Peng ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F739Construction of 1-D polynuclear nanostructure by using the DNA duplex as a template ( Kumamoto Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) IHARA,Toshihiro ; IKEGAMI,Takashi ; SUEDA,Shinji ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; JYO,Akinori
1F740Dynamics of Life Molecules (15): Effect of sequence-specificscation on the binding between a short ribozyme and a substrate RNA ( Fac. of Sci. and HRC, Konan Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Masakazu ; OHMICHI,Tatsuo ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F741Dynamics of Life Molecules (16): Development of detection method of SNPs using a rolling-cycle-synchronization ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ. ) WANG,Zheng ; OHMICHI,Tatsuo ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F742Dynamics of Life Molecules (17): Development of ribozyme synthesis system using a rolling-cycle-synchronization ( HRC and Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ. ) OHMICHI,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Megumi ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki
1F744Preparation of Catenanes Constructed by Plasmid DNA ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) KUBOTA,Kei ; UMEMOTO,Tadashi ; YAMAGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; HARADA,Akira
1F745Synthesis and properties of a new type DNA dendrimer ( Faculty of Engineering,Gunma University ) SUZUKI,Yukinao ; MIURA,Kouki ; OTOMO,Toshiya ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
1F746Effect of Chrmophore Variation on Photo-induced Energy Transfer Behavior of Sequential Array of Chromophores Constructed on DNA Assemblies ( Kansai Univ. ) OHYA,Yuichi ; NAKAJIMA,Atsushi ; HASHIMOTO,Masafumi ; OUCHI,Tatsuro
1F747Organization of Two-Dimensional Nucleobase Monolayer Assemblies at the Air-Water Interface ( Research for Electronic Sci., Hokkaido Univ. ) IJIRO,Kuniharu ; MORISUE,Mitsuhiko ; NISHIMURA,Shin-ichiro ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu
1F748Morphorogy of Telomere DNA structures ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Kyoto Univ. ) KANAORI,Kenji ; MORIYAMA,Akinori ; TAJIMA,Kunihiko ; MAKINO,Keisuke
2F702Kinetic analyses of binding behavior of various DNA binding peptides using a DNA-immobilized quartz crystal microbalance ( Dept. Biomol. Engineering, Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) HAGIWARA,Naoto ; FURUSAWA,Hiroyuki ; OKAHATA,Yoshio ; NAGAOKA,Makot
o ; SUGIURA,Yukio
2F703An affinity capillary electrophoresis for gene mutation assay using ODN-polyacrylamide conjugate ( Graduate of Engineering,Kyushu University ) OGAWA,Masako ; ANADA,Takahisa ; YOKOMIZO,Hisashi ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
2F704photochemical DNA manipulation (2) template directed DNA photobranching via 5-carboxyvinyluracil ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University; CREST ) HAYASHI,Masayuki ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F705photochemical DNA manipulation (3) DNA photocapping at terminal site via 5-cyanovinyluracil ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University; CREST ) HAYASHI,Masayuki ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F706DNA photoligation via N3-methyl-5-vinyldeoxyuridine ( Graduate School of Engineering,Kyoto University; CREST ) FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; OKUDA,Takuo ; SAITO,Isao
2F708Photochemical DNA manipulation (5) Reversible DNA photoligation via 5-carboxyvinyluracil-containing ODN immobilized at solid support ( Guraduate school of Engineering, Kyoto Univesity; CREST ) YOSHINO,Hideaki ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F709Photocehmical DNA Manipulation (7) Reversible Photopadlock on the Double-Stranded Plasmid DNA ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University;CREST ) MATSUDA,Shigeo ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F710Photocehmical DNA Manipulation (8) Site-specific Mutation of Cytosine to Uracil by Photochemical Method ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University;CREST ) MATSUDA,Shigeo ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F711Photochemical DNA manipulation (5) Enzymatic incorporation of 5-vinyldeoxyuridine derivative in DNA ( Guraduate school of Engineering, Kyoto Univesity; CREST ) IKEDA,Yutaka ; FUJIMOTO,Kenzo ; SAITO,Isao
2F726Regulation of Gene Expression by Photo-cross-linking Antisense Oligonucleotides (II) Characterization of Photo-cross-linking Oligonucleotides which has Hairpin Loop Structures ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) YAMAYOSHI,Asako ; IWASE,Reiko
; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji
; WAKE,Norio ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2F727Amplification of a lanthanide chelate fluorescence and its application to DNA probe. ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) SAKAMOTO,Takashi ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
2F728Synthesis of modified DNAs bearing C5-substituted 2'-deoxyuridine derivative and its application to Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer(FRET) ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) KOBARI,Hiroshi ; OZAKI,Hiroaki ; SAWAI,Hiroaki
2F729Development of long-lifetime Ru(II) complex-labeled oligonucleotide for analysis of RNA structure ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) SAKAMOTO,Takashi ; MAHARA,Atsusi ; IWASE,Reiko ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2F730Fluorescent-labeled oligonucleotides for studies on RNA structure (IX)Study on the emission mechanism of bis-pyrene-labeled 2'-O-methyloligoribonucleotide. ( Kyoto Institute of Technology;Himeji Institute of Technology ) MAHARA,Atsushi ; IW
,Kazushige ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2F732Observation of Hole Transfer through 5'-Pyrene conjugated DNA by Pulse Radiolysis ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) TAKADA,Tadao ; KAWAI,Kiyohiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
2F733Fluorescence Energy Transfer between Coumarin-Fluorecein Pair Covalently Attached to 2'-Positions of DNA ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) TAGATA,Kazuki ; NAKANO,Hidehiko ; YAMANA,Kazushige
2F734Electrochemical Properties of Anthraquinone Containing Oligonucleotides at the Sugar 2'-Position ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) KUMAMOTO,Satoshi ; HASEGAWA,Tetsuya ; NAKANO,Hidehiko ; YAMANA,Kazushige ; MATSUO,Yoshiaki ; SUGIE,Yosohiro
2F735Oligonucleotides Possessing a Bis-pyrene Residue in the Main Chain as a DNA Probe ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) IWAI,Tatsuya ; NAKANO,Hidehiko ; NAKAMURA,Mitsunobu ; YAMANA,Kazushige
2F738Structure and Fluorescence Properties of DNA and RNA Oligonucleotides Attached to a Pyrene Group through One-Carbon Linker at the Sugar Residue ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) YAMANA,Kazushige ; FUNABIKI,Sinji ; KANAORI,Kenji ; NAKANO,Hi
2F739Synthesis and Properties of Oligonucleotides Possessing a Pyrenylmethyl Group at 2'-Position of Adenosine ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) IZUTANI,Yoshitaka ; YAMANA,Kazushige ; NAKANO,Hidehiko
2F740Design of DNA-Binding Molecule Targeting Mismatch Base Pair: Recognition of G-G Mismatch Base Pair by Dimeric Naphthyridine ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) SANDO,Shinsuke ; NAKATANI,Kazuhiko ; SAITO,Isao
2F741Inhibition for G-Quadruplex Formation of Human Telomeric DNA by Small Molecule ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University, CREST ) SANDO,Shinsuke ; NAKATANI,Kazuhiko ; SAITO,Isao
2F742Gene regulation system responding to intracellular kinase signal ( Faculty Eng., Kyushu Univ. ; PRESTO JST Co. ) KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; ANDO,Tomokazu ; SONODA,Tatsuhiko ; MAEDA,Mizuo
2F744New highly integrated micro-PCR system and real time assay ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) NAGAI,Hidenori ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2F745Detection of Nucleobase-pairing of Self-Assembled Monolayers with Force Mapping ( Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University ) SUNAMI,Hiroshi ; IJIRO,Kuniharu ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu
Bld. No.6 Room No.621
[Natural Products Chemistry]
1G105 Synthesis of F-and I-Ring Parts of Ciguatoxin. ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Kenshu ; DOI,Eriko ; KOYAMA,Yasuhito ; SHIMAWAKI,Ken ; MURAI,Akio
1G106 Convergent Synthesis of the JK-Ring Part of Ciguatoxin ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Kenshu ; TAKAOKA,Daisuke ; MURAI,Akio
1G107 Synthetic Studies on Brevetoxin B: Synthesis of the CDE-ring based on the SmI2-induced cyclization ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) MATSUO,Goh ; HORI,Nobuyuki ; MATSUKURA,Hiroko ; NAKATA,Tadashi
1G108 Development of a convergent method for the construction of polycyclic ethers ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) MATSUO,Goh ; UEDA,Tsuyoshi ; HINOU,Hiroshi ; KOSHINO,Hiroyuki ; NAKATA,Tadashi
1G109 Synthesis of cyclic ethers based on SmI2-induced reductive intramolecular cyclization ( RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) ) MATSUO,Goh ; KADOHAMA,Hitomi ; NAKATA,Tadashi
1G111 Synthesis of the A-ring moiety of ciguatoxin using transition metal catalysis ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) SASAKI,Shin-ya ; NAGUMO,Yoko ; SUZUKI,Shingo ; OGURI,Hiroki ; OISHI,Tohru ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G112 Studies toward total synthesis of ciguatoxin :synthesis of the GHI ring fragment ( Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, CREST (JST) ) NOGUCHI,Katsuhiko ; TAKAKURA,Hiroyuki ; SASAKI,Makoto ; TACHIBANA,Kazuo
1G113 Studies toward total synthesis of ciguatoxin :synthesis of the GHIJKLM ring fragment ( Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, CREST (JST) ) TAKAKURA,Hiroyuki ; NOGUCHI,Katsuhiko ; SASAKI,Makoto ; TACHIBANA,Kazuo
1G114 Stereo-controlled convergent synthesis of polycyclic ether ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) OGASAWARA,Yoshihiro ; TANAKA,Shin-ichiro ; OGURI,Hiroki ; OISHI,Tohru ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G115 Synthesis of the HIJKLM ring fragment of ciguatoxin ( Dept. of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) UEHARA,Hisatoshi ; OISHI,Tohru ; NAGUMO,Yoko ; IMAI,Hiroto ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G117 Synthetic Study of the EFGH Ring System of Gambierol ( Graduate School of Science and ICRS, Tohoku University ) KADOWAKI,Chie ; TAKAMURA,Hiroyoshi ; KADOTA,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
1G118 Synthetic Study on (+)-Laurallene ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Kenshu ; SOUMA,Shin-ichiro ; MISHIMA,Hirofumi ; MURAI,Akio
1G129 Convergent Synthesis of Polycyclic Ethers via the Intramolecular Reaction of Allylstannane with .alpha.-Acetoxyether ( Graduate School of Science and ICRS, Tohoku University ) OHNO,Akio ; MATSUDA,Kumiko ; KADOTA,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshi
1G130 Synthetic Study of the A Ring Segment of Gambieric Acid ( Graduate School of Science and ICRS, Tohoku University ) OGURO,Nao ; KADOTA,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
1G132 Studies toward Total Synthesis of Pectenotoxins ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) AWAKURA,Daisuke ; KOBAYASHI,Masanori ; KAWAMURA,Mariko ; FUJIWARA,Kenshu ; MURAI,Akio
1G133 Synthetic studies on prymnesin HIJK ring system ( The Univ. of Tokyo, CREST(JST) ) SHIDA,Takeshi ; SASAKI,Makoto ; TACHIBANA,Kazuo
1G134 Total Synthesis of Attenols A and B, Bicyclic Triols ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) SENGOKU,Tetsuya ; ARAKI,Keisuke ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G135 Total Synthesis of (+)-Eurylene and (+)-14-Deacetyl Eurylene Using Rhenium(VII) and Chromium(VI) Oxo Species ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) MORISHITA,Yukio ; IWAI,Toshiyuki ; KINOSHITA,Takamasa ; MORIMOTO,Yoshiki
1G138 Total Synthesis of Glabrescol and Its Revised Structure ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) IWAI,Toshiyuki ; MORISHITA,Yukio ; KINOSHITA,Takamasa ; MORIMOTO,Yoshiki
1G139 Synthetic Study of Haterumalide NA, a 14-Membered Macrolidesof Marine Origin (1) ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) OGAWA,Seiji ; KITA,Masaki ; KIGOSHI,Hideo ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G140 Synthetic Study of Haterumalide NA, a 14-Membered Macrolidesof Marine Origin (2) ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) KITA,Masaki ; OGAWA,Seiji ; KIGOSHI,Hideo ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G141 Streochemical Studies on 18-Membered Macrolide Antibiotic FD-891 ( Dept. of Chem. & Mater. Sci., Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) KOBAYASHI,Kayako ; MATSUSIMA,Yoshitaka ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji ; EGUCHI,Tadashi ; KAKINUMA,Katsumi ; MIZOUE,Kazu
1G142 Synthetic study of C-1027 chromophore (1) : Construction of Ansa-macrolide ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ.; CREST ) SASAKI,Takeo ; KIKUCHI,Tsukasa ; INOUE,Masayuki ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G144 Synthetic Studies on Total Synthesis of Apoptolidin: Synthesis of the C1-C21 Macrocyclic Core ( Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology ) ARITA,Tsuyoshi ; KATO,Koji ; JYOJIMA,Takaaki ; MATSUMURA,Shuichi ; TOSHIMA,Kazunobu
1G145 Synthetic study of kedarcidin chromophore ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, CREST ) YOSHIMURA,Fumihiko ; LEAR,Martin, James ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G146 Novel, Direct and Efficient Glycosylation Protocols for the KedarcidinsSugars: AgPF6 as a remarkable and general activator of 2-deoxythioglycosides ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, CREST ) LEAR,Martin, James ; YOS
HIMURA,Fumihiko ;
1G147 Synthetic Study of Antibiotic N1999-A2 ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, CREST ) KOBAYASHI,Shoji ; ASHIZAWA,Shukuko ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G148 Total Synthesis of Macrosphelides C and F ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering; Tokyo Institute of Tec hnology ) KOBAYASHI,Yuichi ; ACHARYA,Hukum ; YOSHIDA,Shinya
2G102 Studies toward Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Scytophycin C ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) NAKAMURA,Ryoichi ; KASAI,Tomoaki ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHITA,Masaaki
2G103 Studies toward Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Epothilone A ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) ITO,Yoshikazu ; SASAKI,Shinobu ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHITA,Masaaki
2G104 Synthesis and Complex Formation of Amphotericin-B-phospholipid Conjugates ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MATSUOKA,Shigeru ; MATSUMORI,Nobuaki ; MURATA,Michio
2G105 Bioactivity and Complex Formation of Amphotericin B-SterolsConjugates ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) EIRAKU,Noritsugu ; MATSUMORI,Nobuaki ; MURATA,Michio
2G106 Bioactivity and Complex Formation of Amphotericin B dimers ( Graduate School of Science, Osakai Univ. ) YAMAJI,Nahoko ; MATSUOKA,Shigeru ; MATSUMORI,Nobuaki ; MURATA,Michio ; MIKAMI,Yuzuru
2G111 Synthetic Study on Pradimicin-Benanomicins (2) ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) KATO,Hirohisa ; OORUI,Mami ; ISHIKAWA,Yuji ; KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
2G112 Stereoselective Synthesis of Axially Chiral Biaryl Unit of Vancomycin ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) KAMIKAWA,Ken ; TACHIBANA,Atsushi ; UEMURA,Motokazu
2G114 Synthetic Studies on Blepharismin ( Osaka City Univ. ) SAKODA,Kyoko ; USUKI,Yoshinosuke ; IIO,Hideo
2G115 Syntheses and activities of xestoquinone analogs ( Grad. School of Bioagr. Sci., Nagoya Univ.; Grad. School of Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ. ) KAKUDA,Takahiko ; NAKAMURA,Mitsuhiro ; OBA,Yuichi ; NAKAMURA,Hideshi ; FUJIWARA,Hironori ; MATSUNAGA,
Kimihiro ; OHIZUMI
,Yasushi ; ICHIKAWA,Yoshiyasu
2G116 Syntheses of polyprenyl hydroquinones via coupling reaction of allyl mesylate and arylzinc compound. ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki Univ. ) ENOMOTO,Satoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Toyoshige ; YAMAGIWA,Yoshiro ; KAMI
2G117 New cleavage conditions for tert-butoxycarbonyl (Boc) group on phenolic hydropxy group. ( Ind. Tech. Center of Wakayama Pref. ) NAKAMURA,Kozo ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
2G118 Synthetic Study on FR901464 (2) ( Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University ) NOMURA,Kazukiyo ; ARIMOTO,Hirokazu ; MATUZAWA,Takaho
3G102 Chiral Molecular Recognition in Flower Color Development of a Blue Supramolecular Pigment from Salvia Patens ( Nagoya Univ. Chemical Instrument Center ) KONDO,Tadao ; OYAMA,Kin-ichi ; YOSHIDA,Kumi
3G103 Synthesis of Crocacin C ( Department of Applied Chemistry School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University ) OGIYAMA,Takashi ; SHIMIZU,Isao
3G104 Synthetic studies of Salicylihalamide A ( Department of Applied Chemistry, ) YAMAMOTO,Tomoko ; SHIMIZU,Isao
3G105 Synthesis of Anti-cancer Discodermolide Using Chiral Lewis Acid-Mediated Aldol Reactions ( Kochi Univ-.,Fac. of Sci. ) KIYOOKA,Syun-ichi ; SHAHID,Kazi Abudus ; GOTO,Fumitaka ; SHUTO,Yoshihiro
3G106 Formal Total Synthesis of Venturicidin X by Using Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction of Vinyl Anion ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University. ) TSUNASHIMA,Keiji ; IDE,Mitsuaki ; KADOI,Hiroshi ; H
3G108 Structural Determination of the Oxidative Reaction Productssof Quercetin with Hydrogen Peroxide ( Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, YamanashisUniversity and Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) HIROSE,Yuko ; MATSUGO,Seiichi
3G109 Liver Injury Preventing Substances from Avocado ( Faculty of Science, Shizuoka UniversitysFaculty of Science, Shizuoka UniversitysFaculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University ) MATSUZAWA,Takaho ; ARIMOTO,Hirokazu ; ARIMOTO,Yasushi ; SUGANUMA,
Hiroyuki ; INAKUM
A,Takahiro ; SUGIYAMA,Kimio ; HATAKEYAMA,Mina ; HE,Puming ; KAWAGISHI,Hirokazu
3G110 Isolation of oxylipins from the brown alga, Eisenia bicyclis. ( Aoyama Gakuin University ) KOUSAKA,Kenji ; KIMURA,Junji
3G111 Isolation and Structures of Pinnatoxins B and C, the Most Potent Toxic Components from the Okinawan Bivalve Pinna muricata. ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) TAKADA,Noboru ; UMEMURA,Naoyoshi ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; CHOU,
Tong ; NAGATSU,Aki
to ; HAINO,Takeharu ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G112 Isolation and Structures of Pteriatoxins A, B and C, Novel Neurotoxins, from the Okinawan Bivalve Pteria penguin ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) UMEMURA,Naoyoshi ; TAKADA,Noboru ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G114 Cancel
3G115 Correlation of Lysine Metabolism and Isoprenoid Biosynthesis in Halophilic Archaea ( Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sci, Grad. School of Sci., Kyushu Univ. ) YAMAUCHI,Noriaki ; ENDOH,Satoshi ; MURAE,Tatsushi
Bld. No.6 Room No.622
[Natural Products Chemistry]
1G208 Studies on the Formation of the C8-C14 Bond in Azadirachtin ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) FUKUZAKI,Takehiro ; ISHIHARA,Jun ; MURAI,Akio
1G209 Synthetic Studies on 18-Hydroxytaxoid ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; OHNO,Ayako ; ARAI,Hidehiro ; IMACHI,Shouhei ; SHIINA,Isamu
1G210 Synthesis of Taxol Analogues and Studies on Their Structure-Activity Relationships ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; SUENAGA,Yoshihito ; MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki
1G211 Synthetic Studies on Taxane Skelton ( Waseda Univ.,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; IWAMOTO,Mitsuhiro ; TANAKA,Tomoyuki
1G212 Synthesis of the new soluble taxol by CGTase ( Okayama Univ. of Sci.;Dep.of Applied Sci. ) SANADA,Kazumi ; HAMADA,Hiroki ; FURUYA,Tutomu
1G214 Utilization of an Automatic Synthesizer Toward an Efficient Synthesissof Natural Product. - The Application for the Synthesis of the C-ring of Taxol - ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Insti
tute of Technology
) TAKAHASHI,Takashi ; FUSE,Shinichiro ; NAKAI,Kazuoki ; DOI,Takayuki
1G215 A Synthetic Study of the ABC-ring System of Taxol by Way of Intramolecular Alkylation ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MIYAMOTO,Shigeru ; NAKAI,Kazuoki ; FUSE,Sh
inichiro ; DOI,Tak
ayuki ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
1G216 Synthesis of Taxinine NN-1 from Taxinine ( Fuculty of Engineering, Niigata Univ.; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata Univ. ) ANDO,Masayoshi ; ZHANG,Shujun ; SASAKI,Hirofumi ; KITABATAKE,Mutsumi ; SAKAI,Jun-ichi ; HIROSE,Katu
1G217 Isolation and Structure Determination of New Taxanes and a Rearranged Abietane from the Callus Induced from Taxus cuspidata. ( Fuculty of Engineering, Niigata Univ.; Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata Univ. ) ANDO,Mas
ayoshi ; BAI,Jiao
; ZHANG,Shujun ; SAKAI,Jun-ichi ; HIROSE,Katsutoshi
1G218 Synthetic Study of Ingenol and 13-Oxyingenol ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University and Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) AOKI,Kenta ; SUZUKI,Yuto ; OHMURA,Satomi ; KIGOSHI,Hideo ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G226 Studies toward Total Synthesis of Ingenol: Stereoselective Construction of the Polyol Moiety ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido UniversitysKitasato InstitutesCREST ) ONUKI,Kei ; ASANO,Kohei ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASH
ITA,Masaaki ; KUWA
1G227 Total synthesis of (+)-cheimonophyllon E, a bisabolane sesquiterpenoid ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University ) TAKAO,Ken-ichi ; HARA,Manabu ; TSUJITA,Tomohiro ; TADANO,Kin-ichi
1G228 Total Syntheses of Mniopetal F and Kuehneromycin A ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University ) SUZUKI,Yoshikazu ; OHARA,Aiko ; SUGAYA,Kenji ; TAKAO,Ken-ichi ; TADANO,Kin-ichi
1G229 Synthetic Study of Ginkgolide B ( Univ. of Electro-Communications ) OBITSU,Kazuyoshi ; MAKII,Toshimichi ; MAKI,Shojiro ; HIRANO,Takashi ; NIWA,Haruki
1G230 Total Synthesis of Phytotoxin, Solanapyrone D ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Niigata Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; KOBAYASHI,Katsuhiro ; MIYA,Shigeki ; HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayoshi
1G232 Asymmetric synthesis of 1.alpha.-Hydroxyvitamin D A-Ring Synthon ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University ) CHIBA,Shunsuke ; SHIMIZU,Isao
1G233 Stereoselective Synthesis of CD Ring Moiety of Vitamin D ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University ) ISHIDA,Jun ; TAJIMA,Noriyuki ; SHIMIZU,Isao
1G234 A Practical Preparation of A-Ring Intermediates for Synthesis of 1,25.alfa.-(OH)2 Vitamin D3 and Its 19-Nor Derivatives ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) INAMORI,Hajime ; MASUDA,Tomoko ; HANAZAWA,Takeshi ; OKAMOTO,Sent
aro ; SATO,Fumie
1G235 Catalytic enamine reaction: 1,4-conjugate addition of naked aldehydes to vinylketones and its application to synthesis of (+)-elvirol ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Engi., Niigata Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; OKABE,Tomoyuki ; H
AKODA,Keisuke ; ON
O,Hiroki ; KAMAT,Vijayendra. P ; HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayoshi
1G238 Synthetic Study of Polyfunctional Carotenoid, Peridinin ; Efficient Synthesis of the (Z)-g-Ylidenebutenolide Segment ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) FURUICHI,Noriyuki ; HARA,Hirokazu ; KATSUMURA,Shigeo
1G239 Synthetic Study of Polyfunctional Carotenoid, Peridinin ; Toward the Total Synthesis by Utilizing the Modified Julia Olefination ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) FURUICHI,Noriyuki ; OSAKI,Takashi ; KUBA,Masako ; KATSUMURA,Sh
1G240 Stereoselective Synthesis of Tricyclic Terpenoid Chroman, NG-121 ( Yokohama National University ) INOUE,Seiichi ; IWASAKI,Fumiyoshi ; NAKAGAWA,Chihiro ; HONDA,Kiyoshi
1G241 Chemistry of Germacrene D Employing Electrochemically Generated Active Species ( Keio Univ. ) OGAMINO,Takahisa ; MORI,Kazuki ; YAMAMURA,Shousuke ; NISHIYAMA,Shigeru
1G243 Formal total synthesis of Squalamine from Desmosterol ( Niigata College of Pharmacy ) OKUMURA,Kazuo ; NAKAMURA,Yutaka ; TAKEUCHI,Seiji ; OHGO,Yoshiaki
1G244 Synthetic Studies of Mangicol A ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) ARAKI,Keisuke ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G245 Semi- and total synthesis of the cyathadiene involved in an early stage of the biosynthesis of cyathane diterpenoids ( Grad. School Eng. Sci., Kyushu Univ.; United Grad. School Agric., Iwate Univ.;Inst. Adv. Mater. Study, Kyushu Univ.; Facu
l. Agric., Yamagat
a Univ. ) SHIMADA,Masaki ; KENMOKU,Hiromichi ; KATO,Nobuo ; MORI,Akira ; SASSA,Takeshi
1G246 Biotransformation of (-)-isolongifolol by plant pathogenic fungi ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University ) MIYAZAWA,Mitsuo ; UEDA,Masashi
2G205 Geraniol causes a decrease in levels of calreticulin prior to the appearance of apoptotic features in plant cells. ( Hiroshima University ) IZUMI,Shunsuke ; NAOKI,Risa ; TAGA,Michiko ; HIRATA,Toshifumi
2G206 The condensation of chromatin in apoptotic cells shows a specific structural change of histone H4. ( Hiroshima University ) TAGA,Michiko ; NAOKI,Risa ; IZUMI,Shunsuke ; HIRATA,Toshifumi
2G207 Preparation of Multiply Deuterated Carotenoids from Perdeuterated Mevalonate by Triply Engineered Escherichia coli ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) DEKISHIMA,Yasumasa ; MATSUSHIMA,Yoshitak
a ; MISAWA,Norihik
o ; KUZUYAMA,Tomohisa ; SETO,Haruo ; EGUCHI,Tadashi ; KAKINUMA,Katsumi
2G208 Carotenoid metabolites from the brown alga Undaria pinnatifida. ( Aoyama Gakuin University ) MAKI,Noritsugu ; FUJINO,Kyoko ; KIMURA,Junji
2G210 Structures of porwenin A and B, isolated from Portulaca okinawensis ( Inst. of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Med. and Dent.Univ.; Dept. of Agriculture, Univ. of Ryukyus; Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido U
niv. ) OHSAKI,Ayum
i ; OGAWA,Mari ; IMAI,Yoji ; SHINZATO,Takakazu ; SHIGEMORI,Hideyuki ; KOBAYASHI,Jun'ichi
2G211 Isolation and Structures of Hedaols A, B, and C, New Bisnorditerpenes, from the Brown Alga ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) WATANABE,Reiko ; TAKADA,Noboru ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G212 The determine of the Absolute Stereostructure of (6S,9S)-Roseoside from Polygonum Hydropiper L. ( Kinki University ) MURAI,Yoshihiro ; TAMEZAWA,Syouhei ; KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; HASHIMOTO,Toshihiro ; TAKAOKA,Shigeru ; ASAKAWA,Yoshinori ; KIGU
,Motoko ; MURAI,Fujio
2G213 Kohamaic Acids A and B, Novel Cytotoxic Sesterterpenic Acids, from a Marine Sponge Ircinia sp. ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Biology and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus ) INUZUKA,Toshiyasu ; YOGI,Kentaro
; UDDIN,Md. Jasim
; KOKUBO,Susumu ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEDA,Katsuhiro ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G215 Toxic Substances in the red tide Heterocapsa circularisquama ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) AGO,Mariko ; SUGIHARA,Kinuko ; KAKU,Ken ; HIRAGA,Yoshikazu ; OHKATA,Katsuo
2G216 Session Lecture analysis on the structure and function of Z-prenyl chain elongating enzymes ( institute for chemical reaction science,tohoku University ) KOYAMA,Tanetohsi
3G202 Effect of UV-A irradiation on photosynthetic pigment composition in UV-A resistant marine cyanobacterium Oscillatoria sp. ( Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ) AKASHI,Rie ; MIYASHITA,Hideaki ; TAKEYAMA,Haruko ; MATSUNAGA,Tadash
3G203 Bioactive Compounds from the Okinawan Mollusca ( Graduate School of Science, Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) KOYAMA,Tomoyuki ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; TERUYA,Toshiaki ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G204 Feeding Stimulant for Acanthaster planci ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University;Research Centersfor Materials Science, Nagoya University ) TERUYA,Toshiaki ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; KOYAMA,Tomoyuki ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G205 Anesthetic substances from shrews ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University ) IWATSUKI,Masato ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; OHDACHI,Satoshi ; TSUBUKU,Makoto ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Dai
3G206 Remedial Effects of the Components from The Okinawan Thorn Oyster, Spondylus sp., on Experimental Acute Liver Injury In Vivo ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya Univ. ) YAMADA,Kaoru ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; KOYAMA,Tomoyuki ; TERU
YA,Toshiaki ; UEMU
3G208 Studies on the Toxic Constituents of Chlorophyllum molybdites ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Scien
ce, Hirosaki Unive
rsity. ) YAMADA,Mina ; SAIKAWA,Yoko ; TOKUMITSU,Naoko ; ASANO,Jyunpei ; MIYAIRI,Kazuo ; OKUNO,Toshikatsu ; HASHIMOTO,Kimiko ; NAKATA,Masaya
3G209 Studies on the Toxic Constituents of Podostroma cornu-damae ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science,
Hirosaki Univers
ity ) SAIKAWA,Yoko ; OKAMOTO,Hiroki ; MAKABE,Midori ; OKUNO,Toshikatsu ; HASHIMOTO,Kimiko ; NAKATA,Masaya
3G210 Synthesis and activity of probes for a new protein phosphatase ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba; Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University; National Institute for Physiological Sciences ) KIGOSHI,Hideo ; YOKOTA,Kyoko ;
A,Yasunobu ; ZHOU,Shi-sheng
3G212 Determination of Peptide Sequence by MS/MS Using Squaric Acid as a Charge-remote Site. ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) MURATA,Kazuya ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OYAMA,Yuuki ; NAOKI,Hideo ; FUJITA,Tsuyoshi ; NAKAJIMA,Terumi ; OHFUNE,Ya
3G213 Conformation analysis of small ligands bound to the muscarinicsacetylcholine receptor by transferred NOE experiments ( GSC, RIKEN; CREST, JST; Neurobiochemistry, Univ. of Tokyo; Biophysics and Biochemistry, Univ. of Tokyo ) HAMADA,Toshiyuki
; HIROTA,Hiroshi
; FURUKAWA,Hiroyasu ; MUTO,Yutaka ; HAGA,Tatsuya ; YOKOYAMA,Shigeyuki
3G214 Evaluation of the absolute sense of retinal at C-6 and 7: Synthesis of C-6 and 7 twist retinal analogs ( Department of Chemistry, Columbia Univ. ) ISHIHARA,Jun ; MAKI,Shojiro ; FUJIOKA,Naoko ; FURUTA,Takumi ; WANG,Tao ; BEROVA,Nina ; NAKANI
3G215 Chiral M.alpha.NP Acid, Powerful for Both Enantioresolution of Alcohols and Determination of Their Absolute Configurations by the 1H NMR Anisotropy Method ( Tohoku Univ.: Inst. Chem. React. Sci.; Ishinomaki Senshu Univ.; Natl. In
st. Sericultual an
d Entomol. Sci. ) TAJI,Hiromi ; KASAI,Yusuke ; KUWAHARA,Shunsuke ; WATANABE,Masataka ; HARADA,Nobuyuki ; SHIMANUKI,Kumiko ; UDA,Hisashi ; ICHIKAWA,Akio
3G216 A New Method for Determining the Enantiomeric Excess of ChiralAlcohols Using 2-Methoxy-2-(1-naphtyl)proionic Acid ( Tohoku Univ. Inst. Chem. React. Sci. ) TAJI,Hiromi ; WATANABE,Masataka ; HARADA,Nobuyuki
3G217 Studies on clusters of biologically active compounds ( Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University ) OISHI,Takehisa ; ARIMOTO,Hirokazu ; NAKAMURA,Kazuhiko ; KINUMI,Tomoya
4G202 Substrate Analogue Inhibitors of Sphingomyelinase ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) HAKOGI,Toshikazu ; TAICHI,Misako ; TSUCHIKAWA,Hiroshi ; KATSUMURA,Shigeo
4G203 Synthesis and Activity of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SHIMOMIYA,Taichi ; MATSUSHIMA,Yoshitaka ; EGUCHI,Tadashi ; KAKINUMA,Katsumi
4G204 Synthesis of a Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist: Part 1 ( Banyu Process R&D; MERCK Process Chem. ) KATO,Shinji ; MASE,Toshiaki ; HOUPIS,Ioannis N. ; AKAO,Atsushi ; IIDA,Takehiko ; ITOH,Takahiro ; LANG,Fengrui ; SONG,Zhiguo J. ; TSCHAEN,David
M. ; VOLANTE,Ralph
4G205 Synthesis of a Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist: Part2 ( Banyu Process R&D; MERCK Process Chem. ) AKAO,Atsushi ; MASE,Toshiaki ; HOUPIS,Ioannis N. ; IIDA,Takehiko ; ITOH,Takahiro ; KATO,Shinji ; LANG,Fengrui ; SONG,Zhiguo J. ; TSCHAEN,David M.
4G206 Synthesis of a Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist: Part 3 ( Banyu Process R&D; MERCK Process Chem. ) ITOH,Takahiro ; MASE,Toshiaki ; HOUPIS,Ioannis N. ; IIDA,Takehiko ; KATO,Shinji ; AKAO,Atsushi ; LANG,Fengrui ; SONG,Zhiguo J. ; TSCHAEN,David
M. ; VOLANTE,Ralph
4G208 Artificial Intercalator-Carbohydrate Hybrids with DNA Interaction (7): Substituent Effect of the Sugar Moiety on DNA Photocleavage of Glycosyl Anthraquinone ( Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology ) NAKAJIMA,Yoko ; TAKANO,Ryusuke
hi ; TOSHIMA,Kazunobu
4G209 Artificial Intercalator-Carbohydrate Hybrids with DNA Interaction (8): Design, Synthesis and DNA Photocleavage of Novel .beta.-Carboline-Carbohydrate Hybrids ( Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology ) OKUNO,Yukiko ; MAEDA,Yutaka ;
; TOSHIMA,Kazunobu
4G210 Artificial Intercalator-Carbohydrate Hybrids with DNA Interaction (9): DNA Photocleavage of Novel Quinoxaline-Oligosaccharide Hybrids ( Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology ) OZAWA,Tomohiro ; TAKANO,Ryusuke ; MATSUMURA,Shuichi ;
4G211 Study on the total synthesis of Actinobolin ( Keio Univ. ) IMUTA,Satoshi ; CHIDA,Noritaka
4G212 Synthetic study of phomoidride B ( Graduate school of science, Hiroshima University ) OHMORI,Naoki ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
4G214 Synthetic Study of Manzacidin B ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) NAMBA,Kosuke ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G215 Synthesis of Testudinariols A and B. ( Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science ) YOSHIDA,Masao ; TAKIKAWA,Hirosato ; MORI,Kenji
4G216 Synthesis of Hippospongic acid A ( Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science ) ICHIHASHI,Miwako ; TAKIKAWA,Hirosato ; MORI,Kenji
4G217 Synthetic Study on Zoapatanol ( Faculty of Eng., and Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Niigata Univ. ) SUZUKI,Toshio ; MORI,Ken-ichiro ; HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; HOSHI,Takashi ; ANDO,Masayoshi
4G218 Synthetic Study on (+)-Z-Isolaureatin ( Faculty of Eng., and Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Niigatas Univ. ) SUZUKI,Toshio ; SAITOH,Toshikazu ; HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; HOSHI,Takashi ; ANDO,Masayoshi
4G228 Synthesis of optically active (+)-Acoradiene, the male-produced aggregation pheromone of broad-horned flour beetle, Gnatocerus cornutus ( Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science ) KUROSAWA,Satoshi ; MORI,Kenji
4G229 Synthesis of optically active trametol, a metabolite of Bjerkandera sp. BOS55 and Trametes sp. ( Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science ) KOUSAKA,Takeshi ; TAKIKAWA,Hirosato ; MORI,Kenji
4G230 Synthesis of Insect Pheromones with 1,3-Dimethyl Branching ( Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science ) FUJITA,Ken ; MORI,Kenji
4G231 Synthetic Studies on FR182877 ( Waseda Univ.,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; SUZUKI,Takahiro
4G233 Synthetic studies on a bioactive marine alkaloid pinnaic acid (3) ( Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University; Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) MIYAWAKI,Kyosei ; ARIMOTO,Hirokazu ; UEMURA,Daisuke
4G234 Synthetic Studies on Marine Natural Products, Altohyrtins (7). Improved Synthesis of the C29-C44 Portion ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University. ) TERAUCHI,Takeshi ; MORITA,Masataka ; KIMIJIMA,
asuhiro ; HAYASHI,Gouichirou ; TANAKA,Taisaku ; KANOH,Naoki ; NAKATA,Masaya
4G235 Synthetic Studies of Tetrodotoxin. Introduction of Multifunctional Groups into the Strecker-Product. ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) IZUMIDA,Masashi ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G236 Synthesis of Squaric Acid-containing Cinnamate Derivatives Using Aldol Reaction on the Squarylmethyl Group ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) OOYAMA,Yuuki ; HAYASHI,Ken-ichi ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G237 Synthetic Studies on Phomopsidin ( Waseda Univ. ,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; NIGAWARA,Takahiro
Bld. No.6 Room No.623
[Natural Products Chemistry]
1G305 Tetrapicolyl Derivatives of Diamino Acids as Building Blocks for the Construction of Ribonucleotide Model Hydrolyzing Catalysts ( Nagoya Inst. Tech. ) KAWAGUCHI,Tomotsugu ; YAMAMURA,Hatsuo ; ARAKI,Shuki ; KAWAI,Masao
1G306 Dipeptide Derivatives Containing Two Dipicolylamino Groups as Catalysts for the Cleavage of Ribonucleotide Model Substrate ( Nagoya Inst. Tech ) IZUHARA,Nobuko ; SAEKI,Takaya ; YAMAMURA,Hatsuo ; ARAKI,Shuki ; KAWAI,Masao
1G307 .alpha.,.alpha.-Disubstituted Glycines (14) Synthesis ands Conformational Study of Pentapeptides Containings .alpha.,.alpha.-Diphenylglycine ( Faculty of Science, Konan Univ., Univ. of Napoli ) YAMADA,Takashi ; URABE,Yuka ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji
umi ; DI COSTANZO,Luigi ; LOMBARDI,Angela ; PAVONE,Vincenzo
1G308 .alpha.,.alpha.-Disubstituted Glycines (15) Fluorescences Behavior of Peptides Containing 9-Aminofluorene-9-carboxylics Acid (2) ( Faculty of Science, Konan Univ. ) YAMADA,Takashi ; HANADA,Kazuya ; MAKIHIRA,Kazunari ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; MIY
1G309 .alpha.,.alpha.-Disubstituted Glycines (16) Synthesis ofs Tetrapeptides Containing .alpha.-Phenyl-.alpha.-(2-pyridyl)glycine and Separation of Their Diasterepmers. ( Faculty of Science, Konan Univ. ) YAMADA,Takashi ; ICHINO,Tomoyuki ; YANAG
1G311 Synthesis of stereo-array-labeled amino acid:Isoleucine ( Tokyo Metropolitan University/CREST ) IWASA,Haruka ; TERAUCHI,Tsutomu ; NONAKA,Ken ; KAINOSHO,Masatsune
1G312 Synthesis of stereo-array-labeled amino acid:Methionine ( Tokyo Metropolitan University/CREST ) IWASHITA,Nobuyuki ; TERAUCHI,Tsutomu ; SUGIHARA,Tomoko ; KAINOSHO,Masatsune
1G313 Synthesis of stereo-array-labeled amino acid : Glycine ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ; CREST ; RIKEN ) FUCHIGAMI,Kazuyuki ; ONO,Akira ; TERAUCHI,Tsutomu ; HAYANO,Toshiya ; KAINOSHO,Masatsune
1G315 Total Synthesis of Novel Amino Acid Isolated from Amanita castanopsidis Hongo and Its Stereochemistry ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) TAKAISHI,Mamoru ; KINOSHITA,Takamasa ; SAKAGUCHI,Kazuhiko ; MORIMOTO,Yoshiki
1G316 Asymmetric Synthesis of Optically Active alpha-(Alkoxymethyl)glutamic Acids ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) KAWASAKI,Masanori ; NAMBA,Kosuke ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
1G317 Synthesis of Optically Active LY354740, Potent Agonist of Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) DEMURA,Takashi ; MATSUDA,Hiromi ; IWAMA,Seiji ; SHINADA,Tetsuro ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
1G318 An effective method for the Synthesis of 3-Amino-2-Hydroxyesters by using MAC Reagents ( The Univ. of Tokushima ) MA,Rujian ; LI,Xinming ; SUZUKI,Ichiro ; NEMOTO,Hisao ; SHIBUYA,Masayuki
1G326 Synthetic Studies of FD-179 ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University; Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) ICHINO,Takao ; OGAWA,Takafumi ; KIGOSHI,Hideo ; UEMURA,Daisuke
1G327 Synthetic Studies on Ustiloxin A ( Waseda Univ. ,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; ICHINOSE,Hidehiro
1G328 Synthetic Studies on Biologically Active Cyclic Heptapeptides,Ceratospongamides ( Keio Univ. ) KUTSUMURA,Noriki ; SATA,Noriko ; NISHIYAMA,Shigeru
1G329 Studies toward a Synthesis of TMC-95A ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, CREST ) INOUE,Masayuki ; FURUYAMA,Hidetomo ; SAKAZAKI,Hayato ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
1G330 Total Synthesis of Myriocin Using Overman Rearrangement as a Key Reaction ( Keio univ. ) OHISHI,Takeshi ; ANDO,Koji ; CHIDA,Noritaka
1G332 Synthetic study of Sch20562 ( Nat'l Inst. Biosci. Human-Tech., Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Tokai Univ. ) HORIKAWA,Eiji ; NAKAMURA,Kazuhiko ; NAKAHARA,Yoshiaki ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KODAKA,Masato ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
1G333 Synthetic studies on cyclic tripeptides employing solid-phase methodology ( Keio Univ.; National Int. of Biosci. and Human-Tech. ) NISHIYA,Hisa ; MORI,Kazuki ; NAKAMURA,Kazuhiko ; NISHIYAMA,Shigeru
1G334 Development of a New and Convenient Method for the Synthesis of Peptides containing a Dehydroamino Acid ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) SHIRAISHI,Yohsuke ; TAKAMURA,Takashi ; KINOSHITA,Hideki
1G335 The solid-phase peptide synthesis using N.alpha.-Fmoc(2-F)-amino acids ( Inst. Protein Res.,Osaka Univ ) HASEGAWA,Koki ; KAWAKAMI,Toru ; AKAJI,Kenichi ; AIMOTO,Saburo
1G338 Syntheses and properties of stylostatin 1 analogues. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) LI,Xiaohui ; KATO,Tamaki ; NISHINO,Norikazu
1G339 Peptide Synthesis Mediated by Bacillus subtilis Protease: Application to Segment Condensations ( Konan Univ. ) MIYAZAWA,Toshifumi ; MASKI,Shino ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; YAMADA,Takashi
1G340 Dynamic Kinetic Resolution during Peptide Bond Formation ( Konan Univ. ) MIYAZAWA,Toshifumi ; HAMADA,Takashi ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; YAMADA,Takashi
1G341 Importance of the Hydrophobicity Interaction and .pi.-.pi. Stacking Interaction in Chymotrypsin Inhibition Induced by Dipeptide D-Leu-Phe Benzylamide ( Kyushu Univ. Fac. of Sci. ) KOMADA,Akira ; FUJITA,Tsugumi ; NOSE,Takeru ; SAKAGUCHI,Kazu
1G343 Conformational analyses of a number of stereoisomers of trapoxin hydroxamic acid analogues ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu Institute of Technology ) KATO,Tamaki ; YOSHIKAWA,Daisuke ; SHINTA,Ryuzo ; KOMATSU,Y
asuhiko ; YOSHIDA,
Minoru ; NISHINO,Norikazu
1G344 Activities of sodium channel blocker .mu.-conotoxin GIIIA analogs ( Grad. School of Bioagr. Sci., Nagoya Univ.; Mitsubishi kasei institute of life sciences; Fukuoka Women's Univ.; CREST ) NAKAMURA,Mitsuhiro ; ISHIDA,Yukisato ; KOHNO,Toshiyu
ki ; SATO,Kazuki ;
OBA,Yuichi ; NAKAMURA,Hideshi
1G345 The Contraction activity of Drosophila FMRFamide-relateds Peptides in Meretrix Lusoria Heart Muscle Assay ( Kyushu Univ. Fac. of Sci. ) TOKUNAGA,Takatoshi ; OTANI,Masahiro ; MATUSHIMA,Ayami ; CHUMAN,Yoshiro ; NOSE,Takeru ; SHIMOHIGASHI,Miki
; AIMOTO,Saburo ;
1G346 Neurotoxic substance from spider wasp venom (2) ( Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University ) YAMAMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; SATO,Hiroko ; ARIMOTO,Hirokazu ; YAMADA,Kaoru ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G304 The construction of the spirocyclic imine moiety by enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) HORIE,Mariko ; SHIMADA,Yoshikatsu ; ISHIHARA,Jun ; MURAI,Akio
2G305 Progress toward the Total Syntheses of Pinnatoxins ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) TOJO,Shingo ; ISHIHARA,Jun ; MURAI,Akio
2G306 Synthetic Studies of Haliclorensin, a Novel Diamino Alkaloid ( Osaka City Univ. ) HIRAKAWA,Hiroyuki ; GOTOH,Kimihiko ; USUKI,Yoshinosuke ; IIO,Hideo
2G307 Synthetic Study of Indole Alkaloid by New Method for Chiral Dihydropyridine via 6p-Azaelectrocyclization ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) TANAKA,Katsunori ; YAMAMOTO,Mako ; KATSUMURA,Shigeo
2G309 Studies Directed toward the Total Synthesis of Zoanthenol ( Graduate school of science, tohoku university, CREST ) HIRAI,Go ; OGURI,Hiroki ; MOHARRAM,Sameh ; KOIZUMI,Yuuki ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
2G310 Synthetic Study of Korupenceamine A and B Utilizing a Planar Chiral Arene Chromium Complex ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) SHAKADOU,Makoto ; WATANABE,Takashi ; KAMIKAWA,Ken ; UEMURA,Motokazu
2G311 Synthetic Study of Pinnatoxin A (1) ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) KAMADA,Kei ; SAKAMOTO,Satoshi ; NODA,Takeshi ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
2G312 Synthetic Study of Pinnatoxin A (2) ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University; CREST ) SAKAMOTO,Satoshi ; KAMADA,Kei ; NODA,Takeshi ; HIRAMA,Masahiro
2G314 Photoaffinity labeling of Renilla luciferase with coelenterazine analog ( Grad. School of Bioagr. Sci., Nagoya Univ.; Yokohama Research Center, Chisso Co. ) KATO,Mayumi ; WU,Chun ; TSUTSUI,Makie ; INOUYE,Satoshi ; OBA,Yuichi ; NAKAMURA,Hide
2G315 Isolation and Structure Determination of Bioactive Compounds from the Chinese Herbal Remedy Qiung Laug. ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) SHIMOGAWA,Hiroki ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G316 Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds from the Chinese Herbal Remedy Qiung Laug ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) NAKAGAWA,Satoru ; SHIMOGAWA,Hiroki ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
2G317 Structure of Kasarin, Isolated from a Marine Microoorganism ( Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University ) AOYAMA,Sachiko ; NISHIJIMA,Manabu ; SUENAGA,Kiyotake ; UEMURA,Daisuke
3G302 Study on the efficient 13C labelling of Neu5Ac-. alpha.-( 2-3)-Gal ( Kanagawa Univ. ) AOKI,Hidenori ; SAKUMA,Mayumi ; AKAI,Shouji ; KAJIHARA,Yasuhiro ; SATO,Ken-ichi
3G303 2JC,H Index Method forsIdentification of Aldohexopyranoses (1). The StrategicsConcept and The Fundamental Profiles for TypicalsAldohexopyranoses ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) OIKAWA,Masato ; ADACHI,
3G304 2JC,H Index Method for Identificationsof Aldohexopyranoses (2). Application to A NaturalsPolysaccharide ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University; Res Inst / Int Med Cntr Japan ) OIKAWA,Masato ; ADACHI,Seiji ; HA
SHIMOTO,Masahito ;
3G305 Ring flipping of a D-glucoside due to the introduction of large silyl protecting groups ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) TANIGAKIUCHI,Koki ; UCHIDA,Takashi ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto ; YAMADA,Hidetoshi
3G306 Synthetic study of peptidoglycan partial structures: synthesis of peptide octasacccharide conjugate. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) INAMURA,Seiichi ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
3G308 A synthesis of new found glyceroglycolipids which have resistance to oxygen radicals ( The Noguchi Institute; University of Tsukuba; JBA ) NAGAYAMA,Sonoe ; ISHIDA,Hide-ki ; KOBAYASHI,Hideo ; HOSHINO,Takayuki ; NAKATA,Kuniho ; INAZU,Toshiyuk
3G309 New glycosylation method using 3-nitro-2-pyridyl glycosides as glycosyl donors ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) NAKAI,Yasushi ; IZUMI,Minoru ; UMESAKO,Naomi ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
3G310 A novel propynyl ester-type linker and its application tos the solid-phase synthesis of oligosaccharides ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) IZUMI,Minoru ; UMESAKO,Naomi ; NAKAI,Yasushi ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
3G311 Development and Application of Perfluoro-type Protective Group for Hydroxyl Group in Carbohydrate ( The Noguchi Institute ) MIURA,Tsuyoshi ; HIROSE,Yuriko ; INAZU,Toshiyuki
3G312 Synthesis and Biological Activity of Triacyl Type Lipid A ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) KATAOKA,Mikayo ; OIKAWA,Masato ; SUDA,Yasuo ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
3G314 Synthetic Study Toward Automation of Oligosaccharides Having Elicitor Activity ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TANAKA,Hiroshi ; AMAYA,Toru ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
3G315 Synthesis of Lewis X Using One-Pot Glycosylation ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Takashi ; MATOBA,Nobuatsu ; AMAYA,Toru ; TANAKA,Hiroshi
3G316 Session Lecture new Synthetic strategy for glycoconjugates ( the noguchi institute ) INAZU,Toshiyuki
3G326 Preparation and bioactivity of rare-earth-element- binding polysaccharides ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Univ. of Tokyo ) WANG,Dongfeng ; WANG,Changhong ; WEI,Zhenggui ; SUMAOKA,Jun ; LIANG,Xingguo ; KOMIYAMA,Ma
3G327 Synthesis of a common structure of resin glycosides using carboxylic acid prepared from seeds of Pharbitis nil ( Hokkaido Univ. graduate School of Environmental Earth Science ) SAKAI,Tomoko ; FURUKAWA,Jun-ichi ; SAKAIRI,Nobuo
3G328 Preparation of Lepidimoide from Okra Fruit Mucilage ( KOBE NATURAL PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS Co., Ltd. ; Institute ofsApplied Biochemistry, University of Tsukuba ) HIROSE,Katsutoshi ; ENDOH,Keiichiro ; OTOMATSU,Toshihiko ; KURITA,Sota ; HASEGAWA,
3G329 Stereoselective onepot 1,4-addition/alkylations on carbohydrate templates ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio Univ. ) TOTANI,Kiichiro ; ASANO,Shingo ; TAKAO,Ken-ichi ; TADANO,Kin-ichi
3G330 Cooperative Rearrengement of 6-S-acetyl-6-thio-D-glucono-1.5-lactone ( Science unversity of Tokyo ) ASHIDA,Ryoichi ; HORITO,Sigeomi
3G332 Synthesis of partially protected glucose derivatives from natural oligosaccharides by hydrothermalysis ( Meiji Univ.;The Noguchi Institute ) MUROTA,Akihiko ; FUJIMOTO,Masaki ; SASAURA,Hideaki ; YAMANOI,Takashi
3G333 Introduction and their deprotection of photolabile protecting groups on sugar hydroxy groups ( Faculty of Science, Toho University ) WATANABE,Soichiro ; SUEYOSHI,Takashi ; ICHIHARA,Megumi ; UEHARA,Chiaki ; IWAMURA,Michiko
3G334 A new glycosidation reaction using selenoglycosides (1). Tailor-made synthesis of oligosaccharides ( Kyoto University ) YAMAGO,Shigeru ; YAMADA,Takeshi ; ITO,Hiroki ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3G335 A new glycosidation reaction using selenoglycosides (1). Synthetic studies of oligosaccharides having phytoalexin elicitor activities ( Kyoto University ) YAMAGO,Shigeru ; ITO,Hiroki ; YAMADA,Takeshi ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3G338 A catalytic aryl glycosidation using triaryl borates ( The Noguchi Institute ) YAMANOI,Takashi ; YAMAZAKI,Ippo
3G339 Catalytic glycosylation with disarmed glycosyl fluoride as a glycosyl donor ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo. ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; MAESHIMA,Hisashi ; JONA,Hideki
3G340 Sialylation Reaction with 5- azido-neuraminid acid derivatives ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MISHIMA,Yasuko ; MURAOKA,Yuki ; HORITO,Shigeomi
3G341 Stereo-controlled glycosylation by the use of neighboring group participation of Phenylcarbamoyl group (Part 2) ( Kanagawa Univ. ) MURAKAMI,Hideshige ; KODAMA,Takashi ; MIYASAKA,Miyuki ; SATO,Ken-ichi
3G343 Protic acid catalyzed stereoselective glycosylation using glycosylsfluoride (II).:1,2 trans-selective glycosylation using hydrogen pentafluorophenylborate as an activator ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science Univer
sity of Tokyo. ) J
ONA,Hideki ; MANDAI,Hiroki ; MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki
3G344 Protic acid catalyzed stereoselective glycosylation using glycosylsfluoride (III):Stereoselective glycosylation by using remote control of diethylthiocarbamoyl group ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University
of Tokyo. ) MUKAIY
AMA,Teruaki ; SUENAGA,Masahiro ; JONA,Hideki
3G345 Stereochemical control of O-glycosylation by anchimeric assistance of functionalized leaving groups ( Faculty of science, Okayama Univ. of Science ) YAMADA,Haruo ; YAMASHITA,Yuji ; ZAIKI,Wakae ; YONEMITSU,Osamu
3G346 Chemical Synthesis of .delta.-Cyclodextrin by Use of Molecular Clamp Method ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) WAKAO,Masahiro ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G305 Synthesis of a conjugate having heparin partial structure and a distal disulfide group and its application to chip technology ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.; State Univ. of NewYork, Syracuse ) ARANO,Akio ; HAYASHI,Hideki ; MORICH
IKA,Toshiyuki ; KO
SHIDA,Shuhei ; SOBEL,Michael ; SUDA,Yasuo ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G306 Synthesis of Heparin Tetrasacharide Fragments Responsible for Binding Interaction with Platelets and von Willebrand Factor ( faculty of Science, Osaka University ) KIMURA,Eiji ; MORITIKA,Toshiyuki ; YASUI,Norio ; KOSHIDA,Syuhei ; SOBEL,Mich
ael ; SUDA,Yasuo ;
4G307 Convergent synthesis of partial structures of heparin responsible for binding to vascular smooth muscle cells ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MORICHIKA,Toshiyuki ; KIMURA,Eiji ; NAKAMURA,Megumi ; KOSHIDA,Shuhei ; SOBEL,Mich
ael ; SUDA,Yasuo ;
4G308 Incorporation of 5a-carba-L-Fcopyranose Residue into 4-Position of Methyl D-glucopyranoside ( Keio University ) HISAMATSU,Seiichi ; OKAZAKI,Kensuke ; OGAWA,Seiichiro
4G310 Oxidation of C-Allylated 2-Amino-glycosyl Derivatives and Their Application for Synthesis of 7-Deoxysailic acid ( College of Science & Technology, Meisei University ) MACHINAMI,Tomoya ; ITABA,Yasuyuki ; KAYAMA,Ayumi ; SUAMI,Tetsuo
4G311 Synthetic study of lipopolysaccharide from Haemophilus influenzae(Strain I-6P Rd-/b+) ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) YOSHIZAKI,Hiroaki ; FUKUDA,Naohiro ; SATO,Kenjiro ; OIKAWA,Masato ; FUKASE,K
oichi ; SUDA,Yasuo
; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G312 Synthetic Study of Fluorescence-Labeled Analogues of Lipid A ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) SATO,Kenjiro ; IMAKITA,Noriko ; OIKAWA,Masato ; FUKASE,Koichi ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G313 Stereoselective synthesis of C-oligosaccharide by iterative Wittig olefination ( Universita di Ferrara ) MIZUNO,Mamoru ; DONDONI,Alessandro ; MARRA,Alberto
4G315 Synthesis and Biological Activity of New Lipid A Analogss Having .beta.-Glycosyl Acidic Groups ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) UENO,Atsushi ; FUKASE,Koichi ; SUDA,Yasuo ; OIKAWA,Masato ; KUSUMOTO,Shoichi
4G316 Construction of N-glycosidic bond by way of Pd catalyzed amination 2; synthesis of 3-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-benzoxazolin-2(3H)-one, metabolite of oat roots. ( Keio Univ. ) SUZUKI,Tamotsu ; KITAWAKI,Takafumi ; MATSUURA,Keisuke ; CHIDA,Noritak
4G317 Synthesis and Evaluation of alpha-L-Fucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Fucosylamine Mimics ( Keio University ) WATANABE,Maiko ; MARUYAMA,Ayako ; SAKATA,Yuko ; OGAWA,Seiichiro
4G318 Synthesis and Evaluation of alpha-L-Fucosidase Inhibitory Activity of Some Carba-fucosylamine Derivatives ( Keio University ) MORI,Makiko ; AOYAMA,Hiroshi ; TAKEUCHI,Goichi ; OGAWA,Seiichiro
Bld. No.6 Room No.624
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aromatic Compounds]
1G402Reduction of Epoxides with Sodium Borohydride and Alumina Catalyzed by Palladium(II) Chloride ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) YAKABE,Shigetaka ; MORIMOTO,Takashi ; HIRANO,Masao
1G403Reduction of Sulfoxides with Sodium Borohydride and Alumina Catalyzed by Cobalt(II) Chloride ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) YAKABE,Shigetaka ; MORIMOTO,Takashi ; TOKUHATA,Tae ; HIRANO,Masao
1G404Synthetic prosesss without Organic Solvent (Preparation of Alkylbenzenes) ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) TASHIRO,Masashi ; ISHIMOTO,Keiko ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; YAMADA,Tomoko ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu
1G405Reduction of benzaldehydes using Raney Ni-Al alloy in water ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; KAKINAMI,Takaaki ; ISHIMOTO,Keiko ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; TASHIRO,Masashi
1G406Reduction of Aromatic Compounds with Raney Ni-Al Alloy in Water ( Tohwa Univ. ) ISHIMOTO,Keiko ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; YAMADA,Tomoko ; KANDA,Tadashige ; MATSUDA,Toshio ; TASHIRO,Masashi
1G408Solvent-free Condensation of Carbonyl Compounds and N-Methylindole Catalyzed with NBS ( Ehime Univ. ) MATSUSAKA,Wataru ; KOSHIMA,Hideko
1G409Pinacol Rearrangement in Solid State ( Gradurate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; TANAKA,Akinori ; HAYASHI,Naoto ; TODA,Mitsuo ; KAKEHI,Akikazu
1G410One-pot synthesis of substituted acetylenic compound utilizing double elimination of sulfone ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Okayama University of Science ) ORITA,Akihiro ; NAKANO,Takehiko ; FUKUYAMA,Takahide ; OTERA,Junzo
1G411Synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containingsheterocycle ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; XU,Feng ; TSAI,Fu-yu ; KITAMURA,Masanori
1G412Synthetic Method of Naphthacene Derivatives ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) KITAMURA,Masanori ; LIU,Yanjun ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
1G414Cycloaddition reactions of naphto[b]cyclopropen with imine and aldehyde compounds. ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) ONO,Kotaro ; KONDO,Yoji ; FUKAYA,Machiko ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G415Reaction of highly strained homo-conjugated compound with iodoaryl in the presence of palladium acetate ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KISO,Shingo ; SANO,Makiko ; TAKADA,Toshihumi ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G416Oxidative Coupling of Substituted phenols using copperscompounds ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) TAKIZAWA,Yasuomi ; ARIYOSHI,Katsumasa
1G417Intermolecular C-C Bond Formation by Step-wise Anodic Oxidation of Dithioacetals ( Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol. ) UCHIYAMA,Rikiya ; KIM,Shokaku ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; TADA,Masahiro ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro
1G418Nickel-Catalyzed Oxidation of Ethers with NaOCl ( Toyama Industrial Technology Center ) YAMAZAKI,Shigekazu
1G428Regioselective nucleophilic aromatic alkylation of activated aromatic esters ( Kochi University; Faculty of Science ) YAMAMOTO,Izumi ; KOJIMA,Tomoyuki ; OHISHI,Takeshi ; MATSUOKA,Tatsuomi ; KOTSUKI,Hiyoshizo
1G429Coupling-reaction of azulene derivatives by using boronicsester ( Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University ) KUROTOBI,Kei ; TABATA,Hiroshi ; MIYAUCHI,Masato ; RAHAMAN,A. F. M. Mustafizur ; MURAFUJI,Toshihiro ; SUGIHARA,Yoshikazu
1G430Synthesis of substituted phenols containing sulfur ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) TAKIZAWA,Yasuomi ; OONISHI,Takuya
1G432Electrooxidations of Azaazulanone Derivatives ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) UENO,Ryosuke ; KUNISADA,Tomoko ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G433Photoreaction of disubstituted dihydroazepine derivatives ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) MIYANAGA,Kentaro ; EMOTO,Yoshitaka ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G434The activation of the Lewis acid catalysts of alkaline metals and alkaline soil kind metals salts by brfnsted acid.(the catalytic Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction) ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute ) TOKAI,Naoji ; HASHIMOTO,Ke
iji ; TAKEDA,Tokuj
1G435LiB(C6F5)4 Catalyzed Friedel-Crafts Benzylation of Aromatic Compounds and Benzylation of Alcoholic Hydroxy Groups ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; NAKANO,Masakazu ; KIKUCHI,Wataru ; MATSUO,Jun-ich
1G438Selective Monobromination of Aromatics by Means of Sodium Momobroisocyanurate (SMBI) ( Faculty of Engineering, Gunma University ) OOISHI,Kazuhiko ; OKADA,Yukihiro ; NISHIMURA,Jun
1G439Electrolysis of aromatic compounds incluling nitrogen atom with nitrones ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) KAWAMURA,Ayako ; KANIE,Takashi ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G440Reactivity of cyclopropene condensed with aromatic rings ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) HAGARI,Satoshi ; KONDO,Yoji ; SAITO,Katsuhiro
1G441Acylations and Reductions of Anthrone and 10-Methyleneanthrone and Their Identificationsby 13C-NMR ( Chubu University ) HASEGAWA,Shuhei ; FUNATO,Masako ; MAKITA,Kei ; KOKETSU,Jugo ; ANDO,Fumio
1G442Dehalogenation Using Metallic Calcium and Ethanol ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; MIMURA,Keisuke ; YAMADA,Tomoko ; ISHIMOTO,Keiko ; TASHIRO,Masashi
1G444A convenient synthesis of substituted naphthoates via Wittig reaction ( Kyushu School of Engineering, KINKI Univ., Science and Engineering, KINKI Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Takeo ; FUJITA,Norihisa ; MIYAZAWA,Mitsuo
1G445Improved preparation of [2.2]metacyclophane-1,2,9,10-tetraones and their behavior towards Wittig-reagents ( Kyushu University ) KAMINE,Tetsuji ; SAWADA,Tsuyoshi ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro
1G446Photo-Induced Aromatic Assembly of Dihydrofuran Derivatives and the Related Reaction ( Grad. School Sci. Tech., Kumamoto Univ.;Inst. Fond. Res. Org.Chem., Kyushu Univ.; Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ. ) FUJINO,Reika ; NISHINO,Hiroshi ; KUROSAWA,K
1G447Acid catalyzed intraannular cyclization reaction of 8-bromomethyl[2.2]metacyclophanes ( Tohwa Univ.; Saga Univ. ) TANAKA,Kan ; SAISHO,Tatsunori ; AMEKU,Hiroki ; YAMATO,Takehiko
1G448Formation of an Unusual Product in the Reaction of Tris(diphenylamino)benzene with Vilsmeier Formylation Reagants ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; MIZUNO,Hiroo ; MATSUMOTO,Shoji ; AKAZOME,Motohiro
2G402Synthesis and Reactions of 1,3,5-Tri(1-azulenyl)benzene ( Univ. of Kumamoto; Univ. of Tohoku ) YAMASHIRO,Satoko ; IMAFUKU,Kimiaki ; ITO,Shunji ; MORITA,Noboru
2G403Synthetic Reaction Using Tetrabromomethane as sigma-Electron Acceptor: Reaction of Dimetylaniline with CBr4 producing 4,4'-Metylenebis(N,N-dimetylaniline) ( Faculty of Science and Engineering. Kinki University ) MATSUDA,Takuya ; KATO,Atsuhi
sa ; KAKEDAI,Yoshi
katsu ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; MATSUBARA,Yoshio ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ich
2G404Synthesis and Properties of tropylium ion-fused benzodithiophenes ( Fac. of Science, Kobe Univ. ) OYANAGI,Teppei ; SAKURAI,Yasuhiro ; YAMAMURA,Kimiaki
2G405Novel and facile synthesis of azulenothiophenic enones ( Fac. of Science, Kobe Univ. ) KONDOU,Akihiro ; KUSUHARA,Naoki ; YAMAMURA,Kimiaki
2G406Synthesis of 1,6- and 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinones via biomimetic routes. ( Adv. Instr. Center for Chem. Anal., Ehime Univ. ) MASUMOTO,Akane ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; HONDA,Erina ; NAGAMACHI,Yumi ; ONO,Noboru
2G408Synthesis and reactions of beta,beta'-bis(pentafluorophenyl)pyrroles ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) INOUE,Kentarou ; FUMOTO,Yumiko ; UNO,Hidemitu ; ONO,Noboru
2G409N-fused pentaphyrin ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) SHIN,Ji-young ; TANIGUCHI,Ryuichiro ; FHIROYUKI,Hiroyuki ; OSUKA,Atsuhiro
2G410Synthesis of Non-conjugated Benzotetrayne bearing Fluorescent probe and its Cycloaromatization ( ISIR-SANKEN,Osaka Univ. ) UEDA,Yuko ; MIYAWAKI,Kazuhiro ; KAWANO,Tomikazu ; UEDA,Ikuo
2G411Synthesis and structure of novel 6,6'-bisbenzo[b]fluorene derivatives by cycloaromatization of non-conjugated benzotriynes. ( ISIR-SANKEN,Osaka Univ ) AKITSU,Hitoshi ; MIYAWAKI,Kazuhiro ; KAWANO,Tomikazu ; UEDA,Ikuo
2G412Synthetic study of troponoid liquid crystals on solid support (1) ( Kyushu Univ. Tokyo Institute Technology. ) HASHIMOTO,Masashi ; MORI,Akira ; INOUE,Hitoshi ; DOI,Takayuki ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
2G414Synthesis of Naphthalene Compounds Having an Electron-donating Azole Group and an Electron-withdrawing Tosyl Group ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; KOBAYASHI,Takamitsu ; MATSUMOTO,Shoji
2G415Acid-catalyzed Intramolecular Rearrangement of Rubrene :Analysis of the Reaction Mechanism by Molecular Orbital Method ( Kochi University of Technology ) HOSOKAWA,Takahiro ; NAKANO,Hiromi ; TAKAMI,Kazuto ; KOBIRO,Kazuya ; SHIGA,Akinobu
2G416 Session Lecturepreparatin of troponoid liquid crystals,and development to gelling agents ( institute of advanced material study,kyushu university ) MORI,Akira
3G402Synthesis and Study of Function of Novel Phthalocyanines Bearing Intramolecular Bridges of Crown Ether Groups between Different Benzene Rings ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; TAKAKI,Atsushi ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
3G403Chiral Recognition in the Self-Aggregation of Optically Active Macrocyclic Alkynes ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) NAKAMURA,Keiichi ; OKUBO,Hitosi ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
3G404Synthesis of Optically Active Macrocyclic Alkyne Dimer by One-Step Double Cyclization ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) SAIKI,Yuto ; NAKAMURA,Keiichi ; OKUBO,Hitosi ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
3G405Dimerization of Macrocyclic Alkynes Using Acetylene Coupling Reaction ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) NIGORIKAWA,Yasuko ; NAKAMURA,Keiichi ; OKUBO,Hitosi ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
3G406The Synthetic Study of Brestriarene C by Using Ester-Mediated Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) SHIMAZUMI,Yuhi ; HATTORI,Tetsutaro ; MIYANO,Sotaro
3G408Synthesis of mono substituted binaphthol by cross coupling of 2-naphthol with naphthol derivatives on polymer support ( ISIR, Osaka University ) SOMEI,Hidenori ; ARAI,Takayoshi ; SASAI,Hiroaki
3G409Reactions of a Benzoquinone Diimine Derivative with Phenols ( Fac.Edc.,Kanazawa Univ. ) MIYAGI,Yo ; BANJYOU,Noriko
3G410An efficient preparation and characteristic properties of the carbocation compound obtained from the reaction of guaiazulene with 13-cis-retinal. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Kinki Univ. ) TAKEKUMA,Shin-ichi ; NAKAMURA,Masaru ; SASAK
I,Masato ; TAKEKUM
3G411Preparation and characteristic properties of dinuclear nickel complexes with indolo[2,3-b]quinoxalines as ligands. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Kinki Univ. ) TAKEKUMA,Shin-ichi ; HIRAMITSU,Norio ; TAKEKUMA,Hideko
3G412The influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds to the properties of 2,6-naphthoquinones. ( ) KURITA,Shin-ya ; SUGIMURA,Takashi ; FUJITA,Morifumi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
Bld. No.6 Room No.624
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aliphatic and Alicyclic Compounds]
3G414Synthesis of optically active thiol through enantioselective reaction of .alpha.-sulfenyl carbanion ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) FURUTANI,Akinori ; NAKAMURA,Shuichi ; WATANABE,Yoshihiko ; TORU,Takeshi
3G415Allylation of carbonyl compounds by allyl gallium reagent ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) TSUJI,Takashi ; USUGI,Shin-ich ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
3G416Cross-coupling reaction of aryl halide with aryl indium species in aqueous media ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) TAKAMI,Kazuaki ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
3G417Alkynylation of aldehydes using TDAE/Ni/Cr redox system. ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) KUROBOSHI,Manabu ; TATEISHI,Michiyo ; TANAKA,Hideo
3G418A New Catalyst and Activators for the Palladium-Catalyzed Cross Coupling of Terminal Alkynes. ( Shigen-ken Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SEKIGUCHI,Akitoshi ; SHIMADA,Tomohiro ; KONDO,Tatsuhiro ; MORI,Atsunori
3G426Synthetic Study of Peptide Mimics Utilizing Palladiums-catalyzed Carbonylation of Iodobenzylamine Derivatives ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) DOI,Takayuki ; SHIMA
ZU,Sayaka ; TAKAHA
3G427A Synthetic Study of Peptide Library Including UnnaturalsAmino Acid by Way of Mizoroki-Heck Reaction and AsymmetricsHydrogenation on Solid-Support ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) DOI,Takayuki ; FUJIMOTO,No
buaki ; WATANABE,J
un ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
3G4282-(Phosphinoaryl)pyridine Ligand (2): Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation of 2-Cycloalkenyl Carboxylate ( Fukuoka Univ. of Education; Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu Univ. ) ITO,Katsuji ; KASHIWAGI,Risa ; HAYASHI,Sakiko ; UCHIDA,Tatsu
ya ; KATSUKI,Tsuto
3G429Ring-Enlargement Reaction of Intermolecularly FormedsSulfonium Ylide ( Kyoto Inst. of Tech. ) FUJII,Tomoyuki ; MORI,Takashi ; SAWADA,Yuichi ; OKU,Akira
3G430C-C Bond Forming Reaction utilizing Intramolecular formation of Oxonium Ylides ( Kyoto Inst. of Tech. ) SAWADA,Yuichi ; MORI,Takashi ; OKU,Akira
3G432Pd-Catalyzed Asymmetric Amination with Novel C2-Symmetric Phosphine Ligands. ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) FURUYA,Sanae ; YAMANOI,Shigeo ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
3G433Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Nitrones by Chiral Iridium Complexes : Synthesis of Optically Active N-Hydroxylamines ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; TSUJI,Teturou ; ITO,Shuichi
3G434Cobalt complex-mediated Rearrengement reactions of Isoxazolines to Azilizines ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; YOSHIDA,Jyuri ; YASUHARA,Ayako ; SAITO,Seiki
3G435Silicon-tethered intramorecular Pauson-Khand reaction ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; MIYAKE,Naoki ; SAITO,Seiki
3G436Study on the Synthesis of Isocarbacyclin ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; ISHII,Hirokazu ; NAKAO,Hiroe ; SAITO,Seiki
3G437Chirality Transfer From Silicon To Carbon Via Diastereoselective Simmons-Smith Reaction ( Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMAMURA,Yuichi ; TORIYAMA,Fumihiko ; KONDO,Tatsuhiro ; MORI,Atsunori
3G438Mizoroki-Heck type reaction using various organosilicon reagents ( Shigen-ken, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) FUJII,Toshinari ; MUDALIGE,Anoma ; DU,Xiaoli ; SUGURO,Masahiro ; MORI,Atsunori
3G439Rhodium Catalyzed Mizoroki-Heck Type Reaction of Silanediols ( Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology ) DANDA,Yasuaki ; HIRABAYASHI,Kazunori ; MORI,Atsunori ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
4G402Cationic Rearrangement of alpha-Hydroxysilanes ( Graduate School of Sci., Osaka City Univ. ) HIGASHINO,Masato ; SAKAGUCHI,Kazuhiko ; OHFUNE,Yasufumi
4G403Synthesis of Cycloheptanone Derivatives via [5+2] Cycloaddition Reaction ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) KONDO,Fumikatsu ; SHIMIZU,Tadashi ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHITA,Masaaki
4G404A Novel [6+2] Cycloaddition Reaction Using a Dicobalt Acetylene Complex ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) SHIMIZU,Tadashi ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHITA,Masaaki
4G405Stereoselective Intramolecular Cyclization using Palladium (II) Catalyst and Total Synthesis of 1-Deoxynojirimycin ( Toyama Univ. ) YOKOYAMA,Hajime ; KOBAYASHI,Hisatake ; OTAYA,Kumiko ; MIYAZAWA,Masahiro ; YAMAGUCHI,Seiji ; HIRAI,Yoshiro
4G406Stereoselective Cyclization using Palladium (II) Catalyst via Hemiacetal Intermediates ( Toyama Univ. ) MIYAZAWA,Masahiro ; HIROSE,Yukari ; NAKANO,Tsubasa ; MAGSARJAV,Narantsetseg ; YOKOYAMA,Hajime ; YAMAGUCHI,Seiji ; HIRAI,Yoshiro
4G408Rotaxane Synthesis Using Stille Coupling Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) KATAOKA,Takeshi ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
4G409Synthesis of Rotaxanes Using Acid-Catalyzed Acylative End-Capping ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) SHIN,Jong-il ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
4G410Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming Reactions Using Allenyl and Propargyl Cations ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; AIKAWA,Toshiaki ; SAITO,Seiki
4G411Study on the Synthesis of Epothilone B ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; OKUDA,Takao ; MORI,Hidetaka ; SAITO,Seiki
4G412Synthesis of optically active and marine antifungal tanikolide utilizing a new method for transformation of chiral secondary alcohols to tertiary ones. ( Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ. ) MASAKI,Yukio ; ARASAKI,Hideki
4G426Total Synthesis of Khafrefungin ( The University of Tokyo ) WAKABAYASHI,Takeshi ; MORI,Kouhei ; KOBAYASHI,Hiroki ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4G427Synthetic Studies on Flavone-Type Polyphenols (1):Preparation and Chemical Properties of the Catechin Derivatives. ( Depertment of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) USHIMARU,Naoko ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
4G428Synthetic Studies on the Flavone-type Polyphenols (2):Synthesis of Oligomeric Catechins. ( Depertment of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) USHIMARU,Naoko ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
4G429Synthesis and optical resolution of rotaxane having planar chirality ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University ) NAKAKOJI,Naohisa ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
4G430Structure of Rotaxanes Modified by Introduction of Functional Groups onto the Axles ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) TACHIBANA,Yuya ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
4G431Synthesis and Reaction of Rotaxane Having Redox Active Functional Group ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) TACHIBANA,Yuya ; KIHARA,Nobuhiro ; TAKATA,Toshikazu
Bld. No.6 Room No.631
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aliphatic and Alicyclic Compounds]
1G502Rearrangement of Alkenylcyclobutenones into Cyclooctene Derivatives ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) HAMURA,Toshiyuki ; KAWANO,Nobuyuki ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
1G503Synthesis of Cyclobutenones Using Conjugate Addition Reaction of Malonic Acid Esters to the Imines Derived from 2-Alkynals ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) HACHIYA,Iwao ; SHIMIZU,Makoto
1G504Enantioselective Cyclobutanone Synthesis by ConjugatesAddition / Cyclization Reactions ( Kyushu Univ. ) ITO,Kennosuke ; KANEMASA,Shuji
1G505Synthesis of Functionalized Cyclobutabenzene Derivatives via [2+2] Cycloaddition of Benzyne and Ketene Silyl Acetal (1) ( Department of Chemistry, , Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) HAMURA,Toshiyuki ; IBUSUKI,Yousuke ; MATSUMOTO,Takas
hi ; SUZUKI,Keisuk
1G506Synthesis of Functionalized Cyclobutabenzene Derivatives via [2+2] Cycloaddition of Benzyne and Ketene Silyl Acetal (2) ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, CREST ) HAMURA,Toshiyuki ; IBUSUKI,Yousuke ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi
; SUZUKI,Keisuke
1G5083+2-Cycloaddition Reaction of Styrene Derivatives Using a Fe(III) Salt Catalyst ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) OHARA,Hiroyuki ; ITOH,Toshiyuki
1G509Asymmetric Synthesis of Hybrid-type gem-Difluorocyclopropanes ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) ITOH,Toshiyuki ; ISHIDA,Nanae
1G510Cyclopropanation of Vinylidenecyclopropanes by use of Dihalocarbenes ( Osaka Prefecture University ) HIRAI,Takayoshi ; SUGIMOTO,Akira ; MAEDA,Hajime ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
1G511Studies on asymmetric intramolecular cyclopropanation ( Waseda Univ.,Graduate Course of Sci. and Engin. ) NAKADA,Masahisa ; TADA,Atsushi ; YONEZAWA,Kouiti
1G5125-endo-Trig Cyclizations of gem-Difluoroolefins Bearing a Carbon Nucleophile ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) WADA,Yukinori ; SAKODA,Kotaro ; ICHIKAWA,Junji
1G514Novel [2+1] Reaction by gem-Dizinc Species ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) UKAI,Katsumi ; MATSUBARA,Seijiro ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1G515Ring Opening Reaction of Cyclopropanediol ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) INOUE,Keiichi ; UKAI,Katsumi ; MATSUBARA,Seijiro ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1G516Facial selectivity in reactions of spirolactones bearing a cross-conjugated ketone ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) MIYANAGA,Wataru ; TAKAGI,Ryukichi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
1G517Double Asymmetric Induction of Intramolecular Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction with Methyl (E)-4-Methoxy-2-oxo-3-butenoate and sec-Unsaturated Alcohols ( Kyushu Univ. ) KOGA,Hidetaka ; WADA,Eiji ; KANEMASA,Shuji
1G518Diels-Alder reaction of furan catalyzed by hafnium tetrachloride ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) HAYASHI,Yujiro ; NAKAO,Shigehiro ; SUZUKI,Shinichiro
1G528Asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction catalyzed by the pybox-rare earth complexes ( Chuo university ) MATSUZAWA,Hiroshi ; METOKI,Ken ; FUKUZAWA,Shin-ichi
1G529Asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction catalyzed by the chiral 1,2-ferrocenediol - rare earth complexes ( Chuo university ) MATSUZAWA,Hiroshi ; EGAWA,Masaya ; FUJIMOTO,Kuniaki ; FUKUZAWA,Shin-ichi
1G530Asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction of homochiral dienophiles with diene using rare earth Lewis acid catalyst in supercritical carbon dioxide. ( Chuo University Instituted of Science and Engineering ) KOMURO,Yoshitaka ; METOKI,Ken ; MATUZAWA,Hi
roshi ; FUKUZAWA,S
1G532Stereoselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Bicyclic Lactones Us ing Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction of Siloxydiene Esters ( Yokohama National University ) INOUE,Seiichi ; NABETA,Atsuko ; INOUE,Hiroko ; HONDA,Kiyoshi
1G533Enantioselective Ene Reaction Catalyzed by Optically Active Cationic Cobalt (III) Complexes ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University ) KEZUKA,Satoko ; IKENO,Taketo ; YAMADA,Tohru
1G534Development of Anionic 1,2-Rearrangement of .alpha.-Hydroxyaldehyde ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; IGAWA,Kazunobu ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1G535Enantioselective Stevens Rearrangement ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; HARADA,Manabu ; SAKAMAKI,Jun-ichiro ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1G538[1,3] sigmatropic rearrangement of benzyl vinyl ethers ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; NAGASUE,Hiroshi
1G539Development of enantioselective [1,4]-Wittig Rearrangement ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; TANABE,Yuichi ; ENDOU,Kouhei ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1G540Strict Base Dependence of Chirality Transfer on [2,3]-Wittig Rearrangement of Allylic Ether ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) KUDO,Kazutoshi ; ITOH,Toshiyuki ; TAKAGI,Yumiko ; KIHARA,Hiroshi
1G541Synthesis of Stable Aminoketenesilylacetals and Its [2,3]Sigmatropic Rearrangement. ( Yokohama National University ) HONDA,Kiyoshi ; KURIMOTO,Yuuki ; INOUE,Seiichi
1G542[2,3]Sigmatropic Rearrangement Reaction of Allylamine N-Oxides with C2-Symmetric Tetra-substituted Pyrrolidines Bearing 1-Methoxy-1-methyl-ethyl Groups at Both 2 and 5 Positions as Chiral Auxiliar ( Yokohama National Univ.
) HONDA,Kiyoshi ;
OSAWA,Nobuo ; INOUE,Seiichi
1G544Ring-Enlarging Acetal[2,3]-Wittig Rearrangement:A Novel Approach to Medium-Sized Cyclic Vinylethers ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; KADOMOTO,Yutaka ; TAKAHASHI,Koji ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1G545Development of Anionic Ring Contraction Reaction of Cyclic Acetal System ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; KADOMOTO,Yutaka ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1G546A Novel Base-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of Iodoalkynes ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KATAOKA,Hiroshi ; HARADA,Toshiro ; OKU,Akira
1G547[3+3]Carbocyclization General Method for the Synthesis of Cyclohexane-1,3-diones ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; ARAI,Masaki ; TAKAHASHI,Haruka ; MIZUTA,Tomohiro ; YOSHIKAI,Kazusa ; SAITO,Seiki
1G548NaH-Mediated Consecutive Cross Aldol-Tishchenko Reaction ( Okayama University, Faculty of Engineering ) ISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; ISHII,Hirokazu ; IZUMI,Ai ; SAITO,Seiki
2G502Synthesis and application of substituted 4-pentyn-1,3-dions ( Toyama national college of technology ) KURODA,Hirofumi ; IZAWA,Hironori
2G503Preparation of bis(allylsilane)s and their asymmetric reaction with aldehydes. ( Department of Materials Science, Toyohashi University of Technology ) KUMAGAI,Toshihiro ; ITSUNO,Shinichi
2G504Synthesis of chiral primary 1-ferrocenylalkylamines via highly diastereoselective addition of organolithium compounds to chiral imine ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) TAKEHARA,Akihiro ; FUKUDA,Tsutomu ; IWAO,Masatomo
2G505Palladium catalyzed asymmetric allylic substitution using iminophosphine ligands derived from chiral primary 1-ferrocenylalkylamines ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) TAKEHARA,Akihiro ; FUKUDA,Tsutomu ; IWAO,Masatomo
2G506Dimerization of 2-Benzyl-1,3-dicarbonyl Compouns in the presence of Bases and Iodine. ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) YOSHIHARA,Nobutoshi ; NAGASE,Tomoko
2G508A Practical Synthesis of Arylbis(triflyl)methanes and Their Application as Acid Catalysts ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) HASEGAWA,Aiko ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G509Asymmetric Synthesis of Optically Active 1,2-Amino Alcohols by Cross-Coupling of Planar Chiral Aldehydes with Imines ( Osaka Pref Univ; ) TANAKA,Yoshie ; TANIGUCHI,Nobukazu ; KAMIKAWA,Ken ; UEMURA,Motokazu
2G510Regioselective Addition Reaction of Metalla Allylamines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; ANDO,Hiromi
2G511Selective Formation of Pyrrolidines Using Reaction of gamma-Oxyallylstannane and Imines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; SHIBUYA,Hitoshi ; ANDO,Hiromi
2G512Enantioselective Intramolecular Cyclization Using Chiral Leaving Group ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) NAKAMURA,Hiroko ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G514Enantioselective Protonation Using New Chiral LBAs ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) NAKASHIMA,Daisuke ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G515Organic Reactions with Boron Cation Used as a Lewis Acid ( Kochi Univ-.,Fac. of Sci. ) KIYOOKA,Syun-ichi ; FUJIMOTO,Hiroshi ; GOH,Kazuki ; FUJIYAMA,Ryouji ; KAWAI,Takatomo
2G516 Award Lecturecatalytic Asymmetric Oxidation Chiral Metallosalen Complexes ( Faculty of Science Graduate School kyushu University ) IRIE,Ryo
2G526Carbozincation of Internal Alkynes with a Catalyst Combination of Titanocene Dichloride and Trityl Borate (1) ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) YAMANOI,Shigeo ; KAMOSHIDA,Tatsuhito ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUK
2G527Carbozincation of Internal Alkynes with a Catalyst Combination of Titanocene Dichloride and Trityl Borate (2) ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) YAMANOI,Shigeo ; KAMOSHIDA,Tatsuhito ; MATSUMOTO,Takashi ; SUZUK
2G528Synthesis of Perfluoroalkylated Phenylboronic Acids and Their Application as Catalysts ( Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) KONDO,Shoichi ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G529Enantioselective Diels-Alder Reaction Using Multinuclear Chiral Organoaluminum Complexes ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) KOBAYASHI,Jun ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G530Comparision of an olefinic and an alkynic .pai.-bond as a .pai.-ligand to Lewis acid ( Graduate school of science, Tohoku Univ. ) SHIMADA,Tomohiro ; ASAO,Naoki ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2G532Enantioselective Michael Addition Reactions of Nitromethanessby Dual Activation Method ( Kyushu Univ. ) ITO,Kennosuke ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2G533Synthesis of chiral azacrown ethers derived from D-glucose and their catalytic properties on the asymmetric Michael addition ( Faculty of Education, Okayama University ) SHIRAKAMI,Shohei ; ITOH,Toshiyuki
2G534A Sequencial 1,4-Addition/1',4'-Elimination Reaction of .alpha.-Oxy Ynone and Organocerium(III) System. ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Takashi ; NAKAI,Takeshi
2G535Stereoselective Synthesis of Alkyl-substituted Olefins via Alkylation of .beta.-Trifluoromethanesulfonyloxy .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds with Mixed Organozincates ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Te
chnology, Keio Uni
versity. ) IDE,Mitsuaki ; NAKATA,Masaya
2G538Asymmetric Autocatalysis of Various Chiral 2-Alkenyl-5-pyrimidyl Alkanols with Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) YANAGI,Tomotaka ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
2G539Asymmetric Autocatalytic Reaction of Bispyrimidyl Dialkanol Bridged by 1,.omega.-Bissilylalkane with Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess and Diastreomeric Ratio ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) OTSUKA,Takashi ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
2G540A Convenient Method for the Preparation of Unsymmetrical Bis-Aldols by Way of Sequential Two Aldol Reactions ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) ARAI,Hidehiro ; SHIINA,Isamu ; MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki
2G541Enantioselective Aldol Reaction between Aldehydes and Ketene Trimethylsilyl Acetals Derived from Alkyl 2-Methylthiopropanoates ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; IBUKA,Ryoutarou
2G542Doubly borylated enolate as an intermediate of the double aldol reaction ( Venture Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology ) ABIKO,Atsushi ; INOUE,Tadashi ; FURUNO,Hiroshi
2G544Asymmetric Double Aldol Reaction of Acyloxazolidinone ( Venture Laboratory, Kyoto Institute of Technology ) FURUNO,Hiroshi ; INOUE,Tadashi ; ABIKO,Atsushi
2G545Chiral-Titanium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Aldol-Type Reaction of Nitrones: Synthesis of Optically Active .beta.-Aryl-.beta.-amino Acid Derivatives ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; IMADA,Yasushi ; YONEMUSHI,Yoshiharu
2G546Magnesium Bromide Diethyl Etherate mediated Highly Diastereoselective Aldol Reaction between an Aldehyde and a Silyl Enol Ether ( Science univ. of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; FUJISAWA,Hidehiko ; SASAKI,Yasuhiro
2G547Nucleophilic Addition of Organometallic Reagentssto Imines in the presence of a Lewis Acid ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.; CREST ) HATANAKA,Keiko ; SAITO,Susumu ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
2G548Asymmetric Design of Protonic Acids: Application to the Catalytic Asymmetric Direct Aldol Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ, CREST ) NAKADAI,Masakazu ; SAITO,Susumu ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
3G502Double Nucleophilic Addition of Thiols and Allylstannanes to alpha,beta-Unsaturated Imines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; NISHI,Takafumi
3G503Double Nucleophilic Addition of Ketene Silyl Acetal and Silyl Cyanide to alpha,beta-Unsaturated Imines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; KAMIYA,Makiko ; NISHI,Takafumi ; HACHIYA,Iwao
3G504Development of Asymmetric Reaction for the Efficient Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Using Chiral Zirconium Catalyst ( Graduate School of Phamaseutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) SHIMIZU,Haruka ; ISHITANI,Haruro ; KOBAYA
3G505Catalytic Asymmetric Mannich-Type Reactions Using a Novel Zirconium Complex Prepared from Linked BINOL Derivatives. ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) IHORI,Yoichi ; ISHITANI,Haruro ; KITAZAWA,Takayuki ;
3G506Asymmetric aza Diels-Alder reactions using a novel chiral zirconium catalyst ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) UENO,Masaharu ; ISHITANI,Haruro ; KOBAYASHI,Jun ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
3G508Mannich-type reacion catalyzed by Bronsted Acid without Solvet ( Gakushuin University ) NAKASHIMA,Saeko ; ONUMA,Yuji ; TAKAYA,Jun ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
3G509Mannich-type reacion of silyl enolates with N,N-Acetal Catalyzed by Bronsted Acid ( Gakushuin University ) ONUMA,Yuji ; FUJIWARA,Asako ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
3G510Stereocontrol in Novel Mannich-Type Reaction of Chiral Aldimines with 2-Silyloxy-1,3-butadienes ( Department of Chemistry, The National Defense Academy ) ISHIMARU,Kaori ; KOJIMA,Takakazu
3G511Enantioselective Amine Conjugate Additions Catalyzed by Chiral Lewis Acid Catalysts - Internal Delivery Mechanism ( Kyushu Univ ) MIURA,Asami ; YOSITAKE,Osamu ; KANEMASA,Shuji
3G512Asymmetric autocatalysis of 2-Alkynyl-5-pyrimidyl Alkanol with Amplification of Enantiomeric Excess from ca. 0.0005% e.e. to >99.5% e.e. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) URABE,Hiroki ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G514Stereodirecting Power of Asymmetric Catalysts. Competitive Enantioselective Addition of Dialkylzinc to Pyrimidinecarbaldehyde. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) LUTZ,Francois ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G515Asymmetric Alkylation of Metal Enolates Coordinatedswith Optically Active Hydoroxy Sulfoxide ( Tohoku Univ. ICRS ) KOSUGI,Hiroshi ; TERUI,Yukiko ; KATO,Michiharu ; SODEOKA,Mikiko
3G516 Award Lectureselective formation and reactions of enolate based on supramolecular recognition ( graduate school of engineering nagoya University ) SAITO,Susumu
3G526Practical Enantioselective Synthesis of .alpha.,.alpha.-Dialkyl-.alpha.-Amino Acids ( Graduate School of Science,Hokkaido,Kyoto Univ. ) TAKEUCHI,Mifune ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
3G527Asymmetric Autocatalysis using Amino Acids as Chiral Initiators ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) OMIYA,Daisuke ; OHGO,Yasushi ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G528Asymmetric Autocatalysis using Chiral Esters Possessing Chirality Due to Hydrogen/Deuterium Isotopes ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) HAYASHI,Masanobu ; SAITO,Takahiro ; OMIYA,Daisuke ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G529Asymmetric Nucleophilic Addition Reactions to Aldehydes using Optically Active Binaphthyldithioacetals ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TAKA,Hideo ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; OISHI,Akihiro ; TAGUCHI,Yoichi
3G530Enantioselective Addition of Diethylzinc to AldehydessCatalyzed by L-Leucine derivatives ( Kagawa Univ. Fac. of Edu./Fac. of Agri. ) OHGA,Takahiko ; TAKASAKU,Kouji ; KAWANAMI,Yasuhiro
3G532Electrophilic Amination with Iminomalonate ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) NIWA,Yasuki ; TAKAYAMA,Kazuki ; SHIMIZU,Makoto
3G533Asymmetric Aoutocatalysis using Cobalt Complex Possessing a Chirality Due to the Coodination to the Metal ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) OHGO,Yasushi ; KADOWAKI,Kousuke ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso ; OGINO,Hiroshi
3G534Asymmetric Autocatalysis using Chiral Allene as Chiral Initiator ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KADOWAKI,Kousuke ; YONEKUBO,Shigeru ; SATO,Itaru ; SHIBATA,Takanori ; SOAI,Kenso
3G535Asymmetric Nucleophilic Addition Reaction to Imines Utilizing Tartaric Acid Ester as a Chiral Auxiliary ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) TAKENAKA,Shoichi ; WAHYUNINGRUM,Deana ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Kats
3G536Asymmetric Nucleophilic Addition Reaction to Nitrone Using Tartaric Acid Ester as a Chiral Auxiliary ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) KAMETANI,Hideaki ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
3G538Asymmetric Autocatalytic Reaction with Amprification of Enantiomeric Excess Initiated by Chiral Paracyclophane without Heteroatom. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) OHNO,Atsushi ; AOYAMA,Youhei ; TANJI,Shigehisa ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
3G539Synthesis of cyclopentadienone acetals via palladium catalyzed formal [3 + 2] cycloaddition reactions of cyclopropenone acetals with acetylenes ( Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo ) INOUE,Hiroyoshi ; SATOH,Sohta ; ISOBE,Hiroy
uki ; NAKAMURA,Eii
3G540Synthesis of substituted benzenes via Diels-Alder reactions of cyclopentadienone acetals with acetylenes ( Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo ) SATOH,Sohta ; INOUE,Hiroyoshi ; ISOBE,Hiroyuki ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
3G541Intramolecular Asymmetric Cyclopropanation with (Nitrosyl)(salen)ruthenium(II) Complexes as Catalysts ( Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University ) BISWAJIT,Saha ; UCHIDA,Tatsuya ; KATSUKI,Tsutomu
3G542Asymmetric Intramolecular Cyclopropanation Using Chiral Co(II)-Salen Complex as a Catalyst ( Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University ) UCHIDA,Tatsuya ; BISWAJIT,Saha ; KATSUKI,Tsutomu
4G502In SituGenerated Tetrabutylammonum Fluoride (TBAF) Catalyzed Esterification of Carboxlic Acid ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido, Kyoto Univ. ) SUGIMOTO,Hayato ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
4G503Dramatic Rate Enhancement by Ultrasonic Irradiationsin Liquid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalytic Reactions ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ., Kyoto Univ. ) TAYAMA,Eiji ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
4G504Intramolecular Asymmetric 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction of Nitrile Oxides ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) TSUJI,Masamichi ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4G505Catalytic Asymmetric 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Nitrone to Allylic Alcohols ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) XIA,Ding ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4G506Asymmetric Phase-Transfer Catalysis of Conformationally Interconvertible Homo- and Heterochiral Quaternary Ammonium Bromides ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) UEMATSU,Yukitaka ; KAMEDA,Minoru ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
4G508Development of Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley Type Alkynylation Reaction Using Cyclichemiacetal System ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; KUROSAKI,Toshio ; TUTIMURA,Tomotaka ; NAKAI,Takeshi
4G509Catalytic Asymmetric Aldol Reactions Using a Novel Chiral Zirconium Catalyst ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) YAMASHITA,Yasuhiro ; ISHITANI,Haruro ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4G510Catalytic Asymmetric Hetero Diels-Alder Reactions Using a Chiral Zirconium Catalyst ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) KOBAYASHI,Shu ; SAITO,Susumu ; YAMASHITA,Yasuhiro ; ISHITANI,Haruro
4G511Ligand Design of Optically Active alpha-Amino Acid-based Hydroxamic Acids for Enantioselective Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) ) MAKITA,Naoy
a ; HOSHINO,Yujiro
; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
4G512Synthesis of sterically hindered amino acid and hydroxamic acid used as ligand in asymmetric epoxidation ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST) ) HOSHINO,Yujiro ; YAMAMOTO,
4G514Three Component Coupling Using Aluminum Tris(2,6-diphenylphenoxide) (ATPH): Application to the Synthesis of Jasmonic Acid Derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, CREST ) YAMAZAKI,Satoko ; SAITO,Susumu ; YAMAMOTO,His
4G515The Depelopment and Reaction of a Novel Aluminium Complexshaving Bidentate Ligands ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University. CREST ) KAWATA,Tetsuo ; SAITO,Susumu ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
4G516Aldol Reaction of Enol Esters and Aldehydes Catalyzed by Cationic Species Paired with Tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)borate ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) YANAGISAWA,Manabu ; IIDA,Daisuke ; MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki
4G517Regioselective Allylation Reactions of Carbonyl Compounds with Substituted Allyl Grignard Reagents in the Presence of Rare Earth Salts ( Chiba Univ. ) MATSUKAWA,Satoru ; FUNABASHI,Yohei ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4G518Phosphine/Lewis Acid Mediated Reformatsky-type Reaction ofs .alpha.-Bromothioester ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HASHIMOTO,Yukihiko ; KIKUCHI,Satoshi
4G528Novel Asymmetric Crotylation of Aldehydes by Allyl-Transfer Reaction ( Okayama University of Science ) OHGA,Masanori ; NAKAMOTO,Hitoshi ; MATSUBARA,Tadahiro ; NOKAMI,Junzo
4G529Selective Synthesis of 1-Haloalkyl Ketones or Their Acetals by the Reaction of Carboxylic Esters with 1,1-Dichloroethyllithium and Chlorotrimethylsilane ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; IMAI,Yumiko ; SUZUKI,Masahiko ; KURIHARA,Hiro
4G530Synthesis of Optically Active Secondary Alcohols by Way of Enantioselective Alkylation of Aldehydes with Diethylzinc ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; KONISHI,Katsuhiko ; KURAMOTO,Yu-suke
4G532Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes and asymmetric Mukaiyama-Type Aldol Reaction Using BINAP-AgOTf/KF/18-crown-6 as Catalysts ( Nagoya Univ. CREST ) WADAMOTO,Manabu ; YANAGISAWA,Akira ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
4G533Novel Aldol-Type Hydroxylamination reaction of Sylil Enol Ethers with Nitroso Arenes Catalyzed by Silyl Triflate ( Nagoya Univ. CREST ) MOMIYAMA,Norie ; YANAGISAWA,Akira ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
4G534Preparation of .alpha.-Keto Ester Protected as Silyl Enol Ether via .beta.-Elimination of Cyclic Sulfite ( Okayama University of Science, Faculty of Science; Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology ) KUBOKI,Atsuhito ; TAJI
MI,Toshihiro ; SHI
GEMORI,Shin-ichiro ; OHIRA,Susumu ; TOKUDA,Yoshihide ; SUGAI,Takeshi ; OHTA,Hiromichi
4G535Study on the allylations of styrene oxide attended by rearrangement. ( Kobe Univ. ) MIYAKE,Hideyoshi ; HAMAMURA,Kenji ; SASAKI,Mitsuru
4G536Stereochemistry of nucleophilic addition reaction to .beta.-alkoxyacylsilanes ( Kanazawa Univ. ) HONDA,Mitsunori ; SANJYO,Takeshi ; SEGI,Masahito ; NAKAJIMA,Tadashi
Bld. No.8 Room No.811
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aliphatic and Alicyclic Compounds]
1H102Addition of Alkane and Dioxygen to Enones Using N-Hydroxyphthalimide -New Oxialkylation Accompanied by Deacylation - ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) HARA,Takafumi ; IWAHAMA,Takahiro ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,
1H103Catalytic Radical Addition of Silanes to Alkenes Using N-Hydroxyphthalimide(NHPI)/O2 System ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) TAYAMA,Osamu ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
1H104Indium trichloride-Catalyzed Reductive Coupling ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MORI,Kenji ; OHTAKA,Seiji ; UEMURA,Sakae
1H105Efficient Diastereoselective Pinacol Coupling Reaction ofs Aliphatic and Aromatic Aldehydes by Using Newly Utilized Low Valents Titanium Bromide and Iodide Species ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; YOSHIMURA,Naritoshi ; IGARASH
1H106Samarium diiodide mediated kinetic resolution of chiral ketones and aldehydes by the coupling reaction with chiral a,b-unsaturated esters. ( Chuo University ) MIURA,Manabu ; SATOU,Atsushi ; MATSUZAWA,Hiroshi ; FUKUZAWA,Shin-ichi
1H108Study on Intramolecular Nucleophilic Reactivity of Samarium Ketyl Radicals Generated from Aromatic Cyclic Ketones with Samarium Diiodide ( Niigata University, Faculty of Science ) IWAYA,Kazuki ; IRIYAMA,Takumi ; NAKAMURA,Momoe ; HASEGAWA,Ei
1H109Chemoselective Reduction Mediated with Samarium(II) Iodide ( Hokkaido University ) SATO,Momoko ; MATSUDA,Fuyuhiko
1H110Cyclizations Promoted by Samarium(II) Iodide ( Hokkaido University ) HAYASHI,Shin ; MORIBAYASHI,Eiryou ; MATSUDA,Fuyuhiko
1H111Highly efficient and chemoselective reductive bis-silylation of quinones by silyltellurides ( Kyoto University ) YAMAGO,Shigeru ; IIDA,Kazunori ; MIYAZOE,Hiroshi ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
1H112Highly convergent and stereoselective synthesis of tri-substituted ally alcohols by thermal three component coupling reaction of silyltellurides, carbonyl compounds and alkynes ( Kyoto University ) YAMAGO,Shigeru ; MIYOSHI,Masaki ; MIYAZOE,
Hiroshi ; YOSHIDA,
1H114Reaction of organogermanium hydride with vinyloxirane ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) TANAKA,Shinobu ; NAKAMURA,Tomoaki ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H115Radical cyclization of halo acetal with aryl Grignard reagent under cobalt catalysis ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) WAKABAYASHI,Katsuyu ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H116 Session Lectureutilization of chromium(II)as a one-electron reductant organic synthesis ( faculty of Engineering,osaka University ) TAKAI,Kazuhiko
1H126Radical allylation of alpha-halo carbonyl compounds by allyl gallium reagent. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) USUGI,Shin-ich ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H127Et3B-Induced Radical Addition of alpha-bromo carbonyl compounds in water ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) YORIMITSU,Hideki ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
1H128Trifluoromethyl radical addition to alpha-methylenecarboxylic ester: trifluoromethylation-hydroxylation ( Ochanomizu University ) YAJIMA,Tomoko ; NAGANO,Hajime
1H129Stereocontrol in alkyl radical addition to gamma-amino-alpha-methylenecarboxylic esters ( Ochanomizu University ) TANAKA,Eiko ; YAJIMA,Tomoko ; NAGANO,Hajime
1H130Chelation-controlled 1,4-asymmetric induction in radical addition to delta-alkoxy-alpha-methylenecarboxylic ester ( Ochanomizu University ) TASHIRO,Ayako ; YAJIMA,Tomoko ; NAGANO,Hajime
1H132Stereocontorol using chiral oxazaborolijinone-promoted asymmetric aldol reaction coupled with radical reaction ( kochi Univ-.,Fac.of Sci ) KIYOOKA,Syun-ichi ; LI,Yong Nan ; SHAHID,Kazi Abudus ; SYUTOU,Yosihiro
1H133Stereoserctive synthesis of polypropionates based on chiral oxazaborolidinone-promoted asymmeteric aldol reaction ( Kochi Univ-.,Fac.of Sci ) KIYOOKA,Syun-ichi ; MURAI,Kazunori ; LI,Yong Nan ; SHAHID,Kazi Abudus
1H134Synthesis of Perfluorinated Allylic Compounds by RadicalsAllylation and their Purification over Fluorous Reverse Phase Silica Gel ( Osaka University ) KREIMERMAN,Sergio ; RYU,Ilhyong ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo ;
LUO,Zhiyong ; CURR
AN,Dennis P.
1H135A Novel Radical Cyclization Triggered by Stevens Rearrangement System ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; HARADA,Manabu ; NAKAI,Takeshi
1H138Regiochemistry of radical elimination of thiol. Part 1. ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University ) KAMIMURA,Akio ; MITSUDERA,Hiromasa
1H139Regiochemistry of radical elimination of thiol. Part 2. ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University ) KAMIMURA,Akio ; MITSUDERA,Hiromasa
1H140Mannich-Type Reaction with alpha-Trifluoromethyl-N,O-hemiacetal:Facile preparation of organofluorine compounds. ( Gakushuin University ) TAKAYA,Jun ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
1H141Lewis-acid Catalyzed Synthesis of Trifluoromethyl-Substituted Aziridines from Trifluoroacetaldehyde N,O-hemiacetal and Diazoacetate ( Gakushuin University ) OGI,Satoshi ; TAKAYA,Jun ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
1H142Preparation and Reactions of 2-Trifluoromethylaziridine. ( Faculty of engineering, Okayama University ) KATAGIRI,Toshimasa ; ITAHASHI,Hiromi ; YAMAUCHI,Yoshihiro ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
1H144Carbometallation Reaction of Fluorine-containing Acetylene Derivatives ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science ) NOIRI,Atsushi ; KONNO,Tsutomu ; ISHIHARA,Takashi ; YAMANAKA,Hiroki
1H145Synthesis of Amino Alcohols containing Fluorinated Aromatic Ring ( Okayama university ) SAKAI,Takashi ; TANAKA,Hikaru ; MIKI,Yasushi ; MITSUTOMI,Hiroshi ; EMA,Tadashi
1H146Synthesis and Application of Optically pure Ethanediol Containing Fluorinated Aromatic Ring ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; ISHIDA,Tomomasa ; MIKI,Yasushi ; NISHIGUCHI,Kouji ; EMA,Tadashi
1H147Reactions of 3,4-epoxy1,1-difluorobutenes with RLi in the presence of HMPA ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) UEKI,Hisanori ; YAMAZAKI,Takashi ; KITAZUME,Tomoya
1H148Synthesis of (Meth)Acrylate Monomers and Polymers with Deoxycholic Acid ( FUJI PHOTO FILM CO.,LTD. ) SATO,Ken-ichiro ; AOAI,Toshiaki
2H102Preparation, structure, and reaction of dimers of difluoro enol silyl ethers ( Univ. of Okayama, Faculty of engineering ) KOBAYASHI,Satoru ; SHIOYAMA,Manabu ; YAMAMOTO,Youko ; AMII,Hideki ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
2H103Efficient synthesis of alpha-fluoro-alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds ( Dept. of Appl. Chem., Okayama Univ. ) AMII,Hideki ; HATA,Hirosi ; KOBAYASHI,Takeshi ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
2H104Palladium-Catalyzed Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Compounds ( Nagoya Univ. ) OKANO,Takashi ; MATSUBARA,Hiroyoshi ; FUJITA,Makoto
2H105Novel Synthesis of Fluorine-containing Amino Acids via Highly Stereoselective Allylic Rearrangement ( Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science ) DAITO,Takeshi ; KONNO,Tsutomu ; ISHIHARA,Takashi ; YAMANAKA,
2H106Friedel Crafts Alkylation with .beta. Trifluoromethyl-SubstitutedsUnsaturated Ketones ( Kyushu Univ. ) MURAKAMI,Tomokazu ; WADA,Eiji
2H108Synthesis of Versatile Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds by Utilizing Direct Fluorination (1) Synthesis of Perfluoro(propyl vinyl ether) ( Asahi Glass Co.Ltd ) OKAZOE,Takashi ; WATANABE,Kunio ; ITOH,Masahiro ; SHIRAKAWA,Daisuke ; OKAMOTO,
Hidekazu ; TATEMAT
2H109Synthesis of Versatile Poly- and Perfluorinated Compounds by Utilizing Direct Fluorination (2) Synthesis of Various Acid Fluoride Compounds ( Asahi Glass Co.Ltd ) OKAZOE,Takashi ; WATANABE,Kunio ; ITOH,Masahiro ; SHIRAKAWA,Daisuke ; OKAMO
TO,Hidekazu ; TATE
2H110Regio- and Stereo-selective Ring Opening of Epoxides by Fluorination ; Development of New Fluorinating Reagent ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MIKAMI,Koichi ; OHBA,Shiho ; OHMURA,Hirofumi ; TERA
2H111Asymmetric Synthesis of .alpha.-(Trifluoromethyl)-.alpha.-amino Acid Derivatives from .alpha.-Fluoro-.alpha.-(trifluoromethyl)-.gamma.-hydroxycarboxamides ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGU,Ken-ichi ; OGURA,Katsuyuki
2H112Acid Catalyzed Cyclization Reaction of 1,1,1-Trifluoroalkane-2,3-dione Monohydrazones ( Kobe Univ. ) KAMITORI,Yasuhiro
2H114Preparation of Hydrofluoroethers(HFEs) by the Reactions of Fluoroalcohols with HCFC-22 and Their Properties ( RITE; NIMC ) KUROKAWA,Yuji ; MURATA,Junji ; SEKIYA,Akira
2H115Synthesis of Hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) by Addition Reactions of Fluoro-alcohol to Fluoro-olefin and Properties of HFEs ( RITE; NIMC ) MURATA,Junji ; KUROKAWA,Yuji ; SEKIYA,Akira
2H116 Session Lectureoxidative fluorination using a hypervalent iodine compound ( graduate school of Engineering,hokkaido University ) HARA,Shoji
2H130Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,3-Diol Derivatives from .delta.-Hydroxy-.alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Esters ( Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University ) HIRAIWA,Shin-ichiro ; ITO,Yoshikazu ; TANINO,Keiji ; MIYASHI
2H132Nucleophilic Reaction toward 1,1-Disulfonyl Oxiranes : Formation of Cyclic Zwitterion Products in the Reaction with 2-Mercaptopyridine and Its Related Compounds ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) OGURA,Katsuyuki ; KIMURA,Kazuto ;
2H133Catalytic Enantioselective Conjugate Additions of Thiols using a Polymer-Supported Catalyst ( Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) OGAWA,Chikako ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
2H134Regioselective Michael addition of thiols in the presence of lithium cation ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University ) KAMIMURA,Akio ; KAWAHARA,Fukiko ; OTAKE,Hirochika ; MITSUDERA,Hiromasa
2H135Pummerer-type .alpha.-Functionalization of Selenoxides (2) ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University ) SHIMADA,Kazuaki ; KIMURA,Kei ; ITO,Noriyasu ; AOYAGI,Shigenobu ; TAKIKAWA,Yuji
2H138Do more electrophilic carbonyl groups exhibit higher reactivity towards nucleophiles in the presence of Lewis acids ? ( Tohoku Univ.; Graduate School of Science ) ASANO,Toru ; ASAO,Naoki ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2H139Asymmetric Reduction of Alkynyl Dithianyl Ketones Using the Oxazaborolidine Derived from Threonine ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; IKARI,Yoshiyuki ; AKINOBU,Wakabayashi
2H140Desymmetrization of Bisalkynylcarbinol Based on the Asymmetric Hydroalumination. ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) TOMOOKA,Katsuhiko ; IGAWA,Kazunobu ; MURAKAMI,Masanori ; NAKAI,Takeshi
2H141Group-Selective Hydroalumination(1): Application to tartaric acid and malic acid derivatives ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) HACHISU,Yoshifumi ; SUZUKI,Takao ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
2H142Group-Selective Hydroalumination (2): Application to synthesis of optically active allenes. ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST ) SUZUKI,Takao ; OHMORI,Ken ; SUZUKI,Keisuke
2H144The Diastereo- and Enantio- selective Synthesis of .alpha.-Substituted .beta.-Hydroxycarbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by Optically Active .beta.-Ketoiminato Cobalt Complexes ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University ) OHTSUKA,Yuhki ;
; IKENO,Taketo ; YAMADA,Tohru
2H145Stereoselective nucleophilic addition reaction to 1-(arylsulfinyl)-2-iminonaphthalenes ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) YASUDA,Hiroki ; NAKAMURA,Shuichi ; WATANABE,Yoshihiko ; TORU,Takeshi
2H146Stereoselective nucleophilic addition to 2-(arylsulfinyl)benzaldehydes and stereoselective reduction of 2-(arylsulfinyl)phenyl ketones ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) ODA,Masahiro ; YASUDA,Hiroki ; NAKAMURA,Shuichi ; WATANABE,Yoshihiko ;
2H147 ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) GUHA,Samar Kumar ; NAKAMURA,Tetsuya ; ABE,Daisuke ; OHTA,Yoshihiro ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
2H148Stereochemistry of Ring Opening Reaction of Vinyl Oxiranes ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) TAKENAKA,Hiroyuki ; UKAJI,Yutaka ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
3H102Aerobic Oxidation of Terpenes Using Pd(II)/Quinone/Molybdovanadophosphate (NPMoV) Catalytic System ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) SAKAKURA,Aki ; YOKOTA,Takahiro ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H103Oxidative Carbonylation of Cycloalkenes Using the Pd(II)/Molybdovanadophosphate(NPMoV) Catalytic System ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) YOKOTA,Takahiro ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H104Dinitrogen Oxide Oxidation of Various Olefinic Compounds ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University ) HASHIMOTO,Kentaro ; KITAICHI,Yasunori ; IKENO,Taketo ; YAMADA,Tohru
3H105A Novel Oxidation Reaction Using Bismuth Trichloride and Hydrogen Peroxide ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Integrad Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima ) KITA,Akiko ; WADA,Makoto
3H106Synthesis of gem-Dihydroperoxides Using Bismuth Trichloride and Hydrogen Peroxide ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Integrad Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima ) MURABE,Keigo ; ASANO,Ryoji ; WADA,Makoto
3H108Kinetic clarify of diastereo-differentiating mechanism on chiral tethered reaction. ( Faculty of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology ) TEI,Takahiro ; SATHO,Yasuhiro ; HAGIYA,Kazutake ; SUGIMURA,Takashi ; OKUYAMA,Tadashi
3H109Stereocontrolling factors in Mn-salen-catalyzed oxidation: correlation of catalyst-structure and enthalpy- and/or entropy- factors ( Faculty of Science, Graduate school, Kyushu Univ. ) NISHIDA,Tomohiro ; MIYAFUJI,Akio ; ITO,Yoshio ; KATSUKI,
3H110An Efficient Method for Preparation of a Variety of Optically Active Cyclohexa-3,5-dien-1,2-diol Acetonides ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) HANAZAWA,Takeshi ; OKAMOTO,Sentaro ; SATO,Fumie
3H111Highly Enantioselective and versatile Epoxidation of Conjugated Olefines Catalyzed by Activated (salen) ruthenium Complex ( Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University ) NAKATA,Kenya ; TAKEDA,Tsuyoshi ; IRIE,Ryo ; KATSUKI,Tsutomu
3H112Pd(II) supported by hydrotalcite (Pd(II)-hydrotalcite) catalysed oxidation of alcohols under atmospheric air ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KAKIUCHI,Nobuyuki ; NISHIMURA,Takahiro ; MAEDA,Yasunari ; UEMURA,Sakae
3H114N-Hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI)-Catalyzed Hydroacylation of Alkenes through Radical Pathway ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) TSUJIMOTO,Shinya ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H115A New Method for Oxidation of Alcohols with N-tert-Butylphenylsulfinimidoyl Chloride ( Science University of Tokyo ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; MATSUO,Jun-ichi
3H117Catalytic asymmetric aerobic oxidation using chiral (salen)ruthenium complex (1) : Kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols ( Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu University ) MASUTANI,Kouta ; UCHIDA,Tatsuya ; IRIE,Ryo ; KATS
3H118Catalytic Asymmetric Aerobic Oxidation Using Chiral (Salen)ruthenium Complex (2): Oxidative Coupling of 2-Naphthols. ( Faculty of Science, Graduate School, Kyushu Univ. ) IRIE,Ryo ; MASUTANI,Kouta ; KATSUKI,Tsutomu
3H126Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Methylquinolines Catalyzed by N-Hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI) ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) SHIBAMOTO,Akihiro ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H127Side Chain Nitration of Alkylbenzenes Catalyzed by N-Hydroxyphthalimide (NHPI) Using NO2 ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) NISHIWAKI,Yoshiki ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3H128Transformation from .alpha.-Iodo Ketone into .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Ketone Using m-Chloroperbezoic Acid ( Rikkyo Univ. ) JI,Shun-jun ; MATSUSHITA,Masatoshi ; HORIUCHI,Akira
3H129Transformation of 3,6-Dialkyl-3-iodocyclohexane-1,2-dione into Useful Products ( Rikkyo Univ. ) TAKEDA,Akihiro ; KANAZAWA,Tetsuo ; HARA,Makoto ; MATUSHITA,Masatoshi ; ITOU,Kenichi ; HORIUCHI,Akira
3H130Ruthenium-Catalyzed Oxidative Deoximation of N-Hydroxyguanidine Derivatives ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; KITAO,Kyuuhei ; NAKANO,Azusa
3H132A New Asymmetric Wacker-Type Cyclization and Tandem Cyclization Promoted by Pd(II)-Spiro Bis(isoxazoline) Catalyst ( ISIR, Osaka University ) ARAI,Midori ; KURAISHI,Minori ; ARAI,Takayoshi ; SASAI,Hiroaki
3H133Acylation Utilizing Bi(OTf)3 as Catalyst ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Okayama University of Science ) ORITA,Akihiro ; KAKUDA,Atsushi ; TANAHASHI,Chiaki ; OTERA,Junzo
3H134Acid-Catalyzed Transformation of N-Acyloxazolidinone to Ester ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Okayama University of Science ) ORITA,Akihiro ; NAGANO,Yoshifumi ; HIRANO,Jun-ichi ; OTERA,Junzo
3H135Direct Condensation of Carboxylic Acids with Alcohols Catalyzed by Hafnium(IV) Salts ( Nagoya Univ., CREST ) OHARA,Suguru ; ISHIHARA,Kazuaki ; YAMAMOTO,Hisashi
3H137Synthesis and Evaluation of New Water-Soluble Molecular Tweezers having All-trans-fused Perhydronaphthacene ( The Univ. of Tokushima ) KAWANO,Tomoaki ; UEJI,Nobuo ; SAKAMOTO,Nobutaka ; SUZUKI,Ichiro ; NEMOTO,Hisao ; SHIBUYA,Masayuki
3H138A New Efficient Chiral Resolving Agent, [3.3.0]-bicyclooxaoctenes ( The Univ. of Tokushima ) YUZAWA,Satomi ; TSUTSUMI,Hiroe ; SUZUKI,Ichiro ; NEMOTO,Hisao ; SHIBUYA,Masayuki
4H102Preparation of Optically Active Azirine and the Selective Functional Group Transformation ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; TAKATA,Shigeto ; EMA,Tadashi
4H103Lipase-catalyzed regioselective reaction of the unsymmetrical terpene diols and their acetates ( Shizuoka University, Faculty of Engineering ) HISANO,Takaya ; MASE,Nobuyuki ; TAKABE,Kunihiko
4H104An Efficient Synthesis of Carboxylic Esters Using 2-Methyl-6-nitrobenzoic Anhydride with Triethylamine in the Presence of a Catalytic Amount of DMAP ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; IBUKA,Ryoutarou ; KUBOTA,Mari ; KATOH,Masataka
4H105Effective Synthesis of Carboxyamides by Use of Di(2-pyridyl) Carbonate (DPC) and a Catalytic Amount of DMAP ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIINA,Isamu ; SUENAGA,Yoshihito ; KAWAKITA,Yo-ichi
4H106A Novel Method for the Silylation of Alcohols Catalyzed by Sc(OTf)3 ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) WATAHIKI,Tsutomu ; SUZUKI,Takeshi ; ORIYAMA,Takeshi
4H108Asymmetric Desymmetrization of 2-substituted 1,3-Diols via Chiral Lewis Acid-Mediated Enantiodifferentiating Ring-Cleavage Reaction of Dioxane Acetal Derivatives ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IMAI,Keiko ; HARADA,Toshiro ; OKU,Akira
4H109Asymmetric Desymmetrization of meso-2,4,6,8-Tetramethyl-1,3,5,7,9-nonanepentol via Enantiodifferentiating Ring-Cleavage Reaction of Bis-acetal Derivatives ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IGARASHI,Yasuto ; HARADA,Toshiro ; OKU,Akira
4H110Development of Catalytic Asymmetric Dihydroxylation of Olefins Using a Novel Microencapsulated Osmium Tetroxide ( Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) ISHIDA,Tasuku ; AKIYAMA,Ryo ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H111Development of Microencapsulated Palladium Catalysts ( Graduate school of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) AKIYAMA,Ryo ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H112Chemoselective Addition Reaction Promoted by a Metal Catalyst Supported by a Cation-Excahange Resin ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; ITOHARA,Susumu
4H114Solid phase synthesis of heptasaccharide phytoalexin elicitor using phenylsulfonate traceless linker ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Hitoshi ; DOI,Takayuki ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
4H115Synthetic Study of Macrosphelide Library by Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKAHASH,Takashi ; DOHI,Suguru ; DOI,Takayuki
4H116Development of the Solid Support with the Self-Assembled Monolayers ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) YAMADA,Haruo ; FUJISAKI,Satoko ; URUMA,Yosiyuki ; YONEMITSU,Osamu
4H117Development of photolabile protective group for thiols. ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) YAMADA,Haruo ; KUWAHARA,Kouitchi ; ABE,Hiroshi ; WAKAMATSU,Kan ; YONEMITSU,Osamu
4H118The Organic Synthetic Reaction on Microreactor and its Efficiency Evaluation ( Technology Research Laboratory,Shimadzu Corporation ) TSUKIMORI,Kazuyuki ; KUYANA,Hiroki ; NAKANISHI,Hiroaki ; YOSHIDA,Tamio
4H126The synthesis of peptide mimetics, for serine protease inhibitor. (3) The solid-phase synthesis of a library of template scaffold. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology )
FUCHI,Nobuhiro ;
DOI,Takayuki ; KAHN,Michael ; TAKAHASHI,Takashi
4H127Enantioselective Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehydes Catalyzed by Fluorous .beta.-Amino Alcohols ( Niigata College of Pharmacy; Univ. of Pittsburgh ) NAKAMURA,Yutaka ; TAKEUCHI,Seiji ; OKUMURA,Kazuo ; OHGO,Yoshiaki ; CURRAN,D. P.
4H128Lewis Acid Catalysis by Lanthanide Complexes withsTris(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)-methide Ponytails in Fluorous Recyclable Phase ( The Noguchi Institute ) NISHIKIDO,Joji ; YAMAMOTO,Fumihiko ; NAKAJIMA,Hitoshi ; MIKAMI,Yutaka ; MIKAMI,Koichi
4H129Cyclodextrin-Lanthanide Tris(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)methide and Bis(perfluoroalkanesulfonyl)amidesComplexes as a Model for Metallo-Enzymes in Pure Water ( The Noguchi Institute ) NISHIKIDO,Joji ; NANBO,Masayuki ; NAKAJIMA,Hitoshi ; MIKAMI,
4H130Development of Lewis acid catalyzed reactions in Supercritical carbon dioxide ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) TSUCHIYA,Takehiro ; KOMOTO,Ichiro ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H132Solid Acid Catalyzed Pinacol Rearrangement in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ( Utsunomiya Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Masaaki ; SUZUKI,Takao
4H133Solvent-free Catalytic Enantioselective Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehydes ( Science University of Tokyo ) SAITO,Takahiro ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
4H134Solvent-free Enantioselective Addition of Dialkylzincs to N-Diphenylphosphinylimines. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KODAKA,Ryo ; SATO,Itaru ; SOAI,Kenso
4H135Allylation of Aldehydes by use of Bi / Ultrasonic wave / water system ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Noboru ; KITAGAWA,Hirokazu ; DOI,Takashi ; OKUMURA,Yasuyuki ; MIZUNO,Kazuhiko
4H138Efficient and Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of (E)-Vinyl Bromides by Microwave-induced Reaction ( Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) KUANG,Chunxiang ; SENBOKU,Hisanori ; TOKUDA,Masao
4H139Catalytic Asymmetric Aldol Reactions in Aqueous Media Using Rare Earth Metal Salt-Chiral Crown Ether Complexes ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) HAMADA,Tomoaki ; MANABE,Kei ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H140Asymmetric Michael Reactions in Water Using Chiral Silver Catalysts ( Graduate School of Pharmceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) KAKUMOTO,Kentaro ; MORI,Yuichiro ; MANABE,Kei ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H141Diastereoselective Aldol Reactions Using Boron Enolates in Water ( Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo ) MORI,Yuichiro ; MANABE,Kei ; KOBAYASHI,Shu
4H142Three-Component Synthesis of Homoallylamines by Tin(II) Chloride Dihydrate-Mediated Allylation in Water ( Gakushuin University ) ONUMA,Yuji ; KAGOSHIMA,Hirotaka ; AKIYAMA,Takahiko
4H144Hydrothermal organic reactions: Self-condensation reaction of cyclic ketones in the presence of metal salts ( Kochi University; Faculty of Science ) BARUN,K. Mehta ; YANAGISAWA,Kazumichi ; KOTSUKI,Hiyoshizo
4H145Hydrothermal organic reactions: Novel synthesis of pyridine derivatives by self-condensation of cyclic ketones ( Kochi University; Faculty of Science ) BARUN,K. Mehta ; YANAGISAWA,Kazumichi ; KOTSUKI,Hiyoshizo
4H146Baylis-Hillman reaction under water freezing-induced pressure ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) HAYASHI,Yujiro ; OKADO,Koutaro ; NISHIMURA,Kouichi
4H147Michael reaction of malonic ester and .alpha.,.beta.-unsaturated ketone under water freezing-induced pressure ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) HAYASHI,Yujiro ; MURAKAMI,Satoru ; MIYAMOTO,Yuji
Bld. No.8 Room No.812
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Heteroatom Compounds]
1H214Synthesis of Oxazolidin-2-ones by Reaction of Aziridines and Carbon Dioxide ( Chemical Resources Laboratory,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MORIOKA,Yosuke ; SUDO,Atsushi ; SANDA,Fumio ; ENDO,Takeshi
1H215Substituent effects in the Peterson reaction ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) HIDAKA,Tsugihiko ; FUKUZAKI,Tomohide ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
1H216Synthetic use of Tetraphenyldisilane(TPDS) as a novel radical reagent : Preparation of biaryls through the intramolecular radical ipso-substitution reaction ( Chiba Univ. ) RYOKAWA,Atsushi ; TOGO,Hideo
1H217Synthetic use of tetraphenyldisilane (TPDS) as a novel radical reagent : Study on the transformation of vic-diols to olefins via dixanthates or thionocarbonates. ( Univ. of Chiba ) SUGI,Masaaki ; TOYAMA,Ken-ichi ; TOGO,Hideo
1H218Free radical addition of carbamotelluroates to acetylenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University; Osaka Dental University ) SHIMIZU,Yoshihiko ; FUJIWARA,Shin-ichi ; SHIN-IKE,Tsutomu ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
1H228The reactions using a novel selenating reagent "LiHSe" ( Gifu Univ. ) NADA,Futoshi ; FUKUTA,Yoshihisa ; KOKETSU,Mamoru ; ISHIHARA,Hideharu
1H229Synthesis and Redox Reaction of 2-Substituted 1,3-Benzodithiolium Salts ( Faculty of Enginnering, Iwate University; Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) OGAWA,Satoshi ; ITO,Tomoyuki ; KAWAI,Yasushi ; KIMURA,Takeshi ; SATO,Ryu
1H230Synthesis and Characterization of Functionalized Molecule from 1,1,2,2-Tetrakis(4-mercaptophenyl)ethene having Divergent Thiols ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University ) SATO,Ryu ; TSUMURAI,Satoshi ; KIMURA,Kaduki ; NAKAJO,Siduko ; OGAWA,
1H232Synthesis and Characterization of a Poly(amide amine) Dendrimer Disulfide Having Hydrophobic Terminals ( Shinshu Univ. ) TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; SUZUKI,Shinji ; HAMADA,Kunihiro ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
1H233Synthesis, Structure, and Redox Properties of Silver Complexes with Unsaturated Thiacrown Ethers ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) TSUCHIYA,Takahiro ; SHIMIZU,Toshio ; KAMIGATA,Nobumasa
1H234Selenium-Catalyzed N-Heterocyclization of Aromatic Nitro compounds with Carbon Monoxide ( Kansai Univ. and KU-HRC ) KITAGAITO,Wataru ; HIROSE,Masaharu ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
1H235Selenium-Catalyzed Reductive N-Heterocyclization ofs2-Substituted Nitrobenzene with Carbon Monoxide ( Kansai Univ. and KU-HRC ) HIROSE,Masaharu ; KITAGAITO,Wataru ; SUMIDA,Mari ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
1H238Activation of phosphorus chemical bond bystransition-metal-complexes (12): rhodium catalyzed hydrophosphinylation ofalkynes ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) HAN,Li-biao ; ZHAO,Changqou ; TANAKA,Masato
1H239Activation of phosphorus chemical bond bystransition-metal-complexes (13): palladium catalyzed stereospecific hydrophosphinylation of alkynes ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) HAN,Li-biao ; ZHAO,Changqou ; TANAKA,Mas
1H240Synthesis of Polyene Compounds via Functionalization of the TerminalsTriple Bond of Homopropargylic Selenide Derivatives ( Kanazawa Univ. ) NISHINO,Yoko ; SEGI,Masahito ; NAKAJIMA,Tadashi
1H241Pd(II)- or Rh(III)-catalyzed carbonylation of aryltins undersatmospheric CO at ambient temperature ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) OHE,Toshiyuki ; MOTOFUSA,Shin-ichi ; OHE,Kouichi ; UEMURA,Sakae
1H242Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Phenyl tributylstannyl selenide with Organic Halide ( Kansai Univ. ) TOKUNAGA,Keiji ; KAWAMATSU,Hiroaki ; NISIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
1H244Insertion of acetylenes into Pt-Se bond ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) INOUE,Masafumi ; KUNIYASU,Hitoshi ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
1H245Reaction of Reactive Sulfur Species Generated from Octasulfur Monoxide with 1,3-Dipolar Reagents ( Saitama Univ. ) KAWAI,Tetsuhiko ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
1H246Reaction of Dithiirane Oxides with a Plutinum(0) Complex ( Saitama Univ. ) SAITO,Masashi ; MURATA,Masami ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
2H202A novel method for the synthesis of thiols from the corresponding olefins ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo. ) MUKAIYAMA,Teruaki ; SAITOH,Terunobu ; JONA,Hideki
2H203Synthesis and Reactions of Triptycenethioselenenic Acid ( Saitama Univ. ) TAWADA,Akira ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
2H204Synthesis of main group element compounds having a tris(9-triptycyl)stannyl group ( Kitasato University ) MIKAMI,Ryou ; OKUMA,Miki ; MINOURA,Mao ; YAMAMOTO,Gaku
2H205Reactions of S-Nitorosothiols and Thiyl RadicalssBearing Novel Steric Protection Groups ( Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKAHASHI,Yusuke ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
2H206Syntheses of Se-Nitrososelenols Bearing Bowl-shaped Steric Protection Groups ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) SHIMADA,Keiichi ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
2H208The Addition Reaction of Dicarbamoyldiselenide to the Multiple Bond ( Kansai Univ. and KU-HRC ) KOTANI,Kazuya ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H209Four components radical coupling reaction accompanying ring opening of epoxide with trimethylsilylphenylselenide ( Kansai Univ. and KU-HRC ) HAMAGUCHI,Hitoshi ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H210Preparation of Thianthrene Derivativessby the Photolysis of Benzotrithioles ( Iwate Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) KIMURA,Takeshi ; MIZUSAWA,Susumu ; YONESHIMA,Akira ; KAWAI,Yasushi ; OGAWA,Satoshi ; SATO,Ryu
2H211Synthesis of Quinazolines by the Carbonylation Using Carbon Disulfide under Mild Conditions ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute ) MIZUNO,Takumi ; ITO,Takatoshi ; MIYATA,Toshiyuki
2H212Synthesis of S-Alkylcarbonothiolate by Selenium-Catalyzed of Alcohol and Disulfide in the presence of Carbon Monoxide ( Kansai Univ. and KU-HRC ) MAEHIRA,Takesi ; ASAHINA,Taro ; NAKASE,Junko ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H214Synthesis and Properties of Heterocycles Containing Chalcogen Atoms Fused to Ferrocene ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University; Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) NAGAHORA,Noriyoshi ; OGAWA,Satoshi ; KAWAI,Yasushi ; KIMU
RA,Takeshi ; SATO,
2H215Isolation of Optically Active Dichalcogenides by means of Chiral Crystallization ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) SHIMIZU,Toshio ; ISONO,Hiromi ; UMEYAMA,Naoko ; KAMIGATA,Nobumasa
2H216Asymmetric Synthesis of Epoxides Catalyzed by C2 Symmetric Optically Active Sulfides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MIYAKE,Yoshihiro ; OYAMADA,Arihiro ; NISHIBAYASHI,Yoshiaki ; UEMURA,Sakae
2H217Lewis acid and Chiral sulfide-Promoted Asymmetric Baylis-Hillman Reaction ( Science University of Tokyo ) KANAZAWA,Shintarou ; OGAKI,Masato ; ISAYAMA,Kazunori ; SAITO,Takao
2H218Asymmetric Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Cyclic Ketones Using Chiral Organoselenium Catalyst ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MIYAKE,Yoshihiro ; NISHIBAYASHI,Yoshiaki ; UEMURA,Sakae
2H228Isolation and Stability of Optically Active Telluronium Imides ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) MACHIDA,Yoshito ; SHIMIZU,Toshio ; KAMIGATA,Nobumasa
2H229The stereoselectivity for dehydroxylation of .alpha.-hydroxyphosphonate and its application to synthesis of phospha-sugars ( Okayama Univ., Center of Inst. Anal. ) HANAYA,Tadashi ; SUGIYAMA,Ken-ich ; KAWAMOTO,Heizan ; YAMAMOTO,Hiroshi
2H230Synthesis of a Tetracoordinate 1,2-Selenazetidine Bearing Different Substituents at the 3-Position and Stereochemistry of Its Thermolysis ( Univ. of Tokyo ) DAICHO,Yuya ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
2H232Synthesis and Structure of 1,8,9-Trisubstituted Anthracene Bearing 16 group Element Atoms at 1,8-Positions. ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University.Advanced Reserch Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University. ) NISHINA,
Yuusaku ; YAMASHI
TA,Makoto ; YAMAMOTO,Yohsuke ; AKIBA,Kin-ya
2H233Ab initio MO studies for the formation ofsate complexes of heteroatom compouns ( Osaka University ) HASEGAWA,Nao ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
2H234Preparation of imidoyllithiums by tellurium-lithium exchange ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OHNISHI,Masaki ; NAKAMURA,Akifumi ; TERAO,Jun ; KUNIYASU,Hitosi ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
2H235On the 1J(Se,Se) values in 4-Substituted Naphtho[1,8-c,d]-1,2-diselenoles: Structural and Electronic Effects ( Department of Material Science and Chemistry, Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University ) TANIOKU,Akito ; HAYASHI,Satok
2H238Nonbonded Interaction between Divalent Organic Selenium and Halogen Atom ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KATSUDA,Takayuki ; IWAOKA,Michio ; TOMODA,Shuji
2H239The syntheses of hexavalent organotellurium compounds via valence expansion reaction and their reactivity ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University; School of Science, Kitasato University;Advanced Research Center for Science and En
gineering, Waseda
University ) MIYASATO,Masataka ; MINOURA,Mao ; AKIBA,Kin-ya
2H240Substituent effect in structures of hypervalent pentaaryltelluronium cation ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University; School of Science, Kitasato University; Advanced Reseach Center for Science and Engineering, Waseda University )
MUKUDA,Takahiro ;
MIYASATO,Masataka ; MINOURA,Mao ; AKIBA,Kin-ya
2H241Synthesis and Reactivities of Novel Alkylidene Iminosulfonium Salt ( Toyama University ) FUJII,Takayoshi ; SATO,Takashi ; ONO,Shin ; MORITA,Hiroyuki ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
2H242The structure and reactivity of Diphenyl(diphenylsulfimidoyl)(nitrido)sulfur(VI) ( Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University ) FUJII,Takayoshi ; FUJIMORI,Teruyoshi ; ONO,Shin ; MORITA,Hiroyuki ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
2H244Structure and Reactions of Stable Aromatic S-Nitrosothiol ( Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University ) ITOH,Maiko ; TAKENAKA,Keiko ; OKAZAKI,Renji ; TAKEDA,Nobuhiro ; TOKITOH,Norihiro
2H245Generation of Sulfenylnitrenes by the Reaction of S,S,S-Triphenylthiazyne with electrophilic sulfenyl reagents ( Toyama University ) FUJII,Takayoshi ; KOUSAKA,Taeko ; ONO,Shin ; MORITA,Hiroyuki ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
2H246Asymmetric Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction of Thiabutadienes ( Science University of Tokyo ) HARA,Kazuyoshi ; HORIKOSHI,Takahiro ; TAJIMA,Yuuki ; NIWANO,Kayoko ; SAITO,Takao
2H247Reactions of 1,3-Dithiolane-2-thione and 1,3-Dithiole-2-thiones with 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione ( Saitama Univ. ) ZHAO,Liting ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
2H248Reaction of Various Nucleophiles with An Oxidatively Activated Thioaldehyde ( Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University ) TAKEUCHI,Satoko ; TAKENAKA,Keiko ; OKAZAKI,Renji
3H202Correlation between aromatic substituents and NMR spectra in unsaturated selenoamides ( Gifu University ) FUJISHIMA,Akinori ; MURAI,Toshiaki ; KATO,Shinzi
3H203Formation of Benzoselenetes by the Reaction of Selenoketones with Benzyne ( Fukuoka Univ. Faculty of Science ) OYAMA,Kosuke ; SHIOJI,Kosei ; OKUMA,Kentaro
3H204Synthesis and Cycloaddition Reaction of Selenocarbonylsilanessor Selenocarbonylstannanes ( Kanazawa Univ. ) TERASAKI,Shingo ; SEGI,Masahito ; NAKAJIMA,Tadashi
3H205Reaction of RC(O)N=C(TeR')SLi with BuLi or Alkyl Halides ( Gifu University ) KANDA,Takahiro ; ITOH,Toshihide ; SHIRAISHI,Shinji ; KATO,Shinzi
3H206Halogenation of Sterically-Crowded Bornane-2-thiones and Bornane-2-selones ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University ) SHIMADA,Kazuaki ; NANAE,Takashi ; AOYAGI,Shigenobu ; TAKIKAWA,Yuji
3H208Properties of Sulfonium Salts Synthesized by Alkylation of Bibenzonorbornenylidene Episulfides ( Saitama Univ. ) AOYAMA,Yui ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H209Generation and Trapping of Allenylthioketene S,S-dioxides by [3,3] Sigmatropic Rearrangement ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University ) AOYAGI,Shigenobu ; SHIMADA,Kazuaki ; TAKIKAWA,Yuji
3H210Synthesis of a Tetracoordinate Spirobi-[1,2-oxatelluretane] Bearing Different Substituents at the 4-Positions and Stereochemistry of its Thermolysis ( Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo ) TAKAHASHI,Tatsuhisa ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAW
3H211Synthesis, Structure, and Redox Reactions of Five-membered Heterocycles Containing Tellurium Atom ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University; Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) OGAWA,Satoshi ; OWADA,Shingo ; KAWAI,Yasus
hi ; KIMURA,Takesh
i ; SATO,Ryu
3H212Trifluoroperacetic Acid-Oxidation of Pentathiane Derivatives ( Saitama Univ. ) OSHIDA,Hideaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H214Synthesis and Structure of Acylthio- and Acylselenostibane ( Gifu University ) KIMURA,Tsutomu ; TANI,Kazuyasu ; KIMURA,Mitsutoshi ; KATO,Shinzi
3H215S-Stannyl Thiocarboxylates : Nonbonded Attraction Between the Carbonyl Oxygen and the Tin Atom ( Gifu University ) TANI,Kazuyasu ; KANDA,Takahiro ; KATO,Shinzi ; INAGAKI,Satoshi
3H216Synthesis of Water-soluble Molecules Composed of Carbenium Salt Units ( Saitama Univ. ) TADOKORO,Tomoko ; OHTANI,Toyohiro ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H217Synthetic Application of Knoevenagel Reaction of .beta.-Keto Sulfoxides ( Okayama University of Science ) KATAOKA,Kazuhide ; KODERA,Masakazu ; HUSSAIN,Iqbal ; NOKAMI,Junzo
3H218Diels-Alder Reactions of 1-Imino Derivatives of 3,4-Di-t-butylthiophene ( Saitama Univ. ) OTANI,Takashi ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H228Reactions of 3,4-Di-t-butylthiophene 1-Oxide and 1,1-Dioxidesswith 2-Methylene-1,3-dimethylimidazolidine ( Saitama Univ. ) TAKAYAMA,Jun ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Akihiko ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
3H229Reactions of Chalcogen-containing Organotin Compounds with Nitrile Oxide ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) NAKANO,Susumu ; SAITO,Masaichi ; YOSHIOKA,Michikazu
3H230Novel Radical Reaction with (Diacetoxyiodo)benzene: Sonochemical Dealkylation of various N-Alkylsulfonamides ( Chiba Univ. ) KATOHGI,Masashi ; TOGO,Hideo
3H232Reaction of Diaryliodonium Triflates with Rieke Metals ( Kyushu Univ. ) NAGATA,Kensuke ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; FUJIWARA,Yuzo
3H233Novel Preparation and Reactivity of Polymer Reagent Bearing Hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo Groups ( Chiba Univ. ) ABE,Seiichiro ; SAKURATANI,Kenji ; TOGO,Hideo
3H234Synthesis of Heterocycles from Olefins Using Chloramine-T-Silver Salt System ( Osaka University ) MINAKATA,Satoshi ; FUKUOKA,Ryoko ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
3H235Synthesis of Bicyclic Heterocycles from .gamma.-Iodoolefins Using Chloramine-T as a Nitrogen Source ( Osaka University ) KANO,Daisuke ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; INDA,Yoshiaki ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
3H238Generation and Trapping of Benzynes Bearing Carbonyl Group from Hypervalent Iodine Compounds ( Kyushu University ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; WASAI,Kanako
4H203Synthesis and Structure of a Novel Ladder Type Organobismuth Compound with Inter- and Intramolecular Bismuth-Oxygen Interactions ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) UCHIYAMA,Yosuke ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
4H204Synthesis, Structure and Reactions of Triarylbismuthane Oxides ( Kyoto University ) NOMURA,Hazumi ; MATANO,Yoshihiro
4H205Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions of Alkynylbismuthonium Salts ( Kyoto University ) MATANO,Yoshihiro
4H206Lipase-catalyzed Optical Resolution of P-Chiral Phosphorus Compoundsand Synthesis of Phosphine-Borane Derivative ( Fukuoka Univ. Faculty of Science ) SHIOJI,Kosei ; UENO,Yuichiro ; OKUMA,Kentaro
4H208Formation of Phosphane Iridium Complex from Phosphoranido Iridium Complex through 1,2-Shift of a Naphthyl Group from Phosphorus to Iridium ( School of Science, Kitasato University ) KAJIYAMA,Kazumasa ; MIYAZAWA,Shunsuke ; TAKESHI,
4H209.alpha.,.beta.-Functionalization of .beta.-Silyl ors .beta.-Stannylvinylphosphonates and There Applications to Organic Synthesis ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) TAKENO,Hirotaka ; NAGAMORI,Hironobu ; HARIMA,Ayumu ;
OKAUCHI,Tatsuo ;
4H210Reaction of Substituted 1,2-Oxaphospholanes with Paraformaldehyde ( Fukuoka Univ. Faculty of Science ) HIROSE,Yoshitaka ; SHIOJI,Kosei ; OKUMA,Kentaro
4H211Reactions of a Phosphatrane Bearing a Carbon Atom at the 5-Position ( Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo ) KOBAYASHI,Junji ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
4H212Syntheses, Structure and Reactions of Fluorophosphoranes Bearing Martin Ligand ( Gradutate School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo ) SASE,Shohei ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
4H214SN2' type substituion involving aromatic double bond : The reaction of benzyl methyl ether bearing 8-phosphino-1-naphthyl group on the benzyl carbon with t-butyllithium ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) SAEKI,Tomoyuki ; TOSHI
4H215Synthesis and oligomerization of 3,4-diphosphinidenecyclobutene derivatives ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) YAMADA,Naoki ; TOYOTA,Kozo ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
4H216Intermolecular Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction of Phosphonoacrolein ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) ARIMORI,Sadayuki ; KOUNO,Ryoji ; OKAUCHI,Tatsuo ; MINAMI,Toru
4H217Preparation of Some 1,4-Diphospha-1,3-butadienes by Oxidative Coupling Reaction ( Faculty of Science, Tohoku University ) KIMURA,Shigeo ; ITO,Shigekazu ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
4H218Preparation and Reactions of Phosphines Having 1,2-Bis(3,5-di-t-butylphenyl)ethane Framework ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) SUGIMOTO,Daisaku ; TOYOTA,Kozo ; YOSHIFUJI,Masaaki
Bld. No.8 Room No.821
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Metallo-organic Chemistry]
1H302Direct Synthesis of Dimethyl Carbonate from Methanol insDense Phase Carbon Dioxide ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) HE,Liang-nian ; CHOI,Jun-chul ; YASUDA,Hiroyuki ; SAKAKURA,Toshiyasu
1H303Direct Synthesis of Urethane from Carbon Dioxide via Halogen-Free Process ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) ABLA,Mahmut ; CHOI,Jun-chul ; SAKAKURA,Toshiyasu
1H304Ruthenium complex catalyzed hydroformylation using carbon dioxide as a reactant ( Natl. Inst. for Resources and Environment ) TOMINAGA,Ken-ichi ; SASAKI,Yoshiyuki
1H305Ruthenium-Catalyzed Oxidation of Alkanes with Peracetic Acid in Trifluoroacetic Acid ( Osaka Univ. ) KOMIYA,Naruyoshi ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
1H306Ruthenium-Catalyzed Oxidation of Amines with Molecular Oxygen ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; KOMIYA,Naruyoshi ; OKANO,Yuriko ; SATOH,Hideomi
1H308Ruthenium-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyanation of Tertiary Aminesswith Molecular Oxygen ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; KOMIYA,Naruyoshi ; NAKAE,Takahiro ; TERAI,Hiroyuki
1H309Ruthenium-catalyzed Propargylic Alkylation of Propargylic Alcohols ( Univ. of Tokyo; Kyoto Univ.; Science Univ. of Tokyo ) WAKICHI,Issei ; NISHIBAYASHI,Yoshiaki ; ISHII,Youichi ; UEMURA,Sakae ; UEMURA,Sakae
1H310Ruthenium-catalyzed Asymmetric Propargylic Alkylation ( Kyoto Univ.; Science Univ. of Tokyo ) NISHIBAYASHI,Yoshiaki ; ONODERA,Gen ; HIDAI,Masanobu ; UEMURA,Sakae
1H311Transition Metal Complexes Catalyzed Reduction of Amides to Amines with Hydrosilanes ( Sagami Chemical Research Center ) IGARASHI,Mamoru ; FUCHIKAMI,Takamasa
1H312Ruthenium Catalyzed Transformation of Carboxylic Acid into disilyl Acetals with Hydrosilanes ( Sagami Chemical Research Center ) HAGIWARA,Emiko ; UENO,Takashi ; FUCHIKAMI,Takamasa
1H314Synthesis of Bicyclic Pyridines via Ru-Catalyzed Cycloaddition of 1,6-Diynes with Dicyanides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) YAMAMOTO,Yoshihiko ; OGAWA,Ryuji ; OKUDA,Satoshi ; ITOH,Kenji
1H315Ruthenium-Catalyzed Reaction Involving the Cleavage of Acyl-Oxygen Bonds of Esters ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; TATAMIDANI,Hiroto ; MURAI,Shinji
1H316Rhodium-Catalyzed Carbonylation at sp3 C-H Bonds .alpha. to a Nitrogen Atom in Alkylamines ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; ASAUMI,Taku ; IKEDA,Tsutomu ; KAKIUCHI,Fumitoshi ; MURAI,Shinji
1H317A Simple Synthesis of Tertiary Phosphines with Amino Functionality ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ITO,Masato ; OSAKU,Akihide ; IKARIYA,Takao
1H318Epimerization of Secondary Alcohols Catalyzed by Cp*Ru complexes Bearing Primary Amine Ligands ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ITO,Masato ; HIRAKAWA,Makoto ; OSAKU,Akihide ; IKARIYA,Takao
1H326Lactonization of .alpha.,.omega.-Diols with Cp*Ru complexes Bearing Primary Amine Ligands ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ITO,Masato ; OSAKU,Akihide ; IKARIYA,Takao
1H327Novel Ruthenium-Catalyzed Carbonylative Dimerization of Cyclopropenones ( Kyoto Univ. ) KONDO,Teruyuki ; KANEKO,Yushi ; NAKAMURA,Ayako ; SHIOTSUKI,Masashi ; OKADA,Takumi ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
1H328Ruthenium-Catalyzed Cross-Carbonylation of Cyclopropenones with Alkynes ( Kyoto Univ. ) KONDO,Teruyuki ; KANEKO,Yushi ; TAGUCHI,Yoshinori ; OKADA,Takumi ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
1H329Ruthenium Complex-Catalyzed Addition of Organic Disulfides to Conjugated Dienes ( Kyoto Univ. ) KONDO,Teruyuki ; FUKUDA,Kenji ; UENOYAMA,Shin-ya ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
1H330Ruthenium Complex-Catalyzed S-Propargylation of Thiols with Propargylic Carbonates ( Kyoto Univ. ) KONDO,Teruyuki ; KANDA,Yusuke ; MORISAKI,Yasuhiro ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
1H332Ruthenium Complex-Catalyzed Intramolecular Oxidative Amination of Aminoalkenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) KONDO,Teruyuki ; OKADA,Takumi ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
1H333Ruthenium-Catalyzed addition of Alkynes tosAlkynylstannanes with migration of the stannyl group ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) NAKAYAMA,Kouji ; TSUCHIMOTO,Teruhisa ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji
1H334Kinetic study of the ruthenium-catalyzed addition ofsaromatic esters with olefins. ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KAKIUCHI,Fumitoshi ; OHTAKI,Hisashi ; CHATANI,Naoto ; MURAI,Shinji
1H335Ruthenium-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Silylation of Aromatic Compounds with Hydrosilanes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KAKIUCHI,Fumitoshi ; MATSUMOTO,Mitsutaka ; IGI,Kimitaka ; CHATANI,Naoto ; MURAI,Shinji
1H338Regio- and Stereoselective Dimerization of Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by Highly Active Vinylideneruthenium Complexes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City University ) KATAYAMA,Hiroyuki ; YARI,Hiroshi ; TANIGUCHI,Ken ; OZAWA,Fumiyuki
1H339Nickel-Catalyzed Dimerization Reaction of Electron Deficient Methylenecyclopropanes ( Graduate School of Science and Institute for Chemical ReactionScience, Tohoku University ) KAWASAKI,Taishi ; SAITO,Shinichi ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
1H340Nickel-Catalyzed Coupling Reaction of Alkyl Halides with Grignard Reagents ( Department of Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Osaka University ) TERAO,Jun ; WATANABE,Hideyuki ; KUNIYASU,Hitoshi ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
1H341Regioselective Intorduction of Alkyl and Aryl Groups at the 1,4-Position of Dienes Catalyzed by Ni ( Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering Osaka University ) NAKAMURA,Akifumi ; TERAO,Jun ; KUNIYASU,Hitoshi ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
1H342NiCl2-Catalyzed Coupling of Two Molecules of Dienes with Grignard Reagents and Chlorosilanes ( Department of Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Osaka University ) TERAO,Jun ; NAKAMURA,Akihumi ; KUNIYASU,Hitoshi ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
1H344Nickel-Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Alkynesswith Arylboron Compounds ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Go ; TUCHIMOTO,Teruhisa ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji
1H345Nickel-Catalyzed Alkynylstannylation of 1,2-Dienes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University; Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) NAKAO,Yoshiaki ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
1H346Ni-Catalyzed Triethylborane-Promoted Homoallylation of Lactols with 1,3-Dienes ( Nagasaki University ) EZOE,Akihiro ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
1H347Ni-Catalyzed Three-Component Connection Reaction of 1,3-Dienes, Carbonyl Compounds, and Organozinc or Organoborane ( Nagasaki University ) SHIBATA,Kazufumi ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
1H348Ni-Catalyzed Four-Component Connection Reaction of .omega.-Dienylalkyne, Organozinc, and Carbonyl Compound ( Nagasaki University ) INOUE,Takahiro ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
2H302Substrate Size-Selective Reaction Catalyzed by PalladiumsComplexes Fixed in Polymer Cavity ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) KOHNO,Kazufumi ; TSUCHIMOTO,Teruhisa ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji
2H303Palladium/Benzoic Acid Catalyzed Hydroalkoxylation of Alkynes ( Graduate School of Science and ICRS, Tohoku University ) LUTETE MPAKA,Leopold ; KADOTA,Isao ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2H304The Synthesis of Isobenzofuran derivatives via Transition Metal-Catalyzed Allylation of Aldehydes ( Tohoku Univ.; Graduate School of Science ) TAKAHASHI,Kumiko ; ASAO,Naoki ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2H305Palladium-Catalyzed Regeoselective Addition of Phenols to Conjugated Diynes ( Graduate School of Science and Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) CAMACHO,Drexel ; SAITO,Shinichi ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
2H306Intramolecular Coordination Effect in the Palladium-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro ; KOIKE,Tooru ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
2H308Novel [3+2] Cycloaddition of Alkylidenecyclopropanes with Aldehydes Catalyzed by Palladium ( Graduate School of Science and Institute of Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) OH,Byoung Ho ; NAKAMURA,Itaru ; SAITO,Shinichi ; YAMAMOT
2H309Synthesis of fulvene derivatives catalyzed by palladium ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) MASTUMURA,Hiroshi ; KOTORA,Martin ; GAO,Guohua ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H310A Selective Synthesis of Biphenyl by the Pd(OAc2/MoO2(acac)2/O2/Acetic Acid Catalyst System ( Kyushu Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Makoto ; YAMAJI,Teizo
2H311Synthesis of Carbonyl Compound from a Lower Alkane and CO ( Kyushu Univ. ) MIYAZAKI,Takahiro ; YAMAJI,Teizo
2H312Catalytic Synthesis of Diphenyl Carbonate from Phenol and CO with N-Hydroxyphthalimide ( Kyushu Univ. ) HATANAKA,Itsuhiro ; YAMAJI,Teizo
2H314Pd(0) Catalyzed Allylation of Active Methylene Compounds with Allyl Alcohols Promoted by Triethylborane ( Nagasaki University ) TANIGAWA,Naoko ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
2H315Pd-Et3B Promoted Amphiphilic Allylation of Alkyl Aldehyde with 2-Methylenepropane-1,3-diol ( Nagasaki University ) HORINO,Yoshikazu ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
2H316 Session Lecturenovel Catalytic reactions via active ruthwnacycle intermediates ( graduate school of Engineering,kyoto university ) KONDO,Teruyuki
3H302Dimerization-Bismetalation of Alkynes Catalyzed by asPalladium-Diimine Complex ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) OKADA,Mariko ; TSUCHIMOTO,Teruhisa ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji
3H303Pd-Catalyzed Hydroarylation of Alkynes ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; JIA,Chenggou ; PIAO,Dongguo ; LU,Wenjun ; OYAMADA,Juzo ; TOKITA,Tetsuo
3H304Efficient Styrene Synthesis by Mizoroki-Heck Reaction with Palladium-Phosphite Complex ( JST; Tokyo Inst. of Technology ) KAYAKI,Yoshihito ; NOGUCHI,Yushi ; IKARIYA,Takao
3H305Dehydrative Etherification of Allyl Alcohols Catalyzed by Palladium-Phosphite Complex ( Tokyo Inst. of Technology; JST ) KODA,Takashi ; KAYAKI,Yoshihito ; IKARIYA,Takao
3H306Palladium-Catalyzed Arylation of Heterocyclic Compounds ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) OKAZAWA,Toru ; SATOH,Tetsuya ; MIURA,Masahiro ; NOMURA,Masakatsu
3H308Pd-Catalyzed Allylation of o-Hydroxyacetophenone with Allyl Alcohols and Triethylborane ( Nagasaki University ) NAITO,Makoto ; KOJIMA,Keisuke ; KIMURA,Masanari ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
3H309Pd-Catalyzed Three-Component Connection Reaction of Triethylborane, Allyl Alcohol, and Terminal Alkynes ( Nagasaki University ) KIMURA,Masanari ; KOJIMA,Keisuke ; TANAKA,Shuji ; TAMARU,Yoshinao
3H310Synthesis of 1,3-Dienes by Palladium-Catalyzed Reductive Elimination of 2-Butene-1,4-diol Monocarbonate ( Department of Applied Chemistry , Waseda University ) ISHIJI,Youhei ; SHIMIZU,Isao
3H311Palladium-Catalyzed Addition of Heteroaromatics to Alkylidenecyclopropanes ( Graduate School of Science and Institute of Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) NAKAMURA,Itaru ; SIRIWARDANA,A. I. ; BAJRACHARYA,G. B. ; SAITO,Shinichi
; YAMAMOTO,Yoshino
3H312Palladium-Catalyzed Synthesis of Cyclopentenones from AllylsTosylate, Alkynes and Carbon Monoxide ( Tohoku University, Graduate School of Engineering ) OKUZAWA,Tomohiro ; SUGAWARA,Shuichi ; TSUKADA,Naofumi ; INOUE,Yoshio
3H314Palladium-catalyzed reaction of diiodomethane with ortho-phenylenedizinc compound ( Okayama University ) KAMEYAMA,Toru ; HOSSAIN,Kabir, M. ; SHIBATA,Takanori ; TAKAGI,Kentaro
3H315Palladium-Catalyzed Thioesterification of Alkynes with O-Methyl S-Phenyl Thiocarbonate ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) HUA,Ruimao ; TAKEDA,Hideaki ; ONOZAWA,Shun-ya ; TANAKA,Masato ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H316 Session Lecturenovel palladium-catalyzed carbon bond-formation reactons using organotrichlorotin and germanium reagents ( gunma univ.,oyama national college of technology ) FUGAMI,Keigo
3H326Transition Metal Catalyzed Reaction of Acylsilane with Alkyne ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) YAMANE,Motoki ; AMEMIYA,Takuma ; NARASAKA,Koichi
3H327Palladium Complex Catalyzed Acylation of Allylic Esters with Acyltins ( Catalysis Research Center and Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) NAKANISHI,Masafumi ; OBORA,Yasushi ; TSUJI,Yasushi
3H328Intramolecular Coordination Effect and Selective Intramolecular Ligand Transfer in the Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Organostannanes with Organic Halides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro
; KAMEI,Toshiyuki
; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3H329Carbostannylation of Benzynes Catalyzed by a Palladium-Iminophosphine Complex ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ; Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) YOSHIDA,Hiroto ; HONDA,Yuki ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji ; HIYAMA,Ta
3H330Michael Addition of Acylstannanes to .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzedsby a Nickel or Palladium Complex ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology;Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) YAMAMOTO,Y
ouko ; NAKAO,Yoshi
aki ; TUCHIMOTO,Teruhisa ; SHIRAKAWA,Eiji ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
3H332Pd-Catalyzed Synthesis of 1-Germyl-1,3-dienes in Water ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KINOSHITA,Hidenori ; NAKAMURA,Tomoaki ; KAKIYA,Hirotada ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
3H333 Session Lecturesynthesis and characterization of C-and bound isomers of transiton metal alpha-Cyanocarbanions ( graduate school of Engineering science,osaka university ) NAOTA,Takeshi
4H302Synthesis of Furan Compounds by the Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction with Acylchromates and Propargylic Tosylates ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Masaki ; AMANO,Koji ; SAKURAI,Hidehiro ; NARASAKA,Koichi
4H303General Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Hetero-aromatic Ketones ( Dept. Chem. and RCMS, Nagoya Univ. ) OHKUMA,Takeshi ; KOIZUMI,Masatoshi ; YOSHIDA,Makoto ; NOYORI,Ryoji
4H304Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Amino and Alkoxy Ketones Using Chiral RuCl2(diphosphine)(1,2-diamine) Complexes ( Dept. Chem. and RCMS, Nagoya Univ. ) OHKUMA,Takeshi ; ISHII,Dai ; TAKENO,Hiroshi ; NOYORI,Ryoji
4H305Asymmetric Hydrogenation of alpha-Ethylstyrenes Catalyzed bysChiral Ruthenium Complexes ( Dept. Chem. and RCMS, Nagoya Univ. ) FORMAN,G. S. ; OHKUMA,Takeshi ; HEMS,W. P. ; NOYORI,Ryoji
4H306Molecular Design of Chiral Poison for Effective Enantiomer Discrimination ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KORENAGA,Toshinobu ; YUSA,Yukinori ; MIKAMI,Koichi
4H308Preparation and Use of Optically Active Ruthenium Carbene Complexes Possessing P-Chiral Phosphine Ligands ( Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) DANJO,Hiroshi ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H309Diastereoselective Synthesis of Planar Chiral (Arene)ruthenium Complexes ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) SATO,Yasuko ; KAMIKAWA,Ken ; UEMURA,Motokazu
4H310Asymmetric Oxidation of Diols Using Ruthenium and ManganesesCatalysts. ( Osaka Univ. ) NOJI,Satoru ; HIRABAYASHI,Tatsuo ; KOMIYA,Naruyoshi ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
4H311Mechanism of BINAP-Ru Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Carboxylic Acid ( Department of Chemistry and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) KITAMURA,Masato ; BESSHO,Yuhki ; TSUKAMOTO,Masak
hiro ; NOYORI,Ryoji
4H312Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of Benzaldehydes ( Dept. Chem. and RCMS, Nagoya Univ. ) YAMADA,Issaku ; NOYORI,Ryoji
4H314Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Axially Chiral Allenylmethylsilanes and Their SE' Reactions ( Kyoto Univ. ) OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; MIZUHATA,Yoshiyuki ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H315Efficient Enantiomer Discrimination of Palladium ComplexessBearing Racemic Chirally Rigid or Flexible Rigands ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Institude of Technology ) MIKAMI,Koichi ; AIKAWA,Kohsuke ; YUSA,Yukinori ; HATA
NO,Manabu ; KORENA
4H316Mechanistic Studies on Asymmetic Kinetic Carbonylation of Racemic Propargyl Esters Catalyzed by Optically Active Palladium Complexes. ( Osaka Univ. ) IMADA,Yasushi ; FUKUSHIMA,Daisuke ; TERAOKA,Takashi ; MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi
4H317Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of 1-Aryl-1,2-ethanediols by Successive Hydrosilylation of Arylacetylenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SHIMADA,Toyoshi ; MUKAIDE,Kotaro ; SHINOHARA,Akihiro ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H318Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Using Novel Chiral Phosphine Ligand Derived From Ketopinic Acid ( Chiba Univ. ) MINO,Takashi ; HATA,Sosuke ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
4H326Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Reaction of Cyclobutanone OximessLeading to Nitriles ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) NISHIMURA,Takahiro ; UEMURA,Sakae
4H327Palladium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Elimination Reaction of a 6,6-Membered Bicyclic Allylic Compound ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University ) UEHARA,Kouichi ; SHIMIZU,Isao
4H328Palladium-Catalyzed Kinetic Resolution of a Bicyclic Allylic Acetate ( School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University ) ITAGAKI,Shuichi ; SHIMIZU,Isao
4H329Regioselectivity of Palladium-Catalyzed Nucleophilic Substitution to a Bicyclic Dienyl Acetate ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University ) KITAMURA,Takahiro ; SHIMIZU,Isao
4H330Chiral Amine-Based New Palladium Complex Initiators for Screw-Sense Selective Polymerization of 1,2-Diisocyanobenzenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; COLLET,Sylvain ; ITO,Yosihiko
4H331Helical (Oligoquinoxalinyl)phosphines as Chiral Ligand for Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrosilylation of Styrenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; MITANI,Shin'ichirou ; COLLET,Sylvain ; ITO,Yosihiko
Bld. No.8 Room No.822
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Metallo-organic Chemistry]
1H404Asymmetric Conjugate Addition of Ogranoboronic Acids Catalyzed by Polymer-Supported BINAP-Rhodium Complex ( Kyoto Univ. ) SENDA,Taichi ; OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; HAYASHI,Tamio
1H405Mechanistic Studies on the Reaction Intermediates in the Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric 1,4-Addition of Organoboronic Acids ( Kyoto Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Makoto ; TAKAYA,Yoshiaki ; OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; HAYASHI,Tamio
1H406Rhodium-Catalyzed Addition of Organoboronic Acids to Alkynes ( Kyoto Univ. ) INOUE,Kazuya ; TANIGUCHI,Nobukazu ; HAYASHI,Tamio
1H408Rh-Catalyzed Conjugate Addition of Arylboronic Acids in a Single Aqueous Media ( Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Eng. ) ITOOKA,Ryoh ; IGUCHI,Yuki ; MIYAURA,Norio
1H409Heck-Type Coupling Reaction of Aryl Halides with N-Pyrazyl Aldimines Catalyzed by Rhodium Complexes ( Yale Univ. ) ISHIYAMA,Tatsuo ; HARTWIG,J. F.
1H410The Trial for the Regio-control in Substitution at the Allylic Position. ( Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering ) MURAOKA,Takako ; MATSUDA,Isamu ; ITOH,Kenji
1H411Asymmetric hydroformylation catalyzed by (R,S)-BINAPHOS-Rh(I) : A protocol for improvement of selectivities ( Kyoto Univ. ) NOZAKI,Kyoko ; MATSUO,Takeshi ; SHIBAHARA,Fumitoshi ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
1H412New Amphiphilic Rhodium-Phosphine Complexes Bound to Solid Supports.Preparation and Catalytic Use in Aqueous Media. ( Institute for Molecular Science ) NAKAZONO,Maki ; UOZUMI,Yasuhiro
1H414Rhodium-Catalyzed Reaction of Acetylenes with Hydrosilanessand Isocyanides ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) FUKUMOTO,Yoshiya ; HAGIHARA,Motoyuki ; CHATANI,Naoto ; MURAI,Shinji
1H415Rhodium Catalyzed Beckmann Rearrangement ( Tohoku University ) ARISAWA,Mieko ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
1H416Rhodium catalyzed addition reaction of phosphine to conjugated diene ( Tohoku University ) MOMOZUKA,Ryohei ; ARISAWA,Mieko ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
1H417Reaction Mechanism of Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Enamides: Concurrence of Two Pathways. ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) GRIDNEV,Ilya ; HIGASHI,Natsuka ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
1H418Asymmetric Reduction of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Phosphonates Using Rhodium Complexes of P-Chiral Trialkyl Diphosphine Ligands and Its Reaction Mechanism. ( Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) YASUTAKE,Masaya ; ILYA,Gridnev ; HIGASHI,Natsu
ka ; IMAMOTO,Tsune
1H426Catalytic Carbonylation Reactions of Benzyne ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; OSHITA,Masayuki ; KAMITANI,Akihito ; MURAI,Shinji
1H427Complexation-initiated Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction: Facile Preparation of Bicyclic Compounds Containing a 7-Membered Ring ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NAKAYAMA,Satoko ; SAKURADA,Fumiko ; AOKI,Masao ; IWASAWA,Nobuharu
1H428Iridium Complex-catalyzed Intramolecular Carbonylative Alkyne-alkyne Coupling Reaction ( Okayama University ) YAMASHITA,Koji ; SHIBATA,Takanori ; TAKAGI,Kentaro
1H429Iridium Complex-catalyzed Intramolecular Carbonylative Alkyne-alkyne Coupling Reaction ( Okayama University ) YAMASAKI,Mitsunori ; SHIBATA,Takanori ; YONEMITSU,Osamu ; TAKAGI,Kentaro
1H430Iridium Complex-Catalyzed [2+2+2] Cycloaddition of 1,6-Diyne with Alkynes ( Yokohama City University ) TAKEUCHI,Ryo ; TANAKA,Shigeru ; NAKAYA,Yoshihiko
1H432GaCl3-Catalyzed Skeletal Reorganization of Enynes ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) CHATANI,Naoto ; INOUE,Hiroki ; MURAI,Shinji
1H433Addition of Alcohols or Carboxylic Acids to Alkynes Catalyzed by Iridium Complex ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) OKIMOTO,Yoshio ; HIGASHINO,Takashi ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
1H434Selective Hydrogen Transfer Reaction from Alcohol to .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds Catalyzed by Iridium Complex ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) YAMAGA,Takumi ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
1H435Synthesis of isoindolinone using Ir-catalyzed reductive amination of o-formylbenzoic acids ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University ) IGARASHI,Takeyuki ; OOE,Kanako ; SHIMIZU,Isao
1H438Iridium-Catalyzed Direct Borylation of Arenes with Diboron: Synthesis of Arylboron Compounds ( Hokkaido Univ.; Yale Univ. ) TAKAGI,Jun ; ISHIDA,Kousaku ; ISHIYAMA,Tatsuo ; MIYAURA,Norio ; HARTWIG,J. F.
1H439Palladium-Catalyzed Direct Borylation of Alkylbenzenes with Diboron: Synthesis of Benzylboron Compounds ( Hokkaido Univ.; Yale Univ. ) ISHIDA,Kousaku ; TAKAGI,Jun ; ISHIYAMA,Tatsuo ; MIYAURA,Norio ; HARTWIG,J. F.
1H440Iridium-Catalyzed Substitution of Propargyl Alcohol Derivatives ( Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering ) KOMORI,Keinchi ; MATSUDA,Isamu ; ITOH,Kenji
1H441Rhenium Complex-Catalyzed Addition of Carbonyl Compounds to the CN Triple Bonds of Nitriles ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; TAKAYA,Hikaru ; ITO,Masatsugu
1H442Iridium Hydride Complex-Catalyzed Diastereoselective Multi-Component Reaction: Catalytic Synthesis of Glutarimides ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; TAKAYA,Hikaru ; YOSHIDA,Kazunori
1H444Reaction of azazirconacyclopentenones with acid chlorides ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) KONDO,Yoshihiko ; LI,Yanzhong ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
1H445Synthesis of pyranes by reaction of zirconacyclopentadienesswith aldehydes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) LI,Yanzhong ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
1H446Direct Preparation of Pyridyltitanium Compounds from Acetylenes and Nitrile with (hapto2-propene)Ti(O-i-Pr)2. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUZUKI,Daisuke ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fumie
1H447Direct and Regioselective Preparation of Benzyltitanium Compounds from Three Acetylenes and (hapto2-Propene)Ti(O-i-Pr)2 ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TANAKA,Ryoichi ; SUZUKI,Daisuke ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,F
1H448Regio- and Stereoselective Vinyl- and Alkynyltitanation of Unsaturated Alcohols or Amines with (hapto2-Propene)Ti(O-i-Pr)2. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NAKAJIMA,Ryota ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fumie
2H403Synthesis of Dewar-benzene derivatives fromszirconacyclopentadienes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) ITO,Taichi ; LIU,Yuanhong ; XU,Feng ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H404Synthesis of phosphines using organozirconium compounds ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) MIYAJI,Taichi ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H405New Style of Reppe Reaction - Regioselective Direct Preparation of Aryltitanium Compounds from Three Different Asymmetrical Acetylenes with Titanium(II) Alkoxide. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUZUKI,Daisuke ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fum
2H406Highly Stereocontrolled Synthesis of Carbacyclin from Acyclic Starting Materials via Ti(II)-Mediated Tandem Cyclization ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OKAMOTO,Sentaro ; SUBBURAJ,Kandasamy ; SATO,Fumie
2H408Synthesis of Trisubstituted and Tetrasubstituted Alkenes via Manganate Reagents ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KAKIYA,Hirotada ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
2H409Cyclization of 4-Pentyn-1-ols Mediated by a Manganese(II) Salt and the Following Reactions with Electrophiles ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) HOJO,Makoto ; SAKURAGI,Rie ; HOSOMI,Akira
2H410Direct Michael addition reaction of zirconacycles ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) LIU,Yuanhong ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H411Transmetallation reaction from zirconacycle to zinc ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) DUAN,Zhen ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H412Bisalkynylation reaction of acetylenes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) LIU,Yuanhong ; ZHONG,Zhenqi ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
2H414Reduction of Alcohols with Lanthanum Metal ( Kansai Univ. ) NISHINO,Toshiki ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H415Reaction of .alpha.,.alpha.'-dihalogeno-o-xylene withsLanthanum Metal ( Kansai Univ. ) KAWABATA,Hiroshi ; NISHINO,Toshiki ; NISHIYAMA,Yutaka ; SONODA,Noboru
2H416Intramolecular Cyclization of Sulfur-Functionalized Olefins and Acetylenes Promoted by (hapto2-propene)Ti(O-i-Pr)2. ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NARITA,Miho ; OBITSU,Tamotsu ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fumie
2H417One-pot Preparation of Substituted Cyclopentanes and Cylohexanes by a Ti(II)-Mediated Tandem Inter- and Intramolecular Coupling of Diyns and Enynes with Allylic Compounds ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OKAMOTO,Sentaro ; SUBBURAJ,Kandasam
y ; TAKAYAMA,Yuuki
; SATO,Fumie
2H418Preparation of Cyclic exo,exo-Bisallenes and Their Derivatives withs(hapto2-Propene)Ti(O-i-Pr)2 ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) DELAS,Christophe ; URABE,Hirokazu ; SATO,Fumie
3H404Reaction of zirconacyclopentadienes with organolithiums ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; SEKI,Takashi ; NOGUCHI,Yoshinori ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko
3H405Synthesis and structure of cyclobutane derivatives ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; KOKKA,Michiyo ; UMEDA,Chisato ; SHEN,Baojian ; LIU,Yuanhong ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko
3H406Oxovanadium(V)-Induced Oxidative Transformation of Benzylsilanes and Benzyltins under Oxygen Atmosphere ( Osaka Univ. ) HIRAO,Toshikazu ; MORIMOTO,Chihiro ; TAKADA,Takashi ; SAKURAI,Hidehiro
3H408An Efficient Access to 2,3-Disubstituted Furans from 2-Alkynyl-1,3-dioxoranes and Aldehydes Using a Divalent Titanium Reagent, Ti(O-i-Pr)4 / 2 i-PrMgX ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TENG,Xin ; WADA,Takeshi ; OKAMOTO,Sentaro ;
3H409Preparation of Penta-2,4-dienyltitaniums and Their Regio- and Stereoselective Addition Reaction with Carbonyl Compounds ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OKAMOTO,Sentaro ; SATO,Fumie
3H410Pinacol Coupling Reaction Promoted by Titanium Tetraiodide ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) HAYAKAWA,Ryuuichirou ; GOTOH,Hiroshi ; SHIMIZU,Makoto
3H411Chemoselective Reduction of alpha-Imino Keotnes with Titanium Tetraiodide ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; SAHARA,Tetsuya ; HAYAKAWA,Ryuuichirou
3H412Reductive Aldol Reaction of alpha-Imino Ketones Promoted by Titanium Tetraiodide ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; TAKEUCHI,Yuka ; SAHARA,Tetsuya ; HAYAKAWA,Ryuuichirou
3H414Radical cyclization with zirconocene-olefin complex ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) FUJITA,Kazuya ; NAKAMURA,Tomoaki ; YORIMITSU,Hideki ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
3H415Monoallylation reaction of zirconacycles ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; LI,Zhiping ; KOTORA,Martin ; SATO,Kimihiko ; XI,Zhenfeng
3H416Cycloisomerization reaction of 1,3,6-heptatrienes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu ; GAO,Guohua ; KOTORA,Martin ; XI,Zhengfeng
3H417Transmetallation reaction from zirconacycle to cobalt ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) WANG,Hui ; TSAI,Fu-yu ; NAKAJIMA,Kiyohiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
3H426Reduction of .alpha.,.beta.-Acetylenic Ketones with Chromium(II) in the presence of Aldehydes. Synthesis of 2,5-Disubstituted Furans. ( Okayama Univ. ) MORITA,Ryotaro ; SAKAMOTO,Shuji ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko
3H427Generation of Chromium Enamines by Reduction of O-Acetyloxime with Chromium(II) ( Okayama Univ. ) KATSURA,Noriko ; KUNISADA,Yuji ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko
3H428Preparation of Alkynylcyclopropanes by the Titanocene(II)-Promoted reaction of 1,1-Bis(phenylthio)-2-alkynes with 1-Alkenes ( Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology ) TAKEDA,Takeshi ; YANAI,Kenjirou
3H429Titanocene(II)-Promoted Transformation of Thioacetals into Terminal Olefins Utilizing Ethylene ( Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology ) TAKEDA,Takeshi ; NISHIO,Emi ; KATO,Yoshiko ; FUJIWARA,Tooru
3H430Titanocene(II)-Promoted Reaction of gem-Dihalides with Alkynes ( Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology ) TAKEDA,Takeshi ; ODAIRA,Miho ; FUJIWARA,Tooru
3H432Aldol Type Reaction of 2-Methyleneaziridines Promoted by Titanium Tetraiodide ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; KOBAYASHI,Fumiko
3H433Titanocene(II)-Promoted Reductive Coupling of 1,3-Dihalides ( Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology ) TAKEDA,Takeshi ; SHIMANE,Keiko ; FUJIWARA,Tooru
4H403Nucleophilic addition of arylzinc compounds to aldehydes catalyzed by Ti(IV) ( Okayama University ) WAKIYAMA,Kenzo ; KOGA,Toru ; MAEDA,Kazuyasu ; SHIBATA,Takanori ; TAKAGI,Kentaro
4H404Titanocene-Catalyzed Carbomagnesation of Alkenes and Dienes Using Alkyl Halides ( Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering Osaka University ) NII,Shinsuke ; TERAO,Jun ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
4H405Zirconocene-Catalyzed Formation of 2-Phenyl Alkane Using b-Phenethyl Grignard Reagent and Alkyl Tosylates ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Univarsity ) ODA,Akihiro ; TERAO,Jun ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
4H406Synthesis of 1,4-Disilyl-2-butens via Vinyl Coupling of Divinyl Titanocene Complex ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) WATABE,Hiroyasu ; TERAO,Jun ; KAMBE,Nobuaki
4H410Synthesis of benzene derivatives catalyzed by titanocene ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) XI,Zhenfeng ; LI,Zhiping ; SONG,Qiuling ; YAN,Ni ; SATO,Kimihiko ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
4H411Zirconium-catalyzed hydrosilylation reaction of styrenes ( Hokkaido Univ.; Catalysis Research Center ) URA,Yasuyuki ; GAO,Guohua ; TAKAHASHI,Tamotsu
4H412Preparation of 1-Silylalkylmagnesium Compounds Using Magnesate Reagent and Cu(I) Catalyst ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KONDO,Junichi ; INOUE,Atsushi ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
4H414Mg-promoted Synthesis of Bis Conjugate Enones by 1,3-diketones ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NICHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; SAKAI,Manabu ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi ; KITA,Yoshio
4H415Mg-Promoted carbon-bond formation of Vinyl Phosphonate Derivatives ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; YOKOYAMA,Takamichi ; KYODA,Makoto ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
4H416Efficient Synthesis of Precursors of Anti-inflammatory Agent by Cross-coupling Reaction Using Electrochemically Generated Highly Reactive Zinc ( Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University ) ABDUL JALIL,Aishah ; KURONO,Nobuhito ; TO
4H417Electrochemical Activation of Metals and Dechlorination of Aryl Chloride ( Okayama Univ., Faculty of Engin. ) TANAKA,Hideo ; OKAZAKI,Yousuke ; ZHAO,Jinfeng ; WADA,Kenzou
4H418Mg-Promoted Electron-Transfer Type of Reduction of .alpha.-Substituted Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; SAKAI,Masahiro ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi ; OHNO,Toshinobu
4H426Reactions of Propargyl Metallic Species Generated by the Addition of Alkynyllithiums to Fischer-Type Silyl Carbene Complexes ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ASAKURA,Toshimichi ; MIURA,Tomoya ; IWASAWA,Nobuharu
4H427Stereocontrol in Novel Mannich-Type Reaction by Using (Arene)chromium Complexes ( Department of Chemistry, The National Defense Academy ) ISHIMARU,Kaori ; KOJIMA,Takakazu
4H428Thermal Isomerization Reaction of Biaryl-mono-chromium Complexes Possessing Axial and Planar Chiralities ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Tomohiro ; KAMIKAWA,Ken ; UEMURA,Motokazu
4H429Cyclization of 1,6-Diynes with Chromate Reagent ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) NISHIKAWA,Toshihiro ; KAKIYA,Hirotada ; SHINOKUBO,Hiroshi ; OSHIMA,Koichiro
4H430Synthesis and Application of Pyranylidene-chromium Complexes from Enyne-carbonyl Compounds ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) OHE,Kouichi ; MIKI,Koji ; YOKOI,Tomomi ; NISHINO,Fumiaki ; UEMURA,Sakae
4H432Tungsten(0) Pentacarbonyl THF Complex Promoted Electrocyclization of 1-Alkenyl-2-(iodoethynyl)benzenes ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MIURA,Tomoya ; IWASAWA,Nobuharu
4H433Reaction of o-Ethynylphenylketone and Electron-Rich Alkenes Using Tungsten(0) Pentacarbonyl THF Complex ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SHIDO,Masahide ; KUSAMA,Hiroyuki ; IWASAWA,Nobuharu
4H434Intermolecular Asymmetric Radical Coupling Reaction Using Samarium(II) Complexes ( Kyushu Univ., Inst. Org. Chem. ) KIKUKAWA,Takashi ; NAKAMURA,Yuri ; TATEISHI,Hiroki ; INANAGA,Junji
4H435Chiral Lanthanide Complex-Catalyzed AsymmetricBaeyer-VilligerReaction of Cyclic Ketones ( Kyushu Univ., Inst. Org. Chem. ) KIMURA,Hidenori ; TATEISHI,Hiroki ; DAIKAI,Kazuhiro ; INANAGA,Junji
4H438Asymmetric Synthesis of Optically Active 1,2-Amino Alcohols and Application to Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions. ( Osaka Pref Univ; ) KIMURA,Takayuki ; TANIGUCHI,Nobukazu ; KAMIKAWA,Ken ; UEMURA,Motokazu
4H439Preparation of Optical Active Rare Earth Phosphate Complexes and Their Use for Hetero Diels-Alder Reaction ( Tosoh Corporation Nanyo Research Laboratories;Institute for Fundamental Research for Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University ) KAMBARA,
Takeshi ; KAGAWA,
Takumi ; FURUNO,Hiroshi ; INANAGA,Junji
4H440Hydrophosphination and Silylphosphination of Alkynes Promoted by Lanthanide-Imine Complexes ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KOSYOUJI,Gou ; TAKAKI,Ken ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
4H441Chiral Rare Earth Complex-Catalyzed Enantioselective Addition of Nitrogen Nucleophiles ( Kyushu Univ., Inst. Org. Chem. ) JIN,Xiu Lan ; DAIKAI,Kazuhiro ; SUGIHARA,Hiroyasu ; JIN,Yong Zhi ; INANAGA,Junji
4H442Catalytic Asymmetric Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction Using ChiralsCe(IV)-Complexes and Remarkably High Asymmetric Amplification ( Kyushu Univ., Inst. Org. Chem. ) HAYANO,Tetsuji ; SAKAGUCHI,Toshiaki ; FURUNO,Hiroshi ; INANAGA,Junji
4H443Novel Synthesis of .alpha.-Amino Acids by Reaction of Yb-Imine Complexes with CO2 ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) YANO,Kouhei ; MAKIOKA,Yoshikazu ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; FUJIWARA,Yuzo
Bld. No.8 Room No.823
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Metallo-organic Chemistry]
1H503Asymmetric Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley(MPV) Alkynylation Based on the Design of New Chiral Aluminum Alkoxide ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido, Kyoto Univ. ) MIURA,Tomoya ; OOI,Takashi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
1H504Chiral Bis-Titanium(IV) Catalyst with Dibenzofuran Spacer for Catalytic Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes and Aromatic Ketones ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ. ) HANAWA,Hideo ; KII,Satoshi ; MARUOKA,Keiji
1H505Ring openings of oxirane compounds based on the coordination of acetylenic .pi.-bond to Lewis acid ( Tohoku Univ. ) KASAHARA,Taisuke ; ASAO,Naoki ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshinori
1H506Allylation of carbonyls catalyzed by InCl3-Me3-SiCl combined system ( Osaka University ) ONISHI,Yoshiyuki ; ITO,Takeshi ; YASUDA,Makoto ; BABA,Akio
1H508Reduction of .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Ketones by Indium Hydride ( Osaka university ) SHIBATA,Ikuya ; INOUE,Katsuyuki ; ISHIDA,Tatsuya ; BABA,Akio
1H509Vinylation Reaction of Active Methylene Compounds Using GaCl3 ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) AKAMATSU,Kensuke ; ARISAWA,Mieko ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
1H510Aromatic Bromination Reaction using GaCl3 catalyst ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) SUWA,Atsushi ; ARISAWA,Mieko ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
1H511Catalytic Ethenylation Reaction of Phenol Using SnCl4 ( Tohoku University; Department of Organometallic Chemistry ) KOBAYASHI,Katsumi ; YAMAGUCHI,Masahiko
1H512Preparation of Allylic Gallium Reagents ( Okayama Univ. ) IKAWA,Yoshito ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko
1H514Addition Reaction of Ketone .alpha.,.beta.-Dianions tosHydrazones ( Osaka University ) RYU,Ilhyong ; YAMAMURA,Go-hei ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
1H515Asymmetric synthesis of metallocenes through asymmetric addition of aryllithiums to 6-(dialkylamino)fulvenes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUZUKA,Toshimasa ; SHINTANI,Ryo ; OGASAWARA,Masamichi ; HAYASHI,Tamio
1H516Importance of Dimeric Structures in Alkylation and Proton Abstraction Reactions of Cyclopentanone Lithium Enolate ( Dept. Chem. and RCMS, Nagoya Univ.; Dept. Biomol., Eng., Gifu Univ. ) SUZUKI,Masaaki ; KOYAMA,Hiroko ; NOYORI,Ryoji
1H517The Intramolecular Nucleophilic Substitution on Alkylidene Carbenoids ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) YANAGISAWA,Hideyuki ; KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; NARASAKA,Koichi
1H518Carbolithiation of Conjugated Diynes Catalyzed by an Iron Salt ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) HOJO,Makoto ; MURAKAMI,Yoshio ; HOSOMI,Akira
1H526Addition of Allylzinc Reagents to Vinylboranes ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) HARA,Kenji ; HATAKEYAMA,Takuji ; NAKAMURA,Masaharu ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H527Theoretical studies on the addition of organometallic reagents to vinylborane ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Masaharu ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H528Direct Synthesis of alpha-Acylated Adipates from Aldehydes and Acrylates Using Zn/Zn(II) salt ( Osaka Univ. ) SAKURAI,Hidehiro ; TAKEUCHI,Hiroki ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
1H529Zinc Promoted Reaction of Benzyl halides in the Presence of TMSCl ( Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute; Kinki University ) ISHINO,Yoshio ; HIGASHI,Minako ; MIHARA,Masatoshi ; MIYATA,Toshiyuki ; KOMAI,Kouichiro
1H530Enanotioselective Conjugate Addition of Diethylzinc to Cyclic Enones Catalyzed by MiniPHOS-Copper Complexes ( Chiba Univ. ) TAIRA,Shin-ichi ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
1H532Addition of Organozinc Reagent to Dipolar Trimethylenemethane ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tokyo ) YOSHIKAI,Naohiko ; NAKAMURA,Masaharu ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H533Theoretical studies of hydrosilylation by a Au(I) catalyst ( Institute for Molecular Science; Univ. of Tsukuba ) ITO,Hajime ; HOSOMI,Akira
1H534Theoretical Studies on the Reactivity of "Higher Order" Cyanocuprate in Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction ( Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tokyo ) YOSHIKAI,Naohiko ; YAMANAKA,Masahiro ; MORI,Seiji ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H535Theoretical Studies on Reductive Elimination and substituent effects of .pai.allyl copper(III) species ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KATOU,Seiichi ; YAMANAKA,Masahiro ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
1H538Copper(I) tert-butoxide-Promoted Allylation of .gamma.-trimethylsilylallyl alcohols ( Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology ) TAGUCHI,Haruhiko ; TADAKI,Makoto ; GOHROKU,Kazushi ; TAKEDA,Takeshi
1H539A Method to Accomplish 1,4-Addition Reaction of Bulky Nucleophiles to Enones and Subsequent Regioselective Formation of the Reactive Enolates ( Department of Biomolecular Engineering; Tokyo Institute of Tec hnology ) WILLIAM,Anthony ; KOBAY
1H540 Award LectureDebelopment of nobel Asymmetric reactions based on structural Control of Organometallic Aggregates ( graduate school of science The University of tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Masaharu
1H544Regio- and Stereoselective Alkylation of Cyclopentenyl Esters ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ITO,Michiko ; MATSUUMI,Michitaka ; KOBAYASHI,Yuichi
1H545Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Oxidation of Cyclic Olefins with 2,2'-bisoxazol-1,1'-binaphtyl (S-boxax). ( Institute for Molecular Science ) YASOSHIMA,Kayo ; HOCKE,Heiko ; UOZUMI,Yas
2H502Michael Addition in the Presence of Highly Coordinate Organosilicon Compounds ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) TATEIWA,Jun-ichi ; HOSOMI,Akira
2H503Selective Synthesis of 1,2-Aminoalcohols via Crossed Pinacol Coupling ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; IWATA,Atsushi ; MAKINO,Hiroaki
2H504Selective Oxidative Carbon-Carbon Bond Cleavage Reaction of 1,2-Diamines ( Faculty of Engineering, Mie University ) SHIMIZU,Makoto ; MAKINO,Hiroaki
2H505.beta.-Borylallylsilanes as a New Tool for Convenients Synthesis of Alkenylboranes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; OHMORI,Yutaka ; ITO,Yoshihiko
2H506Stereoselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Compounds by Domino Reactions with .beta.-Borylallylsilanes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; OHMORI,Yutaka ; ITO,Yoshihiko
2H508Novel Synthesis of 2,3-Diboryl-1,3-dienes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) KURAHASHI,Takuya ; SHIMIZU,Masaki ; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2H509Stereoselective Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Oxiranes, Allylic Alcohols and Tetrasubstituted Ethenes Bearing a CF3 Group Starting with 1,1-Dichloro-3,3,3-trifluoroacetone ( Grad. Sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ. ) FUJIMOTO,Takuya ; SHIMIZU,Masaki
; HIYAMA,Tamejiro
2H510Reductive Acylation of Ketones with Acylsilanes Induced by Low-valent Titanium ( Osaka Univ. ) SAKURAI,Hidehiro ; IMAMOTO,Yuka ; HIRAO,Toshikazu
2H511A new synthesis of oligocarbosilane using the silyllithium generated from the reaction of silylstannane and butyllithium ( Sojo Univ. ) IKENAGA,Kazutoshi ; YASUNAGA,Shigenobu ; TSUTSUMI,Kensaku ; KATSUKI,Takashi
2H512Synthetic use of organosilyl radicals generated by photolysis of silylboranes. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MATSUMOTO,Akira ; ITO,Yoshihiko
2H514Effect of Orientation of a Silyl Substituent in the Ring-Closing Reaction of Vinylallene ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MURAKAMI,Masahiro ; MIYAMOTO,Yasufumi ; ITO,Yoshihiko
2H515Photochemical properties of aryl substituted oligosilanes ( Faculty of Engineering Chiba Univ., Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics of Chiba Univ. ) SHIBATA,Toshifumi ; NISHIGAKI,Atsuko ; FUKUI,Keijiro ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,
2H516 Plenary Lecture by Young Genelationaromatic anion species of pai-electron system stabilized by silyl groups;synthesis and struvtural characterization ( department of chemistry,University of tsukuba ) MATSUO,Tsukasa
3H502Control of Organic Reaction under Aqueous Condition ;catalytic monobenzoylation of unprotected sugars ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; MURAKAMI,Sachie ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3H503Selective Reduction of Carbonyl Compunds with Trichlorosilane ( Nagasaki Univ.; Tokuyama Corp. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; KANEMATSU,Takefumi ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu ; IWASAKI,Fumiaki
3H504Enantioselective Introduction of Carbon nucleophile to beta, gamma-Unsaturated Iminiumions ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MATSUMURA,Yoshihiro ; NAKAMURA,Yasuharu ; MAKI,Toshihide ; ONOMURA,Osamu
3H505Acid-Catalyzed Cyclization of Group 14 Vinylmetals Bearing a Hydroxy Group ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIURA,Katsukiyo ; TAKAHASHI,Tatsuyuki ; HOSOMI,Akira
3H506Synthesis of (Z)-1-aryl-1-tributylstannyl-2-triethylgermylsethenes and the transformation of the adducts ( Tokai University ) SENDA,Yoshiya ; MIYAMOTO,Takasi ; NAKANO,Taichi
3H508Catalytic Carbopalladation Across Vinylpyridylsilane (2). Utilization of 2-PyMe2Si Group as a Phase Tag ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro ; KAMEI,Toshiyuki ; MITSUDO,Koichi ; KOIKE,Tooru ; NOKAM
I,Toshiki ; YOSHID
3H509Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Vinylpyridylsilanes with Organic Halides ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro ; NOKAMI,Toshiki ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3H510Reductive Etheration of Carbonyl Compounds withsDimethylsilyl Ethers ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIURA,Katsukiyo ; SUDA,Shuntaro ; HOSOMI,Akira
3H511Ring-Opening Halosilation of Lactones and Acetals with Halosilane Equivalents ( Faculty of Engneering, Hiroshima University; Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. ) IWATA,Arihiro ; OHSHITA,Joji ; TANG,Heqing ; KUNAI,Atsutaka ; YAMAMOTO,Yasushi ; MAT
3H512Synthesis of 1-Alkyl and Phenyl substituted 2,5-Diphenylsilacyclopent-3-ene Derivatives. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ; Nagao lab. ) NAGAO,Yukinori ; KIMURA,Chikashi ; KOZAWA,Kozo
3H514Preparation and properties of phenyloligosiloxane from diphenyldisiloxane ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; TAKAGI,Yasuyuki ; SETO,Isamu ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H515Preparation and Charactarization of Isocyanatooligosiloxanes with Well Defined Structures. ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Science University of Tokyo ) KAJI,Michiko ; TANIGUCHI,Motomitsu ; GUNNJI,Takahiro ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H516 Session Lectureprepararion of silicon-bridged oligothiophenes and their applications to novel functionality materials ( faculty of Engineering,hiroshima University ) OSHITA,Joji
3H526Synthesis and Properties of Cyclopentadienyl Modified cyclic titanosiloxane. ( Department of Industrial Chemistry,Science University of Tokyo ) GUNJI,Takahiro ; NAKAYAMA,Hiroyuki ; ABE,Yoshimoto
3H527Tris(2,6-Diphenylbenzyl) Silyl Group as a New abd Highly Effective Protector for Carboxylic Acids ( Graduate school of Science, Hokkaido, Kyoto University ) IWASAKI,Atsuko ; SHIRAKAWA,Seiji ; MARUOKA,Keiji
3H528The Preparation of the Bowl-Shaped Tin Hydridesand its Application to the Selective Radical Reactions ( Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido, Kyoto Univ. ) SASAKI,Kouji ; KONDO,Yuichiro ; MARUOKA,Keiji
3H529Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Enantioenriched Oxacycloalkenes Using Enantioenriched Allylsilanes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; IWANAMI,Taisuke ; YAMAMOTO,Akihiko ; ITO,Yoshihiko
3H530Solid-Phase Synthesis and Asymmetric Reactions of Polymer-Supported Highly Enantioenriched Allylsilanes ( Kyoto Univ. ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; IWANAMI,Taisuke ; ITO,Yosihiko
3H532Generation and Cycloaddition of Azomethine Imines fromsN-Nitroso-.alpha.-silylamide Derivatives ( Osaka University ) KOMATU,Mitsuo ; NAGAI,Keiko ; AKAKI,Tatsuo ; CHOI,Jinel ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi
3H533Solid Phase Synthesis of Pyrrole Derivatives Utilezing Azomethine Ylides Generated from .alpha.-Silylimines ( Osaka University ) KOMATSU,Mitsuo ; AKAKI,Tatsuo ; CHENG,Wenji ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi
3H534Intermolecular Carbomagnesation Across Vinylpyridylsilane Based on the Complex Induced Proximity Effect ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ITAMI,Kenichiro ; MITSUDO,Koichi ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
3H535Preparation of new bipyridyl ligands which possess fixed axial chirality ( Kyoto Univ. ) SHIMADA,Toyoshi ; IKEDA,Shushiro ; KINA,Asato ; HAYASHI,Tamio
3H538Development of Novel C2-Symmetric Bisoxazoline Ligands Bearing a Biaryl Backbone with the Free Rotation Axis ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) ZHANG,Wanbin ; MATSUO,Shigeaki ; KIDA,Toshiyuki ; NAKATSUJI,
Yohji ; IKEDA,Isao
3H539Development of Novel C2-Symmetric N,N,O,O-tetradentate Bisoxazoline Ligands Bearing a Ferrocene Backbone ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) ZHANG,Wanbin ; YOSHINAGA,Hidefumi ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; KIDA,Toshiy
hji ; IKEDA,Isao
3H540Competition of Proton Abstraction and Nucleophilic Attack of Ferrocene Acetal with Butyllithium ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) ZHANG,Wanbin ; YOSHINAGA,Hidefumi ; SHIMANUKI,Takashi ; KIDA,Toshiyuki ; NAKATSUJI,Yohji ;
4H504Structural Analyses of the Rhodium Complex with P-chiral Diarylphosphine Ligand ( Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) TSURUTA,Hideyuki ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H505Strucutres and Reactivities of Binuclear Iridium and RhodiumComplexes Bearing Tetradentate PN Ligands ( Osaka Univ. ) MURAHASHI,Shun-ichi ; TAKAYA,Hikaru
4H506Synthesis and Properties of Metal Cross Linking-Type Chiral Diphosphine Ligand ( Chiba University ) MATSUKAWA,Satoru ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H508Synthesis of a Chelating Tetra-Olefin Ligand and Application to Catalytic Reactions ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) MURAKAMI,Masahiro ; MINAMIDA,Ryo ; ITO,Yoshihiko
4H509Development of catalytic asymmetric reactions based on a pyrrolo[1,2-c]imidazolone moiety as a basic chiral unit ( Institute for Molecular Science ) TANAKA,Hirotaka ; UOZUMI,Yasuhiro
4H510Synthesis of New Diphosphine Ligand with Diethylphosphino Group and it Use in Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrogenations ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University; Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) TSURUTA,Hideyuki ; SHIBA
TA,Tomomi ; IMAMOT
4H511Synthesis of New P-Chiral Phosphine Ligands with Bulky Group and Their Use in Catalytic Asymmetric Reactions ( Faculty of Science, Chiba University ) TSURUTA,Hideyuki ; IMAMOTO,Tsuneo
4H512Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Using Novel Chiral Aminophosphine Ligands ( Chiba Univ. ) MINO,Takashi ; TANAKA,Youichi ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
4H514Synthesis of P,O,N-tridentate chiral ligand and its application to palladium catalyzed asymmetric allylation ( Inst.Ind.Sci, Univ. of Tokyo ) OGAWA,Gen ; SIOYA,Rieko ; SHIRAISHI,Shinsaku ; KUDO,Kazuaki
4H515Design and Preparation of Novel Amphiphilic Solid-Supported P,N-Chelate Chiral Ligands and Their Use for Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitutions in Water. ( Institute for Molecular Science ) SHIBATOMI,Kazutaka ; UOZUMI,Yasuhiro
4H516Preparation of New MOP Ligands Containing Long-Chain Alkyl Groups and Their Use for Palladium-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of 1,3-Dienes ( Kyoto Univ. ) HAN,Jin Wook ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H517Preparation of new BINAP and MOP derivatives by selective ortho-functionalization of diphenylphosphinyl group ( Kyoto Univ. ) SHIMADA,Toyoshi ; CHO,Yong-hwan ; KURUSIMA,Hiroaki ; HAYASHI,Tamio
4H518Synthesis of Chiral (R)-2,2'-Bis-Stannyl-Substituted 1,1'-Binaphthyls as Lewis Acid Catalysts ( Tech., Niigata Univ. and Grad. School of Sci. ) HOSHI,Takashi ; SHIONOIRI,Hiroshi ; HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayoshi
4H526Synthesis and Catalytic Applications of Soluble, Polymer Supported (R)-binaphthol ( ISIR, Osaka University ) JAYAPRAKASH,Doss ; SASAI,Hiroaki
4H527Development of dendritic solid phase catalyst using micellar system ( ISIR Osaka University ) TAKIZAWA,Shinobu ; HIDAKA,Youichi ; JAYAPRAKASH,Doss ; SASAI,Hiroaki
4H528Development of A New Amphiphilic Resin-Supported N,N-Chelate Ligand and Its Use for Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reactions ( Institute for Molecular Science ) NAKAO,Ryu ; UOZUMI,Yasuhiro
4H529Synthesis, Structure, and Complexation Behavior of Novel Phosphine Ligands Tethered at the Upper Rim of Calix[4]arene ( Catalysis Research Center and Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) TAKENAKA,Kazuhiro ; OBORA,Yasushi ; JIANG,Li
Hong ; TSUJI,Yasus
4H530Introduction of Phosphine Ligand to the Lower Rim of Calix[6]arene: Synthesis, Structure, and Complexation ( Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido Univ. ) JIANG,Li Hong ; OBORA,Yasushi ; TAKENAKA,Kazuhiro ; TSUJI,Yasushi
4H532Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes Using a Chiral Bronsted Acid in Aqueous Media ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Integrad Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokushima ) IKEBUTI,Shojiro ; WADA,Makoto
4H533Three-Component coupling Asymmetric Allylation of Imines Prepared in situ Using Chiral Bronsted Acid. ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Integrad Arts ands Sciences, The University of Tokushima ) KUWATA,Rika ; WATANABE,Morito ; HARADA,Te
tuya ; WADA,Makoto
4H534Carbonyl Allylation by 3-Chloroprop-1-ene and Its Derivatives with Tin(IV) Chloride and Tetrabutylammonium Iodide ( Sophia University, Faculty Science and Technology ) MASUYAMA,Yoshiro ; SUGA,Takanori ; WATABE,Akiko ; KURUSU,Yasuhiko
4H535Carbonyl Allenylation and Propargylation by 3-Chloroprop-1-yne and Its Derivatives with Tin(IV) Chloride and Tetrabutylammonium Iodide ( Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology ) MASUYAMA,Yoshiro ; WATABE,Akiko ; KURUSU,Yasuhik
4H538Allylation Reaction of .alpha.-Ketocarbonyl Compounds and the Allylic Migration of the Product ( Shimane Univ. ) NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; TASAKI,Youichi ; TAKUWA,Akio
4H539Intramolecular Homolytic Carbostannylation Using Allyl- and Vinylstannanes ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIURA,Katsukiyo ; SAITO,Hiroshi ; HOSOMI,Akira
4H540Homolytic Alkylation with Stannyl Enolates and its Application to Asymmetric Synthesis ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) MIURA,Katsukiyo ; FUJISAWA,Naoki ; HOSOMI,Akira
4H541Selective .alpha.-Stannylated-Addition to Simple Aliphatic Alkynes ( Osaka University ) SHIBATA,Ikuya ; SUWA,Toshihiro ; RYU,Kyoichiro ; BABA,Akio
4H542Activation of .alpha.- Stannylesters by Transmetallation for Selective C-C bond Formation ( Osaka University ) YASUDA,Makoto ; SAKO,Toshifumi ; OKAMOTO,Keishi ; MATUKAWA,Yozo ; BABA,Akio
4H543Radical Carbonylation Mediated by Polymer-Supported Tin Hydride Reagents ( Osaka University ) RYU,Ilhyong ; MIYAZATO,Hironari ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
4H544Control of Reactivity of Tin Hydride in Reduction of Organic Halides. Effect of Coordinating Additives. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ. ) SUGA,Seiji ; NAGAKI,Aiichiro ; YOSHIDA,Jun-ichi
Bld. No.8 Room No.824
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Heterocyclic Compounds]
1H602A Convenient Synthetic Method for Fluorine-Containing Dibenzonaphthyridines Starting from 4-Dimethylaminoquinoline ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; MORI,Takashi ; ASHIDA,Takuro ; SAKAEMURA,Takushi
1H603A Simple Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing Benzothio- pyranoquinolines and Benzopyranoquinolines ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; ASHIDA,Takuro ; MORI,Takashi
1H604Synthesis of Oxazines by the Reaction of 3-N-Acylamino Alcohols with DAST ( University of Tsukuba,Department of Chemistry ) KIMURA,Eri ; NISHIO,Takehiko
1H605Stereoselective Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing Optically Active Nitrogen Heterocycles ( Grad. school of engneering, Nagoya Univ. ) OKANO,Takashi ; FUMOTO,Masataka ; KUSUKAWA,Takahiro ; FUJITA,Makoto
1H606Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing 1,4-Diazepinoquinolines by the Reaction of N,N-Dimethyl-5,7-bis(trifluoro- acetyl)-8-quinolylamine with 1,2-Diamines ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; TSUKUSHI,Norikado ; SHIMOMURA,Naofumi ;
1H608Synthesis of 3-Fluoroquinoline Derivatives via One-Electron Reduction of .beta.,.beta.-Difluoro-o-isocyanostyrenes ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) MORI,Takashi ; WADA,Yukinori ; ICHIKAWA,Junji
1H609Thermally Induced Rearrangement of Fluorine-Containing N-(p-Substituted benzyl)-6-methyl-1,2-dihydropyridines ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; MIZUSAKA,Tetsuhiko ; SAITOU,Shintarou
1H610A Simple Synthetic Method for the Fluorine-Containing Chloroquine Analog ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; ASHIDA,Takuro
1H611Synthesis of Tricyclic Quinoline Compounds from o-Sulfonylaminobenzaldehydes and Unsaturated Alcohols. ( Yokohama National Univ. ) ASAMI,Masatoshi ; MURAYAMA,Takuma ; INOUE,Seiichi
1H612Regioselective Synthesis of Quinolin-2-ylnaphthols by Reaction of Naphthols with 2-Alkynylisocyanobenzenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) SUGINOME,Michinori ; NISHIO,Ryo ; ITO,Yoshihiko
1H614Synthesis and Some Reactions of Ethyl [2-(Isopropylimino)-1,2-dihydro-1-zaazulene-1-yl)]acetate ( Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University ) FUKUMOTO,Yasutaka ; FUJII,Hiroyuki ; ABE,Noritaka
1H615Base-catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction of 2-pyrone derivatives ( Kagoshima Univ. ) IWASAKI,Izumi ; OKAMURA,Hiroaki ; IWAGAWA,Tetsuo ; NAKATANI,Munehiro
1H616The electronic and steric effects in the cyclocondensation reaction ofs2,2'-bipyrroles and aldehydes. ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ) ISHIDA,Tamao ; IIZUNA,Noriko ; MAEDA,Satoshi ; SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro
1H617Complexation Behavior of Expanded Porphyrin ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ) MAEDA,Satoshi ; IIZUNA,Noriko ; SETSUNE,Jun-ichiro
1H618Study of Asymmetric Azaelectrocyclization Utilizing Chiral Amines ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) TANAKA,Katsunori ; KATSUMURA,Shigeo
1H628Synthesis of .alpha.-Carbolines from .beta.-(3-Indolyl) Ketone O-2,4-Dinitrophenyloximes ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) ONO,Ayako ; NARASAKA,Koichi
1H629Transformation of .gamma., .delta.-unsaturated ketone O-pentafluorobenzoyloximes to dihydropyrroles by copper compound ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) KOGANEMARU,Yohei ; ONO,Ayako ; NARASAKA,Koichi
1H630Stereoselective Ene Reaction of 3-Alkenylamino-2-cyanoacrolein Derivatives Leading to Azepines ( Yamaguchi University, Faculty of Engineering ) NOGUCHI,Michihiko ; MATSUSHITA,Ryou ; YAMAMOTO,Hidetoshi
1H633Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds via Intermolecular Cyclization of Hetero-substituted Orthoquinonemethides. ( Yokohama National Univ. ) INOUE,Seiichi ; NAGAO,Mami ; HONDA,Kiyoshi
1H634Stereoselectivity in the [5+2] cycloaddition reaction of oxidopyrilium salts ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) MIYAZAKI,Toru ; OHMORI,Naoki ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
1H635Reaction of 4-Nitro-5-isoxazolones;Transformation to 1,2,4-Oxadiazoles ( Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) OKAJIMA,Yoshikazu ; NISHIWAKI,Nagatoshi ; TAMURA,Mina ; HORI,Kazushige ; TOHDA,Yasuo ; ARIGA,Masahiro
1H638Asymmetric Diels-Alder Reactions Catalyzed by Chiral Bispyrazolylalkanes ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) KASHIMA,Choji ; MIWA,Yohei ; SHIBATA,Saori ; TSUKAMOTO,Yoshihiro ; YOKOYAMA,Yukihiro
1H639Asymmetric Diels-Alder Reactions of Various N-(.alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated)acylpyrazoles ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) KASHIMA,Choji ; MIWA,Yohei ; HIGASHIDE,Kohei ; YOKOYAMA,Yukihiro
1H640Thermal Ring-opening of N-Tosylaziridines ( Saitama Univ. ) IIMURA,Shinya ; SUGIHARA,Yoshiaki ; NAKAYAMA,Juzo
1H641Synthesis of Nitrogen-Containing Heterocycles via Tandem Cyclizations of Functionalized Carbodiimides ( Science University of Tokyo ) SHIOTANI,Masahiro ; HIROTA,Shinsuke ; KITAMURA,Nobuhide ; WATANABE,Takeshi ; SAITO,Takao
1H642Thermal Reaction of 1-Methyl-1-azahexa-1,3,5-triene ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) OBARA,Ryohei ; KUMAGAI,Tsutomu ; MIYASHI,Tsutomu
1H644Synthesis of Chiral Isoquinuclidines by Cycloaddition between 1,2-Dihydropyridines and Dienophiles ( Graduate School of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) OSHIKIRI,Noriko ; MATSUYAMA,Haruo ; YOSHIDA,Masato ; KUWATANI,Yoshiyuki ; IYOD
1H645High pressure organic chemistry. Uncatalyzed condensation of phenylisothiocyanates with aminopyridine derivatives ( Kochi University; Faculty of Science ) KUMAMOTO,Koji ; KOTSUKI,Hiyoshizo ; MISAWA,Yoshihiro ; KUBO,Yuji
1H6461,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Allenes with the Azomethine Ylides ( Kyoto Univ., Fukui Univ., ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; UCHIDA,Takane ; TANAKA,Naoki ; AOYAMA,Kinuyo ; KAKEHI,Akikazu
1H647Diels-Alder Reactions of beta-Vinylporphyrins (3) ( Kyoto University; Graduate School of Human and Environmental S tudies ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; MORISHITA,Takuya ; HAYASHI,Naoto ; IKEMI,Yukio
1H648Diels-Alder Reactions of Tetrazines with Alkynes and Allenes ( Gradurate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; KITO,Katsuyuki ; HAYASHI,Naoto
2H602One-step Synthesis of Oxazolines from Alkenes Using a Nitridomanganese Complex ( Osaka University ) NISHIMURA,Masaaki ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; TAKAHASHI,Toru ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
2H603Asymmetric Synthesis of Oxazolines Using a Chiral Nitridomanganese Complex ( Osaka University ) MINAKATA,Satoshi ; TAKAHASHI,Toru ; NISHIMURA,Masaaki ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
2H604Azide Conjugate Addition Reactions Catalyzed by Chiral Lewis Acids ( Kyushu Univ. ) YOSHITAKE,Osamu ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H605Asymmetric Aziridination of .alpha.,.beta.-Unsaturated Amides Using Optically Active Diaziridine ( Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University ) ISHIHARA,Hiroyuki ; ITO,Yoshio ; KATSUKI,Tsutomu
2H606Asymmetric Aziridination Using Chiral Binaphthyldiimine-Metal Catalysts ( Shinshu Univ. ) SUGA,Hiroyuki ; WATANABE,Yuzuru ; KAKEHI,Akikazu ; ITO,Suketaka ; KINOSHITA,Yoshinori
2H608Preparation of Chiral Pinhole Catalysts by Ligand Exchange Reactions ( Kyushu Univ. ) SHIRAHASE,Moto ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H609Highly Efficient Catalysis in Enantioselective Nitrone Cycloaddition Reactions ( Kyushu Univ. ) KANEMASA,Shuji ; SHIRAHASE,Moto
2H610Chiral Lewis Acid Mediateds Enantioselective 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditionss Using Strongly Coordinating Cyclic Nitrones ( Kyushu Univ. ) AZUMA,Ryosuke ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H611A Synthesis of Bisoxazolinylpyridine System Having Silyl Ether Groups and Its Application to Catalytic Asymmetric 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Nitrones with Alkenes ( Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. ) TSUSHIMA,Shinji ; IWASA,Seiji ; NISH
2H612Diastereocontrol of Nitrile Oxide Cycloadditions by Lewis Acids-Alcoholic Additives ( Yamaguchi Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; ZENITANI,Kouhei ; SOEJIMA,Keiji ; WATANABE,Sadaka ; NOGUCHI,Michihiko ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H614Diastereoselective Nitrile Oxide Cycloadditions Catalysed by Lewis Acid - Alcoholic Additive ( Yamaguchi Univ.; Kyushu Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; HARADA,Mayu ; HASEGAWA,Masayuki ; WATANABE,Sadaka ; NOGUCHI,Michihiko ; KANEMASA,Shuji
2H615Lithiation of azaferrocene derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) IMAZATO,Kengo ; FUKUDA,Tsutomu ; IWAO,Masatomo
2H616Development of New Chiral Transition Metal Complexes Directed toward Control of Shielding-Group Conformation ( Osaka University ) ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; KASANO,Yukihiro ; MINAKATA,Satoshi ; KOMATSU,Mitsuo
2H617Asymmetric Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehydes Using N-Hydroxyethyl-l-menthopyrazoles as Catalysts ( Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) KASHIMA,Choji ; HIGASHIDE,Kohei ; MIZUHARA,Saori ; TUKAMOTO,Yoshihiro
2H618Synthesis of N-Heterocyclic Compounds From Aminoalcohols Catalyzed by Iridium Complexes ( Kyoto Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Kazunari ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
2H626Intramolecular aromatic aminations using Pd(OAc)2-Cu(OAc)2 catalyst ( Graduate School of Eng.; Hokkaido Univ. ) HARADA,Rika ; ORITO,Kazuhiko ; TOKUDA,Masao
2H627Synthesis of indoles and 1-azaazulenes from oxime derivatives having diene or triene moiety by using Pd catalyst ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) SAKU,Osamu ; KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; NARASAKA,Koichi
2H628Synthesis of Polycyclic Imines from Oxime Derivatives by the use of Pd Catalyst ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) KITAMURA,Mitsuru ; ZAMAN,Shazia ; NARASAKA,Koichi
2H629Oxidative Radical Cyclization of 3-Ethoxycarbonyl-4-piperidones with Alkenes Using Manganese(III) Acetate and thesRelated Reaction ( Grad. School Sci. Tech., Kumamoto Univ.;Inst. Fond. Res. Org.Chem., Kyushu Univ.; Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.
) KUMABE,Ryoukou
2H630Synthesis of Mono- and Bis(dihydrofuran)s Substituted with Cyano or Nitro group Using Manganese(III) Acetate ( Grad. School Sci. Tech., Kumamoto Univ.;Inst. Fond. Res. Org.Chem., Kyushu Univ.; Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ. ) TAKEDA,Takeo ; NISH
INO,Hiroshi ; KURO
2H632A new Sandmeyer iodination using combination of alkali metal iodide and iodine as iodine sources ( Eisai Co., Ltd. ) OZEKI,Naoki ; SHIMOMURA,Naoyuki ; HARADA,Hitoshi ; HAYASHI,Kenji ; KOIWA,Atsushi
2H633Synthesis and Interaction with Lithium Ion ofsCarbonyl-Arms Phenanthrolines. ( Ochanomizu Univ.;Univ.of Tokyo ) IFUKU,Misa ; ARAKI,Eriko ; KOBAYASHI,Makie ; TSUCHIYA,Shinji ; OGAWA,Shojiro
2H634Synthesis of tetraarrylmetalloporphyrin with methylthio groups ( JST/PRESTO, Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) SENBARA,Eri ; OGAWA,Takuji
2H635Synthesis of Heterocycles by Chemoselective Reduction with Tin Hydride ( Osaka university ) SHIBATA,Ikuya ; KANAZAWA,Nobuaki ; SUWA,Toshihiro ; BABA,Akio
2H638Generation and Cycloaddition of Azomethine Ylides from N-(Stannylmethyl)thioamides via 1,4-Stannyl Shift. ( Osaka University ) KOMATSU,Mitsuo ; YONEMORI,Jin-ichi ; OTA,Hirofumi ; ODERAOTOSHI,Yoji ; MINAKATA,Satoshi
2H639Synthesis of Functionalized Nitroheterocyclic Compounds Employeds.beta.-Formyl-.beta.-nitroenamine. ( Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) OGIHARA,Takuma ; NISHIWAKI,Nagatoshi ; TAMURA,Mina ; NISHINO,Keitaro ; ARIGA,Masahiro
2H640A Practical Synthesis of Diltiazem Key Intermediate: An Efficient Preparation of Methyl p-Methoxycinnamate ( Product Technology Development Lab, Tanabe Seiyaku Co., Ltd. ) HATSUDA,Masanori ; KURODA,Tooru ; KURAOKA,Satoru ; YAMADA,Shi
n-ichi ; SEKI,Masa
2H641A Practical Synthesis of Diltiazem Key Intermediate: Dioxirane-mediated Asymmetric Epoxidation of Methyl
2H642A Practical Synthesis of Diltiazem Key Intermediate: A Novel Technology for Separation and Purification of Glycidate and 11-Membered Ketone Catalyst ( Product Technology Development Lab, Tanabe Seiyaku Co., Ltd. ) FURUTANI,Toshiyuki ; SEKI,
2H644Efficient Removal of Oxazolidinone Auxiliaries in the Presence of Dimethyl Carbonate ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Meiji University ) KANOMATA,Nobuhiro ; ANADA,Shinnosuke
2H645Efficient Acyl Cleavage of Hydroxyethyl Amides and Its Synthetic Application to Chiral Bridged Nicotinic Acid ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Meiji University ) KANOMATA,Nobuhiro ; ANADA,Shinnosuke
2H646Synthesis of ellipticine derivatives and their DNA alkylation reaction ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; IIJIMA,Toru ; NOMURA,Akiko ; SAKAI,Norio
2H647Interaction of Ellipticine Derivatives with DNA and Molecular Dynamic Structure of the Complexes ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; NISHIZAWA,Yuuki ; IIJIMA,Toru ; OHNO,Satoshi ; SAKAI,Norio
2H648Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of 1,6-Naphthyridine Derivatives ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KUWABARA,Tomokazu ; SAKAI,Norio ; OKADA,Tomoko ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
3H602Synthesis of pyrroles and their oligomers fused with rigid bicyclic rings ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) WATANABE,Hikaru ; ITO,Satoshi ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; ONO,Noboru
3H603Synthesis of Pyrrole Macrocycles and Their Structures and Properties ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University ) FUMOTO,Yumiko ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; ONO,Noboru
3H604Stereoselective three-membered heterocycle synthesis with reagents bearing chiral auxiliaries ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) IKEMOTO,Eiko ; SHINOHARA,Yoshihiro ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
3H605Studies on stereoselective cyclopropane synthesis with .alpha.-heterocycle substituted acetates ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) ITOH,Yoshiaki ; FUJITOMO,Kouji ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
3H606Chiral Sulfide-promoted Asymmetric Epoxidation, Aziridination and Cyclopropanation ( Science University of Tokyo ) SAKAIRI,Masao ; KANAZAWA,Shintarou ; SAKUMA,Tomoko ; SAITO,Takao
3H608Syntheses of unsymmetrical 2,5-diarylpyrazines and their fluorescence properties ( Kitakyushu National College of Technology ) MATSUKAWA,Kyohei ; TANAKA,Yasuhiro ; TAKEHARA,Kenji ; ISOMURA,Kazuaki
3H609Synthesis and redox behavior of pyrazines fused with a bicyclo[2.2.2]octane skelton ( Shinshu University, Faculty of Science ) KOBAYASHI,Sayuri ; KOBAYASHI,Tomoshige
3H610Synthesis of Diimine and Imidazoline Derivativessby the Solvent-free Reaction of Aldehydes and HMDS ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) SHIMIZU,Takashi ; SHIMIZU,Mikikazu ; TANAKA,Masatoshi ; HIGASHI,Kimiaki ; REDDY,Paidi Yella ; TORU,Takesh
3H611A Facile Synthesis of 4-Aminotriazols by Reactions of Aromatic Nit riles with Hydrazines ( Univ. of Kyoto ) MATSUMOTO,Kiyoshi ; IKEMI,Yukio ; HAYASHI,Naoto ; UCHIDA,Takane ; KAKEHI,Akikazu
3H612Preparation and properties of hexaazatriphenylene and tetraazaphenanthrene derivatives having fluorescent chromophores ( Kyushu University ) MATSUMOTO,Naoki ; ZHANG,Xuelong ; GOROHMARU,Hideki ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro ; UENO,Kazuno
ri ; TANABE,Hirosh
i ; KAMATA,Kichinouske
3H614Synthesis and reaction of 3-(p-substituted)benzyloxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-4(1H)-pyridinethiones ( Seikei University ) KATOH,Akira ; YOSHINO,Masakazu ; SAITO,Ryota
3H615Reaction of 1-Benzyloxy-4-triazolyl-2(1H)-pyrimidinone with anionic nucleophiles ( Seikei University, Faculty of Engineering ) KATOH,Akira ; UNO,Reiko ; SAITO,Ryota
3H616 Session Lecturestudies on electronic conduction of heterocyclic compounds by using nano-gap electrodes ( JST PRESTO,fac sci.ehime University ) OGAWA,Takuji
3H626Addition reactions of allylsilanes to activated pyridines ( Kyoto Univ. ) NAGURA,Teruno ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
3H627Faceselective Addition to Quinolinium Salts Using an Intramolecular Interaction between Quinolinium and Carbonyl Groups ( Ochanomizu University ) YAMADA,Shinji ; MORITA,Chisako
3H628Carboxylation of N-Containing Heterocyclic Compounds with Carbon Dioxide ( Fac.Sci.and Eng.,Shimane.Univ. ) RAHMAN,Md.m ; UCHIGASHIMA,Mikiko ; KOSUGI,Yoshio
3H629Synthetic studies towards highly functionalized cycloheptenes ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) TANAKA,Seiko ; WATANABE,Tsuneo ; KOJIMA,Satoshi ; OHKATA,Katsuo
3H630Stereoselective Alkylation of O-Protected hydroxy-1-pyroline N-Oxides ( Iwaki Meisei Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Yuko ; SUZUKI,Katsuhiko ; YAMAURA,Masanori
3H632Synthesis of Supermacrocycles Having Diethynylbenzene Units and Thioether Linkages, and Creation of Their Supramolecular Complex. ( Kinki Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; WAKUMOTO,Shinji ; KOBAYASHI,Shigeya ; WAKAMIYA,Tateaki ; MATSUBARA,Yoshi
o ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ic
3H633Synthesis and Characteristic Properties of Novel Cyclynes Containing Pyridine Rings and Benzene Rings. ( Kinki Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; KOBAYASHI,Shigeya ; WAKAMIYA,Tateaki ; MATSUBARA,Yoshio ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ichi
3H634Photochemical reactions of acylphenyl-alpha.-haloalkylesters. ( University of Tsukuba, Department of Chemistry ) SAKURAI,Nobuharu ; TABATA,Megumi ; NISHIO,Takehiko
3H635Synthesis of bispyrroles and bisporphyrins fixed by bicyclic skeleton ( Faculty of Science, Ehime University. ) NAKAMOTO,Ken-ichi ; ITO,Satoshi ; MURASHIMA,Takashi ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; ONO,Noboru
3H637Creation of Supramolecular Complexes with Supermacrocyclic Crown Ethers as the Receptor ( Faculty of Science and Engineering. Kinki University ) SHIMIZU,Takahiro ; KINOSITA,Hideyuki ; KOBAYASHI,Shigeya ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; MATSUBARA,Yosh
io ; YOSHIDA,Zen-i
3H638Emissivity of fluorescence of ring-fused C60 derivatives ( Kinki University ) KUNITA,Yoshinao ; MATSUDA,Takuya ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; MATSUBARA,Yoshio ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ichi
3H639Electrochemical Transformation of 4-Cyanocinnolines into 4(1H)-Cinnolones ( Faculty of Science and Engineering. Kinki University ) KATO,Atsuhisa ; MATSUDA,Takuya ; YAMADA,Tomoki ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; MATSUBARA,Yoshio ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ichi
4H602Synthesis and Characteristic Properties of Novel Hybrid Thiacyclynes. ( Kinki Univ. ) KOBAYASHI,Shigeya ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshihiro ; FUJIMURA,Toshimasa ; WAKAMIYA,Tateaki ; MATSUBARA,Yoshio ; YOSHIDA,Zen-ichi
4H603Synthesis of 1,2-Benzothiazine 1,1-dioxides from 2-Methylbenzenesulfonamides ( Fac. of Eng., Ibraki Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Masahiko ; TSUCHIYA,Sohshi
4H604Synthesis of Dihydro-1,4-thiazine from .alpha.-Keto Spiro-thiazolidine ( Rikkyo Univ.; The Jikei Univ. ) MIYAMOTO,Eri ; MATSUSHITA,Masatoshi ; TAKAHASHI,Tomoyoshi ; HORIUCHI,Akira
4H605Dimerization and Cyclization Reactions of 2-Methylbenzene-sulfonamides ( Fac. of Eng., Ibaraki Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Masahiko ; ISOGAI,Ken-ichi ; MIZUMOTO,Keisuke
4H606Synthesis and Reaction of Uracil Derivatives Bearing asSulfilimine Group ( Fac. Eng., Ibaraki Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Masahiko ; MATSUMOTO,Nobuaki
4H608Synthesis of Tetra(2-thienyl)methane ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) NAKAMINAMI,Hiromichi ; MATSUMOTO,Kouzou ; KURATA,Hiroyuki ; ODA,Masaji
4H609One-pot synthesis of 2-aminothiazoles using supported reagents system. ( Shibaura Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering ) AOYAMA,Tadashi ; SUZUKI,Yoshitada ; KODOMARI,Mitsuo
4H610Reaction of Trithioisatoic anhydrides with Phosphites ( Fac. Eng., Ibaraki Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Masahiko ; ICHIKAWA,Akiko
4H611Synthesis of opticaly active 2.5-morpholinedione derivatives from natural-form amino acid ( Kochi Univ. ) NAKAYA,Ryouji ; TATUKAWA,Akira
4H612Total Synthesis of Phycocyanobilin Derivative Bearing a Photoreactive Group at D-ring ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) YOKOTA,Kazuya ; JAYASUNDERA,K.p. ; KINOSHITA,Hideki ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4H614Synthesis of the Phycocyanobilin Derivative Bearing a Stereochemically Fixed C/D-Ring ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) NAKAMURA,Hiroshi ; KINOSHITA,Hideki ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4H615A Highly Efficient Method for the Construction of Phycobilin Derivatives from Biliverdin Diallyl Ester ( Kanazawa Univ. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology ) SAWAMOTO,Daisuke ; INOMATA,Katsuhiko
4H616Thermal reactions of dopamine and nitro compounds ( Kyoto University ) ITO,Yoshikatsu ; ARIMOTO,Satoru
4H617Regioselective Synthesis of Alkylpolyhydroxyisoflavone Derivatives ( Univ. of Tokushima ) WADA,Hironari ; NISHIUCHI,Masaki ; KAWAMURA,Yasuhiko ; YAMASHITA,Kazuyo ; TSUKAYAMA,Masao
4H618Oxidative Rearrangement of Chalcones to Isoflavones with a Hypervalent Iodine Reagent ( Univ. of Tokushima ) MARUYAMA,Masashi ; KAWAMURA,Yasuhiko ; NISHIUCHI,Masaki ; TSUKAYAMA,Masao
4H626Synthesis of Optical Active Azanucleoic Acid using of 1.3-Dipolarcycloaddition Reaction ( Kochi-univ. ) AKIYAMA,Kousuke ; TATUKAWA,Akira
4H627Synthesis of 9-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2,5-dihydro-1-benzoxepin-7-carboxylic acid using Mitsunobu Cyclization ( TOYAMA Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Seiji ; TSUCHIDA,Nao ; YOKOYAMA,Hajime ; MIYAZAWA,Masahiro ; HIRAI,Yoshiro
4H628Synthesis of racemic teretiforione B and it's deoxy derivative using regioselective thermal cyclization ( TOYAMA Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Seiji ; ISHIBASHI,Masaru ; SUGIMOTO,Mitsuhiro ; YOKOYAMA,Hajime ; MIYAZAWA,Masahiro ; HIRAI,Yoshiro
4H629Development of a Novel Hetero-coupling Reaction of Lactams with Aldehydes Mediated by SmI2 and its Application to the Synthesis of Alkaloids ( Shizuoka University ) YODA,Hidemi ; UJIHARA,Yasuaki ; KATOH,Hideaki ; TAKABE,Kunihiko
4H630Studies on the Asymmetric Synthesis of a Marine Natural Product with a Tetrahydrofuran ring system ( Shizuoka University ) YODA,Hidemi ; MARUYAMA,Kazuhide ; TAKABE,Kunihiko
4H632Synthesis of novel substituted 1-phenyl-2-phospholene 1-oxide derivatives ( Shizuoka University ) KRISHNA REDDY,Valluru ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
4H633Synthesis of 3,6-diamino-beta-Carboline Derivatives and their interaction with DNA ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; NISHIDA,Yoshiko ; OHNO,Satoshi ; SAKAI,Norio
4H634Synthesis of beta-Carboline Derivatives and Their DNA-Alkylation reaction ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; ENDO,Tsuyoshi ; SAKAI,Norio
Bld. No.10 Room No.1011
[Catalysts and Catalysis]
2J104Selective Hydrogenation of CO to Alcohols over FSM-16 Supported Rh and Rh-Fe Catalysts ( Hokkaido Univ. ) DIVEKAR,Sunil ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
2J105Effect of coexisting SO2 on the activity of supported iridium catalysts for the selective reduction of NO in the presence of oxygen ( Natl. Inst. of Mater. & Chem. Res. ) YOSHINARI,Tomohiro ; SATO,Kazuhito ; HANEDA,Masaaki ; KINT
AICHI,Yoshiaki ; H
2J106Absorption-desorption of NOx by CeO2-ZrO2 binary oxides ( Natl. Inst. of Mater. & Chem. Res. ) MORITA,Tomoko ; HANEDA,Masaaki ; KINTAICHI,Yoshiaki ; NAGAO,Yukinori ; HAMADA,Hideaki
2J108Study on the Support Effect of Nitric Oxide Direct Decomposition over Supported Palladium Catalysts ( Kanagawa Univ. ) KAWAKAMI,Ikuo ; IWAHASHI,Mai ; MIYAO,Toshihiro ; NAITO,Shuichi
2J109Effect of co-existing gas on NO reduction by soot carbon with Pt-loaded catalyst ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) MATSUOKA,Koichi ; MASUDA,Yuko ; YAMAGISHI,Yasushi ; TOMITA,Akira
2J110Effect of halogenated ether on catalytic activity for nitrous oxide decomposition of supported precious metal catalysts ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) TSUNEYUKI,Toshikatu ; FURUKAWA,Hiroshi ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; TERAOKA,Yasut
ake ; HOTTA,Masato
shi ; CHAEN,Shigehiro ; KANMURA,Yuichi ; MIURA,Norio ; YAMAZOE,Noboru
2J111NO Direct Decomposition on In doped LaMnO3 mixed oxide ( Oita University ) ANDO,Makoto ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
2J112Selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia over Cu/USY zeolite ( Tokyo Institute of Technology , Graduate School of Science and Engineering ) NAGAI,Takahiro ; KOMATSU,Takayuki ; YASHIMA,Tatsuaki
2J114Selective catalytic reduction of nitric oxide over Fe-ZSM-5 ( Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology ) NISHIDA,Tadafumi ; SEGAWA,Kohichi
2J115Selective catalytic reduction of N
2J116 Session Lecturereaction mechanism of selective reduction of NO as investigated by-situ FT/IR ( nagoya univ. ) SATSUMA,Atsushi
2J126Catalyst Preparation Using Supercritical Fluid (5): Butane Hydrogenolysis by Supported Rh Catalysts. ( Hokkaido Univ. ) DHEPE,Paresh ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
2J127Steam Reforming of Methane in Combination with Solid-Phase Reaction of Catalyst Support CaO:(2)Difference in Metal-Catalyses ( Kobe Univ. ) CHIKAZAWA,Norihiro ; SUEHIRO,Masanori ; SATO,Yoshinori ; FUJISAKI,Yasuhiro ; YOSHIDA,Noritetsu
2J128Rate determining step in decomposition of CH4with Pd-Ag membrane reactor. ( Oita University. ) KAWAHARA,Akihiro ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
2J129Temperature and Support Dependence for dehydroaromatizationsof cyclic hydrocarbons with Pt catalysts. ( CRC Hokkaido Univ. ) KARIYA,Nobuko ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
2J131Effect of residual chlorine to hydrogenation of naphthalene in supported Pd catalysts ( Department of applied chemistry, Faculty of engineering ,Saitama university ) ITO,Koki ; KOGASAKA,Yoshihumi ; KIMURA,Akiko ; OSHIMA,Masaaki ; KUROKAWA,H
ideki ; SUGIYAMA,K
azuo ; MIURA,Hiroshi
2J132Effect of crystal structure of Co/Al2O3 catalysts on selective hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde ( Department of applied chemistry, Faculty of engineering, Saitama university ) YOSHIDA,Kohe ; YONEYAMA,Yuko ; OSHIMA,Masaaki ; KUROKAWA,Hideki ;
2J133Wet air oxidation of ammonia over supported palladium catalyst: Dissolution of palladium and its mechanism ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KITAHARA,Mai ; KAEWPUANG-NGAM,Sutasin
ee ; INAZU,Koji ;
2J134The study of carbon species formed in CH4 decomposition on perovskite supported Ni catalysts ( HPIIST; JST; Hiroshima University ) JIA,Jifei ; WANG,Peng ; TANABE,Eiji ; ITO,Kouichi ; SHISHIDO,Tetsuya ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
2J136decomposition of HFC and HCFC over AlPO4-based catalysts ( Oita University ) TANABE,Toshiko ; MORIYAMA,Jyunichi ; MIYAKE,Hidenori ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
2J137Acidity of metal phosphates and decomposition of CCl2f2 ( Oita University ) MORIYAMA,Jyunichi ; TANABE,Toshiko ; MIYAKE,Hidenori ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
2J138Redox Behavior of Ceria-Zirconia Mixed Oxides Modified by the Chemical Filing Process ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) NAKANO,Kousuke ; MASUI,Toshiyuki ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
3J102Development of Tantalum Nitride Photocatalyst for Water Decomposition Under Visible Light Irradiation. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory ,Tokyo Institute of Technology,Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology ,Japan Science and Te
chnology ,Nikon Co
rp,Kurasiki university of science and arts ) HITOKI,Go ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; TANAKA,Akira ; BHAT,Vasudeva ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari ; KOBAYASHI,Hisayoshi
3J103Photocatalytic activity of supported tantalum nitride under the visible light irradiating ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ARANAMI,Junji ; MINOSHIMA,Haruki ; HITOKI,Go ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,
Mitikazu ; DOMEN,K
3J104Photocatalytic water splitting into H2 and O2 over K2LnTa5O15powders. ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) OKUTOMI,Hiroaki ; KATO,Hideki ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J105Photocatalytic activity of SrTiO3 doped with transition metal cations under visible light irradiation ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) ISHII,Tatsuya ; KATO,Hideki ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J106Visible light responses and activities of photocatalysts modified by co-doping Sb-Cr ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) KATO,Hideki ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J108Photocatalytic decomposition of water over Ti-based oxynitride under visible light irradiation ( Chemical Resources Laboratory,Tokyo Institute of Technology; Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology,Japan Science and Technology )
TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J109Analysis of the surface structure of oxynitide photocatalysts with visible light responsibility ( Chem.Res.Lab.,Tokyo Institute of Tech./ Nicon.Corp / CREST.,JST. ) MAKI,Miyako ; HITOKI,Go ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; TANAKA,Akira ; BHAT,Vasudeva ;
A,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J110Photocatalytic Decomposition of Water over LaTiO2N under Visible Light Irradiation ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology; CREST,JST. ) KASAHARA,Asako ; HITOKII,Go ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; BAHT,Vasudeva ; TANAKA,Akira ; N
,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J111Photocatalytic H2 evolution from aqueous solutions under visible light irradiation on metal ion-doped ZnS photocatalysts ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) TSUJI,Issei ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J112Photocatalytic reduction of nitrate ion under visible light irradiation on metal ion-doped ZnS photocatalyst ( Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo ) HAMANOI,Osamu ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J114Development of niobium-based oxynitride photocatalysts for water decomposition by visible light. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology;Nikon Corp.;CREST., JST. ) TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; MAKI,Miyako ; TANAKA,Akira ; NOMURA,
Junko ; HARA,Mich
ikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J115Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of Layered Oxynitride ( Chemical Resources Laboratory ,Tokyo Institute of Technology; Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology,Japan Science and Technology; Nikon Corp. ) KASE,Kentaro ; HITO
ra ; BHAT,Vasudeva ; TAKATA,Tsuyoshi ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J116Development of visible-light-driven photocatalyst using layered Bi compounds ( Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology, Okayama University ) MIYAKE,Michihiro ; MATSUDA,Motohide ; OKADA,Masato
3J117Examination of photocatalytic reduction system based on dye-layered metal oxide sheet hybrid ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology; Core Research For Evolutional Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology )
; LU,Dailin ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Michikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari ; KUDO,Akihiko
3J118Photocatalytic decomposition of water using Pt supported TiO2 thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering deposition method ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) KITANO,Masaaki ; YOSHIDA,Yuko ; TAKEUCHI,Masato ; MA
TSUOKA,Masaya ; EU
RA,Takashi ; ANPO,Masakazu ; MOON,Sung-chul ; MAMETUKA,Hiroaki ; SUZUKI,Eiji
3J126Examination of the co-catalysts to promote photocatalytic O2 evolution by the oxidization of water ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) OOTO,Norikazu ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Mitikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J127Water decomposition by metal oxides with d10 metal cation 1. Photocatalytic activity of RuO2-loaded MIn2O4 (M= Ca,Sr, Ba) ( Nagaoka univ. of tech ) SATO,Junya ; SAITO,Nobuo ; NISHIYAMA,Hiroshi ;
3J128Water decomposition by metal oxides with d10metal cation 2.Photocatalytic activity of RuO2-loaded MGa2O4 (M=Zn,Mg,Ca,Sr, Ba) ( Nagaoka univ. of tech. ) IKARASHI,Kouki ; SATO,Jyunya ; SAITO,Nobuo ;
; INOUE,Yasunobu
3J129Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 with H2O on the Ti-containing Porous Silica Thin Film Photocatalysts ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) IKEUE,Keita ; NOZAKI,Shinjirou ; YAMASHITA,Hiromi ; OGAWA,Makoto ; ANPO,Mas
3J130Photoreduction of CO2 over MgO - Investigation of the interaction between CO2 and MgO by spectroscopic method ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) ISHIKAWA,Haruka ; KOHNO,Yoshiumi ; TANAKA,Tsunehiro ; FUNABIKI,Takuzo
3J132Preparation of supported molybdenum photocatalyst by photodecomposed technique and structural dependence on irradiation energy ( Chiba University ) MURAYAMA,Haruno ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; SHIMAZU,Shogo ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
3J133Photocatalytic Reaction of Amino Acid by Mercury(II) Sulfide Crystals in Aqueous Dispersion ( Hokkaido University ) PAL,Bonamali ; IKEDA,Shigeru ; OHTANI,Bunsho
3J134Morphology and photocatalysis of TiO2 prepared by hydrothermal sysnthesis - Anatase type ( Graduate School of Engineeging, Osaka University ) YIN,Hengbo ; WADA,Yuji ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
3J135Morphology and photocatalysis of TiO2 prepared by hydrothermal sysnthesis- Rutiletype ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) YIN,Hengbo ; WADA,Yuji ; KITAMURA,Takayuki ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
3J140Mechanism of epoxydation of olefine using TiO2 photocatalysts under visible light irradiation ( Research Centr. for Photoener. of Org. Mat., Osaka Univ. ) OHNO,Teruhisa ; MASAKI,Yuji ; HIRAYAMA,Seiko ; MATSUMURA,Michio
3J141Photocatalytic Degradation of NO on TiO2 nano particles compounded with Ag metal under visible light irradiation ( Daido Steel Co.,Ltd. Reseach & Devloment Laboratory ) IRIE,Kanji ; WATANABE,Toshiyuki
3J142The Reaction of Photogenerated Electrons and Holes with Organic Reactants on Pt/TiO2 Photocatalyst Studied by Time-resolved IR Spectroscopy ( Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology ) YAMAKATA,Akira ; ISHIBASHI,Taka-aki ; ONISHI,Hirosh
3J144New spin probe reagents to identify active oxygen species produced by TiO2 photocatalysis ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) KOMORI,Shigeki ; FIRAKAWA,Tutomu ; NISHINO,Junichi ; NOSAKA,Yoshio
3J145Enhancement for the degradation of organic pollutants by cooperation of microwave with UV-illumination in aqueous TiO2 dispersion. ( Meisei University; EPFC ) HORIKOSHI,Satoshi ; SERPONE,Nick ; HIDAKA,Hisao
3J146Photocurrent generation accompanying the photodegradation of aquatic contaminants by a hybrid TiO2-fixed OTE electrode. ( Meisei University; EPFC ) HORIKOSHI,Satoshi ; HIDAKA,Hisao
3J147Selective photocatalytic reduction of nitrate ions in aqueous suspension of titanium oxide ( Kinki Univ., Hokkaido Univ. ) KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; FURUSHO,Akitoshi ; MURAKAMI,Shin-ya ; KERA,Yoshiya ; OHTANI,Bunsho
3J148Systematic analysis and examination of hybrid-type photocatalyticmaterials composed of zinc oxide deposited on activated carbon. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University ) KOBORI,Hiroyuki ; KANEHIRA,Kiyotaka ; IIMURA,Syuji ;
4J102Development of Analysis Program for Combinatorial Computational Chemistry Approaches of H2/CO Adsorption on Metal Clusters. ( Tohoku Univ. ; Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin Univ. ) YOSHIZAWA,Kentaro ; WAN,Xiaohong ; OHASHI,Nobumoto ; TAKAMI,Seiich
i ; KUBO,Momoji ;
4J103Quantum chemical study of CO adsorption on supported noble metal catalyst ( Graduate school of Engineer, Tohoku University ) JUNG,Changho ; YOSHIZAWA,Kentaro ; WAN,Xiaohong ; OHASHI,Nobumoto ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
4J104Investigation of structural and catalytic properties of Fe-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts: Application of density functional theory. ( Tohoku Univ. ) BELOSLUDOV,Rodion ; KUBOTA,Tsuguo ; SAKAHARA,Satoshi
4J105Development of Hybrid Quantum Molecular Dynamics Method on Dynamic Behavior of Molecules above Supported Noble Metal Catalysts ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) MIYAHARA,Motonari ; YOSHIZA
WA,Kentarou ; YAJI
MA,Kennji ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
4J106Development of the surface structure analysis program of the V2O5, WO3/TiO2 catalyst ( Tohoku Univ. ) KUSAGAYA,Tomonori ; INABA,Yusaku ; SUZUKI,Ken ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
4J108Preparation of .alpha.-Sb2O4/VSbO4 well-defined inhomogeneous thin film catalysis by electron beam lithography and their characterization ( CRC Univ.Hokkaido; Engnearing of department Univ.Hokkaido; NTT Basi
c Research Laborat
ories ) OHMINAMI,Yusuke ; SUZUKI,Shushi ; IJIMA,Kaoru ; NAKAMURA,Motonori ; MUKASA,Kouiti ; NAGASE,Masao ; ASAKURA,Kiyotaka
4J109State of Copper-ion Exchanged in Zeolite Prepared by Using aqueous solution of [Cu(NH3)2]+ ( Fuculty of Science, Okayama University ) KUMASHIRO,Ryotaro ; ITADANI,Atsushi ; FUJIMOTO,Tomomi ; KURODA,Yasushige
; NAGAO,Mahiko
4J110Oxygen dependence in nitrogen monoxide adsorption on Hollandite-type compounds ( Natl. Inst. Res. Inorg. Mater. ; Joint Grad. Sch. Prog. NIRIM and Sci. U. Tokyo ) FUJIMOTO,Kenjiro ; SUZUKI,Jun ; MORI,Toshiyuki ; WATANABE,Mamoru
4J111FT-IR study on adsorbed hydrogen on supported ruthenium catalyst for ammonia synthesis ( Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SATO,Shoko ; INAZU,Koji ; AIKA,Ken-ichi
4J112Analysis of Activated Carbon Surface by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy ( Meiji Univ. ) SUZUKI,Yoshitake ; NAKAZAWA,Yoshiharu ; ITOU,Nobuhiro ; TAKEUCHI,Yasushi
4J114The adsorption structure of particles on Al2O3(0001) analysed with polarization-dependent total-reflection fluorescence EXAFS. ( CRC Hokkaido Univ. ) IJIMA,Kaoru ; TANIZAWA,Yasuhiro ; SHIDO,Takafumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
; ASAKURA,Kiyotaka
4J115Analysis of reaction mechanism for HDSe of selenophene bymeans of XAFS ( Shimane Univ. ) KUBOTA,Takeshi ; HAMASAKI,Yuya ; OKAMOTO,Yasuaki
4J116Local structure and dispersion of Mo in SBA-1 and SBA-3 studied by UV-vis and XAFS spectroscopies. ( Yokohama National Univ. ) LIM,Sunghyun ; YOSHITAKE,Hideaki ; TATSUMI,Takashi
4J117Time-resolved energy-dispersive XAFS study on the decarbonylation process of Mo(CO)6 in NaY zeolite ( Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo; Photon Factory, KEK ) YAMAGUCHI,Aritomo ; SUZUKI,Akane ; SHIDO,Takafumi
; INADA,Yasuhiro ;
ASAKURA,Kiyotaka ; NOMURA,Masaharu ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J118In-situ Time-resolved DXAFS study on the structural change of supported [Ru6C] clusters during CO/H2 catalysis ( Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo; Photon Factory, KEK ) SUZUKI,Akane ; YAMAGUCHI,Aritomo ; SHIDO,Takafumi ;
INADA,Yasuhiro ; A
SAKURA,Kiyotaka ; NOMURA,Masaharu ; CHIHARA,Teiji ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J126Effects of vibration modes of resonance oscillation on Pd catalyst activation ( Nagaoka univ. of tech. ) YUKAWA,Yasuyuki ; SAITO,Nobuo ; NISHIYAMA,Hiroshi ; INOUE,Yasunobu
4J127Effects of bulk acoustic resonance oscillation on the selectivity for ethanol dehydrogenation and dehydration ( Nagaoka univ. of tech. ) NAKAJIMA,Yasuaki ; SAITO,Nobuo ; NISHIYAMA,Hiroshi ; INOUE,Yasunobu
4J128Preparation and Structural Analysis of MCM-41 Supported NbC Catalyst ( Chiba University ) ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; EGUCHI,Taku ; SHIMAZU,Shogo ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
4J129The development of the new tight-binding molecular dynamics program to analyze chemical-mechanical polishing process. ( Graduate school of Engineer, Tohoku University; Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University ) YOKOSUKA,Toshiyuki ; KUROKAWA,Hitos
hi ; INABA,Yusaku
; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
4J130Regioselectivity in 2-methylbutane Hydroxylations mediated by metal-oxides ( Kyoto Univ. ) YUMURA,Takashi ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
4J132Preparation, surface structure and catalytic property of supported Sb catalysts ( Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) MATSUZAWA,Koumei ; SHIDO,Takafumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J133The Surface Structure of sprAu/Al2O3Catalysts Prepared by Spray Reaction Method and Their Catalytic Property for NO-CO Reaction ( Chiba University ) MARUYAMA,Takao ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; SHIMAZU,Shogo ; UEMATSU,Takayosh
4J134Synthesis of aluminum-substituted silicotungstates and their Lewis acidities ( School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) TAGUCHI,Akira ; OHGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
4J135Synthesis of perovskite fine particles by normal and reverse homogeneous precipitation methods and their catalytic activity for propane combustion ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) NANRI,Shinichi ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; KAGAWA,Shu
ichi ; TERAOKA,Yas
4J136Fixation of TiO2 Photocatalysts on Porous Teflon Sheets by the ICB Method and Their Photocatalytic Reactivities in the Liquid-Phase Systems ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) NAKAO,Hidetoshi ; MISAKA,Junko ; YAM
ASHITA,Hiromi ; AN
4J137Preparation of TiO2 Thin Film Photocatalyst from TiN Thin Film and Photocatalytic Degradation in the Liquid Phase under Visible or UV Light Irradiation ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate School of Engineering ) MISAKA,Junko ; TAKEUCHI,
,Hiromi ; ANPO,Masakazu
Bld. No.10 Room No.1012
[Catalysts and Catalysis]
2J203Stream-reforming of dimethyl ether over some copper catalysts ( Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University ) TAKEISHI,Kaoru ; SUZUKI,Hiromitsu ; UENO,Akifumi
2J204Novel Preparation Method of Cu/ZnO Catalysts for Steam Reforming of Methanol ( Hirosima University and Hiroshima Prefectural Institute of Industrial Science and Technology ) YAMAMOTO,Yoshihiro ; MORIOKA,Hiroyuki ; ITO,Kouichi ; TANABE,Eishi
a ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
2J205Steam Reforming of Methanol over Copper-Ceria Catalyst ( Institute of Research and Innovation, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) LIU,Yanyong ; SUZUKI,Kunio ; HAMAKAWA,Satoshi ; HAYAKAWA,Takashi ; ISHII,Tomoko ; KUMAGAI,
2J206Study on the mechanism of CO2 reforming of CH4 over Mo2C/ZrO2 ( Kanagawa Univ. ) TSUJI,Miyuki ; MARUYAMA,Kazuki ; MIYAO,Toshihiro ; NAITO,Shuichi
2J208Activation of Acitve Carbon Supported Ruthenium catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis by Hydrogen treatment ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ; Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and engineering ) HIHARA,Takashi ; ZENG,Haisheng ; INAZU,Ko
ji ; AIKA,Ken-ichi
2J209Estimation of Sulfided State of Alumina-supported Noble Metal Catalyst Using a 35S Radioisotope Tracer Method ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. ) QIAN,Weihua ; LI,Li ; OTANI,Kentaro ; ISHIHARA,Atsushi ; KABE,Toshiaki
2J210 Session Lectureresearch and Development of solid oxide fuel cells ( kyoto university ) EGUCHI,Koichi
2J214Characterization of carbon deposited on Ni catalyst during methane pyrolysis ( JST; HPIIST; Hiroshima University ) WANG,Peng ; TANABE,Eiji ; ITO,Kouichi ; JIA,Jifei ; SHISHIDO,Tetsuya ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
2J215Catalytic effects in oxygen permeation through perovskite membranes ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) HONBE,Yasushi ; FURUKAWA,Hiroshi ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; TERAOKA,Yasutake
2J216Nitrogen Absorption and Desorption Characteristics for Rare Earth-based Intermetallic Compounds ( Osaka Univ. ) ITOH,Masahiro ; MACHIDA,Ken-ichi ; ADACHI,Gin-ya
2J226Development of Dendrimer-Bound Catalysts(1): Phosphinated Dendrimer-Pd(0) Complexes for Allylic Substitutions under Biphasic Conditions ( Osaka Univ. ) MURATA,Makoto ; OOE,Masahiko ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J227Development of Dendrimer-Bound Catalysts(2): Polyamine Dendrimer-Pd(II) Complexes for the Heck Reaction ( Osaka Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Toshiyuki ; MURATA,Makoto ; OOE,Masahiko ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J228Synthesis and Transformation of Group 4 Metallocene-Containing Silsesquioxanes ( Kyoto Univ. ) WADA,Kenji ; ITAYAMA,Naohiko ; KONDO,Teruyuki ; MITSUDO,Take-aki
2J229Asymmetric hydrogenation of .beta.-keto esters catalyzed by interlayer supported Rh-BPPFA with alkyl ammonium pillar ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) SHIMAZU,Shogo ; KAWAKITA,Machiko ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
2J231Development of Dendrimer-Bound Catalysts(3): Pd(0) Complexes Encapsulated within Alkylated Dendritic Nanoreactors for the Heck Reaction ( Osaka Univ. ) YANAGIDA,Makoto ; OOE,Masahiko ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J232Development of Dendrimer-Bound Catalysts(4): Pd Nanoparticles Encapsulated within Inverse Micelle Dendrimers and Their Catalysis for Hydrogenation of Olefins ( Osaka Univ. ) OOE,Masahiko ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J233Development of Dendrimer-Bound Catalysts(5): Rh Carbonyl Clusters Encapsulated within Alkylated Dendritic Nanoreactors for the Reduction of Nitrobenzene ( Osaka Univ. ) MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; OOE,Masahiko ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J234Rhodium-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Norbornenes under Water-Gas Shift Reaction Condition ( ISIR, Osaka University ) ZHOU,Da-yang ; ZHANG,Shi-wei ; ONITSUKA,Kiyotaka ; TAKAHASHI,Shigetoshi
2J236Highly Efficient Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation Catalyzed by Palladium-Grafted Hydroxyapatite ( Osaka Univ. ) HARA,Takayoshi ; MORI,Kohsuke ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J237Development of a Heterogeneous Heck Reaction Catalyst Using Hydroxyapatite-Bound Pd Complex ( Osaka Univ. ) MORI,Kohsuke ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
2J238Catalysis of a Hydroxyapatite-Bound Ru Complex for Efficient Aerobic Amine Oxidation ( Osaka Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MORI,Kohsuke ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
3J202Side chain alkylation and alkenylation of alkylbenzenes. ( Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. ) YAMAMOTO,Michio ; SUZUKAMO,Gohfu ; HIBI,Takuo ; SAKAMOTO,Akemi
3J203Addition of nitromethane to carbonyl compounds over solid base catalysts ( Hokkaido University CARET ) AKUTSU,Kazumasa ; KABASHIMA,Hajime ; HATTORI,Hideshi
3J204Application of bis(sulfophenyl) phosphonate-formaldehyde resin as a solid acid catalyst ( Chubu University Mori Laboratory ) ENOKI,Hiroshi ; KATAOKA,Ryousuke ; MORI,Hidehiko
3J205Preparation of dialkyl phosphonate- metal salts and its properties ( CHUBU UNIVERSITY MORI LABORATORY ) KUROKI,Kazushi ; NAGATA,Shinnji ; MORI,Hidehiko ; FUJITA,Junya
3J206Isomerization of Olefin on Alkylsilane-modified ZrO2 Catalyst ( Kitami Institute of Technology ) NAGAO,Atsushi ; MIZUMOTO,Shinich ; KOBAYASHI,Toyokazu ; YAMADA,Hirofumi ; IMIZU,Yuzo
3J208Quantum Chemical Study on the Catalytic Properties of the Tungsten and Molybdenum Based Heteropolyacid Compounds. ( Department of Materials Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Laboratory of Prof. Akira Miyamoto. )
LUDOV,Rodion ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; GABR,Rabei ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; EL-SAMAHY,Ahmed ; MISONO,Makoto
3J209Synthesis of trioxane from formalin using heteropolyacid as a catalyst ( Asahi Chemical ) MASAMOTO,Junzo ; HAMANAKA,Katsuhiko ; NAGAHARA,Hajime ; YOSHIDA,Koichi ; KAGAWA,Kenji ; IWAISAKO,Toshiyuki ; KOMAKI,Hajime
3J210Formation of alkenyl carbenium ions from cyclic precursor on zeolites observed by IR ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YANG,Shuwu ; NOMURA,Junko ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J211Changes in acidity and catalytic activity of H-type ZSM-5 zeolite caused by ammonia solution treatment ( Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Tottori Univ. ) MATSUURA,Hiroto ; KATADA,Naonobu ; NIWA,Miki
3J212Catalytic rearrangement of 5-vinyl-2-norbornene to tetrahydroindene on zeolite. ( Tokyo institute of technology , graduate school of science and engineering ,department of chemistry , KOMATSU labo. ) NOMURA,Yoshihiro ; KOMATSU,Takayuki ; YA
3J214Adsorption of Benzene on ZSM-5 ( National Defence Academy ) NASUNO,Tomomi ; YOKOMORI,Yoshinobu ; NISHI,Koji
3J215Characterization and ethylene adsorption property of Ag/zeolites ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) ONOUE,Hiroyuki ; FURUKAWA,Hiroshi ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; TERAOKA,Yasutake ; OGAWA,Hiroshi ; NAKANO,Masao
3J216The adsorption of Trifluoromethane (HFC23) on NaY zeolite.An examination of Adsorption structure and mobilitysby NMR measurements. ( SAITAMA Univ. Faculty of Siecnce, Faculty of Education. ) MURATA,Mitsuhiro ; ISHIWATA,Mitsumasa ; YOSHIDA,T
3J217Development of Large scale Quantum Chemical Calculation on mol ecular adsorption behavior on zeolite catalysts ( Graduate School of Engineering,Tohoku University; Hirosim a Kokusai Gakuin University ) SAITO,Kenji ; UEDA,Yuusuke ; YAJIMA,Kenj
i ; TAKAMI,Seiichi
; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
3J218Development and application of the program for the combinatorial computational chemistry on the design of deNOx catalysts. ( Tohoku Univ. ) YAJIMA,Kenji ; UEDA,Yusuke ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira ; IMAMURA,Akira
3J226Synthesis and characterization of mordenite using aliphatic alcohol ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) WAKABAYASHI,Shingo ; OUMI,Yasunori ; UOZUMI,Toshiya ; SANO,Tsuneji
3J227Partial Oxidation of Alkane Using V-MCM-41 Catalysts ( Hiroshima Univ. ) OHISHI,Yoshihiko ; ZHANG,Qinghong ; WANG,Ye ; SHISHIDO,Tetsuya ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
3J228Photocatalytic Reactivity on the Chromium Containing Mesoporous Molecular Sieves under Visible Light Irradiation. ( Osaka Prefecture University, Graduate school of Engineering ) YOSHIZAWA,Katsuhiro ; YAMASHITA,Hiromi ; ANPO,Masakazu
3J229Oxidation of Benzene to Phenol Using Fe-MCM-41 Catalysts ( Hiroshima Univ. ) WANG,Ye ; ZHANG,Qinghong ; SHISHIDO,Tetsuya ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
3J230Studies on stability of metal oxide-modified mesoporous silica ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) ISHIDA,Sumitada ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; KAGAWA,Shuichi ; TERAOKA,Yasutake
3J232The modeling and charactrization of MCM-41 structure ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) AZUMA,Kazuhiko ; OUMI,Yasunori ; UOZUMI,Toshiya ; SANO,Tsuneji
3J233Catalysis of organically modified mesoporous silica materials containing bridging organic groups ( Yokohama National University; The University of Tokyo ) NOHARA,Yuuki ; YAMAMOTO,Katsutoshi ; TATSUMI,Takashi
3J234Preparation and Characterization of Fibrous Mesoporous Silica Obtained by Self-Assembly Control of Structural Directing Agent ( Toyohashi Univ. of Technology ) MATSUMOTO,Akihiko ; TSUTSUMI,Kazuo
3J235Alginic acid-aided preparation of beads containing micro- and mesoporous silicates and their SO2 adsorption property ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) TACHIKAWA,Hiromi ; KAWASAKI,Hiroko ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; TERAOKA,Y
asutake ; TOMONAGA
,Nariyuki ; YASUTAKE,Akinori ; IZUMI,Jun
3J238Molecular Adsorption Properties on Mesoporous Tatalum Oxide ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKAHARA,Yoshiko ; LU,Dailin ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Mitikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J239Synthesis of Tantalum and Magnesium mixed oxide mesoporous material ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) UCHIDA,Miwa ; LU,Dailin ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Mitikazu ; DOMEN,Kazunari
3J240Anion Exchange of selenite ions with sulfate ions in mesostructured zirconium compound ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institiute of Technology ) TAKADA,Hitoshi ; IWAMOTO,Masakazu
3J241Synthesis and Catalytic Property of Mesoporous Material of Niobium and Tantalum mixed oxide ( Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KATOU,Tokumitsu ; LU,Dailin ; NOMURA,Junko ; HARA,Mitikazu ; DOMEN,K
3J242Pore Size Control of Crystallized Mesoporous Niobium and Tantalum Mixed Oxide ( Research Laboratory of Resources Utilization, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAMASHITA,Tomohiro ; LEE,Byongjin ; LU,Dailin ; HARA,Mitikazu ; NOMURA,Junko ; DOM
EN,Kazunari ; KUDO
3J244Tunable one-pot syntheses of hexagonal-, cubic-, and lamellar-mesostructured vanadium-phosphorus oxides ( School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) TAGUCHI,Akira ; HATAYAMA,Hiroshi ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
3J245Local Structure of Metal substituted Silicoaliminophosphate (2)MnAPSO-34 ( Oita University ) NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; OGIMOTO,Kazumi ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
3J246Template Synthesis of Metal Nanowires in Organic-Inorganic Mesoporous Materials and Their Structural Characterization ( Hokkaido Univ. ; Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. ) SAKAMOTO,Yuzuru ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; INAGAKI,Shinji ; SUGIMOTO,Noriaki
ki ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
3J247Preparation of Gold Nanoparticles and Wires in Mesoporous Materials and Their Catalytic Performances in CO Oxidation ( Hokkaido Univ. ; Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. ) ARAKI,Hidenobu ; SAKAMOTO,Yuzuru ; FUKUOKA,Atsushi ; SUGIMOTO,Noriaki ;
i ; ICHIKAWA,Masaru
4J202Vapor-phase oxidation of 3-picoline over vanadium mixed oxide catalysts ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima Univ. ) SONG,Zhaoxia ; KADOWAKI,Eriko ; SHISHIDO,Tetsuya ; WANG,Ye ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
4J203Development of Metal Cation-Exchanged Montmorillonite Catalysts for Aerobic Epoxidation of Olefins ( Osaka Univ. ) IDE,Masahito ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J204Epoxidation of allyl acetate with early transition metal oxides ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IKEDA,Yoshio ; FUJITA,Keisuke ; IMAMURA,Seiichiro ; KANAI,Hiroyoshi
4J205Selective Oxidation of Phenols with Molecular Oxygen Catalyzed by Polymer-Supported Copper ( Hiroshima Univ. ) SHIMASAKI,Youhei ; TAKAKI,Ken ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
4J206Control of Oxygenation Activity by in Tetradentate Bipyridylamidato Ruthenium Complexes with Different Axial Ligands ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) SHIOZAKI,Hiroyoshi ; JITSUKAWA,Koichiro ; MASUDA,Hideki
4J208Catalyst Design of Cu(II)-Pyridine Complexes in Selective Alkane Oxygenation using Hydrogen Peroxide ( Osaka Univ. ) SUGIMOTO,Atsushi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J209Development of a Heterogeneous Fe Catalyst for Partial Oxygenation of Alkanes Using Hydrogen Peroxide ( Osaka Univ. ) IDE,Masahito ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J210The catalytic property of Re-ZSM-5 catalyst prepared by CVD for Propene ammoxidation ( Grad.Sch.Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) NAGABHATLA,Viswanadham ; SHIDO,Takafumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J211Promoting effect of ammonia on the selective ammoxidation ofs isobutane over a crystalline SbRe2O6 catalyst ( Grad.Sch.Sci., Univ. of Tokyo ) LIU,Haicho ; SHIDO,Takafumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J212The study on the structure of supported Re catalysts highly active for selective oxidation ( Graduate school of Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) NAKAGAWA,Fusao ; YUAN,Youzhu ; TAKAOKA,Yasuyuki ; SUZUKI,Akane ; SHIDO,Takafumi ; IWASAWA,Yasuhiro
4J214Development of Highly Functionalized Spinel Nanoparticle Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols ( Osaka Univ. ) JI,Hongbing ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J215Development of Efficient Catalytic Oxidation System with Manganese Oxide-Mediated Activation of Molecular Oxygen ( Osaka Univ. ) IKEJIRI,Souichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J216Oxidation of methane to formaldehyde using carbon dioxide over supported vanadium oxide catalysts ( Kansai University, Osaka National Research Institute AIST ) SHIMAMURA,Takahiro ; OKUMURA,Kimito ; NAKAGAWA,Kiyoharu ; IKENAGA,Naoki ; KOBAYA
SHI,Tetsuhiko ; SU
4J217Direct conversion of ethane into acetaldehyde by oxidation with CO2 over oxidized diamond-supported vanadium catalyst ( Kansai University, Osaka National Research Institute AIST ) OKUMURA,Kimito ; SHIMAMURA,Takahiro ; NAKAGAWA,Kiyoharu ; IK
YASHI,Tetsuhiko ; SUZUKI,Toshimitu
4J218Oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutane ( Oita University ) USAMI,Kana ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
4J226Effect of sulfate anion-doping onto Mg-La binary oxide catalysts for OCM reaction ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) TANIDA,Noboru ; YAMADA,Hiroyuki ; ARITANI,Hirofumi
4J227CH4 partial oxidation in LaGaO3 oxygen permeating ceramic membrane reactor. ( Oita University ) TSURUTA,Yuko ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; TAKITA,Yusaku
4J228Synthesis of Di-ruthenium-substituted Silicotungstates and Its Oxidation Catalysis ( Univ. of Tokyo; Graduate School of Engineering ) NAKAGAWA,Yoshinao ; NISHIYAMA,Yoshiyuki ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
4J229Oxidation of n-butane Catalyzed by Dimanganese-substituted Polyoxometalate ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) KAMATA,Keigo ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
4J230Selective Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds Catalyzed by Di-vanadium(V)- Subsutituted Polyoxometalate ( School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) SUMIDA,Yasutaka ; MIZUNO,Noritaka
4J232Photocatalytic Oxidation of Alkanes with Molecular Oxygen ( Hiroshima Univ. ) MATSUSHITA,Yuka ; TAKAKI,Ken ; TAKEHIRA,Katsuomi
4J233Synthesis of hydrogenperoxide by direct oxidation of hydrogen on Au/SiO2 catalyst ( Oita University ) ANDO,Ryohei ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
4J234The Surface Structure of Au/TiO2 Catalysts Prepared by Suspended Spray Reaction Method and Their Catalytic Property for CO Oxidation ( Chiba University ) FAN,Lin ; ICHIKUNI,Nobuyuki ; SHIMAZU,Shogo ; UEMATSU,Takayoshi
4J235Hydrocarbon combustion on CoO/Al2O3 catalyst ( Shizuoka Univ. ) HIRABUKI,Ayako ; SATOU,Yousuke ; HASEGAWA,Kazumasa ; AZUMA,Naoto ; UENO,Akifumi
4J237Immobilization of High Valent Ruthenium Complex on Hydrotalcites and its Catalysis for Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols ( Osaka Univ. ) KUSUMOTO,Akiko ; IKEJIRI,Souichi ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J238Preparation of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Catalysts: Ruthenium Porphyrin Complexes Intercalated in Hydrotalcites for Alcohol Oxidation ( Osaka Univ. ) HONMA,Takayuki ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; EBITANI,Kohki ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
4J239Structure of High Performance Ruthenium Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols ( Osaka Univ. ) EBITANI,Kohki ; IKEJIRI,Souchi ; YAMAGUCHI,Kazuya ; MIZUGAKI,Tomoo ; KANEDA,Kiyotomi
Bld. No.10 Room No.1021
[Colloid and Interface Chemistry]
1J302Fabrication of Structured Porous Films with Nano-Particlessby Electrophoresis ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KUBO,Shoichi ; GU,Chutaku ; HAYAMI,Shinya ; MEN,Keiha ; EINAGA,Yasuaki ; FUJISHIMA,Akira ; SATO,Osamu
1J303Effects of cationic surfactants'adsorption to the colloidal stability of polystyrene latex dispersions ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) NAKAZATO,Kyoko ; FUKADA,Kazuhiro ; KATO,Tadashi
1J304Adsorption of Cationic Dendrimer and Linear Polymer on Silica ( Science Univ. of Tokyo, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science ) KUNIYASU,Satoshi ; SAKAI,Kenichi ; TORIGOE,Kanjirou ; ESUMI,Kunio
1J305Depletion flocculation of latex dispersions induced by nonionic surfactant micelles. ( Univ. of tsukuba ) FURUSAWA,Kunio ; SATO,Ai ; NASHIMA,Takeshi
1J306Microscopic observation of classification behavior of microspheres using microfiltration membranes ( National Food Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers ) SODA,Nobuhiro ; NAKAJIMA,Mitsutoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Isao ; KI
1J308Study on the disorption process of adsorbing protein from the latex surface. ( University of Tsukuba ) SHIMIZU,Miyuki ; MATSUMURA,Hideo ; FURUSAWA,Kunio
1J309The effect of fatty acid sodium salt on the phase behavior of sucrose monoalkanoate / monolaurin / water /decane system ( Yokohama National Univ. ) HINATA,Shigeki ; RODRIGUEZ,Carlos ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu ; ISHITOBI,Masahiko
1J310Washing of liquid paraffin in a hydrophobic porous film with microemulsions ( Graduate School of Eng.,Yokohama National Univ. ) KANEKO,Masaya ; ARAMAKI,Kenji ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu ; KIMISHIMA,Kohtaro
1J311Synthesis of Hybrid Surfactants Having a Sulfate Group and Their Emulsification Ability(2) ( Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology,Institute of Colloid and Interface Scienece,Science University of Tokyo ) MIYAZAWA,Haruhi
ko ; KONDO,Yukishi
ge ; SAKAI,Hideki ; ABE,Masahiko ; YOSHINO,Norio
1J312Synthesis of a colloid crystal under super-conducting magnet ( Dep. of Chem., Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) FUJITA,Toma ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
1J314Development of system for vizualizing membrame emulsification behavior ( National Food Research Institute,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers ) KOBAYASHI,Isao ; YASUNO,Motohiro ; NAKAJIMA,Mitutoshi ; SHONO,Atsushi ; SATOH,Kazumi
1J315Fabrication of straight-through silicon microchannel forsmonodispersed microspheres by micromachining technology ( National Food Research Institute,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishers ) KOBAYASHI,Isao ; NAKAJIMA,Mitutoshi ; KIKUCH
I,Yuji ; CHUN,Kyos
eok ; FUJITA,Hiroyuki
1J316Formation of gel-emulsion based on cubic liquid crystal ( Yokohama National Univ. ) TANIMOTO,Masayuki ; SHIGETA,Kazuki ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu
1J317Caracterization of Organophilic Synthetic Smectite-like Clay Minerals ( KOSE Co. ) HATA,Tsuyoshi ; WATANABE,Toru ; YABE,Shinryo ; HIRAI,Kiminori ; NAKABAYASHI,Jiro ; MOMOSE,Shigeyoshi ; ITO,Kazuo
1J318Sugar-cholesterol conjugate galator, the stabilize of which is strengthened by boronic acid- containing polymer ( JST Chemotransfigration ) KOBAYASHI,Hideki ; AMAIKE,Masato ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1J326Gelation properties and characterization of trans-1,4-cyclohexylene diisocyanate derivatives ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) NAKAGISHI,Akie ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa ; HANABUSA,Kenji
1J327Development of novel organogelators for template in sol-gel polymerization of titanium alkoxide ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) NUMAZAWA,Tomohiko ; KOBAYASHI,Satoshi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; SHIR
1J328Hydrogel Formation of Bolaamphiphiles with Benzene as a Core ( Tokyo Medical University, Kitasato University, Science University of Tokyo ) ARAI,Sadao ; TAKAGI,Hiroko ; SAKUMA,Shingo ; KITAHARA,Keiichi ; YOSHIHAMA,Isao ; TAKEMURA,Tesuo
1J329Mesomorphic properties of 2-(3,4,5-trialkoxybenzoylamino)-5-cyanotropones and formation of physical organogels ( Kyushu Univ. Shimane Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Masashi ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
1J330Interaction between Alkanethiols and Gold Nanoparticles Encapsulated by PAMAM Dendrimers. ( Science Univ. of Tokyo, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science ) SATOU,Kouji ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro ; ESUMI,Kunio
1J332Creation of Low Molecular-weight Organic Gels : Synthesis and Gel-Forming Properties of Novel Porphyrin Derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University ) KASHIWA,Masamichi ; YASUDA,Yoshiaki ; KAMIYAMA,Takuya ; SHIROTA,Yasuhiko
1J333Controlled Formation of Submicron-sized Core-Shell type Spherical Assemblies of Gold Nanoparticles in Reverse Microemulsions ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.; PRESTO, JST ) MATSUNE,Hideki ; YONEZAWA,Tetsu ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
1J334Behavior of gold nanoparticles in response to the electrode potential at an electrified interface ( PRESTO, JST; Nagasaki University, Dept. Applied Chem. ) SAGARA,Takamasa ; KAI,Futoshi ; KATO,Naoyuki ; NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi
1J335Preparation of Silica Particles in Reverse Micelles and Their Thermal Properties. ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) KANEKO,Takenori ; IMAI,Yoko ; TAJIMA,Kazuo
1J338Preparation of carbonated barium-calcium hydroxyapatite solid solutions by a wet method ( Osaka Univ. of Education ) YASUKAWA,Akemi ; UEDA,Eiichi ; KANDORI,Kazuhiko ; ISHIKAWA,Tatsuo
1J339Synthesis and Interfacial Self-Assembly of GoldsNanoclusters with Stable Radical ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) HATA,Kisato ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J340Synthesis of Fullerene-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticlessand Their Nanocomposite Interface ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) CHUUMA,Takaaki ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J341Preparation and sum frequency generation spectra of Au nanoparticle film at the air/water interface ( Science University of Tokyo, Cambridge University ) KAWAI,Takeshi ; NEIVANDT,David ; DAVIES,Paul
1J342Adsorption states of cationic surfactant monolayer on Au nanoparticle film ( Science University of Tokyo ) OIKAWA,Tetuya ; WATANABE,Tomoyuki ; KAWAI,Takeshi
1J344Synthesis and Characteristic of Gold Nanoparticles Containing Boronic Acid ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) KIDO,Yasushi ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J345Metal-Cation Recognition and Molecular Assembly of Nanosize Gold Clusters ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) GOTO,Tomotaka ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J346Preparation and Characterization of High Surface Area Zinc Oxides bys using of Zinc Peroxide Sols ( Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University ) UEKWA,Naofumi ; MOCHIZUKI,Naomi ; KAJIWARA,Jyunichi ; KAKEGAWA,Kazuyuki ; SASAKI,Yoshinori
1J347Electrochemical Coulomb Blockade on Self-Assembled Ag Particle Layer ( Saitama University ) NAWA,Masayoshi ; BABA,Ryo ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
1J348Preparation of noble metal nanoparticles in organic media using hydrophobically modified dendrimer . ( Science Univ. of Tokyo, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science ) ENDO,Takeshi ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro ; ESUMI,Kunio
2J302Structures of Nano Particles of Iron Composite Oxides Prepared by Freezing Process ( Osaka Univ. of Education; Kobe Steel Ltd ) ISHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; UENO,Tomoya ; YASUKAWA,Akemi ; KANDORI,Kazuhiko ; NAKAYAMA,Takenori ; YUSE,Fumio
2J303Photochemically preparation of EuO nanocrystals ( Graduate School of Engineeging, Osaka University ) THONGCHANT,Supitcha ; HASEGAWA,Yasuchika ; WADA,Yuji ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
2J304Enhanced luminescence and photo-magnetic properties of EuO nanocrystals ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) HASEGAWA,Yasuchika ; TONGCHANT,Supitcha ; WADA,Yuji ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
2J305Photosensitized luminescence of Eu(III) in zeolite micro cavity ( Graduate School of Engineeging, Osaka University ) UCHIYAMA,Katsuhiro ; WADA,Yuji ; RYO,Munenori ; HASEGAWA,Yasuchika ; YANAGIDA,Shozo
2J306Two-dimensional Patterning of Fine Particles by Using Dissipative Structures ( Frontier Research System, the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) ) SAWADAISHI,Tetsuro ; IJIRO,Kuniharu ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu
2J308Aggregation and recovery of spilled oil fuel C in sea water by carboxylic acid salt ( Nat. Inst. of Mater. and Chem. Res. ) SAKAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; KUSUMI,Koutarou ; KASHIYAE,Miyoko
2J309Analysis of the Electrolyte Effect on the Electrochemical Aggregation of Au Clusters Modified with a Biferrocene Thiol Derivative by the STM 0bservation ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TADERA,Tamon ; YAMADA,Mami ; KUBO,Kenya ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
2J310Synthesis and Electro-oxidative Deposition of New Pd Clusters Modified with a Biferrocene Thiol Derivative ( Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMADA,Mami ; QUIROS,Ignacio ; MIZUTANI,Jun ; KUBO,Kenya ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
2J311Optical Property of Redox-Tunable Nano-Composite Film ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAMATA,Kaori ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
2J312Formation and Electronic Excitation States of Organo-composit Semiconductor Nano-particles ( Nagaoka University of Technology ) AOTA,Yasuhiro ; NISHINO,Junichi ; NOSAKA,Yoshio ; FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITOH,Osamu
2J314Synthesis of Au/Pt Nanocomplsite particles bysReversed Micelle Method ( Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MIYAKAWA,Tomohiro ; KON-NO,Kijirou ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro
2J315Synthesis of Ag Nanoparticles in Nonion Reversed Micellar Systems ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) OHIRA,Hikari ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro ; KON-NO,Kijiro
2J316Influences of Metal Ions on Structures of .beta.-FeOOHsParticles Formed by Aging for Long Period ( Osaka Univ. of Education; Kobe Steel Ltd ) MOTOKI,Taiki ; KATOH,Ryuichi ; YASUKAWA,Akemi ; KANDORI,Kazuhiko ; ISHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAYAMA,Take
nori ; YUSE,Fumio
2J317Nanosecond laser induced transformation of thiol-passivated gold particles in cyclohexane: Effect of thiol compounds ( kyushu univ. ) SATO,Takuro ; NIIDOME,Yasuro ; YAMADA,Sunao
2J318Pulsed laser induced deposition of colloidal metal nanoparticles on solid substrates: Effect of chemical treatments of the surface ( Kyushu Univ. ) NIIDOME,Yasuro ; HORI,Ayako ; GOTO,Youhei ; TAKAHASHI,Hironobu ; YAMADA,Sunao
2J328Size Control of Gold Nanoparticles by Heat Treatment and Fabrication of Their 2D Superlattices ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) HASEGAWA,Satoshi ; TERANISHI,Toshiharu ; MIYAKE,Mikio
2J329Control of Interparticle Spacing of 2D Gold Nanoparticle Superlattices by Protective Ligand Length ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) TERANISHI,Toshiharu ; HASEDA,Mitsuyasu ; HAGA,Masa-aki ; MIYAKE,Mikio
2J330Fabrication of 2D Superlattices of Gold Nanoparticles Using Bridging Complexation ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) TERANISHI,Toshiharu ; KATO,Toshitada ; HASEDA,Mitsuyasu ; HAGA,Masa-aki ; MIYAKE,Mikio
2J331Electrochemical Instability of the Liquid-Liquid Interface ( Kyoto Univ. ) KAKIUCHI,Takashi
2J333Estimation of the polymer particle surface hydrophilicity in water by an atomic force microscope ( Dep. of Chem. Sci. and Eng., Fac. of Eng., Kobe University ) OKUBO,Masayoshi ; FUKUHARA,Yasuhiro ; SUZUKI,Toyoko
2J334Influence of viscosity within polymerizing particle on morphology of micron-sized, monodispersed, composite particles by seeded polymerization for highly monomer-swollen particles ( Dept. of Chem. Sci. and Eng., Fac. of Eng., Kobe Universit
y ) OKUBO,Masayosh
i ; YONEHARA,Hiroshi ; KURINO,Toru ; YAMASHITA,Tsuyoshi
2J335Production of composite polymer particles encapsulating hinokitiol ( Dep. of Chem. Sci. and Eng., Fac. of Eng., Kobe University ) OKUBO,Masayoshi ; MINAMI,Hideto ; JING,Yumei
2J336Production of poly(methyl methacrylate) particles by dispersion polymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide with poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based azoinitiator ( Dept. of Chem. Sci. and Eng. Fac. of Eng., Kobe University ) OKUBO,Masayoshi ; F
KA,Hiroshi ; MINAMI,Hideto
2J337Effect of a magnetic field on single bubble sonoluminescence ( Saitama Univ. ) ABE,Yuki ; YANAGITA,Hideo ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
2J338Electrorheological effects in Perovskite type complex oxides fine particles / silicone oil suspension ( Tokyo Inst. Technol. ) ITOH,Muneharu ; KAWAJI,Hitoshi ; TOJO,Takeo ; ATAKE,Tooru
3J302Surface analysis of Ag/Sb spiral and wave patterns on the electrode ( Saitama Univ. ) NAGAI,Kazunori ; NAKAO,Aiko ; NAKABAYASHI,Seiichiro
3J303Ion-exchangeability of magnesium-calcium hydroxyapatitessolid solutions ( Osaka Univ. of Education ) YOKOYAMA,Takashi ; YASUKAWA,Akemi ; KANDORI,Kzuhiko ; ISHIKAWA,Tatsuo
3J304Electrochemical Characterization of Boron-Doped Diamond Microelectrode Arrays ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TSUNOZAKI,Kentaro ; EINAGA,Yasuaki ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J305Site analysis of surface hydroxyls of chromium oxide by acetonitrile adsorption ( Okayama Univ. Sci. ) SERIZAWA,Akihiro ; IWASHITA,Tkafumi ; SASAKI,Tokitaka ; TAKAHARA,Shuichi ; KITTAKA,Shigeharu
3J306Unusual electrochemical behavior of semiconducting boron-dopedsdiamond electrodes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) TORIKKU,Donaludo Alekisanda- ; TSUNOZAKI,Kentarou ; TATA,N. Rao ; YOSHIMURA,Mikiko ; HONDA,Kensuke ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J308Electroanalytical Application of Metal Modified Diamond Electrode ( Univ. of Tokyo ) UCHIKADO,Ryuji ; HONDA,Kensuke ; TATA,N. Rao ; TRYK,Donald A. ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J309Electrocatalytic reaction at Pt-modified Diamond electrodes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HONDA,Kensuke ; YOSHIMURA,Mikiko ; TATA,N. Rao ; TORIKKU,Donaludo A. ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J310Chemical Modification of Oxygen-Terminated Diamond Electrode Surfaces with Silane Coupling Agents ( Univ. of Tokyo ) FUKAZAWA,Taishi ; NOTSU,Hideo ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J311Quantitative Analysis of Phenol Derivatives by Using Tyrosinase-Modified Diamond Electrodes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) NOTSU,Hideo ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
3J312Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous silica-alumina having highly-dispersed Al atom ( Okayama Univ. ) MORI,Toshinori ; KURODA,Yasushige ; YOSHIKAWA,Yuzo ; NAGAO,Mahiko ; KITTAKA,Shigeharu
3J314Photo-induced Electrochemical Deformation of Metal Nanoparticles on Solid Surface in Solution ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) MURAKOSHI,Kei ; TANAKA,Hiroyuki ; SAWAI,Yoshitaka ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
3J315Electrochemical Preparation of Metal Nano-contact in Solution ( Osaka Univ. ) LI,Jingze ; YAMADA,Yusuke ; MURAKOSHI,Kei ; NAKATO,Yoshihiro
3J316 Session Lectureevaluaton of surface-characteristics of metal oxide by potentiometric titration method ( fac.of engineering,okayama univ. ) TARI,Isao
3J326D2 Adsorption on Pd-Au Bimetallic Surfaces: Determination of the Minimum Reaction Ensemble ( Univ. Ulm, Germany ) TAKEHIRO,Naoki ; BEHM,Juergen
3J327Adsorption of Acetylacetone on Surface Hydroxyl Groups of Sili cas ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAMIJO,Nanae ; TAKEI,Takashi ; FUJI,Masayoshi ; CHIKAZAWA,Masatoshi
3J328Photochemical Properties of Porphyrin-Niobate Hybrid Materials ( Department of applied chemistry, Tokyo metropolitan university; CREST ) YAMAGUCHI,Yorihisa ; INOUE,Haruo ; SHIMADA,Tetsuya ; TAKAGI,Shinsuke ; YUI,Tatsuto
3J329Surface Properties of Layered Materials Derived from Layered Silicate Kanemite ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) TORIYA,Sunao ; TAKEI,Takashi ; FUJI,Masayoshi ; CHIKAZAWA,Masatoshi
3J330Adsorption Properties of Iodine-alloyed Activated Carbon Fiber ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University ) YANG,Cheol-min ; KANEKO,Katsumi
3J332Synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide supported on MCM-41 ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) TAKANE,Shin ; TAKEI,Takashi ; FUJI,Masayoshi ; CHIKAZAWA,Masatoshi
3J333Photocycloaddition of Stilbazolium Derivatives Intercalated in Polyfluorinated Surfactant - Saponite Clay Hybrid Compound ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ; Nagoya University ) YUI,Tatsuto ; SHICHI,Tetsuya ; TAKAGI,Katsuhiko ; INOUE,Haruo
3J334Enthalpy-Entropy Compensation Effect in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography ( Toyama University ) MIYABE,Kanji
3J335IR Spectra for Adsorbed Carbon Dioxide on Ion-Exchanged USY Zeolites ( Univ. of Tokushima ) KATOH,Masahiro ; HASEGAWA,Daiki ; ARITA,Tomoya ; TOMIDA,Tahei
3J338Pore Structure Determination of Microporous Carbonssof Different Burn-offs ( Chiba University, Graduate School of Natural Science andsTechnology,Faculty of Science ) MATSUMOTO,Makiko ; MURATA,Katsuyuki ; TANAKA,Hideki ; KANEKO,Katsumi
3J339Property of Polyfluorinated Surfactant /Clay Hybrid Environment ( Department of applied chemistry, Tokyo metropolitan university; CREST ) MATSUOKA,Ryosuke ; SHIMADA,Tetsuya ; YUI,Tatsuto ; INOUE,Haruo
3J340Stability of alkylammonium salts adsorbed on cleaved mica ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Graduate School of Science ) FUJII,Masatoshi ; HASEGAWA,Takenobu ; KATO,Tadashi
3J341The influence of the amount of interlayer Na cations in layered silicate kanemite on intercalation ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) YAMADA,Naoyuki ; TAKEI,Takashi ; FUJI,Masayoshi ; CHIKAZAWA,Masatoshi
3J342efficient storage of methane using high density activatedscarbon. ( Frontier Technology Laboratory,Tokyo Gas CO .,Ltd. ) KANAZAWA,Kazuhiro ; ARAKI,Toshinari ; INOMATA,Kiyoto ; URABE,Yasuhiko
3J344Structuring in liquid crystal/dye systems in the confined space studied using FECO spectroscopy ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) HARASZTI,Tamas ; KURIHARA,Kazue
3J345Interaction between Ionic Surfactants and Glass SurfacessModified with Quaternary Ammonium Groups ( Science Univ. of Tokyo, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science ) SAKAI,Kenichi ; TORIGOE,Kanjiro ; ESUMI,Kunio
3J346Development of Program for Analysis on Organic Lubrication ( Tohoku Univ. ) KAMEI,Daisuke ; ZHOU,Hui ; TAMURA,Hiroyuki ; TAKAMI,Seiichi ; KUBO,Momoji ; MIYAMOTO,Akira
3J347Single Molecule Observation of the Host-Guest Interactionsin Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes ( Univ. of Tsukuba;Tohoku Univ.; NIMCR; Univ. of Tokyo; CREST ) YASUDA,Satoshi
3J348Intercalation and characterization of polyfluorinated surfactants into clay. ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) FUJII,Shunsuke ; YUI,Tatsuto ; INOUE,Haruo
4J302Photocatalytic Activity of Surface Modified Titanium Dioxide Powder: Effect of Lanthanide Ion Adsorption ( Fukuoka Univ.; FIRECS ) MATSUO,Shuji ; YAMADA,Keiji ; NAGATA,Sumio ; MATSUO,Taku ; WAKITA,Hisanobu
4J303Strong adsorption of N2 at room temperture by CuZSM-5-type zeolite ( Okayama Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Takae ; KURODA,Yasushige ; YOSHIKAWA,Yuzo ; KUMASHIRO,Ryotaro ; NAGAO,Mahiko
4J304In Situ STM Study of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols with Terminal Carboxylic Acid on Au(111) ( National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology ) SAWAGUCHI,Takahiro ; SATO,Yukari ; MIZUTANI,Fumio
4J305Study on the particle texture dependence of protein adsorption by using synthetic micrometer-sized calcium hydroxyapatite particles. ( Osaka University of Education; School of Chemistry ) KANDORI,Kazuhiko ; FUDO,Aya ; YASUKAWA,Akemi ; ISHIK
4J306Apllication of Organic Monolayers Formed on Si Wafer Surfaces towards Electron Beam Micro-patterning ( Waseda Univ. ) YOSHITOMI,Shuhei ; TAKANO,Nao ; YAMADA,Keiko ; INOUE,Tomoyuki ; YAMADA,Taro ; OSAKA,Tetsuya
4J308Multilayer Thin Films of Redox-active Ru complexes with Phosphonate Anchoring Groups by Layer-by-layer Chemical Adsorption on Surface ( Chuo Univ ) OKADA,Keisuke ; KAWAI,Takahito ; INOUE,Miyao ; HAGA,Masa-aki
4J309Ion Exchange Properties of Titanic Acid Interlayers with Nanospacings ( Grad. Sch. Eng., Hokkaido Univ. ) TAMURA,Hiroki ; NAKAMURA,Kyousuke ; KIKKAWA,Shinichi
4J310Relationship between Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Characteristicssand Photoreactivity of Surface- Modified Titanium Oxide ( Toyohashi University of Technology ) TAKAI,Toshihiro ; MATSUMOTO,Akihiko ; NISHIMIYA,Nobuyuki ; TSUTSUMI,Kazuo
4J311Effect of hydrophilic-hydrophobic characteristics of Y-Zeolite on cyclohexanone adsorption ( Toyohashi University of Technology ) SUZUKI,Makoto ; MATSUMOTO,Akihiko ; NISHIMIYA,Nobuyuki ; TSUTSUMI,Kazuo
4J312Synthesis of Hybrid Surfactants Having a Phosphate Group and Their Adsorption to Hydroxyapatite ( Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Colloid and Interface Science, Science University of Tokyo ) YOKOKURA,
Hiroyuki ; KONDO,Y
ukishige ; SAKAI,Hideki ; ABE,Masahiko ; YOSHINO,Norio
4J314Synthesis of Fluorinated Aromatic Silane Coupling Agents and Surface Modification of Glass Plates ( Faculty of Engineering,Institute of Colloid and Interface Science,Science University of Tokyo ) KONDO,Yukishige ; AYA,Youichi ; YOSHINO,Nori
4J315Synthesis of Novel Antibacterial Silane Coupling Agent(2) ( Faculty of Engineering, Sci. Univ. of Tokyo, School of Sci., Kitasato Univ., and Institute of Colloid and Interface Sci., Sci. Univ. of Tokyo ) KONDO,Yukishige ; KATO,Kenta ; DOI,K
aori ; KAWADA,Kazu
o ; YOSHINO,Norio
4J316Solution characteristics of supramolecular assembly formed from linear platinum complex and chiral amphiphiles. -Effect of halogen ligands- ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) HATANAKA,Yasuhiro ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
4J317Synthesis and Characterization of Soluble Supramolecular Assemblies Comprised of Dialkyl Phosphates and Lanthanoid Ions ( Kyushu University ) JIN,Wusong ; SAITO,Kei-ichiro ; KIMIZUKA,Nobuo
4J318Solution characteristics of supramolecular assembly formed from linear platinum complex and chiral amphiphiles. - Effect of amphiphilic chemical structures. - ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) LEE,Changsoo ; HATANAKA,Yasuhiro ; KIMIZ
Bld. No.10 Room No.1022
[Colloid and Interface Chemistry]
1J402Dynamic Molecular Recognition by Mixed Monolayer Membranes Formed with Cyclophane Derivatives and Lipids ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) TAKEUCHI,Takenori ; TSUJI,Hiromitsu ; TANAKA,Ryutarou ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
1J403Effects of salts in subphases on a monolayer of 1-docosylpyridinium bromide ( Shinsyu University ) HIRAYAMA,Tohru ; FUJIO,Katsuhiko ; OZEKI,Sumio
1J404Preparation and Photoreactive Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers Containing Diazonaphthoquinone (DNQ) Units ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YOKOKAWA,Shinobu ; MATSUZAWA,Yoko ; NAKAGAWA,Masaru ; ICHIMU
1J405Nanoscopic Patterning of Ultra Thin Films Formed with Peptide Lipids ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) OHNISHI,Toshiyuki ; HORIGUCHI,Hisashi ; KAWANAMI,Shin-ichi ; SASAKI,Yoshihiro ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
1J406Surface Distribution and Enzyme Activity of Horseradish Peroxidase Immobilized on Phase-Separated Binary Self-Assembled Thiol Monolayers ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University ) UNO,Yusuke ; HOBARA,Daisuke ; YAMAMOTO,Masahiro ;
1J408Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) Studies on the Molecular Structures at the Interfaces between a Fused Quartz modified with an Amino-terminated Self Assembled Monolayer (SAM) and Electrolyte Solutions ( Graduate School of Science; Hokkaido U
niversity ) MIYAMO
TO,Dai ; NIHONYANAGI,Satoshi ; YE,Shen ; UOSAKI,Kohei
1J409Exfoliation of Layered Titanates with Various Transition Metals into Nanosheets and Construction of Multilayer Ultrathin Films via their Layer by Layer Depositon ( Natl. Inst. Res. Inorg. Mater. ) HARADA,Masaru ; SASAKI,Takayoshi ; EBINA,Ya
suo ; WATANABE,Mam
1J410Observation of differently prepared PEO-graft-carbon nanotube ( Chemotransfiguration Project - JST ) KAMINO,Ayumi ; SANO,Masahito ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1J411Sugar-dependent spectral response of azobenzene-sugar monolayers ( Chemotransfiguration Project - JST ) AMAIKE,Masato ; SANO,Masahito ; KAMINO,Ayumi ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1J412Fabrication of monolayer assembly of Latex and SiO2 particles on bicationic LB film by the adsorption method and their adsorption mechanisms. ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) TAMAKI,Ura ; IMAI,Yoko ; KOBAYASHI,Kouichi ; TAKAHASHI,Masas
hi ; TAJIMA,Kazuo
1J414Electron Transfer Reaction of Metallofullerene/LipidsComposite Film ( Nagasaki Univ. ) SAKAI,Mie ; MURAKAMI,Hiroto ; SAGARA,Takamasa ; NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi ; WAKAHARA,Takatsugu ; AKASAKA,Takashi
1J415Structure of cast films of Tetraalkylammonium Bromide ( Nagasaki Univ. ) MURAKAMI,Hiroto ; NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi
1J416Synthesis and Electrochemical Property of Self-assembled Monolayers with Charge Transfer Groups ( Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University; Iwate Industrial Promotion Center ) OGAWA,Satoshi ; HIROI,Yoshiomi ; SATO,Ryu ; OGAWA,Kaoru
1J417Hybridization of polynucleotide on self-assembled monolayer ( RIKEN ) NAKAMURA,Fumio ; HOKARI,Hirofumi ; HARA,Masahiko ; SASABE,Hiroyuki
1J418Fine-Tuning of Two-Dimensional Chromophore Assemblies on the Basis of Complementary Base-Pairing ( Research for Electronic Science, Hokkaido Univ. ) MORISUE,Mitsuhiko ; IJIRO,Kuniharu ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu
1J426Preparation of Polymer Host Ultrathin Films with Stereo-memory Function ( Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ. ) HAMADA,Ken-ichi ; SERIZAWA,Takeshi ; AKASHI,Mitsuru ; KATSUKAWA,Ken-ichi ; KITAYAMA,Tatsuki
1J427Preparation of Polymer Host Films with Stereo-memory Function ( Faculty of Engineering, Kagoshima Univ. ) HIWATARI,Ken-ichiro ; SERIZAWA,Takeshi ; SETO,Fusako ; KISHIDA,Akio ; MURAOKA,Yoichiro ; AKASHI,Mitsuru
1J428Infrared External Reflection Spectra of Mixed surfactants adsorbed at the Air/Water Interface ( Science University of Tokyo ) YAMADA,Yukinori ; KAWAI,Takeshi
1J429Infrared and UV-Vis spectra of Gibbs Monolayer at the Air/water Interface ( Science University of Tokyo ) NAKAMURA,Atsushi ; KAWAI,Takeshi
1J430Miscibility of Mixed Monolayer of Fatty Acid Based on Phase Diagram ( Saga Univ. ) KURAMORI,Miyuki ; UCHIKANBORI,Keiko ; SUEHIRO,Kazuaki ; OISHI,Yushi
1J432Studies of surface property and molecular structure of long-chain fatty acids ( Kobe Pharm. Univ.; Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ.; Tokyo College Pharm.; Univ. of Miami ) HASEGAWA,Takeshi ; NISHIJO,Jujiro ; WATANABE,Motoko ; UMEMURA,Junzo ; M
A,Yuqiu ; SUI,Guod
ong ; HUO,Qun ; LEBLANC,Roger M.
1J433Behavior of amphiphile and dendrimer with terminal pyridyl groups at Au(111) electrode surface ( Nagasaki University; PRESTO, JST ) NAGATA,Kumi ; SAGARA,Takamasa ; NAKASHIMA,Naotoshi
1J434preparation and optical properties of various types of two-dimensional periodical patterns using fine-particle arrays ( School of Engineering, University of Tokyo ) YAGI,Yoshie ; MATSUSHITA,Sachiko ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1J435Investigation of Metal-Ion Complexation of Chemically-Bonded Crown Ether by Atomic Force Microscopy ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) KADO,Shinpei ; KIMURA,Keiichi
1J438Analysis of acridine orange in Langmuir-Blodgett film with optical waveguide spectrophotometry. ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. ) YONEYAMA,Satoshi ; FUKUDA,Kyoko ; NAKAMURA,Fumio ; HARA,Masahiko ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1J439Synthesis of Tetracyanoanthraquinodimethane-thiol Derivatives and Their Self-assembled Monolayers ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) SATAKE,Yuh ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J440Formation and Electrochemical Property of Self-assembled Monolayers with Anthraquinonedithiol ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) KAMIHARA,Kotaro ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J441Formation and Characteristic of Mixed Self-assembled Monolayers with Electron-Donor and Acceptor ( KINKI Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) TATEISHI,Hiroshi ; FUJIHARA,Hisashi
1J442Preparation of Organic Ammonium/Titanate-Sheet Hybrid Thin Films by LB Technique ( JAERI Takasaki; Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMAKI,Tetsuya ; SHINOHARA,Ryuji ; ASAI,Keisuke
1J444Preparation of Periodic Submicro-Cylinder Diamond SurfacessUsing Fine Particles ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Fujishima Lab. ) OKUYAMA,Suguru ; MATSUSHITA,Sachiko ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
1J445Electron tunneling through conjugated SAM investigated by conductive AFM ( Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University ) SAKAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; HIRIAI,Atsushi ; MORI,Takuya ; IWATA,Futoshi ; SASAKI,Akira ; NAGAMURA,Toshihiko
1J446Preparation and Electrical Properties of a Neutral Complex Au(tmdt)2 LB films ( Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido Univ.Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido Univ.PRESTO,JST ) TAKAHASHI,Toshiyu
oyuki ; HASEGAWA,Tatsuo ; NAKAMURA,Takayoshi
1J447Formation of two dimensional self-assembly in a new type of homologous condensation polymers and their properties ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) TAJIMA,Kazuo ; IMAI,Yoko ; SUZUKI,Yukimitsu ; HIRAOKA,Shuichi ; YOKOZAWA,Tsutomu
1J448Electrochromic Periodic Microstructures Based on Two-Dimensional Fine-Particle Arrays ( Univ. of Tokyo ) MATSUSHITA,Sachiko ; TATSUMA,Tetsu ; FUJISHIMA,Akira
2J402Production and growth of NH4TiOF3and TiO2crystallites under air/water monolayer ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) SONODA,Kouhei ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; KAGAWA,Shuichi ; TERAOKA,Yasutake
2J403Preparation of ultrathin films of prussian blue by layer-by-layer adsorption method ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; KAMOGAWA,Haruna ; HAGIWARA,Kaori ; TERAOKA,Yasutake
2J404Phase Separation of Azobenzene Monolayer ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) FUKUDA,Kazuyuki ; SEKI,Takahiro ; ICHIMURA,Kunihiro
2J405Synthesis and monolayer formation of new copolymersshaving azobenzene and oligo(oxyethylene). ( Chemical Resources Laboratory,Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ZETTSU,Nobuyuki ; SEKI,Takahiro ; MORINO,Shinya ; NAKAGAWA,Masaru ; ICHIMURA,Kunih
2J406Even-Odd Effect observed in the monolayer of Azobenzene-Containing Urea Amphiphiles ( Tokyo Ins. of Tech. ) KOBAYASHI,Tooru ; SEKI,Takahiro ; MORIMO,Shin'ya ; NAKAGAWA,Masaru ; ICHIMURA,Kunihiro
2J408Controlled Polymerization of Diacetylene NucleobasesMonolayers by Oligonucleotide ( Hokkaido University ) MATSUMOTO,Jin ; IJIRO,Kuniharu ; SHIMOMURA,Masatsugu ; NISHIMURA,Shinichiro
2J409Fabrication of Electroluminescence Devices Using Polymer LB Films Containing Carbazole ( ICRS, Tohoku Univ. ) AOKI,Atsushi ; TAMAGAWA,Yuri ; MIYASHITA,Tokuji
2J410Effect of Spreading Solvent on Phase-Separated Morphology for Mixed Monolayer of Fatty Acid ( Saga Univ. ) NOGUCHI,Mika ; KURAMORI,Miyuki ; SUEHIRO,Kazuaki ; OISHI,Yushi
2J411Formation and Structure of Organized Molecular Films for Fluorinated Comb-Polymers ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) FUJIMORI,Atsuhiro ; ARAKI,Tohru ; NAKAHARA,Hiroo
2J412Organization of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Vesicle "Cerasome" on a Substrate by Alternate Layer-by-Layer Assembly ( Nara Inst. Sci. and Technol. ) HAMASAKI,Ryo ; KATAGIRI,Kiyofumi ; ARIGA,Katsuhiko ; KIKUCHI,Jun-ichi
2J414Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Phospholipid Bilayers with Different Water Contents. ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research; Fujitsu Co. Ltd. ) SHIBATA,Toshiyuki ; ABE,Yoshimichi ; MITSUI,Takashi ; TAKEUCHI,Munetaka
2J415Three phase emulsions prepared with dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerolsammonium salt and their characterization ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) TSUTSUI,Takahiro ; IMAI,Yoko ; NAKAMURA,Akio ; KOSHINUMA,Masakatsu ; TAJIMA,Kazuo
2J416Chain length dependence of amino acid-type surfactantssin the mixing of DMPC bilayer assembly ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) UJIIE,Nobuyuki ; IMAI,Yoko ; TAJIMA,Kazuo
2J417The distribution measurement of vesicle size by atomic force microscopy ( ISIR Osaka-Univ. ) KANNO,Takashi ; YAMADA,Tadanori ; IWABUKI,Hidehiko ; TANAKA,Hiroyuki ; KURODA,Shun'ichi ; TANIZAWA,Katsuyuki ; KAWAI,Tomoji
2J418Release Control of Glucose from a .beta.-Truxinic Acid-Derived Amphiphile-DPPC Mixed Vesicle by UV Irradiation and Temperature. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) MIZOGUCHI,Asako ; AOYAMA,Shigeru ; TAKIGAWA,Mikio ; ZHANG,W
anbin ; KIDA,Toshi
yuki ; NAKATSUJI,Yohji ; IKEDA,Isao
2J426Spontaneous Organization of Organic Nanotubes from Renewable Resources ( NIMC ) SHIMIZU,Toshimi ; JOHN,George ; MASUDA,Mitsutoshi ; YASE,Kiyoshi
2J427Interglycolipid Membrane Interactions (IV) -Surface Force Measurement of Glycolipid Bilayer in Aqueous Inorganic Salt Solution- ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TOYOMASU,Takayuki ; BABA,Teruhiko ; KORCHOWIEC,Beata ;
ki ; HATO,Masakatsu
2J428Functional surface formation by electrostatic adsorbance of vesicle on a gold substrate and its application to a biosensor ( Wakayama National College of Technology ) HAYASHI,Junjiro ; MORITA,Seiichi ; MIYAI,Kazuya ; TAKAHASHI,Tsuyoshi ; TE
2J429Solid state polymerization of diacetylenic amines in Br-based organic-inorganic perovskite-type compounds ( Univ. of Tokyo; Sophia Univ.; CREST(JST) ) TABUCHI,Yuko ; ASAI,Keisuke ; RIKUKAWA,Masahiro ; SANUI,Kohei
2J430Mesoscopic Supramolecular Structures of Dye J Aggregates in Solution and Their Morphological Transformation ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) YAO,Hiroshi ; KITAMURA,Shin-ichi ; KIMURA,Keisaku
2J432Incident angle-dependent reflectivity measurements of oxide ultrathin films synthesized by two-dimensional sol-gel process ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) SAKAMOTO,Youichi ; MORIGUCHI,Isamu ; TERAOKA,Yasutake
2J433Preparation and Functionalization of Self-supporting (Polymer/Oxide) Composite Ultrathin Films. ( FRS System, RIKEN ) HASHIZUME,Mineo ; KUNITAKE,Toyoki
2J434Imprinting of Coordination Geometry in Ultrathin Films via the Surface Sol-Gel Process ( FRS System, RIKEN ) HE,Junhui ; ICHINOSE,Izumi ; KUNITAKE,Toyoki
2J435Molecular Wrapping of Fluorescent Dyes by Means of Ultrathin Titan ia Films ( Frontier Research System, RIKEN ) ICHINOSE,Izumi ; KUNITAKE,Toyoki
2J436The preparation of nano wire networks by the oxygen plasma processing of the nanoparticles covered with metal oxide ultrathin films ( Frontier Research System, RIKEN ) FUJIKAWA,Shigenori ; KUNITAKE,Toyoki
3J402Self-assemblies of mixed surfactant solutions of amino acidstype-sulfate type and their surface activities ( Fac. Eng., Kanagawa-u. ) FUJIMATSU,Masuo ; IMAI,Yoko ; NAKAMURA,Akio ; TAJIMA,Kazuo
3J403Molecular dynamics simulation of the chloride andstetra-ethyl-ammonium ion across nitrobenzene|water liqid-liquid interface ( Kyoto University, UC Santa Cruz ) YAMAMOTO,Masahiro ; BENJAMIN,Ilan ; CHORY,Ilya ; KAKIUCHI,Takashi
3J404Surface tension properties of novel amphoteric fluorinated surfactants in solution. ( Yokohama National University ) RODRIGUEZ,Carlos ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu ; NOGUCHI,Yukinori ; NAKAYA,Tadao
3J405A phase separation phenomenon of aqueous solutions of a metal complex salt and their solution structures ( Graduate School of Integrated Science, Yokohama City University ) KANNAMI,Miyoko ; YOKOYAMA,Haruhiko ; NAKAJIMA,Satoru ; ITO,Haruo
3J406Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of Quaternized Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimers ( Science Univ. of Tokyo; Esumi Lab. ) MIZUTANI,Hirotsugu ; TORIGO,Kanjiro ; ESUMI,Kunio
3J408The effect of added salt on self-diffusion coefficients of alkylpyridinium bromide micelles ( Shinshu Univ. ) KOBAYASHI,Shinya ; FUJIO,Katsuhiko ; UZU,Yuhei ; OZEKI,Sumio
3J409Effect of Water-Soluble Alcohols on the Micelle Formation and Structure of Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester ( Yokohama National Univ.; Lund Univ.; Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. ) ARAMAKI,Kenji ; HINATA,Shigeki ; OLSSON,Ulf ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu ; ISHITOBI,
3J410A study of the interaction between MEGA-10 and surfactantss in the mixed micelle by CD ( Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ. ) AKISADA,Hideo ; NISHIDA,Junko ; KUNISAKI,Minako ; NISHIKAWA,Keiko ; WADA,Mitsuyo ; AKAGI,Shiho ; KUWATA,Ayano
3J411Metal-Ion Complexation of Crowned Spirobenzopyran in Micell Interface ( Wakayama University Faculty of Systems Engineering ) YAMAMURA,Tsuyoshi ; SAKAMOTO,Hidefumi ; KIMURA,Keiichi
3J412Photodegradation of hydrophobic organic pollutant withinsmicell solubilization at the TiO2 dispersion. ( Meisei University; EPFC ) WATANABE,Natsuko ; HORIKOSHI,Satoshi ; YUASA,Hiromi ; HIDAKA,Hisao
3J414Effects of micellar charge density on the coefficient of the Corrin-Harkins relation ( OMTRI, Kyushu Univ. ) KAKEHASHI,Rie ; TAKEDA,Tokuji ; MAEDA,Hiroshi
3J415Behavior of Quinone Diimine Derivative in Micelle ( Osaka Univ. ) HIRAO,Toshikazu ; NAKA,Sachiko ; SAITO,Kaori
3J416Viscoelastic behavior and ultrasonically induced birefringence in aqueous solutions of worm like micelles. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University ) MATSUOKA,Tatsuro ; YAMAMOTO,Ken ; KODA,Shinobu ; NOMURA,Hiroyasu
3J417Novel sugar-based surfactants (alkylpolyglycosides) with Krafft temperatures below 0 C. ( National Inst. of Materials & Chem. Res. ) HATO,Masakatsu ; MINAMIKAWA,Hiroyuki ; SALKAR,Rajesh, A. ; MATSUTANI,Sanae
3J418Effects of Shear Flow on the Structure of thesLamellar Phase Formed in Nonionic Surfactant and Water ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; Ochanomizu Univ. ) MINEWAKI,Koji ; KATO,Tadashi ; IMAI,Masayuki
3J426The effects of added amino-acid derivative oils on the cloud points and phase behavior in aqueous nonionic surfactant solutions ( Yokohama National Univ. ) MATSUZAWA,Katsutoshi ; KOYAMA,Masako ; SAKAMOTO,Kazutami ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu
3J427Effect of the polar oil on the self-organized structures of amino acid surfactant aqueous solution ( Graduate School of Engineering,Yokohama National Univ. ) YAMASHITA,Yuuji ; OSHIMURA,Eiko ; SAKAMOTO,Kazutami ; KUNIEDA,Hironobu
3J4282H NMR Study on the Phase Behavior of C12E3-decane-water System ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) MICHIUE,Ayako ; TONEGAWA,Akimitsu ; OHNO,Keiichi ; MATSUURA,Hiroatsu ; YAMADA,Koji ; OKUDA,
3J430Mechanism of organic pigment thin film formation using surfactants with an azobenzene moiety ( Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ITO,Yoshitaka ; SAJI,Tetuo
3J431Thin Film Formation of copper phthalocyanine by Using a Cationic surfactant with an Azobenzene Moiety ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KASHIHARA,Norihisa ; ITO,Yoshitaka ; SAJI,Tetsuo ; SHRESTA,N.k
3J432Structure and tribology of calcium lauroyl taurate ( KAO CORPORATION ) NONOMURA,Yoshimune ; KURITA,Kenkou ; KASHIMOTO,Akio ; HOTTA,Hajime ; SUZUKI,Toshiyuki ; KANEKO,Youhei ; IITAKA,Kazuhiro
Poster Session
[Corrdination Chemistry,Organo-metallic chemistry]
1PA002 Steric Interaction of Adjacent Substituents and External Ligands within Cyclometalated Pd(II) Complexes of 2-(2-Disubstituteds Ethenyl)-8-quinolinol ( Kobe City College of Technology; Himeji Institute of Technology ) OHFUCHI,Shinichi ; TSU
TSUMI,Keisuke ; NA
1PA003 Formation Process of Self-organized Helical Structure in Arginine-containing Palladium(II) Complex-Dianion System ( Nagoya Institute of Technology; Kansai University ) OHATA,Nayumi ; MASUDA,Hideki ; YAMAUCHI,Osamu
1PA004 Formation Conditions of Tungstovanadate Complexes in Aqueous-Acetonitrile Media ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ) HIGUCHI,Ayumi ; TATEWAKI,Hideki ; HIMENO,Sadayuki
1PA005 Bis(dithiolato) Zinc(II), Cadmium(II) and Mercury(II) Complexes with Benzenedithiolato and Acylamino-Substituted Benzenedithiolato Ligands ( NIAES; Osaka Univ. ) BABA,Koji ; OKAMURA,Taka-aki ; UEYAMA,Norikazu ; MURAYAMA,Shigetoshi
1PA006 Molecular assembly of zinc complexes having amino acid moieties ( Osaka Institute of Technology ) NOMURA,Ryoki ; SHIMONAKA,Kazumasa ; KOBAYASHI,Hiroaki
1PA007 Properties in Solution of Schiff-Base Nickel(II) ComplexessContaining Piperazine Framework ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) WATANABE,Hiroko ; YAMADA,Yasunori ; MIYASHITA,Yoshitaro ; FUJISAWA,Kiyoshi ; OKAMOTO,Ken-ichi
1PA008 Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of a Strapped Tetraaza[14]annulene with (S)-1,1'-Binaphthol and its Nickel(II) Complex ( Kyushu Institute of Technology ) SAKATA,Kazunori ; MAEHARA,Takayuki ; HASHIMOTO,Mamoru
1PA009 Dynamic Structure of Substituted Ferrocenes containing a large substituent ( Ritsumeikan Univ. ) MASUDA,Takahiro ; OKADA,Yutaka ; HAYASHI,Takatoshi
1PA010 The Molecular Association of Cationic Cobalt(III)Complexes with Anionic Cobalt(III) Complexes in Solutions ( Yamaguchi University ) SAIGO,Toshiki ; MIGITA,Kouto
1PA011 Synthesis of Ruthenium/Osmium Dinuclear Complexes Bridged by Tetrapyridylpyrazine and Formation of Mixed-valence Sate. ( Chuo Univ ) SHIZAWA,Yoichi ; HAGA,Masa-aki
1PA012 Structure and Properties of Diastereoisomers of a Ruthenium(II)Complex Having a Pyridylpyrazoline Derivative as a Ligand. ( Natl. Inst. Mat. and Chem. Res. ) WANG,Pengfei ; ONOZAWA,Nobuko ; KATOH,Ryuzi ; HIMEDA,Yuichiro ; SUGIHARA,Hideki
; ARAKAWA,Hironori
; KASUGA,Kazuyuki
1PA013 Synthesis and properties of ruthenium bipyridyl- cupper or cobalt schiff base dinuclear complexes having dipyrido phenazine moiety ( Natl. Inst. of Mat. and Chem. Res. ) ONOZAWA,Nobuko ; HIMEDA,Yuichiro ; KATOH,Ryuzi ; SUGIHARA,Hideki ; AR
AKAWA,Hironori ; K
1PA014 Syntheses and Mixed-valence State of (.beta.-diketonato)ruthenium Complexes Bridged with Tetracyano Compounds ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia Univ. ) HASHIMOTO,Takeshi ; ISHITOBI,Yousuke ; HARA,Shuuhei ; SMIMIZU,Kunio
1PA015 Synthesis and properties of binuclear ruthenium complexes with long conjugated spacers ( Fac. of Education, Nagasaki University ) FUCHINO,Junko ; MATSUURA,Noriyuki ; HOSHINO,Yoshimasa
1PA016 Polyphenylene-based metallodendrimers containing a Ru bis(terpyridyl) complex ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) SUGIHARA,Yasuji ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1PA017 Characterization of Microporous [Cu2(bz)4(pyz)]n Complexs- Adsorption Behaviors of nitrogen, carbon tetrachloride, water, carbon dioxide, and acetonitrile - ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ.; Shimane Univ. ) NUKADA,Ryoji ; MIKUR
IYA,Masahiro ; HAN
DA,Makoto ; NAONO,Hiromitu
1PA018 Synthesis and magneto-optical properties of 2-hydroxy phenyl iminonitroxide radical metal complexes. ( Department of chemistry, Graduate school of science ) KANDA,Hironori ; KAIZAKI,Sumio
1PA019 Solvent Effect on Thermodynamic Parameters for Ligands Induced Pseudo Spin-Crossover in Square-Planar Four-Coordinate Bis(biuretato)cobaltate(III) Complexes ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science,Osaka University ) YAGI,Taka
shi ; SUZUKI,Takay
oshi ; KAIZAKI,Sumio
1PA020 Magnetic Behavior and Electrical Conduction of [Fe(acpa)2](TCNQ)n ( Osaka Univ. ) FUJITA,Naoki ; NAKAMURA,Kazuto ; NAKANO,Motohiro ; TAMURA,Hatsue ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
1PA021 Structure and magnetic properties of mononuclear metal complexes coordinated by pyridone ligands ( Toho Univ. PRESTO, JST ) MOCHIDA,Tomoyuki ; UEDA,Mikio ; AOKI,Chigusa ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi
1PA022 Magneto-optical properties of bis(.beta.-diketonato) chromium(III)complexes containing a chelated imino nitroxide radical(IM2-py) ( Department of Chemistry,Graduate School of Science,OsakaUniversity ) TSUKAHARA,Yasunori ; IINO,Atsushi ; KA
1PA023 X-Ray Analysis of Manganese Complexes with a Variety of Coordination Structures ( Ryukoku Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Manabu ; KOMORI,Takeshi ; FUJITA,Manabu ; TSUJI,Jun-ichi ; TANIGUCHI,Kazuo ; MATSUSHITA,Takayuki ; IKEDA,Shigero
1PA024 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectra of Nickel(II) Complexes with a Variety of Coordination Structures ( Ryukoku Univ. ) TAKEDA,Terumi ; YAMAGUCHI,Toshihiro ; FUJIWARA,Manabu ; MATSUSHITA,Takayuki
1PA025 Synthesis of Photochromic Silver(I) Complexes with Bisthienylmaleic anhydride Derivative. ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki Univ. R.I. for Science and Technology, Kinki Univ. ) TOSHIMA,Yasutaka ; KURODA-SOWA,Takayoshi ; MAEKAWA,Ma
sahiko ; MUNAKATA,
1PA026 Gold-197 Moessbauer spectra for cyclometalated binulear organogold compounds ( Faculty of Science, Toho Univesity; Department of AppliedsChemistry, RMIT University ) TAKAHASHI,Masashi ; MOHR,Fabian ; BHARGAVA,Sursh K. ; TAKEDA,Masuo
1PA027 Syntheses and Luminescences of Gold(I) Complexes with New Thiophenol Ligands ( Nagoya Inst. of Tech. VBL; Nagoya Inst. of Tech. ) YOSHIDA,Takafumi ; ONAKA,Satoru
1PA028 Construction of Molecular Wire with Gold(I) Ethynylphenanthroline Complexes ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) SHIOTSUKA,Michito ; YAMAMOTO,Youhei ; OKUNO,Shigeru ; INUI,Yasuhiro ; ONAKA,Satoru
1PA029 Phtochemical Reactions of Palladium and Platinum Complexesscontaining Phosphines with Alcohols. ( Department of applied chemistry, Seikei University ) TSUBOMURA,Taro ; IWASAKI,Kazumasa ; ISHIDA,Naohito ; ASAKAWA,Etsuo ; TAMANE,Tsuyoshi
1PA030 Synthesis of linear multinuclear rhenium(I) bipyridinescomplexes ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University ) ISHITANI,Osamu ; KANAI,Keiko ; SAKAMOTO,Kazuhiko
1PA031 Pressure effect on the photocatalyticscarbon dioxide reduction using rhenium complexes. ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) HORI,Hisao ; SUZUKI,Yoko ; KOIKE,Kazuhide ; TAKEUCHI,Koji ; SASAKI,Yoshiyuki
1PA032 Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide bysfac-Re(bpy)(CO)3L (L = CN-,SCN-) ( Grad. School of Sci. and Eng., Saitama Univ. ) ISHITANI,Osamu ; TAKEDA,Hiroyuki ; SAKAMOTO,Kazuhiko
1PA033 Excitation energy transfer in crystals of double complex salts from [M(4,4'dmbpy)3]2+ (M2+=Ru2+,Os2+) to Cr(III) complexes ([Cr(CN)6]3-,[Cr(ox)3]3-). ( Tokyo Institute of Tech. ) SUDO,Keiichi ; OTSUKA,Takuhiro ; KAIZU,Youkoh
1PA034 Energy Transfer from [Ru(N-N)2(N-N)']2+ to [Cr(CN)6]3- in Double-Complex Salts ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech. ) ISAJI,Mizuki ; OTUKA,Takuhiro ; TERASIMA,Madoka ; MATUMURA,Takeko ; KAIZU,Youkoh
1PA035 Design of Ru(II)-dipyridophenazine(dppz) complex towardsefficient energy-transfer systems ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) MUTAI,Toshiki ; KUWABARA,Miho ; CHOI,Chang-shik ; ARAKI,Koji
1PA036 Effect of alkari cations and solvent molecules upon the relaxation processes of tris(malonato)chromate(III) complex in rigid-solvent of water and ethanol at 77K. ( Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KAJIWARA,Yukihiro
; OTSUKA,Takuhiro
; KAIZU,Youkoh
1PA037 Photoisomerization behavior of Novel Bipyridine Complexes attached by azobenzene ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KUME,Shoko ; KURIHARA,Masato ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
1PA038 Insertion of Arylallene, Carbonmonooxide, or Acetylene Derivative into the Platinum-Carbon Bond of Cationic and Neutral Arylplatinum(II) Complexes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) SUZAKI,Yuji ; YAGYU,Takeyos
hi ; OSAKADA,Kohta
1PA039 Reaction of Pt(III) Dinuclear Complex with Heteroatom-Substituted Alkynes ( Waseda University ) YAMADA,Jun ; MISAWA,Hanae ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
1PA040 The reaction of amidate-bridged platinum(III) dinuclear complex with 1,3-conjugated dienes ( Waseda University ) OCHIAI,Masahiko ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
1PA041 Reactions of Pt2Rh Mixed-Metal Trinuclear Complexes with Acetylene Derivatives ( Univ. Nara Women's ) BEGUM,Rowshan Ara ; TANASE,Tomoaki
1PA042 Synthesis and Reactivity of Platinacyclobutene Complexes ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology ) TSUTSUMI,Ken ; YABUKAMI,Tomomi ; MORIMOTO,Tsumoru ; KAKIUCHI,Kiyomi
1PA043 Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Catalyzed by Chiral Phosphine Ylide (Yliphos) Complex ( Doshisha Univ. ) NAKAJIMA,Osakazu ; SASAYAMA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
1PA044 Electric and Steric Effects on the Insertion Reactions of Acetylene into the Pd-C Bond of Arylpalladium(II) Complexes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YAGYU,Takeyoshi ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1PA045 The effect of the substituentes on the Cp'-P ligand for the stereoselective reaction of the Cp'-P Rh complexes. ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University ) NAKAGAWA,Yousuke ; KATAOKA,Yasutaka ; TANI,Kazuhide
1PA046 Reactions of Rh(I) Hydroxo Complexes with Organoboronic Acids ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) NARA,Kyoko ; NISHIHARA,Yasushi ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1PA047 Transition Metal Catalyzed Hydrosilylation of Methylenecyclopropanes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKEMURA,Miwa ; NISHIHARA,Yasushi ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1PA048 Synthesis and Characterization of cis-[Ru(NO)(dpk-OH)(OTf)2] ( Meiji Univ. ) ITAZAKI,Masumi ; NARUSHIMA,Takashi ; NAGAO,Noriharu
1PA049 Synthesis of mixed ligand nitrosyl rutenium complexes with polypyridyl ligands ( Meiji University ) YAMAWAKI,Keigo ; NAGAO,Noriharu
1PA050 Formation of Ruthenacyclopentatriene by reaction of HexCp-Ru Complex and Acetylenes ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KURASHINA,Masashi ; MIZUTANI,Jun ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
1PA051 Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization Catalyzed by Cationic Ruthenium(II) Complexes with Bidentate Phosphine Ligands ( Osaka City University, Faculty of Engineering ) KATAYAMA,Hiroyuki ; WADA,Chikaya ; OZAWA,Fumiyuki
1PA052 Conversion of coordinated nitrosyl ligands on bis(bipyridine)ruthenium complexes ( Faculty Sci. Tech. Sophia Univ. ) UEDA,Akihiro ; NAGAO,Hirotaka ; OI,Takao
1PA053 C-Si Bond Activation Reactions on the bridging diselenide in the dinuclear Ru(III) complex ( Waseda University, Japan Science and Technology Corpolation ) HATEMATA,Shiho ; SUGIYAMA,Hiroyasu ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
1PA054 Preparation of Novel Silylruthenium Complexes by Reactions of Di- or Triruthenium Clusters Bearing a Substituted Azulene with Organosilanes ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University ;Department of Molecular and Material Stu
dy, Kyushu Univers
ity ) MATSUBARA,Kouki ; RYUU,Kazuhiro ; IURA,Takafumi ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
1PA055 Preparation of Isocyanide Derivatives of the Diruthenium Carbonyl Complex Bound to Guaiazulene ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University;Department of Molecular and Material Study, Kyushu university ) MATSUBARA,Kouki ; MIMA,
Shouji ; ODA,Taka
shi ; NAGASHIMA,Hideo
1PA056 Oxidative decomposition of phenols usings phtalocyaninatozinc(II) as a photosensitizer ( Shimane Univ., Fac. of Sci. & Eng. ) MIYAZAKO,Takahiro ; SUGIMORI,Tamotsu ; HANDA,Makoto ; KASUGA,Kuninobu
1PA057 Synthesis of New Zirconium and Yttrium Complexes Bearing New Tridentate Imino-Acetal-Pyrrolyl Ligands ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ. ) MATSUO,Yutaka ; MASHIMA,Kazushi ; TANI,Kazuhide
1PA058 Multifunctional Oxidation Catalysis by Vanadium(V)-substituted Polyoxometalates - Oxidation of Substituted Benzene and Epoxidation of Cyclooctene with 30% Hydrogen Peroxide - ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; HASHINO,Kei
1PA059 Active catalyst of oxygenation using polyoxometalates and catechols ( Kinki Univ. Osaka Univ. ) SASAKI,Yo ; NISHIKAWA,Norihiro ; ICHIHARA,Jyunko ; YAMAGUCHI,Syunro
1PA060 Synthesis, Characterization and Use as Catalyst of a Dinuclear Copper (II) Complex Bearing Bis[3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)phenyl] Sulfone Ligands ( Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Technology ) MASUYAMA,Yoshiro
; GUIDOTE,Armando
; KASHIHARA,Riyo ; KURUSU,Yasuhiko ; NAGAO,Hirotaka
1PA061 Synthesis of 1,1'-Bis((1-anthraquinonyl)ethynyl)ferrocene and Protonation-Induced Intramolecular Electron Transfer ( Univ. of Tokyo ) KOJIMA,Kohei ; MURATA,Masaki ; FUJITA,Takako ; YAMADA,Mami ; KURIHARA,Masato ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
1PA062 Solvatochromism of a Ferrocene-Naphthoquinone Conjugated Complex ( Univ. of Tokyo ) FUJITA,Takako ; YAMADA,Mami ; MURATA,Masaki ; KURIHARA,Masato ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
1PA063 Photoisomerization and Redox Behavior of Azoferrocene ( Univ. of Tokyo ) HIROOKA,Akira ; KURIHARA,Masato ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
1PA064 Stabilization of metal clusters by cage-like organicshost molecules ( Institute for Molecular Science ) NAGATA,Toshi
1PA065 Complex assembly via. non-rigid ligands ( Osaka Institute of Technology ) NOMURA,Ryoki ; FUJIWARA,Kenji ; AKIMITSU,Takayuki ; NAKAMOTO,Shoichi
1PA066 Direct Preparetion of Pt(IV) complexes with Dipeptide ( Kogakuin Univ.; Konan Univ ) WATABE,Masatoshi ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; OKADA,Hirokazu
1PA067 Reactions of Arylgold(III) Complexes with Alkynes ( Kyushu Univ. ) UTSUNOMIYA,Yoshimichi ; FUCHITA,Yoshio
1PA068 Synthesis and Antitumor Properties of Gold(III) Cyclometallated Complex ( Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Kyushu University ) KOGA,Natsuyo ; IEDA,Hidenori ; NAKANO,Shuji ; FUCHITA,Yoshio
1PA069 Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Antimicrobial Activities of Silver(I) Complexes with Amino Acid Ligands ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; YOKOYAMA,Hironari ; TAKAHASHI,Satoshi ; NOGUCHI,Ryusuke
1PA070 Syntheses, X-ray Crystal Structures and Antimicrobial Activities of Bismuth(III) Complexes with Tridentate and Quinquedentate Thiosemicarbazone Ligands ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; HONDA,Ayano ; SEKINO,Kiyoshi ; CHI
1PA071 Synthesis and Property of Transition Metal Complex with N-(2=hydroxyphenyl)salicylamide ( Shibaura Institute of Technology; Nat. Inst of Mater. and Chem. Res. ) KASHIYAE,Miyoko ; SAKAGUCHI,Hiroshi
1PA072 Preparation and Charactarization of Dinuclear Manganese(III) Complexes with Bridging Schiff Base Ligand ( Ryukoku Univ. ) NEGORO,Sei ; ASADA,Hideyuki ; FUJIWARA,Manabu ; MATSUSHITA,Takayuki
1PA073 Bridged Trimers of Ru3 ClusterssIntramolecular Electron Transfer in Mixed Valence States ( Tohoku.Univ. ) TSUSHIMA,Nozomi ; NAGINO,Haruko ; YAMAGUCHI,Tadashi ; ITOU,Tasuku
1PA074 Tri- and Pentanuclear Clusters of Palladium withsSelenido Bridges ( Osaka City Univ. ) MATSUMOTO,Keiji ; KOTOKU,Naho
1PA075 Oxidation of .mu.-peroxo cobalt(III) complex coordinated by macrocyclic ligand, cyclam, with thiols in oxygenated and deoxygenated aqueous solutions. ( Department of Chemistry, Yokohama City Univ. ) SHINOHARA,Nobuyoshi ; KUDOU,Arata
1PA076 Chemical behavior of .mu.-peroxo-cobalt(III) complexes in aqueous solutions under the atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen ( Yokohamacity Univ. Sinohara Laboratory ) KOBAYASHI,Chiho ; UCHIYAMA,Ryoko ; SHINOHARA,Nobuyoshi
1PA077 Radical Substitution Reaction in Cobaltadithiolene Rings with Disulfides ( Sophia Univ. ) OGURO,Hiroki ; MAESHIMA,Kazuaki ; SUGIYAMA,Toru ; YOKOYAMA,Yasuo ; SUGIMORI,Akira ; KAJITANI,Masatsugu
1PA078 Anomalous ligand substitution reaction of Na[Co(NO2)2(acac)2] with iminonitroxide radical ( Department of chemistry, Graduate School of Science,Osaka University ) ISHIDA,Terukazu ; SUZUKI,Takayoshi ; KAIZAKI,Sum
1PA079 Redox behavior of nitridochromium(V) complex ( Ehime Univ.;Kyoto Inst. Techn. ) AZUMA,Nagao ; NAKAGAWA,Takashi ; YOSHIDA,Hironobu ; TANI,Hiroyuki ; TAJIMA,Kunihiko
1PA080 Reaction of H2O2 ( or [VO(O2)(dipic)]- )-VO2+ ( or [VO(dipic)] ) in aqueous solution. ( Yokohama Univ.Shinihara Laboratory ) OZAWA,Ritsuko ; MATSUMOTO,Yuki ; SHINOHARA,Nobuyoshi
1PA081 Propargyloxylation of Arylenesilylenes and Their Thermal Stability ( Natl. Inst. Mater. Chem. Res.;Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. ) REDDY,Poreddy Narsi ; HAYASHI,Teruyuki ; TANAKA,Masato ; ISHIKAWA,Junichi ; ITOH,Masayoshi
1PA082 Synthesis of Silicon-bridged [2.2]metacyclophanes ( Tokai Univ. ) IIDA,Minoru ; OBA,Makoto ; NISHIYAMA,Kozaburo
1PA083 Synthesis and Reactions of .alpha.-Hydroxyalkylgermane Bearing the Martin Ligand ( Graduate School of Science, The Univ. of Tokyo ) GOTO,Satoshi ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
1PA084 Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Six-coordinate Tetraaza[14]annulene Germanium(IV) Complexes ( Kyushu Institute of Technology ) CHIN,Sen ; HASHIMOTO,Mamoru ; SAKATA,Kazunori
1PA085 Synthesis, Structure, and Propaties of Aluminum Complexes Bearing Tridentate Bis(imino)pyrrolyl Ligands ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ. ) MATSUO,Yutaka ; TSURUGI,Hayato ; MASHIMA,Kazushi ; TANI,Kazuhide
1PA086 Synthesis and Structures of Silylthiolato Complexes of First Row Transition-Metals ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular Science ) KOMURO,Takashi ; KAWAGUCHI,Hir
oyuki ; TATSUMI,Ka
1PA087 Reaction of Triplatinum Complex with Bridging Silylene Ligands with alkynes ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TANABE,Makoto ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
1PA088 A Novel Synthetic route for a Siloxy Trithio Molybdenum(VI) Complex and its Reactions. ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) ARIKAWA,Yasuhiro ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1PA089 Reactions of Ru(II),Rh(III) and Ir(III) complexes bearing arene or pentamethylcyclopentadienyl group with 1,8-bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)naphthalene (1,8-dpmn). ( Faculty of Science, Toho Univ. ) MIYAUCHI,Fumiyoshi ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiro
1PA090 Syntheses and structures of rhodium and iridium paracyclophane complexes with Cp* as a support ligand ( Kinki University ) HASHIMOTO,Naoki ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; SATO,Tetsuma ; KURODA,Takayoshi ; SUENAGA,Yusaku ; MUNAKATA,Megumu
1PA091 Synthesis and Reaction of Mixed Ligand Ruthenium(II) Complexes with tripyridyldiamine (H2tpda) and terpyridine (terpy) ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Meiji Univ. ) TOYAMA,Mari ; SUGANOYA,Ryuuji ; NAGAO,Noriharu
1PA092 Reaction of fac-[RuCl3(DMSO)3]- with Tridentate ligand Tripyridyldiamine ( Meiji Univ. ) SUGANOYA,Ryuuji ; TOYAMA,Mari ; NAGAO,Noriharu
1PA093 Synthesis and Oxidation of 2-Ruthenocenyl-1,3-benzodithiole derivatives ( Chemical Analysis Center, Saitama University ) SATO,Masaru ; TANEMURA,Atushi
1PA094 Synthesis of Trinuclear Transition Metal Complexes using a Tris(alkynethiolato) Ligand ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; ) SONNYU,Tatsuya ; SUNADA,Yusuke ; MATSUMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; TATSU
1PA095 Synthesis of 2,2'-bipyrimidine bridged Ru-Pd heterobimetallic complex ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) TANAKA,Yuko ; MASUI,Dai ; YAMAGUCHI,Motowo ; YAMAGISHI,Takamichi
1PA096 Synthesis and Reactivities of the Benzenedithiolato-Bridged Rh2Ru Heterotrimetallic Cluster ( Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. ) WATANABE,Shiro ; WATANABE,Yuko ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; YAMASHITA,Masahir
1PA097 Syntheses and Properties of Homo- and Hetero-Sandwich-Type Bis(polypyrazolylborato)ruthenium Complexes ( Nagasaki Univ. ) KUMAGAE,Shiho ; KAWANO,Hiroyuki ; ASAI,Keiko ; ONISHI,Masayoshi
1PA098 Synthesis of Novel Ruthenium Complexes Bearing Amidinate and Diene Ligands ( Kyushu Univ.; Yokohama National Univ. ) NAGASHIMA,Hideo ; MIYAZAKI,Kazuma ; YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; HAYASHIDA,Taizou
1PA099 Synthesis of Chiral Dendritic Ligands and Their Ru Complexes ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) WATAI,Shinya ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1PA100 Synthesis and Reactions of Novel Halide Ion-Bridged Diruthenium-DPPF Complexes ( Nagasaki Univ. ) KAWANO,Hiroyuki ; MAKINO,Takahiko ; NISHIMURA,Yoshimasa ; UMAKOSHI,Keisuke ; ONISHI,Masayoshi
1PA101 A Novel Dianion Cyanamide-type Ligand and its Transition Metal Complexes. ( Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya ) CAO,Rong ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1PA102 Syntheses and structures of di- and trinuclear iridium complexes bridged by 4,4'-bipyridine analogues ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University, Research Institute for Science and Technology, Kinki University and Graduate Schoo
l of Engineering,
Kyoto University ) MORITA,Tomonori ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; MUNAKATA,Megumu
1PA103 Syntheses and structures of the Pt and Ni bimetallic complexes with dithiocarboxylate ligand ( Tokyo Metro. Univ ) ONO,Takashi ; TAKIZAWA,Kouiti ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro ; KAWASHIMA,Taku
1PA104 Synthesis of Group 10 Trandition Metal Complexes having a Bulky Phosphine Ligand ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University ) KASAI,Takeshi ; MATSUMOTO,Tsuyoshi ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1PA105 Structural Characterization of Metal Complexs of Thiacalixarene and the Sulfinyl and Sulfonyl Analogue. ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) MORHASHI,Naoya ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; KABUTO,Chizuko ; MIYANO,Sotaro ; KAJIWARA,Takashi ; YO
KOZAWA,Shuichi ; I
1PA106 Synthesis and Structure of Metal Complex with 1,4-dithiin Ring Containing Aromatic Compounds ( Kinki Univ. ) SUENAGA,Yusaku ; SUGIMOTO,Takeshi ; KURODA-SOWA,Takayoshi ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; MUNAKATA,Megumu
1PA107 Oxidative Preparation of Trivalent Chromium Complexes from Divalent Chromium Complexes ( Okayama Univ.; Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. ) OSHIKI,Toshiyuki ; TAKAI,Kazuhiko ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
1PA108 Synthesis and structure of metal complexes with poly(2-pyridylmethyl)-optically active diamines ( Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University ) GOTO,Masafumi ; KOIKE,Hiroyuki ; SHIIYA,Hisao ; OHMORI,Sachiko
1PA109 Hydroxo-Bridged Dinuclear Copper Complexes with Diamine and Biscarboxylate Ligands. ( Unv. Nara Women's ) KATO,Merii ; TANASE,Tomoaki
1PA110 Synthesis of a Novel Macrocyclic Ligand Containing Phenanthroline Derivatives and the Metal Complex of the Ligand. ( Department of applied chemistry, Seikei University ) TAMANE,Tsuyoshi ; YASUI,Masahiko ; NEMOTO,Haruna ; TSUBOMURA,Taro
1PA111 Synthesis of Sulfur-Coordinated Ni(II) Complexes Having a Carbene Ligand ( Graduate School of Science and Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University; Institute for Molecular Science ) HASEGAWA,Takeshi ; KAWAGUCHI,Hiroyuki ;
; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1PA112 Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Strapped Tetraaza[14]annulene and its Oxovanadiumu(IV) Complex with a Bridging Methylene Group ( Kyushu Institute of Technology ) KURODA,Chiharu ; HASHIMOTO,Mamoru ; SAKATA,Kazunori
1PA113 Substitution reaction of vanadium(V) in Dawson-type heteropolyoxometalates. ( Fac. of Science, Kochi Univ. ) UEDA,Tadaharu ; NISHIMOTO,Yuriko ; SAITO,Rie ; HOJO,Masashi
1PA114 Capillary Electrophoretic Study on the Formation and Transformation of Isopolyoxotungstates ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ; Technology Research Institute of Osaka Prefecture ) KITAZUMI,Iwao ; NAKASHIMA,Yoichi ; YOSHIHARA,Mayumi ; H
1PA115 Syntheses of Mixed Addenda Tungstophosphates Containing Zinc Ions ( Osaka Muni. Tech. Res. Inst.; Osaka Inst. of Tech.; Osaka Univ. ) KAWAFUNE,Isao ; KUBO,Masaki ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
1PA116 Synthesis, Molecular Weight Measurments and X-ray Crystal Structures of Tri- and di-titanium(IV)-substituted Keggin-type Polyoxotungstates ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; TAKAHASHI,Mizuto ; ARAKI,Jun ; OHSAWA,Katsunor
1PA117 Synthesis of Tetratungstate Supported Organorhodium Complex ( Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University ) USHIROYAMA,Maiko ; HAYASHI,Yoshihito ; UEHARA,Akira
1PA118 Synthesisi of Double Cubane Type Cobalt-Tungsten Hexadeca Nuclear Cluster with tacn Ligand ( Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University ) MASUKAWA,Takaaki ; HAYASHI,Yoshihito ; UEHARA,Akira
1PA119 Synthesis of Organometallic Group (cod)Pt2+ Supported on Tri-niobium(V) - and Tri-vanadium(V) - substituted Dawson-type Polyoxotungstates ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; TORII,Hideki ; NOMURA,Keiichi
1PA120 Synthesis of Organometallic Group Cp*Rh2+ supported on Tri-niobium(V)- and Tri-vandium(V)-substituted Dawson-type Polyoxotungstates ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; SUZUKI,Naoto ; HASEGAWA,Takeshi ; TORII,Hid
1PA121 Synthesis, Symmetry and Protonation of Cp*Rh2+ Complex Supported on .alpha.-1,4,9-Tri-vanadium(V)-substituted Keggin-type Polyoxotungstate ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) NOMIYA,Kenji ; SAKAI,Yoshitaka ; YAMADA,Yoshiteru ;
1PA122 Synthesis, Structure and Property of an Unbridged Dinuclear Pt(III) Complex, [{Pt(phpy)2Cl}2] ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) KUBOTA,Osamu ; YAMAGUCHI,Tadashi ; ITO,Tasuku
1PA123 Synthesis and Characterization of Linear Hexanuclear Platinum Clusters with Tridentate Phosphine Ligands ( Univ. Nara Women's ) GOTO,Eri ; ZHAN,Shuzhong ; TANASE,Tomoaki
1PA124 Synthesis and Synchrotron Radiation Crystal Structure Analysis of Partially Oxidized One-dimensional Diplatinum Complex ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) UEDA,Hidekazu ; MITSUMI,Minoru ; KISHIDA,Hideyuki ; OZAWA,Yoshiki ; TORIUMI,Koshiro
1PA125 Preparation of V2O5- and VOPO4-Intercalation Compounds Containing Various Metal Complexes ( Osaka Univ. ) MAEDA,Takeshi ; KILIAN,Michal ; NAKANO,Motohiro ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
1PA126 Structures, Magnetic and Electronic Properties of a Charge Transfer Complex Consisting of chloride-bridged Manganese chain and BEDT-TTF Columun. ( Tokyo Metro. Univ. ) YOSHINO,Yuko ; NAKATA,Kazuya ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; MATS
UZAKA,Hiroyuki ; Y
1PA127 A Novel Coordination Polymer Constructed from Naphthoquin Derivatives ( Shizuoka University; Kyoto University ) TANAKA,Hirokazu ; YAGISHITA,Sadahiro ; IMAYOSHI,Ai ; KAWATA,Satoshi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1PA128 Metal assembled compounds of chloranilic acid in the presence of tridentate organic ligand ( Shizuoka University, Kyoto University, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KABIR,Md. Khayrul ; KAWATA,Satoshi ; KAWAHARA,Mitsuhiro ; ADACHI,Keiichi ;
u ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1PA129 Syntheses, X-ray crystal structures, and propertiess of [Co(Cl4Cat)2(N-N)]- complexes ( Kyoto Univ. ) NISHIDA,Nao ; CHANG,Ho-chol ; MOCHIZUKI,Katsunori ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1PA130 Crystal structure of assembled cobalt(II) complexes with beta-diketone and alcohols ( Osaka Kyoiku Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Tadashi ; KUBONO,Koji ; YOKOI,Kunihiko
1PA131 The properties and crystal structures of copper(II) complexes with several kinds of dipeptides ( Sophia University Faculty of Science and Technology ) YAMAGUCHI,Takeshi ; YOSHIKAWA,Akihiko ; INOMATA,Yoshie ; HOWELL,F.s.
1PA132 Novel Self-assembled Compound Structure Constructed from Copper-chloranilate Complex ( Shizuoka University, Kyoto University ) NAGAYOSHI,Kunimitsu ; MIYAZAKI,Norie ; KABIR,Khayrul ; ADACHI,Keiichi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; KAWATA,Satoshi
1PA133 Synthesis and structure of s 3-dimensional porous coordinated polymer with sulfosalicylate ( Kyoto Univ. ) KOYAMA,Yoshitaka ; KITAURA,Ryo ; KONDOU,Mitsuru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1PA134 Novel coordination polmers constructed from pyrazine derivatives ( Shizuoka University ) ADACHI,Keiichi ; KAWATA,Satoshi ; SUGIYAMA,Yuichi
1PA135 Triple-decker, Spiral and Herringbone Silver(I) Complexes ofsBenzopyrene Derivatives Assembled with Their .eta.2-Coordination ( Kinki University ) ZHONG,Jianchu ; MUNAKATA,Megumu ; KURODA-SOWA,Takayoshi ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; SUE
NAGA,Yusaku ; KONA
1PA136 1-D and 2-D coordination complexes from 4,4'-Dipyridyldisulfide and AgX (X = NO3, OTs) ( Toho Univ.; PRESTO, JST ) HORIKOSHI,Ryo ; MAKI,Noriko ; MOCHIDA,Tomoyuki ; MORIYAMA,Hiroshi
1PA137 Synthesis and structure of one-dimensional Ag(I) coordination polymer ( Kyoto Univ. ) HORIKE,Satoshi ; UEMURA,Kazuhiro ; KONDO,Mitsuru ; KITAGAWA,Susumu
1PA138 Synthesis and Structure of Tree-Dimensional Silver(I) pi-Complexes with Biphenylene ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University ) NAKAGAWA,Hisao ; KURODA-SOWA,Takayoshi ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; MUNAKATA,Megumu
1PA139 Synthesis and structure of novel coordination polymers derived from 1,3-bis(2-pyridylethynyl)benzenes and Ag ions ( The Institure of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) KAWANO,Tomikazu ; DU,Chong-xu ; UEDA,Ikuo
1PA140 Construction of Coordination Networks from Fluorinated Flexible Tridentate Ligands ( Miyagi University of Education; Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University; CREST ) KASAI,Kayoko ; NAKAGAWA,Keiko ; FUJITA,Makoto
1PA141 Construction of coordination polyrotaxanes from fluorinated flexible ligands ( Miyagi University of Education; Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University; CREST ) KASAI,Kayoko ; SATOH,Mariko ; FUJITA,Makoto
1PA142 Novel Polymeric Lanthanide complexes constructed by Multicarboxylate Ligands via Hydrothermal Reaction. ( Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya ) CAO,Rong ; TATSUMI,Kazuyuki
1PA143 Paramagnetic shift in 1H NMR spectra of lanthanide(III) complexes containing chelate-type imino nitroxide radical ( Graduated school of science, Osaka University ) TSUKUDA,Toshiaki ; SUZUKI,Takayoshi ; KAIZAKI,Sumio
1PA144 Electrochromic Behavior of Triple-decker Sandwich Dinuclear Y(III) and La(III) Complexes of Octabutoxyphthalocyanine in Dichloromethane ( Kyushu Univ. ) SHIIBA,Ken-ichi ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuhiro
1PA145 Synthesis and properties of [La{Ni(pyca)2}6][La(NO3)6] with the centered icosahedral Lanthanum(III). ( Faculty of Science, Niigata Univ. ) MASUTANI,Tazuko ; IGARASHI,Satoshi ; YUKAWA,Yasuhiko
1PA146 Near Infrared Circular Dichroism in the 4f-4f Transitions of Configurational Chiral Cr(III)-Ln(III) (Ln = Er, Sm, Ho) Oxalato-Bridged Dinuclear Complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) MD. ABDUS,Subhan ; KAIZAKI,Sumio
1PA147 X-ray Crystal Structure of Lanthanide Triflate - Tri-2-pyridylamine Adduct ( Meiji University ) MOGI,Daisuke ; MORI,Masahiro ; NAGAO,Noriharu
1PA148 Synthesis and structure of one-dimensional heterometal (Lanthanide-copper) polymer complexes bridged by bis(L-prolinato)-copper(II) ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech.,Niigata Univ. ) WANG,Liyan ; IGARASI,Satosi ; YUKAWA,Yasuhiko
1PA149 Synthesis and properties of the centered icosahedral samarium(III) cluster formed by bis(DL-prolinato)nickel(II) units. ( Faculty of Science, Niigata Univ. ) IGARASHI,Satoshi ; AIZAWA,Yasuko ; YUKAWA,Yasuhiko
1PA150 Preparation of the .beta-diketone ligands containing metacyclophane skeleton and its lanthanide(III) complex ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) TAKANO,Hideki ; MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; TSUGE,Akihiko
1PA151 Synthesis and Properties of Dinuclear Rare Earth Complexes with a Macrocyclic Ligand ( NAIR ) KANESATO,Masatoshi ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
1PA152 Electronic comminucation between axial ligands via Rus porphyrin ( Nagoya Institute of Technology ) NODA,Koji ; ITO,Mamoru ; TAKAGI,Shigeru ; ONAKA,Satoru
1PA153 Photochemical and Electrochemical Properties of Porphyrins including Pyridyls or Pyridinium moieties. ( Nagoya Inst. of Tech ) UMEDA,Tamami ; TAKAGI,Shigeru ; ONAKA,Satoru ; YAMAMURA,Takeshi
1PA154 Synthesis and properties of a planar binuclear ruthenium(II) phthalocyanine complex ( Shimane University ) HANDA,Makoto ; KATAOKA,Norihito ; HIROMITSU,Ichiro ; SUGIMORI,Tamotsu ; SOGABE,Kunihisa ; KASUGA,Kuninobu
1PA155 Synthesis and properties of ruthenium(II) complexe with 6,7-dicyanodipyrido[2,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline. ( Yokohama City University ) KOMI,Nobuyasu ; SHINOZAKI,Kazuteru
1PA156 Syntheses and Characterization of Molybdenum Complexes with Different Substituents ( Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute ) MA,Tingli ; NOMA,Hiroaki ; INOUE,Kouzou ; YAO,Ken ; ABE,Eiichi ; YAMADA,Sunao ; AKIYAMA,Tsuyoshi
1PA157 Syntheses and crystal structures of cocrystallites containing of fullerene with metal porphyrins ( Tokyo Metro. Univ,Rigaku ) KANEHAMA,Ryou ; AIZAWA,Naoko ; ISHII,Tomohiko ; MIYASAKA,Hitoshi ; MATSUZAKA,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Masahiro ; SHIR
1PA158 Effect of Peripheral Substituent Groups on Hetero Association of Metalloporphyrin and Metallophthalocyanine ( Ibaraki University;Ibaraki National College of Technology ) OHNO,Osamu ; KUWABARA,Miho ; UNO,Junichi ; SATOH,Minoru
1PA159 Tetranuclear complexes of copper(II) and zinc(II) ions accomodated in the covalently combined phthalocyanine and Schiff-base coordination sites. ( Shimane University ) HANDA,Makoto ; NISHIKAWA,Atsushi ; YAHATA,Yukihiro ; SUGIMORI,Tamotsu ;
1PA160 Preparation and some properties of phthalocyanine complexes modified with aromatic substituents ( Shimane Univ. Fac. of Sci. & Eng. ) SUGIMORI,Tamotsu ; KOTOH,Naoko ; HANDA,Makoto ; KASUGA,Kuninobu
Poster Session
[Material Chemistry]
1PB002 Entrap-immobilization of beta-galactosidase on composite gel fiber of cellulose acetate and metal alkoxide ( Fukui Univ.; Tohoku Univ. ) NAKANE,Koji ; OGIHARA,Takashi ; OGATA,Nobuo ; KUROKAWA,Youichi
1PB003 Crystal Growth of Copper Atoms on the Surface and/or Inside the Polyaniline Film ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) FURUTA,Akira ; SATO,Masaaki ; KOGACTI,Mineo
1PB004 Preparation of Polysilsesquioxane Containing Organoboron ( National Defense Academy; Lintec Co.Ltd ) IWASA,Rika ; MORIYA,Osamu ; SUGIZAKI,Toshio
1PB005 Preparation and Properties of PMMA Composite Resin with Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 ( KANSAI Univ. ) TATSUMI,Msakazu ; YANO,Masafumi ; MIKI,Akiko ; HARA,Hiroko
1PB006 Synthesis of polysilsesquioxne containing Methacrylate and EpoxyGroups and its properties. ( Kanto Gakuin Univ;Lintec.Co.Ltd;National Defense Academy ) OOTUKA,Masaki ; KAGEYAMA,Toshifumi ; SUGIZAKI,Toshio ; MORIYA,Osamu
1PB007 Two-dimensional structural control of the self-assembled hydrogen-bonded molecular aggregates in liquid-crystalline media ( The Univ. of TokyosShinshu Univ. ) KISHIMOTO,Akira ; MIZOSHITA,Norihiro ; KATO,Takashi ; HANABUSA,Kenji
1PB008 Preparation of polyethylene/layered clay nano-composite by use of gel method ( Shinshu Univ. ) FUJIMATSU,Hitoshi ; NAKAMURA,Takeshi ; USAMI,Hisanao ; IIJIMA,Takashi
1PB009 Influence of Hydroxyl Group on High Strength Polymer Cement Composite ( Toin University of Yokohama ) NOJIMA,Atsuhiro ; ISHIDA,Hiroyuki ; OKUYAMA,Hideaki ; KANEDA,Tsutomu ; TAKATA,Tomonori
1PB010 Reinforcement of model network polyurethane by silica. ( Faculty of Science, Konan University and HRC ) IKEDA,Yoshiyuki ; SUZUKI,Shigenori ; SASAKI,Muneo
1PB011 Analysis of gel/liquid crystal transition of the guanosine derivative / alkane system ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) SATO,Takafumi ; SEKO,Masayuki ; YOSHIKAWA,Isao ; TAKASAWA,Ryoichi ; ARAKI,Koji
1PB012 Preparation of photoresponsive silica fine particles containing UV-induced tris-2,2'-bipyridine iron(II) complex ( Keio Univ. Sci. Tech. ) NAKANISHI,Chikashi ; IKEDA,Saori ; ISOBE,Tetsuhiko ; SENNA,Mamoru
1PB013 Immobilization of Norbornadiene to Hyperbranched Poly(amidoamine)-grafted Silica ( Graduate School of Niigata Univ.; Niigata Univ.; Kanagawa Univ. ) KOTAMA,Kazutoshi ; TSUBOKAWA,Norio ; NISHIKUBO,Tadaomi
1PB014 Postpolymerization of Acrylamide Initiated by the System Consisting of Ceric Ion and Hyperbranhced Poly(amidoamine)-grafted Silica ( Niigata Univ.; Joetsu Univ. of Education ) SHIRAI,Kumi ; TSUBOKAWA,Norio ; FUJIKI,Kazuhiro ; SAKAMOTO,Mune
1PB015 Grafting of Polymers by Use of Carboxyl Groups Introduced onto Carbon Fiber by Ligand Exchange Reaction of Carboxyferrocene with Aromatic Rings of the Surface ( Joetsu Univ. of Education; Graduate School of Niigata Univ.; Niigata Univ. ) F
UJIKI,Kazuhiro ; S
AKAMOTO,Munenori ; NAKAZAWA,Yasuhiro ; SAITOH,Satosi ; TSUBOKAWA,Norio
1PB016 Immobilization of Zwitterion Group onto Inorganic Particle Surfaces and Their Functions ( Graduate School of Niigata Univ.; Niigata Univ. ) ODAWARA,Chiharu ; ARASAWA,Hiroko ; TSUBOKAWA,Norio
1PB017 Novel Organic-Inorganic Quantum Confinement Structure (XI)Structural Characterization and Optical Properties for Novel Alkylamine Salt Systems ( Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) TESHIMA,Kenjiro ; SHIRAI,Yasuo ; RIKUKAWA,Masahiro ; SANUI,K
1PB018 Ring-Opening Polymerization of Tetrahydrofuran Containing Silanol ( Aichi Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Shi-ichi ; KI,Ra ; NAKAKITA,Satoshi ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
1PB019 Oriented Crystal Growth of Calcium Carbonate on Polymerized LB Film ( NIRIM ) KUMAGAI,Yuri ; SATO,Kimiyasu ; KOGURE,Toshihiro ; TANAKA,Junzo
1PB020 Interferometric observation of foaming gas solution process into polymer ( Natl. Inst. Resources and Environment ) NAGASHIMA,Kazushige ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshitaka ; TAKAHASHI,Masayoshi ; OHTAKE,Katsuto
1PB021 Preparation of High-Strength and High-Modulus Fiber of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene by Swell-Drawing Method, Effect of residual solvent on drawing ( Shinshu Univ. ) FUJIMATSU,Hitoshi ; IDOGAWA,Hiroshi ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; USAMI,
Hisanao ; IIJIMA,T
1PB022 Design of solid acid-base properties for inorganic/organic hybrids ( Nippon Steel Corporation ) KATAYAMA,Shingo ; IWATA,Keiji ; KUBO,Yuji ; YAMADA,Noriko
1PB023 The new sol-gel synthetic method of the porous hybrid material and the application as chemical carrier. ( Fukuka Industrial Technology Center ) KOGA,Ken'ichi
1PB024 Rapid synthesis and Characterization of Al-containing Mesoporous Silica Hard Spheres with 30-50 Micrometer Diameter ( NIRE ) KOSUGE,Katsunori ; MURAKAMI,Tatsuro
1PB025 Preparation of Pt/SiO2 aerogel using supercritical impregnation ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) YODA,Satoshi ; TAKEBAYASHI,Yoshihiro ; SUGETA,Tsutomu ; OHTAKE,Katsuto
1PB026 Synthesis of Silica-pillared Microporous Manganese Oxide ( Shikoku Natl. Ind. Res. Inst.; Univ. of Tokushima ) TEZUKA,Satoko ; LIU,Zong-huai ; WANG,Zheng-ming ; KANOH,Hirofumi ; OOI,Kenta
1PB027 Preparation of tubular metal oxide materials with helical structure using cationic organogelator as template ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) HAMASAKI,Nobuhiro ; KOBAYASHI,Satoshi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; KIMURA,
Mutsumi ; SHINKAI,
Seiji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1PB028 Observation of photochemical hole burning in Eu3+ doped Al2O3-GeO2 glasses prepared by the sol-gel method. ( Ritsumeikan Univ.,Kyoto Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Toshinori ; WADA,Noriyuki ; KOJIMA,Kazuo ; NI
SHI,Masayuki ; HUJ
ITA,Koji ; HIRAO,Kazuyuki
1PB029 Crystal growth of double oxides under high temperature and pressure condition ( Okayama University ) TAKEDA,Shin-ichi ; KOBAYASHI,Kouji ; TARI,Isao
1PB030 Mechanochemical Synthesis of Silver Ion Conducting Materials in System Ag2S-SiS2 ( Konan Univ. ) PENG,Heifen ; MACHIDA,Nobuya ; SHIGEMATSU,Toshihiko
1PB031 Preparation and Proton Conductivity of Complex Antimonic Acids ( National Research Institute for Metals ) OZAWA,Kiyoshi ; SAKKA,Yoshio ; AMANO,Muneyuki
1PB032 NMR Study on hydration process in soda-silicate glass ( Osaka National Research Inst. ) AKAI,Tomoko ; YAMASHITA,Masaru ; YAMANAKA,Hiroshi ; YAZAWA,Tetsuo
1PB033 Synthesis of nickel phosphite by solid-solid reactions. ( Himeji Institute of Technology. ) UEYAMA,Toshihiko ; FUKUTSUKA,Tomokazu ; MATSUO,Yoshiaki ; SUGIE,Yosohiro
1PB034 Synthesis of montmorillonite-titania composite using supercritical fluid ( NIMC ) SAKURAI,Yuichiro ; YODA,Satoshi ; OOTAKE,Katsuto ; YANAGISHITA,Hiroshi ; NAKANE,Takashi ; TSUCHIYA,Toshio
1PB035 Influence of precursors on hydroxyl apatite partially substituted hydroxide with carbonate ( Coll. of Ind. Tech., Nihon Univ. ) TANAKA,Satoshi ; MACHINAGA,Osamu ; AOYAMA,Yoshio
1PB036 Characterization of Grain Structure of PhotoelectrochemicallysTailored Nano-Porous TiO2 ( Gifu Univ. ) YASUNO,Satoshi ; SUGIURA,Takashi ; YOSHIDA,Tsukasa ; MINOURA,Hideki
1PB037 Growth of Nickel(II) Sulfide Thin Films by MOCVD Technique ( Osaka Institute of Technology ) NOMURA,Ryoki ; NAKAI,Norio ; HAMAGUCHI,Shin'ya ; HAYATA,Hirotatsu
1PB038 Preparation of LaNi1-XPdXO3 PerovskitesThin Films by Co-Sputtering Method ( Teikyo University ; Kumamoto University ; National Ins. ofsMat. and Chem. Res. ) YAMADA,Satoshi ; TAI,Hideo ; MATSUMOTO,Yasumichi
; KOINUMA,Michio ;
1PB039 Preparation of titanium and lead oxide films by KrF laser CVD method ( NIMC ) WATANABE,Akio ; TSUCHIYA,Tetsuo ; IMAI,Yoji
1PB040 Orientation of composite thin film of poly(dimethylsilane) and poly(di-n-hexylsilane) ( Department of Chemistry Gunma University ) TSUBOTA,Hiroki ; CHOU,Jouri ; ISHIHARA,Tomihiko ; HIRATSUKA,Hiroshi
1PB041 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nanostructured Spinel Ferrites by Glycine Nitrate Process ( Nat. Inst. Resources and Environment ) KIKUKAWA,Nobuyuki
1PB042 The function enhancement of the aluminosilicate particles by shape control. ( Kao Corporation Materials Research Laboratories ) KOTERA,Takanori ; SAWADA,Takuya
1PB043 Solidification of vanadium pentoxide hydrate film by adhesion of ultrafine particles ( Okayama Univ. Sci. ) TANAKA,Katsumasa ; KITTAKA,Shigeharu
1PB044 Synthesis and photo-characterization of the metal sulfide microcrystallites in a polymerfilm. ( Faculty of Science and HRC,Konan University ) IKEDA,Yoshiyuki ; SHIRIIKE,Hiroyuki ; SASAKI,Muneo
1PB045 Synthesis and Properties of Titanium Oxide / Polydimethylsiloxane Hybrid Fine Particles ( KOSE Co. ) NAKADE,Masato ; HONDA,Yoshiko ; KAMEYAMA,Koichi ; OGAWA,Makoto
1PB046 Synthesis and catalysis of poly(beta-cyclodextrin)-stabilized metal nanoclusters ( Science Univ. of Tokyo in Yamaguchi ) SHIRAISHI,Yukihide ; HAYASHI,Miho ; TOSHIMA,Naoki
1PB047 Selective carboxylation of benzene using Cu/Pd bimetallic nanoclusters ( Science Univ. of Tokyo in Yamaguchi ) TASHIRO,Shigetoshi ; SHIRAISHI,Yukihide ; TOSHIMA,Naoki
1PB048 Fluorescence spectrum of Coumarin 153 microcrystals prepared by electrospray. ( Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University ) FUJII,Sayaka ; KOBAYASHI,Hiroyuki ; KOTANI,Masahiro
1PB049 Formation of B/C/N films on HOPG substrate with unique surface ( Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ ) KAWANO,Takanori ; BANDO,Hiroyuki ; NAKAMOTO,Norifumi ; KAWAGUCHI,Masayuki
1PB050 Production and Detection of C3N4: C2H2/N2 MW Discharge Plasma ( National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Chemistry Division ) SELVIN,Christopher ; SUNDARAM,Arulmozhiraja ; IWASE,Keiichiro ; FUJII,Toshihiro
1PB051 Mass Spectrometric Analysis of a CH4/H2 Microwave Plasma under Simulated Diamond Deposition Conditions ( National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Chemistry Division ) IWASE,Keiichiro ; KAREEV,Michael ; FUJII,Toshihiro
Poster Session
[Functions of Materials]
1PB053 Entrap-Immobilization of Lipase on Cellulose-TisAlkoxide Gel Fiber and Application to Esterification ( Tohoku Univ. ) IKEDA,Yuko ; UEHARA,Takeshi ; KUROKAWA,Youichi
1PB054 Photochromism of Biindenylidene that Shows Photoinduced Magnetic Properties ( Ehime Univ., Okayama Univ. of Science ) TANAKA,Koichi ; SHIRAISHI,Ryusuke ; TODA,Fumio
1PB055 Pyrazole Derivatives Exhibiting Photochromism in Crystals (2) ( Yokohama National Univ.,Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., Nat. Inst. Mat. Chem. Res. ) WAKAMATSU,Yuko ; SAITOU,Yasuyo ; OKADA,Itaru ; KATSURADA,Manabu ; KODAIRA,Tetsuya ; YOKOYAMA,Ya
1PB056 Temperature effects on the thermal decoloration process of photochrome derived from N-salicylideneanillines crystals ( Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University ) YOKOYAMA,Tai ; AMIMOTO,Kiichi ; KANATOMI,Hajime ; KOYAMA,Hiroyuki ; KAWA
1PB057 Synthesis of Thermally Reversible Photochromic Benzothienylfulgides and the Substituent Effect ( Yokohama Nat. Univ., Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Univ. ) NAKATA,Hirosi ; YOKOYAMA,Yayoi ; YOKOYAMA,Yasushi
1PB058 Thermochromism of Merocyanines of Spironaphthoxazines Due to Association ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) SHIMAOKA,Kenji ; HORII,Toyokazu ; NAKAO,Ren ; ABE,Yasuo
1PB059 Syntheses and photochromism in water-organic solvent ofsspirobenzopyran derivatives ( Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University ) ICHIMURA,Kei ; SHIMOMURA,Youji ; SEO,Toshihiro
1PB060 Synthesis of a Thermoreversible Photochromic Diarylethene ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University; CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) MORIMITSU,Kentaro ; KOBATAKE,Seiya ; IRIE,Masahiro
1PB061 Photochromism of a Dipyrrolylethene in Polymer Matrices ( Ryukoku Univ.; Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd.; Kyushu Univ. and CREST ) UCHIDA,Kingo ; MATSUOKA,Toyokazu ; IWAMOTO,Masahiro ; HAYASHI,Shigehiko ; IRIE,Masahiro
1PB062 Photochromic Reaction of a Bis(2-thienyl)perfluorocyclopentene Derivative Having Isopropyl groups ( Ryukoku Univ.; Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation; Kyushu Univ. and CREST ) UCHIDA,Kingo ; KITO,Makoto ; MOCHIDZUKI,Go ; NAKAMURA,Shinichirou
; IRIE,Masahiro
1PB063 Synthesis of Stylbene Derivatives and Their Photochemical Properties ( Saga Univ. Faculty of Engineer and Science ) MIYATA,Keisuke ; OGAWA,Miwa ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
1PB064 Synthesis and Host-Guest Properties of Photoswitchable Transition Metal Ion Receptors ( Saga Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) ASADA,Rie ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
1PB065 Thermal and photodecomposition of Diazo-CyclodextrinsComplex ( Fac. of Eng. Chiba Univ., Saitama Institute. of Tech. ) HARADA,Kieko ; MORIHIRO,Yukari ; KUSHIDA,Masahito ; SAITO,Kyoichi ; SUGITA,Kazuyuki ; NARITA,Tadashi
1PB066 Ion Conductive Liquid Crystals: Effects of Functional Groups on the Formation of Self-organized Nanophase-separated Structures ( The Univ. of Tokyo; Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) HOSHINO,Koji ; OHTAKE,Toshihiro ; KANIE,Kiyosh
i ; KATO,Takashi ;
MUKAI,Tomohiro ; YOSHIZAWA,Masahiro ; OHNO,Hiroyuki
1PB067 Electroreduction of oxygen by trinuclear ruthenium-ammine complex embedded in Nafion membrane ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, and Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) ABE,Toshiyuki ; TANAKA,Tamotsu ; KANEKO,Ma
sao ; TAJIRI,Akio
1PB068 Preparation and Properties of Electric/Electronic Characterization of Polyperinaphthalene Thin Films by Eximer Laser Ablation of PTCDA/Metal ( Mie Univ. ) TAMURA,Kazuyuki ; NAKANO,Masayoshi ; NISHIO,Satoru ; MATSUZAKI,Akiyoshi ; SATO,Hiroy
1PB069 Preparation of magnetic PVA fiber containing magnetite particles ( Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University ) LIN,Hai ; MATSUTA,Koichi ; WATANABE,Yoshimi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofusa
1PB070 Luminescence quenching in circularly polarized luminescence of Tb cyclen derivative complexes ( Seikei University ) RAU,Dorisu ; MORITA,Makoto
1PB071 Long green luminescent transparent alumna - Tb3+ doped ZnO-Al2O3 prepared by sol-gel method ( Tohoku University ) ISHIZAKA,Takayuki ; KUROKAWA,Youichi ; NOZAKI,Ryu
1PB072 Up-conversion green-emission for Er3+ and Nd3+ doped alumina films prepared by sol-gel method ( Tohoku University ) ISHIZAKA,Takayuki ; KUROKAWA,Youichi ; NOZAKI,Ryu ; MAKINO,Takayuki ; SEGAWA,Yusaburo
1PB073 Synthesis of Fluorine-Substituted Stilbazolium Derivatives ( ICRS, Tohoku Univ. ) UMEZAWA,Hirohito ; OKADA,Shuji ; OIKAWA,Hidetoshi ; MATSUDA,Hiro ; NAKANISHI,Hachiro
1PB074 Synthesis, Structures and Optical Properties of Bridged Thiahelicenes with Fixed Helical Pitches ( Wakayama Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) TANAKA,Kazuhiko ; OSUGA,Hideji ; KITAHARA,Yoshinori
1PB075 Sorption Behaviors of Noble Metals by Polystyrene-immobilized Aminopyridyl Ligands ( Toyama Univ. ) KODAJIMA,Daigo ; KAGAYA,Shigehiro ; KANBARA,Takaki ; HASEGAWA,Kiyoshi
1PB076 Sorption properties of heavy metals by polythioamides ( Toyama Univ. ) SATO,Emi ; KAWAI,Yoritatsu ; KAGAYA,Shigehiro ; KANBARA,Takaki ; HASEGAWA,Kiyoshi
1PB077 Adsorption of mercury(II) by GMA-DVB microsphere containing amine moieties ( Faculty of Enginieering, Miyazaki University ) OHE,Kaoru ; KAWASAKI,Yuuki ; BABA,Yoshinari
1PB078 Novel Oligomeric Fluoroalkylating Agents having Blocked Isocyanate Group ( Osaka City University; Nara National College of Technology; Ishihara Chemical Co. Ltd. ) KAWASE,Tokuzo ; PENG,Xinhong ; SAWADA,Hideo ; IKENO,Kouji ; TANEDANI,Toshiy
1PB079 Structures and chiral-discriminative gas-sorption characteristics of amino acid films prepared by dry processing ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Laboratories ) SUGIMOTO,Iwao ; SEYAMA,Michiko ; MIYAGI,Tomoko
1PB080 Adsorption and desorption properties of cationic grafted polyethylene films to anionic dyes and their reusability ( Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology ) SHIBUYA,Masanao ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo
Poster Session
[Applications of Materials]
1PB082 Application of (2-hydroxyfluorophenyl)benzazoles assmetal cation and pH sensing fluorescent probes ( Seikei University ) KUMAGAI,Tsutomu ; IWATA,Satoru ; TANAKA,Kiyoshi
1PB083 Spectroscopic study on the J-aggregate formation of cyanine dyes with meso-substitution. ( Nihon University,College of Industrial Technology,Chemistry of Functional laboratory ) ARUGA,Miki ; TAKAHASHI,Daisuke ; EBIHARA,Toyokichi ; IZUMI,Tu
yoshi ; HIROHASHI,
1PB084 Novel attempts to change the colour of dye molecules by saccharide aggregation ( Chemotransfiguration, JST ) AMAIKE,Masato ; KOBAYASHI,Hideki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
1PB085 Synthesis and Characterization of Squarylium Dimers linked by Polyethylene Glycol ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Pref. Univ. ) NAKAZUMI,Hiroyuki ; HIROSE,Masahiko ; HYODO,Yutaka
1PB086 Synthesis of Azobenzene System Dichroic Dyes with the 4-Alkylbenzophenone Skeleton and Its Characteristics Evaluation ( Shizuoka Univ. ) NAGATA,Shouzou ; HIRAI,Takahiro ; OHARA,Kaori ; YAMADA,Shigetoshi
1PB087 Development of Membrane-permeable Chemiluminescent Compoundss Preparation and Chemiluminescence of Lucigenin Derivatives ( Fuculty of Science, Toho University ) KOHSAKA,Nozomi ; YAMADA,Sachiko ; IWAMURA,Michiko
1PB088 Preparation of SNOM tip by eIectroless plating ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) MAEKAWA,Kazuhiko ; TAMAI,Naoto
1PB089 Fiber-optic fluorescence optode using quinoxaline derivative immobilized to chitosan-cellulose blend membrane. ( Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo Denki University ) TONEGAWA,Masami ; TAKAI,Nobuharu ; ARAI,Sadao
1PB090 Application of Indolyl Phthalide Analogs to a Dosimetry System ( Saitama University ) TACHIKAWA,Tatsuya ; ARAKI,Sachiko ; TOKITA,Sumio
1PB091 Preparation of Flexible Electrodeposited V2OX/Au-PPTA Composite Film and its Electrochromic Properties. ( Fac. of Eng., Kyushu Sangyo Univ. ) HIRAYAMA,Tomoyuki ; SOEJIMA,Yasuhiro ; YANO,Jun ; YAMASAKI,Sumio
1PB092 Blue Electroluminescence of Arylethynylbenzenes ( Univ. of Saga ) MATSUFUJI,Hidehisa ; NOTO,Mitsuharu ; HORI,Yuji ; ERA,Masanao
1PB093 Spectral properties of coordinated metal complexes with hydroxyanthraquinones. (3) ( NIHON Univ. College of Industrial Technology ) SAITO,Yasuhito ; OKADA,Masaki ; FURUKAWA,Shigeki ; SUZUKI,Yohichi ; HIROHASHI,Ryo
1PB094 Dissolved CO2 sensor using solid electrolite ( Univ. of The Ryukyus ) UEJOH,Naoko ; NOHARA,Hiroaki
1PB095 Dye-sensitized solar cell using electrode prepared with mixture of layered TiO2 and nanocrystalline TiO2 ( Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute ) INOUE,Kozo ; MA,Tingli ; YAO,Ken ; ABE,Eiichi
1PB096 Application of Organometallic Complex of Transition Element for Lithium Battery ( Yuasa Corporation; Adv. Instr. CTR, Ehime Univ.;Fac. of Science, Ehime Univ. ) INAMASU,Tokuo ; TANI,Hiroyuki ; AZUMA,Nagao ; ONO,Noboru
1PB097 Application of 2,2'-Dithiobiphenyl for Lithium Battery ( Adv. Instr. CTR, Ehime Univ.;Fac. of Science, Ehime Univ.; Yuasa Corporation ) YOSHITOKU,Daisuke ; INAMASU,Tokuo ; TANI,Hiroyuki ; ONO,Noboru
1PB098 Characterization of Polyperinaphthalenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Films for Anode Electrodes for Rechargeable Lithium ion batteries ( Mie Univ.; Kanebo LTD; Kyoto Univ. ) MURATA,Jun ; TAMURA,Kazuyuki ; NISHIO,Satoru ; MATSUZAKI,Akiy
oshi ; SATO,Hiroya
su ; ANDO,Nobuo ; HATO,Yukinori ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
1PB099 Application of solid phase extraction method for the concentration of trace organic constituents present in electroless plating solution ( Toray Research Center, Inc. ) MUTOU,Tomoko ; OTSUKI,Akiko ; OGINO,Junichi
1PB100 Negative electrode characteristics of Ti-Fe system hydrogen storage alloys prepared by the mechanical alloying ( Ritsumeikan Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Shinji ; MATSUOKA,Masao ; TAMAKI,Jun
1PB101 Adsorption of Amines on Rare Earth Metal Silicate Gel in Aqueous Solution ( Kanto Gakuin Univ.; Lintec. Co. Ltd.; National defense Academy ) MAEDA,Jun ; SUGIZAKI,Toshio ; KAGEYAMA,Toshifumi
1PB102 Electrochemical Micro-actuator with Poly(pyrrole)s ( Department of Photo-Optical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) KAMIMURA,Junna ; YAMADA,Katsumi ; KUME,Yuichiro ; NAKADATE,Suezo ; TABE,Hiroshi
1PB103 Nylon Capsule Medicine Based On ControledsDiffusion Release. ( Kanagawa Institute of Technology ) IBUKI,Hideki ; SAITO,Takashi
1PB104 Synthesis and Properties of next generation urethane blowing agents ( RITE Department for the New Refrigerant and Other Substances Research ) TAMAI,Ryouichi ; URATA,Shingo ; SEKIYA,Akira
1PB105 Synthesis of biodegradation polymer with toroidal ureide partially of base material ( Univ. of Tokyo Denki ) HONMA,Yasuhide ; MATHUYAMA,Kaoru ; HORIE,Tokiko ; SHIBA,Ryuuichi
Poster Session
[Resources Utilization Chemistry]
1PB108 Thermal conversion of methane to C2 hydrocarbon ( RITE ) TENG,Yonghong ; TAKEMOTO,Tetsuya ; DAI,Lianxin ; TABATA,Kenji ; SUZUKI,Eiji
1PB109 Dehydrogenative Coupling of Methane over Mn Supported Catalyst ( NIHON Univ. College of Industrial Technology ) OKADA,Masaki ; FURUKAWA,Shigeki ; HIROHASHI,Ryo ; SUZUKI,Yohichi
1PB110 Alcohol Synthesis from by CO2 and H2 over Rh-CosCatalysts ( NIMC ) KUSAMA,Hitoshi ; ARAKAWA,Hironori
1PB111 Study on Decomposition and Elimination Processes of N2O by Using a Flowing Afterglow Method ( Kyushu Univ. ) TSUJI,Masaharu ; TANOUE,Takeshi ; NAKANO,Kousuke ; TANAKA,Atsushi ; NISHIMURA,Yukio
1PB112 Hydrolysis of poly(vinyl chloride) in organic solvents ( Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ. ) OKANO,Hirotaka ; YOSHINAGA,Tetsutaro ; ICHIKI,Tomoyuki ; OGATA,Masahiko ; KITO,Taketoshi ; YAMAYE,Makoto
1PB113 Decomposition of Nylon6 with supercritical water (usingsflow reactor) ( TNIRI ) SATO,Osamu ; SAITO,Norio ; HATAKEDA,Kiyotaka ; IKUSHIMA,Yutaka
1PB114 Nyron-4 degrading bacterium ND-11 isolated from activated sludge ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST ) YAMANO,Naoko ; NAKAYAMA,Atsuyoshi ; KAWASAKI,Norioki ; YAMAMOTO,Noboru ; FUJISHIMA,Shizu ; AIBA,Seiichi
1PB115 Biodegradation of synthetic polymers by Nylon-4 degrading bacterium ND-11 ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST ) NAKAYAMA,Atsuyoshi ; YAMANO,Naoko ; KAWASAKI,Norioki ; YAMAMOTO,Noboru ; FUJISHIMA,Shizu ; AIBA,Seiichi
1PB116 Conversion of CFC-12 to fluoroether ( Department of engineering, Hosei University ) SATO,Kouichi ; HAMAUZU,Akira ; TAKEUCHI,Hiroshi
1PB117 Chemical Recycling of Polyethylene by Catalytic Degradation into Lower Olefins ( Muroran Institute of Technology; Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. ) UEMICHI,Yoshio ; TAKUMA,Kazuhiko ; SUGIOKA,Masatoshi ; AYAME,Akimi ; ITOH,Mas
aaki ; NISHINO,Jun
1PB118 Antioxidative activity of hydroxylamine derivatives and ESR spectra of aminoxyl radicals ( Kansai Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Tomihiro ; KITAMURA,Hitoshi ; TAMEKUNI,Hirofumi
1PB119 Antioxidant activity of fused heterocyclic compounds as a model of .arupha.-tocopherol ( Kansai Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Tomihiro ; HASHIGUCHI,Yasuhiro ; SHIOTSU,Shingo
1PB120 Antioxidant activities of phenols having hetero atom ( Kansai Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Tomihiro ; MARUYAMA,Keiichi ; MIKADUKI,Katsura
1PB121 Antioxidant Activities of Indole Derivatives ( Kansai Univ. ) NISHIYAMA,Tomihiro ; SUZUKI,Tatsuya ; FUJIOKA,Masataka
1PB122 Simplification of recycling process for TV's integrated circuit ( Toshiba Co. ) HAYATA,Terunobu ; SIBATA,Yutaka ; TAKAHASHI,Katuhiro
1PB123 Separation and Recycle of Copper from Waste Printed Wiring Boards by Ammonia Solution. ( Teikyo Univ. ) NAKAYAMA,Masahiro ; TAI,Hideo ; YANAGIHARA,Naohisa
1PB124 Modification of unused natural resources by graft copolymerization ( Tokyo Metro. IRI; NIMC; Tamagawa Univ. Res. Inst.; RISE of Wasada Univ.; Chiba Inst. of Tech. ) YAMAMOTO,Makoto ; IIO,Kokoro ; OOTOMO,Toshichika ; TAKAMIYA,Nobuo ; YAMAGU
1PB125 Preparation of Activated Carbon from Bean-curd Refuse by Steam-activation with Iron Powder ( Faculty of Engineering,Toyo University ) NIREI,Tomoko ; MOTOYAMA,Masao ; FUJINUMA,Hiroshi
Poster Session
[Environmental and Safety Chemistry]
1PB128 Cancel
1PB129 Fluorescence technique for oil detection on/in the marine ( Ship Research Institute ) YAMAGUCHI,Yoshitaka ; TAGUCHI,Noboru ; YAMANOUCHI,Hiroshi ; SHIBATA,Toshiaki ; HITOMI,Kazuo ; YAMAGISHI,Susumu
1PB130 Direct evaluation of phthalate levels in the same kinds of beverages in Korea and Japan. ( Department of Chemistry, Saitama Medical School ) YANO,Kazuyuki ; ASAOKA,Kazuo ; HIROSAWA,Narumi ; SAKAMOTO,Yasushi ; MORIGUCHI,Takeshi ; CHAN,Kiyun
; SHIN,Yunyon
1PB131 Exhaust emission of harmful substancesl from DME fueled diesel engine and their reduction by catalyst ( TSNRI;MOT of Japan ) SAKAMOTO,Takashi ; SATO,Yoshio ; HORI,Shigeo
1PB132 Regional Characteristics and Diurnal Variations in Mutagenicity of Airborne Particulates ( Japan Science and Technology Corporation; National Institute of Public Health; Tokyo Institute of Technology. ) LEE,Eun Sook ; HISAMATSU,Yoshiharu ;
I,Satoko ; AIKA,Kenichi
1PB133 Annual growth of trees and the progress of environmental pollution: Japanese red pine(Pinus densiflora Sbie. et Zucc) and konara(Quercus serrata Murray) ( Kyorin Univ. Sch.of Health Sci ) UEKI,Kohei ; MATSUZUKA,Masasiro ; HAMADA,Takeshi
1PB134 Measurement of NOx and Ozone at Cape Ochiishi, Hokaidou ( National Ins. for Environmental Studies ) SAKAMAKI,Fumio ; FUZINUMA,Yasumi
1PB135 Ozone variations and its critical level in Japanese remote Islands ( Japan Science and Technology Corporation; Frontier Research System for Global Change ) POCHANART,Pakpong ; AKIMOTO,Hajime
1PB136 Potential heterogeneous removal process of CHF2OCH2C2F5- comparison of reactivity in defluorination over standard clay samples - ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) KUTSUNA,Shuzo
; CHEN,Liang ; NO
1PB137 Destruction of CFC-11 by Arc Plasma ( Gunma Univ. ) KUWABARA,Atsushi ; KURODA,Shin-ichi ; HOTTA,Ken-ichirou ; KUBOTA,Hitoshi ; KUSUMOTO,Kazuomi ; SHIMIZU,Taizou
1PB138 Photocatalytic activity of zeolite-incorporated TiO2 film ( Nat. Inst. Mater. Chem. Res. ) HISANAGA,Teruaki ; TANAKA,Keiichi
1PB139 Detection of hydroxyl radical in aqueous cigarette tar extracts by oxygen electrode ( Okayama Univ. ) KOMAGOE,Keiko ; IEOKA,Masahiro ; TAMAGAKE,Keietsu
1PB140 Contents of Toxic Elements in Fossil Fuel and SuspendedsParticulate Matter ( Japan Women's Univ. ) IZAKI,Kimiko ; HUJITA,Keiko ; IMAIZUMI,Yukiko ; ARIKAWA,Yoshiko
1PB141 The emission mechanism of chemical compounds in indoor air. - Emission rate measurements from the thermal insulating materials - ( Chiba City Inst. Health Environ. ) UCHIYAMA,Shigehisa ; AKIMOTO,Takashi ; TANABE,Shin-ichi
1PB142 By-products produced by treatment with hypochlorous acid in sewage treatment plants ( Univ. of Shizuoka ) HOSHINO,Kentaro ; FUKAZAWA,Hitoshi ; SHIOZAWA,Tatsushi ; TERAO,Yoshiyasu
1PB143 Removal of thallium in waste water by precipitation with sulfide ( Toyama Univ. ) KAGAYA,Shigehiro ; ITO,Seiji ; HASEGAWA,Kiyoshi
1PB144 Synthesis of chelating resin by which the amidinourea is metal ions adsorption part(2) ( Univ. of Tokyo Denki ) HORIE,Tokiko ; TAKAHASHI,Yusuke ; SAITOH,Katuhiro ; SHIBA,Ryuichi
1PB145 Oxidation treatment of waste water containing nitrocompoundsswith combination by electrolysis and photocatalysis ( Univ. of kyushu sangyo ) SANO,Youiti ; MATSUMOTO,Masaru ; KOBAYASHI,Shigeo ; TURU,Toshiaki ; NAGAISHI,Toshiyuki ; YOSHINAGA,
1PB146 Degradation of nonylphenol aqueous solution using high power ultrasound ( Osaka Pref. Univ. ) YIM,Bongbeen ; NAGATA,Yoshio ; MAEDA,Yasuaki
1PB147 The decomposition of trichloroethylene by the mixed oxidants. ( Okayama University of Science ) NAOHARA,Jun ; ENDOH,Eriko ; NAKAMURA,Tomoko ; IDO,Yasumasa
1PB148 Treatment of waste water containing heavy metal with humus soil ( Univ.kyushu sangyo ) KITAYAMA,Toshihiko ; SANO,Youiti ; MATUMOTO,Masaru
1PB149 Continuous flow-type photocatalysis system combined with coagulation of titanium dioxide for the degradation of water pollutants using titanium dioxide particles ( Toyama Univ. ) HASEGAWA,Kiyoshi ; ITO,Tomonori ; MAEDA,Miyoko ; KAGAYA,Shig
1PB150 Recovery of water-soluble oraganic molecules from wastewater using by magnetic separation technique ( Okayama Univ. Fac. Engng. ) TAKEDA,Shin-ichi ; NISHIZAKI,Yoshihiko ; TARI,Isao ; NAKAHIRA,Atsushi ; NISHIJIMA,Shigehiro ; WATANABE,Tsuneo
1PB151 The Development of Simple Quantitative System for Dioxin Derivatives ( Laboratory of Creative Science Co.Ltd, The Junior College of Kinki University ) IWAMURA,Takeru ; IWAMUAR,Jun-ichi
1PB152 Electrochemical Processing of Cr-contaminated soil (2) ( Faculty of Engineering, Toyo University ) TAMAKI,Shinya ; SHOJI,Takashi ; MOTOYAMA,Masao ; FUJINUMA,Hiroshi
1PB153 One-Pot Synthesis of Photochromic Naphthopyrans in the Solid State ( Ehime Univ. ) TANAKA,Koichi ; HARADA,Naoyuki ; OHBA,Shigeru
1PB154 Synthetic Use of Poly[styrene(iodoso diacetate)] (4) Novel Preparation of Reactive Polymer Reagent Bearing Diacetoxyiodo Groups ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKURATANI,Kenji ; ABE,Seiichiro ; TOGO,Hideo
1PB155 Pd/C catalyzed Heck reaction in ionic liquid ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Engi., Niigata Univ., Inst. for Chem. Reaction Sci., Tohoku Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; SHIMIZU,Yumiko ; HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; ANDO,Masayos
hi ; YOKOYAMA,Chia
ki ; OKUBO,Keisuke
1PB156 Molecular orbital calculations on a dioxin pyrolysis process ( Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. Department of Knowledge-based Information Engineering; Osawa Lab. ) HIDERA,Yoshiki ; GOTOH,Hitoshi ; KURITA,Noriyuki ; OSAWA,Eiji
1PB157 Change of metal ion concentration in leaves of an oleander, a willow and a Japan ceader by each season ( Univ. of Tokai ) SAITOU,Akira ; KUROSAWA,Kiyohisa ; MITUZAWA,Shunmei
Poster Session
[Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology]
2PA002 Supramolecular Organization between Bipyridyl Substituted Porphyrin and Transition Metal ( NAIST; Graduate School of Materials Science, CREST ) TUJIMOTO,Akira ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA003 Synthesis of Bipyridylbisporphyrin by Nickel-Mediated Coupling Reaction ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology; CREST ) TOMOHIRO,Yasufumi ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shinichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA004 Effects of Hydroxyl Groups in the Cavity on the Generation ofsHigh-Valent Iron Twin-coronet Porphyrins ( Kyushu university; IFOC ) MATSUI,Eiki ; TANI,Fumito ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2PA005 High Oxygen Binding Affinity of Imidazolyl-Substituteds "Picket Fence" Metal Porphyrin Dimer ( NARA Inst. Sci. Tech. and CREST ) INABA,Yusuke ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA006 A functional model for oxygen evolving complex by water-soluble manganese porphyrin ( Kyushu university; IFOC ) YE,Bao-hui ; SHIMAZAKI,Yuichi ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2PA007 Synthesis of heme-tris(imidazolyl)methane copper complex as a cytochrome c oxidase model and its reaction with molecular oxygen ( Kyushu Univ., IFOC. ) NOGUCHI,Akio ; TANI,Humito ; NARUTA,Yoshinori
2PA008 Density functional study for high-valent iron-oxo porphyrin complexes ( Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUURA,Koji ; SHIOTA,Yoshihito ; OHTA,Takehiro ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari ; MORISHIMA,Isao
2PA009 Self-assembly of manganese-bacteriochlorophyll derivativessin the presence and absence of light-harvesting polypeptides ( Nagoya Inst. of Tech. ) YABUKI,Sachiko ; MASE,Akio ; YAMASHITA,Keiji ; NANGO,Mamoru
2PA010 Interaction of water-soluble chlorophyll derivativesswith DNA ( Keio University ) NARUSE,Shunichi ; KOSHIMIZU,Rieko ; YAMAMOTO,Tomoko ; YOSHIOKA,Naoki ; INOUE,Hidenari
2PA011 Synthesis and enzyme activity of cationic Metalloporphyrin/catalase conjugates with multielectron reduction. ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; MORI,Takayuki ; ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; NAGAOK
2PA012 Intercellular antioxidative activity of metalloporphyrins as SOD mimic. ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; IKARI,Hiroki ; ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; NAGAOKA,Shoji
2PA013 Mechanism of cell death induced by cationic Fe-porphyrin as SOD mimic. ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroyoshi ; ARAKAWA,Yuri ; ASAYAMA,Shoichiro ; NAGAOKA,Shoji
2PA014 Synthesis and Characterization of Water-soluble Metalloporphycenes ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) DEJIMA,Hirohisa ; HAYASHI,Takashi ; SHIMAKOSHI,Hisashi ; HISAEDA,Yoshio
2PA015 Resonance Raman Spectra of Porphycene Derivatives ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) RABBANI,Gulam ; ISHIMARU,Hirohito ; TERAOKA,Junji ; NEYA,Saburo
2PA016 Solvent Effects on Hyperporphyrins Probed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy ( Nara National College of Technology ; Graduate School of Science, Osaka City Univ. ) ISHIMARU,Hirohito ; TERAOKA,Junji
2PA017 Synthesis of Diarylurea-linked Cofacial Porphyrin Oligomers and Their Photochemical Properties ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) YAGI,Shigeyuki ; EZOE,Masayuki ; YONEKURA,Isamu ; TAKAGISHI,Toru
2PA018 Thermodynamic characteristics of Self-organized Porphyrin Nonamer ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KURODA,Yasuhisa ; KANETA,Yukimasa ; SASAKI,Ken
2PA019 Synthetic study of phthalocyanine having a nitrogen ligand. ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) KAMEYAM,Kazuya ; SATAKE,Akiharu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA020 Photoexcitation and relaxation processes of silicon phothalocyanine oligomers ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University. Faculty for the Study of Contemporary Society, Kyoto Women's University ) FUJITSUKA,Mamoru ; ITO,Os
amu ; KONAMI,Hideo
2PA021 Interactions of a Water-soluble Porphyrin Having Pyridyl and Pyridinium Groups at meso- Position with Cyclodextrin ( Doshisha Univ. ) ASADA,Takuji ; KANO,Koji
2PA022 Cyclic-voltammetric Study of Complexation of Anionic Iron (III) Porphyrin with Cyclodextrin. ( Doshisha Univ. ) SONE,Yumiko ; YAMADA,Akihisa ; KANO,Koji
2PA023 Complexation of Manganese TPPS with Per-O-methylated beta-CyclodextrinsDerivatives and their Functions ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KURODA,Yasuhisa ; TAMURA,Ryo ; SASAKI,Ken
2PA024 Synthesis and Properties of beta-Cyclodextrin Conjugates of Siderophore Model Compounds with Long Chain Spacers ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) TSUBOUCHI,Akira ; IGARI,Tamiyuki ; AKIYAMA,Masayasu
2PA025 Enantioslective hydrolysis by cyclodextrin and its alkylamino derivatives ( Nagoya Inst. Technol.; The Austraian National Univ. ) YAMAMURA,Hatsuo ; TSUJIMAKI,Jyunji ; TAKAGI,Manabu ; ARAKI,Shuki ; KAWAI,Masao ; EASTON,C.j.
2PA026 Asymmetric Oxidation of Sulfides with Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed by Polyphenol-Metal Complexes-Appended beta-Cyclodextrin Derivatives ( Univ. of Kanto Gakuin, Faculty of Engineering ) SAKURABA,Hidetake ; IRIUCHIJIMA,Sachiko ; TAKIZAWA,Sat
oshi ; YUAMADA,Man
ami ; MAEKAWA,Hiroshi
2PA027 Syntheses of pseudorotaxane and rotaxane having pseudo-24-crown-8 as ring molecule ( Osaka Univ. ) HIROSE,Keiji ; DOI,Yasuko ; SHIBA,Yoshinobu ; TOBE,Yoshito
2PA028 Synthesis of an anthracene-based photochromic 24-crown-8 type ring molecule and its application to (pseudo)-rotaxane formation ( Osaka Univ. ) HIROSE,Keiji ; SHIBA,Yoshinobu ; DOI,Yasuko ; TOBE,Yoshito
2PA029 Formation of supramolecular structures by novel armed-crown ethers which are forbidden intramolecular bindings . ( Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Engineering, Shizuoka University ) TODA,Mitsuo ; TODA,Tetsuya ; TANAKA,Keiji ; Y
2PA030 Metal-Induced oxidation-reduction potential of bis ferrocene-modified cavitand ( Department of Materials-process Engineering and Applied Chemistry for Environments,Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science,Akita University ) YAMAZAKI,Yam
A,Norio ; NARITA,Miyuki ; OGAWA,Nobuaki ; HAMADA,Fumio ; NISHIZAWA,Matsuhiko ; MATSUE,Tomokazu
2PA031 Amphiphilic Derivatives of Rose Bengal for Cancer Treatmentss- Sonodynamic Properties in vitro and in vivo - ( CRL, Hitachi, Ltd.; Photochemical Co., Ltd. ) SUGITA,Nami ; KAWABATA,Ken-ichi ; SASAKI,Sasaki ; UMEMURA,Shin-ichiro ; SAKATA,Isa
2PA032 Stacking Interaction of Anthraquinonesulfonates in Aqueous Solution ( Doshisha Univ. ) KOBAYASHI,Shiho ; KANO,Koji
2PA033 Binding Ability of Xanthobilirubic Acid, which Has Similar Epitope as Biopyrrins, with Anti-bilirubin Monoclonal Antibody(24G7) ( Dojindo Laboratories ) WATANABE,Eiji ; TAKESAKO,Kazuhiro
2PA034 The design of a novel scaffold which shows allosterism ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University ) SUGIYASU,Kazunori ; IKEDA,Masato ; TAKEUCHI,Masayuki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA035 Elucidation of Reaction Environment Most Adequate for Specific Molecular Recognition (3) In the Case of Aqueous Acetonitrile and Aqueous Isopropyl Alcohol ( Coll. of Sci. and Engng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) ENDO,Tadashi ; KOGURE,Sadahiro ; H
2PA036 Elucidation of Reaction Environment Most Adequate for Specific Molecular Recognition (4) In the Case of n-Hexyl and n-Heptyl Groups as Paired Recognition Sites ( Coll. of Sci. and Engng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) ENDO,Tadashi ; HORIKOSHI,Sugu
ru ; TATENO,Shinji
; MURAYAMA,Yasuo ; SUGIO,Keitaro
2PA037 Synthesis and photochemical properties of Bhc-caged glycine and GABA-Caged neurotransmitters for 2-photon excitaion- ( Toho University; PRESTO ) FURUTA,Toshiaki ; SAKA,Hiroyasu ; HONDA,Akira ; IWAMURA,Michiko
2PA038 Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of New Dendritic Caged Compounds ( Faculty of Science, Toho University ) ITO,Yuki ; YOSHIDA,Shinya ; WATANABE,Soichiro ; IWAMURA,Michiko
2PA039 Introduction of Hydrophilic Substituents on Dendritic Caged Compounds ( Faculty of Science, Toho University ) NAKANO,Takeshi ; HOSHINA,Ayaka ; WATANABE,Soichiro ; IWAMURA,Michiko
2PA040 Affinity distribution of molecularly imprinted polymers with metalloporphyrin-based molecular recognition sites ( Hiroshima City University; University of South Carolina ) MUKAWA,Takashi ; MATSUI,Jun ; HIGASHI,Miho ; SHIMIZU,K.d. ; TAKEUCH
2PA041 Selective Solid Phase Extraction of Atrazine Using a Dummy Imprinted Polymer ( Hiroshima City University ) TAKEUCHI,Toshifumi ; MUKAWA,Takashi ; MATSUI,Jun ; UGATA,Satoshi
2PA042 Functions of Redox-active [2 +2] Binuclear Metal Complexes ( Gunma Univ. Fuculty of Eng. ) FUKUDA,Masayosi ; OHSHIRO,Hideaki ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA043 Redox Behavior of syn- and anti-Benzo-dipteridine bearing a Metal Ligand ( Gunma Univ. ) KOINUMA,Wataru ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA044 Functional Flavin Receptor(1): Roles of Hydrogen Bonding on Flavin Functions. ( Gunma Univ. ) WATANABE,Shigeki ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA045 Functional Flavin Receptor(2): Melamine Derivatives bearing a fla vin and a guanidinium ion Moieties ( Gunma Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Yoshinao ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA046 Synthesis of New Macrocycles Bearing Hydrogen Bonding Sites ( Gunma University; Faculty of Engineering ) HAYASHI,Tomohiro ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; SAKUNO,Yuichi ; TAKEZAWA,Yoko ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA047 Hydrolysis of Phosphodiesters by cooperative effect of hydrogen bonds and metal ion. (2). ( Gunma University; Faculty of Engineering ) KONDO,Shin-ichi ; SAKUNO,Yuichi ; HAYASHI,Tomohiro ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA048 Synthesis of ligands with two coodination sites and an alcohol pendant, activity for cleavage of phosphodiesters by the metal ion complex. ( Gunma University, Faculty of Engineering ) YAMAMOTO,Takeshi ; KONDO,Shin-ichi ; YANO,Yumihiko
2PA049 Chiral Recognition of Dimeric Amino Acid Esters by Homohelical Zinc Bilinone Dimer ( Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Graduate School of Eng., Kyoto Univ.; Fukui National College of Tech. ) YAGI,Shigeyuki ; SADACHI,Hidetosh
; MIZUTANI,Tadashi ; KITAGAWA,Susumu ; OGOSHI,Hisanobu
2PA050 Interaction of a platinum complex containings1,10-phenanthroline and L-lysine with oligomeric DNA ( Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chuo University ) MOTEGI,Kazuhiko ; CHIKIRA,Makoto
2PA051 Characterization and Structure of Mononuclear Ruthenium Complex HavingsPentadentate Ligand with Carboxylate Groups ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) ICHII,Yoshiki ; MASUI,Dai ; YAMAGUCHI,Motowo ; YAMAGISHI,Takamichi
2PA052 Synthesis and Properties of Trihydroxamic Acids Containing Arginine Residues ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) TSUBOUCHI,Akira ; FUJII,Akihiro ; HARA,Yukihiro ; AKIYAMA,Masayasu
2PA053 Synthesis of Peptide Hydroxamic Acids with an Ala-Ala-(HO)Gly-Ala Sequence and Properties of their Iron(III) Complexes ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) TSUBOUCHI,Akira ; MIZUTA,Tomoyuki ; HARA,Yukihiro ; AKIYAMA,Masayasu
2PA054 Reaction of Nitric Oxide with the Iron Complex of N-(Dithiocarboxy)sarcosine: A Novel Mechanism of Reductives Nitrosylation ( Dep. of Chem., Fac. of Sci., Konan Univ.The Inst. of Scientific and Industrial Res., Osaka Univ.Inst. for Life Su
pport Technol. ) F
UJII,Satoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuo ; TAGAWA,Seiichi ; YOSHIMURA,Tetsuhiko
2PA055 Coordination Environment of Ubiquitous EPR-detectable Mn(II) Ion in Plants ( RJRP of Yamagata Prefecture, Yamagata univ., ILST ) FUKUI,Koichi ; ITO,Tomohiro ; OHYA,Hiroaki
2PA056 Variation of stacking units in chemical nucleases ( Uni. des Saarlandes ) NEGI,Shigeru ; SCHNEIDER,H.-j.
2PA057 Synthesis and Metal Induced Base-Pairing of ArtificialsDinucleotides with Pyridine as a Nucleobase ( The Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMADA,Yasuyuki ; TANAKA,Kentaro ; SHIONOYA,Mitsuhiko
2PA058 Synthestic Oligonucleotides Containingsa Catechol-Nucleobase for Metal Induced Base-Pairing ( The Univ. of Tokyo, Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies ) TENGEIJI,Atsushi ; TANAKA,Kentaro ; CAO,Honghua ; AKETANI,Saeko ; SHIONOYA,Mitsuhiko
2PA059 Synthesis and characterization of naphthalimide-tethered PNA oligomer ( Science University of Tokyo ) MASAGO,Chie ; IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin
2PA060 A Novel Synthesis and Biochemical Properties of 2'-O-Modified Oligonucleotides ( Univ. of Kinki; Kinki Mol. Eng. Inst. ) KUBO,Takanori ; NAGASE,Shinya ; DUBEY,Krishna ; YOKOYAMA,Kinuko ; FUJII,Masayuki
2PA061 A Novel Solid Phase Syntheses and Biochemical Properties of DNA-Peptide Conjugates ( Univ. of Kinki; Kinki Mol. Eng. Inst. ) KUBO,Takanori ; DUBEY,Krishna ; FUJII,Masayuki
2PA062 Synthesis and triple helix formation of metal chelator-DNA conjugate ( Kumamoto Univ.; Sojo Univ. ) IHARA,Toshihiro ; MITSURU,Tomonori ; OKADA,Kenji ; TAZAKI,Masato ; JYO,Akinori
2PA063 Enforced orientation of nucleocide along poly(L-lysine)-appended boronic acid ( JST Chemotransfiguration Project ) KOBAYASHI,Hideki ; AMAIKE,Masato ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA064 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (5) Complementary Polynucleotide mimic behaviour of schizophyllan - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Ma
sami ; IGUCHI,Rits
uko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA065 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (6) Evaluation of anti-cleavage effect for polynucleotide/schizophyllan complex - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Ka
zuya ; MIZU,Masami
; IGUCHI,Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA066 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (7) - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masami ; IGUCHI,Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA067 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (8) Introduction of an amino moiety with a chemical modification and enhancement of the complexation therefrom - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,K
azuo ; KIMURA,Taro
; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ; MIZU,Masami ; IGUCHI,Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA068 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (9) -investigation with a molecular modeling - ( Graduate School of Engineering,Kyushu University,PREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation,Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Te
chnology Corporati
on ) IKEDA,Masato ; SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya
2PA069 Polynucleotide-polysaccharide complexes (11) Interaction between an immobilized schizophyllan and polynucleotides - ( Chemotransfiguration Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation ) SAKURAI,Kazuo ; KIMURA,Taro ; KOUMOTO,Kazuya ;
MIZU,Masami ; IGU
CHI,Ritsuko ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PA070 Investigation and evaluation of custom-synthesized DNA probe labeled with fluorescein using HPLC and a fluorescence polarization method ( Advanced Science and Technology Laboratory,Hiroshima City Industrial Promotion Center ) TOKUMURA,Maki
ko ; TSURUOKA,Mako
2PA071 Structural analysis of nucleic acids by stable isotope aided NMR. Synthesis and NMR mesurements of isotopically labeled dinucleoside monophosphate ( Graduate school of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University ) HOSHIKADO,Takeshi ; ONO,Akira ;
2PA072 Design of modified oligonucleotides for the photo-regulation of DNA-function(28) Incorporation of azobenzene-modified uridinesby polymerases. ( Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The Univ. of Tokyo ) YOSHIDA,Takayuki ; TA
MARU,Daisuke ; YAM
ASAWA,Akira ; MITSUI,Tsuneo ; OKUNI,Taeko ; KIMOTO,Michiko ; HIRAO,Ichiro ; YOKOYAMA,Shigeyuki ; ASANUMA,Hiroyuki ; KOMIYAMA,Makoto
2PA073 Photochemical DNA Manipulation (1) Rational Design of Photosensitive Nucleotides for Reversible DNA Photoligation ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University; CREST ) OGAWA,Naoki
2PA074 Solid phase synthesis of amide-linked uridine oligoribonucleosides using phosphonium coupling reagents ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IWASE,Reiko ; OHARA,Kazumasa ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2PA075 Synthesis and properties of thymidine derivatives containing a photocleavable group at the N3 position ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) IWASE,Reiko ; KITANI,Aki ; UMEMOTO,Tadashi ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2PA076 DNA Cleavage Activity of Phenanthlidine linked Hydroxamic Acid - Metal Complexes. ( Science University of Tokyo ) SONODA,Tatsuo ; TAKEUCHI,Takenori ; INUI,Takahiro ; IKEDA,Hisafumi ; NAKAMURA,Yushin
2PA077 Development of a polymer having serine protease inhibitors (1) ( Toyama University ) ONO,Shin ; KONDOU,Fumio ; UMEZAKI,Makiko ; FUJII,Takayoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
2PA078 Production of novel glycosylhydrolase by Error Prone PCR and DNA Shuffling ( Facul. of Science,Yamagata Univ ) SUZUKI,Ryuichiro ; IWAMATSU,Shinnosuke ; KUNO,Atsushi ; KANEKO,Satoshi ; FUJIMOTO,Zui ; MIZUNO,Hiroshi ; TAIRA,Kazunari ; KUSAKA
2PA079 Synthesis of a Novel All-cis-functionalyzed Cyclopropane Template for Collagen-Models ( Nara Univ. of Education, Wakayama National College of Technology, Nara women's Universiry,Osaka University ) YAMAZAKI,Shoko ; SAKAMOTO,Mari ; DOI,Masam
itsu ; NAKAZAWA,Ta
kashi ; KOBAYASHI,Yuji
2PA080 Direct Measurement on Interactions between DNA and DNA-Binding-Protein Monolayers ( Institute for Chemical Reaction Science, Tohoku University ) KOITABASHI,Ryuji ; KURIHARA,Kazue ; FUJITA,Masaya
2PA081 Study on interaction between MHC class I protein and its antigen peptide by NMR spectroscopy ( NIBH ) NAKAGAWA,Masatoshi ; CHIBA,Kaori ; UDAKA,Keiko ; NAKANISHI,Hiroshi
2PA082 Synthesis of RGD peptide lipid and its interaction with antibody ( Noguchi Institute ) KAWAKAMI,Hiroko ; TOMA,Kazunori ; TAKAGI,Mutsumi ; YOSHIDA,Toshiomi ; TAMIAKI,Hitoshi
2PA083 Analysis of lipase at the interface by using self-assembled monolayers ( National Institute of Bioscience and Human-technology ) KOBAYASHI,Atsushi ; SATO,Yukari ; MIZUTANI,Fumio
2PA084 Selection and properties of fullerene binding peptides. ( JAIST ) OHSUGI,Takuya ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2PA085 Selection of cyclic peptide recognizing phosphorylated STAT3.beta. protein ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) URATA,Tomohiro ; WITARTO,Arief Budi ; MORITA,Yasutaka ; TAMIYA,Eiichi ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji
2PA086 Cysteine-sulfenic acid modification is essential for catalysis in Fe-type nitrile hydratase ( Biochemical systems lab., RIKEN ) ODAKA,Masafumi ; NAKAYAMA,Hiroshi ; WATANABE,Naoki ; KAWANO,Yoshiaki ; TAKIO,Koji ; KAMIYA,Nobuo ; NAGAMUNE,Ter
uyuki ; ENDO,Isao
2PA087 Immobilization of Lysozyme onto potassium poly(vinyl alcohol sulfate) film and the enzymatic activities of the resulting complexes ( Nihon University,College of Industrial Technology ) TAKAHASHI,Daisuke ; EBIHARA,Toyokichi ; IZUMI,Tsuyoshi
2PA088 Catalytic Activity for Hydrolysis of Acyl Derivatives by the Imidazolyl Groups of Histidine Residues Linked to a Tris(hydroxamato)iron(III) Complex ( Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology ) TSUBOUCHI,Akira ; SHIMIZU,Mami ; KANEKO,Chizu
ru ; HARA,Yukihiro
; AKIYAMA,Masayasu
2PA089 Adsorptive behavior of hydrophobic molecules on a luciferases by using the fluorescence of TNS. ( department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University ) TAKEHARA,Ko ; UEDA,Issaku ; KAMAYA,Hiroshi
2PA090 Polyamino Acid Hydration Measured by Dielectric Dispersion in Gigahertz Region. ( Nagoya Institute of Technology,Faculty of Engineering ) KATAOKA,Takao ; FUJIMURA,Hiroki ; MOROOKA,Takanobu ; YOSHIDA,Tadayoshi
2PA091 Effects of disulfide bond on the compactness of proteins ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) GEKKO,Kunihiko ; KIMOTO,Akinobu ; KAMIYAMA,Tadashi
2PA092 pH-Dependency on the Active Site Structure of Copper-containing Nitrite Reductases ( Ibaraki Univ.;IMS;Reg.Res.Proj.Yamagata.Pref. ) KIKUCHI,Makiko ; FUKUI,Kouichi ; HORI,Hiroshi ; NAGATOMO,Shigenori ; KITAGAWA,Teizo ; KOHZUMA,Takamitsu
2PA093 A Role of Asp Residue for Stabilizing the Local Structure in the A mino-Acid Sequence of Sell-Attachment Proteins. ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) OKA,Masahito ; HAYASHI,Toshio ; HIRANO,Yoshiaki
2PA094 Theoretical Conformational Analysis of Peptides Having Disulfide B ond(25) Conformational Preference of Cys-Ala-Gly-Pro-Cys and Cys-D-Ala-Gly-Pro-Cys ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Osaka Institute of Technology ) OKA,Masahito ; HAYASHI,Toshio ;
; HIRANO,Yoshiaki
2PA095 Tertiary Structure of Apo Plastocyanin Studied by Modification of Cystein 84 with 5,5'-Dithiobis(2-Nitrobenzoic Acid) ( Nagoya Univ.; Meijo Univ. ) HAYASHI,Toyoki ; HIROTA,Shun ; TAKABE,Teruhiro
2PA096 Effect of temperature and solvent on fibril formation of amyloid -.beta.- protein. ( Nat'I Inst. Biosci. Human-tech. ) SHINOZAKI,Kenichi ; WATANABE,Kenichi ; KODAKA,Masato ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; OKUNO,Hiroaki
2PA097 Conformation of beta-amyloid fragment peptides in solution and fibrils ( NIBH ) ABE,Hiroshi ; KAWASAKI,Kazunori ; NAKANISHI,Hiroshi
2PA098 Synthesis and Isomerization of Glycine-containing 3,5-dioxa-12-azawurtzitane ( Nat'l Institute for Resources & Environment ) IZUMI,Hiroshi ; FUTAMURA,Shigeru
2PA099 Site-specific incorporation of nonnatural amino acid into fibroblast growth factor ( Okayama univ ) JIKIHARA,Hiroshi ; SHINOHARA,Hiroaki ; HOHSAKA,Takahiro ; SENO,Masaharu ; SISIDO,Masahiko
2PA100 Synthesis and characterization of helical peptide containinng nonnatural amino acids which can be functionalized after the synthesis. ( Okayama Univ. ) TSUBATA,Kazuyoshi ; SHINOHARA,Hiroaki ; SISIDO,Masahiko
2PA101 Posttranslational Modification of Silk Proteins,Sericins ( Gunma National College of Technology ) MIYAJIMA,Taisirou ; HAYASHI,Tomoko ; TOMOSAKA,Hideyuki ; TOI,Hiroo
2PA102 Applicattion of beta-Structure Forming Peptides for Liquid Chromatography ( Toyama University ) ONO,Shin ; KANEKO,Takako ; FUJII,Takayoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
2PA103 Investigation of Chromatography for Purification of Plants Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase ( Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station ) KASAHARA,Yoshiaki ; KARASAWA,Toshihiko ; TAKEBE,Masako
2PA104 Identification of cysteine sulfenic acid in Nitrile hydratase ( The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)Biochemical Systems Laboratory ) TSUJIMURA,Masanari ; NAKAYAMA,Hiroshi ; ODAKA,Masafumi ; TAKIO,Koji ; KOBAYASHI,Michihi
ko ; ENDO,Isao
2PA105 Overexpression and characterization of prolyl-tRNA synthetase from hyperthermophilic and aerobic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 ( Fac. Sci. Yamagata Univ ) YOKOZAWA,Junji ; NAGAOKA,Yoshiyiki ; UMEHARA,Takuya ; KAWARABAYASHI,Yutaka ; KOYAMA,Y
oshinori ; SAKO,Yo
shihiko ; KUNO,Atsushi ; HASEGAWA,Tsunemi
2PA106 Refolding-system from E.coli inclusionbody and bioactivity assay of human interleukin 12 ( the department of biomolecular engineering, graduate school of engineering, tohoku university ) MAKABE,Koki ; ASANO,Ryutaro ; TUMOTO,Kouhei ; HAYASH
I,Hiroki ; YOSHIDA
,Hiroshi ; TAKEMURA,Shinniti ; SUZUKI,Masanori ; MATUNO,Masaki ; KUDOU,Tosio ; KUMAGAI,Izumi
2PA107 Development of in vitro protein synthesis system using the high-accumulated micro array. ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Hokuriku ) KINPARA,Takeshi ; MURAKAMI,Yuji ; YOKOYAMA,Kenji ; TAMIYA,Eiichi
2PA108 Convenient Method for Detection and Characterization of Glycosidase ( Kitasato Univ. ) KARAKASA,Ikuko ; OGURA,Sayaka
2PA109 Synthesis of Thiol-Bearing Glucose-Based Surfactants ( Osaka Women's Univ. ) KOJIMA,Hideo ; NISHIO,Saya ; HANAI,Sakie ; YOKOJI,Miho
2PA110 Phosphorylation of Aminoalcohols by Inorganic cyclo-Triphosphate ( Kobe Pharm. Univ. ) INOUE,Hideko ; NAKAYAMA,Hirokazu ; TSUHAKO,Mitsutomo
2PA111 Phosphorylation of Cyclodextrin by Inorganic cyclo-Triphosphate ( Kobe Pharm. Univ. ) TONE,Naoto ; INOUE,Hideko ; NAKAYAMA,Hirokazu ; TSUHAKO,Mitsutomo
2PA112 The correlation between thermodynamic functions of molecularsinclusion into cyclodextrin and molecular surface area of guest molecules ( Kinki Univ. School of Bio. Sci. & Tech.Kinki Univ. School of Sci. & Tech. ) FUJISAWA,Masao ; KIMURA,T
akayoshi ; TAKAGI,
2PA113 Recognition of Saccharides by Cyclodextrin Derivatives ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) HIGASHIMOTO,Hiroyuki ; KIDA,Toshiyuki ; ZHANG,Wanbin ; NAKATSUJI,Yohji ; IKEDA,Isao
2PA114 Three Dimensional Structure of Florizin Included into a Inner Space of b.beta-Cyclodextrin in an Aqueous Solution ( AIST NIBH, JEOL DATUM ) ISHIZUKA,Yasuko ; FUJIWARA,Masako ; KANAZAWA,Kenji ; NEMOTO,Tadashi ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; NAKANISH
2PA115 Observation of Ion Channel Currents by Linear DodecapeptidesConsisting of Alternating D- and L- Amino Acid ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology and CREST ) MITSUNAGA,Masakazu ; KUGIMIYA,Shin-ichi ; KOBUKE,Yoshiaki
2PA116 Regulation of cell functions by micropattern gradient surfaces ( Department of Biological Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering ,University of Tokushima ) LIU,Hongchun ; ITO,Yoshihiro
2PA117 Quantitation of lipid peroxide level of peripheral organs in model mice ( Faculty of Engineering,Yamanashi University ) MATSUGO,Seiichi ; SAITO,Miki ; YASUI,Fumihiko ; SASAKI,Kazuo ; BITO,Toshinori ; ICHIHASI,Masamitsu
2PA118 The lipid peroxide levels in peripheral organs of Juvenile Visceral Steatosis (JVS) mice ( Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) MATSUGO,Seiichi ; IMAI,Yuichiro ; YASUI,Fumihiko
; SAITO,Miki ; SA
EKI,Takeyori ; SASAKI,Kazuo
2PA119 Gene delivery with amphiphilic polycations ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) KITAGAWA,Tatsuya ; YAMAOKA,Tetsuji ; IWASE,Reiko ; MURAKAMI,Akira
2PA120 Isolation of Benzil Reductase from Bacillus cereus ( Toyama Univ. faculty of engineering ) MARUYAMA,Reiji ; OKANO,Takahiro ; INOUE,Masami ; NISHIZAWA,Mikio ; ITOU,Seiji
2PA121 Thermo-regulated gene expression using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) conjugate. ( Graduate of Engineering, Kyushu University ) KAKU,Wataru ; MURATA,Masaharu ; KANO,Takeshi ; KATAYAMA,Yoshiki ; MAEDA,Mizuo
2PA122 Expression of ftsZ gene from extremely halophilic archaeon Haloarcula japonica in Escherichia colis ( Tokyo Institute of Technology,Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technolo ) OZAWA,Kazumichi ; YATSUNAMI,Rie ;
2PA123 Purification and characterization of beta-1,3-glucanase from alkaliphilic Norcardiopsis sp. strain F96 ( Tokyo Insutitute of Techenology ) MASUDA,Sumiko ; ENDO,Kimiko ; HAYAMI,Tokusuke ; FUKAZAWA,Tetsuya ; NAKAMURA,Satoshi
2PA124 Fabrication of DNA Sensor using Plastic Optical Fibers ( Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University ; Chitose Institute of Science and Technology ) FENG,Fei ; IJIRO,Kuniharu ; HORINOUCHI,Suguru ; SASABE,Hiroyuki ; SHIMO
2PA125 Hydrogenase-poly(viologen) complex thin films for the hydrogen evolution and hydrogen gas sensor ( NAIR/AIST ) QIAN,Dongjin ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; WENK,Stephan ; ZORIN,Nikolay ; ISHIKAWA,Hiroshi ; MIYAKE,Jun
2PA126 Development of high sensitivity detection method using peptide-immobilized latex beads and QCA system ( NAIR/AIST ) SONG,Seong-hun ; NAKAMURA,Chikashi ; INUYAMA,Yasuhiro ; CHANG,Sang-mok ; QIAN,Dongjin ; SUGIMOTO,Naoki ; MIYAKE,Jun
2PA127 Development of in vitro assay system of environmental endocrine disruptors for neurotoxicity ( Toshiba corp. R&D Center ) SUGANO,Mitsuko ; AKAHOSHI,Eiichi
2PA128 The construction of expression systems for cancer and SNPsvariants of human steroid receptors and the estimation ofspotent endcrine disrupting chemicals by them ( Tsuruga Institute of Biotechnology, TOYOBO Co., LTD ) MATSUI,Kazuhiro ; NISH
II,Shigeaki ; ISHI
BASHI,Takuya ; OKA,Masanori
2PA129 Measurements of Enzymatic reactions using Surface Plasmon Resonance ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology labs. ) IWASAKI,Yuzuru ; HORIUCHI,Tsutomu ; NIWA,Osamu
2PA130 A theoretical study of alkene epoxidation by cytochrome P450; participation of hydroperoxo-iron complex as an active species ( Kyoto Univ. ) KAMACHI,Takashi ; SHIOTA,Yoshihito ; OHTA,Takehiro ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
2PA131 Electrolytic Baker's Yeast Reduction using Synthesized Viologen Derivatives ( Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol. ) HAYASHI,Kanako ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; TADA,Masahiro ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro
2PA132 Enhancement of Enantioselectivity in the Lipase-Catalyzed Resolution of Azirine Compounds ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; KUMASHIRO,Yuichi ; EMA,Tadashi
2PA133 Characterization of reactions catalyzedsby aureusidin synthase from yellow snapdragon flowers ( Dept. Biomol. Engin., Grad. Sch. Engin., Tohoku Univ. ) NAKAYAMA,Toru ; SATO,Takuya ; KIKUCHI,Sanae ; SAKAKIBARA,Keiko ; NISHINO,Tokuzo
2PA134 Synthesis and Antimicrobial Characteristics of 5,5'-[2,2'-(Phenylenedicarbonyldioxy)diethyl]bis(3-alkyl-4-methylthiazolium iodide)s ( Univ. of Tokushima ) MAEDA,Takuya ; KAIMURA,Tomoyo ; KOURAI,Hiroki
2PA135 Effect of Silver(I) complexes on Ethylene-Promoted Flower Blooming and Longevity(2):The action of inhibiting the ethylene activity ( Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki Univ. ) OIJI,Nobumitsu ; YONEMOTO,Suzue ; KUBO,Maiku ; INO,Ichiro
u ; KURODA,Takayos
i ; MAEKAWA,Masahiko ; SUENAGA,Yusaku ; MUNAKATA,Megumu
2PA136 Molecular Imprinting Utilizing Linear Polymers ( Konan University ) MATSUI,Jun ; MINAMIMURA,Norihito ; OCHI,Yoshifumi ; TAMAKI,Katsuyuki
2PA137 Fluorine-containing Molecularly Imprinted Polymers ( Konan Univeristy ) MATSUI,Jun ; NISHIMOTO,Kenji ; TAMAKI,Katsuyuki
2PA138 Correlation with NMR spectra and antioxidant activity of urobilinogen ( ASAI GERMANIUM RESEARCH INSTITUTE Co.Ltd ) AKIBA,Mitsuo ; SATO,Katsuyuki ; NAKAMURA,Takasi
2PA139 Gelation of chitosan by the enzymatic reaction and its application of water-resistant adhesivesOxidization of Dopamine ( Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology ) KOJIMA,Akihiro ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo ; PAYNE,Gregory
2PA140 Covalent immobilization of urease onto grafted expanded poly(tetrafluoroethylene) films and its reusability. ( Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology ) IIZAWA,Yoshinori ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo
Poster Session
2PA142 Cationic Polymerization of Tri-O-benzyl-D-glucal ( Yamagata University ) KADOKAWA,Jun-ichi ; KOKUBO,Atsunori ; TAGAYA,Hideyuki
2PA143 Solvent Effect on Living Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate Initiated with t-C4H9Li/R3Al ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ. ) KITAYAMA,Tatsuki ; ABE,Yoshinori ; CAO,Jingzhe ; N
2PA144 Synthesis of Block Copolymers with Crystalline pendants by Living Cationic Polymerization and Their Charactaristic Features -Physical Gelation and Thermo-Responsive Behavior- ( Graduate School of Science,Osaka University ) AOSHIMA,Sadahito
; YOSHIDA,Tomohid
2PA145 Asymmetric Anionic Polymerization of (RS)-N--1-(1-Naphthyl)ethylmaleimide with Chiral Ligand - Organometal complexes ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) OISHI,Tsutomu ; ONIMURA,Kenjiro ; YAGYU,Michihiro ; TSUTSUMI,Hiromori
2PA146 1,3-Butadiene Polymerizations Catalyzed by Half-Titanocens Having Ether Substituents ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Reserch ) HASHIMOTO,Kiyotaka ; MIYAZAWA,Akira ; SAKAKURA,Toshiyasu ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo
2PA147 Polymerization of vinyl monomer with norbornane diisocyanate-transition metal complex ( Aichi Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Shin-ichi ; MAEDA,Yuji ; NAGAI,Yasuharu ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
2PA148 Preparation and Characterization of Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polyketones Catalyzed by .pi.-Allylic Rhodium Complex. ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKENAKA,Yasumasa ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
2PA149 Copolymerization of gamma-Butyrolactone and Diglycolic Anhydride under High Pressure ( NIMC ) OISHI,Akihiro ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; IKEDA,Yoshikazu ; TAGUCHI,Yoichi ; MASUDA,Takashi
2PA150 Copolymerization of 2-Methyl-2-Oxazoline with Itaconic Acid ( Yamagata University ) KADOKAWA,Jun-ichi ; IKUMA,Kyosuke ; TAGAYA,Hideyuki
2PA151 Radical Polyaddition of Bis(alpha-trifluoromethyl-beta,beta-difluorovinyl) Terephthalate with Crown Ether ( Saitama Inst. Tech. ) TAKESHITA,Masato ; NARITA,Tadashi ; HAMANA,Hiroshi
2PA152 Preparation and Characterization of N-Benzoylated Wholly Aromatic Polyamides ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech. ) SAEGUSA,Yasuo ; TOMITA,Takehiro ; KAWASAKI,Tomokata
2PA153 Simultaneous Construction of Polymer Backbone and Side Chains. Synthesis of Polyamides with Allyl Side Chains ( Kanagawa Univ. ) ISHII,Teppei ; SERITA,Ken-ichi ; OKAMURA,Akio ; HIRAOKA,Syuichi ; YOKOZAWA,Tsutomu
2PA154 Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Urethane-Based Porymer Complex ( Toyo Univ. ) AIZAWA,Jun ; MATSUNAGA,Katsuji
2PA155 The synthesis of the polyurethane-urea elastomersusing prepolymers with narrow costitutional distribution. ( Aichi Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Shin-ichi ; NAKA,Satoshi ; MORITA,Kazuhisa ; ASAI,Kiyotsugu ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
2PA156 Synthesis of polyurethane elastomer by topological modification. ( Aichi Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Shin-ichi ; KONDO,Masayuki ; NAKAKITA,Satoshi ; ASAI,Kiyotsugu ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
2PA157 Model Reaction of Chain-Growth Polycondensation for Polyketone ( Kanagawa Univ. ) OKUSHIMA,Saori ; SAITOU,Kimi ; HIRAOKA,Shuichi ; YOKOZAWA,Tsutomu
2PA158 Synthesis of Sequential Wholly Aromatic Polyketoness-Synthesis of A Sequential Wholly Aromatic Polyketone (2) ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. ) KAMEDA,Asami ; JOBASHI,Takashi ; MAEYAMA,Katsuya ; YONEZAWA,Noriyuki
2PA159 Preparation and properties of branched polymers containing triphenylamine. ( NIMC ; Ibaraki Pref.ITC ) ISO,Tomoaki ; SAITO,Kazuya ; TANAKA,Susumu
2PA160 Creation of Siloxane-Network Structure by Dehydrocoupling Reaction of Silane with Water ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) SASAKURA,Daisuke ; OISHI,Motoi ; SEINO,Makoto ; IMAE,Ichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Yusuke
2PA161 Polymer Synthesis by Pd-catalyzed Hydrosilylation or Hydrogermylation of Diynes ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) YAMASHITA,Hiroshi ; UCHIMARU,Yuko ; CHANNASANON,Somruethai ; DE LEON,Marites S.
2PA162 Synthesis and Chemical Modification of Silsesquioxane with Pendant Chloromethyl Group ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University ) KONNO,Yousuke ; KIMURA,Makoto ; KAMEYAMA,Atsushi ; NISHIKUBO,Tadatomi
2PA163 Synthesis of Hydroxylated 1,4-Polyisoprene ( Nihon University ) CHISHIMA,Yoshihiro ; HAGIWARA,Toshiki ; SAWAGUCHI,Takashi ; YANO,Shoichiro
2PA164 Radical Polymerization of Oligostyrenes Having One Methacryloyl End Group and Its Physical Proparties. ( Nihon University ) ENDO,Yuuri ; KANEKO,Chikage ; HAGIWARA,Toshiki ; SAWAGUCHI,Takashi ; YANO,Shoichiro
2PA165 Synthesis and properties of benzoxazole polymers via tandem Claisen rearrangement ( NAIR ) YANG,Gang ; KOYAMA,Emiko ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
2PA166 Conversion Reactions of Silanol Group of Polymeric Siloxanes Using Metallic Sodium ( Osaka Prefecture University ) OOYAMA,Kaori ; FUJISAWA,Manabu ; NAKAO,Ren ; HORII,Toyokazu
2PA167 Solvent dependence of the conformation of Poly(N-isopropyl- acrylamide) studied by infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total refrection method. ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University. Graduate School of Sicence and
Technology, Kobe
University. ) IHARA,Katsunori ; KATSUMOTO,Yukiteru ; SATO,Harumi ; TANAKA,Takeyuki ; OZAKI,Yukihiro
2PA168 Design and Synthesis of Polyanthracene Dendrimers ( Shizuoka University ) TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; AOSHIMA,Kengo ; TOMITA,Hiroko ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
2PA169 Preparation of fiber and the properties of biodegradable polymer poly(buthylene succinate-co-adipate)/poly(L-lactic acid) blends ( Shinshu Univ. ) ANDO,Takeshi ; FUJIMATHU,Hitoshi ; USAMI,Hisanao ; IIJIMA,Takashi
2PA170 Structural Analysis of Nylon6/Clay Nanocomposites by Solid-State NMR ( National Institute of Standards and Technology ) ASANO,Atsushi ; VANDERHART,David ; GILMAN,Jeffrey W.
2PA171 Toward the Construction of "Fibrous Material and Polymer" Beam Line in SPring-8 ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) TAKAHASHI,Yasuhiro
2PA172 Diffusion behavior of alcohols with different structures in PMMA sheets ( Toyama National College of Technology ) KAWAGOE,Miyuki ; KAWAGOE,Makoto
2PA173 Synthesis and catalytic activity of artificial polymers with multiple functional groups ( Graduate School of Engineering, Shinshu University ) YAMAZAKI,Hironobu ; OKUMURA,Yukihisa ; MITANI,Mitiharu
2PA174 Study of Microenvironment in Silk using Luminescent Probes. ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) SADOHARA,Hitomi ; NOMURA,Tomoyo ; SHIROISHI,Hidenobu ; KANEKO,Masao
2PA175 Pattern formation of water on photoreactive polymer film ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Himeji Institute of Technology ) KAWATSUKI,Nobuhiro ; HASEGAWA,Takako ; YAMAMOTO,Tohei
2PA176 Optical compensator by photoreactive polymer with slantwise UV exposure ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) KAWATSUKI,Nobuhiro ; KAWAKAMI,Tetsuro ; YAMAMOTO,Tohei
2PA177 Synthesis of 2-Nitrobenzyloxycarbonylimidazoles and Photo and Thermal Curing Reaction of Epoxy Resins using it as Photo Base Generators ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University ) KAWASHIMA,Naoyuki ; HATAKEYAMA,Mariko ; KAMEYAMA,Atsush
2PA178 Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of MultifunctionalsPolyimides with Both Pendant Oxetane and Phenacyl EstersGroups ( Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa University ) NAGASAWA,Kazuyuki ; IEMOTO,Afuri ; KAMEYAMA,Atsushi ; NISHIKUBO,Tadato
2PA179 Synthesis of porphyrin derivatives having thienyl substituents ( Dept. of Functional Polymer Science and Technology, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu Univ. ) MUTO,Tsuyoshi ; KIMURA,Mutsumi ; HANABUSA,Kenji ; SHIRAI,Hirofu
2PA180 Improved Hemocompatibility of Microporous PVA Hollow-Fiber Membranes Modified by Chitosan Derivatives and by Chitosan-Heparin Immobilization. ( Research Institute of Technology, Okayama University of Science ) SUGIHARA,Yukiyasu ; TSUYUTANI,
Kazuya ; SATOH,Sa
chiko ; TAKAKURA,Koichi
2PA181 Enzyme activity in the MPC polymer aqueous solution ( The University of TokyosGraduate School of EngneeringsDepartment of Materials Science ) FUKAZAWA,Kyoko ; ISHIHARA,Kazuhiko ; FUKUMOTO,Kikuko
2PA182 Preparation and evaluation of novel protein-adsorption-resistant hollow fiber membrane composed of polysulfone/phospholipid polymer blend ( Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo ) HASEGAWA,Takashi ; ISHIHARA,Kazuhiko ; IW
ASAKI,Yasuhiko ; N
2PA183 Permeation Control of Insulin through Glucose Oxidase Immobilized Expanded Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) Film Grafted with Acrylic Acid ( nihon univ. ) MATSUZAKA,Hidetoshi ; MATSUDA,Kiyomi
2PA184 Effect of seawater temperature on uranium adsorption of adsorbent synthesized with radiation-induced graft polymerization ( Japan Atmic Energy Research Institue ) HASEGAWA,Shin ; SEKO,Noriaki ; KASAI,Noboru ; KATAKAI,Akio ; TAMADA,Masao ;
2PA185 Release Control of Methylene Blue from Interpenetrating Polymer Networks Gels of PNIPAAm and LPEI. ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University. ) MATSUDA,Tomohiro ; MATSUDA,Kiyomi
2PA186 Design and Syntheses of Various Block Copolymers by Living Cationic Polymerization and Their Stimuli-Responsive Physical Gelation Behavior ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ. ) SUGIHARA,Shinji ; AOSHIMA,Sadahito
2PA187 X-ray Scattering of Nanostructures in Surfactant/Gel ( School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,University of Shizuoka ) KATAYAMA,Seiji ; NAKAMURA,Satoshi ; NISHIO,Ryosuke ; ASANO,Tutomu
2PA188 Biosynthesis of Functionalized Bacterial Cellulose using Carboxymethyl-chitin as Carbon Source ( Faculty of Engineering and HRC, Kansai University ) NAGAHAMA,Hideaki ; TAMURA,Hiroshi ; TOKURA,Seiichi
2PA189 Surface Properties of N-isopropylacrylamide Grafted onto Poly(tetrafluoroethylene)plates ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University ) NAKAMURA,Takahiro ; MATSUDA,Kiyomi ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo
2PA190 Modification of Thermosensitive Polyamide by Grafting ( Utsunomiya Univ. ; Dept. of Applied Chemistry ) KIMURA,Takao ; SHIRATORI,Yuichi
2PA191 The structural analysis of polyimide with an elastic chain bys pulse NMR ( Aichi Institute of Technology ) INOUE,Shin-ichi ; MORITA,Kazuhisa ; ASAI,Kiyotsugu ; OKAMOTO,Hiroshi
2PA192 Spinning and Properties of Chitosan based Hybrid Fiber ( Faculty of Engineering and HRC, Kansai University ) YAMAMOTO,Katsunori ; TAMURA,Hiroshi ; TOKURA,Seiichi
2PA193 Development of Anticoagulant Polymer Materials ( Shizuoka University ) MITARASHI,Hironori ; MIURA,Ryuta ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
2PA194 Measurement of Self-Diffusion Coefficient in Aqueous Hyaluronate Solutions by the PFG NMR Method. ( RIKEN ) MASUDA,Akiko ; USHIDA,Kiminori ; KOSHINO,Hiroyuki ; YAMASHITA,Koichi
2PA195 Preparation and Some Applications of Silk fibroin-polyalylamine Blends ( Nat. Inst. of Sericultural & Entomological Science ) ARAI,Takayuki ; HAYASAKA,Shouji ; HINOMOTO,Ritsuko ; TSUKADA,Masuhiro
2PA196 Degradation and weatherability estimation of the siliconesrubber for the insulator ( Univ. Kanagawa;OHISHI Labo ) OHISHI,Fujio ; NISHIYAMA,Iori ; SHIMAZAKI,Mitsuo ; ARASHITANI,Yoshihiro ; ASAKURA,Shunichi
2PA197 Permeation control of organic electrolytes and their selective separation using grafted polyethylene films ( Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology ) SATO,Kimihito ; YAMADA,Kazunori ; HIRATA,Mitsuo
Poster Session
[Chemical Information and Computer in Chemistry]
2PA200 Construction of steroid libraries by the modular system for simultaneous multiple organic syntheses ( Shimadzu Scientific Research Inc. ) KUYAMA,Hiroki ; SAKAMOTO,Katsumasa ; NOKIHARA,Kiyoshi
2PA201 Development of Computer Intensive Multiple ComparisonsMethod and Its Application to Multiple Regression Analyses ( Grad. School of Pharm. Sci. Osaka Univ.; Genome InformationsResearch Center Osaka Univ. ) OKAMOTO,Kousuke ; MIYATA,Koji ; KU
2PA202 Locality Discrimination of Kaolin from Infrared Spectra by Neural Network ( Industrial Research Institute,Aichi Prefectural Government; Noritake Co.Ltd ) YOSHIMOTO,Shoji ; SARUKI,Yurie ; FUKUTA,Yoichi ; OHNISHI,Yasushi
2PA203 Cooperative Motions in ProteinsRandomness and Regularity ( Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kobe UniversitysKobe University ) MATSUNAGA,Yasuhiro ; KOMATSUZAKI,Tamiki
2PA204 Transition-State Structure Optimization by the Free Energy Gradient Method ( Graduate School of Human Informatics, Nagoya Univ. ) HIRAO,Hajime ; NAGAE,Yukihiko ; NAGAOKA,Masataka
2PA205 Application of Density Functional Theory using Generalized Born Formula to Condensed Phase Reactions; Solvent Effect on Diels-Alder Reactions ( Dep. of Chemistry, Univ. of Tsukuba ) TOKURA,Seiken ; MORIHASHI,Kenji ; KIKUCHI,Osamu
2PA206 Ab initio calculation of the potential energy in the isomerization reaction of 2-vinylanthracene ( Hoshi College of Pharmacy; Osaka City Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) SAKATA,Ken ; KOMETANI,Noritsugu ; HARA,Kimihiko
2PA207 Ab initio MO study on ground and excited states of chlorophenols ( Kyushu Inst. Of Design; Kyushu Univ. ) HIROKAWA,Shoji ; IMASAKA,Totaro ; IMASAKA,Tomoko
2PA208 Structure, Energy and PES of Polychlorinated Biphenyl ( National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Chemistry Division ) SELVIN,Christopher ; SUNDARAM,Arulmozhiraja ; FUJII,Toshihiro
2PA209 An ab initio study of structural and electronic states of .gamma.-aminobutyric acid in the vacuum and in aqueous solution ( Shohoku College; Kanto Gakuin Univ.; Hokkaido Univ ) ODAI,Kei ; SUGIMOTO,Tohru ; KUBO,Minoru ; ITO,Etsuro
2PA210 An AM1-d Study of Partial Oxidation of Ethylene on Ag Surfaces ( Shinshu Univ. ) JOMOTO,Takeshi ; NAKAJIMA,Tsuyoshi
2PA211 A theoretical study on the intermolecular interactions in p-benzoquinone...binaphthol complexes ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) TAJIMA,Nobuo ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; SATO,Tomohiro ; KURODA,Reiko
2PA212 Materials Design of Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery by Quantum-Chemical Calculation ( NIMC, NAIR ) MATSUMOTO,Takatoshi ; TANABE,Kazutoshi ; NAGASHIMA,Umpei
Poster Session
[Organic Crystals]
2PA216 Change the reaction rate of 2-cyanopropyl group in the mixed crystal form due to conformational transformation ( Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemistry ) VITHANA,Champika ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; SEKINE,Akiko ; OHASHI,Yuji
2PA217 Enantioselective Photocycloaddition Reaction of 4-Isopropyltoropolone in the Chiral Inclusion Crystal ( Ehime Univ. ) TANAKA,Koichi ; NAGAHIRO,Ryouji ; OHBA,Shigeru
2PA218 Examination of Solid State Photocycloaddition Reactions of 2-Pyrones by X-ray and MO Analyses ( Kagoshima Univ.; Kyushu Univ.; Nat. Inst. of Materials and Chem. Res. ) UEZONO,Takahiro ; SHIMO,Tetsuro ; OBATA,Toru ; SOMEKAWA,Kenichi
2PA219 Solvent-free Thorpe-Ziegler Condensation Reaction ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) YOSHIZAWA,Kazuhiro ; TOYOTA,Shinji ; TODA,Fumio
2PA220 Solvent-Free Diels-Alder Reaction and Enantiomeric Resolution ( Ehime Univ. ) MIYAMOTO,Hisakazu ; KIMURA,Taku ; TANAKA,Koichi
2PA221 Solvent-Free Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation by using Bismuth ( Ehime Univ. ) MIYAMOTO,Hisakazu ; ASAMI,Masaya ; TANAKA,Koichi
2PA222 Preparation and Solid-State Polymerization of Monomers with Two Diphenylbutadiyne Moieties [III] ( ICRS, Tohoku Univ. ) MATSUO,Harumi ; OKADA,Shuji ; MATSUDA,Hiro ; NAKANISHI,Hachiro
2PA223 Formation of Inclusion Complexes of Apocholic Acid with Alcohols ( Saga Univ. ) SUEHIRO,Kazuaki ; HASE,Yoshiharu ; KURAMORI,Miyuki
2PA224 Chiral Crystallization of Achiral Tetra(p-ethnylphenyl)ethylene via CH-pai interations ( Ehime Univ. ) TANAKA,Koichi ; HIRATSUKA,Takaichi
2PA225 Charge-Transfer Interaction Induced by Solid-State Grinding of the Donor and Acceptor Crystals. ( The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Science ) TANIFUJI,Naoki ; KOBAYASHI,Keiji
2PA226 Solid-State Racemization of Chiral Trityl-Type Alcohols ( The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Science ) ARIMOTO,Yoshinobu ; TANIFUJI,Naoki ; KOBAYASHI,Keiji
2PA227 La3+-Immobilized Organic Solid Catalyst fors Enolization/Aldol Condensation Reactions ( Kyushu Univ.; CREST ) DEWA,Takehisa ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AOYAMA,Yasuhiro
2PA228 The Crystal Structures and the Solid-state Fluorescences Properties of Naphthoimidazole-type Fluorescent Clathrate Host ( Kochi University ) NAGANO,Shinobu ; WATANABE,Shigeru ; YOSHIDA,Katsuhira
2PA229 Crystal Structure of Photochromic Salicylideneanilines ( Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) ISHIDA,Takashi ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji
2PA230 Crystal Structures of Odd-Numbered Oligothiophenes ( NIMC ) AZUMI,Reiko ; GOTO,Midori ; HONDA,Kazumasa ; MATSUMOTO,Mutsuyoshi
2PA231 Conformational Phase Transition and Crystal dynamics ofs 4-Harobenzyl Alcohols ( Faculty of Science Kobe University ) HASHIMOTO,Masao ; HARADA,Michiko ; HAMADA,Masanori ; IDA,Tomonori ; MIZUNO,Motohiro ; SUHARA,Masahikp
2PA232 Effects of the host system on the orientational phase transition in the guest system in beta-hydroquinone clathrate. ( Kyushu Institute of Design ) IMASAKA,Tomoko ; HIROKAWA,Shoji
2PA233 Spontaneous crystal-to-crystal transition of inclusion compounds ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) KURODA,Reiko ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; SATO,Tomohiro ; TODA,Fumio
2PA234 Solid inclusion crystallization of substituted chiral 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) KURODA,Reiko ; IMAI,Yoshitane ; SATOU,Tomohiro
2PA235 Formation of unique multi-component inclusion crystals by grinding component crystals: adducts involving 1,1-bi-2-naphthol, p-benzoquinone and aromatic hydrocarbons ( Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO Kuroda Chiromorphology Project ) IMAI,Yoshitan
e ; TAJIMA,Nobuo ;
SATO,Tomohiro ; KURODA,Reiko
2PA236 Copolymerization in the Channels of Deoxycholic Acid Inclusion Compounds ( Osaka Prefecture Univ.; Yamaguchi Univ.; Osaka Univ. ) OHTSUKI,Ryu ; SATO,Masaaki ; TSUTSUMI,Hiromori ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji
2PA237 New Enantiomeric Resolution Phenomenon (Preferential Enrichment) (18): Effects of CH/n & pai-pai Interactions ( Kyoto Univ., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ) TAMURA,Rui ; FUJIMOTO,Daisuke ; MISAKI,Kentaro ; LEPP,Zsolt ; TAKAHASHI,Hiroki ; U
2PA238 New Enantiomeric Resolution Phenomenon (Preferential Enrichment) (19): Preparation of a metastable polymorph and its polymorphic transition ( Kyoto Univ., Taiho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ) TAMURA,Rui ; MISAKI,Kentaro ; FUJIMOTO,Daisuke ; TAK
AHASHI,Hiroki ; US
2PA239 New Enantiomeric Resolution Phenomenon (Preferential Enrichment) (20): Studies on the stable enantiomeric association mode in solution by means of molecular dynamics simulations ( Kyoto Univ. ) TAMURA,Rui ; LEPP,Zsolt ; FUJIMOTO,Daisuke ;
Poster Session
[Education and History]
2PB002 Simple analisis by use of chemical majic ( Aichi Univ. of Education ) NAGANUMA,Takeshi ; SAKATA,Shuichi ; KATO,Yoshikazu
2PB003 Safe Organic Experiments Brominations without using Bromine ( Hiroshima Gakuin Highschool ) INOUE,Masayuki
2PB004 Comparison of Microscale Experiments with Ordinary Scale Experiments ( Sendai Ikuei Gakuen High School ) SHOJI,Keiko ; OGINO,Kazko
2PB005 Evaluation of students after laboratory working in the general chemistry course of Osaka Medical College ( Department of Chemistry, Osaka Medical College ) ITO,Shigenori ; FURUYA,Eisuke
2PB006 Creating, Publishing and Using Web Pages for Learning Chemistry by the Portable Telephone. ( Niigata Women's Junior College ) HONMA,Yoshio
2PB007 Using Multimedia Teaching Materials in Organic Chemistrys- Approach and Practice Example of the Molecule Modeling Introduction - ( Toho Univ. ) HABATA,Yoichi ; AKABORI,Sadatoshi
2PB008 Development of the presentation system for spectra of atoms with simple spectroscope, CCD camera and computer. ( Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido Univ. of Educ. ) TAGUCHI,Satoshi ; WATANABE,Tutomu
2PB009 Calculation of Translational Energy Distribution of an Ideal Gas and its Application to Thermodynamics Lessons ( Osaka Pref.Univ. ) HAGURA,Michinori
2PB010 Teaching Materials using Potassium 40 assNatural Radioactivity (Application of Hakarukun II) ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) KAMATA,Masahiro ; FUKAGAWA,Shino
2PB011 Teaching Materials using Potassium 40 as Natural Radioactivitys(Application of a GM counter) ( Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University ) NAKAMURA,Mariko ; ESAKA,Takao
2PB012 Creation of WWW Chemical Laboratory and its Difficulties. ( Hokkaido Tokai Univ. ) IZUMI,Mitsunori
2PB013 Application of computer to chemical educations - Simulation program of measurement of equilibrium potential of cell by potentiometer method - ( Univ. of the Ryukyus ) UEJOH,Kazuya ; KAMIKISAKI,Hiroshi ; WAKABA,Ryosuke ; UEHARA,Yosei
2PB014 A Survey on the International Chemistry Olympiad and its Participants ( Subcommittee on International Relationship, Council on Chemistry Education, Chemical Society of Japan ) ITO,Masato M. ; TATSUMI,Takashi ; UENO,Yukihiko ; KAMOGAWA,Kei
ji ; SUGIMURA,Hide
yuki ; TAKEUCHI,Yoshito ; TATSUTA,Kuniaki ; NODA,Yoshihiko ; HOSOYA,Haruo ; MORI,Atsunori ; YAMANOUCHI,Tatsuharu
Poster Session
[Inorganic Chemistry]
2PB018 Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by iron nitrate inshigh concentretion electrolyte solution ( Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) IIYAMA,Masamitsu ; MAKINO,Yuki ; KOKUSEN,Hisao
2PB019 Pentagon Stability : Cyclic Delocalization of Lone PairssThrough the .sigma.-Conjugation and Design of Polycyclophosphanes ( Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University ) HOZAKI,Atsushi ; MA,Jing ; INAGAKI,Satoshi
2PB020 Selective Formation of Linear Phosphates by Ring-Opening of Cyclo-Triphosphates (2) ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech., Kobe University ) NARIAI,Hiroyuki ; TOGE,Yoshiyuki ; MAKI,Hideshi ; MOTOOKA,Itaru
2PB021 Studies on optimum synthetic method of layered lead(IV) phosphate and preparation of intercalation compounds in nonaqueous solvent ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech. , Kobe University ) NARIAI,Hiroyuki ; TANIGUCHI,Junko ; MAKI,Hideshi ;
2PB022 Cancel
2PB023 Intercalation of antibacterial agents and antibiotics into layered double hydroxides ( Kobe Pharm. Univ. ) WADA,Natsuko ; NAKAYAMA,Hirokazu ; TSUHAKO,Mitsutomo
2PB024 Leaching property of cesium immobilized by zirconium phosphate in several solvents ( Niihama National College of Tech.; Dai-ichi Kigenso Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. ) NAKAYAMA,Susumu ; ITOH,Katsuhiko
2PB025 Adsorption of carboxylic acids and aldehydes in linear amine intercalated .alpha.-zirconium phosphates ( Kobe Pharm. Univ. ) HAYASHI,Aki ; FUJIMOTO,Yuko ; OGAWA,Yoshiko ; KOUZUMA,Kenichi ; YAMAMOTO,Yasuhiro ; NAKAYAMA,Hirokazu ; TSUHAKO,M
2PB026 Intercalation of Cu2+ with 3-(aminopropyl)triethoxysilane into montmorillonite. ( Kanto Gakuin University, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry ) KAWAMURA,Takako ; UCHIDA,Yoshikuni ; MATSUI,Kazunori ; NAKAM
2PB027 Spectroscopic and Photoelectrochemical Study of Racemic and Enantiomeric [Ru(phen)3]2+ Intercalated into a layered Niobate K4Nb6O17 ( KNIRI ) YAO,Ken ; NISHIMURA,Satoshi ; INOUE,Kozo ; MA,Tingli ; ABE,Eiti ; TATEYAMA,Hiroshi ; YAMAGISHI,Ak
2PB028 Preparation and Ion Exchange of Layer Structured Titanates CsxTi2-x/2Mx/2O4(M = Co, Ni, Cu) ( Tokuyama College of Technology ) OHASHI,Masao
2PB029 Synthesis and Properties of Intercalation Compounds of Tetrasilicicfluormica with BEDO-TTF and Aromatic Amines ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) ISHIMARU,Shin'ichi ; IKEDA,Ryuichi
2PB030 Dynamic Structure of Acetonitrile MoleculessAdsorbed in Mesoporous Material MCM-41 ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) ICHIKAWA,Mio ; ISHIMARU,Shin'ichi ; IKEDA,Ryuichi
2PB031 Formation and stabilization of BC4N and its nano-structure revealed by NMR and TEM-EELS ( Nat. inst. for research in inorga materials ) SATO,Tadao ; TANNSHO,Masataka ; BOURGEOIS,Laura ; BANDO,Yoshio
2PB032 Structure development of the polycyano-polycadmate host clathrate including viologen ( The Univ. of Tokyo ; Polish Academy of Sciences ) YOSHIKAWA,Hirofumi ; NISHIKIORI,Shin-ichi ; SUWINSKA,Kinga ; LIPKOWSKI,Janusz
2PB033 CdI2 type structure in the binary system TaSe2-IrSe2 and the binary system VSe2-IrSe2 ( Okayama Univ. of Science ) TANINO,Yumiko ; SHIMAKAWA,Mamoru ; MAEDA,Nobuhiro ; YASUE,Yoshinari ; TAKATA,Hiroshi ; MITSUKAWA,Kazushi ; HAYASHI,Koya
2PB034 SPring-8 BL04B2 Weissenberg Camera (1)Crystal structure analysis of a heteropolytungstate exhibiting one-dimensional chain structure ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech.;SPring-8 ) HONMA,Noritaka ; KUSAKA,Katsuhiro ; NAKAMURA,Yuji ; OZEKI,Tomoji ; YASUD
A,Nobuhiro ; UEKUS
A,Hidehiro ; OHASHI,Yuji ; ISSHIKI,Maiko
2PB035 SPring-8 BL04B2 Weissenberg Camera (2) High energy X-ray structure analysis of [Ph4P]2[H7PV14O42].6aq showing stacking faults ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech.;SPring-8 ) NAKAMURA,Setsuko ; KUSAK
A,Katsuhiro ; HONM
A,Noritaka ; OZEKI,Tomoji ; YASUDA,Nobuhiro ; TAKAYAMA,Terufumi ; UEKUSA,Hidehiro ; SEKINE,Akiko ; OHASHI,Yuji ; ISSHIKI,Maiko
2PB036 Synthesis of ruthenium-containing heteropolymolybdates ( Kinki Univ. ) OHNAKA,Tomohiro ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya
2PB037 Syntheses and structural characterizations of trimagnesium decavanadate and dimagnesium disodium decavanadate ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) IIDA,Akifumi ; OZEKI,Tomoji
2PB038 Growth of.alpha.-Al2O3 single crystals by metal flux method ( Kokushikann Univ. ) OKADA,Shigeru ; IIZUMI,Kiyokata ; SHYOUJI,Hiroko ; KUDOU,Kunio ; SHIDO,Toetsu ; OGAWA,Makoto ; KUDAKA,Katsuya
2PB039 Synthesis of low-valence metal oxides by the glycothermal method ( Grad. School of Eng., Kyoto Univ ) FUJIOKA,Fumiaki ; IWAMOTO,Shinji ; INOUE,Masashi
2PB040 Mechanochemical effects on syntheses of rhabdophane-type rare earth phosphates ( Graduate School of Sci. and Tech. , Kobe University ) ONODA,Hiroaki ; NARIAI,Hiroyuki ; MAKI,Hideshi ; MOTOOKA,Itaru
2PB041 Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Layered Zn(C6H5(CH2)2NH(CH2PO 3)(CH2PO3H) )(H2O) ( Joetsu Univ. of Education; Faculty of Sc
ience, Niigata Uni
v. ) SHIMOMURA,Hiroshi ; HAYASHI,Yasuhisa ; SATOH,Keiichi ; SAWADA,Kiyoshi
2PB042 Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Manganese Substituted NZP-type Solid Solution ( Kochi Univ. ) SHIMANOUCHI,Rie ; OCHI,Toshihiro ; NISHIZAWA,Hitoshi
2PB043 Synthesis under oxygen pressure as high as about 10 atom of a dielectric perovskite Bi1/2Ag1/2TiO3 ( Dept. Chem., Fac. Sci., Gakushuin Univ. ) INAGUMA,Yoshiyuki ; KATSUMATA,Tetsuhiro
2PB044 Magnetic properties of perovskite La1-xPrxCrO3 ( JAERI ) YOSHII,Kenji ; NAKAMURA,Akio
2PB045 Slow paramagnetic relaxation in oxalate-bridged metal complexes ( Nat'l. Inst. Biosci. Human-Tech. ) IIJIMA,Seiichiro ; MIZUTANI,Fumio
2PB046 Reaction of laser-evaporated iron atoms on the surface of low-temperature solid oxygen ( Sci. Univ. of Tokyo ) HIRAYAMA,Shinichirou ; KATUMATA,Keiichi ; SHIMASAKI,Hideo ; YAMADA,Yasuhiro
2PB047 Cancel
2PB048 Cancel
2PB049 .pi.-f, f-f interaction for dinuclear and mononuclear Gd, Tb phthalocyanine sandwich complex ( Tokyo Inst. of Tech ) TANAKA,Naohiro ; ISHIKAWA,Naoto ; KAIZU,Youkou
2PB050 Separation of the interaction term between f-f electrons and the ligand field term for magnetic properties in thulium phthalocyanine dinuclear complex ( Dept. of chem., Tokyo institute of Technology ) IINO,Tomochika ; ISHIKAWA,Naoto ; KAIZ
Poster Session
[Natural Products Chemistry]
2PB052 Lipids of the green alga, Codium adhaerens. ( Aoyama Gakuin University ) OOMORI,Katsumi ; KIMURA,Junji
2PB053 Molecular target for herbicide activity by herboxidiene ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka Univ.;Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Univ. of Tokyo;Kyowa Hakko Kogyo ) TERAMURA,Takara ; MATSUMORI,Nobuaki ; MURATA,Michio ; YO
SHIDA,Minoru ; YOS
HIDA,Tetsuro ; SAKAI,Yasushi ; MIZUKAMI,Tamio
2PB054 Synthesis of diphenoxymethanes using ferulic acid-esters. ( Ind Tech Ctr of Wakayama Pref ) TSUNO,Takuo ; MARUTA,Yuko ; HOSODA,Asao ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
2PB055 Design and synthesis of sequence-specific DNAscleaving reagentss-Synthesis of acyclic enyne-allene precursorswith triggering system- ( Aoyama Gakuin Univ. College of Sci. and Engin. ) UNOKI,Gen ; KATANO,Yoshinori ; MITSUNOBU,Oyo
2PB056 Synthesis of Gallic Acid Derivatives and their Antibacterial Activity ( Ind Tech Ctr of Wakayama Pref ) ASAHI,Hiroyuki ; YAMAZAKI,Mika ; FUKUMOTO,Yasuhiro ; HOSODA,Asao ; NOMURA,Eisaku ; TANIGUCHI,Hisaji
2PB057 Studies on stereoselective synthesis of C1-C9 fragment of carbomycin B ( Aoyama Gakuin Univ.; College of Sci.& Engin. ) SANO,Yu ; FURUKAWA,Yuki ; KOMATSU,Chiyoko ; MITSUNOBU,Oyo
2PB058 Solvent Effect on Oxidative Reaction of Quercetin with Hydrogen Peroxide ( Faculty of Education, Yamanashi University and Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University ) HIROSE,Yuko ; MIZUTANI,Tetsuya ; MATSUGO,Seiichi
2PB059 Structures of Constituents of Aglaia grandis (Meliaceae) ( Fac. Pharm. Sci., Setsunan Univ. ) INADA,Akira ; INATOMI,Yuka ; MURATA,Hiroko ; NAKANISHI,Tsutomu
2PB060 Essential Oil of Mentha Gattefossei Maire (2) ( Mukogawa Women's Univ.;Depertment of Education ) FUJITA,Shin-ichi ; MORIYOSHI,Kayo
2PB061 Terpenes in Atmosphere of a Coniferous Forest and a School Ground ( Gunma National College of Technology ) KOGURE,Misato ; HAYASHI,Tomoko ; TOMOSAKA,Hideyuki ; TOI,Hiroo ; HAYASHI,Hiroaki
2PB062 Biotransformation of l-menthol bysplant pathogenic fungi. ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University ) KAWAZOE,Hideki ; MIYAZAWA,Mitsuo
2PB063 Substrate specificities of hexaprenyl diphosphate and heptaprenyl diphosphate synthases ( Hirosaki Univ., Yamagata Univ., Tohoku Univ. ) NAGAKI,Masahiko ; MAKI,Yuji ; NISHINO,Tokuzo ; KOYAMA,Tanetoshi
2PB064 Artificial substrate for a thermostable farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) synthase (7) ( Hirosaki Univ., Yamagata Univ., Tohoku Univ. ) NAGAKI,Masahiko ; TAKAHASHI,Ayumi ; MAKI,Yuji ; NISHINO,Tokuzo ; KOYAMA,Tanetoshi
2PB065 Short Total Synthesis of 3-Isocyanotheonellin andsAntifouling Activity of Its Analogues ( Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Technol.; Cent. Res. Inst. of Elec. Power Indus. ) ITO,Toshihiro ; KITANO,Yoshikazu ; CHIBA,Kazuhiro ; TADA,Masahiro ; SAKA
TA,Yasuyuki ; SHINSHIMA,Kyouji ; YOSHIMURA,Erina
2PB066 Synthetic Study of (+)-Myltayl-4(12)en-5-ol Isolated from the Taiwanese Liverwort ( Grad. School of Sci. and Tech., Faculty of Engi., Niigata Univ. ) HAGIWARA,Hisahiro ; UCHIYAMA,Takashi ; SAKAI,Hitoshi ; HOSHI,Takashi ; SUZUKI,Toshio ; AN
2PB067 C-7 Substituted Estra-1,3,5(10),6-tetraenes as Potential Diagnostica for Human Breast Cancer ( Kyushu University ) SHIMA,Yuji ; INOHAE,Eiko ; UMENO,Kuniharu ; MELO SILVA,M. Cristina ; PATRICIO,Luciana ; GANO,Lurdes ; SANTOS,Isabel ; SANTOS,
A. Cristina ; THI
EMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro
2PB068 Stereoselective Synthesis of Steroid Side Chains using Chelation-controlled Radical Reactions - 1,3-Asymmeric Induction - ( Ochanomizu University ) MATSUDA,Mikako ; YAJIMA,Tomoko ; NAGANO,Hajime
2PB069 Stereochemistry on a Novel Five-carbon Ring Expansion Reaction of .beta.-(Hydroxymethyl)allylsilane ( Rikkyo Univ. ) SUZUKI,Hideyuki ; KURODA,Chiaki
2PB070 Total Synthesis of Phenazostatin A ( Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki Univ. ) SAKAI,Yasuyuki ; YAMAGIWA,Yoshiro ; KAMIKAWA,Tadao
2PB071 Synthesis of Arbutin Derivative Containing Kojic Acid Moiety ( Yamagata University ) KADOKAWA,Jun-ichi ; NISHIKURA,Toshimitsu ; TAGAYA,Hideyuki
2PB072 Synthesis of C-glycosyl phloroacetophenone derivatives and their anomerization ( Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University ) KUMAZAWA,Toshihiro ; MATSUBA,Shigeru ; SATO,Shingo ; ON
2PB073 Cleavage of C-C linkage between the sugar and the aglycon in an aryl C-glycosyl compound ( Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University ) KUMAZAWA,Toshihiro ; KIMURA,Takayuki ; MATSUB
A,Shigeru ; SATO,S
hingo ; ONODERA,Jun-ichi
2PB074 Degradation characteristics of natural oligosaccharides byshydrothermalysis ( Meiji Univ.;The Noguchi Institute ) MUROTA,Akihiko ; FJIMOTO,Masaki ; SASAURA,Hideaki ; YAMANOI,Takashi
2PB075 Synthetic Studies on Cytosaminomycins ( The Noguchi Institute ) OSUMI,Kenji ; TAKEUCHI,Takahiro
2PB076 Synthesis of 1-N- and -4-Dihydroxylpiperidin- and 3-Carbamoyl-1-N-hydroxylpyrrolidin-1-O-Glycosides ( Facalty of Engineering, Yamagata University ) SATO,Shingo ; KOWATA,Naomi ; KUMAZAWA,Toshihiro ; MATSUBA,Shigeru ; ONODERA,Jun-ichi ; AOYA
MA,Masaaki ; OBARA
,Heitaro ; KAMADA,Hitoshi
2PB077 New antibacterial substances QN3323-A and QN3323-B ( National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology ) ZHANG,Huiping ; NAGAI,Koji ; KAWANO,Yasuhiro ; SUZUMURA,Ken-ichi ; WATANABE,Masato ; SUZUKI,Ken-ichi ; KURANE,Ryuichiro
2PB078 Synthesis of L-Serine Stereoselectively Labeled with Deuterium at the .beta.-Carbon ( Tokai Univ. ) OBA,Makoto ; IWASAKI,Akira ; NISHIYAMA,Kozaburo
2PB079 Synthesis of stereo-array-labeled amino acid:Serine ( Tokyo Metropolitan University/CREST ) TAMURA,Naoya ; TERAUCHI,Tsutomu ; KAINOSHOU,Masatsune
2PB080 Stereoselective Synthesis of Multiply Stable Isotope-labeled L-Leucine ( Tokai Univ. ) OBA,Makoto ; KOBAYASHI,Masahito ; NISHIYAMA,Kozaburo ; TERAUCHI,Tsutomu ; KAINOSHO,Masatsune
2PB081 Asymmetric Synthesis of (2S,3S,4R)-3,4-Dihydroxyglutamic Acid ( Dept. of Material Science and Technology, Tokai University ) KOGUCHI,Shinichi ; OBA,Makoto ; NISHIYAMA,Kozaburo
2PB082 Suppression of side reaction of amino acid phenacyl esters by the use of alumina-supported sodium carbonate ( Shibaura Institute of Technology; The Jikei University School of Medicine ) HASHIMOTO,Chikao ; ICHIKAWA,Kaoru ; AKIYAMA,Teruyuki
2PB083 Stereoselectivity during Peptide Bond Formation ( Konan Univ.; Oyama Natl. Coll. Technol. ) MIYAZAWA,Toshifumi ; OZAWA,Ayako ; MUNEGUMI,Toratane ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; YAMADA,Takashi
2PB084 Utilization of Microbial Proteases for Peptide Synthesis ( Konan Univ. ) MIYAZAWA,Toshifumi ; HIRAMATSU,Makoto ; YANAGIHARA,Ryoji ; YAMADA,Takashi
2PB085 Synthesis and Chemical Property of Amino Acid Mimetics Substituted by Aminohydroxyl instead of Amino Group ( Oyama Natl. College of Tec. ) MUNEGUMI,Toratane ; YOSHII,Takanori ; NAKAMURA,Masahide
2PB086 Comparison of Twig Bark Constituents between Kinds of Pears ( Gunma Nat. Coll. of Tech. ) TOMOSAKA,Hideyuki ; TAMIMOTO,Hideaki ; KARASAWA,Tomohiro ; TOMOMATSU,Megumi ; HAYASHI,Tomoko
2PB087 Structures of novel bioactive compounds from marine sponges ( Ehime Univ. ) KURAMOTO,Makoto ; FUJITA,Tohru ; ONO,Noboru
2PB088 Radical Scavengers of Botanical Origin:Radical scavenging activities of several constituents of Laurus nobilis L. ( Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science ) KUNUGI,Akira ; IIDA,Tomonari
2PB089 Synthesis of pulcherrimine, a bitter principle of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ovary ( Univ. of Keio; National Research Institute of Fisheries Science ) SATA,Noriko ; KUWAHARA,Ryuji ; MURATA,Yuko
2PB090 Synthetic studies of an antibiotic alternatamides ( Iwaki Meisei University ) UMEMURA,Kazuyuki ; SUGIYAMA,Tomonori ; OTOMO,Takeshi ; YOSHIMURA,Juji
2PB091 Synthetic studies of the central heterocyclic skeleton of a tiostorepton antibiotics ( Iwaki Meisei University ) UMEMURA,Kazuyuki ; FUSHIYA,Ken ; NAGAHARA,Keiko ; YOSHIMURA,Juji
Poster Session
[Analytical Chemistry]
2PB094 Spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of surfactants with Bromochlorophenol Blue after preconcentration on a cellulose powder ( Yonago National College of Technology ) KIMURA,Tadashi ; YAMAMOTO,Koichi
2PB095 Rapid Determination of Anionic Surfacrtants by Improved Spectrophotometric Method using Methylene Blue(II): Specific Property of Methanol during Filtration. ( Kyushu Institute of Technology ) YOSHINAGA,Tetsutaro ; SAKURAI,Yasuyuki ; KOGA,
Masaaki ; TANIMURA
2PB096 Highly sensitive measurement for estriol in river water by Time-Resolved Fluoroimmunoassay ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Engneering, Waseda University ) FUKUI,Takashi ; MAJIMA,Keisuke ; MATSUMOTO,Kazuko
2PB097 Development of Determination Methods for Trace Amounts of Zinc Using Esterase Activity of Immobilized Carbonic Anhydrase ( Gunma University;Applied Chemistry ) KAKINOKI,Rimi ; UMEMURA,Tomonari ; ODAKE,Tamao ; TSUNODA,Kin-ichi
2PB098 Synthetic zeolite as sorbent for preconcentration of trace amount of Cd(II) and its determination by graphite furnacesatomic absorption spectrometry ( Nihon Univ. college of Industrial Technology ) MINAMISAWA,Hiroaki ; TANAKA,Satoshi ; ARA
I,Nobumasa ; OKUTA
2PB099 Determination of Group 14 Elements by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using a Graphite Furnce Coated with Boron ( Fac. of Eng., Yamaguchi Univ. ) AIDA,Youhei ; MATSUSAKI,Koji ; ENDO,Nobutaka ; HIGA,Mitsuru
2PB100 The determination and evaluation of content of calcium in cellulosic fiber by a carbonate precipitation processing method ( Hyogo Pref. Inst. of Ind. Res. ) SUGIMOTO,Futoshi ; ISONO,Teizo ; KOMURASAKI,Kazuhiko
2PB101 Determination of Traces of Selenium in High-Purity Copper by ICP-MS with Electrothermal Vaporization in a Plasma Torch ( Nagoya Univ.Molecular Design & Eng. ) TANAKA,Tomokazu ; HIROSE,Takayuki ; HAYASHI,Hideo ; HIRAIDE,Masataka
2PB102 Ion Attachment Mass Spectrometry for On-line Analysis in Air: Direct Introduction ( National Institute for Environmental Studies, Environmental Chemistry Division ) SABLIER,Michel ; SELVIN,Christopher ; IWASE,Keiichiro ; FUJII,Toshihiro
2PB103 Development of new matrix using MALDI-TOF-MS ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) KANDA,Tadashige ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; SIMION,Cristian ; SAKAGUCHI,Kohji ; TASHIRO,Masashi
2PB104 Matrix dependence of polyglycol molecules in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry ( NIMC ) TOGASHI,Hisashi
2PB105 Addition products with diamine and aminoacid by spray ionization ( Grad. School of Eng. Osaka Univ. ) KURODA,Takayuki ; ARIMURA,Masana ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
2PB106 Hydrogen bonded cluster anion of adenosine monophosphate with amino acids ( Osaka Univ. ) NISHIZAKA,Makoto ; ARIMURA,Masana ; MATSUBAYASHI,Gen-etsu
2PB107 FT-SERS of Pyridine Employing Gold Hydrosol Stabilized by Nano-scale Layered Silicate as Substrate ( Doshisha Univ. ) FUKUOKA,Takao ; KURIMOTO,Takeshi ; NAKAMURA,Keitarou ; MORI,Yasushige ; YOSHIMURA,Yurika ; MATSUKAWA,Kimihiro
2PB108 Pulsed NMR Investigation on the Polymerization of MethylsAcrylate ( National Defense Academy, Dept. of Applied Chemistry ) KIMOTO,Hiroki ; ASANO,Atsushi ; KUROTSU,Takuzou
2PB109 Crystal and Solution Structure of Copper(II) Complex of Macrocyclic Triamine with Pendant Group ( Fukuoka University ) KURISAKI,Tsutomu ; YMAGUCHI,Toshio ; WAKITA,Hysanobu
2PB110 XAFS Structural Study for Ni Liquid Crystal Complexsunder High Pressures ( VBL Saga Univ., Fukuoka Univ., Shinshu Univ. ) YOKOMIZO,Mitsutoshi ; SHIROUZU,Kaori ; KURISAKI,Tsutomu ; WAKITA,Hisanobu ; OHTA,Kazuchika
2PB111 The influence of phospholipid monolayer on redox reaction at the aqueous | organic solution interface ( Kyoto Institute of Technology ) YOSHINAGA,Hisao ; YOSHIDA,Yumi ; KIHARA,Sorin
2PB112 Voltammetric Behavior of Polyoxometalate Complexes in Mixed Organic Solvents ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ; Faculty of Science, Kochi University ) TAKAMOTO,Masayo ; UEDA,Tadaharu ; HIMENO,Sadayuki
2PB113 Voltammetric Behavior of Lacunary Keggin- and Dawson-type Tungstophosphate Complexes ( Faculty of Science, Kobe University ) HIWA,Koichiro ; TAKAMOTO,Masayo ; HIMENO,Sadayuki
2PB114 Electrochemical analysis of the interaction of peptides with small biomolecules ( Kyushu university ) WADA,Hiroyuki ; UEYAMA,Hiroyuki ; WAKI,Michinori ; TAKAGI,Makoto ; TAKENAKA,Shigeori
2PB115 Fabrication of a miniaturized cell based on electrochemi-luminescence ofruthenium(II) complex and its application to the determination of some peptides ( Hiroshima Prefectural Univ. ) MURAYAMA,Ryusuke ; PIAO,Jinshun ; HIFUMI,Emi ; UDA,Taiz
o ; EGASHIRA,Naoyo
2PB116 Sulfate ion-selective solid membrane electrode basedson the precipitates of Al13 sulfate containingshexadecyltrimethylammonium ions ( Shiga University, Fac. Education ) HARA,Hirokazu ; HIROTA,Yukie ; FUJIWARA,Miyuki
2PB117 Analysis of heavy metals by HPLC ( Shibaura Insutitute of Technology,Faculty of Engineering ) NAKASHIMA,Yasuo ; TURUMI,Chikao ; NEGISHI,Akira
2PB118 Separation and determination of saccharides by HPLC ( Shibaura Institute of Technology ) HIRAI,Hirokazu ; TURUMI,Chikao ; NEGISHI,Akira
2PB119 LC/IR experiment of sorbitan fatty acid ester as surface active agent ( Toray Research Center, Inc. ) MORIWAKI,Hirofumi ; BABA,Miyuki ; OGINO,Junichi
2PB120 LC/IR experiment of hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS) ( Toray Research Center, Inc. ) BABA,Miyuki ; MORIWAKI,Hirofumi ; OGINO,Junichi
2PB121 High-performance liquid chromatography using a keratin-silica stationary phase for phenolic compounds ( Fundamental Res. Lab., Kose Co. ) KAGAWA,Yasuo ; KIMURA,Kimie ; YASUDA,Junko ; KAMEYAMA,Koichi
2PB122 Some characteristic features of surface ionization detector for HPLC ( Department of Materials Chemistry and Bioengineering;Oyama National College of Technology ) YOTUKA,Eisuke ; KISHI,Hiroshi ; FUJII,Toshihiro
2PB123 Separation and preconcentration of trace anion with polyaniline ( Fac. of Eng., Yamaguchi Univ. ) ENDO,Nobutaka ; MATSUSAKI,Koji ; TAKEDA,Yukari ; HIGA,Mitsuru
2PB124 Advanced LC with 3 um ODS columns ( Imtakt Corporation ) YAZAWA,Itaru ; OKAMURA,Fumiko ; KATSUYAMA,Akiko
2PB125 Rapid measuring method of volatile organic compounds insbuilding materials (2)Interaction of woody materials and ill-smeling compounds ( Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University and JDC Corpolation ) NISHIMOTO,Yuko ; SHIMIZU,Hidetaka ; KURO
YAMA,Hidenobu ; NA
2PB126 Downsizing of Slab Gel Electrophoresis and Its Application to Fast Separation of DNA Fragments ( Gunma University;Applied Chemistry ) SAWADA,Yoshimasa ; ODAKE,Tamao ; UMEMURA,Tomonari ; TSUNODA,Kin-ichi
2PB127 Modification effect of inner surface of a capillary on separation of aromatic compounds and inorganic anions using capillary electrophoresis ( Gunma University;Applied Chemistry ) KIMIJIMA,Hideki ; UMEMURA,Tomonari ; ODAKE,Tamao ; TSUNODA,
2PB128 Concentration of transition metal ions by using Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-4-vinylpyridine) as an adsorbent ( Univ. of Shimane,Fac. Sci. Eng. ) ISHIDA,Michi ; FUJINAGA,Kaoru ; SEIKE,Yasushi ; OKUMURA,Minoru
2PB129 Kinetic analysis of ion-pair extraction between a single oil droplet and water by microcapillary manipulation and microabsorption methods ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) CHIKAMA,Katsumi ; NAKATANI,Kiyoharu
2PB130 Extraction behaviour of metal ions in aqueous polyethylene glycol-sodium sulphate two-phase systems ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University ) SHIOZAWA,Hirotugu ; GOTOH,Masaharu ; HAYASHI,Tadashige ; SHIBUYA,Daigo ; NAKAYAMA,No
2PB131 Effective preconcentration of traces of gold(III) ions in water with PONPE-impregnated polystyrene-divinylbenzene sorbent ( Nagoya Univ.; Nagoya Municipal Ind. Res. Inst. ) SAITOH,Tohru ; AKITA,Shigendo ; TORII,Akihiro ; HIRAIDE,Masataka
2PB132 Collection of Trace Copper(II) into Poly(Vinyl Methyl Ether) by Use of Chrome Azurol S. ( Fac. of Eng., Yamaguchi Univ. ) MATSUSAKI,Koji ; IKUTA,Yoko ; ENDO,Nobutaka ; HIGA,Mitsuru
2PB133 Optical detection of VOC-gases using a micro-fluidic device ( NTT Lifestyle and Environmental Technology Labs ) UENO,Yuko ; HORIUCHI,Tsutomu ; MORIMOTO,Takashi ; NIWA,Osamu
2PB134 Observation of Surface Profiles using Two-Dimensional Surface Plasmon Resonance Method ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST; Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto Univ. ) OTSUKI,Soichi ; MURAI,Kensuke ; YOSHIKAWA,Susumu
2PB135 Adsorption behavior of aminoanthraquinones analyzed by surface second-harmonic generation ( Faculty of Material Science, Kyushu University ) ISHIOKA,Toshio ; TSUKIASHI,Norio ; HARATA,Akira ; HATANO,Yoshihiko
2PB136 Adsorption behavior for the metal ions upon the surface-modified nanoporous silica ( Yamaguchi Univ., Fac. of Sci. ) MURAKAMI,Yoshiko ; NAKATSUKA,Masako ; TAGASHIRA,Shoji ; SASAKI,Yoshiaki
2PB137 Preparation of Imidazole-Carrying Metal-Imprinted Resin ( Faculty of Sci., Yamaguchi Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Isamu ; UCHIYAMA,Akemi ; SASAKI,Yoshiaki ; MAEDA,Mizuo ; TAKAGI,Makoto
2PB138 Changes in Molecular Recognition Ability of LipophilicsTripeptides by the Order of Amino Acids ( Kyushu Univ. ) FUJITA,Tomoki ; KUBOYAMA,Toshiharu ; JOSEPH,Beena, Mathew ; NAKAMURA,Shigeo ; TAKAGI,Makoto
2PB139 Effect of Complexation Assisting Monomer on MolecularsImprinting ( Kyushu Univ. ) NAKAMURA,Shigeo ; KAWAKAMI,Daisuke ; UGAMURA,Tadayoshi ; TAKAGI,Makoto
2PB140 Oxygen and ultrasonic effect on the structure of polar solvent - water mixture ( Kanagawa University ) NISHIMOTO,Yuko ; NISHIZAKA,Daisuke ; KANEKI,Youichi ; TAKAGI,Shinji ; SUGITANI,Yoshinori
2PB141 Comparison of methods for Determination of residual chlorine in electrolyzed acid aqueous solution ( Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University ) NISHIMOTO,Yuko ; ISHIDA,Naoyuki ; NIWA,Tomokazu ; TAKAGI,Shinnji ; SUGITANI,Yoshinori
2PB142 Development of Assisting Program for Analysis of 1H-NMR Spectrum ( The Nippon Dental Univ. ) KARAKASA,Takayuki ; SATSUMABAYASHI,Sadayoshi
2PB143 Titration Method for Determination of Equilibrium Constant for Slow reaction with a Small Amount of Sample ( National Institute for Reseach in Inorganic Materials ) OOBA,Shigeki
Poster Session
[Catalysts and Catalysis]
2PB146 Reactivity of Methoxide Produced over a Samarium Oxide Surface Observed by Infrared Spectroscopy ( Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University ) SAKATA,Yoshihisa ; MIHARU,Naoya ; IMAMURA,Hayao
2PB147 Doping effect of alkaline earth metals on V2O5/ZrO2 catalysts ( Kobe Univ.; Osaka Pref. College of Tech. ) SHIOYAMA,Shohei ; BUNNO,Youhei ; TANAKA,Takeyuki ; OHNO,Takashi ; HATAYAMA,Fumikazu ; TODA,Yoshio ;
2PB148 Reaction pathways for the oxidation of formaldehyde to formic acid and formic acid to carbon dioxide by an iron-oxo species. ( Kyoto Univ. ) AMENOMORI,Tatsuhiko ; KAGAWA,Yoshihisa ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
2PB149 Theoretical Study on the Conversion of Methane to Methanol by First-Row Transition Metal Oxide ions ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Engineering; Institute for Fundamental Chemistry ) SHIOTA,Yoshihito ; YOSHIZAWA,Kazunari
2PB150 Solvothermal synthesis of lanthanum-iron double oxide ( Kinki Univ. ) INOUE,Hiroaki ; KOHNO,Masaaki ; MURAKAMI,Shinya ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya
2PB151 Synthesis of modified zirconum oxide using thermal decomposition method and that thermal stability ( Kinki Univ. ) KOHNO,Masaaki ; OCHI,Kazue ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya
2PB152 Enantio-differentiating hydrogenation of .gamma.-ketoester over tartaric acid modified nickel catalyst ( Toyama University; Ryukoku University ) MIENO,Eri ; OSAWA,Tsutomu ; HARADA,Tadao ; TAKAYASU,Osamu
2PB153 Enantio-differentiating hydrogenation of methyl acetoacetate over Ni catalyst using in situ modification---repeated uses of the catalyst ( Toyama University; Ryukoku University ) SAKAI,Saori ; OSAWA,Tsutomu ; HARADA,Tadao ; TAKAYASU,Osamu
2PB154 Enantio-differentiating Hydrogenation of 2-Octanone Using the Modified Raney Nickel ( Ryukoku University; Toyama University ) CHIN,Roshu ; HARADA,Tadao ; KITAMURA,Toshiyuki ; KAMITANAKA,Takashi ; OSAWA,Tsutomu ; TAKAYASU,Osamu
2PB155 Catlytic reaction in the presence of plasma ( Oita University ) TAKUBO,Takeshi ; NISHIGUCHI,Hiroyasu ; ISHIHARA,Tatsumi ; TAKITA,Yusaku
2PB156 Cancel
2PB157 Support Effect on the Steam Reforming of Propane over Supported Metal Catalysts ( Osaka National Research Institute, AIST ) ANDO,Hisanori ; UKITA,Keiichiro ; KOBAYASHI,Tetsuhiko
2PB158 Highly efficient epoxidation of 2-methylallyl chloride by molecular oxygen in the presence of polyoxometalates and aldehyde ( Tokyo Institute of Technology Chemical Resources Laboratory ) GAO,Feixue ; YAMASE,Toshihiro
2PB159 H2O2-oxidation of stereospecific alcohols on lanthanide-containing heteropolyacid (LnW10) -working states and effects of organic-cation on the catalysis- ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHII,Nobuhiko ; TSUJIOKA,Shinya ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya
2PB160 Ring Opening of Epoxide by Use of Silicate Gel Containing Rare Eaeth Metal Ion as Solid Catalyst ( Kanto Gakuin Univ.; Lintec. Co. Ltd; National Defense Academy ) SUGIZAKI,Toshio ; MORIYA,Osamu ; NISHIMURA,Hiroaki ; MAEDA,Jun ; KAGEYAMA,T
2PB161 Superacidities of Fe-supported Sulfated Zirconia ( Department of Chemistry,Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) MIYAJI,Atsuyuki ; KOSAKA,Tomomi ; HASEGAWA,Sadao ; HASEGAWA,Miki ; HOSHI,Toshihiko
2PB162 Incorporation of gallium into the framework of beta zeolite by controlling the pH value of the solution ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) KIKUCHI,Satoshi ; MIZUNO,Ryuichiro ; NAWATA,Shinya ; FUKUSHIMA,Toshihisa ; OUMI,
Yasunori ; UOZUMI,
Toshiya ; SANO,Tsuneji
2PB163 An ESR study on oxygen adsorption and desoraption of Co(II) complexes fixed in zeolites ( Faculty of Engineering Hiroshima University ) KURAMOTO,Tetsuji ; YAHIRO,Hidenori ; SHIOTANI,Masaru
2PB164 Propylene polymerization with ZnMCM-41 as cocatalyst ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) MIYAZAKI,Toyoaki ; NIIMI,Tunehito ; TSUBAKI,Shingo ; OUMI,Yasunori ; UOZUMI,Toshiya
2PB165 Adsorption of carbon tetrachloride for mesoporous silicas - Relationship between core radius and adsorptionspotential - ( School of Science, Kwansei Gakuin University ) NAONO,Hiromitu ; HAKUMAN,Masako
2PB166 NOx remorval with Li2ZrO3 and LiFeO2 ( Kokushikan University ) KAMAMOTO,Kiyomi ; OKADA,Shigeru ; OKADA,Yuji ; OGAWA,Makoto ; KUROSAWA,Hiroaki ; KISHIMOTO,Ken ; YOSHDA,Haruo
2PB167 Doping effect of Na on reduction of NO by propene over Pt-V2O5/ZrO2 catalysts ( Kobe Univ.; Osaka Pref. College of Tech. ) TODA,Yoshio ; TANAKA,Eiji ; TANAKA,Takeyuki ; OHNO,Takashi ; HATAYAMA,Fumikazu ; MI
2PB168 The effect of modifier on the catalytic performance of Ga2O3-Al2O3 solid solution for SCR of NOx with methane ( Grad. School of Eng., Kyoto Univ ) TAKAHASHI,Masaru ; INOUE,Noriyuki ; IWAMOTO,Shinji ; INOUE,Masashi
2PB169 Titania-pillared clays photocatalyzed selective oxidation of hydrocarbons in the aqueous phase ( Niigata Univ. ) KANEKO,Toshio ; FUJISHIMA,Tomokazu ; SHIMIZU,Kenichi ; KODAMA,Tatsuya ; KITAYAMA,Yoshie
2PB170 Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Awamori (Okinawan spirits) treated with TiO2 Photocatalyst ( Tropical Technology Center; University of the Ryukyus ) NAKA,Hiroyuki ; OSHIRO,Sugako ; UCHIHARA,Toshio
2PB171 The photocatalytic oxidation mechanism of nitrogen-containing compounds by TiO2 catalyst ( Meisei Univ. EPFC ) MUKAE,Miki ; HORIKOSHI,Satoshi ; WATANABE,Natsuko ; HIDAKA,Hisao
2PB172 Photocatalytic Degradation of Trichloroethylene on a Hollandite-type Compound ( National Instituke for Research in Inorganic Materials ) SUZUKI,Jun ; FUJIMOTO,Kenjiro ; HARADA,Masaru ; MORI,Toshiyuki ; WATANABE,Mamoru ; HASEGAWA,Yoshio
2PB173 Photocatalytic degradation of vinyl chloride monomers(1) Selective oxidation on metal-photodeposited TiO2. ( National Insitute for Resources and Environment ) SANO,Taizo ; NEGISHI,Nobuaki ; TAKEUCHI,Koji
2PB174 Photocatalytic activities of brookite-type titanium oxide nano-crystals prepared by solvothermal method ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHII,Yoshinori ; KOHNO,Masaaki ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya ; OHTANI,Bunsho
2PB175 Oxidative removal of nitrogen oxides by titanium oxide of large surface area ( Kinki Univ. ) BAFUMI,Atsushi ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya ; HASHIMOTO,Keiji
2PB176 Photocatalytic oxidation of ammonia in aqueous suspensions of titanium oxide ( Kinki Univ. ) NAKASEKO,Takao ; MURAKAMI,Shinya ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya ; OHTANI,Bunsho
2PB177 Photocatalytic decomposition of malachite green in aqueous suspensions of titanium oxide ( Kinki Univ. ) KUMAMOTO,Hisayuki ; KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; KERA,Yoshiya ; OHTANI,Bunsho
2PB178 Synthesis of Ta-based layered-perovskite complex oxides by polymerizable complex methodsand their photocatalysis for water decomposition ( Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) YOSHINO,Mayu ; ISHIKAWA,Satoshi
; KATO,Hideki ; KUDO,Akihiko ; CHO,Woo Seok ; OSADA,Minoru
2PB179 Electrocatalysis of silicon for reduction of nitrous oxide under visible light irradiation. ( Faculty of Science, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) GOTO,Tomoko ; KUDO,Akihiko
2PB180 Direct methanol fuel cell consisting of electron relay system ( Faculty of Science, Science Univ. of Tokyo ) MATSUO,Chihiro ; KUDO,Akihiko
2PB181 Selective synthesis of .pi.-conjugated functional molecule bysCross-metathesis ( Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Engineering ) YASUDA,Tomohiro ; ABE,Jiro ; YOSHIDA,Hirohisa ; IYODA,Tomokazu ; KAWAI,Tadashi
2PB182 Self-metathesis and cross-metathesis reaction of aromatic heterocycles ( Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Engineering ) KAWAI,Tadashi ; KOMAKI,Masako ; ABE,Jiro ; IYODA,Tomokazu
Poster Session
[Colloid and Interface Chemistry]
2PB185 Self-assembly of alkyl alcohols on graphite studied by scanning tunneling microscopy ( Iwaki Meisei Univ. ) KATSUMATA,Shunji ; SASAKI,Masayuki ; WAKISAKA,Kouki
2PB186 Preparation of Structural Color Forming System Using Polypeptide LB Film ( National Industrial Research Institute of Nagoya; Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.; Nagoya Institute of Technology ) HAYASHI,Shujiro ; HOZUMI,Atsushi ; YOKOGAWA,Yoshiyuki
; WASHIZU,Shintaro
; KINOSHITA,Takatoshi
2PB187 Photochemical Properties of Porphyrin-Clay Complex ( Tokyo Metropolitan University, CREST ) TAKAGI,Shinsuke ; YUI,Tatsuto ; SHIMADA,Tetsuya ; INOUE,Haruo
2PB188 Electrorheological effects and electrical properties of carbon suspension ( Fukuoka University ) SHINAGAWA,Junji ; YAMAGUCHI,Takashi ; MISONO,Yasuhito ; NEGITA,Keishi
2PB189 Surface modification of zirconium oxide particles with mesogenic carboxylic acids directed toward stabilization of liquid-crystalline colloids ( Yokoyama nano-structured liquid crystal project, Electrotechnical laboratory ) YAMAMOTO,Takahi
ro ; NIORI,Teruki
2PB190 Aqueous gels bearing saccharide unit ( Chemotransfiguration, JST ) AMAIKE,Masato ; KOBAYASHI,Hideki ; SHINKAI,Seiji
2PB191 Size-dependence on Synthetic Conditions forsAlkanethiolate-protected Pd Clusters ( School of Science, The University of Tokyo ) QUIROS,Ignacio ; YAMADA,Mami ; MIZUTANI,Jun ; KUBO,Kenya ; NISHIHARA,Hiroshi
2PB192 Size Control in Synthesis of Rare Earth Composite Fine Particles as Phosphor Precursors Using Urea Coprecipitation Method ( National Institute for Resources and Environment ) NISHISU,Yoshihiro ; KOBAYASHI,Mikio ; TANAKA,Mikiya ; TAKEUCHI,S
2PB193 Preparation of Gold Colloids in Ultrasonic Field and Their Formation Mechanism ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) OKITSU,Kenji ; YUE,Akihiko ; TANABE,Shuji ; MATSUMOTO,Hiroshige
2PB194 Effect of Ionic Strength on Intraparticle Mass Transfersin Single Silica Gel Microparticle ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) SEKINE,Tomomi ; NAKATANI,Kiyoharu
2PB195 Surface enhance infrared spectroscopy of colloidal metal nanoparticles deposited on solid substrates by pulsed laser irradiation ( Kyushu Univ. ) HORI,Ayako ; NIIDOME,Yasuro ; SATO,Takuro ; KAWAHARA,Miyuki ; YAMADA,Sunao
2PB196 Solution properties of Novel Polysaccharide Derivatives. ( Kao Corp., Materials Development Research Lab. ) IHARA,Takeshi ; NISHIOKA,Tohru ; KITSUKI,Tomohito ; KITA,Katsumi
2PB197 Structural correlation between the surface and the bulks of alcohol studied by x-ray diffraction ( Gakushuin University ) YANO F.,Yohko ; FUKASAWA,Yuji ; IIJIMA,Takao
2PB198 C14E7 micelles growth with temperature by means of fluorescence probe. ( Showa Pharmaceutical University ) HONDA,Chikako ; TOGAWA,Mayu ; ENDO,Kazutoyo
2PB199 Fluorescence decay of tris(2,2-bipyridine)ruthenium complex in aqueous micellar solution. ( Faculty of science Konan University ) NISHIMURA,Yasutami ; IKEDA,Yosiyuki ; SASAKI,Muneo
2PB200 Self-associations of Amphiphilic Bis(Hexylethylene-diamine)palladium(II) and zinc(II) Chlorides in Water and Organic Solvents ( Nara Women's University, Faculty of Science ) OHKAWA,Shiho ; ASAYAMA,Keiko ; IIDA,Masayasu
2PB201 Effects of Water and Metal Ions on the Aggregation Behaviors of Dialkylphosphates in Organic Solvents ( Nara Women's University, Faculty of Science ) KINOSHITA,Miwa ; HORI,Mami ; IIDA,Masayasu
2PB202 Syntheses and Properties of Poly(vinylamine)s ContainingsHydrophobic N-Acyl Groups ( Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University ) TAKEUCHI,Shogo ; SHIMOMURA,Youji ; SEO,Toshihiro
2PB203 Effects of substituent chain length of photoreactive achiral additives on cholesteric pitch ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) MORIYAMA,Masaya ; TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki
2PB204 Chiral interaction between medium-molecular-weight cholesteric liquid crystal and dopants ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) KIDOWAKI,Masatoshi ; MORIYAMA,Masaya ; TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki
2PB205 Fixation of reflected color of liquid crystalssformed by hydrogen bonding ( NIMC ) TAKAHASHI,Atsushi ; TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki ; MATSUDA,Hiro
2PB206 Control of reflected color of medium-molecular-weight cholesteric liquid crystal -Effects of doped azobenzene derivatives with a cholesteryl group on cholesteric pitch - ( NIMC ) AOKI,Yasuyuki ; MORIYAMA,Masaya ; MATSUDA,Hiro ; TAMAOKI,No
2PB207 Phase transitions and orientational behavior of ionic liquid crystalline systems ( Shimane Univ. and Kyushu Univ. ) YANO,Yumi ; UJIIE,Seiji ; MORI,Akira
2PB208 IR Spectroscopic Study on Solid Phase Transition and Conformational Behavior of Nonionic Surfactant-water Systems ( Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ. ) FUKUHARA,Koichi ; TODO,Satoshi ; MATSUZAKI,Kiyoka ; MIZAWA,Takahiro ; MARUTA,
Minoru ; MATSUURA,
2PB209 Electrochemical Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers Composed of COOH-Terminated Alkanethiol or Alkyldisulfide on Gold Single Crystal. ( Dojindo Laboratories, Kumamoto Univ. ) FUKUOKA,Yuriko ; SATO,Kumi ; YAKATA,Kenshi ; TAKEUCHI,Tomoko
2PB210 Electrochemical Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers N-Hydroxysuccinimide ester terminated alkyldisulfide on Gold Single Crystal.. ( Dojindo Laboratories, Kumamoto Univ. ) SATO,Kumi ; FUKUOKA,Yuriko ; YAKATA,Kenshi ; TAKEUCHI,Tomoko ; T
2PB211 Photoelectrochemical Behavior of Vanadium Oxide - Alkyl Viologen Composite Multilayers Fabricated by LB Method ( Shinshu University ) MORIIZUMI,Yasushi ; USAMI,Hisanao ; FUJIMATSU,Hitoshi ; IIJIMA,Takashi
2PB212 Mixed Monolayer Behavior of Fluorinated Comb-Polymerss and Hydrogenated Long-Chain Compounds ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) NAKAHARA,Hiroo ; ARAKI,Tohru ; FUJIMORI,Atsuhiro
2PB213 Structural Analysis of Monolayers Generated from Phthalocyanine Derivatives Having Disulfide Moieties ( Natl. Inst. Mater. Chem. Res. ) NAGASAWA,Jun'ichi ; AKIYAMA,Haruhisa ; TAMADA,Kaoru ; TAMAOKI,Nobuyuki
2PB214 Phase Separation Behavior of (Stearic Acid/Lignoceric Acid) Mixed Monolayer ( Saga Univ. ) UMEDA,Tsutomu ; KURAMORI,Miyuki ; SUEHIRO,Kazuaki ; OISHI,Yushi
2PB215 Preparation of Composite LB Film with Titania Nanosheet and Ruthenium Complex at the Air-water Interface ( Chuo Univ, Nat.Inst.for Resea.Inorg.Mater. ) NAKAMURA,Yoichi ; HAGA,Masa-aki ; WATANABE,Mamoru ; SASAKI,Takayoshi
2PB216 Formation of Self-Assembled Monolayers using Asymmetric Imide-core Dendrimers onto Substrate ( Nihon Univ. College of Industrial Technology ) SUZUKI,Yuichi ; HIRAMATSU,Hideo
2PB217 Preparation and Molecular Alignment Property of S-(Long-chain-alkyl)-S-methyl-N-tosylsulfilimines ( Faculty of Eng., Kanto Gakuin Univ. ) MATSUO,Takaharu ; MATSUBAYASHI,Yu-ichi ; YAMAMOTO,Tamotsu
2PB218 Effect of Compressing Pressure on Phase Separation Behavior for Mixed Monolayer of Fatty Acid ( Saga Univ. ) HARADA,Akihiro ; KURAMORI,Miyuki ; SUEHIRO,Kazuaki ; OISHI,Yushi
2PB219 Study on aggregation of a merocyanine with substituted with chlorine at 5-position and their physico-chemical properties ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) MURATA,Michio ; ARAKI,Tohru ; NAKAHARA,Hiroo
2PB220 Control of Structure and Physico-chemical Properties for Charge Transfer Complex of Long-chain TCNQ Derivative and Decamethyl Ferrocene by Monolayer Assembling ( Faculty of Science,Saitama University ) SHIMURA,Syohei ; ARAKI,Tohru ; NAKAHA
2PB221 Design and Fabrication of Photoswitching Molecular Devices Based On a Cast Film of Azobenzene Derivative/Artificial Lipid. ( Gunma National College of Technology ) DEGUCHI,Yonekazu ; NOTAKA,Shinobu ; AKABA,Ryoichi
2PB222 The lamellar liquid crystal structure of phospholipid-gramicidin A systems:Influence of conformational change of gramicidin A in lipid membranes. ( Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science ) CHUBACHI,Masaru ; FUKADA,Kazuhir
o ; KATO,Tadashi
2PB223 Aggregation Behavior and Photochemical Reactivity of Azastilbene Amphiphiles in Aqueous Dispersion ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) AOYAMA,Shigeru ; PARK,Jong-mok ; ZHANG,Wanbin ; KIDA,Toshiyuki ; NAKATSUJI,Yohji ; IKED
2PB224 Synthesis and Propeties of Silylating Reagents Having Benzyl Phenyl Sulfone Moiety(1) -Photocontrol of Wettability of Silica Surface- ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TOYODA,Naoyuki ; NAKAGAWA,Masaru ; IC
2PB225 Two-dimensional Molecular Imprinting: Preparation of Sugar Selective Langmuir Blodgett Films ( Tohoku University; Institute for Chemical Reaction Science ) MIYAHARA,Takashi ; KURIHARA,Kazue
2PB226 Clay-modified Electrode Employing Synthetic Smectite Structured by Diphosphate Ion ( Doshisha Univ. ) FUKUOKA,Takao ; KATSUKI,Koji ; NAKAMURA,Keitarou ; MORI,Yasushige
2PB227 Preparation of a film composed of ferric ruthenocyanide (Ruthenium Purple) and Nafion and its electrocatalysis study for dihydrogen formation ( Fuculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University, and Fuculty of Science, Ibaraki Univers
ity ) ABE,Toshiyuk
i ; KAWAI,Noriaki ; TAJIRI,Akio ; KANEKO,Masao
2PB228 Preparation and Charactrization of Filmy Ba(x)-Sr(1-x)-Ti-O(3)from Metals Resinate Salt Solution ( Facul. of Engin. Osaka Electro-Communication Univ. ) HONDA,Keisuke ; HACHIMURE,Takeshi ; MUROYA,Masaaki
2PB229 Adsorption Behavior of Chiral Amino Acids on Self-assembled Monolayer of Atropisomeric Compound ( Waseda University; Hokkaido University ) YAMAKAWA,Naoko ; NAKANISHI,Takuya ; ASAHI,Toru ; OSAKA,Tetsuya ; OHTANI,Bunsho ; UOSAKI,Kohei
2PB230 The behavior of Xe gas adsorbed in activated carbon fibersas studied by 129Xe NMR ( Osaka Univ. ) UEDA,Takahiro ; EGUCHI,Taro ; NAKAMURA,Nobuo
2PB231 Structural Formation of Silicic Acid in the Hydrolysis and the Polymerization ProcessessI. Hydrolysis ( Facul. of Engin. Osaka Electro-Communication Univ. ) HARA,Sachiko ; HACHIMURE,Takeshi ; YAO,Toshikazu ; DAIMON,Miyuki ; MATSUSHITA,Tomo
mi ; MUROYA,Masaak
2PB232 Structural Formation of Silicic Acid in the Hydrolysis and the Polymerization ProcessessII.Polymerization ( Facul. of Engin. Osaka Electro-Communication Univ. ) HACHIMURE,Takeshi ; YAO,Toshikazu ; DAIMON,Miyuki ; MATSUSHITA,Tomomi ; HARA,S
achiko ; UEDA,Masa
ki ; MUROYA,Masaaki
2PB233 Surface Properties of Zirconia Prepared using Surfactants assTemplete ( Ishinomaki Senshu University; Tohoku University ) YAMAZAKI,Tatsuya ; UMEZAWA,Akiyoshi ; SAITO,Hiroaki
2PB234 Adsorption of Dye Compound "Alizarin Red S" onto Hydroxyapatite ( Saitama Med. Sch.; Taihei Chem. Industrial Co., Ltd. ) MORIGUCHI,Takeshi ; YANO,Kazuyuki ; YAMAGAMI,Toshihiro ; KAJI,Fumihiro
2PB235 Theoretical Study on Formation of Si3N4 Layer using NH3 on Si(100) Surface ( Kyoto Univ. Graduate School of Engineering; Institute for Fundamental Chemistry; Xiamen University ) KANG,Song-yun ; YAMABE,Tokio
; XU,Xin
2PB236 The Adsorption Kinetics of Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Surfactant to Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces ( Tokyo Metropolitan University Gruduate School of Siebce ) SUZUKI,Hisako ; FUJII,Masatoshi ; KATO,Tadashi
2PB237 The Analysis of chiral discrimination mechanism insasymmetric carbon atoms based on direct measurement ofschemical force ( Institute for Fundamental Research of Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University ) ARIMA,Takayuki ; KOGA,Tomoyuki ; OTSUKA,
Hideyuki ; TAKAHA
2PB238 Bile Acid-Alkyl Ammonium Salts as Gelling Agent for Organic Liquids ( Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute, Osaka University, Shinshu University ) NAKANO,Kazunori ; HIRANO,Koji ; SADA,Kazuki ; MIYATA,Mikiji ; HANABUSA,Kenji
2PB239 Regulating the activity of Cytochrome by means of a set of doubled phosphate lipids ( Faculty of Engneering Oita Univ. ) SUYAMA,Tomoka ; YASUMATSU,Kazushige ; YOSHIMI,Takeshi ; ISHIKAWA,Yuichi
2PB240 Synthetic Double Phosphate lipids as a Ca2+-Ligand ( Faculty of Engneering Oita Univ. ) KITAOKA,Satoshi ; YOSHIMI,Takeshi ; ISHIKAWA,Yuichi
Poster Session
[Physical Chemistry -Structure-]
3PA002 Molecular Complexes of Sulfine and Hydrogen Halides : Matrix-Isolation FTIR and Molecular Orbital Studies. ( Iwate Univ. ) SUZUKI,Eiichi ; WATANABE,Kimitaka ; HATTORI,Ryuichi ; MITOBE,Yuko ; SHIMIZU,Kenji
3PA003 Molecular association in a nematic liquid crystal : vibrational spectra and molecular structure of 5CB in low concentration solutions ( the University of Tokyo ) MIN,Young Kun ; HAMAGUCHI,Hiro-o
3PA004 The polymorphism of trans- unsaturated triacylglycerol: .alpha. and sub-.alpha.. ( Graduate school of science, Osaka university ) DOHI,Koji ; KANEKO,Fumitoshi
3PA005 Improvement of an infrared microscope equipped with oblique incident optical system ( Osaka Univ.; Jasco Co. ) KUBOTA,Hideki ; KANEKO,Fumitoshi ; KAWASAKI,Masatsugu
3PA006 IR Spectra and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond in Aryl Alcohols. ( Faculty of Sci. & Tec., Hirosaki Univ. ) SUZUKI,Junichi ; ONO,Junichi ; SUDOH,Susumu
3PA007 VCD spectra of optical active aminoalcohol molecules ( The University of the Air ) SHIN,Saeko ; HAMADA,Yoshiaki ; HIRAKAWA,Akiko
3PA008 Observation of Raman spectrum of HOObt and the simulation based on density functional theory ( Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University; Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University ) TANAKA,Takeyuki ; TERUYA,Kenta ;
3PA009 Vibrational dipole moments of NH2Cl molecule ( The university of the Air ) MASUKO,Ei-ichi ; HAMADA,Yohiaki
3PA010 Infrared Absorption Spectra of the Radical Cation Monomer and Dimer of 2,5"-Dimethylterthiophene ( Faculty of Science, Saitama University ) SAKAMOTO,Akira ; TASUMI,Mitsuo
3PA011 Microwave Spectra of Fluoroanisoles ( Department of Chemistry, Sophia University ) TSUDA,Kazutaka ; GOTOH,Naoko ; MATSUI,Noriko ; ONDA,Masao
3PA012 Electronic and Molecular Structure of Pyridine Salts of Ellagic Acid ( Aoyama Gakuin University; Mac Science Co.Ltd ) HASEGAWA,Miki ; TERAUCHI,Mayumi
3PA013 Electronic Structure of 3-Aminofluoranthene ( College of Science and Engineering;Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) ENOMOTO,Shigendo ; HASEGAWA,Miki ; HOSHI,Toshihiko
3PA014 Molecular and electronic structure of copper(II) complex with salicyliden-2-aminothiophenol ( College of Science and Engineering; Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) KUMAGAI,Ken'ichi ; OHKI,Risa ; KAWANA,Yukiko ; HASEGAWA,Miki ; HOSHI,Toshihiko
3PA015 The Hydrogen Bond and Proton Transfer between 4-Amino-2,6-dimethylpyrimidine and acetic acid ( Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univ. ) USHIKUBO,Yohei ; OKITA,Masahiro ; MAENO,Hiromi ; KANNO,H
ideyuki ; HIKITA,A
tsushi ; ISHIKAWA,Hironori ; FUJIMOTO,Akira
3PA016 Optical-Optical Double Resonance Spectroscopy of 1u(3P1) ion-piar satate of I2 ( Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University ) MOTOHIRO,Satoshi ; ISHIWATA,Takashi
3PA017 Triplet-triplet absorption spectrum of fluorobenzene ( Department of Chemistry, Gunma University ) ICHIYANAGI,Kouhei ; OKUTSU,Tetsuo ; HANEDA,Hiroshi ; HIRATUKA,Hiroshi
3PA018 Absorption Spectra Simulation of Mixed J-Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes ( Osaka City Univ. ) KOMETANI,Noritsugu ; ASAMI,Kenji ; YONEZAWA,Yoshiro ; LOBANOV,A. ; VITUKHNOVSKY,A. G.
3PA019 Spectral behavior of an amphoteric molecule fabricated by connecting donor and accepter segments with pseudo-delocalized bonding in acetonitrile solution. ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Daisuke ; SAKUMA,Taro ; YO
SHIDA,Hiroyuki ; S
3PA020 Cancel
3PA021 Collision-Energy-Resolved Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy of Sandwich and Half-Sandwich Organometallic Complexes ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University ) FUKUOKA,Shimpei ; KISHIMOTO,Naoki ; TANAKA,Hideyasu ; OHNO,Koichi
3PA022 Electronic structure of the 1,2-diphenylethane radical cation ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) TERADA,Takeo ; TAKAHASHI,Ohgi ; KIKUCHI,Osamu
3PA023 Electronic structures and potential energy surfaces ofslinear polyenes in the T1 state ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) TANAKA,Shunsuke ; TAKAHASHI,Ohgi ; KIKUCHI,Osamu
3PA024 Calculations of intermolecular interaction energies by the fragment MO method ( Osaka Prefecture Univ. ) KITAURA,Kazuo ; FUJITA,Hiroshi
3PA025 HF/STO-3G calculations on ionization potential of sodiumspyrenesulfonate ( Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical Univ. ) SHINODA,Hiroyuki ; MORI,Yoshihiro ; KITAGAWA,Taiji
3PA026 Theoretical Studies for the solvent dependence ofsstructure, reaction, and isotope effect of the solvatedslithium ion. ( SNIRI, Frontier Research System for Global Change ) WATANABE,Hidekazu ; YAMAJI,Kazuyo ; KANOH,Hirofumi ; OOI,Kenta
3PA027 Synthesis of Some Pyrimidinimines ( Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering,Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univ. ) UMEDA,Keiko ; KUGE,Masashi ; ISHIKAWA,Hironori ; IWASAKI,Naoya ; FUJIMOTO,Akira
3PA028 Geometrical isomerization of 3-Methyl-4(1H)-pyrimidinimine ( Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Denki Univ. ) OGIHARA,Hiroyuki ; MIMURA,Tomokazu ; HONDA,Tomohiko ; ISHIKAWA,Hironori ; IWASAKI,Naoya ; F
3PA029 An applicaton of two dimensional nutation EPR spectroscopysto heme protein ( ICRS, Tohoku Univ. ) OHBA,Yasunori ; YANAGIYA,Satoru ; YAMAUCHI,Seigo ; MATSUOKA,Ariki ; SHIKAMA,Keiji
3PA030 ESR and ENDOR Studies of the Molecular Structure of High-Spin Fe(III)OEP(Cl) Diluted in Ni(II)OEP Single Crystals ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) NISHIO,Takahisa ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; ICHIMURA,A.s. ; LIN,
; MCDOWELL,C.a. ; TAKUI,Takeji
3PA031 Detection of Singlet Molecular Oxygen by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the Gas Phase ( Yokohama National Univ. ) YAMANAKA,Kenichi ; MURATA,Shuuhei ; KATO,Hideshi ; YAGUCHI,Seiki ; SEKI,Kanekazu ; YAGI,Mikio
3PA032 Study of the Lowest Excited Triplet States of 1-(4-Pyridyl)-2-Phenylacetylene and its Protonated Cation ( Yokohama National Univ. ) OKA,Yousuke ; DEGUCHI,Makoto ; YAMAGUCHI,Satoru ; SEKI,Kanekazu ; YAGI,Mikio
3PA033 1H NMR study on dynamics of p-nitroaniline adsorbed in AlPO4-5 ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) GOTOH,Kazuma ; ISHIMARU,Shin'ichi ; IKEDA,Ryuichi
3PA034 Molecular Motions in the Rotator Phase of Propylammonium Halides ( Univ. of Tsukuba ) ISHITOMI,Tae ; ISHIMARU,Shin'ichi ; IKEDA,Ryuichi
3PA035 Temperature dependence of 35Cl NQR frequencies in p-Chlorobenzoate salts ( Yokohama City Univ. ) KIMURA,Taiki ; HONDA,Hisashi
3PA036 Structure of M(II) (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) Complex Polymers Showing Magnetic Interactions ( Univ. of Electro-Communications ) HASHIZUME,Daisuke ; ISHIDA,Takayuki ; NOGAMI,Takashi ; IWASAKI,Fujiko
3PA037 Crystal structure determination of pentacene polymorphsby electron diffraction ( Institute for chemical research, Kyoto Univ. ) NEMOTO,Takashi ; OGAWA,Tetsuya ; ISODA,Seiji ; KOBAYASHI,Takashi
3PA038 Microstructural Analysis of Grain Boundary ofsTiO2 by Photoelectrochemical etching ( Gifu Univ. ) KIRIYAMA,Shigeharu ; SUGIURA,Takashi ; YOSHIDA,Tsukasa ; MINOURA,Hideki
3PA039 IR reflection spectra of BN thin films prepared by laser ablation apparatus. ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University ) NISHIOKA,Kenichi ; TSUJI,Takeshi ; NISHIMURA,Yukio
3PA040 The molecular dynamics simuration of the rare gas cluster structure: The examination of the cubic close close-packed structure ( Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University ) AMANO,Chikara ; UCHIDA,Yuko
3PA041 Wavelength Printing Effect in Light-Induced MetastablesState of Sodium Nitroprusside - Time dependence ( Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) MACHIDA,Hiroshi ; SAITOH,Hideki ; MORIOKA,Yosiyuki
3PA042 Evaluation of Energies of Benzene-Substituted BenzenesInteractions by Ab Initio MO Calculations at MP2 Level ( Coll. of Sci. and Engng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) ENDO,Tadashi ; SATO,Hiroshi ; NISHIO,Yasuhiko ; ITO,Masato M. ; TSUZUKI,Seiji
Poster Session
[Physical Chemistry -Properties-]
3PA044 A study on the phase transition behavior of binary mixtures of liquid crystalline compounds and a non-symmetrical dimeric liquid crystal ( Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Science and Enginireeing Ritsumeikan University ) MASUI,T
oshiaki ; NAKAMURA
,Naotake ; HANASAKI,Tomonori
3PA045 Structure and Physical Properties of n-Long Chain Compounds (7)The Crystal Structure Analysis of 1,18-octadecanediol by Single Crystal X-ray Differecton Method ( Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Science and Engineering Ritsumeika
n University ) WAT
ANABE,Ryouji ; NAKAMURA,Naotake
3PA046 X-ray Diffraction and Infrared Studies of Phase Transition of a Side-Chain Thermotropic Liquid Crystalline Polymer ( School of science,Kwansei Gakuin University,Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute ) HIRAYAMA,Takayuki ; SASAO,Shige
hiro ; SATO,Harumi
; YAMAGUCHI,Hiroshi ; OZAKI,Yukihiro
3PA047 The effect of terminal nitro group on the layer structure of smectic A phase ( Yamaguchi UNIV. ) TASAKA,Takeyasu ; OKAMOTO,Hiroaki ; TAKENAKA,Shunsuke
3PA048 Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Chiral Ferrimagnet, [Cat][Mn(damp)][Cr(CN)6] ( Inst. for Molecular Science ) IMAI,Hiroyuki ; INOUE,Katsuya ; OHBA,Masaaki ; OKAWA,Hisashi ; GHALSASI,P.s. ; KIKUCHI,Kohichi ; SAMANT,S.d. ; YAKH
3PA049 Synthesis and magnetic properties of spirobiacridine-N,N'-dioxyl ( The Univ. of Electro-Communications ) OOISHI,Motohiro ; ISHIDA,Takayuki ; NOGAMI,Takashi
3PA050 Conducting and Magnetic Property of (trans-Et2BEDT-TTP)2FeCl4 ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) KURAI,Hiroyuki ; KIMURA,Shinya ; MORI,Takehiko
3PA051 Synthesis and magnetic properties of a novel organic triradical having an S=1 unit within a molecule ( IMS; Grad.Univ.Advanced Studies ) KATOH,Keiichi ; HOSOKOSHI,Yuko ; INOUE,Katsuya
3PA052 Theoretical Possibility of the High-Spin Multiple States in the Quasi-Degenerated .pi. Conjugated Systems ( Waseda University ) TAKAHASHI,Norihiko ; TAKEDA,Kyozaburo
3PA053 Synthesis and magnetic properties of trinitronylnitroxides :an approach to organic ferrimagnet ( The Univ. of Electro-CommunicationssDepartment of Applied Physics and Chemistry ) ICHIMURA,Takayuki ; SUZUKI,Yukari ; ISHIDA,Takayuki ; NOGAMI,
3PA054 ESR spectra of (DMe-DCNQI)2Li1-xCux system ( Institute for Solid State Physics, Unversity of Tokyo ) YAMAMOTO,Takashi ; TAJIMA,Hiroyuki ; KATO,Reizo
3PA055 infrared and far-infrared spectra of organic conductor in magnetic field. ( The Institute for Solid State Physics; The University of Tokyo ) SAKAMOTO,Ryusei ; YAMAZAKI,Jun ; TAJIMA,Hiroyuki
3PA056 Physical Properties of (MDT-TSF) 2X Salts (MDT-TSF: methylenedithio-tetraselenafulvalene, X = I3, I2Br, AuI2, IBr2) ( Hiroshima Univ. ) TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; KODANI,Mie ; ASO,Yoshi ; OTSUB
3PA057 Novel tetrathiapentalene derivatives having mono thiomethylssubstituent ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TOMINAGA,Yasuaki ; MORI,Takehiko
3PA058 Preparation of organic conductors with an organic radical as a counter anion ( Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University ) TSUJI,Kojiro ; OKUNO,Tsunehisa ; NAKANISHI,Waro
3PA059 Electric resistivity ofs .theta.-ET2TlZn(SCN)4 under the uniaxial strain ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) TAKEUCHI,Tomoaki ; HOSINO,Hirotada ; KONDO,Ryusuke ; KAGOSIMA,Seiichi ; MORI,Takehiko ; MORI,Hatumi ; TANAKA,S
3PA060 Crystal structure of new mixed conductors Cu6PSe5BrxI1-x(0
3PA062 Synthesis of unsymmetrical novel donor (EDOB)(EDO)TTF and its charge-transfer complexes ( College of Sci. & Eng. Aoyamagakuin Univ. ) KOMATSU,Hiroaki ; KATO,Chiaki ; INAYOSHI,Tomoko ; ONO,Isao
3PA063 Effect of annealing on mechanochemically synthesized amorphous iron (II) complex with 1,10-phenanthroline ( Keio Univ., Dept. of Appl. Chem. ) OHSHITA,Tadashi ; TSUKAMOTO,Atsushi ; TSUCHIYA,Naoko ; ISOBE,Tetsuhiko ; SENNA,Mamoru ; YOSHIOKA,
Naoki ; INOUE,Hid
3PA064 Proton exchange rate in aqueous solution of halogenoethanols ( Hosei Univ. ) OKOUCHI,Shoichi ; TSUCHIDA,Kazushi ; ASAI,Nobuki ; ISHIHARA,Yoshimasa ; UEDAIRA,Hisashi
3PA065 Measurement of Dielectric Relaxation of Coordinated Water in Aqueous Solutions of Saccharides ( Hosei Univ. ) OKOUCHI,Shoichi ; SUZUKI,Tomohiro ; ISHIHARA,Yoshimasa ; UEDAIRA,Hisashi
3PA066 Effect of Pressure on the Rotational Relaxation Time of Solute Molecule by Measurements of Subpicosecond FluorescencesAnisotropy ( Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University ) ITO,Naoki ; SHIMOJIMA,Atsuhiko ; KAJIMOTO,Okitsugu ; HARA,Kim
3PA067 The Temperature Dependence of the Hydrophobic Effect on the Water Structure ( Univ.of Nihon ) MIKI,Kumiko ; ISHIGURO,Yusuke ; YAMAKAWA,Isao ; NAKAJIMA,Toyohiko
3PA068 Electrical conductivity of dilute electrolytic solutions atssupercritical regions ( Tokyo Institute of Technology ) MASUKO,Yoshitaka ; FUJII,Yasuhiko
3PA069 Solvent Effect on the self-diffusion coefficients of alcohol molecules. ( Doshisha Univ. ) DOI,Hiroyuki ; TSUCHIHASHI,Noriaki ; IBUKI,Kazuyasu ; UENO,Masakatsu
3PA070 X-Ray Diffraction Study under High Pressure for Iron Pentacyanonitrosylferrate Cubic Crystal ( Fac. of Sci., Saitama Univ. ) SAITOH,Hideki ; MORIOKA,Yoshiyuki
3PA071 Interferometric observation of mass transport processes during growth and melting of THF hydrate ( Natl. Inst. Resources and Environment ) NAGASHIMA,Kazushige ; YAMAMOTO,Yoshitaka ; TAKAHASHI,Masayoshi ; KOMAI,Takeshi
3PA072 NMR study on acetone clathrate hydrate and supercooled aqueous solution ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research ) TAKEBAYASHI,Yoshihiro ; YODA,Satoshi ; SUGETA,Tsutomu ; OTAKE,Katsuto ; KAMIZAWA,Chiyoshi
3PA073 Metal Dissolution by Carbon dioxide/Acetylacetone Supercritical Solution ( Research Inst. for Solvothermal Tech. ) INOUE,Hitoshi
3PA074 Intramolecular charge transfer in the ground state of fullerene derivatives ( Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. ) YAMADA,Hirokazu ; SHIGEMATSU,Taishi ; MANABE,Chikara ; WATANABE,Miho ; WATANABE,Hiroyuki ; SHIMIZU,Masaaki
3PA075 Orientation of Insulin Crystals in a magnetic field ( Yamaguchi Univ. ) MASUNAGA,Yasuyo ; WAIZUMI,Kenji
3PA076 C60 anion radical salts stabilized by lutidine derivatives ( Toho Univ. ) MORIYAMA,Hiroshi ; NISHIMURA,Hajime
Poster Session
[Physical Chemistry -Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics-]
3PA078 Rate constant and transition structure for the thermal isomerization reaction of alkyl radicals ( Hiroshima Univ. ) KOJIMA,Shintaro ; TABAYASHI,Kiyohiko ; SAITO,Ko ; OHTA,Nobuaki ; ICHIKAWA,Takahisa ; ITO,Soutaro
3PA079 Trajectory calculations of Penning ionization cross sections on interaction potential energy surface with the relaxed geometry of molecules. ( Faculty of Science / Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) MAEDA,Satoshi ; YAMAZAKI,Masakaz
i ; OHNO,Koichi
3PA080 Photochemistry of chloroethylene derivatives at 193nm in gas phase: Measurements of absolute quantum yields of photoproducts ( Yokohama National Univ. ) SEKI,Kanekazu ; SHINODA,Yuichiro ; YAGI,Mikio
3PA081 Gas-Phase Ion-Molecule Addition Reaction of Ethylene Oxide. Ab Initio MO Study ( Research Insti. for Advanced Sci. and Tech. Osaka Pref. Uni.;Nara Edu. Univ. ) OKADA,Satoshi ; ABE,Ysuo ; YAMABE,Shinichi
3PA082 Theoretical study of the formation of oxonium-watersclusters in the reactions of nitric oxide cation NO+ with water clusters ( Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University ) GONDOH,Yoshinobu ; HASHIM
OTO,Tomohiro ; IWA
3PA083 The photochemical reactions of o-sulfobenzoic imides ( College of Sci. & Eng. Aoyamagakuin Univ. ) SATO,Yoshitaka ; SAWANO,Takahiro ; MATSUSHITA,Risa ; INAYOSI,Tomoko ; ONO,Isao
3PA084 Study on photooxidation of polyphenols by CIDEP ( Iwate Univ. ) NIIZUMA,Shigeya ; KAWATA,Hiroki
3PA085 Environment Dependence of Fluorescence Spectra ofs3-Phenyl-1-N,N-dimetylaminopropane and 4-Phenyl-1-N,N-dimetylaminobutane ( Okayama Univ. Faculty of Science ) NAKAMURA,Mayuko ; YAMAMOTO,Shunzo ; SUEISHI,Yoshimi
3PA086 Fluorescence Quenching of 9,10-Dicyanoanthracene by Oxygen in Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ( Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology ) YAMADA,Keishi ; NAGASHIMA,Hiroaki ; OKAMOTO,Masami
3PA087 Excimer formation mechanism of cycloophanes formed by phenol derivatives ; Investigation used by picosecond fluorescence measurements. ( Department of chemistry, Gunma University ) SHIOBARA,Satoru ; TOBITA,Seiji ; INOKUMA,Seiichi ; NISHIMU
3PA088 Application of triplet-triplet energy transfer techniques to studying the molecular diffusion in zeolites. ( Gunma College of Technology ) HAGIRI,Masahide ; HASHIMOTO,Shuichi
3PA089 Photodecarboxylation of coumarin-3-carboxylic acid in ethanol solution ( Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Iwate Univ.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) ICHIKAWA,Satoko ; KAWATA,Hiroki ; KUMAGAI,Tsutomu ; NIIZUMA,Shigeya
3PA090 Femtosecond spectroscopy of 2,2-dihydroxyazobenzene and effect of chelate formation ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) NAKAGAWA,Daiki ; TAMAI,Naoto
3PA091 Femtosecond Spectroscopic Study on Electron Transfer Dynamics of Dye-sensitized TiO2 Nanoparticles ( Kwansei Gakuin Univ. ) SHIGEKAWA,Mitsuru ; YAN,Xiujuan ; DAI,Zhifei ; TAMAI,Naoto
3PA092 Photochemistry of 1,4-Anthraquinone Studied by Steady-State and Laser Flash Photolyses ( Department of Chemistry, Gunma University ) YAMAJI,Minoru ; YOSHIHARA,Toshitada ; ITOH,Takao ; NISHIMURA,Jun ; SHIZUKA,Haruo ; TOBITA,Seiji
3PA093 Laser flash Photolysis study of anisole ( Department of Chemistry,Gunma University ) UEDA,Minoru ; OKUTSU,Tetsuo ; ANDO,Mayaka ; SUZUKI,Tadashi ; ICHIMURA,Teijiro ; HIRATSUKA,Hirosi
3PA094 Cancel
3PA095 Reaction Control of Photochromic Diarylethene Derivatives by Multiphoton Absorption Process(2) ( Department of Polymer Science & Engineering,Kyoto Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Science,Osa
ka University,Depa
rtment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Graduate School of Engineering,Kyushu University ) NAGATA,Yasushi ; MURAKAMI,Masataka ; ITAYA,Akira ; MIYASAKA,Hirosi ; IRIE,Masahiro
3PA096 Photoinduced Electron Transfer process in Vinylcarbazole Copolymer system as Revealed by the Picosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Osaka University ) KHAN,Sazzadur Rahman ; ITAYA,Akira ; MIYASAKA,Hi
3PA097 Reaction Mechanism of the Sensitized Photoreduction of Silver Ions by Benzophenone ( Osaka City Univ. ) KOMETANI,Noritsugu ; DOI,Hidenori ; ASAMI,Kenji ; YONEZAWA,Yoshiro
3PA098 Asymmetric photosensitized reaction of cyclooctene in supercritical carbon dioxide ( Univ. of Tokyo ) OGAWA,Yoshio ; MORI,Keisuke ; KODA,Seiichiro
3PA099 Pressure Dependence of Triplet-Triplet Annihilation Rate Constant of Anthracene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ( Tohoku National Industrial Research Institute ) AIZAWA,Takafumi ; KANAKUBO,Mitsuhiro ; IKUSHIMA,Yutaka
3PA100 Triplet State of .pi.-biradical of Directly Meso-Linked Porphyrin Dimer ( The University of Tokyo ) MACHIDA,Daiki ; WU,Feipeng ; SEGAWA,Hiroshi
3PA101 Substituent Effects of Viologen on Formation of Cyclodextrin Complexes and Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Carbazole-Viologen Linked Compounds ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) MORIBE,Shinya ; KURIYAMA,Shiki ; YONEMURA,Hi
roaki ; YAMADA,Sun
3PA102 Study of Triplet Exciton by Transient Absorption in an Evaporated Film of Chloroaluminium Phthalocyanine ( Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University ) TAKAHASHI,Mutsuko ; KOBAYASHI,Hiroyuki ; KOTANI,Masahiro
3PA103 ESR and ENDOR study on irradiated sodium azide ( Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University ) NOMURA,Ko-taro ; ITAGAKI,Yoshiteru ; SHIOTANI,Masaru
3PA104 High Yield Production of the Iodine Molecule by the Oxidation Reaction of Iodine Ion in the Sulfuric Acid Aqueous Solution Promoted by the Freeze Process ( Kanagawa Inst. of Tech ) EMOTO,Masatoshi ; HONDA,Kazuhiro ; YAMAZAKI,Nobutaka ; MOR
I,Yoshihito ; FUJI
3PA105 Ab initio molecular orbital study of metal surface dependenceson oxidation mechanism of hypophosphitesion as a reductant for an electroless deposition process ( School of Sci. & Eng., WASEDA Univ. ) TAMAKI,Amiko ; KOMATSU,Isao ; NAKAI,Hir
omi ; HOMMA,Takayu
ki ; OSAKA,Tetsuya
Poster Session
[Physical Organic Chemistry -Structures and Properties-]
3PA107 Synthesis and Properties of 9-triptycylallene Derivatives ( Kitasato University ) YANO,Emiko ; MAZAKI,Yasuhiro ; YAMAMOTO,Gaku
3PA108 Synthesis and properties of triptycene derivatives with push-pull type substituents. ( Kitasato University ) KAMINAGA,Masahiro ; MAZAKI,Yasuhiro ; YAMAMOTO,Gaku
3PA109 Reactions of truxene trianion with alkyl halides ( Kitasato University ) SATOU,Hiroyasu ; MAZAKI,Yasuhiro ; YAMAMOTO,Gaku
3PA110 Synthesis and properties of bis[2-hydroxy-3-(2-benzoxazolyl)naphthyl] derivatives ( NAIR ) CAO,Honghua ; HOUJOU,Hirohiko ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
3PA111 Synthesis and structual properties of bucky-bowl shaped compounds ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) TANIGUCHI,Ryousuke ; MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; TSUGE,Akihiko
3PA112 Preparetion and structure of [2.2]metayclophanes consisting of diacetylene Unit. ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) NAKAMURA,Shigeru ; MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; TSUGE,Akihiko
3PA113 Weak interaction in medium-sized metacyclophanes having three aromatic rings ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; INOUE,Megumi ; TSUGE,Akihiko
3PA114 Phase Behavior of Oligomethylene Chains Constrained by Hydrogen-Bond Networks ( NIMC ) MASUDA,Mitsutoshi ; SHIMIZU,Toshimi
3PA115 Synthesis of Novel Macrocyles through Pinacolization and Benzoin Condensation ( NAIR ) MADDALI,L.n.rao ; HOUJOU,Hirohiko ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
3PA116 Characterization of sila-analogues of dioxane ( Natl. Inst. of Materials and Chemical Research, AIST ) FURUSAWA,Kiyotaka
3PA117 Crystal Structures of 5-Nitro and 5-Cyanotropolones ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ; Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyushu Univ. ) KUBO,Kanji ; YAMAMOTO,Emi ; UNO,Katsuyuki ; MORI,Akira
3PA118 Restricted Rotation around Acetylenic Axis in Sterically Crowded Diphenylacetylene Derivatives. ( Okayama University of Science ) IIDA,Taku ; TOYOTA,Shinji
3PA119 Relationships between Twist Angles and 13C-15N Coupling Constants in N-Acylphthalimides ( Ochanomizu University ) YAMADA,Shinji ; KATOH,Miho ; NUNAMI,Noriko
3PA120 Syntheses and Absolute Stereochemistry of Optically Active 3,3'-Substituted 9,9'-Bianthryls ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) SHIMASAKI,Toshiaki ; TOYOTA,Shinji
3PA121 Conformation studies on cis-decaline derivatives(3) ( School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato Univ. ) OSA,Yumiko ; SATO,Yoko ; HATANO,Akiko ; AZUMAYA,Isao ; TAKAYANAGI,Hiroaki
3PA122 The novel methodology for the determination of the absolute configuration of 1-arylalcohols using intramolecular CH/.pai. interaction ( Osaka Univ., Fac. Eng. ) ITO,Kinuyo ; MATSUGI,Masato ; NOJIMA,Masatomo ; HAGIMOTO,Yuri ; KITA,Yasuyuki
3PA123 17O and 13C study on intramolecular through-space interaction in crowded ketones ( AIST NIBH ) QIN,Xu-rong ; NAKAGAWA,Masatoshi ; TEZUKA,Takahiro ; NAKANISHI,Hiroshi
3PA124 Synthetic studies on 5,10-diphenylporphyrins. ( Osaka Univ. ISIR ) ASANO,Kaori ; SUGIURA,Ken-ich ; FUJIMOTO,Yoshinobu ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru
3PA125 Synthesis and characterization of non-planar heterocirculene with thiophene rings ( Toyama Univeristy, Faculty of Science ) MAEKAWA,Shigeharu ; NAOE,Toshiya ; HIGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; YAMAMOTO,Koji
3PA126 Quantum Chemical Study of Geometrical Structures of Monocyclic BnHn (n=4,6,8) ( Meiji Pharmaceutical University ) MIZOGUCHI,Noriyuki
3PA127 Synthetic Study of the Disjoint Bisphenalenyl Diradical Derivative ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) AOKI,Takashi ; MORITA,Yasushi ; YAMAMOTO,Kagetoshi ; FUKUI,Kozo ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKASUJI,
3PA128 Preparation of 2-unsubstituted imidazolopyridines and their fluorescence spectra in the solid state. ( Kyushu University ) SOEDA,Yasuhiko ; GOROUMARU,Hideki ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro ; SAWADA,Tsuyoshi
3PA129 Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Bis(substituted 9-anthryl)acetylene Derivatives ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) MAKINO,Toshiaki ; TOYOTA,Shinji
3PA130 Interpretation on the fine-structure parameters ofs polyphenylene-based oligonitrene. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka City Univ. ) ODA,Nobuyuki ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; KOZAKI,Masatoshi ; OKADA,Keiji ; TAKUI,Takeji
3PA131 Amination of 2-Azulcnyl Triflate ( Graduate School of Science, Tohoku Univ. ) YOKOYAMA,Ryuji ; MORITA,Noboru ; ITO,Shunji
3PA132 Solvent Effects on Self-Association of DiethynylbenzenesMacrocycles ( Osaka Univ., CREST (JST) ) TOBE,Yoshito ; ADACHI,Kiyomi ; ARAKI,Syunji ; SONODA,Motohiro ; HIROSE,Keiji
3PA133 Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Porphyrin Derivative with a TTF Pendant ( Hiroshima Univ. ) SADAIKE,Shinichiro ; YAMANE,Kiwamu ; TAKIMIYA,Kazuo ; ASO,Yoshio ; OTSUBO,Tetsuo
3PA134 Structure and property of [3]porphyracenes ( Osaka Univ. ISIR ) TAKARA,Satoshi ; SUGIURA,Ken-ichi ; SAKATA,Yoshiteru
3PA135 Synthesis, Structure and, Photophysical Properties of Trianthryltin Derivatives ( Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University ) YAMAGUCHI,Sigehiro ; SHIRASAKA,Toshiaki ; TAMAO,Kohei
3PA136 Preparation and properties of cyclophane compounds consisting of the pyrene unit ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) TANBA,Yuji ; MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; TSUGE,Akihiko
3PA137 Preparation and Properties of 2,2'-(1,3-Azulenediyl)bis(1,3-dithiolium) Salts ( Shinshu Univ. ) OHTA,Akira ; AOKI,Naomi ; FUJIMORI,Kunihide
3PA138 Redox Behavior of 6-Oxophenalenoxyl Derivatives by CV and ESR measurements ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) NISHIDA,Shinsuke ; KAWAI,Junya ; MORITA,Yasushi ; FUKUI,Kozo ; SATO,Kazunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKA
3PA139 Synthesis and cheletropic fragmentation ofsdiethynylmethylenebicyclo[4.3.1]decatriene derivatives ( Osaka Univ., CREST (JST) ) SONODA,Motohiro ; UMEDA,Rui ; IWASA,Naruhito ; TOBE,Yosito
3PA140 Studies on the synthesis of tripyridylmethyl cations and radicals ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) KANNAMI,Masaki ; MATSUMOTO,Kouzou ; ODA,Masaji
3PA141 Synthesis and Properties of Novel TTF Derivatives with the Alkyl-substituted Uracil ( Osaka Univ.; Univ. of Tsukuba.; JAIST ) OHMOTO,Makoto ; MAKI,Suguru ; MORITA,Yasushi ; KITAGAWA,Hiroshi ; MITANI,Tadaoki ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro
3PA142 Stabilization of Highly Reactive Quinoid Species by Taking Advantage of a Bridged Calix[6]arene Framework. ( Univ. of Tokyo ) ANDO,Takeshi ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; GOTO,Kei ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
3PA143 Synthesis and Elecrochemistry of Bis(triarylamine) derivatives with various spacers ( Kansai University, Faculty of Engineering ) HANAMI,Masaki ; YANO,Masafumi ; TATSUMI,Masakazu
3PA144 A synthetic study of (.hapt.12 [m.n](1,4) cyclophane )Cr(0)(m=n=2-4) by metal vapor synthesis ( Inst. for Fundamental Res. of Org. Chem. (IFOC), Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu Univ., and VBL Kyushu
Teruo ; TAJIRI,Tomoko ; MATUDA,Wakana ; SATOU,Teiji
3PA145 Reversible formation and cleavage of macrocyclic polyether structu re controlled by the redox reaction of dithienylmethylene units. ( Tohoku University ) FUKUSHIMA,Takanori ; KONUMA,Nobuyuki ; MIYASHI,Tsutomu
3PA146 Reactivity of endohedral metallofullerenes ( Niigata Univ.; Graduate School of Science and Technology ) MAEDA,Yutaka ; KONDO,Masahiro ; WAKAHARA,Takatsugu ; AKASAKA,Takeshi
3PA147 The thermal reaction of Azuleno[1,2-a]acenaphthylene with Dimethyl Acethylenedicarboxylate ( Toyama University ) MOURI,Masaru ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; ODA,Mitsunori ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PA148 Synthesis and properties of diagonal pai electron conjugated compound ( Toyama University ) NISHIKAWA,Teruhiko ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; ODA,Mitsunori ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PA149 Photochemical Interaction between Anthrylethynylsalicylaldehydes and Metal Ions. ( Toyama Prefectural Univ. ) KAWABATA,Shigeki
3PA150 Self-association Properties of the Diacetylene-group Connected Octaethylporphyrin Derivatives ( Toyama Univeristy, Faculty of Science ) HIGUCHI,Hiroyuki ; MORI,Kazumine ; ISHIKURA,Takashi ; YAMAMOTO,Koji
3PA151 Bromination of [2.n]Metacyclophan-1-enes andsdehydrobromination of the bromine adducts ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. ) HIRONAKA,Tooru ; FUJITA,Koji ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
3PA152 Synthesis and reactions of 1,2-dimethylene[2.n]metacyclophanes ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. ) FUJITA,Koji ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
3PA153 Syntheses and Poperties of TTP Derivatives with ProtectingsGroup ( Kyoto Univ. ) WATANABE,Shunsuke ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
3PA154 Synthesis and Properties of Metal Complexes with TTP Dithiolate ( Kyoto Univ. ) TANI,Yoshihiro ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
3PA155 Syntheses and Properties of Analogues of SM-PDT Donor ( Kyoto Univ. ) NAKAYASHIKI,Takashi ; TAKAHASHI,Kazuyuki ; MISAKI,Yohji ; TANAKA,Kazuyoshi
3PA156 Design and Preparation of Spin Polarized Acceptors composed of Nitronyl Nitroxide Substituted Quinones ( Department of Materials and Biological Sciences Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) SAOTOME,Takako ; TAKAHASHI,Ken ; IZUOKA,Akira
; KAWADA,Yuzou ;
3PA157 Synthesis and Properties of Bis(5-alkoxycarbonyltroponato) Metallomesogens. ( Kyushu Univ., Shimane Univ. ) UNO,Katsuyuki ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA158 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Delocalized StablesNitroxyl Radicals Substituted by Ethynyl Group ( Keio University ) NISHIURA,Fumiteru ; YOSHIOKA,Naoki ; INOUE,Hidenari
3PA159 Synthesis and Properties of Novel Liquid Crystalline Compounds, 3,4,5-Trialkoxybenzoic Anhydrides ( Chiba University ) KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; FURUSAWA,Shigetaka ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PA160 Synthesis and Properties of Tropone-Attached Azacrown Ethers (11) ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyushu Univ.; Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ.; Department of Material Science, Interdisciplinary Faculty of Scie
nce and Engineerin
g, Shimane Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Emi ; KUBO,Kanji ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA161 Attempts to Prepare [2,6-Dimethyl-4-(4-pyridyl)phenyl]- [9-(10-phenyl)anthryl] diazomethanes ( Faculty of Engineering; Instrumental Analysis Center, Mie University ) TSUCHIYA,Yoko ; HIRAI,Katsuyuki
3PA162 Spectroscopic properties of N-Cyclopropyl Substituted Imides ( Gunma National College of Technology ) TSUKAMOTO,Yasuyuki ; NAKAJIMA,Satoshi ; TAJIMA,Susumu
3PA163 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Nitronyl NitroxidessHaving Various Substituents at 4-position of Imidazole Ring. ( Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies,Kyoto Univ. ) MATSUURA,Hiroaki ; YAMAUCHI,Jun
3PA164 Synthesis and physical properties of various metal complexes with cyananilic acid, incruding phenazine. ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University; Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University ) HASEGAWA,Akira ; TOYODA,Jiro ; FURU
zunobu ; SHIOMI,Daisuke ; TAKUI,Takeji ; NAKASUJI,Kazuhiro
3PA165 Liquid Crystalline Properties of Non-symmetric Twin Type Compounds Having a Tropone and a Benzene Ring ( Kyushu University, Shimane University ) TAKEMOTO,Manabu ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA166 Synthesis and liquid crystalline properties of a cubic phase composed of fluoroalkyl substituted benzoic acid derivatives ( Tsukuba Research ConsortiumsJST,ERATO,Yokoyama Nano-structured Liquid Crystal Project ) NISHIKAWA,Etsushi ; YAMAMOT
3PA167 Liquid Crystalline Compounds Consisting of Two Mesogens insTwisted Parallel(1) ( Chiba Univ. ) KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; KUROSAKI,Takashi ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PA168 Liquid-Crystalline Compounds Consisting of Two Mesogens in Twisted Parallel(2) ( Chiba Univ. ) KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; MIWA,Yuichi ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PA169 Synthesis and Mesomorphic Properties of 5,5'-Bitropolone Derivatives (2) ( Graduate School of Engineering Science, Kyushu Univ.; Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ; Faculty of Scinece and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) SUTOH,T
akanori ; KUBO,Kan
ji ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA170 Synthesis and Properties of Liquid Crystals of 5-Nitrotroponoids Having Benzoyloxy or Benzoylamino at the C-2 Position ( Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu Univ.;Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ.;Faculty of Sc
inece and Engineer
ing, Shimane Univ. ) TSURUTA,Tetsuya ; KUBO,Kanji ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA171 Synthesis and Mesomorphic Properties of 5-AlkynyltropolonesDerivatives (1) ( Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu Univ.;Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu Univ.; Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) KURI
BO,Kanji ; MORI,Akira ; UJIIE,Seiji
3PA172 Mn(II) catalized [3+3] dimerization of bisnitroxide derivative ( IMS ) AKITA,Motoko ; IWAHORI,Fumiyasu ; HOSOKOSHI,Yuko ; INOUE,Katsuya
3PA173 Design and synthesis of novel amino terpyridine derivatives showing efficient fluorescence ( Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo ) MUTAI,Toshiki ; ARITA,Shinpei ; ARAKI,Koji
3PA174 Phosphorescence of Large Polycyclic Aromatic Ketones ( Toho University ) OHSHINA,Shigerusshigeru ; UCHIDA,Akira ; OONISHI,Isao ; FUJISAWA,Shoji
3PA175 Synthesis and transannular interaction of [2]metacyclo[2](1,3)anthracenophanes ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga University ) SAITOU,Shuichi ; YAMATO,Takehiko
3PA176 Synthesis and Properties of Three Ring Liquid Crystals Having a Tropone Ring at the End of the Core Unit ( Kyushu University ) NODA,Toshiro ; TAKEMOTO,Manabu ; MORI,Akira
3PA177 Synthesis and properties of liquid crystalline compounds possessing a strong dipole at its center. ( Chiba Univ ) KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; MURAMATSU,Naoki ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KOUMOTO,Shigeo ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PA178 Synthesis of Dendrimers Having two Benzoxazole Units at the Core via Tandem Claisen Rearrangement and their Fluorescent Properties ( NAIR ) TOKUHISA,Hideo ; KOYAMA,Emiko ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
3PA179 Selective Cation Recognition by Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles ( Kochi University ) MATSUO,Takeshi ; SONOBE,Miyoko ; YOSHIDA,Katsuhira ; WATANABE,Shigeru
3PA180 Selective Anion Recognition by Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles ( Kochi University ) SONOBE,Miyoko ; MATSUO,Takeshi ; YOSHIDA,Katsuhira ; WATANABE,Shigeru
3PA181 Syntheses of mono-, di-, triamide derivertives of hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene and their complexing ability with alkali and alkaline earth metal ions ( Toho Univ. ) AKABORI,Sadatoshi ; OGUMA,Yukinari ; MATSUMOTO,Naoki ; HABATA,Yoichi
3PA182 Synthesis of Amide Derivatives of Octahomotetraoxacalix[4]arene and Extraction Abilitiy toward Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal ions ( Toho Univ. ) AKABORI,Sadatoshi ; NISHIMURA,Takahiro ; FUKUDA,Yoji ; JINBO,Satoko ; HABATA,Yoichi
3PA183 The Studies of Inclusion Complexes between Cyclodextrin Derivatives and Bisphenol A ( Yamaguchi Prefectural Univ. ) ABE,Hiroshi ; IMAMURA,Chikara ; IHARA,Yasuji
3PA184 Theoretical Studies of Hydration Structure for Cyclodextrins ( Yamaguchi Prefectural Univ. ) IMAMURA,Chikara ; SATO,Hirofumi ; IMAI,Takashi ; HIRATA,Fumio ; IHARA,Yasuji
3PA185 Synthesis and Properties of Multiple H-Bonding Receptors Based on 2,6-Diaminopyridine ( Faculty of Engineering, Sojo University ) HATTA,Taizo ; KAWANO,Yusaku ; TSUGE,Otohiko
3PA186 synthesis and anion binding ability of thiourea derivativesshaving hexasubstituted benzene structure ( Osaka Univ. ) OHKI,Ichiro ; SASAKI,Shin-ichi ; HIROSE,Kaiji ; TOBE,Yoshito
3PA187 Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Uridine Receptors ( Faculty of Engineering, Sojo University ) HATTA,Taizo ; KAWANO,Yusaku ; TSUGE,Otohiko
3PA188 Synthesis of Pseudocyclophanes Bearing Phenolic Hydroxyl Groups via a Tandem Claisen Rearrangement ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) HANAMI,Takeshi ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3PA189 Synthesis of Tetrathiacalix[4]arene Derivatives Using Benzyl Residues as Protecting Groups ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Hideto ; GOTO,Masanori ; TAKESHITA,Michinori ; YAMATO,Takehiko
3PA190 Synthesis and Reactions of a Novel Tripodand with Three Catechol Moieties ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) KANOU,Ken'ichirou ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3PA191 Cation and Anion Recognition of Crown Ether ArmedsMetalloporphyrin ( Seikei University ) GOTOH,Ken-ichi ; IWATA,Satoru ; TANAKA,Kiyoshi
3PA192 Stepwise Tandem Claisen Rearrangement of Macrocylic Polyethers Having Two Isobutenyl Groups and Studies of Their Properties ( NAIR ) NASIR,Habib ; NAGAWA,Yoshinobu ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
3PA193 Syntheses of Multiple Catechols and Analysis of the Properties ( Faculty of Engineering,Fukui University ) KONISHI,Keisuke ; TOKUNAGA,Yuji ; SHIMOMURA,Youji ; HASHIMOTO,Yoshinori ; SEO,Toshihiro
3PA194 Pressure Effects on Bimodal Inclusion Complex of CDswith .alpha.-Substituted-2,4,6-trimethoxy-benzyl-t-butyl nitroxide ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University ) KASAHARA,Masamichi ; TOBISAKO,Hideto ; SUEISHI,Yoshimi ; YAMAMOTO,Shun
zo ; KOTAKE,Yashig
3PA195 Synthesis and Alkali Metal Cation Recognition of Biscalix[4]arene Derivatives Bridged by Biphenyl Units ( Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba ) SUMITOMO,Keiko ; SAIKI,Toshiyuki ; AKINE,Shigehisa ; NABESHIMA,Tatsuya
3PA196 Molecular recognition with bicyclocholaphane ( Chiba Univ. ) KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; MIYAUCHI,Ken-ichi ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PA197 Synthesis of 3'- and 4'-pyridylmethyl-armed monoaza 15-crown-5 ethers and structure of their metal complexes ( Toho Univ. ) HABATA,Yoichi ; YAMASHITA,Yoshitomo ; AKABORI,Sadatoshi
3PA198 The cation-binding abilities of calix[4]arene derivatives having aromatic substituents ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) OHTANI,Yusuke ; HASEGAWA,Tetsuya ; OUCHI,Mikio ; KITAMURA,Chitoshi ; YONEDA,Akio
3PA199 Synthesis and Clathrate Formation of [7]Thiaheterohelicene ( Wakayama Univ.; Kyoto Univ. ) TANAKA,Kazuhiko ; OSUGA,Hideji ; ONISHI,Kyoko ; UMANO,Tomoko ; KITAHARA,Yoshinori
3PA200 Cation-binding abilities of thiacalix[4]arene derivatives having aliphatic substituents ( Himeji Institute of Technology ) EBASHI,Nobuhide ; MIZUNO,Tetsuji ; OUCHI,Mikio ; KITAMURA,Chitoshi ; YONEDA,Akio
3PA201 Complexing Behavior of Naphthalene and Quinoline Derivatives as Fluorescent Chemosensors for Metal Ions ( Hirosaki Univ. ) KAWAKAMI,Jun ; FUKUSHI,Atsuo ; SHIMOZAKI,Katsuyoshi ; ITO,Shoei
3PA202 Formation of cage structure by the association of hydrindacene derivative bearing uracil groups with melamine ( Hokkaido Univ. ) TAKAHAHSHI,Tomoko ; TAMURA,Manabu ; KAWAI,Hidetoshi ; OHKITA,Masakazu ; SUZUKI,Takanori ; TSUJI,Takashi
3PA203 Syntheses, Ion-selectivity and X-ray Crystal Structure Analysis of Its Potassium Salt of an Acyclic Ionophore Having a Photolabile Group ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) YAMAGUCHI,Kazuo ; CHIKARAISHI,Noriko
3PA204 Complexation between [6]CPPA and some fullerene derivatives ( Graduate School of Science, Osaka University ) FUJIWARA,Naoki ; KAWASE,Takeshi ; ODA,Masaji
3PA205 Synthesis of Macrocycles Having 4 Amide and Their Inclusion Behaviors ( NAIR,Toho Univ ) MASUBUCHI,Sayuri ; NUMATA,Munenori ; NAGAWA,Yosinobu ; HOUJOU,Hirohiko ; AKABORI,Sadatosi ; HIRATANI,Kazuhisa
3PA206 Chiral recognition of secondary amines by using pseudo-24crown-8 type macrocyclic polyethers ( Osaka Univ. ) HIROSE,Keiji ; FUJIWARA,Akihito ; TOBE,Yoshito
3PA207 Hydrindacene-based macrocycles bearing functional groups inside/outside the cycles ( Hokkaido Univ. ) SAKAI,Aki ; KAWAI,Hidetoshi ; OHKITA,Masakazu ; SUZUKI,Takanori ; TSUJI,Takashi
3PA208 Polimerizability of Acrylamide in the Presence of thesTemplate Polymer Having LCST ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; TANABE,Hiroyuki ; NAKAJIMA,Takeharu ; YAMASHITA,Natsuki
3PA209 Study on Polymerizarion of Vinyl Monomers in the Presence of Carbonyl Compounds (Relation between the Structure of Carbonyl Compounds and Polymerizability) ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; TAKAHASHI,Katsunori ; ISHIKAWA,Kenji ; UEMURA,Kei
3PA210 Construction of a Helical Tubular Structure froms N-Boc Oligoaniline Derivatives ( Kanagawa Univ. ) HIRAOKA,Shuichi ; SAKUMA,Hideaki ; YOKOZAWA,Tsutomu
3PA211 Construction of a Dimerized Helical Tubular Structure ( Kanagawa Univ. ) HIRAOKA,Shuichi ; AKAHORI,Yoshito ; YOKOZAWA,Tsutomu
3PA212 Synthesis and of 1,6-methano[10]annulene-3,4-quinodimethane and the derivatives ( Toyama University ) ZUO,Shengli ; FURUTA,Shinji ; KANAYAMA,Kimiko ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; ODA,Mitsunori ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PA213 Studies on Weak Interactions Related to F and Cl by Heats of Melting ( Coll. of Sci. and Engng., Aoyama Gakuin Univ. ) ENDO,Tadashi ; SUGIO,Keitaro ; OHTSUKA,Kensuke ; TAKAMURA,Ryoji
3PA214 The solid-to-solid-state catalytic reactions: physical states of solid substrates and products ( Ryukoku Univ. ) KITAMURA,Toshiyuki ; HARADA,Tadao
Poster Session
[Physical Organic Chemistry -Reaction Mechanism-]
3PA216 Mechanism of Photoaddition Reaction between Organotin Compounds and Aromatic Ketones ( Shimane Univ. ) TERAZAWA,Tetushi ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PA217 Photoamination of 1-hydroxyanthraquinone ( Toyo Univ.; Graduate School of Eng. Tokyo MetropolitanUniv. ) KATOH,Katsumi ; TAJIMA,Masahiro ; MATSUNAGA,Katsuji ; INOUE,Haruo
3PA218 Photosolvolysis and Laser Flush Photolysis of Phenacyl Sulfonates in Polar Solvents ( Niigata Univ.; Inst. Fund. Org. Chem., Kyushu Univ. ) TANEI,Aiko ; USUI,Satoshi ; OKAMURA,Mutsuo ; KOBAYASHI,Shinjiro
3PA219 Substituent Effect on Spin Trapping of Hydroxyl Radical ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University ) YOSHIOKA,Chiharu ; SUEISHI,Yoshimi ; KOTAKE,Yashige
3PA220 Kinetic Simulation for Magnetic Field Effects on Asymmetric Photoreactions involving Biradical Intermediates ( Kanazawa Univ. ) KOHTANI,Shigeru ; SUGIYAMA,Masahide ; NAKAGAKI,Ryoichi
3PA221 Triplet Photosensitized Reaction of Phenyldicyclopentadienes ( Niigata Univ ) TAKIZAWA,Tohru ; IKEDA,Harumi ; TAKAHASHI,Ken ; UEDA,Takahiro ; OGINO,Toshio
3PA222 Inclusion Effect of Cyclodextrin on the Hydride Transfer Reaction of Leuco Methylene Blue with 2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-Benzoquinone ( Faculty of Science,Okayama University ) LIU,Yingjin ; YAMAMOTO,Shunzo ; SUEISHI,Yoshimi
3PA223 Effects of cyclodextrin on the intramolecular excimer formation of diaryl phosphate ( Himeji Institute of Technology; Osaka University ) NAKAMURA,Mitsunobu ; MIKI,Masamichi ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
3PA224 Geminal bond participation in the sigmatropic [1,5]-hydrogen shifts: Relative reactivities of E- and Z-1-substituted 1,3-pentadienes ( Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University ) USHIODA,Nobuo ; IKEDA,Hirotaka ; INAGAKI,Satoshi
3PA225 High syn .pai.-facial selectivity in Diels-Alder reactions of 5-(2-oxazolinyl)-1,2,3,4,5-pentamethycyclopentadiene ( Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University ) ISHIDA,Masaru ; HIRASAWA,Satomi ; INAGAKI,Satoshi
3PA226 Pressure Effects on the Z/E Isomerization of N-[(4-dimethylamino)benzylidene]-4-nitroaniline in Silicon Oil ( Oita Univ. ; Japan Energy Corp. ) MATSUNAGA,Masahiro ; TAKAHASHI,Toru ; OHGA,Yasushi ; ASANO,Tsutomu ; SAITO,Hirokazu
3PA227 Formation of Intramolecular Dimer Radical Anions ( The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University ) NAKAYAMA,Kohji ; TOJO,Sachiko ; ICHINOSE,Nobuyuki ; MAJIMA,Tetsuro
3PA228 The Influence of Crown Ether on Cation Migration in 2,5-Di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone Radical Anion ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University ) KASAHARA,Masamichi ; SUEISHI,Yoshimi ; YAMAMOTO,Shunzo
3PA229 Reduction of gold (III) by nitrone-type spin traps ( Miyazaki Medical College; Kyoto Institute of Technology; Kyoto University ) NAKAJIMA,Akira ; ENDOH,Nobuyuki ; TAJIMA,Kunihiko ; MAKINO,Keisuke
3PA230 Reaction of 1-(9-Fluorenyl)-2-(2-methyl-2-oxyranyl)naphthalene Rotamers with Acidic Reagents ( Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science ) TOYOTA,Shinji ; TOYOFUKU,Yoshitaka ; HIROSE,Takanori ; OKI,Michinori
Poster Session
[Energy and Fuels]
3PA232 Hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compounds with hydrogen permeating through a Pd sheet. ( Toyota Central Res. and Develop. Labs ) MORISHITA,Shinya ; TOWATA,Shin-ichi
3PA233 Study for ion conductivity of polypyrrole / engineering plastic composite membrane ( School of Science and Engineering; Kagami Memorial Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, Waseda Univ. ) MOMMA,Toshiyuki ; TSUCHIYA,Kenji ; NARU
HASHI,Tomonao ; SU
GISAWA,Kensuke ; OSAKA,Tetsuya
3PA234 Construction of Dye-Sensititized Nanocrystalline TiO2 Solar Cells Modified with Donor-Acceptor Linked Compounds ( Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) NODA,Masakazu ; YONEMURA,Hiroaki ; YAMADA,Sunao
3PA235 Sono-catalysis of water by homogeneous catarytic system using FeNH4(SO4)2 ( Meisei Univ. ) HARADA,Hisas
3PA236 Sonophotocatalysis of water using several kind of powdered photocatalysts ( Meisei Univ. ) HARADA,Hisasi ; HOSOKI,Chigusa
3PA237 Photocatalytic reactions using metal loaded TiO2 ( Misei Univ. ) HARADA,Hisashi ; ISHIKANE,Makoto
3PA238 Solvothermal synthesis of tungsten oxide photocatalysts of high activity ( Kinki Univ., Hokkaido Univ. ) KOMINAMI,Hiroshi ; YABUTANI,Kei-ichi ; YAMAMOTO,Takuhei ; KERA,Yoshiya ; OHTANI,Bunsho
3PA239 Effect of light on the culture of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans(T.f) ( Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) OSHIMA,Toshihiro ; TESHIMA,Kenjirou ; SHIRAI,Yasuo
3PA240 Effect of saccharides on photocatalytic decolorization reaction of various dyes. ( Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture ) KUNITO,Katsushi ; MAEDA,Shingo ; HONGYO,Setsuaki
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aliphatic and Alicyclic Compounds]
3PB002 Synthesis of Chiral Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals ( Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University ) TAMURA,Rui ; SHIMONO,Satoshi ; YAMAUCHI,Jun
3PB003 Catalytic Radical Addition of Carbonyl Compounds to Alkenes Using Mn(OAc)2/Co(OAc)2/O2 System ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) HIRASE,Kouji ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3PB004 Titanium(III) induced tandem radical cyclization for the synthesis of tricyclohexanoids ( Faculty of science, Okayama University of Science ) YAMADA,Haruo ; OZAKI,Yuuki ; TARUTANI,Masatoshi ; YONEMITSU,Osamu
3PB005 Reduction of 2-haloethyl-2-methyl-1-tetralones and their related compounds by samarium diiodide ( Niigata University, Faculty of Science ) IRIYAMA,Takumi ; IWAYA,Kazuki ; HASEGAWA,Eietsu
3PB006 Novel Cyclization and Ring-Expansion Reaction of 2-Substituted Ethyl 1-Indanon-2-carboxylates Promoted by Samarium Diiodide ( Niigata University, Faculty of Science ) HASEGAWA,Eietsu ; NAKAMURA,Momoe ; IWAYA,Kazuki
3PB007 Synthesis of .alpha.,.alpha.-Difluoroalkanecarboxylic Acid Derivatives via Radical Reaction of Fluoroolefins. ( Nagoya Univ. ) OKANO,Takashi ; HIRAISHI,Makiko ; NOBATA,Naoki ; FUJITA,Makoto
3PB008 Generation of Alkyl Cations from Alkanes Using N-Hydroxyphtalimide as Catalyst ( Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University & KU-HRC ) HIRABAYASHI,Tomotaka ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3PB009 Chemoselective Transformation of Alcohol Silyl Ethers into the Corresponding Tetrahydropyranyl Ethers ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University ) SUZUKI,Takeshi ; KOBAYASHI,Kumiko ; ORIYAMA,Takeshi
3PB010 Synthesis of 7-trimethylsiloxy-1,3,5-cycloheptatriene and generation of 1,3,5-cycloheptatrien-7-olate ( Toyama University ) ODA,Mitsunori ; OOKAWA,Kazuya ; FUJIMURA,Takashi ; NISHIDA,Yoshikatsu ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PB011 A convenient synthesis of 2-subsutituted 1,2,3,8-tetrahydroazulen -1-one ( Toyama University ) ODA,Mitsunori ; SENKURO,Ritsu ; NISHIDA,Yoshikatsu ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PB012 A Synthetic Study of Taxol Using Skeletal Rearrangement ( Nara Institute of Science and Technology ) MORIMOTO,Tsumoru ; TAKEUCHI,Ikuyo ; TATSUMI,Ryo ; SHIMADA,Yumi ; KAKIUCHI,Kiyomi
3PB013 A Lewis Acid-promoted Enyne Cycloisomerization ( Nara Univ. of Education, Osaka University ) YAMAZAKI,Shoko ; YAMADA,Kuriko ; OTSUBO,Tetsuya ; KUTSUWA,Emiko ; HARUNA,Masayo ; TAMURA,Hatsue
3PB014 Base-Induced Intramolecular Cyclization ofsalpha.,beta.-Unsaturated Ketone Oxime O-Allyl Ethers ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) MIHARA,Yasuhiro ; WATANABE,Nobuko ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
3PB015 Thermal intramolecular cycloaddition of 5-alkenylfulvenes ( Fuculty of Eng. Fukui Univ. ) HATTORI,Masakazu ; TAKEHARA,Yutaka ; MORITA,Toshio ; MATSUMOTO,Kzutsugu ; HATANAKA,Minoru
3PB016 Stereocontrolled [3+2] Annulation Reaction of Bifunctionalized Group 14 Allylmetallic Compounds onto alpha-Diketones ( Shimane Univ. Faculty of Science ) MIZUSHITA,Akira ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB017 Selective Synthesis of Ethers in DMSO ( Toray Fine Chemicals Co.,Ltd ) BANSHO,Kumiko ; SHIBAYAMA,Katsuhiro
3PB018 Stereochemical studies on the nucleophilic substitution reactions of gem-dihalocyclopropanes ( University Fac. Eng., Shizuoka Univ. ) SUZUKI,Kouji ; YOSHIDA,Hiroshi ; TODA,Mitsuo
3PB019 Nucleophilic substitution of t-alkyl halides with alkaline earth metal (Ba,Sr) t-alkoxides and aryl oxides ( Kanazawa Univ. ) KISHIMOTO,Haruaki ; KITAHARA,Seiya ; MASADA,Hiromitsu
3PB020 Nucleophilic substitution reactions of metal 2,4,6-tri-tert-butylphenoxide ( Kanazawa Univ. ) HIROSE,Kazuya ; SAKAGUCHI,Norifumi ; MASADA,Hiromitsu
3PB021 Synthesis of optically active ethers ( Kanazawa Univ. ) YOKOTA,Yoshihiro ; OKABE,Takahiro ; MASADA,Hiromitsu
3PB022 The aldol reaction of optically active alpha-sulfinyl esters and the Michael reaction of alpha,beta-saturated-alpha-sulfinyl esters ( School of Science, Tokai University ) ISHIKAWA,Minoru ; WATANABE,Mikio
3PB023 Reaction of .alpha.-Silylcarbanions Generated from 3-(Trimethylsilyl)propanamides ( Japan Women's University ) ASAOKA,Morio ; UTSUMI,Tomoko ; INAGAKI,Miharu ; MATSUMOTO,Maiko
3PB024 Synthesis of Terpene Unsaturated Aldehydes ( Kyushu Univ. ) NAKABAYASHI,Kazuhiro ; YAMAJI,Teizo
3PB025 Synthesis of nitriles from oxime ethers using nickel/zinc reagent ( Tokyo Univ. of Agri.&Tech. ) MAEYAMA,Katsuya ; KATO,Hiroshi ; KOBAYASHI,Masato ; YONEZAWA,Noriyuki
3PB026 The Generation of o-Quinodimethanes promoted by Optically Active Lewis acids and their Enantioselective Cycloadditions ( Gunma Univ. ) SANO,Hiroshi ; HONGO,Kazumichi ; NIIHARA,Takao ; HARA,Shintaro ; KOSUGI,Masanori
3PB027 Generation of .alpha.-Amino-o-Quinodimethanes Promoted by Tributyltin Bromide ( Gunma Univ. ) SANO,Hiroshi ; MIYAZAKI,Tsuneaki ; KAWAI,Rie ; KOSUGI,Masanori
3PB028 Kinetic Resolution of Racemic Primary Alcohols by a Catalytic Asymmetric Acylation ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki Univ. ) ORIYAMA,Takeshi ; KOUTAKA,Hitomi
3PB029 Highly Efficient and Practical Synthesis of Both Enantiomers of 2-Cyclohexen-1-ol ( Faculty of Science, Ibaraki Univ. ) ORIYAMA,Takeshi ; OHBA,Sayoko ; KOUTAKA,Hitomi
3PB030 Transformation Functional Group of Cyanohydrins containing Fluorinated Aromatic Ring. ( Okayama university ) SAKAI,Takashi ; MITSUTOMI,Hiroshi ; MIKI,Yasushi ; TANAKA,Hikaru ; EMA,Tadashi
3PB031 Synthesis of 1,2-Ethanediamine Havings Pentafluorophenyl Groups ( Okayama University ) SAKAI,Takashi ; MINAMI,Shinichi ; NISHIO,Yuji ; HIRAI,Yasuhito ; EMA,Tadashi
3PB032 Iodine mediated lactonization of terpenic 3-hydroxy acids ( Chiba Univ. ) HANYU,Naoto ; AOKI,Tasuku ; MINO,Takashi ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB033 Synthesis of asymmetric catalysts from terpenicscarbonyl compounds ( Chiba Univ. ) AOKI,Tasuku ; HANYU,Naoto ; MINO,Takashi ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB034 Deracemization of syn-1,3-Diols Leading to Enantiomerically Enriched anti-1,3-Diols ( Kyoto Institute of Technology; Sugai Chemical Industry ) SEKIGUCHI,Kousuke ; YAMANAKA,Hideki ; HARADA,Toshiro ; OKU,Akira
3PB035 Enantioselective synthesis of 3,4-substituted cyclopentenone using (S)-3-(p-tolylsulfenyl)-2-oxo-propylidene)triphenylphosphorane ( Fuculty of Eng. Fukui univ. ) KITANO,Hiroyoshi ; KURATA,Takaaki ; SHINOHARA,Yoshiaki ; MATSUMOTO,Kzutsugu ;
3PB036 Wolff rearrangement of chiral alpha-benzyloxydiazoketones with retention of stereogenic center ( Aoyama Gakuin Univ.; College of Sci.& Engin. ) KOBASHI,Yohei ; MITSUNOBU,Oyo
3PB037 Asymmetric 2+2 Cycloaddition of Ketene with Aldehydes Catalyzed by Chiral Lewis Acids ( Dept. Materials Chem. & Eng., College of Eng., Nihon Univ. ) TAMAI,Yasufumi ; SUZUKI,Kousuke ; YOSHIDA,Yousuke
3PB038 Preparation of Polymer-Supported Chiral Phase Transfer Catalyses and their Application to Asymmetric Synthesis ( National Inst. of Materials and Chem. Res. ) FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; TAKA,Hideo ; OISHI,Akihiro ; TAGUCHI,Yoichi
3PB039 Synthesis of optically active .delta.-lactone with lipases catalyst ( Department of Industrial Chemistry, Meiji University ) NAKAMATA,Daisuke ; OSHIRO,Noriko ; MIYAKOSHI,Tetsuo
3PB040 Development of a Novel Sugar-Based Chiral Auxiliary for Asymmetric Diels-Alder Reaction ( Department of Functional Polymer Science, Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, and Department of Chemistry and Material eng
ineering, Faculty
of engineering, Shinshu University ) OHNO,Tadao ; TAKANO,Akira ; ISHIZUKA,Motoyoshi ; FUJIMOTO,Tetsuya ; KAKEHI,Akikazu ; YAMAMOTO,Iwao
3PB041 The oxidation of benzoylacetanilide derivatives in the presence of bases and iodine under oxygen atmosphere ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) YOSHIHARA,Nobutoshi ; MURAI,Rika
3PB042 The oxidation of 2-benzoylcyclohexanone and cyclopentanone in the presence of bases and iodine under oxygen atmosphere ( Tokyo Gakugei University ) YOSHIHARA,Nobutoshi ; IWASAKI,Yasuhisa
3PB043 Aerobic Oxidation of Polyhydric Alcohols Catalyzed by Ruthenium Complex ( Faculty of Engineering & KU-HRC, Kansai University ) ISAMU,Ryoko ; SAKAGUCHI,Satoshi ; ISHII,Yasutaka
3PB044 Halogen-iodine Exchange Reactions Mediated by Carbon Dioxide ( Utsunomiya Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Masaaki ; SUGA,Noriko
3PB045 Alkyl carbonate Synthesis with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Place of Phosgene ( Utsunomiya Univ. ) YOSHIDA,Masaaki ; MORI,Naoko
3PB046 Hydrogenation of ketones and aldehydes in supercritical alcohols ( Ryukoku University ) DAIMON,Atsushi ; KAMITANAKA,Takashi ; MATSUDA,Tomoko ; HARADA,Tadao
3PB047 Reactions of Benzonitrile in supercritical alcohols ( Ryukoku Unv. ) KAMITANAKA,Takashi ; TANABE,Masaki ; DAIMON,Atsushi ; MATSUDA,Tomoko ; HARADA,Tadao
3PB048 Synthesis of fluoroamines using nitrogen trifluoride. II. ( Natl. Inst. Mater. Chem. Res. ) TAKAGI,Toshiyuki ; SHIBAKAMI,Motonari ; GAMA,Yasuo ; SHIBUYA,Isao ; SHIMIZU,Masao ; TAMURA,Masanori ; SEKIYA,Akira
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Aromatic Compounds]
3PB052 Reduction of Aromatic imines Using Metallic Calcium in Alcohol Solution ( Tohwa Univ. Tohwa Inst. for Sci. ) YAMADA,Tomoko ; NAGASHIMA,Satoko ; MITOMA,Yoshiharu ; SAKAGUCHI,Kohji ; TASHIRO,Masashi
3PB053 Catalytic reduction of .alpha.,.beta.-unsubstituted carbonyl compounds by cyclohepta[b]pyrimido[5,4-d]pyrrole-8(6H]),10(9H)-diones ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University )
TAJIMA,Yohei ; N
3PB054 Highly Efficient Conversion of Benzoates to Alcohols with Sodium Borohydride in DME-MeOH ( Chemical Development Laboratories, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ) ZANKA,Atsuhiko ; OHMORI,Hiroki ; OKAMOTO,Takumi
3PB055 Practical and Efficient Chlorination of Deactivated Anilines and Anilides witrh NCS in 2-Propanol ( Chemical Development Laboratories, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ) ZANKA,Atsuhiko ; KUBOTA,Ariyoshi
3PB056 Synthesis of Methylene-bridged Resorcinarene Dimer ( Tottori University, Faculty of Engineering ) ABE,Kazuyuki ; YANAGIMOTO,Masashi ; MORIKAWA,Osamu ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuhiro ; KONISHI,Hisatoshi
3PB057 Oxidative Coupling Reaction of Naphthols over Solid Surface ( Shimane Univ. ) YASUOKA,Kenji ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB058 Pummerer Rearrangement Reaction of Sulfoxides by UsingsCopper Salts: Synthesis of 2-Oxoesters ( NIMC ) KAMADA,Toshihiro ; WASADA,Nobuhide
3PB059 Addition reaction of electron deficient double bond in N-Substituted maleimide with amines ( Saitama Inst. Tech ) KAWATA,Seiji ; HAGIWARA,Tokio ; MANO,Yutaka ; SATO,Yasuyuki ; OTA,Hiroyuki
3PB060 Iron oxide-promoted Friedel-Crafts reaction of aromatic compound ( Shibaura Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering ) IWATA,Masashi ; KODOMARI,Mitsuo
3PB061 Condensation product of benzo[fg]naphthacene-8-one ( Toho University ) FUJIMAKI,Yasuto ; YASUDA,Mayuko ; TAKEKAWA,Minoru ; FUJISAWA,Shoji ; OHSHIMA,Shigeru
3PB062 Synthesis of compounds has an anthraquinone skeleton fused with a gammma-pyron ring ( Adv. Instr. Center for Chem. Anal. Ehime Univ. ) IDO,Yumiko ; UNO,Hidemitsu ; HONDA,Erina ; FUKUHAR,Kaori ; ONO,Noboru
3PB063 Efficient Synthesis of Polyethynyl-Substituted Aromatic Compounds ( Osaka Univ., CREST (JST) ) SONODA,Motohiro ; INABA,Akiko ; ITAHASHI,Kayo ; TOBE,Yoshito
3PB064 Synthesis and Study about the New Electron Acceptors11,11,12,12-Tetrasyano-3,6-phenanthroquinodimethane ( Kinki University, Faculty of Engineering ) TAKASAKI,Junya ; OGURA,Fumio ; OKADA,Yoshiharu
3PB065 Selective introduction of the functional groups into the fluorene derivative ( Department of Chemistry, Kyushu Institute of Technology ) NISHIMOTO,Hideaki ; MORIGUCHI,Tetsuji ; TSUGE,Akihiko
3PB066 Substituent effect on allyl group for the Claisen rearrangement of the allyloxybenzenes ( Ritsumeikan Univ. ) YAMAMOTO,Takuya ; OKADA,Yutaka ; HAYASHI,Takatoshi
3PB067 Benzylation of aromatics with 8-bromomethyl[2.2]metacyclophanes ( Tohwa Univ.; Saga Univ. ) TANAKA,Kan ; MIYAMOTO,Shinpei ; INOUE,Osamu ; YAMATO,Takehiko
3PB068 Photochemical Synthesis of High Membered Azoniahelicenes ( Tokyo Metropolitan University ) SATO,Kiyoshi ; ARAI,Takashi ; YAMAGISHI,Takamichi
3PB069 Synthesis of New Chiral Calixarene in Dendrimer ( Faculty of Engineering ) AKIBA,Miwa ; OKADA,Yukihiro ; NISHIMURA,Jun
3PB070 Reactions and Chemiluminescence of Anthracene Derivatives with Phosphorous Groups ( Faculty of Textile Science & Technology, Shinshu University ) NAKAMURA,Junji ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
3PB071 Synthesis of laccol components and analysis of urushi film using Py-GC/MS ( Depart. of Ind. Chem., Meiji Univ. ) KAMIYA,Yukio ; SAITOU,Wataru ; MIYAKOSHI,Tetsuo
3PB072 Synthesis and chemical behaviors ofs5,7-polymethylene-substituted pyridopyrimidin-2,4-diones ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering,Waseda University ) KANDA,Hiromi ; YAMAMOTO,Hiroyuki ; NITTA,Makoto
3PB073 Synthesis and Properties of Cyclohepta[b]pyrimido[5,4-d]furan-8(7H),10(9H)-dionylium ion derivatives and their nitrogen analogues ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering,Waseda University ) NAYA,Shin-ichi ; YASU,Kenji
; NITTA,Makoto
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Heterocyclic Compounds]
3PB076 Photoreactions of N-Acylphenylenamides and related compounds ( University of Tsukuba, Department of Chemistry and Graduate School of Environmental Sciences ) TABATA,Megumi ; SAKURAI,Nobuharu ; NISHIO,Takehiko
3PB077 Synthesis of Fluorine-Containing Pyrazoloquinolines and Isoxazoloquinolines by the Reaction of 3-Trifluoroacetyl-4-di- methylaminoquinoline with Hydrazines and Hydroxylamines ( Kobe University ) OKADA,Etsuji ; SAKAEMURA,Takushi ; ASHIDA,T
3PB078 Synthesis and reactions of phosphoimino-1-azaazulene derivatives ( Faculty of Science,Yamaguchi Univ. ) FUJII,Hiroyuki ; TAHARA,Kenji ; ABE,Noritaka
3PB079 Synthesis of 11-Azabenzanthrone ( : Faculty of Science and Technology, Meisei University; Faculty of Science, Toho University ) ISHII,Hiroyuki ; AOYAMA,Yoshitomo ; SAWADA,Tadanobu ; AOKI,Junji
3PB080 Synthesis of Amino-8-Azabenzanthrones ( : Faculty of Science and Technology, Meisei University; Faculty of Science, Toho University ) SAWADA,Tadanobu ; NAGAI,Takanobu ; ISHII,Hiroyuki ; AOKI,Junji
3PB081 Pyridinobenzanthrones obtained from 1-Aminoanthraquinone(2) ( : Faculty of Science and Technology, Meisei University; Faculty of Science, Toho University ) AOYAMA,Yoshitomo ; SAWADA,Tadanobu ; AOKI,Junji
3PB082 A Facile Synthesis of Tyrian Purple Based on a BiosyntheticsPathway ( National Fisheries Univ., Baiko Jogakuin Univ.,Kyushu Institute of Technology ) TANOUE,Yasuhiro ; TERADA,Akira ; SAKATA,Kazunori ; HASHIMOTO,Mamoru
3PB083 Synthesis of 4-Aminopyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline-5-ol Derivatives by the use of Isonitriles ( Tottori University,Faculty of Engineering ) TAKANOHASHI,Atsushi ; NAKAHASHI,Ryouji ; KITAMURA,Taichi ; MORIKAWA,Osamu ; KONISHI,Hisatoshi ; KOBAYASHI,
3PB084 Synthesis of 2,2'-Biquinoline Derivatives from o-Isocyanostyrenes ( Tottori University,Faculty of Engineering ) MATSUNAGA,Akihiro ; YONEMORI,Junpei ; KITAMURA,Taichi ; MORIKAWA,Osamu ; KONISHI,Hisatoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuhiro
3PB085 Synthesis of Thienobenzofurandione Derivatives ( Tottori University,Faculty of Engineering ) YONEDA,Keiichi ; MORIKAWA,Osamu ; KONISHI,Hisatoshi ; KOBAYASHI,Kazuhiro
3PB086 Accelerated Synthesis of 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazoles from Aromatic Aldehydes under Microwave Irradiation ( Ehime Univ. ) KOSHIMA,Hideko ; IWAKAKI,Shunsuke ; HAMADA,Mitsuo
3PB087 A New Route to 1,2,4-Triazole-3-ones ( Toyo University ) MATSUURA,Hiromune ; IHARA,Shogo ; YOSHINO,Susumu ; ITO,Kunio
3PB088 Synthesis of 1,6-Naphthyridine Derivatives ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; OKAMOTO,Tomohiro ; SAKAI,Norio
3PB089 Cleavage reactions of a tetracyano derivative ( Ibaraki Univ. Faculty of science ) NAKANO,Yoshiharu ; KANEKO,Yoshitaka
3PB090 Oxidation of 2-Hydroxy-2-phenyl-1,2-dihydroacenaphthylen-1-one with Manganese(III) Acetate ( Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.; Inst. Fond. Res. Org. Chem.,Kyushu Univ. ) SAKAI,Shingo ; NISHINO,Hiroshi ; KUROSAWA,Kazu
3PB091 Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized Furans from 1-Aryl-2-pentene-1,4-diones ( Inst. Fond. Res. Org. Chem., Kyushu Univ.; Grad. School Sci.Tech., Kumamoto Univ.; Fac. Sci., Kumamoto Univ. ) NISHINO,Hiroshi ; ONITSUKA,Satoaki ; KUROSAWA,Kazu
3PB092 Rearrangements of 1-chloro-2-acylguanidines and formations of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles ( Kanagawa Inst. Tech. ) SUYAMA,Takayuki ; YAMAZAKI,Takeharu ; MOTOMIYA,Shigeharu ; YAMAGUCHI,Jun-ichi
3PB093 Synthesis of N-Heterocycles via Intermoleculer hydroamination Catalyzed by Ruthenium Complexes ( PRESTO, JST; RIKEN (The Institute of Physical & Chemical Research); Chuo University ) TOKUNAGA,Makoto ; OTA,Mitsuru ; SUZUKI,Toshiaki ; HAGA,M
asaaki ; WAKATSUKI
3PB094 Synthesis of Chiral Protoberberine Alkaloids Using Lithiation Reaction ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) IWAKIRI,Yuta ; FUKUDA,Tsutomu ; IWAO,Masatomo
3PB095 Selective C-3 Lithiation of 1-(TIPS)indole ( Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki University ) MATSUZONO,Mai ; FUKUDA,Tsutomu ; IWAO,Masatomo
3PB096 Synthesis of Ellipticine Derivatives (1) ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KAWAGOSHI,Masashi ; SAKAI,Norio
3PB097 Synthesis of Ellipticine Derivatives (2) ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; KIUCHI,Satoko ; SAKAI,Norio
3PB098 Syntheses of pterine derivatives from 3-cyano-2-aminopyrazines ( Department of Chemistry, Waseda University ) WADA,Momoko ; SHIONO,Daiju ; TADA,Masaru
3PB099 Reactions of 6-(Allylamino)uracil derivatives ( Department of Chemistry,Waseda University ) SHIMAMURA,Tomoyuki ; TADA,Masaru
3PB100 Functionalization of 6-Carbon Atom of 3-Amino-beta-carboline Derivatives ( Science Univ. of Tokyo ) KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; WATANABE,Atsushi ; SAKAI,Norio
3PB101 Diastereoselective [4+2]Type Cycloaddition of Aromatic Aldimines ( Department of Chemistry, The National Defense Academy ) ISHIMARU,Kaori ; KOJIMA,Takakazu
3PB102 An Acridonyl Cation: Attempts to Generate an Antiaromatic Nitrenium Ion ( Shinshu University, Faculty of Science ) YAMADA,Gen ; USTUMI,Keiichiro ; KOBAYASHI,Tomoshige
3PB103 Regioselective Nitrosation of 2,4-Lutidine Using Basic Catalyst ( Fukuoka Univ. ) IKEDA,Hirohito ; YUKAWA,Miho ; NIIYA,Tokihiro ; GOTO,Yoshinobu
3PB104 Enantioselective Addition Reaction of Chiral Allylsilanes to Quinolines ( Kyoto Univ. ) OKANO,Toshihiko ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
3PB105 The reaction of acridine with ketone and quinoline-N-oxide with ketone ( School of Science, Tokai University ) KITAHARA,Takio ; UNNO,Hideki ; TAKANO,Jiro
3PB106 Preparation and spectra of polyaza-aromatics with heterocyclic substituents ( Kyushu University ) ZHANG,Xuelong ; MATSUMOTO,Naoki ; GOROHMARU,Hideki ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro ; UENO,Kazunori ; SENOO,Akihiro ; KAMATA,Kichinouske
3PB107 Fluorescent Characters of Novel Ferrocene Derivatives bearing 8-Quinolinol Complexed with Divalent Metal Ions. ( Kyoto Univ. ) SAITO,Fumiko ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
3PB108 Chemiluminescence of Quinoxalinedione Derivatives in the Presence of Fluorescers ( Shinshu Univ. ) SAKAI,Nobuaki ; MOTOYOSHIYA,Jiro ; TAKAGUCHI,Yutaka ; AOYAMA,Hiromu
3PB109 Synthesis of fluorescent pyridines which containing various hetero atoms. ( Shimane Univ. ) TAKAHASHI,Kazufumi ; YAO,Noriko ; ONIDUKA,Miwa ; KOSUGI,Yoshio
3PB110 Synthesis of 3-(benzylthio)thieno[3,4-b]indolizine derivatives with switching function ( Univ. of Shinshu ) KAKEHI,Akikazu ; SUGA,Hiroyuki ; MORI,Takashi
3PB111 A thermal reaction of 2-diphenylmethylene-4-phenyl-1,3-dioxolane ( Toyama University ) ODA,Mitsunori ; OHTA,Reina ; MIYATAKE,Ryuta ; KURODA,Shigeyasu
3PB112 Reaction of glycal and ulose with organometallic reagents. ( Aoyama Gakuin Univ.;College of Sci.& Engin. ) MIURA,Iwao ; MITSUNOBU,Oyo
3PB113 Reaction of 2,3-anhydrofuranosides with alkynylmetals ( Aoyama Gakuin Univ.;College of Sci.& Engin. ) MISTUNOBU,Oyo ; ABE,Akinari ; SANO,Yu ; MOCHIZUKI,Yuki
3PB114 Synthesis of furofuran derivatives (5) ( Kyushu Kyoritsu Univ. ) IKEDA,Yusuke ; FAN,Xiaobo ; KITO,Taketoshi ; YAMAYE,Makoto
3PB115 Synthesis of .alpha.,.beta.-unsaturated-3-phospholenone by allylic oxidation of 2-phospholene ( Shizuoka University ) NAGAPRASADA RAO,Lakonda ; KRISHNA REDDY,Valluru ; MAEDA,Motoki ; TAKAHASHI,Masaki ; OSHIKAWA,Tatsuo ; YAMASHITA,Mitsuji
3PB116 Synthetic Study of The Main Skeleton of Berninamycin A ( Faculty of Technology Kanagawa University ) YAMADA,Takahiro ; SAITOU,Hirofumi ; INABA,Toshio ; OZAWA,Shoichi ; YONEZAWA,Yasuchika ; SHIN,Chung-gi
3PB117 Convenient Synthesis of Thiazoleamino acid from . alpha.-Dehydroamino Acid ( Faculty of Technology Kanagawa University ) NAGASAKI,Atushi ; ENDOU,Nobuaki ; OKAZAKI,Takahiro ; SUZUKI,Taishi ; SHIN,Chung-gi
3PB118 Sulfur-Containing Heterocycles Derived by the Reaction of N-Acylamino Alkylhalides and Related Compounds with Lawesson's Reagent ( University of Tsukuba, Department of Chemistry and Graduate School of Environmental Sciences ) KODAMA,
Yasuhiro ; NISHIO
3PB119 Desulfurization of N,N-disubstituted 2-hydroxythiobenzamidesswith silver salts ( National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMC) ) SHIBUYA,Isao ; GAMA,Yasuo ; SHIMIZU,Masao ; SHIBAKAMI,Motonari ; TAKAGI,Toshiyuki
3PB120 Synthesis of Sulfenamide Derivatives Using 1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-ones as Eliminating Groups ( National Inst. of Materials and Chem. Res. ) SHIMIZU,Masao ; SUGANO,Yoshinori ; KONAKAHARA,Takeo ; SANO,Tomofumi ; TAKAGI,Toshiyuki ; SHIBAKAMI,
Motonari ; GAMA,Ya
suo ; SHIBUYA,Isao
3PB121 Synthesis of Dithiocarbamic Acid Derivatives Using Compounds Related to Glycine ( Chiba Univ. ) FUKADA,Naoaki ; OOISHI,Takashi ; KIYONO,Naoto ; HAYASHI,Eri
3PB122 Synthesis of thiolactams starting from carbon disulfide. ( Tokai university ) OHMORI,Masahiro ; KURIHARA,Hiroyuki ; KUMAMOTO,Takanobu
3PB123 The development of the new fluorescent materials included bithiophene or terthiophene nuclei ( Kumamoto laboratory ) KANEKO,Takeshi ; KUMAMOTO,Takanobu ; NAKAMURA,Ken-ichirou
3PB124 Synthesis of Thiaheterohelicenes by utilizing Intramolecular Cyclization Reactions ( Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama Univ. ) TANAKA,Kazuhiko ; OSUGA,Hideji ; HIRAOKA,Noriko
3PB125 Solvent-free synthesis of 2-substituted benzothiazoles in the presence of alumina ( Shibaura Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering ) YAMAGUCHI,Tatsuya ; KODOMARI,Mitsuo
3PB126 Novel Structure and Reactivity of Thiophene-S-oxides ( Kyushu University ) ARIMA,Kazuya ; THIEMANN,Thies ; KUMAZOE,Kazuya ; SAWADA,Tsuyoshi ; MATAKA,Shuntaro
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Heteroatom Compounds]
3PB130 Synthesis of .beta.-hydroxy selenoamides by the reaction of a lithium eneselenoate with ketones. ( Gifu University ) ISHIZUKA,Masato ; MURAI,Toshiaki ; KATO,Shinzi
3PB131 Substituent effect of aromatic selenocarbonyl compounds toward spectra ( Gifu University ) NONOYAMA,Takamasa ; MURAI,Toshiaki ; KATO,Shinzi
3PB132 Synthesis of selenocarboxylic acid vinyl esters derived from ammonium eneselenolates ( Gifu University ) KONDO,Taichi ; HAYAKAWA,Shuuya ; MURAI,Toshiaki ; KATO,Shinzi
3PB133 Selective Reduction of Carboxylic Acid Derivatives in the presence of Aldehyde with SmI2 -Ln(OTf)3 -MeOH-Additive System ( Daiichi College of Pharmaceutical Sciences ) KAMOCHI,Yasuko ; KAWAZOE,Yumi ; MURATA,Chiyomi ;
MASUDA,Tosinobu ;
TAKADATE,Akira ; KUDO,Tadahiro
3PB134 Inhibition of serine proteases by thiazynes ( Toyama University ) ONO,Shin ; NAKAYAMA,Ryutaro ; FUJII,Takayoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
3PB135 Phenylation of Thiophenes with Diphenyliodonium Triflate ( Kyushu Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; ZHANG,Bian-xiang
3PB136 Synthesis and Structure of Cyclized Thianthrene ( Univ. of Toyama ) NAKAJIMA,Toshifumi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki ; ONO,Shin ; FUJII,Takayoshi ; MORITA,Hiroyuki
3PB137 Synthesis and Reactivities of Thianthrene Dimers and Derivatives ( Univ. of Toyama ) OIDA,Yasutaka ; KITAO,Nobuyoshi ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki ; ONO,Shin ; FUJII,Takayoshi ; MORITA,Hiroyuki
3PB138 Synthesis of organotin compounds with sterically protecting 9-triptycyl groups ( Kitasato University ) OKUMA,Miki ; MIKAMI,Ryou ; MINOURA,Mao ; YAMAMOTO,Gaku
3PB139 Synthesis of Fluoroethers by Catalytic Etherification and their Property ( Kao Corp., Materials Development Research Lab. ) FUJII,Yasuyuki ; FURUGAKI,Hisakazu ; YANO,Shinji ; KITA,Katsumi
3PB140 The reaction of selenoketene, generated bys[3,3]sigmatropic rearrangement, with primary and secondary amines ( Gifu Univ. ) KANOH,Masanori ; KOKETSU,Mamoru ; ISHIHARA,Hideharu
3PB141 Preparation of 1,3-selenazol-4-one derivatives from primary selenoamides and .alpha.-haloacyl halides ( Gifu Univ. ) TAKENAKA,Yuichi ; KOKETSU,Mamoru ; ISHIHARA,Hideharu
3PB142 Preparation of S-Fluorothiazynes by the Reaction of N-Unsubstituted sulfilimes with SELECTFLUOR ( Faculty of Engineering, Toyama University ) YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki ; ASAI,Shinsuke ; ONO,Shin ; MORITA,Hiroyuki ; FUJII,Takayoshi
3PB143 Synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazines via S-alkylation of aminobenzenethiols ( Department of Ind. Chem., Meiji Univ. ) YAMAZAKI,Norihisa ; AMANO,Yoshikazu ; MIYAKOSHI,Tetsuo
3PB144 Reaction of Silyl-Substituted Ethynyliodonium Salts with Benzotriazole ( Kyushu University ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; CHEN,Haiying
3PB145 Synthesis of Cyclic Hypervalent Iodine Compounds Using 1,4-Bis(diacetoxyiodo)benzene ( Kyushu University ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; KATSUNO,Ryoji ; ISHIKAWA,Tadashi
3PB146 Syntheses of Macrocyclic Polyethers Containing Silicon Atoms ( Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology ) UMEMIYA,Takeshi ; TAKEUTI,Daisuke ; OSAKADA,Kohtaro
3PB147 Generation of an Iminophosphorane by Thermolysis of a Pentacoodinate 1,3,2-Oxazaphosphetidine Bearing the Martin Ligand and Its Reactions ( The University of Tokyo ) KIKUCHI,Azusa ; KANO,Naokazu ; KAWASHIMA,Takayuki
3PB148 Intramolecuar Cyclization of Carbamates Containing Diene Moiety ( Shimane Univ. ) OHMORI,Wataru ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB149 Synthesis and Characteristics of Phospholenes Bearing Nitrogen Aromatic Rings such as Pyrrolyl and Pyridinyl Groups on Phosphorus ( Chubu University ) ANDO,Fumio ; ECHIZENYA,Hidemi ; KOKETSU,Jugo
3PB150 Synthesis and Application of 2-(Diphenylphosphino)-9,10-ethanoanthracene Bearing Carboxylic Acid ( Kinki Univ. ) OKADA,Yoshiharu ; SAWADA,Yusuke ; FUJIMOTO,Koji ; OGURA,Fumio
3PB151 Three-Component coupling reaction of Nitroalkane dianions. ( Chiba University ) TANAKA,Seiji ; OGUSHI,Sumito ; KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PB152 Synthesis of Optically Active Aminothiazynes ( Toyama University ) FUJII,Takayoshi ; YAMADA,Tomoko ; ONO,Shin ; MORITA,Hiroyuki ; YOSHIMURA,Toshiaki
3PB153 Synthesis of Phenyl-Substituted Benzothiophenes by Reaction of Benzothiophenes and Diphenyliodonium Salt ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; ZHANG,Bian-xiang ; NUKA,Takahito
3PB154 Synthesis of p-tert-butylthiacalix[n]arenes (n = 4, 6) from linear dimer ( Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ. ) KON,Noriyoshi ; IKI,Nobuhiko ; MIYANO,Sotaro
3PB155 Synthesis and reaction of (tropon-2-ylimino)triphenyl-.lamda.5-pnictoranes ( Department of Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering,Waseda University ) MITSUMOTO,Yuki ; NITTA,Makoto
3PB156 Elongated Phosphoranes by C-C Coupling of Haloaroylmethylidenephosphoranes - Synthesis and Application ( Kyushu University ) UMENO,Kuniharu ; ARIMA,Kazuya ; GOROHMARU,Hideki ; OHIRA,Daisuke ; INOHAE,Eiko ; THIEMANN,Thies ; MATAKA,Shuntaro
3PB157 Generation of Selenoaldehydes via Retro Diels-Alder Reactionsand the Reaction with 2-Alkoxyfuran Derivatives ( Kanazawa Univ. ) ZHOU,Aojia ; SEGI,Masahito ; NAKAJIMA,Tadashi
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Metallo-organic Chemistry]
3PB160 Synthesis of the polyethers with germanium at the termini of the side chain ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) SHIROISHI,Tomoyo ; SAITO,Momoe ; TANAKA,Katsumi ; TAKEUCHI,Yoshito
3PB161 Synthesis and its transport property of calix[4]arene with germanium atom in the side chain ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of science ) SAKURAI,Takayuki ; TANAKA,Katsumi ; TAKEUCHI,Yoshito
3PB162 Synthesis and photochemical properties of aromatic compounds which have silyl groups ( Faculty of Engineering Chiba Univ., Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics of Chiba Univ. ) NISHIGAKI,Atsuko ; ASUKE,Michiharu ; SHIBATA,Toshifum
i ; FUKUI,Keijiro
; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide
3PB163 Photoreaction of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds with Allyltins Containing a Nucleophilic Moiety ( Shimane Univ. ) KAMIOKA,Hirokazu ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB164 Synthesis and hypervalency of various triarylgermane ( Kanagawa Univ. Faculty of Science ) SUGIYAMA,Yusuke ; MATSUMOTO,Taku ; TANAKA,Katsumi ; TAKEUCHI,Yoshito
3PB165 Copper-catalyzed Radical Cyclization of N-Allyl Trichloroacetamides: Influence of Structures and Electronic Properties of Substrates and Copper Complexes on the Catalytic Activity ( Institute of Advanced Material Study, Kyushu University ;
Department of Mole
cular and Material Study, Kyushu University ) NAGASHIMA,Hideo ; NABEYAMA,Ken-ichi ; ISONO,Yoshimi ; MATSUHISA,Yumi ; MATSUBARA,Kouki
3PB166 The Mechanism for the Reaction of 14element centered anion with Alkyl Halides. ( Teikyo Univ.Sci.& Tech. The Inst.of Phys.& Chem. ) ONODA,Haruhiko ; FUJIMURA,Hiroshi ; KUGITA,Tsuyoshi ; WAKASA,Masanobu
3PB167 new optically active bis(oxazolinyl)xanthene derivatives : synthesis and application ( Toyohasi Univ. of Tech. ) ISHIMA,Yosuke ; NISHIYAMA,Hisao
3PB168 Aldol-Type Reaction of Isonitriles and Aldehydesswith Bis(oxazolinyl)phenylrhodium Complexes ( Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. ) SHIMOZONO,Kayoko ; MOTOYAMA,Yukihiro ; AOKI,Katsuyuki ; NISHIYAMA,Hisao
3PB169 Rhodium Catalyzed Reductive Cleavage of Acetals Using Hydrosilane ( Faculty of Engineering, Doshisha University ) MICHIBATA,Tsugumi ; FUJIWARA,Rie ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
3PB170 Theoretical Studies on the Pauson-Khand Reaction ( Univ. of Tokyo ) YAMANAKA,Masahiro ; NAKAMURA,Eiichi
3PB171 Iridium Complex-Catalyzed Allylic Alkylation of Allenyl Esters ( Yokohama City University ) TAKEUCHI,Ryo ; TANABE,Keisuke ; KANEMOTO,Kazuyuki
3PB172 Oxidation of Alcohols by Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogen Transfer Reaction ( Kyoto Univ. ) FURUKAWA,Shigetoyo ; FUJITA,Ken-ichi ; YAMAGUCHI,Ryohei
3PB173 Synthesis of Cyclopentadienyl Rhodium Complexes having Chiral Pyridine Ligands and their Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation ( Natl. Inst. of Mat. and Chem. Res. ) HIMEDA,Yuichiro ; ONOZAWA,Nobuko ; SUGIHARA,Hideki ; ARAKAWA,Hironori ; KASUGA,
3PB174 Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation Using Hydrazone Ligands ( Chiba Univ. ) MINO,Takashi ; NAKADAI,Satoshi ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB175 Synthesis of (silyl)isoxazolidines via the silastannation of acetylenes ( Tokai University ) MIYAMOTO,Takashi ; NAKANO,Taichi
3PB176 Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Acid Anhydrides and Carboxylic Acids with Silacyclobutanes Affording Cyclic Silyl Enol Ethers ( Doshisha University ) TANAKA,Yoshifumi ; KIMURA,Yutaka ; MATSUMURA,Takayuki ; YAMASHITA,Masakazu
3PB177 Pd Catalyzed Coupling of Arenes with Olefins ( Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ. ) FUJIWARA,Yuzo ; KITAMURA,Tsugio ; JIA,Chenggou ; TAKAHASHI,Yasunori
3PB178 Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Silacyclobutanes with Organobromides ( Doshisha University ) TAMARU,Ena ; MUKAI,Keishuke ; KIMURA,Yutaka ; TANAKA,Yoshifumi ; YAMASHITA,Masakazu
3PB179 Carbonylative Coupling of Allyl Esters with Terminal Alkynes Catalyzed by Palladium Complexes ( Saitama Inst. of Tech. ) IWASAKI,Masakazu ; NAGAYOSHI,Katsuaki ; SHIBUYA,Hideaki ; MIURA,Mitsuo ; TEZUKA,Meguru
3PB180 Activation of Molecular Oxygen by Using Catechol-CuCl ( Kochi University of Technology ) KOKEGUCHI,Yuki ; IMAI,Takuro ; HOSOKAWA,Takahiro ; SHIGA,Akinobu
3PB181 Effect of ligands, solvents and copper for the cross coupling reaction of phenylacetylene with bromobenzene at room temperature ( Fukui University of Technology ) MIZUNO,Masaki ; SONOGASHIRA,Kenkichi
3PB182 Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic AlkylationsUsing Novel Ligands Derived From Prolinol ( Chiba Univ. ) MINO,Takashi ; AKITA,Kouji ; TANAKA,Youichi ; SAKAMOTO,Masami ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB183 Novel Chiral Hydrazone-Ferrocene Ligandssin Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution ( Doshisha University; Chiba University ) SEGAWA,Hiroshi ; HODUMI,Masami ; MINO,Takashi ; YAMASHITA,Masakazu
3PB184 Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Silacyclobutanes with .alpha. -haloktones. ( Doshisha University ) JIGAMI,Nobuyuki ; KITAMURA,Naoyuki ; KIMURA,Yutaka ; TANAKA,Yoshifumi ; YAMASHITA,Masakazu
3PB185 Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reaction of Aryltriethoxysilanes with Aryl Halides ( Kitami Institute of Technology ) MURATA,Miki ; WATANABE,Shinji ; MASUDA,Yuzuru
3PB186 Asymmetric Alkylation of Fluorinated Chiral Catalyst - Substituent Effect of Substrate ( Okayama Univ., Dept. Appl. Chem., Faculty of Engineering ) KATAGIRI,Tosimasa ; TAKAHASI,Satosi ; FUJIWARA,Yasuyuki ; UNEYAMA,Kenji
3PB187 Catalytic Asymmetric Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides Using Chiral Ligands with 1,1'-Binaphthyl Skeleton ( Doshisha University ) KODAMA,Hidehiko ; YAGI,Masanori ; YAMASHITA,Takayuki ; OHTA,Tetsuo ; FURUKAWA,Isao
3PB188 Control of 1,4-Asymmetric Induction from Chiral Allyltin Reagent ( Shimane Univ. ) UEDA,Narifumi ; OOGUSHI,Muneaki ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB189 Development of Novel C2-Symmtric 2,2'-Bisoxazolinyl Biphenyl Ligands Bearing a Functional Group on the Oxazoline Ring ( Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University ) ZHANG,Wanbin ; IMAHORI,Yuji ; MATSUO,Shigeaki ; KI
DA,Toshiyuki ; NAK
3PB190 Design and synthesis of polymer-supported heterobimetallicsmultifunctional asymmetric catalysts ( ISIR, Osaka University ) SEKIGUTI,Tetuya ; IIZUKA,Yoshimasa ; TAKIZAWA,Shinobu ; ARAI,Takayoshi ; SASAI,Hiroaki
3PB191 Syntheses of Chiral Solid Catalysts and Application to Asymmetric Addition of Diethylzinc to Aldehyde ( Yamagata University, Faculty of Engineering ) OHBA,Yoshihiro ; NAKATANI,Motoi ; MIYATA,Hideto ; NAGASAWA,Tomomi ; ITO,Kazuaki
3PB192 Regiocontrolled Pentadienylation of Imine Equivalents ( Shimane Univ. ) SHIGEMURA,Takaya ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; TAKUWA,Akio
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Organic Photochemistry]
3PB196 Effects of Preorientation by Hydrogen-bonding/Metal-ligating Interactions on the Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Decarboxylation of Phthalimido Carboxylic Acids and Carboxylates ( Inoue Photochirogenesis Project, JST; University of Siegen )
ael ; HAEUSELER,Andreas ; INOUE,Yoshihisa
3PB197 Similarity and Difference in Photordeoxygenation of Sulfoxides and Selenoxides ( Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) YAMAZAKI,Yuko ; HASEGAWA,Tadashi
3PB198 Photo-Claisen rearrangement of allyl phenyl ether derivatives in zeolites ( Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications ) TAKI,Mitsuyoshi ; YAMADA,Shuzo
3PB199 Crystallographic Analysis and the Diastereoselective Photoaddition of N-Arylmonothiosuccinimides ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masami ; SHIGEKURA,Masaki ; OHTAKE,Tomoko ; MINO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB200 Photoaddition Reaction of 1,2-Benzoquines withs1,1-Diphenylethylene ( Shimane Univ. Faculty of Science and Engineering ) FUJIWARA,Hiroaki ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB201 Photochemical reactions of N-Methyl-1,8- naphthalimide to Alkylbenzenes ( Faculty of Science and Engineering, Shimane Univ. ) YAMAGUCHI,Shinya ; SHIRATORI,Hideo ; KUBO,Yasuo
3PB202 Regioselectivity in photoreaction of (phenoxy)alkylbenzoylacetates ( Tokyo Gakugei Univ. ) HASEGAWA,Tadashi ; IKO,Tomohiro ; YAMAZAKI,Yuko
3PB203 Synthesis and photochemical reaction behaviors of 2-, 4-, and 6-mers of photochromic aromatic compound. ( Kyoto Institute of Tech. ) TAKAMURA,Koji ; TANAKA,Yukio ; MIKI,Sadao
3PB204 Photochemical Reactions of N-Substituted Phthalonimides in Degassed Haloalkanes ( Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of engineering,Aichi Institute of Technology ) TATSUGI,Jiro ; KANI,Masatoshi ; IZAWA,Yasuji
3PB205 Photocyclization of 2-(N-benzyl-N-benzoylamino)ethyl benzoylacetates ( TOKYO GAKUGEI Univ. ) HASEGAWA,Tadashi ; ANMA,Takashi ; YAMAZAKI,Yuko
3PB206 Photochemical reactions of dimethyl terephthalate and dimethyl phthalate. ( Kanagawa University ) YOSHIDA,Kumi ; WATANABE,Kenji ; OOHASHI,Mamoru
3PB207 Photochemical Asymmetric Reactionin Homogeneous Conditions using Chiral Conformation Memorized by Spontaneous Resolution of Achiral Molecules ( Chiba Univ. ) SAKAMOTO,Masami ; NONO,Naoyuki ; MINO,Takashi ; FUJITA,Tsutomu
3PB208 Asymmetric Induction by Crystalline State Photoreaction of 2,5-Diisopropylbenzophenone Derivatives ( Ehime Univ. ) MATSUSHIGE,Daisuke ; MIYAUCHI,Masashi ; KOSHIMA,Hideko
3PB209 Substituent Effect of Solid-State Photochemistry of Cinnamic Acid Derivatives. ( College of Industrial Technology, Nihon Univ. ) SUGIYAMA,Kunio ; TAKAYANAGI,Hiroshi ; NOGUCHI,Eriko ; TSUNO,Takashi ; TOKUMOTO,Hiroshi
3PB210 Photochemical reaction of open chain imides in solid and liquidcrystalline state ( Chiba University ) KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; MASU,Hyuuma ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PB211 Liquid crystallinity and photoreactivity ofsN-methyl-stilbazolium/dodecylsulfate ion complex. ( Sinshu University ) FUJII,Yasuto ; USAMI,Hisanao ; FUJIMATU,Hitosi ; IIJIMA,Takasi
3PB212 Photodimerization of Coumarin Derivative in monolayer LB films ( Kyushu Univ. ) INOUE,Masamitsu ; TANAKA,Keiji ; SASAKI,Sono ; KAJIYAMA,Tisato ; TAKAHARA,Atsushi
3PB213 Effect of Titanium Dioxide on Photoreaction of Urazoles ( NIRIN; Mukogawa Women's Univ. ) TANAKA,Satoko ; KATO,Katsuya ; GONG,Yuefa ; SEGUCHI,Kazuyoshi
3PB214 Photochemical cyanation of amines in the presence of titanium dioxide ( Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications ) KINOSHITA,Ryutaro ; YAMADA,Shuzo
3PB215 Regioselective Photochemical Reaction of Isoxazolequinones with electron-rich olefins ( Faculty of Science, Shimane University ) TOYA,Akiyoshi ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB216 Photoamination of benzocycloalkenes ( Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University; Miyakonojo National College of Technology ) UTSUNOMIYA,Daigo ; YAMASHITA,Toshiaki ; SHIRAGAMI,Tsutomu ; YASUDA,Masahide
3PB217 Photoreactions of organic compounds containing group 14 elements with ketones ( Department of Applied Physics and Chemistry, The University of Electro-Communications ) TAKENAKA,Yohei ; KAKO,Masahiro ; NAKADAIRA,Yasuhiro ; WAKASA,Masanobu ;
3PB218 Catalytic effect of a metal ion on single electron transfer in the photoaddition reaction between quinones and allylsilanes ( Shimane Univ. ) KAWAMURA,Yasuharu ; NISHIGAICHI,Yutaka ; IWAMOTO,Hidetoshi ; TAKUWA,Akio
3PB219 Photoinduced reductive transformation by using 1,3-Dimethyl-2-phenylbenzimidazoline(DMPBI) and its analogues ( Niigata University,Faculty of Science ) HASEGAWA,Eietsu ; CHIBA,Naoki ; NAKAJIMA,Aiko ; SUZUKI,Kumiko
3PB220 Photoinduced electron transfer reaction of ethylidene-1-pyrazoline derivatives. ( Chiba Univ. ) AKAI,Kunihiko ; SHIMURA,Youki ; FUKUI,Keijiro ; KARATSU,Takashi ; KITAMURA,Akihide
3PB221 Photochemistry of Analogs of the GFP Chromophore in Jellyfish ( Kanagawa University ) MIZOGUCHI,Rie ; YONEZAWA,Yoshinobu ; OOHASHI,Mamoru
3PB222 Effect of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding on Chemiluminescent Efficiency of 1,2-Dioxetanes Bearing a Phenolic Substituent ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) WATANABE,Nobuko ; MATSUMOTO,Yuki ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
3PB223 Synthesis and Chemiluminescence of 4-Oxapropyl-substituted 1-Aryl-5-t-butyl-2,6,7-trioxabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu ; YAMADA,Kazuhiro ; TAKAHASHI,Yukio ; MATSUMOTO,Yuki ; WATANABE,No
3PB224 Reaction phase dependent photochemical reaction of cinnamic acid derivatives ( Chiba Univ. ) KOHMOTO,Shigeo ; KURAMOTO,Katsutoshi ; TANAKA,Seiji ; KISHIKAWA,Keiki ; YAMAMOTO,Makoto
3PB225 Synthesis and Chemiluminescence of 1,2-DioxetanessBearing a 3-Hydroxy-4-isoxazolylphenyl Group ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) SAKUMA,Toshimitsu ; WATANABE,Nobuko ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
3PB226 Chemiluminescence of a CIEEL-active 1,2-Dioxetane Bearingsa Thiophenolate as an Electoron Donor ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu ; TAKAHASHI,Hiroyuki ; SAKUMA,Toshimitsu ; WATANABE,Nobuko
3PB227 Synthesis and Chemiluminescence of a 1,2-Dioxetane Bearing a 5-Hydroxyindene ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) WATANABE,Nobuko ; MIZUNO,Toshiyuki ; KIMURA,Daisuke ; ISHIHARA,Takayuki ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
3PB228 Synthesis and Chemiluminescence of Dioxetanes Bearing a 5-Aryl-3-hydroxyphenyl Group ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) MIZOGUCHI,Yasuko ; WATANABE,Nobuko ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
3PB229 Singlet Oxygenation of Pyridones and Quinolones Bearingsa Vinylic Substituent at the 4-Position ( Kanagawa Univ. Dept. of Materials Sci. ) WATANABE,Nobuko ; YAMADA,Masayo ; KASAI,Daisuke ; MIZOGUCHI,Yasuko ; MATSUMOTO,Masakatsu
Poster Session
[Organic Chemistry -Reaction and Synthesis- Electroorganic Chemistry]
3PB232 Ferrocene Dicarbenium Salts with Three Successive, Reversible One-electron Redox Reaction ( Tottori Univ. ) ASAHARA,Masahiro ; UCHIYAMA,Ryuji ; KAWASAKI,Keisuke ; HASEGAWA,Shinya ; ERABI,Tatsuo ; WADA,Masanori
3PB233 Synthesis of a network polysilane by electrochemical reduction of methyltrichlorosilane ( Department of Photo-Optical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics ) NAKAMURA,Keita ; OKANO,Mitsutoshi
3PB234 Possibility of a new reaction pathway to linear polysilanes with various substituent groups by means of partial electrochemical reduction of trichlorosilanes ( Department of Photo-Optical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Institut
e of Polytechnics
) TOTSUKA,Shin ; OKANO,Mitsutoshi
3PB235 Substituent Effect on Electrochemical Properties of Oligosilylenes ( Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ) IMAE,Ichiro ; KAWAKAMI,Yusuke
3PB236 Electororeductive Synthesis and Unit Control of Silane-Germane Copolymers ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; IIJIMA,Hiroyuki ; KOGAI,Yasumichi ; KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; YAMASHITA,Natsuki
3PB237 Effects of Alkali Metal Ions-Azacrowwn Ether Complexes in the Electroreduction of Aliphatic Esters ( Kinki Univ. ) ISHIFUNE,Manabu ; OKUMURA,Kouhei ; YAMASHITA,Hajime ; KASHIMURA,Shigenori ; YAMASHITA,Natsuki
3PB238 Mn3+-Mediated Cross-Coupling of Carbon-Carbon Multiple bond with Active Methylene Compounds by Electrooxidation ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzou ; KUNNATHAMLIKID,Apantree ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
3PB239 Using anodic oxidation oxygen functionalized calixarenes derivatives ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; SASAKI,Takeharu ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi
3PB240 Synthesis of supramoleculars possessing acetylene bonds and benzene rings by water-soluble groups substitutes. ( Nagaoka Univ. of Tech. ) NISHIGUCHI,Ikuzo ; TANBA,Koichi ; MAEKAWA,Hirofumi